I Liked You As Soon As I Hate...

JedKed द्वारा

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Choi Jisu or Lia is known for her cute and wholesome smile but not for the fact that she wanted nothing but f... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: beginning of the past
Chapter 16: Letters from the past
Chapter 17: Events in the past
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 39

1K 70 37
JedKed द्वारा

"Damn it."

Yeji cursed under her breath as she turned around and wiped the tears that were running down her cheeks non-stop.

She's crying but this time she couldn't hold it in. It's as if both happiness and sadness mixed together and now she's getting so overwhelmed by both feelings. 

When was the last time she saw Jisu? When was the last time she heard her voice? When was the last time that Yeji felt like Jisu's there and was guiding her? 

She couldn't even remember the feeling of having Jisu back in her life. .

It was a bittersweet feeling because even if happiness and sadness got mixed together, sadness was greater and pain was the only thing that Yeji was feeling as she cried. 

"..Damn it, Yeji, stop crying!" She hissed, cursing her own self as she tried her best to stop crying. 

She felt like she was in one of those cheesy Kdramas that Chaeryeong watches every night. 

Why is Choi Jisu here? 

Suddenly, Yeji felt someone resting a hand on her shoulder, catching her attention. She slowly turned to look back, trying not to show the tears in her eyes. 

Trying not to show that she's crying. 

"You alright?" It was Hyunjin, asking with a concerned look on his face. Yeji took a deep breath and silently sniffed before shakily replying with "..No"

Her voice cracked too, which made Hyunjin look more concerned. He was scared. 

He was even starting to think that bringing Yeji here and surprising her with the sight of Choi Jisu was not a good idea. 

And everyone seemed to silently agree as they all looked at Yeji who's still looking away from them. 

Jisu on the other hand was happy and ecstatic but as soon as she saw that Yeji was turning away and hiding her face from everyone else, she felt her energy leave her body. 

Yeji's back is turned towards them and is obviously crying. It was easy to tell because of how her body shook from time to time. 

Jisu has cried many times back in Canada to know that Yeji is indeed crying, she's become an expert in that department. 

Was it because of her? 

She was actually also shocked to see Yeji with them, of course she wouldn't know that they were already okay. 

She was just not expecting to see Yeji as soon as she landed. 

...And was absolutely not looking forward to seeing Yeji's pained expression and even now that she can't see Yeji's face, it still hurt her to know that Yeji's crying. 

Suddenly, Beomgyu who was just beside Jisu held onto Taehyun closely and cleared his throat. Successfully catching everyone's attention except for Yeji. 

"Hey, long time no see, I missed you guys!" He started trying to lighten up the mood because he knows the atmosphere was dropping each second that passed by.

"Y-yeah, same here, I missed your stupid face." Ryujin said with a big grin stretched across her lips. 

Hyunjin was still holding onto Yeji's shoulder when he chuckled at Ryujin's words. 

"You're on a roll today, she woke up and chose violence." Hyunjin pointed at Ryujin while looking at Jisu, Taehyun and Beomgyu. 

Chaeryeong nodded but decided not to feed Ryujin's ego and decided to step in front and pulled Jisu into a bone crushing hug. "Unnie!! I missed you soooo much!!" 

It didn't take long for Yuna to jump in and hug the two older girls, pulling them close before pulling Ryujin in as well. 

"Unnie, I really thought you weren't being serious when you said you were going home! I thought I was being pranked!" Yuna expressed her uncertainty and Jisu cooed at the sight of Yuna. 

She missed seeing the tall younger girl, she missed spoiling her and just giving her the things she wanted even if she's becoming more mischievous each day because of Ryujin. 

The younger girl gets influenced quickly and Jisu fears that one day Yuna's just going to keep causing trouble as a joke. 

"You didn't grow much, you're still the same. Thought the air in Canada would've helped you grow a few inches, but you're still as small as before." Ryujin was already trying to tease the older girl but luckily Jisu was trapped in both Chaeryeong and Yuna's arms. 

She's not able to kick Ryujin's ass for making fun of her height again even if the younger girl isn't even that tall. 

"You say that as if you're as tall as Hyunjin oppa." Chaeryeong rolled her eyes at Ryujin who started to angrily whine at Chaeryeong, telling her things like "If I grow taller I will throw you in a river" but Chaeryeong will respond with "The keyword in your sentence is 'if' so keep dreaming." 

In the middle of that chaos, Beomgyu joined in on their conversation, already telling them what Jisu had been doing while she was in Canada with him. 

Taehyun also was sharing stories of how he'd always be dragged in a lot of things because of Beomgyu. 

They all looked so happy when they all saw each other, like a reunion of some sort. 

But... of course, even if Hyunjin wanted to join in on their conversation, he just didn't have the heart to leave Yeji there crying.

So, while they were busy talking with each other, he took this chance to talk to Yeji and leave to get some fresh air outside because he knew Yeji needed it. 

Hyunjin slowly pushed and guided Yeji outside and the others didn't even notice them leaving except for Taehyun who watched them walk out. 

He decided not to say anything though, he knew what Yeji was going through and he has already caused a lot of shit before with his friends and he doesn't want to appear like a villain anymore. 

Yeji silently followed Hyunjin, mostly looking down on the ground as she walked, she wasn't paying attention but luckily Hyunjin was still guiding her knowing Yeji isn't in the right state to walk properly and follow directions. 

They ended up hanging out outside a small convenience store in front of the airport. There were tons of restaurants there too but Hyunjin thinks that no food will cheer Yeji up at the moment.

So, he settled with just buying her water and bread. 

Yeji sat in front of the store while looking at nothing in particular, eyes kind of swollen and her nose slightly red from crying and sobbing. 

Hyunjin let out a sigh as he sat down beside her, putting the water down beside Yeji's feet. 

She won't pay attention to the food at the moment, if she's too busy looking at nothing then Hyunjin will let her. 

This is just a way for Yeji to process everything, to clear up her thoughts, maybe even calm herself down. Maybe she was overwhelmed when she saw Jisu, that's what Hyunjin thinks. 

And he was absolutely right, Yeji can confirm if he asked. 

"Is this supposed to surprise me?" Was the words that escaped Yeji's mouth. 

Hyunjin wasn't expecting his cousin to speak up because he thought she wanted some time to let everything sink in. 

".. What is?" He asked, both eyebrows slightly raised. 

In response to Hyunjin's question to her question, Yeji slowly turned to look at him and stared at him with a blank expression. 

Of course, Hyunjin didn't know what to do or say because he wasn't sure what Yeji was talking about. 

"This. Everything that just happened." Yeji gestured towards her surroundings, the airport, the event that happened just earlier. 

"Was this supposed to be surprising? Supposed to be happy? Supposed to make ME happy??" Her tone was getting angrier and angrier by the second and it doesn't take a genius to notice that. 

Hyunjin felt like he suddenly wanted to disappear from there. He shouldn't have called Yeji to come all the way here. 

He just... thought that maybe Yeji will be happy again once she sees Jisu. 

But... he was wrong. 

Yeji waited for him to respond but judging from the look of guilt on his face, Yeji already knew he didn't know what to tell her. 

She sighs before looking away, "Hyun.. you.. you called me out here.. for me to see Jisu again, didn't you?" 

Hyunjin grumbles, "Obviously! Look, Yeji, I'm sorry. I know you're mad—" 

"I'm not mad, what made you think I am?" Yeji cuts him off almost immediately. 

After all that happened, them fighting was not something that Yeji wants to happen again. She's done with all of that bullshit. 

".. The look on your face, you looked so uneasy and bothered by all of this. You looked so mad and angry, I thought I made a mistake." He started playing with his fingers as Yeji listened carefully. 

"Look, half of what you said was right, good job for noticing.. but Hyun, I'm not mad... not at you at least but.. actually, I'm .. I'm frustrated." 

With Yeji's voice slowly getting smaller and smaller by the second, Hyunjin looked up and stared at his cousin curiously. 


Yeji hummed and nodded. 

"Yeah.. not at you, not at them.. and definitely not at Jisu..... I'm frustrated at myself." 

She finally was able to get that out of her chest, like slowly the pain was disappearing with each word that leaves her mouth. 

With each thought that leaves her mind, she's starting to feel a bit better now. 

Hyunjin didn't ask further, he just waited for Yeji to explain it to him. Besides, he knew if Yeji really wanted to tell him something, she'd tell him right away without him even asking for her to tell him.

"I just... I just thought I'd be able to feel the happiness that I felt before once I see her again.. but.." She trails off, tightening her hold on the water bottle that Hyunjin handed her. 

"Yet, now that she's here, all I felt was pain. I wanted to pull her close and talk to her so badly but.. It's so painful .. I don't know why.." 

Sighing, Yeji tries to make Hyunjin understand but of course, even if he doesn't, he'd still say he does. 

"I'm sorry, that's what I thought too. That you'd be happy when you see each other again.. I shouldn't have called you to come here with me." Hyunjin rests a hand on Yeji's shoulder, trying to wordlessly tell her that it's alright. 

"It's fine. It's done now, we already saw each other. We can't do anything about it anymore." 

Hyunjin hums before looking away, "Do you want to go back and see her again.. or..?" 

Yeji bit the inside of her cheeks, she was hesitant because what if her emotions get to her again and she ends up crying in front of everyone like earlier? 

She doesn't want to cry again, not when there's literally nothing to cry about. 

"... I think I want to go home now." She whispers. 

Hyunjin blinks, trying to see if he heard right. When Yeji didn't say anything after, he knew he really heard Yeji say that she wants to go home. 

"I guess that is the safest place you want to be in right now, I don't blame you." 

Yeji chuckles before slowly standing up, still holding onto the water bottle as Hyunjin holds the bread he bought for her. 

"We don't need to go back there and tell them we're leaving, I'll just send them a text." He then smiles at her before taking his phone out of his pocket. 

Yeji's grateful that it was Hyunjin who took her out of there. She finally was able to take a moment to clear up her mind because Jisu suddenly showed up like nothing happened before. 

Like none of them were hurt. 

Like neither of them went through a break up. 

Why is she even here? Yeji wanted to know why so suddenly. She never heard anything about Jisu finally being able to leave Canada with Beomgyu. 

Well, it's not like Yeji would have connections anyway, during all this, she and her friends weren't talking and she was ignoring them on purpose. 

But now, everything's good and back to normal.. then Jisu shows up. 

It was just so overwhelming for Yeji. 

All of these are happening on the same day. She can't keep up.

Even if Hyunjin wanted Yeji and Jisu to be able to talk to each other again, he can’t just force them to face each other. 

They all knew what the two girls went through, Jisu would always tell them how sad she was every night when she was still in Canada. Yeji on the other hand… they don’t really know how Yeji went through all of that alone. 

There must be someone else who Yeji went to for help. 

The two cousins made their way towards Hyunjin’s car. Yeji was the first one who opened the door, immediately entering the car as if she was in a hurry. 

She probably really wanted to leave that place as soon as possible. Hyunjin didn’t say anything anymore, turning on the car he started to leave the parking lot of the airport. 

Yeji was silent the whole ride home, Hyunjin didn’t dare to ask what was on her mind anymore. He knew she needed some silence and probably some time alone. 

Luckily they arrived at Yeji’s condominium fast, Yeji will be able to take a rest now. 

“Yeji,” Hyunjin called while Yeji was taking off her seatbelt to exit the car. She stopped momentarily and turned to look at Hyunjin with a questioning look on her face. 

“If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me. You can call Ryujin and the others too, we’ll pick up right away.” He smiles, trying to assure Yeji that they will never ignore her if she ever needed someone by her side. 

Yeji returned the smile before slightly nodding. “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” 

She opens the door and finally exits the car, slightly stretching as she was now able to stand straight. She waves at Hyunjin through the car window and watches as Hyunjin slowly drives away. 

Yeji let out a sigh. 

She was finally able to get away from there, she really doesn’t know if she would be able to function well if she stayed a little longer. 

Walking back to her condominium, she’s suddenly reminded that Jiwon was still there. She totally forgot about her. 

Remembering Jiwon made her feel like another problem was forcefully dropped onto her head, like she’s being forced to run head first into something that she is hesitant to face. 

She doesn’t even know why she suddenly doesn’t want to face Jiwon. 

Was it because Jisu’s back? Was it because she knows that another problem will emerge and would stress her out again? 

...It was probably the first thought that came to her mind.. The one about Jisu being back. 

As she arrived in front of her door, she was hesitant to enter. What will she say to Jiwon? And does it matter to Jiwon if Jisu’s back? There’s something in the back of Yeji’s mind that makes her think that Jiwon wouldn’t bat an eye on it.

But.. what will Jisu’s reaction be? That’s what Yeji badly wanted to know. 

She finally reached out, turning her knob and opening the door, only to be greeted by Jiwon who’s standing in front of the door while holding her phone. Looking like she’s trying to contact someone. 

Seeing the door open, Jiwon finally looked up from her phone and blinked as she saw Yeji. “Hey, you’re back. I’ve been trying to contact you but you weren’t answering your phone.” 

Yeji blinks, “My phone?” 

That was when she started to pat her pockets, trying to see if she had it in one of her pockets but to her disappointment, there was no phone in any of her pockets. She clicks her tongue, mentally cursing herself. 

“Shit.” She muttered. 

“Why? Do you not have your phone with you?” Jiwon asks, frowning at the taller girl as she continues to look for her phone in all her pockets, but still like before. There was nothing. 

“I must’ve left it somewhere…” Yeji responded, looking a bit worried because she doesn’t really remember where she left it. 

“Who were you with earlier? You must’ve left it with them.” Jiwon suggested as she pocketed her phone. “Hyunjin. I was with Hyunjin earlier.. But..” Yeji stops and thinks for a moment. 

It was possible that she left her phone inside Hyunjin’s car.. But.. she remembered that Jiwon was trying to contact her earlier. “If I left it inside his car.. Then he would’ve answered you when you were calling.” 

Jiwon nodded, agreeing to what Yeji just said. 

“No one picked up, so you must’ve left it somewhere else. Where else did you go?” Jiwon asked again, trying to help Yeji remember where she might’ve left it. 

Yeji clicks her tongue when she realizes where she might’ve left her phone, a not so safe place. She probably wouldn’t be able to get her phone back at this point. 

“..I was at the airport earlier.” 


Hyunjin was still driving when his phone rang, he was going back to the airport to fetch the others. He was their ride after all. 

It was Ryujin who was calling him, he didn’t hesitate to pick up, putting it on speaker so he wouldn’t have to hold it against his ear. 

“Hello?” He answered, eyes still on the road. 

“Hyun, are you close by?” 

“I am, just wait for me, I’ll be there in a few minutes. Where are you guys right now?” 

There was a slight pause on the other line before Ryujin responded again, “We’re at the convenience store in front of the airport, do you know where that is?” 

“I do, I was there earlier with Yeji.” 

Ryujin softly hummed on the other line before speaking again, “Speaking of Yeji, were you able to talk to her properly? Did she say anything else to you?” 

Hyunjin hesitated to tell them what Yeji told him because he knew that Yeji should be the one telling them this, not him. 

“Well...She didn’t tell me much.” 

“Then.. Did she say anything about Jisu unnie? Or did she ask you anything about unnie?” 

Hyunjin sighs, “I’ll tell you when I get there.” Then he ends the call. Hyunjin didn’t want to say anything through the phone without knowing if the others were listening or not. 

He was just making sure that whatever Yeji told him will not get out unless she lets him tell them what it is that she said. 

Ryujin pulls the phone away from her ear, frowning at the screen as she sees that the call just ended. Everyone else was looking at her, waiting for her to give them an update about Hyunjin. 

“So?” Chaeryeong was the one who asked. Ryujin shrugged, “He said he’ll be here in a few minutes.” 

“... Anything about Yeji unnie?” Yuna then cuts in, eyes filled with curiosity. Ryujin could only smile at her before shaking her head no. 

“He said he’ll tell me once he gets here, I don’t know why he’s acting like it’s something we’re not supposed to hear..” Ryujin pocketed her phone. 

While they were all talking, Jisu was just quietly listening. 

Trying to see if they have something to say about Yeji, but since Hyunjin was being too secretive about it, they got nothing. 

Jisu wondered what it was that Hyunjin refused to tell Ryujin over the phone. She also wondered.. how were they able to convince Yeji to come to the airport with them.

None of them really explained, they were all just too happy and excited about her. About how she's back again and won't be going anywhere anymore. 

She's staying. 

As Jisu looked around, she saw a familiar phone on a table at the very far corner of the convenience store. 

Whoever it belongs to probably isn't here anymore. It was just there. 

Jisu turned her head to the left and looked for people who may be the owner of the phone but there was no one there that looked like they're missing a phone. 

Not when all the customers looked like they were in a hurry. 

Jisu was hesitant, because, what if it's not a missing phone? And someone just left it there for a moment. She didn't want to just take it, she'd look like she stole it. 

So, in a hesitant state, she walked up to Chaeryeong and the others. 

"Uh, hey, I think someone left their phone here?" She pointed at the phone that was left on the table in the corner. 

They all turned their heads and looked towards where Jisu was pointing at. 

Beomgyu turned his head to the side and squinted his eyes. As soon as he saw it, Ryujin spoke. 

"Let's steal it." Followed by the sound of someone hitting her on the head, it was Chaeryeong who did. 

"What?! Stealing can be fun!" Ryujin hissed as Chaeryeong rolled her eyes at the smaller girl, "We're not bailing you out of jail if you get caught." 

Jisu momentarily laughed at what Ryujin said, "I bet you learned that from Kim Hyunjin." 

"Right, unnie, she's been hanging out with Hyunjin and Heejin unnie while you were gone and she even told me once that she'd probably become a robber with Hyunjin unnie in the future." 

It was Yuna who spoke and Ryujin tried her best to keep her girlfriend's mouth shut but because Yuna was much taller than her. 

Taehyun was just snickering to himself and Ryujin could only glare at him from the side. 

"Unnie, it was a joke, I have a dream and I won't become a robber in the future." Ryujin said with a hand up in the air, promising Jisu that she won't do such things in the future. 

Chaeryeong then pushed them on the side and was followed by Beomgyu, making their way towards the phone on the table. 

"It looks.. weirdly familiar, doesn't it?" Chaeryeong mutters and Beomgyu nods almost immediately. 

Jisu could relate and she even nodded her head even if she wasn't the one that Chaeryeong was talking to. 

"Maybe we know someone who has a similar phone." Yuna pointed out before walking towards Chaeryeong and Beongyu. 

"Well, that is possible, but how will we be able to know who owns this?" Beomgyu turned to them with a frown. 

"Open it, stupid." Ryujin responded almost immediately before taking the phone from its original spot. "Right, I forgot about that." Beomgyu playfully knocked on his head before they all walked towards Ryujin. 

Ryujin pressed the power button but before it could even open, the phone started to vibrate in Ryujin's hands. 

Everyone was startled by this and the music that started to play was a piano cover of a song that was too familiar for Jisu's ears. 

Too familiar for her to forget. 

She stared at the phone in Ryujin's hands and squinted. 

Were Hyunjin and Yeji here in this convenience store earlier? Because if they were, it would be possible that it was Yeji's. 

...And if it was … then what?? 

"Someone's calling the phone." Ryujin stated before frantically trying to give it to everyone else, suddenly not wanting to be the one to answer whoever the caller was. 

"No shit, sherlock. Give it to me." Beomgyu snatched the phone away from Ryujin's hand and started to read the name that was flashing on the screen. 

"Ji— .. " Then he started to clear his throat and it turned into a coughing fit. 

Jisu frowned at her cousin, was he doing this on purpose? Or was he really coughing uncontrollably? 

Well, whatever that is that he's doing, Jisu isn't liking it. Because, what if it really is Yeji's phone? And the caller was probably Jiwon. 

She started to march forward, "Stop playing around!" She snatched the phone away from Beomgyu without a warning and before she could even read the name on the screen, the convenience store's door opened. 

"Ah, thank god you're finally here! I've been wanting to get home ever since we landed!" 

Beomgyu dramatically spoke before literally jumping into Hyunjin's arms even though he knew Hyunjin would struggle on trying to carry him because he was taller. 

Taehyun then did not hesitate to pull Beomgyu off of Hyunjin, "He tends to act like a leach, I'm surprised you're still friends with him" 



It's as if a cold breeze went past them. The coldness in Jisu's voice was what made them shut their mouths. 

Why was she angry all of a sudden? None of them even knew why. 

Hyunjin immediately turned to look at Jisu, eyes shaking, he wasn't ready to hear what Jisu had to say to him. 

And how did he even make Jisu angry? He just arrived! 

"Did you and Yeji stop by at this place earlier? Because I think this is hers." Jisu did not hesitate to show him the phone. 

Hyunjin slowly nodded, "..We did stop by here earlier.. but I don't think Yeji's careless enough to leave her phone here—" 

As if on cue, the phone started to vibrate in Jisu's hand. The phone opening and the screen now flashing a name. 

"Jiwon" it read. 


While Yeji was still contacting her phone using Jiwon's phone, she was feeling uneasy. 

What if she won't be able to get it back? Her phone was one of the most important things in her life, she could buy another one but what she wanted was what's inside her old one. 

Photos, songs and recordings. 

It was just all too precious for her to just let her old phone go. She really hoped it was picked up by a nice person. 

She's been praying that it was. 

Then, a miracle happened. Someone picked up and the ringing on the other line was not what Yeji was hearing anymore, but instead a familiar voice was what she heard on the other line. 

"Hello? Jiwon?" 

"—HYUNJIN! THANK GOD. I thought I'd lost my phone forever!" Yeji literally leaped from the couch, happiness was written all over her face when she heard Hyunjin's voice on the other line. 

"Oh, Yeji. I'm sorry, have you been calling your phone?" 

"Yes! I was! I mean— me and Jiwon were, but she's in the bathroom right now so I was the one calling." 

Then there was silence on the other line. 

Yeji had always experienced something like this before, the person on the other line won't talk for a moment and it would always be normal. 

But.. this time.. Yeji felt something weird about the silence on the other line. 

It just had this.. vibe. 

A vibe that Yeji couldn't really pinpoint. She was about to call out to Hyunjin when Jiwon finally came out of the bathroom. 

"Someone finally picked up?" She asked and Yeji nodded, smiling widely at her. 

"Yeah, luckily it was Hyunjin and not a stranger. I would've lost my phone if it wasn't him who picked up." Yeji let out a sigh of relief as Jiwon plopped down beside her on the couch. 

"That's good." 

"Anyway, Hyun! You can give the phone back to me tomorrow, you can drop it anytime. I'll be here all day tomorrow." 

Yeji was expecting silence on the other line again but Hyunjin finally responded, "Alright. I'll bring it tomorrow." 

Yeji was about to say something back but Hyunjin already ended the call without saying anything more. 

It was weird, usually, Hyunjin would keep the phone call going until he gets bored of talking to Yeji or if he's about to do something important. 

Yeji frowned and stared at Jiwon's phone. 

There was definitely something weird going on in the other line where Hyunjin was at. 

"What? Something wrong?" Jiwon asked, slightly frowning at Yeji as the older girl slowly looked at her. 

".. Uhm, no, no, nothing. I think Hyunjin's phone died," She then handed Jiwon her phone back and stood up. 

"You're leaving tomorrow, right?" 

"Yeah, I have to go back to the café. Manager called, said the boss is insanely mad at me for not being able to go to work for a few days. Told me if I make a single mistake, he'd fire me immediately. "

Yeji cringed, "That's harsh. Why's that old man always mad at you anyway?"

"Honestly? I don't even know either, he hates me and I hate him too but I don't want to lose my job." 


Hyunjin couldn't keep the call going for too long, he only agreed to put it on speaker because Jisu looked like she was about to kick him out of the car. 

He's scared of course, he was literally trying to hide the fact that Jiwon's been in and out of Yeji's condominium for two whole months. 

There was nothing going on, Yeji reassured him about that part. There was nothing, nothing at all but if Hyunjin casually told them that, they would immediately think of something else. 

That something is going on between them. 

When there was, in fact, nothing. 

"Why'd you end it?" Chaeryeong asked, sounding annoyed. 

"Because it's going to end anyways—" 

"It was because Jiwon was there, right? That's why you ended it??" Beomgyu pointed at him accusingly and even though he was right, Hyunjin shook his head. 

He already looked guilty and he knows. 

"I thought there was nothing going on between them? Did Yeji unnie lie to us back then??" Yuna started to look at them one by one, looking so desperate for an answer. 

The poor girl just wanted everything to go back to normal, she wanted to see Yeji everyday again. Wanted to see Jisu and Yeji to get back together. 

"No, I think while we were being pushed away by Yeji unnie, that's when she went to this Jiwon girl for help." Ryujin had her arms crossed, looking so disappointed at Hyunjin and probably at Yeji too. 

There was no doubt, everyone in that car was starting to hate Yeji again, just like before. 

Jisu and Taehyun remained quiet though. Taehyun has been keeping quiet throughout all of this because he has nothing to say about this. 

He isn't a part of it and he's scared that if he ever opened his mouth to say anything, they'd immediately be at his neck. 

"Everyone, shut it, it's fine. I've heard enough." Jisu muttered and everyone did as they were told. 

Keeping their mouth shut until Jisu's done talking. "I just want to get some rest.. We'll talk about all of this tomorrow, please? This isn't really what I was expecting when I was on the plane… I wasn't even expecting to see Yeji right away.." 

Jisu sighs, even if she was happy when she saw Yeji staring at her at the airport, it hurt to hear that Yeji was with Jiwon all the time. 

While she was in Canada trying to keep in the tears that were trying to roll down her cheeks, Yeji was in Korea.. having someone to wipe her tears away for her. 

She thought everything would be back to normal as soon as she arrived. 

But that was only what she thought it would be.. just a thought…

It was stupid of her to think that everything will go her way. She definitely forgot how shitty the universe was to the both of them. 

To both her and Yeji. 

".. Hyunjin, can I ask you a favor?" 

Hyunjin gripped the steering wheel as he stopped the car in front of a red light. "Anything." he responded. 

"Give me Yeji's phone." 

Hyunjin was about to ask why but he immediately stopped himself, thinking that Jisu may get pissed if he asked her. 

So, he wordlessly reached into his pocket and handed it over to her. 

Jisu silently took it and held it with both hands. Whatever her plan was, no one could ever guess. 

"Thanks.. I'll be the one to give it back to her tomorrow." 

Then it's like everyone in the car froze to death, no one moved nor said anything. It was all just silence. 

No one dared to say a word.. 

Jisu took this time to analyze Yeji's phone. It was still the same, except her old sticker was nowhere to be seen anymore. 

Kinda disappointing and sad at the same exact time.. Jisu thought it would still be there, she wasn't even gone for a long time, yet, it's not there anymore. 

Until she pressed the power button and saw Yeji's lockscreen. 

A polaroid, an old one. A polaroid of her and Yeji. Jisu could immediately recognize it because it was one of the polaroids that was inside the package that she received.

The one where Yeji's key was in. 

She didn't know what to say or feel.. but.. 

Because of this, she felt like .. maybe .. maybe there's still something. 

Something that can indicate that Jisu's still the one. 


A/N: HENLO! I just now noticed that this book now has 24.7k reads?? Uhm?? I just wanted to say thank you!! I didn't really think this book would attract many people when I first started writing it so I was just surprised is all. Anyway, HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!

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