Nightfall Bond. L.S

By maddslhorn_x

6.3K 283 68

An alpha A beta A witch A vampire A broken clan A strong pack Come together But does it last forever? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Epilogue part two

Chapter 11

192 9 5
By maddslhorn_x

So sorry for the long wait in update...

Harry stands outside the door in shock, everything Athena had just said swarmed around his mind repeatedly. Harry had already guessed she and Louis had gone through hell and she had basically confirmed that.

She had also let slip that Louis is a vampire prince but that didn't make sense. How did he experience hell if he's a prince! Where has he been?

Harry shakes his head trying to figure out what the hell had just happened.

He straightens quickly walking to his room and grabbing his duvet and pillow. Dumping it outside Louis's door, he then makes his ways down to the kitchen ignoring the few members that are in there as he grabs a couple of water bottles and a few unhealthy snacks. Trudging his way back towards the stairs, he comes to a stop hearing his name being called.

Turning swiftly he spots Lumi stood "Jessica is recovering in the infirmary. She's lucky... another couple of minutes and she wouldn't have survived. She's hasn't woken yet. Zayn informed me that Louis is innocent"

Harry sighs with relief hearing the young girl is healing "that's good. Keep me updated on her condition. Yes he's innocent and I completely fucked up."

Lumi sighs "Harry... you aren't the only one who thought the worst. Maybe... you need to explain why you felt what you did."

He chuckles "Athena said the same thing... I just... I don't know if I can talk about that night"

Lumi smirks thinking of her incredible mate she's yet to have a full conversation with.
"Remember what Saffi said... if we want them to open up then we must do it ourselves. Tell him Harry. It's the only way he'll understand"

Harry nods his head in defeat and pain as he turns beginning his walk back up the stairs

"Thanks Lumi..: maybe you can come distract your mate while I try to talk to mine"

He hears as she follows him slowly up the stairs only pausing slightly at the sight of duvet and pillow stationed outside Louis' door.

He makes himself comfortable as he sits down organising his snacks as he listens to Lumi knock on Athena's door.

She opens the door timidly a striking difference to how she behaved towards Harry not even an hour ago.

"Erm hi" she whispers looking down while Lumi smiles sweetly.

"I was wondering if maybe we could go for a walk?" Lumi questions hesitantly

"Oh erm.. I well I can't leave Lou- she comes to a abrupt stop as Harry hears Louis telling her to go- okay okay fine. Yeah I'd like to go for a walk" Athena quietly whispers something before stepping outside the room.

She comes to a halt when she connects eyes with Harry, they go fierce and her timid demeanour is gone

"You dare enter that room without his permission you'll be in trouble." He nods in understanding before her eyes travel his set up and they soften "just don't hurt him"

She turns back to Lumi to see her hand held out softly with a scared gaze in her eyes at the possibility of rejection.

Athena tenses at the sight pulling at her oversized jumper before she shakily lays her hand into Lumi's. They smile at the simple touch before they begin their descent down the stairs.

Harry sighs laying his head against the door, beginning to take deep breaths unsure of where to begin or what to say.

His head spins as a warming presence fills his chest with happiness and safety. His wolf howls recognising his mate is close by. Harry closes his eyes breathing in his mates scent.

Louis sits his back against the door his knees pulled to his chest as he rubs his red swollen eyes. His heart hurts from the awful words his mate had said to him, he keeps trying to convince himself that maybe his mate didn't mean it, that he didn't mean those cruel words. He rubs his chest as he breathes in his mates scent for the first time in a while the voice in his head is silent.

"Louis... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what I said" his voice sounds painful, full of remorse

Louis stays silent. Needing more than a simple sorry.

"I know sorry isn't enough and I want to explain why... why I reacted how I did but I'm scared. What I need to tell you is very painful for me" Louis listens as his voice fills with more pain.

Comfort him. He's hurting

He hurt me... I don't know how to comfort him

Well do something Lou

"You don't need to tell me anything Alpha, if it hurts to much" Harry startles at hearing his mates sweet voice, surprised that although just hours ago Harry had said horrible things to him, he is now comforting him

Bet you feel like a right arsehole, don't ya?!

Harry grumbles choosing to ignore his wolf for the time being.

"I need to tell you Louis... I need to let you in.. help you understand and trust me"

"Okay alpha... I'm listening"

"Please... please call me Harry. Your my mate Louis"

Harry hears a small sigh in response, Louis isn't sure what to say and so he decides to remain quiet.

"My parents they were the alpha and Luna of this pack before me. Alpha Cairo and Luna Hope. They were.. god they were the best parents Lou. They run this pack fiercely but with so much love, everyone respected them and looked up to them. They were powerful... then they were gone."

Louis listens to the shuddering breath coming from Harry as he takes pause.

"3 years ago they had to travel to another pack whom we were having problems with rogues. We are allies and so they offered to help. My parents set out with 10 warriors and when they arrived they realised that the problem weren't rogues but rather vampires. They didn't see it coming.. the entire pack had been wiped out and when my parents arrived they were next. When I didn't hear from them for a few days I knew I needed to go and check"

Louis's heart clenches at the story, something feeling all too familiar as he thinks back to that awful night 3 years ago. The one he nearly died because of, it couldn't be the same one. But it might and that terrified Louis to his core. He shivers as Harry stops to compose himself before continuing

"When I arrived... there was blood everywhere. Most of the bodies had just been left... torn apart or drained dry. We could identify almost everyone but 4. My parents bodies weren't there, a warrior named Tate and a young boy Josiah, we couldn't find them anywhere but in the blood. I didn't even get to give my parents a proper funeral because their bodies had been so badly destroyed by those vermin. I struggled for years with the loss. I searched all over trying to find their bodies or the vampires responsible. I became a dark shell of myself"

"It was Lumi and Jasper who dragged me back from the brink of death and woke me up. They made me see that I needed to lead the pack, be strong and make my parents proud. This isn't an excuse for how I treated you... because I shouldn't have assumed and I should have trusted you as my mate. There's no excuse for how I hurt you today but I thought maybe by you knowing this you might understand my prejudices towards vampires" he takes a breath as he waits for a reply and sighs in defeat when he receives none.

Suddenly he's falling backwards finding himself laid flat on the floor looking up at his beautiful mate with tears running down his cheeks. He takes a moment to take in his beauty before he feels his heart stop at Louis's next words

"I think.. I was there that night Harry."

What happened that night?

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