The Cursed Hero

Av Blue-Kitten245

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Midoriya was born with a quirk nobody was able to identify, not even him. After his first encounter with All... Mer

Quick Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 17

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Av Blue-Kitten245

" Speaking out loud "
' Thinking '
Highlighted Information
Written information
Titles and Techniques

Evil's Touch

Midoriya's thumb pushed the guard of his katana, revealing part of the blade, his stance showing he was ready to draw. The man stood still and Midoriya decided to fish for information.

"I don't know you... But I have a feeling you're not here only to chat."
"Kukuku... You have a wonderful sense of danger, Midoriya."
"Who are you, and why are you here? How do you even know my name?"
"An individual as powerfull as yourself must be kept under constant surveillance. I've known your name since your first appearance on the TV. As for my intentions, I'll let you know in a second, but first, let me introduce myself properly."

Midoriya's muscles were all tensioned, waiting for the command to act while part of his mind was focused on Shinji and Cathleen who were inside the bookstore and could end harmed if a fight were to begin.

"I am All for One."

Midoriya frowned at that name, instantly thinking if the man just said One for All wrong.

"You're probably wondering about this name, and yes, you can say that my power is related to All Might's One for All... I'd like for you to think of my power as the antitheses of the One for All."

Midoriya didn't want to give any confirmation about knowing the One for All, just in case, so he didn't push that topic.

"What are you doing here? What do you want?"

"I'm here for you, of course. What I want is a simple answer from you, but first I'll clarify something that has been eating you for some time now, I'll give you the answer to the question you have."

"Question? I don't have any questions."

The man placed his hands behind his back while talking, he seemed educated but danger emanated from his every action.

"Perhaps you forgot about your previous doubts, so I'll enlighten you. Didn't you want to know what truly means to be a villain? Didn't you want to know what drives us?"

Midoriya's eyes opened wide and his mouth fell open.

"How do you know that?"

"I have my ways. I'm here to answer this question and perhaps leave this place with you on our side."

Midoriya recovered from the shock after hearing that and stood straight, also imposing himself, letting his power pulse, sending low electric waves all around, making the lights blink.

"I already passed that part, I'm not confused anymore... Don't waste your time trying-"

"Ah, but you're mistaken young Midoriya. You're never going to stop doubting yourself, I'm sure of that."

"Why- How are you assuming these things about me... You don't even know me."

"Indeed, I don't know you personally, but I can stipulate based on your behavior around our mutual acquaintance... Himiko Toga."


"As I said, you're an individual who requires constant surveillance. Tell me, why didn't you turn her to the police once you found out what she was? The very day she tried to kill that man, why did you call for an ambulance instead of a cruiser?"


The man simply waited until Midoriya recovered:

"I... How can you possibly know all this?"

After some silence from the man's part, Midoriya decided to explain himself to this strange person... It looked like the right thing to do for some odd reason and it would buy him some time to think about a way out of this situation. Raiju was there, circling and analyzing the man, walking around, ready to take action if things go south.

"I... I couldn't turn her to the police because she isn't a villain, she's just a frightened girl who-"

"She tried to kill someone, and if weren't for you, she would've succeeded."

"It isn't her fault... She's confused and frightened but deep inside she's just-"

"Aren't we all?"


The man started walking up and down the room with one hand behind his back, gesticulating with the other, as if he was gesturing and pointing at a whiteboard, lecturing. For some odd reason, he remembered Midoriya what a teacher sounded like.

"This is the problem with this society... The sense of justice and righteousness clouded their vision of what's truly necessary. Villains are only villains when you look at them like that, this is the reason this society is wrong, this is the reason I founded the League of Villains."

"You- You're the League's leader?"

"I prefer, benefactor. I know you already met my protégé, Shigaraki Tomura... You left a mark on him... He wasn't expecting someone so powerful on his mission to kill All Might."

"So that came from you... You sent him to kill All Might. He's a vile man, he was going to murder Aizawa-sensei for nothing."

"The same way you were going to murder him? What were your exact words? 'Death arrived for you' am I correct?"

"I never really intended to kill him, I said that in the heat of the moment. I'm not a murderer like him. He was going to murder Aizawa-sensei without any purpose behind it, just because he was frustrated. He's diabolic."

"He's as much of a murderer as you are. Don't you remember the enemies who attacked your mother?"

Midoriya once again was surprised by his words, how did he know all that about those events?

"That... That was different."

"How so?"

"They weren't even human-"

"They breathed, they walked, they talked, and they bled... They looked very human to me."


"You see, you can't let hypocrisy dictate your life Midoriya. You can't look at the world through a pair of black and white lens because there's no such thing as black and white. You found yourself in the right to take those men's lives, so you went and took it, you embraced your desire for revenge at that moment and accomplished your goal, how's that any different from Shigaraki's actions?"

"You won't twist my actions like that... I did all that because they were villains, they almost killed Toga and hurt my mother, they were trying to kill-"

"Villains... The concept of villain is a matter of perspective, for you, those men were villains, but for Shigaraki, all heroes are villains as well."


"I believe you understand this feeling very well, from the time you were taken into custody for doing a hero's job, saving lives inside the Yaoyorozu mansion. You also experienced something similar, didn't you? The judgment and the mistrust coming from those who were supposed to be thanking you."

"I... Nothing so extreme that would make me kill them... I'd never kill heroes."

"Weren't you going to defend yourself at any cost? Weren't you going to retaliate any aggression against you and your friends? What if that resulted in a fight? At that time, you didn't care and I thought you could already feel that the heroes weren't what they claimed to be. I thought you understood that heroes aren't just pure light and goodness, they're human like you and me... They hate, they judge, and they diminish as much as any other normal person."


"Tell me, what would you do if a hero were to enter your house and murder your family? Would you let him be because of his title? Would you forgive him because he or she is a hero? Would you let the criminal system judge him for his sins?"

"I don't get it what's your goal here... Why are you asking me all this?"

"I already told you, I want to answer your question... I want you to open your eyes... I want to tell you what it truly means to be a villain."

"So, you consider yourself a villain as well?"

"In your eyes, I am."

Midoriya stared at the strange man for some time before he spoke again:

"Tell me then... What it means to be a villain?"

"It means to be free."

The man was looking at the painting hanging in the wall, looking at Midoriya's red eyes and back to the painting.

"Free from what?"

"Free from the rules, free from the injustice, free from the pain, free from the feeling of being chocked by an invisible hand all the time, free from the hate and free from the chains. You haven't lived long or endured bad situations as Himiko Toga for example, so how can you judge her? How can you impose a sentence on her without knowing what truly damaged her soul?"

"Her actions... She's responsible for her actions, even though she's not completely stable... There are laws-"

"Then I ask you again, why didn't you turn her to the police?"


"You already know what it means to be a villain because you're already one, Midoriya Izuku."

"I'm not a villain."

"When I say villain, I'm referring to the fact you already doubt their words and actions... You are not a lamb anymore, you see them as they are... You lost the notion that the common people have in this society... They look up to the heroes as if they were gods, but you know what they truly are... And most importantly... You are a villain because of a simple fact: Because you already killed. You already broke the most sacred rule and even though the association isn't aware of it, I am, and you are. I can tell you that you are one of the vile villains the heroes despise."

"I don't even care how you know that anymore, but I already told you that was necessary... I don't kill for fun like the villains... I'm not an animal."

"If you want your answer you can't lie like that. If you want to truly understand you can't close your eyes to the truth. You can't shut yourself from your true feelings."

"There's nothing to understand and those aren't my true feelings-"

"Then tell me, how did you feel after killing those who harmed your loved ones? Did you feel remorse? Guilt? Does it keep up at night? Or did you completely forgot about them because their existences didn't actually matter to you?"

Midoriya lost his words for a few seconds and changed the subject:

"I'll ask you again, what's your goal here? What is that you truly want?"

"I want you to understand what you are. I want you to open your mind to the truth that is in front of your eyes... I want you to accept yourself so you can come to our side."

"Like hell, I would."

"You don't have to answer now... Here, I'll give you an address."

The man took a card out, ignoring Midoriya's words. There was something written on it and he threw it at Midoriya who grabbed by reflex.

"What is this?"

"This is the address of the League of Villains hideout."

Midoriya gasped and looked at the man with incredulous eyes.

"You're lying."

"I am many things Midoriya, but I am not a liar."

"Why would you- What if I give this to the police?"

"Then the league will be extinct and the heroes will prevail. The false notion of justice will reign over the city."

"You believe I won't turn them to the police because I didn't turn Toga? You're mistaken... I'll give this to the heroes' department."

"No, you won't. You'll go to that address and you're going to talk to someone... This person will change your mind about joining us."

Midoriya stood in silence, looking at the card in his hand and at the man's covered face, trying to understand what was his true intention.

"I'll take my leave, I don't want to interrupt your training session. Congratulations on getting your eyesight back."


The man was taking the first step on the staircase when he turned and said:

"Oh, I almost forgot... Excuse me."

The man raised his left arm and a red light appeared striking Midoriya before he could react. He felt his body freeze while Raiju instantly materialized behind the man, starting a spinning attack, but the man's right arm grew absurdly and he punched Raiju, destroying a bookshelf and the wall behind it, making the ground shake. After a few seconds, Midoriya felt the light vanish and he could move again. The man spoke:

"Interesting... Well, this changes things a little. Visit us soon Lightning God, we'll be waiting for you."

Midoriya wanted to go after him, but decided not to go in blind, he still had Cathleen and Shinji around. The man disappeared upstairs and Midoriya went to Raiju, but before he could start digging into the pile of debris, Raiju pushed everything away with red lightning, his face showed he was angry, his teeth on view.

'Where is he?'

"He left."

'He's stronger than I expected.'

"I know. Did you heard anything when he used that... Light on me? What did he try to do?"

'He tried to steal your quirk.'


'Don't worry, he wasn't able to.'

"What you mean he tried to steal my quirk?"

'All for One... It isn't that hard to guess... He's All Might's enemy... One for All is the will of many, gathered together to achieve a greater good... All for One is the opposite... The will of one being fed by the quirks of many to achieve greater evil... He's All Might's arch-enemy to be accurate. His quirk allows him to steal and give away quirks.'

"No freaking way... Wait, so the Nomus-"

'Probably his doing... That's why the Nomus had multiple quirks... We need to be careful. I told you new enemies would appear.'

"I'll have to deal with him next time we meet... I'll be ready."

'What you're going to do with that card?'

"I'll handle it to the heroes' association of course."

'That's the best course of action.'

Suddenly, Shinji appeared from the stairs, looking at the destruction:

"Oy, What the hell happened here Midoriya?"

"Umm, I kind of tripped."

"And destroyed a wall?!"

"It was a big trip... Hehehe."


Yamamoto bowed and spoke with his eyes on the ground:

"The vessels are ready for the infusion, your highness."

"Good, where are the jewels?"


Yamamoto raised a pillow with jewels on it and The Second approached, grabbing one of the stones looking at it from up close.

"How many still exist in this era?"

"Six, your highness."


He placed the jewel on the pillow again and walked back to a big throne:

"And the vessels?"

"Devoted of memories, as you commanded."

"Good, I know you didn't like when I destroyed your children but you abdicated your right to courtesy when you've failed me."

"Yes, your highness."

"I have an idea, Yamamoto."

"Your highness?"

"You said we had six, didn't you?"


"Which ones we do not possess?"

"We don't possess the thirdthe seventh, and the eighth."

"And their situation?"


"Interesting. For three of them to be destroyed something extraordinary must've happened. Therefore, since your daughter was rebirthed shouldn't we give her a gift?"

"Your highness?"

"Someone with her power is more suited to possess a powerful one."

"Which one you want her to possess your highness?"

"Give her the Ninth."

"Your Highness- This is too much power for her-"

"Are you opposing my choice, Yamamoto?"

"No, sir... Forgive my audacity... I'm just concerned her body and spirit won't handle it... Her old self could've handled anything but her new personality may differ-"

"Both will be fine. Since we have four vessels, give the others the firstthe second, and the fourth."

"Yes, your highness."

"You can go, and let me know as soon as they merge."

"Understood, excuse me."

Yamamoto left, walking through corridors fast-paced passing by two guards that were in front of a door. He entered the room, seeing a girl who was looking outside the window.

"Shirayuki, how are you feeling?"

She turned and looked at him with concerned eyes:

"Who are you? Why am I locked in here?"

"Umm, so I guess no one dared to tell you anything... Your past precedes you."

He said looking towards the door where the two guards were standing, drops os sweat going down their necks.

"I don't- I don't know where we are... I don't even know my name... You keep calling me Shirayuki but I don't remember anything."

"The reason for that is simple... The reason is that you died."


"An enemy decided to end your life, but your powers were too important for us, so we brought you back to life, although the old you is dead, your memories are forever forgotten."

"This can't be true... Who killed me? Why?"

"As for her name, we'll tell you in time. As for her reason, we don't have time right in this instant, so I'll explain everything to you later... First, we need to go."

"Where are we going?"

She asked thinking about how he said: Her. So it was a she.

"Stop asking questions and follow me. Here, take this in your hands."

Yamamoto handled her something and Shirayuki looked at the red jewel in her hand, bigger than an egg, and frowned. It looked like a big ruby but what caught her attention wasn't the jewel itself, but the moving tiny figure inside.

"What is this?"

"This is your new power."

"What you mean by new power?"

"This is a being with extraordinary powers. If you manage to become his host, you may be able to use his powers."

"You said... Him? Does it have... A conscious?"

"Yes, he does... Thousands of years ago, he was once called... Kurama."

She looked again at the figure inside the gem and counted the tails on what looked like an orange fox.

"A Nine-tailed... Fox?"


Yamamoto said with three more gems inside his pockets.


Aizawa greeted the class and quickly said:

"It's time for you to enter your internship. You can decide where you want to attend your internship in the forms we'll give it to you, then, Pro-heroes will send proposals for you to enter their agency, where you'll learn how to be a hero from fieldwork. A few of you will receive lots of requests, while others just a few, so keep your minds open to your chances and pick the one that suits you better. After sending your lists, go to the counseling room after class to receive your list with the pro heroes who want you."

"Oh man, I hope I got a lot of requests."

"Of course you will, you finished on the top 4 Kaminari."

Midoriya wanted to ask Tokoyami what he had in mind, maybe they could choose one together, but he was looking away from him, his body language showing he didn't want to talk.

"Where are you going Momo?"

"Umm... All Might-san recommended me to someone he knows... He said this person was his teacher, but I'm a little concerned."


"He sounded really nervous when he pointed me to him, it was like he was afraid of this man."

"Oh my god, what the hell is this guy?"

"Right? I don't know what to expect. What about you?"

"I'll check my options... I don't have anything specific in mind." He lied, thinking about Hawks and his proposal.

Later in the day, Midoriya closed the door behind him and looked at his list. He saw a few classmates leave with half a page of proposals, and others with at least two. Todoroki left with three and Midoriya looked at his five pages, full of heroes agencies. He spotted Hawks' name but still couldn't bring himself to choose the winged hero. Midoriya was heading home when he saw Tokoyami looking at his four pages.

"Yami, who wants you?"


"Oh for the love of god... Grow up. You're going to act like a child just because I didn't share one thing with you?"

"Midoriya, I don't want to talk to you right now, so just let me be."

"Uh-uh, you're going to listen to me, what's wrong with you? Why are you being like this? What you want me to say? I already apologized."

"Right now my sole desire is to punch you in your idiotic face."

"Huh... I never thought of you as the angry type... Fine, you want to fight? Let's fight."


"What's wrong? You want to punch me in the face right? What? Realized you can't take me head-on? Let's go, there's an empty gym right there."

Midoriya bluffed, walking towards the gym entrance and opened his eyes wide with surprise when he looked behind and saw Tokoyami following him.

'Oh well.'

After entering, Midoriya placed his bag and his swords on the side and got into a fighting stance. Tokoyami imitated him and got ready, standing in place, his face showing nothing.

Midoriya said, inviting him with his hand up.

"You come."

He answered with a serious voice and Midoriya smirked before lunging at him. He was ready for anything Tokoyami could throw at him, he knew his every move but when Dark Shadow appeared, Midoriya stopped his advance, glaring at his friend's partner.

"What's wrong?"
Tokoyami asked and Midoriya could only stare with his mouth open.

"What the hell is this Yami?"

"This is me kicking your ass... Shadow Rain"

Midoriya took a step back from the tiny Dark Shadows that were on his back. Somehow, Tokoyami managed to create at least 20 smaller versions of Dark Shadow, all connected to the same darkness thread which was connected to him. He sent all of them at once, coming from different directions, their claws on view.

"Blood Moon"

Midoriya wasn't planning on using his ocular power on this fight, but the incoming assault from every direction forced him to. He managed to dodge the incoming rain of punches and slashes, but at the same time, he couldn't get closer to Tokoyami. Every time he took a step closer, the Dark Shadows blocked his path. Midoriya understood that if he wanted to win, he would've to take this fight seriously.

"Raijin Enhancement"

With his enhancement, he was able to easily pass by the Dark Shadows towards Tokoyami, but before he could strike, he saw something strange. One of the tiny Dark shadows was already near him, and when Midoriya got closer, the dark being, using his claws, severed the darkness thread that was linked to the others. Midoriya quickly looked behind him only to see black smoke vanishing in the air and when he looked forward again, Dark Shadow was back to his original size close behind Tokoyami. Seeing the incoming attack, Dark Shadow shielded Tokoyami, but Midoriya knew best.

"That's lame Yami."
He went around the shield in a second, delivering a punch where Tokoyami's face was, but the only thing there was an enclosure made of darkness.

"What the hell-"

Midoriya tried to take a step back but his hand was stuck in the darkness, somehow Tokoyoami changed its state from solid to fog and from fog to solid again with Midoriya's hand inside. Tokoyami opened his enclosure and the darkness holding Midoriya's hand transformed into Dark Shadow's left claw.

"I didn't quite catch that, did you say lame?"

Dark Shadow struck with his right closed fist, sending Midoriya flying across the gym, hitting the floor and the wall.

"Ugh... Ow..."

He got up slowly, tasting blood and spat on the floor, watching a tooth bounce. Tokoyami was now worried that he hit him too hard, but before he could say anything Midoriya laughed out loud.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... That was a nice technique Yami... You finally managed to alter the state and the form of your darkness... Amazing."

Midoriya walked back to him while talking and stopped 10 meters away, still smiling, his front tooth missing.


"Wait! Don't apologize yet."


Tokoyami noticed Midoriya raising his right hand towards the bleachers, making his swords fly towards him but instead of placing them on his harness, he threw both in the air while saying:

"Raijin Enhancement"

Tokoyami thought that looked weird because he wasn't really facing him, but looking at his falling swords. Midoriya started preparing a punch and Tokoyami frowned, was he going to punch his swords? When Midoriya began his movement, he looked at Tokoyami for a second and the boy appeared next to Midoriya, falling upside down towards the ground, his balance completely lost.


That was all he was able to say before he got punched in the face, also flying through the gym, hitting the bleachers and vanishing below the ruble. He dragged himself out of the broken bleachers and touched his face, his hand becoming red from the blood coming from his forehead. He looked up and saw Midoriya there, right next to him with his hand down to help him up. Tokoyami snorted and slapped it out of way, getting up by himself a little dizzy.

"What the hell was that Midoriya?"

"Well, you're not the only one holding secrets. I mean, since when can you alter Dark Shadow form at will like that? You even divided him... How's that possible."

"If you were paying attention you'd have seen how I had changed my fighting style. Since I lost to Momo-san, I've trained day and night to perfect my new techniques. Our fight actually gave me the idea for my problem with Dark Shadow speed while returning to me."

"So that's why you cut the thread."


Midoriya sat on the floor and Tokoyami took a seat in front of him, in one of the broken bleachers. As they talked, Midoriya placed both of them under the Magnetic Healing effect.

"Thank you."

"So, do you feel better now?"

"Yes, punching you really did the job."


"Are you going to tell me what just happened back there?"

"Well I could explain, but this really is a long story."

Tokoyami looked around to the empty gym and suggestively shrugged.

"We have time."

"Umm, ok then."

After 30 minutes of talking, Midoriya finally stopped.

"Why am I not surprised... I knew something like this would happen... Again, you should've called us to help you."

"It was too risky, I'm sure you can at least understand that."

"This is exactly the reason I am mad at you... Why do you keep treating us like weaklings? Do you really believe we would be a burden to you? For you, it's always a risky situation, I know that, but have you ever stopped to analyze that with our help, these risky situations could turn out to be not so risky? I must say... You're an idiot... And God must really like you."

"Can't deny any of that."

"So now you have...The Eternal Crimson Moon?"

"You still remember the name... Huh. Well, yes but actually no. I named it Blood Moon."

"And your left eye can teleport things?"

"I still don't know its full potential, but I can teleport things of the same or approximate size and weight. If I try to switch something big with something small or vice-versa, it consumes a considerate larger amount of energy."

"Are you ever going to stop getting new powers? Is there a limit for you?"

"Hahahaha... You're the one to talk... You're getting new techniques all the time. About me... I don't know Yami, but I know I'll use everything I have from now on."

Tokoyami wondered about those exact words but decided to let it go for now.

"Techniques aren't new powers, but it's still unbelievable that you gained these abilities. You also chatted and fought against actual gods... This still sounds like something made up."

"Yea... I'd love if my worst enemies were a bunch of lame villains, but I still have this feeling that the moon clan is waiting for another chance to get to me... Especially now that I got my sight back, my eyes are probably more valuable than ever."

"Maybe this time you'll warn us if they come so we can help you."

"Maybe... Heh."

After a few more minutes of talking, they got up and walked out of the gym, parting ways at the gate. Midoriya stood there for a few seconds, watching Tokoyami vanish in the corner, thinking how good it was to have his friend back... Perhaps he should rely more on them. After the boy disappeared, he said:

"Raiju, there's something I need you to do for me."

'Name it.'

"I was wondering for some time about this and the talk I had with Yami brought it back to my attention... You even said it yourself before, new enemies will arrive... Having this in mind, from now on I want you to protect our home."


"That's too vague, sorry. I want you there to protect my mother."

'I understand, but what are you going to do?'

"Right now, I'm going to the association to give them the League of Villains address and I want you to protect mom while I'm away... I can't count on the association to protect her anymore, but you have enough power to defeat an attacker... You can at least hold your own until I arrive."

'So this means you're going there on this instant?'

"Yea, I can't wait much longer or they may leave this address he gave me."

'Understood. If you need me, the distance between us may be a problem but a Raijin's Wrath or a Thunderlord will tip me that you need help-'

"No, if you notice that I'm using these powers, keep your eyes open but stay home."

'You may be in danger.'

"Yes, but I can fight and protect myself, mom cannot... She's the priority here, I don't want her to go through another hostage situation ever again. Your job now is to protect her, so don't worry about me I can take care of myself. If the time comes when I need your help... Let's see... I need to think about some kind of signal."

'We'll think about something, until then, I'll try to increase our communication range.'

"Thanks, Raiju."

'I'll be on my way then, good luck at the association.'

Midoriya nodded and Raiju energized himself, running away, vanishing in the corner. Midoriya started walking towards the association headquarters, it wasn't a long walk from the U.A and he actually liked the time he had to think.

'Maybe they'll let me join the raid to capture them. I need to warn them about the All for One as well... They could walk right into a trap... Well, I'm doing the right thing at least.'

Midoriya kept imagining how things would happen until he arrived at the heroes' association headquarters, entering the building and going to the reception.

"Excuse me, my name is Midoriya Izuku, a student from the U.A and I'd like to speak with a pro-hero or someone in charge."

"What would be the matter?"

"I have a report about the League of Villains.


A uniformed officer came a few minutes later and asked Midoriya to follow him. They walked into the building, getting into the elevator, arriving on the 24th floor. Midoriya looked around with curiosity, it was the first time he saw the interior of the association.

"If you don't mind, wait here."

The officed opened a room and Midoriya hesitated before walking in, looking at the officer with a frown.

"An interrogation room? Again?"

"It doesn't mean anything son, it's just procedure for those who are going to answer questions."

"Sigh... Fine."

He walked in and took a seat, looking at the one-sided mirror again, using his blood moon to check the other side. Empty.

'This brings me nice memories, heh.'

The minutes passed by while he waited, playing with a small ball of lightning on his palm. The door went open and he let go of the shaped energy. He frowned to the people getting in: The chief of police, the minister of defense and two men wearing suits. Before they shut the door close, Midoriya also noticed at least 5 more men wearing suits outside the room.

"Midoriya Izuku." The minister said as if he was talking about something unpleasant.

"Minister. I wasn't expecting to see you here."

Midoriya said while wondering what was he doing here right now.

"I was told you have information about the League of Villains?"

The chief of police cut to the chase, talking out a chart from a briefcase.

"Yes chief Tsuragamae, I-"

Midoriya was about to start when he noticed through his blood moon that was still on, what the chief was writing down his chart upside down: Possible affiliation with the League of Villains.


"You were saying?"

Midoriya closed his expression, doubting this was happening.

"Chief Tsuragamae... Why would I come here to give you information about the League if I was affiliated with them? It makes no sense."

Tsugarae turned his chart on the table and after noticing Midoriya's eyes, said harshly:

"Turn off your quirk."

Midoriya narrowed his eyes to his tone but obeyed. He wasn't looking for trouble.

"Now, you'll explain to us what is this information you have about the League."

"Sigh... I was approached by someone who claimed to be the League of Villain's leader, although he called himself a mere benefactor."

The minister leaned on the table and asked with a strange tone:

"And why would this person approach you specifically?"

"He said he wanted me to go to their side, he said I-"

"Are you?"

"Excuse me?"

"I guess it's time someone speaks to you frankly Midoriya... You know that because what you did in the past, we've been keeping an eye on you. We still don't buy your history about how you got your eyes back, so I'll set this straight... You're someone who's on our list as a possible villain Midoriya, so think carefully about what you're going to tell us and if you're somehow lying again, the consequences this time would be severe."

Midoriya wasn't expecting that, but somehow he didn't feel anger, he was just disappointed by all that. He leaned back on his chair taking a deep breath.

"I wasn't expecting something like this Minister. I won't act like a saint that I know I'm not, but I'm not a villain either... I made it clear to this man that I didn't want to join him. About my past outbreaks... I can't go back in time to fix them, but you can't hold that against me forever, I'd like the benefit of the doubt here... What if I were confused about becoming a villain? Your words could very well push me into their direction."

"If you go to their direction, you'll be arrested."

"It was a figure of speech... Sigh."

"What else did he say? What was this man's name? Did he say it?" Tsuragamae asked, returning to his chart.

Midoriya was holding the piece of paper inside his pocket, deciding if he should take it out or not. He looked at the two men and wondered why he still had that doubt inside of him.

"He told me... That the notion of what is a villain is only a matter of perspective... He said the world wasn't black and white-"

"I don't want to hear his twisted notion, did he gave you any information about the League?" The Minister cut what he was saying.

Midoriya wanted to tell them, but something kept him from doing it, so he just shook his head.

"That's all, he wanted me to join him, so I came to report what happened."

The minister got up and looked at the one-sided mirror, scratching his chin.

"I don't know why, but I'm sure this isn't the full story... It never is with you."

"I don't know what to say, Minister, I came here willingly to tell you what happened and instead of thanking me you're almost accusing me of being with the League."


"I don't have anything else to say, am I free to go?"

The minister looked at Tsuragamae and he nodded against his will. Midoriya got up and was headed to the door when Tsuragamae asked:

"Before you go, would you mind doing me a favor Midoriya-kun?"

"Yes, what do you need sir?"

"Would you be kind enough to take your right hand off your pocket and show us what's inside?"

The chief of police held Midoriya's gaze trying to find a trace of fear, but the boy just frowned, taking his right hand out, turning it so he could see.

"Turn your pockets out."


"Do it."

Midoriya turned his left pocket and his wallet and keys fell to the ground. He turned his right pocket and something caught Tsuragamae's attention.

"What is this?"


"Why would you carry ashes in your pocket?"

"I don't know how it got there, maybe from one of my training sessions."


Midoriya held his evaluation gaze and Tsuragamae sighed before harshly speaking again:

"Go ahead, you can leave."

Midoriya grabbed his things and left, passing by what looked like a security crew on his way to the elevator. As he started going down he wondered:

'I can't blame them... I'm not someone who inspires trust, I know that... But I can't push myself to help those two... Damn, I really am a piece of shit.'

At the 20th floor, the door went open and a woman walked in, Midoriya took one step to the right to give her space and after the door closed, he sneaked a glanced at her. It was Mt. Lady. She also noticed him and smiled devilish:

"Eeeeh, aren't you the young boy everyone is talking about? Midoriya Izuku, isn't?"

She spoke looking at him with a strange smile, fixing her hair and taking one step closer, Midoriya noticed her perfume, it clouded the elevator, making it hard to breathe, it was too sweet.

"Yes, nice to meet you Mt. Lady-san."

"Nooo, you can call me Lady. I wanted to speak to you as well, don't you want to come to my agency... I'm looking for a sidekick and I'm sure we'd be perfect together... We could be a great duo, y'know?"

She opened her eyes wide and leaned forward, showing her cleavage.

Midoriya wanted to laugh but refrained himself. He looked at the elevator display and back at her:

"I'm sorry Mt. Lady-san but I already have an agency in mind. Thank you for your invite tho."

As he said that, the doors went open again and he walked out, leaving her with a horrified face.


Midoriya stopped at the reception to get his swords back and sneaked another glance at the heroine.

'Nice try... Although you are pretty, I prefer brunettes... Kukuku.'

He turned and left the building trying to hide a smile.


Midoriya walked slowly, looking at the sky. Tonight was a full moon and he couldn't stop thinking about Kaguya's words about her people. He stopped a few times, sitting on benches and bus stops. The night was the part of the day where everyone rested, the part of the day where all the people left to their homes, the part where everyone loses their conscious to rest and get ready for the next day, but for Midoriya, the night had something strange... Something that invited him to stay in it. It was like the night itself wanted him there, as part of it. It felt good to walk in the empty streets, feeling the cold breeze that cleared his head and allowed him to think. He stopped and looked at the car that had been following him since he left the association, sighing again and whispering:

"Raijin's Augment - Moonchaser Rabbit" He waved at the car before vanishing, leaving the two officers inside gasping.

He watched from the top of a nearby building the car slowly turning to go around the block, trying to find him. He looked to his side and smiled:


He said looking straight into the invisible woman that was following him, possibly part of the association as well, he wondered if she was somehow related to Toru, but she wasn't actually invisible, just transparent. He found out that his new Blood Moon could also manipulate things without warning the target, like in this case, where he walked to the other edge of the building and the girl kept staring at his fake image that was sitting in the same place he was a few seconds ago. He jumped from the rooftop and said while descending:

"Fuujin's Augment - Icarus"

It didn't matter how many times he used that, he was always amazed by the fact he was flying. The feeling of freedom while going through the air was something he knew he was never going to get used to. The wind against his face, burning his eyes, the thrill of knowing he wasn't going to fall, but the feeling of danger that made his heart race anyway, he couldn't get enough of all that.

He arrived at his destination a few jumps later, descending to the street and looking around.

'I really am an idiot.'

He thought before activating his Blood Moon again, knocking on the door and getting in.

Midoriya found himself inside what looked like an old bar. The first thing that got his attention was the barman behind the counter. It didn't matter he was wearing a tuxedo, that was the purple villain that attacked them at the rescuing site. Midoriya saw two more people inside, one sitting and another standing. The person sitting was the man Midoriya couldn't forget, Shigaraki Tomura, who was now with his eyes locked on Midoriya's face. He got up, knocking his seat down and flew through the small area, going straight for Midoriya's face who dodged his advanced, placing his leg forward, making him fall to the ground. Before he could get up and attack again, a voice spoke and Midoriya recognized who it was, but the sound was strange and Midoriya found out why. The sound was coming from a television on the wall.

"Shigaraki, don't be rude to our guest."


"I know exactly who he is. I'm the one who invited him, so don't you worry."


Shigaraki couldn't believe the man's words, so after he got up, he walked back to his chair, never looking away from Midoriya.

"I wasn't expecting you to visit us so soon, Midoriya Izuku."

"I can't believe you weren't lying."

"I told you, I am not a liar."

Midoriya looked around, the place looked trashed, but they had a lot of new bottles behind the counter.

"I don't know why I came here... I must be crazy for accepting your invitation."

"Hahahaha... You're not crazy, you're as sane as a person can be."

"Sensei... Why did you call him here? He's just trash... He's the same as All Might."

"Don't be rude Shigaraki, he's here to understand what he is."

"Again, I'm not... Lost. I just... It feels... Right... It feels right to see both sides before I can make a decision, but this doesn't change the fact that I'm a hero."

"A hero?"

The man who was standing said with a sharp voice that sounded like a hiss. Midoriya looked at him and felt danger.

"This is the person I wanted you to meet, Midoriya. This is Stain, the Hero Killer."

Midoriya couldn't believe his ears. He knew who that man was, he already heard his name on the news, the name of the murderer who killed countless heroes around Japan for no apparent reason. His last victim was no other than Iida's brother, the pro-hero Ingenium. Midoriya remembered the news about Iida's old brother that almost died after being attacked by the hero killer. Midoriya unsheathed his swords, instantly receiving a draw from Stain as a response. Midoriya advanced, seeing him brandish his sword, blocking it with his silver blade, throwing the Kusanagi behind the purple villain. As the sword spiked the wall behind him, it broke a shelf, making a few bottles fall. Midoriya used his Raijin, noticing a second sword coming from the man called Stain. Before the swing came horizontally, Midoriya was already dodging with a jump followed by a pirouette, his new Blood Moon's Insight was so perfect that in a part of his mind, he was asking himself if he couldn't actually see a small part of the future. While he was mid-air, watching the horizontal swing pass below him, he snuck a glance at Shigaraki who was coming at him, his hand forward:


He finished his spin with a second glance at the falling bottles:


Stain sword appeared falling to the ground, while one of the bottles was on his hand, his face showing only surprise as Midoriya pushed forward again, forcing him to let go of the bottle and take a step back, brandishing his first sword vertically, but Midoriya grabbed the bottle right before it hit the ground and looking away, made a swing with it, using his right hand, a swing that blocked Stain's attack. The noise of the cracking bottle was heard behind the counter but the noise made by the contact was steel against steel. Midoriya was holding Stain's sword with his right, and his silver sword with his left. He made a swing with his silver blade, stopping right when the blade touched Stain's neck.

"Don't move."

Even if the killer wanted to, he couldn't do so. Midoriya energized the killer's sword, and the contact against the other blade was sending electricity through his whole body, paralyzing the villain. The League of Villains that was held as the most dangerous villain association nowadays was easily defeated by Midoriya in less than 10 seconds. The Kusanagi was also energized, making a direct link with the purple villain, aimed at the metal part around his neck. Midoriya analyzed the footage from that day at least a dozen times, he knew what was this guy's weakness. Shigaraki was passed out on the ground and the Hero Killer was now under his control.

The voice from the television said as if he was watching the whole thing.

Midoriya looked at the screen with disgust and spat the words:

"I wouldn't be that happy if I were you. I had the notion that you acted with a motive, but allying with indiscriminate killers... I've changed my mind... I'll turn all of them to the Heroes' Association."

"Midodriya Izuku."
The man paused and Midoriya heard in his voice that he was serious now.

"How about a bet?"

"A bet? Sorry, I'm not interested."
Midoriya was categoric, not wanting to play any games.

"Allow me to remind you how things stand: If you turn them to the association, I'll just find others to fill their places, but if you were to bet with me, I give you my word that I'll also turn myself in if I lose."

Midoriya had already thought about that the same night they met, he remembered thinking about this man's role in the League, he was the last boss so everything should end with him, not with his henchmen, Midoriya had to take advantage of the fact All for One didn't lie.

"Well... I guess I could at least listen... What is this bet?"

"A simple thing. You'll release Stain, Shigaraki, and Kurogiri. You'll spend a few hours with Stain in the city and when you come back here, you'll say these words to me: You were right. That's my bet."

"That's a very specific outcome... You know that all I need to do is fake it and come back telling you were wrong."

"I know that, but I also know you won't do it. Now, would you bet with me?"

"And if I lose?"

"You stay out of our way, and if you're willing, you could join us."


Midoriya thought for a second. He knew a fight against this man could be catastrophic but here he was, presenting himself as a gift... Midoriya could end this once and for all, all he had to do was lie at the end and this whole thing would be over.

He stopped producing energy on both swords, setting Kurogiri and Stain free, and a few seconds later, Shigaraki also got up, looking around stunned. He instantly went for Midoriya again, but the man called him from the television:

"Shigaraki, that's enough."

"Sensei? What happened?" He asked looking at everyone.

"Nothing, me and Midoriya just had a friendly chat. Now, Hero Killer, would you mind showing him what we talked about previously? Show him your will."

Stain exhaled heavily, his eyes never leaving Midoriya's. The boy had the same feeling from when he met Toga, like if he was in the presence of a wild animal. The villain sheathed his sword behind his back and walked by Midoriya, who handled him, his second sword as he passed. Midoriya pulled the Kusanagi from the wall and sheathed both of his weapons, following the villain outside. When they were at the door, All for One said:

"Before you go, it would be of your interest to hide your identity, there's a mask on the counter ready for you."

"I'm not a criminal, I don't need a mask."

"Suit yourself then. See you in a few hours."

They both walked out of the bar and Midoriya shivered from the cold wind, it was a really cold night.

"So what are we doing... Stain."

"How agile are you?"


"Can you climb buildings?"

"Ummm, yes."

"Good, follow me."

The villain jumped on pipes outside the building, going up with ease. Midoriya's eyebrows went up as he saw how agile he was.

'Interesting. Oh, right... Let me take this opportunity to test this.'

Midoriya concentrated and said:


He felt the wind bellow his feet and started jumping upwards, stopping right next to Stain, who looked at him with a wary expression.

'Umm, no alteration on the intensity of the power... So I guess I really don't need to say if it's either an Enhancement or an Augment... I'll check with all the other powers just to be sure.'

"Let's go."

Midoriya followed the villain, jumping buildings for at least 15 minutes, they were in a totally different part of the city that Midoriya instantly recognized as a noble area, where most rich people had their mansions. Stain stopped on the edge of a rooftop and crouched, while Midoriya went to his side, looking down the street. Before he could ask what they were waiting for, Stain spoke:

"I'm not part of that... League... Their goals differ from mine, but that man convinced me to do this at least."

"Do what exactly?"

"Show you how fake the heroes can be."

"Is that it?"

"You can't comprehend brat, you can't until you experience it, that's why you're here."

"Whatever you say."

"There, here's the first lesson."

Midoriya saw what caught his attention, a limo just stopped and a girl walked out of it, she had light gray hair or could be baby blue, he couldn't really tell the difference from the distance. The way she stood and move remembered Midoriya of royalty. Midoriya noticed by the mansion that she was about to enter that she could very well be some kind of princess. Midoriya was about to ask what they were doing spying on her like that when he saw Stain jumping down, going straight for her. Midoriya had no time to think, so he activated his enhancement and followed him close behind. Stain appeared on the sidewalk at the same time Midoriya did, and the girl looked to the side to the two newcomers. Midoriya thought how good her sense of danger was because she instantly got her guard up, her driver also walking out of the car.

"Who are you? What you want?"

Stain didn't say a thing, he just dashed and the girl took something out of her pocket, it looked like a cup. Midoriya remained next to the wall, where they couldn't see his face, perhaps the mask wasn't such a bad idea. Stain passed by her and struck her driver with the handle of his sword, knocking him out cold. Midoriya noticed how she gasped... He was there to observe but if things got out of hand he was going to step in.


"You'll come with me, Ojou-san."


"Fine then, I'll just cut this guy's head off-"

"NO! Ok, I'll come with you... Don't hurt him. What do you want? Is it money?"

Midoriya saw she stashing a cup inside her pocket again. She was shaking and breathing fast. Stain ran towards her, pulling a knife out, making Midoriya instantly activate his Blood Moon. Midoriya saw in slow-motion where his attack was going to land, taking a few steps forward to stop it if he were to harm her. He noticed the weird angle and predicted he was going to fake a slash next to her arm. In real-time, Stain attacked, slightly scratching the girl's arm, and proceed to lick the blood on the blade. The girl instantly fell to the ground, completely paralyzed.


Stain picked her up and placed her on his shoulders, walking back to her driver, taking out his sword, aiming at the man's face and going for the kill.


Even paralyzed the girl could still talk as she saw what he was going to. He made the move to spike his sword through the man's head, but a hand grabbed his wrist. He looked to the side and saw Midoriya who spoke without looking at him:

"There won't be any killing tonight."

"You weren't supposed to meddle."

"I don't care, nobody is dying tonight."

Midoriya looked at him with a dark expression and Stain sheathed his sword moving away from the man. A few minutes later, they arrived at an old warehouse. Midoriya saw Stain hit the girl on the back of her head, making her pass out, dropping her in the middle of the area. He pointed to the ceiling, jumping into one of the beams and Midoriya followed.

"What is this? Why are you kidnapping this girl."

"I paid a guy to tell the hero in charge of this area that he was the one responsible for her kidnapping, that he wanted to make some money from her family. The hero is about to arrive- Great, He's already here."

Midoriya saw a big man get in but didn't recognize him, he was wearing a white cape and had a mask just like a professional wrestling fighter. He looked around for some time, missing the spot Midoriya was with Stain and found the girl lying down unconscious. Midoriya looked at Stain with doubt all over his face and was about to ask what they were waiting for when he spotted something that made his eyes almost pop. The man was crouched next to the girl touching her breasts.

"What the fu-"

Midoriya moved to get down and teach that piece of shit a lesson when he felt his whole body freeze like if he was tased, he couldn't move a muscle. Stain whispered from his side without any hint of emotion:

"I got your blood at the moment you thought you dodged my swing at the bar, right there in your leg, you didn't even notice. About what's going on down there, this hero had a few complaints coming from women all over this neighborhood about how he touched them inappropriately in moments of rescuing. Because of that, I'm providing him with a situation he only dreamed of. The villain is already captured and the beautiful young lady is unconscious, nobody is watching, nobody is coming... What do you think he's going to do?"

Midoriya watched stunned as the man started removing his cape and his pants.


Midoriya was about to scream to the guy when Stain covered his mouth with a cloth, making him unable to speak. He heard the man talking to himself:

"Hehe, you're really pretty... How lucky. Well, let's just say that when I found you, you were already defiled... Kukuku. I mean... Cmon... Look at you... Delicious."

Midoriya was struggling, desperately trying to bite Stain's hand but his jaw was locked. He could only watch horrified. Stain began to whisper again:

"You must only watch Midoriya, that man is a licensed hero, he's the shining bright of this town, we can't meddle on his duty. He's here to protect."

Midoriya saw the hero kissing the girl's neck and felt his head was going to explode due to his effort to break free. He sneaked a glance at Stain with his eyes full of rage, but Stain never met his gaze, aware of what his power could do.

"What's the matter? Let's just watch. You see, heroes aren't angels just because they passed through hero's school and graduated... They're humans and most of them are just trash like this one, they hide behind a mask of goodness and righteousness but deep inside, they're all monsters, worse than most of the villains."

Midoriya never felt so helpless in his life than right now, seeing that piece of filth right there next to him but unable to do anything. He was trying to send signals to Raiju and trying to use Wrath when he saw the man pulling the girl underwear and whispering to himself:

"Time for the main dish."

At that moment, Midoriya felt something bigger than anger, he screamed so loud against the piece of cloth that Stain worried about what was about to happen. Midoriya saw red and his sole focus was the man down below, he couldn't think about anything else, not even the pressure on his right eye, not even the tear of blood that came down, staining his face, he didn't even notice the pressure that he could sure identify if he was paying attention. Out of nowhere, the man bellow was struck by something big, but barely visible, he was sent flying and collided against a wall, while Midoriya woke up from his frenzy feeling that what sent that man flying was somehow his power. He didn't know how but that feeling wasn't completely strange for him, so he pulled the thing back to him, aiming at Stain, who feeling the incoming danger, jumped away. Midoriya fell from the top of the ceiling but before he could hit the ground, he directed the force to grab him before he hit the floor. Then he understood what that was... He felt the bony fingers around his back and the way they felt... The way it was heavy... That was his Susano. He briefly noticed the pressure on his right eye, but that was left for later, because the hero was getting up, looking at Midoriya with a surprised face.

"How- What are you doing here boy? I mean- This is a crime scene, who are you and what are you doing here?"


Midoriya could feel his movements coming back, but couldn't find Stain anywhere.

"I asked you a question boy, did you just attacked me?"

Midoriya snuck a glance at the girl lying unconscious, her neck bruised, her clothes torn, and looked back to the man.

"Why did you do this?"

"Did what? I don't know where you came from but this girl was already like that when I arrive-"

"I saw from the beginning... Why did you try to abuse her... You're supposed to be a hero."

Midoriya could barely control his anger while talking to this man, disgusted by his attempt to trick him. The man gave up his act and lunged at Midoriya, delivering a dropkick to his chest, but Midoriya didn't move a centimeter. The hero felt something too solid and dropped to the floor, looking up to see a ribcage in front of Midoriya. From up close, the man saw Midoriya's eyes and felt a shiver, but also recognized him.

"You're that kid... The Raijin, aren't you? I know you... Look, this is a big misunderstanding kid, why don't we-"

Midoriya made a wide gesture with his hand and his Susano imitated sending the man flying against another wall. Midoriya couldn't feel the pressure on his right eye now. He raised his arm forward and his Susano did the same, grabbing the man and bringing him close, it was like wearing a remote control toy, the Susano arm obeyed his every movement and he couldn't feel the same drain from the time on the bookstore. He pulled the man close to his face, ignoring the fact that he was half-naked.

"Ugh... You little fucker... What do you- What are you doing?! I'm a pro hero you little shit, let me go."

The mention to the word Hero, snaped something inside Midoriya making him start to close his hand tighter. The man screamed as he was being crushed. It was strange, that Midoriya wasn't actually touching the man but could feel his body on his hand. After a few seconds, Midoriya stopped and slightly opened his hand.

"Argh... You fucker... You- Won't... Get away with-"


Midoriya's shout went out with a wave of power, sending dust around, making the walls shake and the ceiling loses a few tiles. His outburst instantly made the man shut up, looking at his red eyes, terrified.

"If another word comes out of your mouth I'm going to kill you."


Suddenly, Midoriya felt a presence behind him but didn't bother to turn and check, he knew who it was. Stain walked closer and looked at the Susano's arm, amazed by Midoriya's power. He later came closer to Midoriya and asked:

"What are you doing Midoriya? Let him go, he's a hero-"

"Shut up Stain. You chose this one among the good heroes, you picked one who had these tendencies, you won't fool me to-"

"What are you talking about, the night is only beginning. We need to go, so put him down already, I have to kill this fake trash."


"Oy, you won't let him kill me will you?"



"Just shut up." Midoriya hissed and the man started shaking.

Midoriya looked at Stain and back at the passed out girl. He looked inside the man's eyes and said:

"Right now, I don't have a problem with letting you get killed... You deserve worse."

The man was about to plead for his life again when Midoriya continued:

"But it just hit me... I can actually do worse." Midoriya concentrated and said:


The man blinked to the strange reddish light all around and noticed he wasn't in the warehouse anymore, he also noticed he couldn't move. He saw Midoriya coming wearing a long cape that flew sideways on the wind, with his eyes glowing. The man was about to ask what was going on when Midoriya said:

"Sinners must somehow pay for their crimes, right?"

The man just stared at him as he saw hundreds of swords starting to fly behind the boy, all aimed at him

"Pay up... Welcome to hell."

Stain was looking at the two motionless figures but didn't dare to approach. After 5 minutes, Midoriya came back, letting go of the man who fell to the floor, fainted.

"What happened?"

"You said we need to go, let's go."

"I need to kill him first-"

"No, you don't. I already did that."


"When he wakes up, his brain is going to emulate the things I did to him inside my Moonlight... He won't have any movement on his limbs and probably some damage on his brain as well... He'll live the rest of his life like that... I took everything from him, except for his life... His life will never feel like a gift ever again, he'll only curse the fact he's still breathing."

"So you were the jury and the judge?"

Midoriya turned and thought about giving Stain a tour inside the Moonlight as well, but gave up when he heard the girl moving. He approached and whispered to Stain:

"If you try to incapacitate me again I don't care about my bet, I'll kill you where you stand."

Stain noticed his tone and the ribcage around him and didn't think it was wise to tease him right now, so he just went to the door, waiting for him to follow. Midoriya turned and picking the girl from the ground, started carrying her to safety. When they were next to her mansion, they saw a lot of cruisers next to the front gate and Midoriya looked at the girl on his arms, her eyes were wide open, locked on his face.


"I'm sorry for what happened to you today miss, I never thought things were going this far... I'm sorry that you got hurt. I'll leave you here next to your house so if you can walk-"

The girl moved and Midoriya jumped from the rooftop arriving in an alley. The girl jumped down from his arms and looked at him while hugging herself.

"I'm so sorry-"

Midoriya tried to apologize again when he saw her hand coming, but he didn't dodge it, he knew he deserved worse. She slapped him hard and Midoriya saw tears running down her face. He got straight and she slapped him again, punching him in the chest and his face, twice... Thrice. Midoriya didn't move nor tried to defend himself, he just waited and took it in. She stopped her rampage and started to cry, covering her mouth. Midoriya knew that contact right now wasn't the answer, but he didn't care... He took a step forward and grabbed her, hugging her. At first, she tried to break free from his arms, but after a few seconds, Midoriya felt she grabbing on his shirt, her crying breaking into a sobbing.

"I'm so, so sorry."

After at least 2 minutes, she finally calmed herself down and pushed him away. This time Midoriya allowed her to get some distance and looked at her face, which was revealing nothing. She looked to the street and walked away without saying a word, going towards her home. Midoriya didn't wait and jumped away, getting out of there. He started dashing away, too fast, trying to let what just happened to be taken away by the wind, but after some time, he noticed Stain following him, so he stopped and waited.

"Are you ok with her identifying you to the police?"

"I don't... I don't care."

"Umm, let's go to the next stop."

Midoriya wanted to say no, he didn't know what was about to happen but he was sure it was worse than what he just saw. He wanted to say no but instead, he just let Stain pass by him and started following the Hero Killer.

After a while, they arrive in a red light area never leaving the shadows, jumping between rooftops they saw less known pro-heroes getting in questionable places.

"Most of them are idols to the children... I'm not saying they're wrong, it's their life, but at the moment they called themselves heroes, they lost their right to do this sort of thing."

Midoriya kept watching all that with his mouth open.

"Not what you expected huh? The world isn't rainbows and sunshines Midoriya... It's ugly and dirty, and all the people in it are the same, they all have secrets. In your whole life, I'm sure you never saw any of this, but this means you're finally opening your eyes... You're finally seeing who they really are."

Midoriya jumped away from that place and Stain followed, indicating their next spot. They went around town watching the worst situations Midoriya ever saw on his life, every time they stopped Midoriya felt that a part of his soul was being severed, he felt that something was being changed inside of him... Something was being changed in a way he could never go back to what he was before. They saw a pro-hero beating a burglar unconscious after he already surrendered and turned himself in, laughing as he broke both arms and legs of the boy, who could have Midoriya's age. They saw pro-heroes bullying and humiliating normal citizens and at the end of the night, Midoriya was sitting on the edge of a rooftop, looking down at the lights below, trying to fight the urge to vomit. Stain sat on the same ledge, but a few meters apart.

"This is why I kill them... They don't deserve to be called heroes... They stain the word hero, they twist the true meaning of being a hero... They're all fakes... They all must die... The only one who's worthy to be called a hero... Is All Might."

Midoriya heard his monologue in silence, he didn't have an answer anymore, he was just thinking about what to do next. He looked down and saw the last place Stain pointed to him. Two criminals were trying to rob an ATM, one of them using a strange saw quirk. While he observed, a hero came running like a bullet and punched both criminals until they went down unconscious. The hero looked at the open ATM and saw the piles of cash, and Midoriya knew what was going to happen before it happened. The man took it and stashed the money inside his costume, calling for the police to arrest the culprits. When the cruisers arrived, a news van also came by, and a reporter went directly to him, asking about what had happened. Midoriya was far way but could mimic what he was saying using his Blood Moon, so he started repeating and Stain looked at him while he spoke:

"I came a little late... Three robbers were here trying to break and steal this ATM. Unfortunately, one of them had a flying quirk and got away with the money, but I managed to get these two, they'll lead us to the third one."

Midoriya stopped talking and diactivated his power, looking up to the sky taking deeps breaths.

"Robbers... Rapists... Murderers... Kidnappers... All of them, day and night... Walking down the streets wearing costumes to hide their repugnant souls... They all must be cleansed... I'll bring the meaning of being a hero back to its origins... I'll take them to another level... I'll judge those and kill the ones who aren't worth the title."

"What about the hero called Ingenium? He's the brother of my classmate... Why did you try to kill him?"

"Ahhh, I remember him... He's a fake one... He calls himself a hero, but in the end, he just wants a way to show off his power and be acclaimed, he's vain and shallow."

"That's not a good reason."

"It's enough for me."

Midoriya looked away from him because, at this moment, he couldn't argue with this man's logic, not because he couldn't, but because he didn't want to. He saw the first rays of sunlight appearing and got up.

"I'll head back, there's no need for you to escort me."

"I have the feeling we're going to see each other again soon, Midoriya Izuku."


Before Midoriya could jump away, the Hero Killer said:

"Before you go, aren't you curious why I didn't try to kill you?"

Midoriya just looked over his shoulder and waited.

"Because you're worthy of being called a hero. You didn't care about anything but the girl, you didn't care about the bet or yourself... You're the definition of a Hero... You're the same as All Might so don't let the League suck you in... Don't let them corrupt you and infect your system... If you do, I'll be coming for you as well."

He finished saying that and vanished, leaving Midoriya echoing his words inside his head.


The door went open and Midoriya walked in. Again, he saw the purple mist villain called Kurogiri and Shigaraki Tomura. They stopped talking when he walked in, Shigaraki looking at his face with disgust and Kurogiri, with concern. Midoriya approached the counter. The man on the TV smiled, he wasn't wearing his mask but Midoriya couldn't see his eyes, just part of his face and his mouth.

"Welcome back Midoriya."

Midoriya looked at the television emotionless and said after a short time:

"I won't allow your plans to continue."

The man stopped smiling and waited for the rest, Midoriya spoke looking at the bottles behind Kurogiri:

"Your goal is anarchy... Is chaos... And I won't allow that. I understand... I do... But I cannot abide. As a signal of respect, I won't tell anyone about this place, this place will be Switzerland, but at the moment you walked outside to do anything harmful to the people, I'll be there to destroy you. Yes, you heard me right... I won't give you to the police... I won't give you to the association... If I get any of you outside of here, I'll kill you."

Midoriya turned away, opening the door, but when he was about to walk outside, a voice called him, making him stop.

"Midoriya Izuku... Aren't you forgetting something?"

Midoriya looked back to his smug face and hit the door close behind him with force, breaking the glass above it. The two inside looked at each other while All for One started to laugh:

"Kukukuku, what a sore loser."

"Sensei, what are we going to do now? We just got a new enemy... A powerful one."

"My dear Shigaraki... Do you really believe you found yourself an enemy? Today was a complete success."

"He just said he was going to kill us Sensei, how's that a success?"

"His eyes, Shigaraki... His eyes changed."

"What you mean Sensei?" Kurogiri asked.

"He didn't look at you two with disgust, he didn't saw you as two villains anymore... Fear not, it may not be today, but I'm certain Midoriya Izuku will somehow aid us in the future. How many heroes have you ever heard saying they respect us?"

"I don't see how he can help us, but I'll trust you, sir."

"Don't worry Kurogiri, I have someone in mind who's going to change the tides."


All for One just smiled, looking at a file on his hand, a file named: Himiko Toga.


Midoriya was flying using his Icarus, but this time, the wind against his face and the thrill of the flight were gone, it was as if he was numbed by everything that happened tonight. He stopped in a roof next to his house and waited, not wanting to get inside, he felt contaminated, he felt disgusted... He could only remember the ashen haired girl and her attacks. What was the right choice? What was good and bad? He didn't know anymore. Raiju materialized in front of him and just stared at him in silence. After some time, the wolf sat and looked around while speaking:

'I thought this could happen, but I didn't expect something that extreme.'

"I don't know what to do... I don't know how to behave... What am I Raiju? Am I a villain? Should I be one? Should I be a hero? Am I still worthy to call myself one?"

Raiju turned and talked with his back at Midoriya:

'Right now, this is something you must decide for yourself... I'm here to set you straight in the path you choose, but the choice must come from you.'

"So you don't care if I become a villain?"

'Not at all, but I know you won't become one.'


'Because of your mother.'


'Imagine the look on her face when she discovers you've become a villain, this may help you choose right.'

Midoriya instantly felt ashamed, even though he didn't do anything too wrong yet, but he knew he couldn't let her down like that... He wouldn't.

"I need to think."

'First, you need to sleep, you have school in a few hours.'

The concept of school was funny for Midoriya right now, he wanted to laugh about that word... What does the school teach? Formulas? Other languages? Fighting styles? Team play? He felt like all that was just... Bullshit.

"Cmon, you still need to go, even if you feel this way."

"I know."

He gave up and walked inside, trying to fight the doubt that had grown inside of him like a vine, like a vine from an evil plant.


The chamber's door went open and a girl walked out, wearing a white kimono. She looked around and Yamamoto got closer, holding her arms.

"How are you feeling?"

"I- I don't know... My head hurts."

"Good, this means the infusion was a success."

"How can you know?"

"You're not dead."


"Now, let's start your training so you can control your beast."

"Why... Why do I need to- Train?"

"To avenge your death... To kill the person responsible for your demise."

"Are you going to tell me who is this person?"

Yamamoto slightly smiled before saying:

"Her name is... Yaoyorozu Momo."


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