The Snow-Wolf


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We know the story of Jacob Black. But what about his twin sister, Hannah Black. The year she turns 16, her li... Еще

Authors Note
The Prologue
Chapter 1: The beginning
Chapter 3: The Truth
Chapter 4: The Panic
Chapter 5: The Protector
Chapter 6: The Council Meeting
Chapter 7: The Mend
Chapter 8: The Bonfire
Chapter 9: The Date
Chapter 10: The Artist
Chapter 11: The Last Day
Chapter 12: The Brother
Chapter 13: The Rebirth
Chapter 14: The Treaty
Chapter 15: The Cullens
Chapter 16: The Note
Chapter 17: The Reflection
Chapter 18: The Departure
Chapter 19: The Demon
Chapter 20: The Dance
Chapter 21: The Unexplained
Chapter 22: The Alpha
Chapter 23: The Human Blood
Chapter 24: The Hybrid
Chapter 25: The Newborn
Chapter 26: The Walking Dead
Chapter 27: The Sister
Chapter 28: The Bitter Winter
Chapter 29: The Christmas Party
Chapter 30: The Redcoats
Chapter 31: The Driving Lesson
The Epilogue

Chapter 2: The Darkness

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Chapter 2: The Darkness

Two months had passed since I was abandoned. In that time I kept to myself.

I had one run in with Bella right before Harry Clearwater died. The day she showed up after all my friends abandoned me, which was only that next day after school, she had rushed into the house like she owned the place. She asked me in the kitchen if I knew where Jacob was. She needed to talk to him. He was supposed to take her cliff-diving or something. I answered her saying he ran off to go do something for Sam as soon as school was out. It was my usual answer.

Bella had noted upon my tone the change in me. She looked me over with concern and asked if I was okay. So someone did care...?

I only grabbed my water and asked her, "Were you when your boyfriend Edward abandoned you? Imagine in Edward's place it was Charlie and your mom instead."

She grabbed my arm as I went to leave the room. "I'm going to talk to Jacob, Hannah. Just because he joined Sam's gang doesn't give him the right to abandon you and Quil."

I was bitter. "Quil's one of them, Bella. You're a day late."

She had dropped her hand in shock. "Really?" She had this look in her eyes of sudden curiosity. She left me then, just as so many had before.

But Bella hadn't spoken on my behalf at all. She jumped off a cliff instead and my brother had to heroically save her from what I heard. Jacob loved Bella. She was lucky the world seemed to revolve around her. I'm certain if I jumped off a cliff no one would save me.

Harry Clearwater passed away on March 16th, the same day Bella jumped from the cliff, and his funeral on March 18th was the only public appearance I made in the time of my isolation apart from going to school. During the funeral, the only person I spoke to was Seth, trying to avoid my brother and the others as much as I could. They were ignoring me anyway as they spoke with Sam. I understood as I stared at the fourteen year old Clearwater that he was confused and in despair about his dad's death. I offered him what words of comfort I could find.

"It sucks... and it won't feel better for a long time. I know you have your mom and sister so you feel like you have to be strong for them. But when they aren't looking, there's no shame in letting your tears go. You're only human."

Seth listened to me, his eyes staring into my own with gratitude. He smiled shyly. "Thanks, Hannah. That's what I really needed to hear right now... You're the first person who hasn't told me a lie..."

I gave him a nod. "Losing a parent is something others won't understand... take the time you need to heal."

He nodded. His eyes shot downward, and then they widened. He grabbed my arms with question, seeing faded purple bruising on my wrists. "What happened? Your wrists look awful!"

Sam had heard and glanced over. I caught his stare from the corner of my eyes and shrunk a bit. I slowly pulled from Seth, saying softly, "Nothing... shut the trash can lid on them. No worries." I turned and walked away.

However, I noticed through the rest of the service and at the meal afterward at the Clearwater's residence to celebrate Harry's life, Seth kept glancing my way with concern. I contemplated sucking up the fact that my friends were never coming back, and it may be time to move on to another friend. But my insecurities stopped me from forming any further relationship with Seth other than us being children of the elders on the council. I didn't have the strength to be hurt again.

Sam approached me after a few guests had left. Charlie Swan had driven my dad to go have drinks in honor of their friend, so I had been left helplessly to stand alone in the room. I was supposed to be getting a ride from Leah who was asked by her mom to do so, and I wished it was time for that escape. I grew nervous and backed away as Sam came towards me, but by that point I was against the wall with nowhere else to go.

"Hannah," Sam said. "I feel I need to apologize. I didn't realize your wrists were that bad. I'm sorry for hurting you the other day." He then narrowed his eyes. "But it could've been avoided if you weren't so stubborn. Be good to your dad from now on. Don't give him anymore trouble."

I tried to walk around him. My eyes kept away from him. I didn't want to be near him. He put his arm in front of me to stop me.

"I'm not done, Hannah. Your father wanted me to speak to you so I am. Listen to me. I heard you're barely eating, and you need to. Stop jeopardizing your health."

I found my voice only slightly. I was scared. "Leave me alone..."

He grabbed my shoulder. I recoiled from his touch. My heart pounded hard. "Stop acting like your world has ended. You're only stressing out your dad."

Seth had noticed our interaction from across the room and stepped over to Leah who was standing in the corner of the room glaring at everyone. I saw him nudge her. She glanced at me, and I looked at her with desperation. She was Sam's age so I hoped maybe she could get him to back off.

Leah walked over upon her brother's worry and my fear. "Sam! Back off! What the fuck is your problem?! Go back to your fiancée and leave Hannah alone. You're scaring her!"

Sam shut his eyes in disbelief as his ex-girlfriend came to my rescue. "Stay out of this, Leah. It's not what you think."

"Really. Looks to me like you're bullying a kid!" Leah stepped between us. She shot spite at Sam. "This is my dad's memory and our house! Take your attitude somewhere else!"

Sue walked over hearing the fight start. "Leah... stop. There's no need for shouting." She asked Sam concerned, "is everything okay?"

"We're fine, Sue. Billy wanted me to talk to Hannah. I guess I came off a little too harsh." Sam glanced back at me. "Understand something. I'm not the bad guy. You should be grateful I'm around." He walked back to his gang without another word. They had been watching with concern for Sam: I was a troublemaker and he was their saint.

Leah turned and put an arm around my shoulders. "Come on, sweetie. I'll take you home."

After that I didn't see Seth or any of the other Quileute kids unless I crossed paths with them at school. Being alone was for the best... no one could leave me... or hurt me. I did see Sam occasionally, and when I did I would go straight into my room to hide.

Most of the time I was home alone, and I was starting to be okay with that. When I was home alone no one could yell or glare at me.

I did notice after Harry Clearwater passed away, Jacob had stopped talking to Bella for a few weeks, and Bella had stopped coming over. I was used to not understanding what was going on, and I kind of felt pleased in my bitter state knowing Bella and my brother weren't friends again. But Charlie intervened and Bella was back like before. My brother welcomed her with open arms. Seemed Bella was more important than me to everyone, even my twin brother.

My grades had fallen over the next two months, and I became known as the Quileute outcast by the pale faces and Quileutes I went to school with. Since I had been an honors student and started failing, the school sent me to the counselor often to try and figure out what was wrong. I never opened up. Just sat in silence until my counselor Mr. Harvey sent me back to class.

At lunch I would sit at a table alone and pick at my food. Once or twice someone would offer to let me join their table, but I would refuse. I didn't need anyone's pity. Jen was the only one I really spoke to, but after some time she got tired of my dreary state. She didn't want me either.

There were times I would leave school again as well, especially when I heard Sam's cult laugh across the hall or cafeteria. Whenever I skipped school I was found and dragged home by Sam, then heavily scolded by my dad. His scolding often met deaf ears though. I had learned to tune him out.

In fourth period, Quil and I sat beside one another but we acted like we were strangers. The only time he interacted with me was when we were forced to be partners on a math lesson, but even then we kept strictly to the work. We did not speak about anything else.

My sister did call me often now. Rachel had felt awful about not calling me the day I really needed her. She scolded me for lying to her that I was okay, because I clearly was not. She would encourage me to eat and try and make new friends. She wanted me to be honest with dad and tell him how hurt I was that I was always alone. I told her I would, but whenever I tried to talk to him it would end with him telling me it was just how things had to be.

Rebecca also called to check on me, especially when Rachel would tell her I sounded terrible. She offered to let me come to Hawaii for the summer, but I knew her husband traveled so much for his surfing competitions that I would just be in the way. I promised her I would try to cheer up and not to worry, however my promise was never kept.

As the council meetings became more frequent, Jacob became busier with Sam and his friends. My dad was seen less and less too. He was either with Charlie in Forks or with the elders of the Council. There were also nights where bonfires were held. These were exclusive and only Sam's cult and the council were allowed to attend (although I heard rumor Bella was invited to a few). I was always left at home on these nights, told by my dad that I was not invited. Which honestly didn't surprise me anymore.

It was now May 26th. A Saturday. Jacob came home abruptly looking pissed about something. I was in the kitchen getting some water. We hadn't spoken much since March. I kept my eyes on the glass in my hand as I filled it to ignore him.

He looked around. "Where's dad?"

I shrugged.

I saw from the corner of my eyes his fist tightened. "You've been home all day!"

I answered softly, "Check at the Clearwater's." I turned and headed back towards my room. I barely spoke to anyone but Rachel and Rebecca, so sometimes my voice was foreign to me.

"Wait, Hannah," Jacob said.

I stopped in my steps. It was the first time he had said my name in two months. I didn't say anything waiting for him to speak.

He took a moment. We didn't talk a lot these days. Just brief comments about the weather or Jacob's questions about where dad was.

Jacob sighed. "I just want to tell you not to go out by yourself. There's an increase of wolves in the area. Sam wants us to spread the word... and don't leave La Push... there's been a lot of disappearances and murders outside of the area too so we're encouraging everyone to stay close to home."

I looked back at him emotionless. My voice came out, but it was monotone. "Where am I going to go? And why do you care? I could vanish tonight and you probably wouldn't notice."

Jacob was stunned. He had known I was depressed, but I guess he didn't realize just how hopeless I'd come to be. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I sighed. "Nothing. I'll be in my room."


Jacob stepped towards me and grabbed my arm hard. I gasped as I dropped my glass and it fell to the floor shattering. Water flew everywhere. He jerked me back and shoved me to the wall. The impact hurt, and I wasn't sure if Jacob realized he had been so rough.

His body towered in front of me as he continued. "I've had it with your shitty attitude! Knock off this miserable state you're in! Do you know how frustrating it is that people constantly tell dad and I you need therapy?! And I'm always having Rachel and Rebecca bash me on voicemail for bullying you! You think I want to make your life miserable?! You're wrong! My life is already hard enough right now! I don't need a twin sister who makes me out to be a monster on top of it all! Get over yourself and stop causing trouble! You're being a pain!"

My heart was pounding madly in my chest. Jacob released me and stomped out of the house. Once the door was slammed behind, I gasped and fell to my knees. My arm was pulsing in pain from his grip. My back was sore from hitting the wall too hard. My eyes blurred as tears threatened to spill.

At first I felt nothing but hurt. But that simmered. In its place came fury. Rage filled inside me.

I couldn't take it anymore. Even being quiet and invisible, I was still a burden to my family. My heart couldn't handle the abuse and neglect anymore. The anger from Jacob and the lack of care towards my feelings was the icing on the cake.

I never imagined I would run away. I didn't know where I would go. But at that moment I had to get away. I was so uncomfortable in my house. Now I was not only facing mental but physical abuse from my own family. I was dying to escape.

I screamed and grabbed my hair. Tears blinded me. I needed to leave. I couldn't stay anymore. I felt suddenly like I couldn't breathe. Heat flared in my body.

Gathering myself up, despite my body being in pain from the trauma it just faced, I quickly went into action. Walking over to the phone, I tried to think of anyone I could contact. I didn't want to wander the streets, but I also needed to get out of La Push. Maybe if I left for a few days, my family would finally remember they loved me.

Dialing Charlie's number, I waited for him to answer. I was more so looking to see if I could get ahold of Bella. I didn't want to tell her my intentions, but I hoped she would give me a ride somewhere. I got their machine. Hanging up, I tried to think of someone else. I knew I couldn't go to any of my family who lived on the reservation. They would send me home right away and I would just be imprisoned for trying to break out. Then I remembered mom's sister lived in Seattle. I'd last seen my aunt at my mom's funeral, and she had told me if I ever needed to get away I was welcome to come to her home. I wasn't sure how I would get there, but I knew I had to go.

Packing a bag with some essentials, I saw the clock showed it was nearing 7pm. If I hitched a ride I could hopefully get someone to take me to Forks, and then from there to Port Angeles where I could hopefully get a ride to Seattle. I didn't have a ton of money, but what little I had in my savings would be enough for my cab fare from Port Angeles.

Once I was ready, my aunt's address in my pocket which I'd torn from our address book, I left the house not bothering to lock the door behind. Making my way down the street, I reached the main road and started to walk in the direction towards Forks. Despite it being the end of May, it was still a bit chilly. We had a cold front come in, and the temperature was dropping. I crossed my arms hoping a car would pass by soon. With relief, a couple who I didn't know from the reservation drove by and stopped to check on me. When I told them I was just trying to get to Forks they let me know they were headed there to meet some friends. Getting in the car, the woman around what would've been my mom's age asked me with concern why I was trying to walk so far by myself.

At first I was scared they would figure out I was running away. I tried to stay calm. "My dad can't drive, and one of my friend's really needs me so I kind of panicked."

It was only a partial lie. Thankfully she and her husband didn't catch my hesitation. They did not turn the car around. They didn't know me, so their lack of knowledge on who my dad was helped me escape.

As they drove me to Forks though, I couldn't help but feel a little scared. I had run away from home a few times in the last few weeks, but I always stayed on the reservation, and I always came back home knowing if I didn't one of the locals who knew my dad would drag me back.

This time was different. I was actually running away. I was leaving town and my past behind. As we passed the mile marker for Forks, I wondered if anyone knew I was gone yet. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't.

Third Person POV

Jacob hesitated at the front door. His dad was behind him, confused by his son's hesitation to go inside their home. "Jacob? Everything okay?"

It was just hitting 8pm. The council meeting had ended at Sue's house and she offered to drive him and his dad home. Jacob had been slightly distracted during the meeting as he thought back to what had happened between him and Hannah, so he didn't even remember what the discussion was about. He was sure it had something to do with vampires, Bella, and the Cullens. But he didn't recall the exact details.

Usually Jacob would go run after the meetings to patrol the area around La Push and Bella's house, but tonight he knew he had to focus on another issue. Plus, he was aware Edward Cullen had been with Bella all day, and he really didn't feel like running into him in Forks. He had other things to worry about. So he got in the car with Sue and his dad, earning confusion from Embry and Quil who had thought he was going to run with them. He told them he would explain later and to go on ahead.

As his concern returned to Hannah, he felt like a monster. He had only meant to scare her out of her depressed state. He was tired of her sulking all day long like the world had come to an end. He felt bad about him and the guys having to avoid her, but he knew his world was not something he needed to drag her into. He was dealing with too much: the Cullens had come back, Edward won Bella's affection again, and the pack couldn't catch a leech named Victoria. He didn't have time to deal with his emotional sister on top of it all.

But when he thought back to slamming Hannah against the wall, he knew he had crossed the line. Despite how upset she was, his anger was no excuse. He was worried he had hurt her. He remembered the pain that flashed across her expression. He remembered her scream of rage as he ran off in his wolf form.

Jacob let out a heavy sigh and finally answered his dad. Sue had driven off at this point, so it was just the two of them outside. "I screwed up, dad. I have to talk to Hannah... I lost my temper with her earlier."

Billy was surprised by this. "What happened?"

Jacob grabbed the door handle but did not open it. He tried to listen inside for his sister, but he didn't hear her move. Was she asleep?

"I told her about us wanting her to stay in La Push and not go out on her own. She made a comment that none of us would care if something happens to her. I got heated from her assumption and was a little rough. I'm worried I hurt her..." He frowned more as he remembered her thin arm in his hand. "Also, when I grabbed her, I noticed she had no meat on her... she's not healthy, dad... I think it's time to intervene..."

Billy let out a heavy breath. "I'll try to talk to her some tomorrow, Jacob... I do admit I'm getting a little worried about her too. I noticed all day today she stayed in her room. I don't know if she ever ate lunch or dinner. I'm starting to feel anxious that she's lost so much weight these last few weeks. I saw her only briefly this morning and she looks terrible like you said."

"She sounds terrible too," Jacob muttered. "She barely responded to me."

Billy wheeled up closer so he could put a comforting hand on his son's arm. "Go on and apologize to her. You have to patrol a lot tomorrow, so you need to not be up all night with this guilty conscience. I'll have Sue pick up Hannah and I tomorrow and we'll go over to her house for lunch. That way I can make sure she's eating. Maybe a change of scenery and speaking to someone other than us will help."

Jacob sighed and nodded. "Sure... sure..."

Jacob opened the door, not really thinking much about it being unlocked. Hannah usually didn't lock it anyway since Billy got home after her. They both got inside and Billy wheeled straight to the kitchen. Jacob headed down the hall towards Hannah's room. As he did though, his barefoot hit a piece of glass on the floor. His skin was tough, so the glass didn't pierce through. But it made him stop when he heard the crunch noise.

He had thought Hannah would've cleaned up the broken glass she dropped earlier when he grabbed her. Despite being depressed, Hannah was still the very tidy and organized girl she had always been. She made her bed every morning, even on Saturdays. She always did the household chores since their dad couldn't really help with certain things anymore; it was also to distract herself from the loneliness she felt. So the fact Hannah had not cleaned up the broken glass made Jacob suddenly nervous.

He sniffed the air to take in the scents around him. There were only the usual scents, so he calmed his irrational panic about a vampire coming. He would've smelled the leech immediately. He listened then to the room down the hall. He heard no movement. He didn't even hear breathing. No heartbeat.

His eyes widened.

Rushing to Hannah's door, he realized then it wasn't even shut all the way. It was cracked open as if she had tried to shut it but failed. Opening it all the way, he was horrified by the sight before him. Hannah's drawers were open, her hairbrush was gone from where it sat on the dresser, and clothes were on the floor. He could tell she was grabbing things quickly. Her cell was on the bedside table, but her backpack was gone. He noticed she had spilled her textbooks from the bag onto her bed so she had room to put her clothes in.

He knew without needing confirmation: Hannah had left. He had made his sister run away. And all he could think in that moment was of her walking down the streets alone and a redhead vampire draining her blood.


He turned and raced back into the kitchen. His dad was staring at an open address book on the counter in confusion. There was a page missing. When he heard Jacob, he looked over with shock.

Jacob didn't let him ask. "She's gone! She took her bag and left!"

Billy was horrified. He grabbed the home phone to dial her cell.

Jacob noticed. "She left her cellphone. That won't work. And I doubt she would answer anyway."

He let out a heavy breath. "Damn it, Hannah..." Putting the phone back down, he said, "I guess she is worse than we thought." He looked over at Jacob. "See if you can follow her scent. She's most likely gone on foot. She doesn't have a car. And she doesn't know how to drive motorcycles so I doubt she took one of those. I'll call around the reserve and see if anyone saw her."

Jacob nodded. He took off out of the house full sprint. He was glad even in human form his wolf senses worked great. He raced down the drive, and followed her fading scent about two miles in the direction of Forks. As he was just about to reach near the edge of the reservation, her scent came to a stop as it mixed with the smell of motor oil, exhaust, and two unfamiliar humans. She had gotten a ride and seemed to be headed towards Forks.

"No!" Jacob ripped his cell out of his pocket. He thought to call Charlie, but the thought of a vampire made him call the only person in Forks who would understand his worries. He was glad Cullen had given Bella a cell phone when he came back to Forks even though Jacob despised the vampire.

Bella answered her cell on the second ring, surprised by Jacob's sudden call. "Jake? Everything okay?"

Jacob was already walking back towards Sam's house. "Bella. Did Hannah contact you by chance?"

She was surprised. "Hannah? No. I mean, I saw our house phone had a missed call from you all but there was no voicemail."

He growled. He quickened his steps. His mind was a mess as every scenario of what could happen shot to his head.

"Jake! What's wrong?"

"My sister ran away! I got home with dad and we found her room empty! I followed her trail towards Forks, but she got in a car with someone. I have no clue where she's going! She's not in her right mind right now, and a storm's coming in, and there's a vampire-"

Bella interrupted. "Jacob! Calm down! How long has she been gone, do you think?"

Jacob tried to calm, but he was worried. "An hour at least. I'm going to head to Forks and search."

"I'll call Edward. He may be able to pick up on her scent."

Jacob growled. He didn't like the idea of the Cullens being anywhere near his sister. Bella must've sensed the concern.

"Okay... forget i mentioned it. I'll wait for you to get here and we'll search together."

Jacob knew though Bella was right. By the time he got to Forks driving in his Rabbit, Hannah could already be to the next town. He also didn't know if she was even in Forks...

He hated the thought, but he knew Bella was right. He had to put his differences aside. Hannah was already weak in her current state. He knew she wasn't eating, and he was certain he had hurt her earlier. Plus, he was not sure where Victoria was and he didn't want her anywhere near his twin.

"No... you're right. I hate to say it, but see if Edward and his family can track her. The psychic may be able to find her faster than I would."

Bella took a breath. "Okay... I'll call him now." She then spoke again to give comfort. "We'll find her, Jake. Call me when you get to Forks. If we find her before then I'll let you know."

Jacob let out a heavy breath. "Thanks, Bella... I... I just can't lose her..."

"She'll be okay, Jacob... she's just upset and not thinking clearly. A lot has happened in the last few months. She's confused and scared like I was. Hopefully she'll calm down when she realizes everyone is so worried..."

Bella hung up then. Jacob stopped in the road and tightened his grip on his phone. Tears filled his eyes. He blamed himself for all of this. But he also couldn't believe, after everything he had just said to his sister about the dangers outside of La Push, that she would take off and ignore his warning.

"Hannah... what the hell are you thinking?"

Hannah POV

The couple drove me to Forks just as they said and dropped me off at the high school. I had told them I was meeting my friend there, and they believed me. Once they were gone, I sighed with relief. I had been a little freaked about getting in the car with strangers, especially after what Jacob said about the violence nearby, but thankfully I was lucky. They were a couple that had just moved to La Push a few months ago, so I was glad that was why I didn't know them rather than the fact they weren't Quileute. I hated the locals thinking that us Quileute kids didn't like outsiders.

As I had reached one checkpoint, I started in the direction of Port Angeles. It was darker than when I started. Shivers raced through me from the cold. I started to wonder if anyone had noticed I was gone yet. Just as I thought this, the sky suddenly darkened as heavy clouds rolled in. A sudden downpour crashed against me, and my whole body turned to ice. The temp was high 40s, so it wasn't freezing but it definitely was not warm. And the rain was cold, dropping the temp by another 5 degrees.

As I became soaked, things started to blur. I hadn't eaten much in the last few days. The water I was going to drink was absorbed by the hardwood floor when Jacob attacked me. I could feel a fever coming on as I caught a cold. My body was heavy.

Not a single car passed by. This made me anxious. It would take me forever to walk to Port Angeles, and I knew I didn't have the strength for that. I debated walking back to Forks and waiting until tomorrow morning. Then I told myself if I did that Charlie would probably catch me and send me back home. I realized it was probably a good thing Bella didn't answer my call earlier. She probably would've caught on to my intentions too quickly and drove me to my brother instead of Forks.

I kept walking, realizing I could only rely on myself now.

It seemed the rain was relentless. I tried to use the trees on the side of the road for cover, but the ditch line was filling too much so I was stuck on the asphalt again.

I had probably only got two or three miles out of town when lights flashed behind me trying to get my attention. I panicked. If it were someone not looking for me, they wouldn't have flashed their lights, right? They probably wouldn't have noticed me until they drove past. I couldn't go back! Thoughts of being alone returned to me. I didn't want to feel that way anymore. I started to run.

The car swerved in front of me pulling to the side of the road diagonally and came to a stop in my path. I was forced to halt and stumbled back. My body shivered more as the dark of the night made it hard for me to see who it was. The cold rain was already blinding me. The car wasn't familiar, even in the dark. From its shape I could tell it was a nice vehicle though. And it seemed eager to stop me from moving forward.

The passenger door swung open and a girl about two years older than me got out. She wore a rain jacket and some rain boots. After staring at her shadow for a moment, I registered that it was Bella Swan. The driver got out of the car a moment later and I saw a male teenager about Bella's age. I knew then from the nice car it was Edward Cullen, the one Bella had ditched Jacob for.

How the hell did they find me?!

"Hannah! Are you okay?" Bella shut her door and rushed over to me.

As she came forward, I took a step back. "Be... Bella? Wha... what are you doing here?" As I spoke my teeth chattered. It was then I realized how cold I was.

"What do you think?" She stopped in front of me grabbing my arms. Her touch hurt where Jacob had grabbed me earlier. I was sure there was a bruise. "Jacob called me freaking out. He said he and his dad found your room empty. They couldn't find you anywhere. You have the whole tribe searching for you! Good thing we got a tip from someone who drove by and saw you."

I wasn't really sure who she was talking about. Not a single car had passed me on my couple mile trek from the High School. My body felt like jelly as I suddenly became confused. I knew I was probably sick and numb from the cold rain.

"You could've at least left a note for your dad. Where are you going?"

I stepped back some more, pulling from her hands. Crossing my arms, I knew my bag and everything in it was soaked and ruined.

"Anywhere but La Push. Ja... Jacob made it clear again to me today I don't belong... he's right." Tears filled my eyes. "I don't..."

Bella was shocked. She didn't realize I was in such an emotional state. She hadn't seen me in over two months except brief glimpses when she came to hang out with Jacob.

"You're wrong." She stepped over to me and went to touch my shoulder. "Jacob didn't say that, I'm sure. He's worried about you. We all are."

I stepped back to avoid her. My strength and fire returned. "Don't! You... you're no different than the rest! I know Jacob accepted you again and you hang out with everyone in La Push, while I'm told to stay home and keep my nose out of tribal business. Even being a Quileute by blood means nothing. I'm just an outsider. If that's the case I'll go find somewhere I belong."

It was the most I had spoken since Harry's funeral to anyone but my sisters. But someone was finally listening so I found my voice again. I went to step around her. She grabbed my arm again to stop me. I grimaced again as she pushed too hard on the bruise she couldn't see.

"Hannah. Please calm down. I know this is all so confusing for you. I've been there. But they are doing this to protect you. They don't want you to get hurt. Jacob is worried sick about you right now and so is your father."

I tried to pull from her. "You're wrong! You're just like the others! All you do is come up with that same excuse! They don't care about me! If they did they would at least offer me some sympathy! I'm tired of being told to suck it up! I deserve an explanation and no one is willing to give it! I'm tired of all the secrets and betrayal! I just want to know why everyone has abandoned me! All they ever tell me is it's to protect me! That's not good enough! I just want to know why no one wants me anymore... Is that too much to ask?!"

Bella was speechless as she realized just how much pain I was in. Her eyes turned to sorrow as she finally understood unlike the others the true agony I felt. She had once long ago been left by Edward before he came back to her. She knew what the hopeless abandonment felt like more than anyone else. She was just lucky the one who left her saw the error of his ways and came back.

I was still alone.

She spoke with sadness. "Hannah... I didn't realize you were suffering this bad..."

Sobs escaped me suddenly and I turned from her. The rain came down harder as if my sorrow was it's creator. My sobs turned into coughs as my lungs tightened. Everything was starting to hurt. And burn.

"Bella," a pleasant and soft velvet voice spoke. "We need to get the both of you out of the rain."

She took her boyfriend's advice and tried to pull me towards the car. "Come on. We need to get you to a hospital. You're sick," Bella stated. She must've felt the fever I had already sensed before their arrival.

I refused her help. I knew she would take me back. I didn't want to go back. I shoved her hand off and stumbled away. "No! I'm not going back! I'm going to Seattle!" My body shook as a shiver raced through me. My lungs tightened again. I grit my teeth as everything blurred. I coughed again as my throat tightened.

"Get in," Bella ordered. She had stepped back to the car hoping I would follow. "Please Hannah," she begged, opening the back door of the car. I stared at her with exhaustion. She looked worried. It was the first time in months I'd seen someone actually care. "Seattle isn't safe right now. Plus, you aren't going to make it much further anyway. You're sick. You look ready to pass out."

I glared at her, but she was definitely right. As I went to turn and walk away, I felt my legs go numb. I stumbled and the next thing I knew cold arms caught me. Edward had come out of nowhere. It was possible he had been nearby though. I really couldn't concentrate. He held me up as I felt my head burst into pain. "Let's get her to the hospital," Edward suggested. "Her fever is spiking."

I tried to shove against him. "No! Let go!" I didn't want to go to the hospital. If I went there my brother would come for me. I needed to get out of town. I didn't want anyone to drag me back home. I was an outsider there. I didn't belong anymore.

Edward seemed to guess what I was thinking. "Do you think running away is really the answer? Your family is going to be worried sick."

I shook my head. My voice was hoarse. I was certain my skin was the same color as Bella's. "They don't care," I choked out. "Ever since Sam stole them away they have only cared about their secret cult! My own father doesn't want me around! Why would I go back?! I've lost all my friends! I'm always left out of things! I'm alone!"

At the last part, a sob escaped me and I dropped to my knees on the road. The rain seemed to get colder and my body trembled.

"I want things to go back to the way they were," I whispered. "I just want my family and friends back..."

My face grew hot and my whole body shook. My breathing became labored again. It was so painful to breathe. "Bella. Crank the heater in the car," Edward said. His voice sounded far away.

He crouched in front of me and looked me over for a moment. I could vaguely see from the light of his car he was frustrated. He muttered under his breath, "I can't believe they criticize my family so much, when they've put their own through so much hurt..." He cupped my cheek tenderly. I was surprised by the cold but gentle touch. My vision blurred and my body swayed. "You're not worthless, Hannah... Don't ever think that..."

He moved his arms behind my knees and back. He scooped me up off the ground with ease. As I was lifted from the wet asphalt, I felt my body shiver more as cold skin pressed against my wet clothes. Edward carried me as if I weighed nothing, and a moment later I was placed in the back of the car. My teeth chattered and my body trembled. I was so cold. My lungs burned. I felt tired.

"Carlisle's at the hospital still. I'll call him to let him know we're on the way," Edward said to Bella as he shut me in the car. The sound of a trunk popping open was heard, but by that point my body was slumped on the backseat and I was starting to fade.

"I'll sit back with her," Bella said. A moment later the other door opened and someone came in beside me. The door I was put through opened again, and Edward lifted me enough so Bella could slide in. My head rested on her legs a moment later, and a warm fleece blanket was draped over my soaked body. The doors shut, and the car shot forward as Edward drove me back to my empty world.

Edward spoke to Bella, although his voice felt far away. "I'm not happy hearing what they did to her, Bella... this isn't just a troubled teen... she's been hurt by everyone... and Jacob bruised her arm and slammed her hard. This is one of the reasons I don't like you going to La Push."

Bella brushed a hand through my wet hair. "Jacob didn't mean to hurt her, Edward... but I have to say she's worse than I thought... I knew they were keeping her out of everything, but I didn't know they were neglecting her like this."

Edward sighed. "So this is what you looked like when I left?"

"It's in the past, Edward... you're back..."

She pulled the blanket further up my body as my shivers increased. She placed a hand on my cheek and I heard her sigh. "She's burning up..."

"She was sick before she ran... the rain made it worse..." Edward spoke again. Somehow he knew I was still awake. "Sleep, Hannah... it's the only way you'll feel better."

Edward's encouragement, the warmth from Bella, and the blasting car heater finally sent me into unconsciousness.

Third Person POV

Jacob was exhausted, but he knew he couldn't complain. His sister was more important at the moment. After Jacob had called Bella about Hannah, he finally found his way to Sam's house. Sam stepped out upon hearing Jacob arrive. Emily was in bed already, but Sam had gotten a call from Billy to let him know about Hannah so Sam was ready if Jacob needed him. When Sam came out to meet Jacob, he could see he was distraught.

He already knew the answer, but asked, "No luck?"

Jacob shook his head. "I followed her scent towards Forks. She got in a car with someone so I'm pretty sure she's already made it there. I'm not sure if she's gotten further. I called Bella, and her and the Cullens are going to help us look."

Sam cringed when he said this, but he knew they both needed to keep civil with the Cullens. There were too many threats around not to put some trust in the vegetarian vampires who lived next door.

Jacob noticed his Alpha's disgust. "I know... I'm not thrilled about it either. But Edward can read minds and his sister is psychic, so hopefully with their talents we can find Hannah faster. Dad thinks she's trying to get to Seattle to go to our aunt's house. She had torn her information out of our address book. The last thing we need is for Hannah to make it there. Seattle is crawling with leeches."

Sam nodded. "I'll let Emily know I'm going with you to find her. We'll head that way. I assume she's hopping from town to town, so we should hopefully catch up to her if the Cullens don't find her. We know where she's headed at least, so that's something."

This relieved Jacob. He didn't think he was emotionally able to do anything alone at the moment.

"Your dad wants to come with us I'm sure. We'll swing by and pick him up. Let me go grab my keys."

Once Sam let Emily know what was going on, they hopped in his truck and drove back to Jacob's house. Sam had called Billy to let him know they were coming. It was raining at this point when they pulled up. Billy wheeled out quickly, and the three started the drive towards Forks. The rain was pouring harder the longer they drove, and this only made Jacob more anxious. He prayed his sister wasn't out in the mess.

Just as they got a mile out of La Push, Jacob's cell rang. He was seated on the backseat of Sam's truck, so it took him a moment to wiggle his really tall body to get his phone out of his pocket. Once he had it out he saw it was Bella and answered quickly.


She answered with reassurance. "We found her, Jacob. She's safe."

Jacob let out a heavy breath. "Thank God... where was she?"

"About three miles outside of Forks. Alice was able to see her and tell us where to go. I guess it's easy for her to do that when you and the pack aren't around. Edward read her mind and found that she was headed to Port Angeles to try and find a ride to Seattle. She was trying to go stay with your relative there."

Jacob shut his eyes. He was so relieved. "How is she?"

Bella hesitated. Jacob grew concerned. "Not great, Jake... We're on our way to the hospital at Forks. She has a high fever and is coughing a lot. She's asleep, but I think that's from exhaustion. We're worried she might have pneumonia. I have her in the backseat with me right now, but even with the heater and the blanket on her she's still shaking."

Jacob's heart pounded in his ears. An image of what Bella described flashed through his mind. Fever... shaking...

Jacob shot the thought away. No. There was no way she was turning into a wolf. She was just sick. Werewolves didn't cough...

"We'll meet you at the hospital. Dad and Sam are with me."

"Okay. Call me when you get here and I'll come grab you all. Edward and I will wait with her until you arrive. Carlisle knows she's coming so he's ready for her. He'll take care of her, Jake. She'll be okay."

He let out another heavy breath. "I hope so... thanks, Bella. We'll see you soon. And I know Edward can hear me." He spoke the next words to the vampire he despised but had total gratitude for at the moment. "I'm not thrilled about her being near you, but I owe your family one. We'll try to put our hate towards you aside when we arrive."

Edward spoke knowing he could hear him too. "Your sister is what matters right now, Jacob. Carlisle will take care of her. He's the best doctor in the Olympic peninsula."

"Yeah... I've heard," Jacob muttered. "See you all in a little bit."

Jacob hung up, and he leaned back against the seat feeling like he could breathe again.

"Jacob," Billy said. "You know I can't hear like Sam. What's going on?"

Jacob answered, his eyes shut as relief flooded through him. "Bella and Cullen found her. She's sick from the cold and rain. They're taking her to Forks Hospital."

Billy sighed. "I'm not thrilled about her being taken there, but I'll let it go this once." He rubbed his forehead, easing the headache he had. His panic finally faded. "Guess we owe the Cullens now."

Sam spoke up. "Seems our relationship with this vampire family is getting stranger by the day. Before we know it, one of our own might imprint on one of them."

Jacob scoffed. "Yeah right. No sane wolf would fall for anything other than a human."

It was around ten when Sam pulled into the hospital lot. Edward's silver Volvo was parked a few spaces over. It seemed the hospital was not very busy tonight, only having about eight other cars. Carlisle's black car was one of them.

Once Sam and Jacob helped Billy in his chair, the three went into the hospital. The rain had slowed to a drizzle. Bella was in the waiting room when they arrived, having received the call from Jacob that they were headed in. Bella had dried off from Hannah's wet body laying on her, but her hair was still a little damp from the rain.

"Bella," Billy greeted. "Thank you for your help tonight."

She gave a small smile. She spoke so only they could hear. "It was all Edward and Alice. We wouldn't have found her if Alice didn't see her in the future. She was able to find a mile marker and Edward finally heard her thoughts once we got down the road. All I did was make sure she didn't move around in the car."

Jacob rushed over and hugged her despite her modesty. She grimaced, knowing Edward was in the room with Hannah but watching through the minds of Billy, Sam, and Jacob. She was certain as Jacob hugged her Edward wasn't happy. He had promised Bella he would be cordial to Jacob and the other Quileutes though.

"Thank you, Bella!" He hugged her closer as he threatened to cry.

She sighed and hugged him back as she felt him tremble. "Of course, Jake... she's practically family. When I told my dad he was about to put wanted posters up." She said the last part to try and ease the tension.

Jacob pulled away finally. As soon as Bella was free, she stepped back to speak to Billy and Sam. "Carlisle is about to get off shift so he can come back tomorrow morning, but he wants to speak to you before he leaves. He had to go check on another patient but he said he'd meet us in the room."

They followed Bella past the nurses desk into the door leading to the hospital rooms. Bella let them know what was going on as they went. "She's still asleep. Carlisle said she probably will be out through the night, especially with the medication he gave her. The nurse and I managed to get her out of her wet clothes and piled some blankets on her. She was as cold as Edward. Really freaked us out, but her body has warmed. She was coughing a lot when we first arrived, but Carlisle gave her some medicine to help with the inflammation in her lungs too. They have her hooked to an IV right now... He said his biggest concern is that her fever is so high. That's why he wants to talk to you... I think he wants to make sure she isn't turning."

This surprised the three men.

They finally turned a corner, and Sam and Jacob could smell the leech scent all over the hall. Bella walked them over to where the scent was strongest. Edward already had the door open when they arrived. Billy immediately glared at him, but Sam and Jacob tried to keep cordial. They knew their hate towards the vampire was the least of their worries right now.

"Carlisle will be here in a few minutes. He has her comfortable right now. She was mostly just exhausted," Edward said. He stepped aside to let them through. Jacob was the first to go in, while his dad followed. He could hear the slow breaths of his sister.

Only one light was on in the plain white room, and the curtains to the window past the hospital bed were shut. Hannah was asleep on the bed, her one arm hooked up to a pressure cuff and pulse monitor. Her other arm was being pumped with IVs. She had two blankets on her, and Jacob saw from the screen of her vitals that her last temperature had read 103.

"When's the last time they checked her temp?"

Edward answered Jacob's worry. "Carlisle's going to check it again before he leaves. He gave her some morphine to help. I can feel it's gone down some."

Billy wheeled over to Hannah and grabbed her hand into his. He shut his eyes with relief as he felt her pulse through her paled skin. He lifted her hand just so he could kiss it tenderly, and then lowered it back down so he could stroke his thumb across it. He could tell, despite her fever, she was still a little too cold for his comfort. Jacob stepped on the other side of the bed, and his hand pressed to the top of her head with relief.

"Hannah..." Jacob whispered. "What were you thinking?"

Sam glanced over to where Edward and Bella stood together as Billy and Jacob looked over the patient. "Our tribe is grateful for tonight. If you didn't assist, I would've had certain members of my pack running around the state like lunatic werewolves to find her. I was worried Jacob was going to lose it tonight until you called."

Edward nodded. "You all are sacrificing a lot to protect Bella right now. We don't mind doing this in return." He wanted to add that clearly Hannah needed someone other than the pack to save her since it was the wolves who caused her so much hurt, but he kept his mouth shut. He had promised Bella he'd keep his opinions to himself.

The door opened again, and Carlisle stepped inside. He wore his white coat and carried Hannah's file in his hand. "It's a full house in here," he commented, trying to make the mood light. He shut the door behind him and stepped past Sam, Edward, and Bella towards the Black family. Billy released Hannah's hand, while Jacob narrowed his eyes. He didn't like the vampire coming towards his sister, but he kept his cool.

"Billy. Jacob." He said, nodding to each in greeting. He looked back at Billy. "I don't believe we've met in person, or spoken since our phone call."

Billy nodded. "Yes. I've heard a lot about you and your family since your time here." He tightened his fist. "I suppose I owe your son and daughter my thanks."

Carlisle remained calm. He had expected this reaction from his natural enemies and the grandson of Ephraim Black. He spoke again. "There's nothing to be owed. We're just glad she's okay. I was a bit concerned about Hannah's fever. I'm aware from my knowledge of your people that this is usually a sign of phasing. I wanted to ask if she is turning and if I need to work out an inconspicuous discharge?"

Jacob looked over his sister for any sign of Carlisle's concern. He shook his head. "No. I was concerned earlier when Bella told me she was shaking, but seeing her now I can see she is just sick. If she were phasing she would've done so already. We aren't really sick when it happens anyway. We just have to make an excuse to get out of school and keep people away from us because we aren't at our best control. Since she isn't shaking anymore and she hasn't changed physically it's a definite no."

Carlisle sounded relieved. "Good. Then I'll have the nurse proceed with some blood tests tonight. I didn't want to draw her blood until I received confirmation she is still human."

Billy nodded. "Yes. She is definitely human." His hand brushed a strand of hair from her cheek.

"Well then, I will go put the order in for the blood tests. I know you all are eager to get her out of here, but I ask you to wait until tomorrow evening. She isn't in much condition to be moved, and she is severely dehydrated. I want to get a bit more fluids in her before she is taken home."

Sam spoke again. "Only until tomorrow. We'll be taking her home before the end of the day."

Carlisle nodded. "Of course. Once I have the tests back tomorrow I'll be able to decide the best course for her recovery. I fear from her cough and fever she may need some antibiotics. I'll have to wait to see what I need to prescribe." He glanced at Edward. "You should drive Bella home for now. I'm sure Charlie will want an update." He then looked at Jacob. "If you decide to stay the night the chair in here reclines. There's a nurse on duty until I return in the morning if you need anything. Depending on when she wakes up tomorrow, I won't be able to tell you when it's okay to discharge her."

Billy nodded. "Of course. We understand."

Carlisle moved over to the vitals machine. He grabbed the thermometer and put it in Hannah's mouth. After a moment it beeped, and Carlisle was relieved. "101.4. Not great, but it means she is finally cooling down."

Bella looked at Jacob with promise. "I'll come back in the morning, Jake. Get some sleep. You look awful."

Jacob nodded. His eyes were still on Hannah.

Billy sighed. "I'll go discuss with the nurse about the paperwork before I go..."

Carlisle spoke shaking his head. "I'm handling all of Hannah's paperwork here for you. The medical bills will be taken care of also." Billy went to argue, but Carlisle held his hand up to silence him. "It's my way to repay you for letting our family live in peace these last few years. Please let me do this small favor. Once she is rested more tomorrow you can decide if you want to take her to the clinic at La Push. I did request they send me her file, so I am hoping I will receive that in the morning." He adjusted the IV bag, and then stepped towards the door. "You all get some rest. I don't think Hannah will be going anywhere tonight."

Carlisle took his leave with Edward and Bella, so that just left Sam, Jacob, and Billy. Sam shut the door, and then stepped over to the bed. He could definitely see Jacob was right. She was sick; she was not phasing.

"I don't think Hannah has the shifter gene," Sam commented. "She would've phased by now if she did."

Billy nodded. "I agree." He then let out a deep sigh. "Although her phasing would make all of this easier."

Sam ran a hand through his hair. "I know the easy thing to do would be tell her, but I'm still not comfortable bringing her into the loop. There's just too much at risk." He looked over at the girl he knew despised him, and wondered if he could ever gain her trust in the future. She didn't understand anything going on, so it was only understandable she blamed Sam for everything.

Billy agreed. "I don't want her brought into this world... I know my daughter. She'll want to become involved, especially if she believes Jacob and her friends are in danger."

Jacob frowned. "So we just keep making her life miserable? I can't ignore her now that I realize how serious her condition is, Sam. I don't want to leave her alone anymore."

"We can't give in just because she's upset," Sam stated. "She has to learn to move on. I understand she's important to you, Embry, and Quil but she is a distraction. You all don't have time to worry about hanging out with her when there's a vampire we have to protect everyone from."

Billy sighed. "Sam's right Jacob. This is my job to make things right. Once we get Hannah back home I'll make sure she's monitored. I'll have to probably miss out on a few meetings, and maybe have Charlie come over to our house more."

"I don't think it will matter," Jacob muttered. He walked over to the cushioned chair and sat. "She probably despises each of us. We've all broken her heart. There's no telling how scared and alone she felt these last few months. Rachel left me a few voicemails. She told me in one that she was worried Hannah was going to hurt herself. I didn't realize until tonight how hopeless my sister had truly become."

The words Jacob spoke sent agony to Billy. "Rachel said similar things to me. I suppose my methods of trying to correct the issue were not the right path. I would scold Hannah for hiding in her room and skipping school. I never really gave her a chance to talk to me... I've never been good at this comfort thing. Your mom was always the one you kids cried to when you were upset. I probably made things so much worse..."

Sam tried to lighten the air. "Look... She's been found, and she's alive. Since she'll probably try and run again, let's bring her to my place tomorrow night. Emily will be there to keep an eye on her when the rest of us can't. We can have the pack at least monitor her until we're sure she'll stay put. We can't have her running off with the threats around us."

Jacob tightened his fist. He didn't agree with his dad or Sam. They believed Hannah would heal in a few days and be okay, but he knew his little sister. He had seen her soul shatter the day Quil walked away. His sister was nothing but a shell.

His eyes stayed on Hannah as Sam continued to discuss her monitoring in the next few days. She started to cough a bit, and Billy squeezed her hand wishing he could take her pain away. She stopped coughing, and instead started to mumble in her sleep and feverish state. Only Jacob and Sam could make it out.

She was confronting someone. They weren't sure who. "No... don't... don't leave..."

Jacob cringed. He could only assume she was dreaming about him, Embry, or Quil.

She fell quiet again. Sam shook his head. The kid really was a mess.

It was around midnight when Billy finally decided he and Sam should head back. He wanted Jacob to come also, but Jacob didn't want to leave her quite yet. His dad talked some sense into him. Sam had to monitor the pack tomorrow and Jacob would need his car to get back home. Jacob really didn't want to leave her, but he told himself it would just be for an hour. Just so he could change his clothes, and drive back in his car.

He did just that. The three left the hospital and Sam dropped them back off at their house back at La Push. Jacob helped his dad inside and then went to his room to change. Once he was freshened up, he told his dad he would call as soon as she woke up.

Jacob managed to drive all the way back to the hospital in Forks, and he went back to the room where Hannah still was. He was relieved to see she hadn't woken and nothing had come for her in the time he was gone.

Jacob walked back over to his sister who hadn't seemed to move an inch. He bent over her and kissed her softly on the temple. Pulling away, he brushed his hand against her cheek again. He could feel her skin was as hot as his. Her fever seemed relentless.

He returned to the seat, pressing his face in his hands with exhaustion. "Han... don't leave us like this again... we love you too much to lose you."

The next morning Bella and Edward came back. Hannah was still asleep, which didn't surprise the trio that now stood in the room. Jacob was a bit more refreshed, having got a few hours of sleep, and he looked at Edward bitterly. "Bella can't drive herself?"

Edward smirked. "It's Bella. She'd end up in the hospital."

She rolled her eyes at his insult. Then she stepped over to the unconscious girl. "She looks better. Her color is coming back. Did she cough a lot last night?"

Jacob shook his head. "No. Just twice. She's doing better today. The nurse came in an hour ago and her temp was at a hundred. That's a nice fall from yesterday."

Bella nodded. She then looked at the bag of wet clothes on the floor. "Do you have a change of clothes for her when she wakes up later?"

Jacob grimaced. "I was kind of in a hurry. I didn't think about it."

She sighed. "Okay. Let's go back to La Push to get her some clothes. You look like you need air and food."

Jacob seemed hesitant about leaving her again. Edward compromised. "I'll stay with her, Jacob. We'll trade off. You protect the meaning of my existence, and I'll protect your twin sister."

The tall werewolf scoffed. "You just want to make sure I bring Bella back."

Edward smiled. "That's only one of my motives. I do want to help you. You mean a lot to Bella, and Hannah means a lot to you. So I will protect the things Bella cares about."

Jacob huffed. He wanted to argue again, but he decided it was pointless.

"Fine. Just don't tell her anything if she wakes up. We haven't decided yet if we're telling her about us or not..."

Edward agreed. "I won't say anything. It's not my secret to tell."

Bella kissed Edward goodbye, earning a cringe from Jacob. Then Jacob and Bella left. Once they were gone, Edward took the seat in the room and stared at Hannah with pity. He had read her mind and got the gist of the hell her family and friends had put her through. He felt a sense of duty to protect the girl. An almost brotherly affection he didn't understand.

He thought back to what Alice had seen when they got the call from Bella about Hannah going missing. Once Alice found Hannah in her mind, she grabbed his arm as another vision took over. She was horrified. Edward read what she was seeing. The black haired Quileute girl was screaming on the forest floor in pain, and a redhead vampire was fleeing into the woods. Then the girl convulsed and exploded into a white wolf. Alice's vision moved past that, and they saw Hannah sitting in their living room with amber eyes. The eyes of a vampire. She still appeared human, but there was definitely venom in her.

Edward and Alice both were uncertain what the vision meant. Even now, as Edward sat near the girl, he smelled no scent of wolf except for the lingering of Jacob's stench. But Alice's vision made one thing clear...

Hannah seemed to have a bigger picture to play with the pack and his family in the future. And this concerned him. He was more so concerned about how Jacob and the pack would react if he gave them this news.

Hannah POV

When I came to consciousness sometime after Edward put me in his car, I found I was laying on a firm mattress and something was piercing my arm. Opening my eyes weakly, I saw a bright light above and quickly shut my eyes again. Everything hurt. My body was in pain from head to toe. I was physically drained.

The door creaked to the room I was in, and I opened my eyes slowly again. This time I was able to grasp I was in a hospital room. A TV was bolted to the wall in front of me and an empty chair was beside me. Looking over at the door, I saw a tall blonde man, late-twenties, in a white coat, step inside. His coat almost matched the color of his skin.

"Hello, Hannah," the man spoke. "Glad to see you're awake. You gave everyone quite a scare." He walked over to me with a kind smile. "My name's Dr. Cullen. My son Edward and his girlfriend Bella brought you here last night. Do you remember?"

I stared at him with exhaustion. I tried to take in what he said. Dr. Cullen? Wasn't he a doctor in Forks. "Am... am I at Forks Hospital?"

Dr. Cullen nodded. "Yes. Your family wasn't thrilled but I informed them you weren't in much condition to be moved. Once your strength has returned your brother is going to take you back to La Push." He walked over to a bag of fluid where my IV was attached. "I did get hold of your file from La Push this morning when I got back into the office. Your record said you've been to the La Push clinic frequently these last two months from fainting spells. Your doctor diagnosed you with anemia... Do you get sick often?"

I sat up slowly, my body heavy and weak. It had only been three visits in the last two months. And it was because I wasn't eating or sleeping properly. My dad took me to the clinic with Sue driving us there those times Dr. Cullen mentioned, and it was mainly because the school nurse told my dad to. He barely noticed my condition on other days. When we got home he would just scold me for not eating and send me to my room...

I tried to get my brain to work to answer his question. Everything was still a haze. "Just lately," I answered. "The last few months..."

"How's your sleep pattern?"

I frowned. I hated sleeping... I was glad I passed out yesterday because really that was the best sleep I had gotten in months. My sleep was always disturbed by thoughts of the past and fears of never being happy again. On average, I maybe got three hours a night and that's if I was lucky.


I looked over to see he was still waiting for my answer. "It's fine," I lied.

He was good and saw through me. He lowered my file so he could look straight into my eyes. "Let me explain something to you before we continue... I'm not like other doctors, Hannah. I've been in the field for a while. I know when my patients aren't telling me the truth. I need you to be honest. How is your sleep?"

I flinched. I knew I was cornered. I looked away from him but told the truth. "I don't sleep much. Maybe eight hours a week. I can't go to sleep."

He seemed to want to pity me, but he kept professional. "Stress and depression can definitely do that to you... it does not surprise me that your Insomnia has greatly impacted your health." He wrote a note in my file. Then he moved on to the next question. "And when was your last meal?"

I knew he wouldn't like this answer. I stayed quiet. Dr. Cullen noticed my lack of response.

"You didn't hit your head, so there's no memory loss."

I frowned. "I had an apple. Yesterday morning. I haven't had much of a stomach for things lately..."

"I see," he said. "I'm assuming your lack of appetite started a few months ago with the insomnia?" I only gave a small nod.

He wrote something in his file again. "Well you're severely malnourished which doesn't help your physical state at all. I'll go let the nurse know to send you some food with a pill for your nausea. Do you need anything else in the meantime?"

"I... I need to leave," I whispered.

He sighed. He shut my file and crossed his arms. "You can't. Not yet..." He glanced over at my damp backpack on the floor in the corner of the room. My clothes which I wore yesterday were in a plastic bag wadded up. "Your clothes are still soaked. You were drenched when you arrived. Thankfully you didn't catch pneumonia. You're lucky Edward and Bella got to you when they did."

"I guess I am," I muttered. I looked away from him in dismay.

Dr. Cullen could see I needed to be alone for a moment. "You need to get some rest. Your brother should be here soon. He's bringing you a change of clothes. I told him you can go home in a few hours after one more bag of fluids. There's a button by the bed table to call the nurse station if you need anything. I'm going to make a round to check on my other patients, and then I'll be back. Stay. I don't want to restrain you to the bed."

He left me then, shutting the door behind to give me privacy. Once he was gone, I knew I had to make my move. I had already been formulating my next steps in my head as Carlisle spoke to me and threatened to restrain me.

All I knew was I couldn't go back. I couldn't return to sitting at a dinner table alone, being ignored by my once best friends at school, and never being able to have one civil conversation with my dad. I couldn't go back to seeing everyone happy while I was ostracized and isolated. I couldn't face Jacob, especially after the pain he had caused me yesterday.

Sitting up slowly, it took me a minute to get my muscles working. My back still hurt from being shoved to the wall, and I could see a large purple bruise on my arm from Jacob's hard grip. Once I regained some movement, I took the tape off my IV needle and yanked the object from the arm without the bruise. Pulling the needle out hurt for a moment, but I ignored it. Pushing the double layer of blankets off, I stood slowly, letting my bare feet touch the cold linoleum floor. I felt exposed with just my hospital gown on, but thankfully they had left me in my underwear and bra. Weakly I walked over to my bag. The walk was an effort, especially since the room was spinning, but I knew I had to be quick.

The clothes in my bag I had originally packed to run were still damp as I yanked them out with shaking hands. Taking my hospital gown off, I pulled on the cotton shirt and then managed to pull on the blue jeans. Everything stuck to my body uncomfortably but I didn't let it slow me down. My wet shoes were in the plastic bag, and I pulled them out putting them on my feet. They squished from the water in them, but I didn't have time to feel grossed out or think about the blisters that would come from not wearing socks. I had to go. Putting my backpack on my shoulders despite it being wet, I prepared to escape.

Turning, I grabbed the door handle and carefully opened it. Inching my head in the hallway, I was relieved to see there were no nurses or doctors around. I had to be careful or I was sure to be caught.

As I started to walk down the hall, I used the wall beside me to steady me. Everything was starting to blur again. I felt my breathing increase and my skin burn. I knew I had a fever, but I couldn't let that stop me either. Just as I rounded a corner, I ran into a hard stone body. I gasped and stumbled back, but a cold arm caught me around the waist just in time.

"So not only are you running from home, now you're escaping the hospital. You are determined," Edward said. "No wonder Jacob was convinced to let me stay with you despite loathing me."

I was bewildered when I saw him in actual light. It had been dark yesterday so I could only make out a little of his features. I could see now why Bella fell for him. He was like one of those models from a magazine. Perfect skin. Perfect copper hair. Perfect topaz eyes. I quickly shook the thought out. I didn't have time to be distracted by Bella's boyfriend. I tried to push away from him, but he didn't let go.

"Bella and Jacob will be returning soon. Let's go back to the room so we can meet them." His ice cold hand pressed to my forehead. "Your fever is high again. That's what happens when you put wet clothes on."

I scowled. "Let go!" Tears burned my eyes. My heart started to pound and blood pumped in my ears.

"Ms. Black," a nurse said from behind. She sounded a bit out of breath. "You haven't been discharged. Please go back to your room."

I shut my eyes as I realized I was cornered. There was nowhere to run.

"Edward," the nurse spoke. "I'm going to get your father. Can you help her back?"

Edward nodded. "I'll take care of her, Ms. Graham. I think dad was headed to his office."

I grit my teeth to keep from falling. I would not give anyone the pleasure of being right about my condition. The nurse walked off while Edward still held me up.

"Come on, Hannah," he said, as if we were friends all along. Maybe that was it? Maybe I should just befriend the Cullen kids? That would be a slap in my family and the council's face for sure.

"No," I argued.

However, when I spoke it flared up the pain in my lungs. I coughed harshly, turning from him just enough not to cough in his face. My hand covered my mouth. My flesh burned. But I was not giving up. I tried to pull from him as he started to grab my backpack to pull it off of me. His hand was like rock around my waist.

I stopped coughing and spoke with a hoarse voice. "Just let me go. I'll be okay."

Edward didn't budge. His arm was stone and I was restrained. He pulled my bag off of me with ease, and slung the strap on his shoulder.

"I'm not going home," I tried again. "Let me be. I'm just a burden to my dad and brother."

"Your family and friends care about you. I know it may not feel that way, but it's true. If they didn't care they wouldn't have sent everyone on a hunt for you yesterday." He stared down into my eyes with sincerity. "Your brother called Bella in an emotional mess last night and asked me and my family to look for you. He wouldn't have done that if he didn't love you."

I hung my head. My heart had been hurt too much to believe him. My doubt only made me see what I could: they just had to find me because I was a minor. If I were old enough, they probably would've let me go.

Maybe this was why Rebecca and Rachel left? They felt unwanted too...

Edward sighed heavily. "Clearly you aren't going to cooperate the way I hoped." He turned me and put his arm behind my back while his other scooped beneath my knees with ease. I gasped as he lifted me like he had the night before and easily carried me back the way I had just come towards my room. Nurses and patients watched him pass with bewilderment, while I buried my face in his shirt embarrassed. But I did feel relieved that his skin was so strangely ice cold. It really relieved the fire racing through me from my fever.

When we got back to the room, Edward lowered me back on the bed. He dumped my backpack by the door and then moved to the end of the bed to untie my shoes. I went to sit up and stop him, but he moved over to push my shoulder back on the bed. I was forced down with shock. "Hannah. Rest. If you move again I'm going to call Chief Swan to bring cuffs." The last part was supposed to be both a joke and a warning. Sam had said something similar though back in March, and this made me cringe.

He went back to my shoes, while I let my head drop back in defeat. I shut my eyes as my heart pounded in my ears. "This isn't fair," I muttered. "You can't imprison me here. It's a free country."

He pulled my shoes off again, finally having them untied. He cringed when he saw the blisters that had just formed. "You'll ruin your feet being barefoot in wet shoes. If you want to run again, at least wait until your brother brings dry ones later."

I scowled and crossed my arms. But I knew Edward only meant well.

A knock sounded at the door only a breath later and opened.

"So our escapee has returned," Dr. Cullen commented. He came into the room, and Edward stepped aside putting my wet shoes back with the backpack, wet bag, and currently discarded hospital gown. He then sat in the chair to get out of his dad's way. I dropped my head back on the pillow with defeat.

"Not by choice," I muttered.

Dr. Cullen walked over and grabbed my arm where the IV had been yanked out. "I'm surprised you were brave enough to take the needle out. Most girls would be squeamish in that situation." He wiped the blood that had dropped down my arm and dried. A nurse came in with a fresh hospital gown.

"Get out of those wet clothes," Dr. Cullen said as he threw the wipe in the trash. "Or you'll be stuck here even longer." He gestured for Edward to follow him out, and they both left me with the nurse who made me take my damp clothes off again. Once I was in a hospital gown again, she made me lay back on the bed after putting a fresh sheet and blanket on since the other ones were wet from my clothes. I wanted to fight her, but honestly I was exhausted and my body was in pain. The nurse left once I was readjusted, and Dr. Cullen and Edward returned.

Dr. Cullen stepped over to me. He was not amused. "I'm not joking about the restraints," he said. "You haven't been discharged. Don't do that again."

I looked at Dr. Cullen with yearning. "Can't I just go?"

"If your fever is gone." He knew it wasn't, and I did as well. He moved to the other side of me, and he grabbed the thermometer on the machine beside me. He forced me to put it in my mouth, and I knew I couldn't really fight him. As he held it to me, the machine beeped a moment later and he pulled it out. "One hundred and two. Looks like your escape attempt flared the infection again... Sorry, but you're stuck here a little longer."

I muttered in protest, "I'm fine. It's just a cold."

"Hannah," Dr. Cullen spoke to me with sudden firmness and concern. "This is not just a cold. This is a build up of not caring for your body properly. I can see you have suffered over these last few months, but you are doing great harm to yourself by neglecting your own health. You aren't eating properly and you are not sleeping either. Your blood tests came back and your levels are a mess... you are also highly anemic, which is one of the reasons you need fluids right now. If you don't start taking care of yourself you will end up much worse than your current state."

I looked over at him with exhaustion and denial. "I'm. fine."

He kept a stone expression. "No, you're not. People who are okay don't pass out on the side of the road from dehydration and fatigue. Nor do they maintain a consistent fever like you have. I don't want to get involved with your family matters, but the fact that you are in such a state concerns me. Why are you doing this to yourself?"

"I didn't give myself a fever on purpose," I muttered.

Edward couldn't help but smile slightly at my defense from where he still sat in the chair.

"That's not what I'm referring to," Dr. Cullen argued. "Why are you letting your body suffer like this? Starving yourself and going out into cold rain will not make things better."

Fine. If he really wanted to pry so hard I would answer him. "I don't know what else to do." I looked up at the ceiling light. "They abandoned me," I whispered. "And they won't tell me why." Tears threatened to spill again and I looked away from Dr. Cullen in the opposite direction. "I just want to know what I did wrong... but no one will tell me..." I shut my eyes as the tears came again. "So I guess I've just lost the will to fight and don't care anymore. I'll just disappear like they want me to..."

Dr. Cullen placed a hand on my arm to try and give me comfort. "I can understand how confused and scared you are... but I'm sure they have their reasons. And I'm certain it's not your fault." He spoke as if he knew more than me. At this point I was starting to understand I was the only one out of the loop. "Your brother does care about you, Hannah. He came here with your dad and Sam Uley as soon as Bella called him. He only went home to help your dad, and then he came right back and stayed with you all night. The reason he's not here now is because he left with Bella to go get you fresh clothes, and it took some convincing." He pulled away then. "Please, don't blame yourself... this isn't your fault."

He left my side then to get a new needle from the cabinet across the room. Once Dr. Cullen had the needle in my arm again and me hooked back up to the fluids, he looked over at Edward. "Stay with her until her brother gets here. We can't have patients disappearing."

Edward nodded. "I promised Bella I'd give her a ride home once she gets back with Jacob, so I'll be here."

Dr. Cullen nodded. He looked back at me with kindness. "Get some rest, Hannah." He left then and it was just Edward and I. I shut my eyes with defeat, knowing with the supervision I wouldn't be able to escape again.

The same nurse came in a few minutes later with some food and a pill for my nausea. "Dr. Cullen wants you to eat a little bit. Your blood sugar is low." The lady placed the tray on the table beside me, and then left. Once she was gone, I turned away from the soup and bread in protest.

Edward noticed. "Starving yourself isn't the answer. You need to get your strength back up."

"Leave me alone," I muttered. "I don't need your help."

He was quiet for a moment. I wondered if maybe he had left. Going on my back again, I looked over at him and saw he was still seated and staring out the hospital window. A question burned in my mind as I gazed at his stone expression. Maybe he would give me some answers.

"Hey, Edward..." he looked over at me to show I had his attention. "I've never actually gotten to meet you or your family before," I whispered. "I... I am curious... You and your dad seem like good people... why does my tribe hate you guys so much? Whenever Charlie mentions your family my dad and brother act like you're spawns of Satan."

He raised a brow in amusement. "Interesting analogy..." he then looked out the window again and sighed. "It's complicated. Our ancestors had some rough history with one another. I wouldn't concern yourself too much about it. We're trying to be civil right now, so that's all that matters."

I sighed. Still more secrets. No one trusted me with the truth. I shut my eyes deciding it was pointless.

"It's best you don't know more. Sometimes staying in the dark is a good thing," Edward said.

I hated his excuses.

About an hour passed. I had taken the pill and eaten some food in that time, deciding that starving myself really wasn't the answer. Also, Edward had moved the chair closer and grabbed my bowl of soup literally shoving the spoon towards me. I was embarrassed he was trying to feed me and took it from him in defeat. He scooted the chair back satisfied.

The nurse soon came in to check on me, helped me to the restroom across the hall which I was embarrassed to mention I needed to do with Edward in the room, and when I was done and on the bed she put a new bag of fluids up. Once I was settled, she asked if Edward needed anything as he sat silently in the chair. He let her know we were fine. After she left, I thought in my head about what was to come. Jacob would be here soon, and he would probably be pissed. My hand moved to my arm where the bruise was.

Edward noticed. "Did you get that before or after you ran?"

I grimaced. I didn't answer him. As much as I was mad at my brother, I honestly didn't think he meant to hurt me. He just had developed a bad temper since joining Sam's gang.

He sighed. He could see I wasn't going to tell him Jacob had inflicted the pain on me.

It was about 2pm when the door opened again. Bella stepped in with a plastic shopping bag carrying my clothes, and behind her walked Jacob. My brother glowered at Edward as he stepped inside, his eyes not even looking my way. "I heard she tried to leave. Guess I should say thanks for stopping her." He didn't sound grateful. "Although the thought of you touching her repulses me."

His insult to Edward turned me defensive. "Don't be mean," I muttered. "Edward doesn't deserve that. He's been nice to me."

Jacob heard my voice, and his eyes snapped over to me. He did not look happy. I prepared for the worst.

Edward didn't seem to need my defense. "At least I know how to touch her without hurting her." His eyes shot to my arm where the bruise was. Jacob followed his gaze and cringed.

He looked back at Edward again. "Don't you dare act like I'm the dangerous one." He realized though he shouldn't be having whatever argument he was about to have with Edward in front of me. "I brought Bella back in one piece just like I promised. You can stop holding my sister hostage now."

Edward rolled his eyes. "You know that wasn't my intention." He stood from the chair and grabbed Bella's hand. "But it did reassure me that I had some leverage."

Jacob's jaw clenched. "Did you tell her anything?"

He frowned. "It's not for me to tell." He glanced over at me as I stared at them all with confusion, then back to my brother. "But if you want my advice I wouldn't keep it from her. She deserves to know."

"It's not your business," Jacob said with spite.

Bella tried to intervene. "Stop. Let's not do this in front of her."

Edward and Jacob had been inching towards one another as if they were about to have a brawl. I was so confused. They barely knew each other yet they hated one another. But of course Jacob had feelings for Bella, so I could understand the rivalry.

"Why don't you take it outside then and leave me alone," I whispered. "I'm tired."

Everyone looked over at me when I spoke. Jacob immediately forgot his feud with Edward and stepped over to me. As he prepared to yell, I prepared for the worst.

"Don't act like you have a say in anything right now! What the hell were you thinking?! Do you know how worried we were?!"

I looked away from him out the window. "Now you worry..."

He stepped right next to me, and it felt like his shadow was consuming me. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," I muttered.

Jacob let out a really heavy breath. Then he said to Bella and Edward, "Can we have some privacy?"

Edward began to pull Bella towards the door. I looked at him with horror, begging him not to leave me with my brother. He gripped Bella's hand firm, ignoring my gaze. "Go easy on her, Jacob. She's hurting."

Jacob scowled. "Keep out of this Cullen."

"Come on, Edward," Bella said. "Jacob will be fine." She put my bag of dry clothes on the chair. Meeting my gaze, she said softly, "Feel better, Hannah. Things will get easier. Just hang in there."

I didn't agree with her. Instead, I looked at Edward who met my gaze. I knew this would kill Jacob, especially with how he felt towards the Cullens, so I just had to say it. "Thanks for your help today... you're an awesome friend, Edward. Bella's lucky to have you."

Jacob looked at me murderously. Edward held laughter in his eyes as he caught my intention. He knew I was really saying it to finally get payback towards my brother. "You're welcome, Hannah. Bella has my number if you need me again. Feel better." He winked playfully.

They left me then, and Jacob followed them only so he could shut the door, probably a little too hard for hospital etiquette. Once we were alone, I felt my heart start to hasten suddenly. I knew the yelling was about to start again.

Jacob was visibly shaking as he still faced the door, but he took a few deep breaths. I could only assume he was trying really hard not to yell at me. Once he was calm, he grabbed the bag from the chair and put it on the floor against the wall. Then he grabbed the chair with one hand and easily placed it beside me as if it weighed nothing (I was certain it was definitely more than forty pounds). Sitting down right beside me, he crossed his arms staring at me with a penetrating gaze.

I looked away with irritation. What was he so mad about? He was the one who told me to get lost originally. He was the one who shoved me against a wall.

It seemed we sat in silence for a good ten minutes. Finally, Jacob let out a sigh. "You look better," he spoke with a tone I couldn't decipher. "When I got here last night you looked like a corpse."

I kept my gaze from him. I said nothing.

"Do you understand what you put us through? We got back from the meeting and found your room empty, no note, your cellphone left on your nightstand, and your backpack gone. I managed to run into someone while I was out looking for you who said you were headed to Forks. They saw you get picked up by someone they didn't know. You can't just jump in the car with strangers! We've taught you better than that!"

I refused to respond.

"And as much as I hate the fact that Cullen found you, I'm glad he did! Where the heck were you planning on going so late? Were you really running away?! Is your life really that terrible?"

I felt tears burn in my eyes, but I kept my head turned from him. I didn't want him to see me cry.

"Hannah! Look at me!" Jacob ordered. "Talk to me! Why would you do something like that to us? You could've been killed!"

I swallowed to try and find my voice. Looking up at the ceiling above, I said softly, "I thought that's what you wanted. You told me I was a nuisance. You told me that it was better if I moved on and accepted that I wasn't part of your new circle. You and dad seemed fine without me, so I decided to go find somewhere I belong and get out of your way."

Jacob was quiet for a moment. Then he let out a deep sigh. "I wasn't saying you didn't belong in our family, sis. I was just telling you to stop moping around and to stay out of the business of the council. Our meetings are not an open event. Only select members are allowed to attend."

I grit my teeth. He didn't get to say sis. But that wasn't the reason I was mad. Looking at him with frustration, I snapped, "That's a load of shit! Kim and Emily are select members? They are only part Quileute! And I'm pretty sure you've been hanging out with Bella too at these meetings. How does she get to be part of my own tribe when I'm excluded?!"

He narrowed his eyes. "Hannah. Watch your language! And I told you that it's not your business. Let it go."

I scoffed and tears fell. Then I let it out. "What did I do to you people?! One day I have friends, a brother, and a father, and then the next day I have nothing. Everyone at school is talking about it. They think we got into a fight and that's why you, Quil, and Embry stopped hanging out with me. Everyone in my class whispers that I've been rejected by the tribe. But I've done nothing wrong." A sob escaped me and I shut my eyes hard. "Why does everyone hate me now?! Why are you all doing this to me? I've always been there for you! Ever since we were young I was there for every single one of you! We promised we'd be friends forever! It's not fair!"

Jacob went quiet as I cried. I turned on my side which was difficult with the IV in my arm, but I managed to put my back to him. I coughed harshly as my crying flared up my lungs. When the coughing fit passed, I managed to speak again. "It's not my fault," I whispered. "It's not fair..."

As I let the tears and pain pour out, I heard Jacob's cell phone ring. He answered it while the tears and sniffles kept falling.

"Sam...? yeah, I'm with her..." He paused as Sam said something else. "Her fevers back up. She woke up and tried to leave but Cullen stopped her." Another pause. He stood and walked away to try and whisper. "I've got to tell her. I can't keep looking at her like this knowing it's my fault." Another pause. "But why? She's as much part of this as anyone." More silence. Then Jacob let out a heavy breath. "Fine... we'll be home in a few hours. Cullen said we can discharge her after this last IV. He wants to keep her until her fever is gone, but I told him it was out of the question. Is dad with you?"

I opened my eyes which were blurred from the tears that still fell.

"Let me talk to him for a sec."

Jacob waited for dad to come on the phone and spoke again. "Yeah, dad. She's awake. Talking nonsense... I know. It just sucks that we caused this... yeah. I know... yeah. we'll come to you all when we get back," Jacob said. "See if Leah will run to the house and get her some clothes to sleep in tonight... I will. We'll see you soon." The phone shut. He sat back down and spoke to me again. "We're going to have you rest at Sam's place tonight. Emily is making some dinner for you, and then tomorrow we're going to talk."

His words weren't a choice and this only made me more upset. "I have nothing I want to say," I whispered, my voice broken. "I've said everything I needed to just now. It's not like my words matter anyway." A chill hit me and I shivered.

"Hannah..." Jacob sounded like he wanted to say something else, but he stopped. Instead, he stood and left the room for a moment. As he was gone, I thought maybe he was tired of trying to comfort me and that's why he left. It wouldn't have surprised me. I was used to crying alone anyway.

But his steps returned and the door shut again. He stepped beside me once again, and the next thing I knew he was placing a warmed hospital blanket over the lighter blanket that was currently covering me. Jacob pulled the blanket over me and sat back in the chair he'd pulled closer. He brushed a strand of hair from my eye as he looked at me with regret. I was surprised by his small act of affection. He was confusing me so much. One minute he was telling me to get lost, and calling me a pain, and the next he was actually being a brother again. My head hurt.

A moment later a knock on the door sounded. It opened then and soft steps entered. My brother stood from the chair and moved close to me so he was between me and whoever entered. I turned my head back towards the door only to see Edward's father. I couldn't believe my brother really was suspicious of the Cullens. He really couldn't believe those campfire tales about the cold ones could he? I mean, their skin was cold, but I doubted that meant they were vampires...

"Jacob," Dr. Cullen said. "I'm about to reach the end of my shift but I wanted to stop by one last time." He stepped closer, and I saw my brother's fist tighten.

Jacob's voice was strained. "What time do you think we can leave, Doc?"

Dr. Cullen kept polite even though my brother was being rude. "She's on her last bag so I'd predict around five. I'm writing a prescription for some antibiotics. She has a bacterial infection which is why her fever hasn't gone down. Also, I want her to start taking something for sleep. I've written the prescription for that too."

Jacob was surprised by this. "Sleep?" He looked back at me. "You're not sleeping?"

Dr. Cullen stepped around to the other side of my bed and grabbed the thermometer from the machine beside me again. He made me put it in my mouth which I decided I was too tired to protest about. As he did, he spoke to Jacob, "I've been a doctor in multiple medical fields, Jacob... your sister is what we would classify as clinically depressed. If you don't want her condition to get worse, I highly suggest you monitor her a little more closely... best way to start that is by making sure she sleeps and eats. Otherwise she'll end up in the hospital again... or worse..."

Jacob looked back at me while Dr. Cullen took the thermometer. I tried to avoid his gaze. I hated Dr. Cullen talking about me like I was a child. I didn't need a babysitter. The machine had beeped.

"Your fever is still a little too high for my comfort," Dr. Cullen said. "If it doesn't drop below a hundred I may have to give you something strong until you get your medication." He looked back at Jacob. "I would prefer to keep her here a little longer though. I wish you would reconsider, Jacob. She shouldn't move too much in her present state."

Jacob suddenly became impatient. "We're leaving after her last IV. I'll take her to our family doctor tomorrow if the fever's still up."

I sighed, shutting my eyes. "I'm okay staying."

He huffed. "That's not up to you."

Dr. Cullen decided not to argue with my brother. Instead, he said to me, "I want you to eat and sleep. It's the only way you'll feel better."

I grimaced and looked back at him. He was nice, and I couldn't be rude to him anymore. I didn't have it in my heart. "Okay. I'll try."

This seemed to satisfy him. He smiled and then looked back at Jacob. "Once the IV is done she can be discharged then." He started to walk out. "Can I speak with you in the hall for one last thing, Jacob?"

Jacob seemed unsure. He did follow him though and they both disappeared out. Once they were gone I was annoyed. I was starting to think the Cullens knew what no one would tell me. I was starting to realize I was the only one out of the loop.

Jacob came back a few minutes later looking disturbed. He stepped over to me and gently took my other arm that wasn't attached to the IV. I tried to pull away, but he snapped at me to hold still. I froze, suddenly uncertain if I should anger him again. He let out a heavy breath and brushed his thumb across my skin where the bruise was. I flinched from his touch and the tenderness of the spot.

"Doc said you got bruised up on your back... I'm sorry I hurt you," he whispered. His eyes met my own with regret. "I didn't mean to grab you and shove you that hard. It was an accident, but one I should've avoided."

I stayed quiet.

He dropped my arm seeing I would not respond to his apology. He sat again, but he was still staring at the bruise on my arm. I shoved my arm under the blanket self-consciously. He let out a deep breath.

"Are you hungry still? I can see if the nurse will watch you so I can go get you some more food. I was told you only had soup... Emily is going to have dinner for you later, but if you-"

I interrupted, looking away from him again. "I'm fine."

He let out another heavy breath. "Sure... sure..."

He leaned back then shutting his eyes. I scoot away on the bed. He spoke again not knowing what I was doing but wanting to be clear. "You better not think I'm sleeping and try to sneak out," he muttered. "I just want to shut my eyes for a minute." He really didn't fall asleep. His one eye would open every now and then when I made a movement. Then he shut it when he saw I was just readjusting. I had finally come to realize I was going home. He didn't have to worry: I was too tired to run at the moment.

Two hours later, the nurse came in and took the IV out of my arm. She made me take a pill since I still had a fever, and told me I needed to keep hydrated and rest for the next three days. She also said once I got my antibiotics to take them all. It was Sunday, so the pharmacy we used was closed, but Jacob promised her he'd take dad to get it tomorrow. She gave Jacob my excuse for school, and then handed him my discharge paperwork.

Once she was gone, Jacob grabbed my bag of dry clothes and tossed it beside me. "Get dressed. I'll be right outside." In other words, don't try to run again because I'll stop you. He grabbed my backpack and plastic bag of wet clothes, and then made his way out shutting the door behind.

Putting the dry clothes on (a loose blue tee, black sweatpants, and flip flops), I still felt my body was really heavy. I knew it was because I hadn't eaten well or slept well in the last few weeks, and I had also caught a cold from the heavy rain I got stuck in yesterday. Trying to pull myself together so I didn't have to stay in the hospital any longer, I opened the door and headed out into the hall.

Jacob grabbed my bag that had been carrying my dry clothes as soon as I stepped in the wide space, and then he started to walk away towards the exit. I stood and watched him go, thinking over my options.

I knew if I went with him I would be scolded by dad, the guys would tell me I was reckless, and then they would all cast me aside again. I knew if I went with him I would be alone once more, watching everyone laugh and socialize while I was pushed out. I didn't want to go back to being alone. I was scared to be alone.

Jacob stopped walking when he realized I wasn't following. He let out a heavy breath, gripping the strap of my backpack which he had slung over his shoulder. "Hannah... please don't make me force you."

I stayed still. My legs shook and I knew I was still exhausted. But I stayed upright wondering how far I could get if I turned in the opposite direction and found another exit. I was in flip-flops, which I knew was their method to make it hard for me to run. But I had run in them before. And... I didn't want to go back to La Push. I was scared.

Jacob let out a deep sigh, and then turned back towards me. He saw I made no move to follow. He saw me take a step back. He was shocked. "Really, Hannah? You aren't serious?"

I dropped my gaze and turned around. Nope. Not happening. I was not going back. I started to walk away.

"You've got to be the most stubborn..." he started. He stopped though as I continued walking in the opposite direction. "Fine. Have it your way."

In five strides he had caught up to my retreat, and stepped in front of my path. I stumbled back, but he was ready. He suddenly put an arm behind my back while the hand holding my bags and paperwork slipped under my knees. He lifted me swiftly, and I gasped as my feet left the ground.

"Jake! Put me down!" I struggled in his arms, but he carried me effortlessly just as Edward had earlier. Did I really not weigh that much? He acted like I was as light as a pillow. "I can walk on my own!"

He snapped, "Well you're walking the wrong way!" He carried me down the hall past patients and medical staff who watched with bewilderment. This was my second time being carried through the hospital today, and the embarrassment was real.

We eventually got out into the parking lot and Jacob continued to carry me over to his Volkswagen Rabbit earning more looks from the people around us. When we got to the car, he set me down on my feet and unlocked the door. As he did, I felt suddenly exhausted again. I stumbled and he turned to catch my arm to keep me from falling. Once I was steady, he opened the door and guided me over. "Sit before you pass out," he ordered.

I tried to pull against him. "I don't want to go to Sam's house," I said softly. "Just leave me here. Forget about me... you seemed fine these last few months without me..." I took a breath. "Just let me disappear. You all made it clear you don't want me."

Jacob growled. The growl shocked me. It was low and almost animal-like. My body froze and I took a step back only making me hit the inside of the door. Jacob's eyes were dark as they looked deep into my soul. "Get. In. The. Car." His sudden demeanor scared me. I felt my heart accelerate and my face grow hot. "Don't test me. I'm not in the mood."

I didn't know what to say. The brother before me was terrifying. I didn't even know him anymore. I was scared to argue. With defeat, I got in the car keeping my gaze from Jacob. He put my seatbelt on for me, knowing I wouldn't do it myself. Then he tossed the bag with my damp clothes in the back of his car along with the backpack and returned to the driver's seat. As he drove us away from the hospital and back towards La Push, I kept my eyes on my lap as I replayed the growl in my mind.

I was suddenly scared of my brother. Is this why he wanted to keep me out? He knew I would be scared of whatever he had become?

Jacob cranked his heater as we left Forks and hit the road towards the reserve. He played some music but I didn't really hear it past my fear. My ears were ringing. Everything felt tight. A dread had fallen over me. As Jacob kept his eyes on the road, I kept my body as far from him as possible. My arm was pressed against the door and my flesh held goosebumps.

"Han," Jacob suddenly spoke. I jumped and shut my eyes, suddenly afraid of the stranger with me. I didn't know him anymore. "I'm sorry if I scared you. I lost my temper. It won't happen again."

I shivered. I didn't want to say anything. I was afraid I would just anger him again. So instead, I nodded and looked out the window. The rest of the car ride was silent. Jacob didn't know what to say. I was too afraid to speak.

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