He Deserves Better (Katekyo H...

De AliceVermillion27

211K 7.7K 2K

Summary: First they ignored me, then they hurt me, then bullied me, abused me, and finally snapping at being... Mais

Prologue: The 14 Years of my Life
Chapter 1: Another Accident?
Chapter 2: My New Family?
Chapter 3: My Last and First Time
Chapter 4: The Humble House That is Now Dubbed as the Craziest
Omake: Family Bonding Time: Varia Style!
Chapter 5: That Faithful Day
Chapter 6: Calming The Raging Storm
Chapter 7: The Rain That Must Be Saved
Chapter 8: Searching For The Rain
Chapter 9: Spring, Moon, and the Extreme sun
Chapter 10: Helping the EXTREME Sun with a bit of Thunder
Chapter 11: The Mists After the Sun
Chapter 12: The Time at the Hospital and the Sun Arcobaleno's plan
Chapter 13: The Trip to the Mist Duo
Chapter 14: Varia's Comeback
Chapter 15: Twins Reunited
Chapter 16: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 17: Half Vongola Rings
Chapter 18: Their Little Reunion
Chapter 18.5 Cosplay Week Varia Style
Chapter 19: Two Sides Conflicted
Chapter 20: Before the Match
Chapter 21: Encounter
Chapter 22 Until the Last: Goodbye
Extra Chapter: Art

Omake: Birthday Special

5.4K 227 27
De AliceVermillion27

Omake: The Celebration of Our Birthdays


Timeline: ? (it's a secret)

"Aahh! I'm so sleepy! I want to go home, fast!" A blond teen whined as he stretched his arms to fight the sleepiness.

"Now now, Iey-kun. We're already near your house. Just make sure that you don't sleep on the street before we got home, though." A brunet reprimanded as he saw his twin already dozing off.

"Hai hai! If you say so, Tsuna-nii." The blond, now known as Ieyasu said as he continued to walk beside his brother. "Though, you don't have to say that 'our' house is only mine. You're welcome there anytime."

Tsuna put up a sad smile after hearing that and said. "You welcome me but, she doesn't."

"Tsuna-nii.." Ieyasu looked down, guilty from what he said. "I'm sorry..."

Tsuna panicked when he saw Ieyasu became sad so he reassured him. "Ah, Iey-kun, it's not your fault. Lift your head up now."

"Now what did you do, Damn-copy?! You're making Juudaime sad!" The silveret shouted from behind.

"What did you say, silver-freak?! I'm not making Tsuna-nii sad! And you're still calling me that?!" Ieyasu shouted back.

Gokudera snorted and rolled his eyes. "The damn-copy will always be the damn-copy. That would never change."

Ieyasu growled and glared and Gokudera did too so to change the mood, the raven-haired teen, Yamamoto, decided to stop them. "Maa maa, Iey, Gokudera, don't fight. We're all friends, right?"

The white-haired teen, Ryohei, nodded in agreement. "Hm, that's right. FRIENDS SHOULD NOT BE FIGHTING TO THE EXTREME!" But this just made the two more annoyed.

"Shut it, turf-top, baseball-idiot! We are not friends!" Ieyasu and Gokudera retorted and when they realize they said the same thing, it made them fight more. "Don't copy what I say, Damn-copy/Silver-freak!"

Tsuna sweatdropped and sighed as he watched the whole thing. Why did the normal walk from school became this chaotic? "This never change."

Then a giggle was heard beside him. It was the girls. "Don't worry, Tsuna-kun. It just mean that they are lively and well." Kyoko said.

"She's right, Tsuna-san! So don't be depressed." Haru chirped.

"Boss..." The shy girl, Chrome, cheered Tsuna in her own way.

Tsuna smiled and thanked them before walking again. Well actually, Tsuna's already accustomed to them. It's already like a daily basis. Everyday, Gokudera and Ieyasu would fight, Yamamoto would try stopping them, Ryohei would only make it worse, and the girls would cheer him up. For him, it's already normal. Don't forget that he also had a crazy family.

After a moment of silence, Yamamoto suddenly spoke. "Hey, isn't Iey's birthday tomorrow?"

"Tch. It's nothing to talk about. Damn-copy doesn't need any birthdays." Gokudera scoffed making Ieyasu glare at him.


"That's a great idea, onii-san!" Kyoko said.

While they are fussing about how they should celebrate Ieyasu's birthday, Tsuna just smiled at them and remembered how his birthdays was like before he met Varia. It was really sad and lonely.

Ieyasu looked at Tsuna again and had a great idea. "Hey Tsuna-nii! Let's celebrate at your house! I'm tired of Mom's party so... can we?"

"I d-don't know. Xanxus-nii and the others just arrived 4 days ago to celebrate his birthday and you know how much he despise you." Tsuna cringed in fear remembering the day of the conflict. It was really scary.

Ieyasu cringed in fear, too, but continued nonetheless. "I-i know b-but still." He begged with his own version of puppy eyes then whispered something in Tsuna's ears.

After hearing what Ieyasu has to say, Tsuna smirked which the guardians found creepy, scary, and unusual. Tsuna continue on with a smile and said. "I'll try."


"Then it's settled then. We'll celebrate at Tsuna-san's house." Haru said.

"I'll bring the sushi!" Yamamoto exclaimed.

"Tch. Imposing Juudaime for a stupid birthday." Gokudera mumbled and Ieyasu smirked.

"So, how was Bianchi-nee's birthday, Hayato?" Tsuna suddenly asked.

Gokudera suddenly curled up. "A-aneki..."


"A-aneki... baked the cake and..." Gokudera's eyes suddenly darkened. "and forced me to eat it."

Everybody gave him a sympathetic look . Poor Gokudera... having a hard time facing Bianchi's fury.


"Like I care about your master's birthday, turf-top!"

Even though Gokudera said that, Both Tsuna and Ieyasu deadpanned and mentally screamed. 'I totally forgot!'

"Haha! Now that you think about it, today's the kid's birthday too!"

"It's about time you remembered." A sudden voice said.

Tsuna and Ieyasu nervously turned around to face the newcomer. They know this voice very well.

"Reborn! I never thought I'd see you here" Ieyasu is now sweating bullets.

"Hi Reborn!" Tsuna waved at the hitman. Seeing the two like this, Reborn smirked. And when Reborn smirks, bad things happen. And when bad things happen, Tsuna and Ieyasu is always involved.

"Hn. I think I'm going to enjoy this year's birthday after all." And the both started running.

"Juudaime!/Tsuna! Iey!/ EXTREME RUN!" And these three followed suit.

Haru puffed his cheeks. "Those boys..."

Kyoko smiled then looked at the gift she's holding. "Reborn-kun! Happy Birthday!"

"Reborn-san Happy Birthday!"

"H-happy B-birthday..."

"Hn thanks. Now, if you excuse me, I've got things to settle."


"Tadaima!" Tsuna said as he stepped inside the house.

"Okaeri Tsu-chan~!" Lussuria welcomed him from the kitchen. "How's school?"

"Fine." Tsuna replied before going to the kitchen himself. And when Lussuria saw him, he immediately panicked and hugged him…tightly "Oh my God! Tsu-chan! What happened to you?"

"L-lussuria-nee-chan! I can't breathe!" Tsuna complained as Lussuria released him from the hold and apologized. Tsuna panted first from the loss of oxygen before speaking. "Reborn."

It only took one word for Lussuria to understand Tsuna's situation. He didn't ask any further about that. Well, knowing Reborn, he probably had a reason to why he did that. So, he just nodded and went back to work.

"Where are Xanxus-nii and the others?" Tsuna asked.

"Work. Though, your Xanxus-nii is in his room. You should go see him." Lussuria replied.

"Thanks. I need to speak with Xanxus-nii about something."

"Okay then. Take your time. I'll just call you when it's time for dinner."



"Xanxus-nii? Are you there?" Tsuna knocked on the door to Xanxus room and waited there for a few minutes before he got an answer.

"Hn. Come in." So, Tsuna turned the knob and went inside. There, he saw Xanxus sitting on his favorite magic chair (That Tsuna still doesn't know where it came from.). "What brings you here?"

Tsuna fidgeted a little. He really doesn't know what to say but with the little courage he had, he managed. "Xanxus-nii, can we celebrate with Ieyasu tomorrow-"

"No." Xanxus sternly said. This just shows how he really hate and despise Tsuna's twin. So Tsuna, with no other choice left, used his final resort, his greatest weapon. The puppy dog eyes with a meaning behind.

Xanxus smirked, fully understanding what Tsuna meant. It means he's up to something interesting. "Hn. Fine. But I still hate that scum."

"Thank you Xanxus-nii!" Tsuna smiled before leaving.


The day of their birthday came. There are plenty of balloons, decorations, and stuff. Even the table is really full. It was perfect, well, except for one.

"VOOOIIIII! That brat is coming?!"

"Ushishishi, how dare he ruins my birthday party for my little bunny."

"Bel-senpai, you mean 'our', right?"

"Shut up, froggy!"

"Yare yare, it's really troublesome."

"Mou~ The closer the better, right?"


"Shut the fuck up! If Tsuna says he's coming then he's coming. No complaints." Xanxus, being irritated as he is, ordered them to stop. Not exactly ordered. He used his trusty guns just to shut them up.

After a moment of silence, there's suddenly a knock on the door.

"That must be them!" Lussuria exclaimed. "I'm going to get it."


"Hmm, I should get downstairs now. Maybe they're here already. I shouldn't let them wait for long." Tsuna said as he took a last look on the mirror.

When he went downstairs, the first person he saw was Hibari on the far corner of a room with fewer crowds. Tsuna sighed. Hibari is still Hibari. On one corner, the girls and the others are chatting with each other. Then on another room, there he saw all of the guardians and Ieyasu and the Varia are having a glaring contest. He sighed once again. There's nothing new there too. For them to stop, Tsuna had to butt in. "Uhm, guys? Maybe we should start now."

Not wanting to disappoint the brunet, they all stopped their argument and formed a temporary truce.


"Happy Birthday To You~" Everybody cheered after they sang the last line. Everybody was happy even Xanxus despite Ieyasu's presence.

"Make a wish and blow the candle now." Someone said from the group except for Varia. But instead of complying with it, Ieyasu shook his head then said.

"My wish is already granted so there's no need. You deserved it better Tsuna-nii. Happy Birthday!"

Tsuna was really touched by what Ieyasu said that he is on the verge of crying. He was really glad that Ieyasu returned to the way he was before that incident. "Then I wish that all my family and friends will stay together. Always…" Then he blew the candles. "Happy Birthday too, Ieyasu"

While everyone was 'happily bonding', at least 2 people froze in their place thinking about the same thing. 'Tsuna's/Juudaime's birthday is today?' It was Tsuna's 2 best friends.

As if reading their minds, Xanxus and the Varia either snorted or rolled their eyes. 'Are they stupid?'

"Ushishishi~ Well, duh? They are twins." Bel mocked them.

"VOOOIIII! You're his subordinates and you don't even know? How stupid."

"JUUDAIME! I'm so sorry! I failed as a right-hand man!"

"Sorry Tsuna! I really don't know."

"Ah! Don't apologize! It's my own fault anyways. I didn't even tell you. Sorry!" Tsuna said while he is busy stopping Gokudera in committing seppuku.

"But isn't it fair? We don't even know that today is also the brat's birthday." Fran stated.

"Ushishishi~ Oi froggy, didn't we agreed that you won't say it?"

"But I thought it would be interesting."

Gokudera smirked. This is the perfect chance to counter. "And I thought I hear you said 'Twins'.

"Ushishishi~ Now you've done it."

And now another fight broke now with the addition of 'I'll bite you to death', 'Scums', and 'Kufufufufu~'. Tsuna sighed and silently went to his room. He was getting tired of stopping them but before he did that, he warned. "I'm in my room if you need me. Just keep doing your thing but remember the house rules."

All of the varia members froze hearing that. They all knew the consequences when they break it. Curious, all the non-varia members asked. "What house rules?"

"Don't even ask."


On one corner, a certain hitman smirked watching the scene. "Now this should be what Vongola looks like."


A/N: Hi! So yeah... I realized I still haven't posted this here.. It's on fanfiction though. It was supposed to be Reborn and Tsuna's birthday celebration. I know it's not october but who cares. I'm just gonna post it here while you wait for the next chap (Hint: it's not really a serious chap though) Well, hope you enjoy it! :) One more thing, the timeline's not really a secret anymore since you already know they have reconciled.. (reconciled... xD) so I guess this will be after all the arc.

That's all! Thank you for all the comments and votes last chapter.. I'm not gonna discontinue this fic even if I haven't updated for months.. xD


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