Transformers and The Phoenix

De bluelazuli95

674 15 2

When the Transformers land on earth the resident superhero isn't too happy about it. She decides to follow th... Mais

Learning to Trust
Mission Gone Wrong
The Beginning
Fallen City
Healing Takes Time
Mystery Man
Dents and Dreams


32 0 0
De bluelazuli95

Optimus walks to the front door of their base. It's open... it was closed last night. He slowly walks up to the open gateway only to be greeted with the sight of a recharging Bumblebee in his car form. It takes Optimus a moment to realize that sitting in his front seat is Raven, also fast asleep. Optimus is just happy to see his close friend finding people he enjoys being around, Bumblebee didn't want to leave Cybertron. None of them did, but Bee definitely took it the hardest. Since meeting Raven Bumblebee has perked up a bit, reverting back to his happy, joyful self.

Raven quickly awakens, she's startled awake from a nightmare; her breathes coming out quickly and rapidly. She deeply inhales and starts to calm down once she realizes she's in Bees front seat; she cringes as she skims her injured wing on the steering wheel. The yellow Camaro also awakens when he feels her wake up, he whirs at her.

"I'm fine." Raven shrugs him off as she rubs her eyes to get them back in focus. She opens Bees door and hops out only to be greeted by Optimus.

"I didn't mean to awaken you from your slumber." Optimus apologizes.

"No, it wasn't you. You shouldn't apologize."

Bumblebee transforms back to his bipedal form.

Optimus waits for Bumblebee before continuing. "I was trying to find you to inform you both that I've gotten responses from other Autobots. We are expecting them today."

"Like who?" Raven asks. "How many?"

"Jazz, Hound, Crosshairs and Cliffjumper. Those are the few that have contacted so far."

"Aren't there any female Autobots, no offence you guys are great but it'd be nice to have another girl around here." Raven pipes up.

"There is, Arcee, she has not contacted yet." Optimus's gaze drops seemingly remembering all the comrades he has lost.

The day drags on, seemingly endless. Raven stays with Bee, Optimus or Leo most of the time. She's never really felt comfortable with the others, right now she's helping Optimus sharpen his sword, even though the thing is ginormous and she's barely doing anything. The room is silent, besides the sound of rock against metal, the ground starts rumbling ever so slightly, Raven looks up from where she's working, so does Optimus.

"Is that them?" Raven asks.

"Most likely."

Raven hops down from her seat, Optimus sheathes his sword again. As Raven heads to the entrance many of the other bots do so as well. Raven reaches the entrance by Leo's side, she sees spaceships embedded in the ground separated by a few yards or so. The Autobots that these ships contained have already gathered in front of them. A particular Autobot catches Ravens eye, thin and a lot smaller than the others, even smaller than Bumblebee. Mainly blue with some pinkish silver accents. Ravens question is answered when Optimus starts talking.

"Arcee, I did not expect you. You did not contact us."

"Sorry Optimus. My communication systems went offline, I was able to hear your call but couldn't communicate back."

"Well, I'm just glad that you have found us again."

"This looks like a good planet you've found here, Prime." A silver bot, Jazz, says.

"We are not the only ones who inhabit this planet, there are others." Optimus informs.

"You mean these little pink organics?" Jazz says as he approaches Raven and Leo, extending a metal finger as if he was going to poke them.

Bee beeps a warning as Raven reacts, she quickly heats up her hands and grabs Jazz's finger. "Don't touch me or you won't have a servo anymore."

Jazz pulls away. "Are they all this feisty?"

"No. That's just Raven. It just takes her some time to warm up to you." Ratchet says as he looks to the girl with her arms crossed.

"What about that one. It doesn't have wings." Crosshairs asks, quite insensitively.

"Because I'm not from this planet, that's why." Raven says with the attitude of a typical teenager.

"I am... From this planet I mean." Leo steps in.

"I like her." Arcee says quietly to no one in particular.

"Raven, Leo." Optimus starts to introduce the newest members. "This is Jazz, Crosshairs, Hound, Cliffjumper and Arcee. Members of the Autobots."

"What a nice pleasure to meet you..." Raven says super sarcastically while giving her eyes a roll before she turns around and walks back into the large ship. The Autobots watch her leave.

"If you think that greeting was bad, you should have seen what happened to Bumblebee when she first met us. Bumblebees face..." Ironhide chuckles at the memory. The black trucks moment doesn't last long before a certain yellow Autobot tackles him to the ground sending them both rolling across the dry ground.

"I see some things never change." Arcee comments.

Optimus waves to the group to come inside. Leo walks over to the table Raven is sitting at while the other disperse throughout the base. Leo notices a piece of paper on the table in front of her, she scribbles away on it with a black marker. "What are you... Ah." Leo sees Arcee's name on the paper, except it's spelt Arsee.

"You think I'm sleeping next to any of the others? No way..." Raven says.

"I'm sure you just need to get used to having them around. It took you a little while to get used to us."

"Yea, you're probably right. But for now, this is what's happening." Raven hops out of the chair and walks up to the new Autobot. She taps Arcee on the servo, even though she's the smallest she's still fairly large compared to Raven. Arcee turns around, her optics meet Ravens eyes.

"Is this how you spell your name?" Raven asks holding up the piece of paper. Arcees optics shift to the paper.

"Close, except switch the s with a c."

Raven pulls the paper back in so she can look at it. "Oh, sorry, let me fix that." Raven flips the paper over and writes her name again. "There. Thanks!" Raven says before she turns around again and heads towards the sleeping area. Raven tapes Arcee's name on the door next to hers. Raven meets up with Arcee again after coming out of the hall.

"What was that for?" Arcee asks.

"You'll see. Later."
Raven sits at the table with everyone else, she sits beside Optimus and Leo. She leans her head against her hand as she plays with the food in front of her. Leo made dinner for the two of them since they can't exactly survive off of energon, her mind wanders to Kim again; today has been better than most, Raven hasn't missed her as much, but maybe that's because she's been distracted with others things.

"Raven?" Cliffjumper asks but gets no response from the girl, just like the previous time he said her name. Leo pokes her on the arm, her head snaps up to look at him.


"I have a question." Cliffjumper says.

"Sorry, I was distracted."

"We could tell." Jazz comments.

Raven decides to ignore Jazz's comment as Cliffjumper continues. "Do you mind if I ask you where you're from?"

"Omicron." Raven keeps it short and sweet.

"I've heard of that planet, apparently it's super technologically advanced and the air smells like a forest after it's rained." Crosshairs mentions.

"Smelled... and it was." Raven corrects.

Their optics meet her eyes, she can tell an apology is just about to surface in the silence.

"Don't apologize, it's fine."

Ratchet switches the subject. "I want to take a look at your wing after dinner, we might be able to take the cast off after this month. Your powers enable you to heal faster than the average humans."

Raven gets up to help Leo with some of the dishes once everybody has left, it's the least she can do. She's drying dishes when she feels a small splash of water hit her skin. She looks over to Leo. "I hate water."

Leo splashes her again with a smile just curling his lips, Raven opens her mouth in surprise, "Leo!"

Raven splashes Leo back, she soaks the front of his shirt, Leo retaliates again. "Ok ok, you win!" Raven gives in.

"So, does that mean that water and fire hated each other on your planet?" Leo asks.

"No. I had a really good friend who was water. There were a few arguments and disagreements but nothing major."

Silence reaches Ravens ears; besides the scuffling sounds of the others in the base. "I'm going to go check in with Ratchet. Goodnight." Raven gives a little wave.

"There you are." Ratchet exclaims when he sees Raven walk in. "I was about to come find you myself, I don't want to be up all night."

"Quit your complaining, it's not like you can't sleep in in the morning." Raven comments with a smirk, only to earn a glare from the medic.

"Well I'm glad that your at least feeling better. Now sit down." He demands.

Raven sits down and Ratchet raises the bed as high as it can go. He holds up a scanner to her wing, the blue light passes over her wing and the image displays itself on the the computer screen. Ratchet studies the image for a short while before turning around and telling Raven his conclusion. "Looks like you'll be getting the cast off early."

"Really?! When? Cause this thing is super itchy, and I can feel my feathers are all disorganized."

"Maybe in the next 3 weeks."

"Awe man. That's not anytime soon." Raven crosses her arms.

"Sooner than originally, grumpy."

Raven hops off the bed when it's lowered. "I'm going to bed, don't stay up too late Ratchet, cause I know you will."

Arcee walks down the hall to the rooms. Crosshairs passes her with a rather unhappy looking expression. "What?" She asks shrugging her shoulders when she notices the expression he was giving her.

"Looks like you've already made your way onto her favourites list."  Crosshairs gestures to the door across the hall with his optics. Arcee sees the sign that Raven had shown her earlier, finally she understands. "Are you jealous?" Arcee teases.

"No way, you can have the room. That girl just doesn't make sense."

"Well, I will say. If I was stuck with a whole bunch a men like you guys, I'd be happy to see another female as well." Arcee jabs at him.

"Yea, yea." Crosshairs waves his hand at her before continuing in the direction he was going before. Arcee turns to her room and opens the door, an ever so slight creak can be heard from the old thing. It's empty, a little too empty for her liking; it has none of her personal belongings like her old room on Cybertron, that may be something she misses the most, a place where she feels safe.
Raven cozies up in her bed, it's huge so she can lie in whatever position she feels like; unlike the smaller bed of the apartment. She wraps her baby blanket around her, the only thing that she obtains for her own world and drifts off to sleep.


(just a warning the first tidbit of this nightmare may be a bit scary to some readers, if you want to skip I'll leave this marking (~) when it starts getting scary and again when it's over)

Raven sees Kim in her perfect world, she's alive! and smiling and laughing, her skin looks like it's glowing as it always has. (~) That vision soon fades and Kim's skin becomes black, her eye's roll back into their sockets as her skin almost melts off her face, like ice on a warm day. Spiders come crawling from her mouth and eyes, her skin almost completely gone, leaving her skull behind. Raven screams but she can't hear her own voice, she's mute. She tries calling Kim's name but can't, she can't save her! Again.


Kim disappears right in front of her, where did she go? How could she fail Kim twice. She's her sister. Raven doesn't have time to dwell on that before she's thrown into darkness, like a city at midnight. Suddenly a loud boom and a bright orange light explodes, leaving the city in an orange haze. The light... materializes? Powder comes floating down from the sky, and the people around Raven start disappearing just like Kim had. A face flashes in front of her, it's black with orange eyes, just like Raven herself, she can't see the figure or what it's doing before it grabs Raven and slams her to the ground.

Raven quickly awakens with a start; she sits upright as her lungs grasping for any air they can muster. She's been having nightmares but not like that, she can handle them by herself and awake nobody in the process. She quickly looks around her room as if she's expecting to see the figure. Nobody is there. She lies back down but the instant she closes her eyes she sees the figure again, as if it's engraved in her brain. She slowly gets up, she's not going to be able to fall asleep again, not like this. She grabs her baby blanket and wraps it around her shoulders, the one side jutting out awkwardly since she can't tuck her broken wing into her body. She slowly opens the door looking down both ways of the hallway as if she was crossing a road. She steps out of her room and silently closes her door behind her. She walks over to Bee's door and gently knocks.

"Bumblebee?" Raven whispers as she opens his door and peeks in.

The yellow Autobot's optics online and he slowly moves his head to look at her. It doesn't look like he's sure what's happening yet, and all of a sudden Raven feels guilty for waking the bot. "You know what, never mind, sorry for waking you."

Raven scolds herself, she's old enough to handle this on her own. A nightmare, she's acting like the kid she used to be on Omicron. Bee whirring stops Raven in her tracks. She glances back up to the yellow bot out of the corner of her eyes, he's now sitting up and waves at her to come inside. Raven contemplates for awhile before giving in. She closes the door behind her.

"What's wrong." Bumblebee asks, lowering the volume of his radio.

"It was just a stupid nightmare."

"Doesn't seem stupid to me."

"Do you mind if I sleep here tonight?" Raven asks, being done with talking about her nightmare.

"Sleepover?!" Bee's antennae raise up from his head. Joyfulness plastered in his optics.

Raven can't help but smile. "Yea, a sleepover."

Bee taps the spot beside him.

"I'm not sleeping with you, what if you crush me. I'll just take this spot over here on the floor." 

Bee whirs and gently grabs the girl. "Bee!" Raven whispers as angrily as she can. Bumblebee places her beside him, he scoots to the back of his berth, closest to the wall. Raven sits there and sighs, why does this Autobot always have to look like a puppy. "Fine, but if I die tonight know that it's your fault."

Bumblebee rolls his optics and beeps at her. They both cozy up on their sides of the bed.

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