All In a Brother's Love

Por AsgardianAvenger2

712 16 15

They had barely escaped Asgard, fleeing on a ship that was stolen from a sadistic tyrant. Now more than ever... Más

Chapter One: Burn It
Chapter Three: Reunited, But at What Cost?
Chapter Four: One Hulking Problem
Chapter Five: Beginning Again
Chapter Six: Rekindling an Old Flame
Chapter Seven: War of Words
Chapter Eight: Kitson
Chapter Nine: Curse of Broken Memories
Chapter Ten: Resurrection

Chapter Two: Fire and Ice

80 1 2
Por AsgardianAvenger2

Phew! I'm back with another chapter. It's going to take me a while to get the next one. My upload schedule is all over the place because of school. Senior year is plain awful. :( I take the ACT (a 5-hour long test that used to be needed to get into colleges) tomorrow, so that's going to take a while. After that, hopefully, I can relax and find more time to write. I'm glad that got this chapter done and I will try to work on the next one as soon as possible. I'm in a good mood today, mostly because four trailers for Marvel shows dropped yesterday. AHHH!! I'm so excited for Loki and WandaVision and The Falcon and The Winter Soldier and Marvel's What If!!! I wish that I had Disney+ but my dad says that he won't get it. Maybe if I find a boyfriend in college next year, maybe he'll have Disney+ so that I can watch the shows together with him. So far, though, I'm very single, and finding a boyfriend is a huge if. But, What If...

Chapter Two: Fire and Ice

The explosion ripped through Asgard, tearing apart buildings, rocks, and the whole landscape. Within seconds, all of Asgard was blasted apart, leaving nothing but chunks of various objects and dust. The desolation of Asgard sent a shockwave throughout Yggdrasil, disrupting the balance that had lasted for countless millennia. The explosion took Surtur with it, the fire demon erupted into a shower of fiery goo that quickly evaporated.

Amid the wreckage, floating unconscious in space was Loki. His cape billowed out underneath him, his body still somehow intact. He had been thrown out by the shockwave and stopped quite some distance from where Asgard used to stand. His hair and clothes were singed and his hand was still burnt from when he had touched the wall, but he was relatively uninjured. The Commodore floated next to him, also somehow surviving the explosion with only a few scratches and dents. The Grandmaster would have freaked to see the paint ruined but frankly, nobody else cared.

The silence of the void was almost too sweet compared to the turmoil that had just happened. Loki floated unaware of the ruin around him, unaware that he managed to survive another deadly obstacle that was thrown his way. Unknownst to him, the last-minute decision he had made in Odin's Vault allowed him to withstand the fiery desolation.

The Tesseract, tucked away in Loki's dimensional pocket, interacted with his sedir, pulling him through a small portal mere seconds before Asgard exploded. He was pushed through the other end once the shockwave passed. He lay there for a while. Loki's sedir kept him alive and stopped his lungs from rupturing, even though there was no air to breathe. His Frost Giant heritage also contributed to him surviving without freezing. Most people, who were out in the cosmos unprotected, usually froze to death if they did not die from lack of oxygen first. Yet, Loki managed to hold in the vacuum of space.

A bright blue light slowly illuminated near Loki and the Commodore, growing in size until it completely engulfed the two. Seconds later, they disappeared.


Loki woke up to a coughing fit. It hurt to breathe and his mouth tastes strange. His hand stung from where it was burned and his eyes felt like they were on fire. Loki struggled to a sitting position, his body protesting at the sudden movement. Loki opened his eyes, only to find out that his vision was blurry and slightly dark.

Loki rubbed his eyes and groaned as pain blossomed behind his eyes. Tears of pain rolled down his cheeks. It wasn't as bad as when he fell into the Void - he had been blind for a couple of days when he landed in Thanos's Sanctuary, but the blindness was still unsettling when he was so used to seeing.

His lungs burned at the sudden increase of oxygen. He had already breathed in too much smoke from earlier and the combination of the oxygen and smoke was extremely hard to breathe through.

Opening his eyes again, Loki blinked. His vision was clearing but it wasn't clearing fast enough for his liking. He could see the horrendous paint job of the Commodore, although he couldn't see more than just blobs of color - granted, it wasn't much different from the actual graphics.

Looking over to the left, a bright blue cube glowed a few feet away from his outstretched hand. Squinting, Loki raised his head a couple of inches, trying to remember what glowed like that. The haze lifted and Loki sat bolt upright at the realization.

The Tesseract sat just out of his reach, glowing with a soft blue light. It pulsed in time with Loki's heartbeat, inviting him towards the cube. His sedir pulled him towards it and he grabbed it with shaking hands before he realized what he was doing.

The sudden movement caused a blinding pain to bloom behind his eyes. Loki staggered and sat down, clutching his forehead and dropping the Tesseract in the process. The weird smell of the Commodore only increased the feeling of nausea.

The pain and nausea slowly passed and Loki opened his eyes again. His vision was almost back to normal, except for a few blurriness around the edges. The Tesseract still sat where he had dropped it, this time no longer pulsing.

Bracing himself against the wall of the ship, Loki pulled himself to his feet while grabbing the Tesseract. He sent it into his pocket dimension with a wave of his hands. The usage of sedir almost made him pass out again but he clutched onto the wall and closed his eyes until the lightheadedness passed.

Looking out the cockpit windshield, he saw that he was on the Statesman that he was brought to Asgard with the help of a giant rock creature and a few other gladiators. Stars lit up the darkness. It was peaceful to watch the stars and the surrounding planets.

He wanted to leave the Commodore and find his brother. Loki slowly found his way through the Commodore and down to where he could get into the Statesman. Hopefully, Thor was on the Statesman. Loki wasn't entirely sure if Thor had escaped Asgard before it exploded. Thor was too dumb to die so Loki figured that Thor was probably alright.

Still, he couldn't help but worry about his older brother. Even though Thor was practically invincible and would never admit it, the God of Thunder had made it out of many debacles because Loki was there to help him. This time, they were separated, relying on people they hardly knew.

Lost in his thoughts, Loki almost made a wrong turn and barely stopped himself before he opened a hatch that led outside the ship. He corrected himself and found the right exit that somehow connected to an opening on the top of the Statesman. There was a ladder and Loki climbed down it, trying his hardest to keep his meager lunch from Sakaar down. The floor that he was on was empty and led to a long hallway.

Loki found a small elevator and picked a floor that he knew where the people would be staying, at least for the time being. It would take a while to figure out rooms, especially since there were so many people staying on the ship. They would also have to figure out what to do with the Hulk if Thor hadn't calmed him back into Dr. Banner yet.

From his short time on the Statesman, Loki already knew where the nicest room was located. He figured that Thor would be there, considering that he was likely to become king.

The lower floors had more people. Nobody paid him any attention as he walked through the hallways. Everyone looked pitiful. People were hugging each other, mothers were worrying over their children, healers were busy tending to those who were injured. Even the small children, who were too young to fully understand what had happened, looked upset and were surprisingly quiet. It was crowded on the main floor as families reunited with each other and comforted those who had lost family members. Loki noticed Volstagg's wife, Hildegund, fretting over her considerable number of children, all of whom were visibly upset at hearing that their father was killed. She had tears in her eyes but Loki could tell that she was trying to stay strong for her children.

A horrible feeling from hearing that Thor's friends were killed by Hela washed over him. The full effect of Hela's attack hit Loki hard. Shaking his head at the sudden thoughts, Loki forced himself to suppress the wave of emotions, reining in the tide and putting on an expressionless mask.

Loki did ask, just for clarification, where Thor was staying from an older man whom Loki recognized as a member of Odin's council. The man's wife was clutching onto her husband, both of whom gave Loki a skeptical look. Apparently, people hadn't forgotten his criminal past and were still wary of him, even though he did help save them. It was a look that he should have grown used to, considering that most people didn't treat him with proper respect when he was younger, even though he was a prince.

He realized that his title a prince was still retracted. He had forgotten about it when he impersonated Odin since he was busy with other things. Maybe Thor would give him his title back when the older Odinson became king.

Thor's door was closed, which meant that he was in there, most likely getting ready for his impromptu coronation that everyone was talking about. Before he opened the door, Loki smoothed down his hair and fixed his singed clothes. Maybe he was stalling because Thor wouldn't care what he looked like. A knot formed in Loki's stomach and he squeezed his eyes shut.

Why was he acting like this? Thor was his brother, for the Norn's sake, not some supreme judge who was deciding Loki's fate. Yet, Loki felt like turning around and leaving Thor alone. Thor wouldn't know; Loki could leave and Thor wouldn't have the slightest clue that Loki was even there in the first place. He could go on a different path, just like what Thor said on Sakaar. Their paths diverged a long time ago, but they were still interwoven with each other. Even though they went in different directions for a while, they still wound up in the same spot - together.

Taking a deep breath to calm his jumble of emotions, Loki finally swung the door open and stepped in, kicking off a whole new chapter in his chaotic story.

Who knows when the next chapter is going to be uploaded. Hopefully sometime soon where I can find the time and motivation to write the next chapter. Please leave a review if you liked it and tell me what new Marvel TV show you're the most excited for. Mine's Loki, because he's my favorite character and I can't wait to see more of Tom Hiddleston as Loki. AHH!!! :D

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