Boboiboy Galaxy and BNHA Cros...

بواسطة BoreasENT

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Boboiboy and his friends have grown even more powerful ever since their fight with Rektak' ka. They had saved... المزيد

Chapter 1: A Quirky World
Chapter 2: Class 1-A
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: U.A. Sports Festival Part 1
Chapter 5: U.A. Sports Festival Part 2
Chapter 6: U.A. Sports Festival Part 3
Chapter 7: U.A. Sports Festival Part 4
Chapter 8: U.A. Sports Festival Part 5
Chapter 9: U.A. Sports Festival Part 6
Chapter 10: U.A. Sports Festival Part 7
Chapter 11: U.A. Sports Festival Final Part
Chapter 12: The Search
Chapter 13: Internships And The Fight In Hosu City
Chapter 14: Being A Hero
Chapter 15: The Aftermath
Chapter 16: The Exams
Chapter 17: The Exams Final Part
Chapter 19: A Day of Reveals
Chapter 20: Summer Camp
Chapter 21: Quirk Development and Shenanigans

Chapter 18: Preparation for Training Camp

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بواسطة BoreasENT

"Everyone... I'm looking forward... to hearing your stories... about training camp..." Ashido said, trying her best not to cry.

As you know, there were people who failed the exams... Those students are Kirishima, Kaminari,  Ashido and Sato. So they are feeling a bit... uh gloomy because of that.

"W-We don't know for sure yet! There might be a last minute twist!" Midoriya said, trying to make them feel better.

"Y-Yeah! Don't lose hope!" Boboiboy chimed in.

"Stop, Midoriya, Boboiboy. If you guys say it out loud, it'll probably jinx it." Sero said, putting a hand on their shoulder.

"If we failed the exams, then we'd have to skip training camp and be in summer school hell. And since we didn't pass the practical exam..." Kaminari began to say.

"If you guys don't get it, then you're dumber than monkeys!" Kaminari sticked his fingers into Midoriya's eyes, making the teen scream in pain.

"Calm down. That's too long." Sero said. "I don't know, either. Our team passed thanks to Mineta, but I was just sleeping the whole time."

Unknown to Sero, Mineta was listening in to the conversation to hear the praise Sero was giving him. "Anyway, since we don't know how they're scoring it... "

"If you feel bad for us, then I dunno, just bring me back lots of stuff!" Kaminari said.

At that moment, the door swung open, revealing Aizawa. "Once the bell rings, get in your seats."

Once Aizawa opened that door, the students rushed back into their seats instinctively. They wouldn't want to piss off a very scary Aizawa now, would they?

"Morning. Unfortunately, there are those who did not pass the final exams. Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods..."

"...everyone's going!" Aizawa said with that troll face of his.

'A last minute twist!' The students who failed could cry tears of happiness right now.

"We can go, too?!" Kirishima said excitedly.

"Really?!" Ashido said.

"Yeah. Some failed, but no one failed the written exam. In the practical, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Sero failed."

"EH?!" Sero exclaimed before facepalming. "I knew it... Just because my team passed didn't mean I scored high enough not to fail..."

"For this time's exam, we on the Villain side made sure to leave a way for the students to win while watching to see how you all would take on the task at hand. If we hadn't, most of you would've gotten stuck before you started."

"So when you said you were really out to crush us was...?!" Boboiboy exclaimed.

"That was to make you feel cornered. In the first place, the training camp in the woods is one to increase strength. So those who failed need it the most. They have to get stronger."

He put on his troll face again. "It was a rational falsehood."

'A rational falsehood?!' The failed students were screaming out in pure joy.

"I was tricked again! As expected of U.A." Iida said to himself.

 Iida stood up in his seat, stretching his hand up the highest he can. "However, since you lied to us twice, our faith in you will waver!"

"Wow, you're being a wet blanket, Iida." Uraraka said from behind.

"That's true. I'll consider that. But I wasn't lying about everything." He fixed his glare at five certain students. "Failure is failure. We have prepared a separate time for extra lessons for you all. Frankly, it'll be tougher than the extra lessons you'd get if you stayed at school."

He completely ruined their good mood. It looked like they were about to die.

The classes went by like a flash. It was now time to go home.

"Well, in any case, I'm glad we can all go together." Ojiro said.

"A week of training camp, huh?" Iida said.

"We'll have to bring a lot with us." Midoriya realized.

"I don't have a bathing suit or anything. I'll have to buy a bunch of stuff." Kaminari said.

[Play BGM: My Hero Academia- Datte Atashi no Hero]

"Night vision goggles..." Oh no, Mineta's probably thinking of something perverted again.

"Oh, then since we're off tomorrow, and we just finished our exams, why doesn't Class A all go shopping together?!" Hagakure suggested.

"Oh, good idea! Wouldn't that be the first time we all hung out together?" Kaminari said.

"Hey, Bakugou, you're coming, too!" Kirishima said.

"Like I'd do something so irritating."

"Are you gonna come with us, Todoroki?" Boboiboy asked the half-cold and half-hot user.

"Sorry. I go visit my mom on our days off."

"You guys are such party poopers! Get a clue, you clueless guys!" Mineta said.

Timeskip to tomorrow, everyone except two certain boys are now all gathered together in the mall.

"And so, here we are! With the most stores in the prefecture, the newest and coolest, most advanced... Kiyashi Ward Mall!" Mina said excitedly.

Everyone walked around, trying to find what they needed. Boboiboy then noticed that Midoriya was muttering to himself again.

"You're scaring the children. Stop that." Tokoyami stated.

"Oh, aren't those U.A. students?!"

"First years?!"

"I saw them on TV!"

"Sports Festival, yay!"

"Oh, there are still people who remember that..." Uraraka said.

"Anyway, I need to buy a big carry-on bag." Jirou said.

"Oh my, then why don't we go around together?" Yaoyorozu suggested.

"Boboiboy, do you know where I can get lock-picking tools and small drills?" Mineta asked.

"Uh, sorry. I'm just as new to this mall as you are." He replied.

"I know where they are." Tokoyami joined in the conversation.

"Thank you, Tokoyami!" Boboiboy and Mineta said.

"I don't have any outdoorsy shoes, so I want to go buy some." Kaminari said.

"Oh, me too, me too!" Hagakure said.

Suddenly, Iida popped out of nowhere. "The guide said to bring shoes that are already broken in– Oh, but I see, perhaps we should choose based on utility?"

"Everyone has different things they want to do, so why don't we decide on a time to meet back up?" Kirishima suggested.

"I agree!" Ashido shouted.

"Then let's meet back here at 3 o'clock!"

"Okay!" Almost everyone shouted.

Everyone then left, unknowingly leaving Uraraka and Midoriya behind.

[Stop BGM: My Hero Academia- Datte Atashi no Hero]

"Boboiboy, Mineta. I believe this is the store you are looking for." Tokoyami said.

"Woah, a hardware store, huh? I guess it'd be logical to have tools in a store like this! Thanks, Tokoyami!" Boboiboy said.

Boboiboy needed a lot of things. Actually, he lacked almost everything the list needed. He realized that it was because the only things he had bought this entire time was food. Well, if he was going to get everything by the end of today, he'll need some help.

Once he was finished with the hardware store, the teen split into his seven different elements and split up into different groups. The troublemakers are trying to find hiking boots and a raincoat. Solar and Ice are finding sunscreen and stuff for the day pack. And lastly, Quake and Thunderstorm were finding bug spray and a canteen.

When Quake and Thunderstorm were trying to find bug spray, that's when they ran into Uraraka. Her cheeks were flushed. With embarrasment? Joy? The elements didn't know but they weren't going to pry into Uraraka's personal matters. And she was actually thankful for that.

They were talking about some stuff. But that's when they saw Midoriya getting choked by somebody.


"A friend...? No... "

"Get your hands off him..."

"It's nothing! I'm fine! So don't come close!" Midoriya warned.

The man let go of Midoriya at that moment. As soon as he did, Midoriya was gasping for air.

"Oh, you had a friend with you? Sorry 'bout that. I'm off, then." He said before mumbling something to Midoriya. Quake and Thunderstorm immediately ran to Midoriya's side, Uraraka following moments after.

"Hey, Midoriya, you alright?" Quake asked worriedly.


"Wait, Tomura Shigaraki!" Midoriya shouted. His classmates' eyes widened from what he just said.

"Shigaraki...?" Thunderstorm mumbled.

"What is All For One after?"

The man slightly paused. "Who knows?" Shigaraki answered. "More importantly, you should be careful. The next time we meet will likely be when I have decided to kill you."

He then disappeared into the crowd.

Uraraka, Quake and Thunderstorm reported the incident, and the shopping district was temporarily closed. The heroes and police in the ward undertook an emergency investigation, but in the end, they could not find Tomura Shigaraki.

Midoriya was taken to the police station that day and told Mr. Tsukauchi, who is investigating the League of Villains, about the principal offender, Tomura Shigaraki's appearance and their conversation.

"Hmm... From what I'm hearing, it sounds like they aren't a monolithic organization. But the part where he wants to defeat All Might hasn't changed... Anyway, thank you, Midoriya."

"Oh, welcome... I wish I could've detained him, though." Midoriya said.

"Staying calm under all that is already amazing enough." A deep voice entered the conversation.

The owner of that voice was none other than a very popular police captain. His real identity is unknown but he goes by the alias: Cerberus. He is a huge humanoid all-black wolf with blood red eyes. Actually it would be better to say that he looks like a werewolf. He also had a mask that covered the upper part of his face.

"Ah, Cerberus. No luck on tracking Shigaraki?" Tsukauchi said.

"The weather is not cooperating with me today. The wind is scattering Shigaraki's scent all over the place." Cerberus said. He turned to Midoriya.

"Thanks to you staying calm, there were no victims. I commend you for that." Cerberus said, slightly bowing his head. After that, Tsukauchi and Cerberus walked Midoriya out of the police station.

"Young Midoriya! Tsukauchi! And... Cerberus?" A familiar voice said.

"All Might. It has been a while." Cerberus replied. It seems that they know each other.

"I thought you were busy." All Might said.

"All Might! Why...?" Midoriya was surprised as to why All Might is here.

"Me and Cerberus had some personal business to talk with him about." Tsukauchi said.

"Oh good, I'm glad you're okay." All Might said, putting a hand on the student's head. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

"It's okay." Midoriya said, having flashbacks of what happened with Shigaraki earlier.




"Um, All Might..." Midoriya spoke up.

"What is it?"

"Do you also have times when you can't save everyone?" Midoriya questioned.

All Might paused. "I do. A lot."

"Someone could be injured and passing out somewhere in this world right now. It's frustrating, but I'm human, too. I can't save the people I can't reach."

"That's all the more reason to stand and smile."

"So that the "Symbol of Justice" can always be lit inside the hearts of the people, the Heroes, and the Villains."

"All Might. The boy is worried about what Shigaraki said." Cerberus said.

"Although, it's probably just unjustified resentment or something." Tsukauchi added. "All Might has never failed to save someone after he arrived at the scene."

"Now, it's getting late. Someone's here for you."



"Izuku! Izuku, I can't take this anymore. My heart can't take it..." She said, wiping her tears with a handkerchief. 

"Sorry. It's fine. I'm fine. Don't cry. The Heroes and the police were taking good care of me." Midoriya said.

"Sansa." Cerberus said, authority in his voice.

"Yes, Captain?" The cat officer replied.

"Make the arrangements to take them home immediately. See to it that they get home safely, too." Cerberus ordered.

"Yes, sir." He saluted before leaving.

"And here I thought you hated cats." Tsukauchi teased.

"The police force is an exception."

The Midoriyas went home in a police car. Tsukauchi, Cerberus and All Might went to see them leave.

"This time it appears to have been a coincidental meeting... But the possibility that he, or another student, will be targeted is pretty high." Tsukauchi stated. "Of course, we will continue to be on alert, but the school should also be ready to take some drastic measures. The stronger the light, the greater the darkness."

"You should consider leaving U.A., All Might." Cerberus stated.

"I've only been teaching for a little more than three months." The two police officers laughed.

"That's why I told you before that you weren't cut out for it." Tsukauchi said.

"Even so, I find it inspiring for you to be so determined to teach those students, All Might." Cerberus added.

"At least someone appreciates my efforts." All Might said. All of them laughed together once more.




"Let's capture All For One properly this time." Tsukauchi said.

"Of course." Cerberus replied.

"Yeah. This time..." All Might replied. "I will be counting on you, Tsukauchi, Cerberus."

"Yeah./Yes." The two police officers answered simultaneously.

The next day, Midoriya had texted Boboiboy, saying that if he wanted to train. Of course, the boy said yes. It turns out that the whole class was gonna be participating. Well, maybe except a certain blonde boy.

"Wow, Kaminari, Kirishima and Mineta sure are late." Boboiboy commented. And as if on cue, two of said students came through the entrance at a fast pace.

"You're late!" Iida said. The two somehow tripped and skidded a few meters before coming to a halt.

"Hey, hey, hey! Why are you guys here?!" Mineta questioned as everyone was doing their warm-ups.

"Since we're doing endurance training at the pool, I messaged everyone to see if they wanted to come." Midoriya answered.

"Is that what happened? You're too diligent, Midoriya!" Kaminari said in a low voice.

"Calm down, Kaminari. There are definitely girls in swimsuits here!" Mineta said before the two nodded in agreement.

The two perverts turned around, hoping to see the girls in the class in their swimsuits. Only to find out that they were wearing school-issued swimsuits.

"Oh, Mineta." Asui said.

"Kaminari, you came, too?" Jirou said.

'What's with those swimsuits? They should be wearing bikinis.' Kaminari thought to himself, making an inexplicable expression on his face.

Meanwhile, even with the school-issued swimsuits, Mineta was still enjoying the sight. "School-issue swimsuits are pretty good, too."

'You're okay with anything?'

"Kaminari, Mineta!" Iida called as he walked towards them slowly. "It was a great idea to suggest endurance training at school! I'm impressed!"

Impending doom. That was what the two perverted students thought.

"Now, why don't you come and sweat with the rest of us?" Iida said before grabbing them and walking back to where the other boys where as Mineta and Kaminari were pleading to put them down.

So while the girls were having fun playing volleyball, the boys were doing some pretty intense training. In fact, Kaminari and Mineta were so tired that they looked like they deflated.

"All right, let's take a 15-minute break! I brought these for everyone! Drink up!" Iida announced as he put down an ice box. Iida opened the box to reveal the ice-cooled drinks he had brought with him.


"Just what I'd expect from the class rep!"

"I feel alive again. Thanks!"

Kaminari gulped down his drink. "Why are the girls playing around?"

"They got permission to use the pool for sunbathing." Mineta answered.

"Mineta, why did you apply to use it for endurance training?"

"We might not have gotten permission otherwise!"

Meanwhile, with Boboiboy, he noticed Midoriya and called out for him. "Midoriya, you need to take a break." He said, giving him a towel.

"Boboiboy is right. Here, this will help." Iida gave him a can of juice.

Midoriya gladly took the drink and towel. "Thanks, Iida, Boboiboy."

While Midoriya was drinking his juice and Iida was just... staring at him, making the teen kind of uncomfortable. "What?"

"Well, I just thought it was strange." Iida answered. 

"During the entrance exams, I didn't think I'd end up being such good friends with you. Frankly, I didn't think much of you back then. But during the practical exam..." Iida immediately got flashbacks on what Midoriya did during the exam. " prioritized Uraraka over passing the exam."

"I might have not been through the same exam but it sounds like you did something amazing, Midoriya!" Boboiboy said, Iida nodding in agreement.

"It was amazing indeed."

"I was so happy. It had always been my dream to attend All Might's alma mater, U.A.. But when I was told that whoever was last place in the fitness test would be expelled, I thought it was over for me." Midoriya said.

"Wow, I can kind of relate to you there..." Boboiboy said, his memories of the Admiral's test filling his mind. Only that if you failed, you would have probably died instead. "But even so, you didn't give up, right?"

"Not during combat training, either." Iida said. Iida and Midoriya let their minds flit back to their combat training memories. "It's true that your methods were reckless, but I could feel your tenacity, Midoriya. I think that's what Bakugou and I lost to."

"Could you guys talk about something I know of? I'm like a third wheel to this entire conversation." Boboiboy said.

Iida and Midoriya laughed. "Sorry!"

"But still, Midoriya,  you fought Bakugou? That must've been hard for you, bud."

"That's... I'm here thanks to the help of many different people. That's why I need to work harder!"

"Of course! Otherwise there's no way I'd lose to a damn nerd like you!" A certain pomeranian barked.


Kirishima got in front of Bakugou, preventing the pomeranian to kill Midoriya. "I got your message, but sorry I'm late! It took some time to get Bakugou to come."

'Is that what happened?'  Midoriya thought.

"Hey, damn Deku!" Bakugou called out, grabbing Midoriya's attention. "You wanna decide things right now? Huh?" He said, making a few explosions in his hands.

"No... that's not..."

"It's true that just training isn't that interesting." Iida said to himself. "Everyone, do you want to see which of the boys can swim 50 meters the fastest?"


"Sounds fun!"

"Let's do it!"

"Iida, we will help, too." Yaoyorozu offered help.

"Thanks." Iida replied.

"What about Quirks? Can we use them?" Ojiro asked.

"We're at school so there shouldn't be a problem. However, you cannot cause damage to any people or buildings!" Iida said.

Bakugou smirked the moment he heard that Quirks could be used. "I'll crush you, Deku!" He declared before turning to Todoroki. "Of course, I'll crush you, too, Half-and-Half Bastard!"

"And don't think that I've forgotten you, Elemental Bastard!" Boboiboy could only sweatdrop at the statement.

The first batch's winner was Bakguou. He used his versatile Quirk to boost his way to the finish line. Although, he didn't swim because of that.

"How was that, you extras?!"

"What do you mean, "How was that?!"" Sero exclaimed.

"You didn't even swim!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"It's freestyle!"

The next batch's winner was Todoroki. Using his Quirk to freeze the water, he slided his way to victory. Again, the others weren't happy with it since he wasn't actually swimming.

"You're supposed to be swimming!" Kaminari and Mineta shouted angrily.

The next batch's competition was close. Midoriya and Iida used the best of their Quirks to try and obtain victory. And Midoriya won by a few inches. Everyone was happy of his victory since Midoriya actually swam, unlike some of the others. Some even praised him.

"You beat me, Midoriya." Iida said as Midoriya was helping him up.

"Iida, you were amazing, too."

"Midoriya..." Todoroki mumbled quietly. He started having flashbacks on past memories.

"If you have something from the number one Hero, then I... have even more reason to beat you."

"By winning first place without using my damn old man's Quirk, I'll reject him completely."

"You want to win with just half your strength?! You haven't put a single scratch on me yet, you know!"

"Come at me with everything you've got!"

"It's your power, isn't it?!"

"I want... to be a Hero, too...!"

Todoroki recalled those memories as he stared at his left hand before he noticed that Midoriya and Iida were staring at him. The two were also having flashbacks of their own.

"You must be Hero Killer: Stain! I am the younger brother of the Hero you attacked."

"The younger brother of a most excellent older brother! I have come to stop you in his place!"

"You and your brother are both weak. Because you're fakes."

"I came to save you, Iida!"

"No, I am not him."

"The two of us will protect them!"

"Why are you two... Why... Please, stop! I've inherited my brother's name. Please stop... I'm... already..."

"If you want us to stop, then stand up!"

"Look properly at what you want to be!"

'Todoroki, I vow once more that I will become a Hero like my elder brother.'

'I will also become the Hero I wish to be...'

'I will also become a Hero– A Hero like All Might, who saves people with a smile... '


In the police station, three people are discussing about the League of Villains.

"U.A. High School was attacked by the League of Villains during a rescue training session during what became known as the USJ incident..."

"There were indiscriminate attacks by the Hero Killer: Stain and the League of Villains in Hosu City, which became known as the Hosu incident..."

"And then, the other day, Tomura Shigaraki, thought to be the leader of the League of Villains suddenly appeared before Izuku Midoriya, a student in the Hero course at U.A. High..."

Tsukauchi stopped his presentation. "There have not been any significant moves made by the League of Villains since.

"However, I'm sure they are wriggling under the surface." All Might said.

"I know." Tsukauchi replied.

"The police force, including my team, are working with other Heroes to gather more information about the League of Villains." Cerberus informed.

"And when that investigation bears fruit, we'll be counting on you, All Might." Tsukauchi said as All Might transformed into his more known form.

"Of course, Tsukauchi, Cerberus."


Back to the U.A. students, the next match will be between Bakugou, Boboiboy, Midoriya and Todoroki, who will race for fist place.

"Is that all right?" Iida questioned.




"Hey, Color Freak! I don't know what you did back at the Sports Festival... but I like it!" Bakugou said. "That's right! Come at me seriously! Just like before!"

"Uh... sure?" Boboiboy could only sweatdrop once more.

"You too, damn Deku! And don't hold back on me, Half-and-Half Bastard!"

"A-All right, Kacchan."

"All right."

'A-Are we really gonna be okay?' Boboiboy thought to himself.

"Then, the 50-m freestyle final will begin now!" Iida announced.

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Ice!" He said, turning into his Ice elemental. Everyone was now cheering for those who they rooted for.

"On your marks..."

'I'll fly across all at once!' Bakugou thought.

'I'll slide through.' Todoroki thought.

'I'll swim to the finish with everything I've got!' Midoriya thought.

'Eh... wasn't the match earlier enough? This is too troublesome, I'll just sleep.' A certain elemental thought as everyone else were preparing themselves.

"Get set..."

Iida blew the whistle.

At that moment, their Quirks... vanished? Bakuugou, Midoriya and Todoroki fell into the pool with a splash while Ice was just chilling in his spot.


"Their Quirks were erased?"

Erased. Boboiboy immediately changed back to his original self when he heard that. He doesn't want the others to suspect that his power isn't a Quirk.

"It's 5p.m." A familiar voice said. "Your pool time has now ended. Hurry up and go home."

"Come on, Mr. Aizawa!"

"We just got to the good part!"

Aizawa's luminous red eyes flashed menacingly. "Did you say something?"

"Nothing, sir!" The whole class answered.


Yo! This is only a filler chapter, but I still hope you enjoyed it! Next will be the Training Camp arc now! I feel so dang giddy!

And who do you think is this guy named Cerberus? What is his affiliation with All Might and how does he know about All For One? Find out on the later chapters!

See you on the next chapter!

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