Grassland Dreamer (Sequel Sav...

De LimhannyDong

811 450 21

Dongbuk Empire has been prosperous more than twenty years. A small nation, Yamato has been invading their por... Mais

1. Grassland dreamer
2. Siblings
3. Mt. Tarashan
4. A thief
5. Fortune teller
6. I'm still alive
7. Royal Family
8. Just another day for Jimin
9. I finally found you
10. Visit
11. Is he dead?
12. Jinx fortune teller
13. The hunt for Black Pearl
14. Future daughter in law?
15. His unwanted fiancee
16. Finding a wife for him
17. Garden party
18. The journey
19. Poisoned
20. Secrets blown
21. Holy doctor
22. Refugees
23. Haedong
24. Fishing
25. All in
26. Engagement
27. Seungho
28. Crown Prince
29. Downfall of the Royal Consort
30. Fugitive
31. Craving for her
32. Lady Hyerin
33. Naval battle
34. Dealing with the doctor
35. Weeding
36. Thinking about the future
37. The stinky beggar
38. Regret
39. Hyungbin's grudge
40. I shall marry him
41. Jinx
42. The retired beggar
43. Royal Uncle
44. Burning joss money
45. Bodyguards
46. Chess pieces
47. Payback
48. Assassination
49. More assassinations
50. Heir to the Throne
51. Looking for a heir
52. How to woo a Lady
53. Wedding proposal
54. Rejection
56. All's well ends well

55. Things I should do

14 7 0
De LimhannyDong

Hwan scolds, "I told you not to go near me. I have too many enemies."

His eyes scan around them. No one could be seen. It doesn't mean they are safe here.

"I just don't understand. Why you are targeted?"

Hwan sighs. Hyerin keeps showing up anywhere he goes. It has been a week now. He usually kills other stalkers. He couldn't harm or kill her.

He warns, "I don't want you to get hurt. It's better you stay away from me."

Hyerin blocks his path. They are in a small alley. He has chosen this route to avoid her. She still found out about it.

Hyerin folds his hands.

She mocks, "You aren't going anywhere until you explain everything to me."

Hwan sighs and he rubs his head. He really hates to explain it to her.

Hyerin says, "I'm still waiting."

"Have you ever heard of Shadow Moon?"

"Who doesn't? They do all the nasty things."

"Well, I'm the leader."

Hyerin's eyes are widened in her shock.

Hwan adds, "Assassinations. Evil gossips. Robberies. Thievery. Nothing couldn't be done in our scope of organization."

"How could you?"

"We shall do anything to keep our country safe. Anything to eliminate the enemies of Dongbuk Empire."

Hyerin asks, "Aren't you just a playboy prince?"

"Red Rose Inn used to be our HQ. Not anymore."

Hyerin is silent. The info is too hard to process. It looks like he is speaking the truth. He is just a prince. It doesn't make sense when people keep trying to claim his life like that.

Hwan walks pass her. Hyerin turns around to see his back.

In another alley, one of Jennie's old maid reports, "I've relayed Young Master's route to her everyday. She has been tailing him like a hound from Hell."

Lee Ji Eun smiles.

She comments, "At least she isn't a dimwit. Let's see if she's brave enough to match with Hwan."


Hwan looks around. No sign of Hyerin. It has been three days. She has stopped following him. He sighs. There is a glimpse of hope she would be too stubborn to stop stalking him.

"A smart woman would quit."

He just said those comments when a subordinate comes. A new trainee is following closely behind him.

Hwan asks, "What's her specialty?"

"Stalking, Master."

The new agent smiles too brightly to him. Hwan squints his eyes. Hyerin has the nerve to join Shadow Moon organization.

He threatens, "I told you about our job description. Yet you still come here."

"For my country. I have nothing to loose."

Hwan knows his mother must be behind this. He never approved to recruit her. He looks around them. His gaze has seen a woman in a balcony of a nearby building.

Lee Ji Eun smiles when she nods her head.

Hwan only says, "Tch, fine. Don't cry like a baby later. Training isn't like a walk in a park."

"I'm tougher than I look."

Today marks the day Hyerin officially joins Shadow Moon organization.

One month has passed since she officially became an agent.

Hwan is standing on a balcony from one of his restaurants. He is looking down on the street. Tonight is festival lantern night. Families are celebrating outdoors. Eating snacks from street vendors. Children are singing while playing with each others.

Hwan smiles while fanning himself.

Hyerin asks, "You love festivals?"

"Oh, it's you. When I see kids are smiling, I felt everything we have done are worthy. The commoners could live happily. Our country is strong enough to protect them."


Hyerin couldn't look away from him. She always thought Hwan was a womanizer. She learned from other agents that Hwan is a strict leader. He never touched the whores, his subordinates.

Hwan is a cunning man. Hard to deceive him. He could do anything to achieve his goal. She should be scared at him.

A servant whispers something into his ear. Hwan's smile fades away. He straightens his back and closes his fan.

Hwan orders, "Tell the others, time for banquet."

"Yes, Master."

Hwan stares Hyerin.

He orders, "You, newbie, stay here."

Hwan and five agents set out at once.

Hyerin isn't the type who listen to him easily. She secretly follows them.

Fifty men dressed as peasants are attacking the prime minister's gate at night. The guards are having hard times to defend the gate.

Hwan and his agents attack them at once. Hyerin sits down on rooftops, watching them. Hwan kills his opponents with agile movements. He always attacks vital parts. Leaving no chance for survival.

Finally all the foes have been slain. Hwan wipes blood from his face.

Yamato again.

They couldn't kill the Emperor. So they aimed for the prime minister.

He orders, "Double the security. If possible, sent the prime minister and his family into the palace complex in the morning."

The palace complex has seventy empty palace. Most of them have remained empty since his grandpa's era. 

When Hwan returns to the restaurant, Hyerin has already arrived. She is busy eating a sweet yam filled bun.

Hwan asks, "Does it taste good?"

She nods her head.

Hwan asks, "Do you enjoy our performance earlier?"

"You know?"

"I must be dumb if I didn't know you're up there. Don't worry. We don't usually hold banquet too often."

It seems banquet is a code name for annihilation.

Hwan grabs a bun and eats it. Killing always makes him starving. He is already numb to killing. When he first killed someone, he couldn't eat meat for the whole week.

Suddenly Hyerin says, "Yes."


"Yes, I will marry you."

"When did I propose to you?"

Hyerin glares at him before she rises from her seat. She snatches the plate of bun before leaving.

Hwan laughs heartily.

He yells, "You promised me! Remember it, okay? I'll go talk to general Jennie tomorrow morning!"

Hyerin whispers, "Idiot. Don't let mom kill you for your big mouth."


Hyerin got awakened in mid morning. She couldn't sleep last night so she wakes up late.

Clashing metal noises in the courtyard has awakened her. Hwan is fighting with Jennie right now. A smashed flower bouquet has been scattered on the ground.

Jennie roars, "You want to marry her? Over my dead body!"

"She has to marry me! I'm the only one for her!"

"She could marry Choi Min-gi!"

"Nope. He won't marry her. No man dares to marry my Tigress."

Jennie grits her teeth when Hyerin steps into the courtyard to defend Hwan. Her step daughter is still wearing her night gown. It's obvious she has just woke up.

Jennie roars, "You chose him!"

Hwan mocks, "Of course. She would choose the father of her baby."

Jennie's eyes widened. She stares Hyerin and then Hwan. The second prince makes a pointing gesture to Hyerin's flat tummy on purpose.

Jennie scolds, "You stupid..."

"Don't curse. What if the baby hear you?"

"You, you, unbelievable!"

Hwan is fanning himself. He has a smug smile on his face. Like a proud father.

Jennie leaves the courtyard in her anger.

Hyerin pinches Hwan's ear.

She asks, "What baby?"

"Our baby in the future of course. It wasn't my fault she has mistaken it."

This sly fox. Can't believe she has fallen for him.

Hwan says, "Tigress, let's get in and face the Lioness. We better get her permission before she changed her mind."


Many miles away from Capital city...
Another Naval battle has taken place in the sea few miles outside Gyan city harbor.

Jung Hae In and Choi Min-gi have led different battleships to counterattack ships from Yamato.

Barrage fires keep fired in certain intervals. Ships got sunk. Many naval soldiers are killed in the fierce battlefield.

Li Yan rubs his beard. He is satisfied with his pupils. They are promising youths.

It's already sunset when the battle is concluded. Yamato has lost too many battleships. The fleet has withdrawn from their waters.

Li Yan lights a firework. The beautiful flowers made from flame illuminated the  night sky.

Three small battleships appear from behind one of uninhabited island few miles outside Gyan city harbor.

The ships attack the Commander's ship. The Light sabers are fast in maneuvers. Hard for enemy's battleships to attack them with barrage fires.

The Light sabers are equipped with the latest canon technology. The shooting range is 100 meter. Ten meter further than Yamato battleships.

After an hour of fierce naval battle, almost all of the Yamato fleet has sunken into the bottom of the sea. The biggest victory for the Dongbuk Empire.

The Naval soldiers are cheering when they have won the battle. They couldn't believe they have made such a great feat. This battle shall be recorded in history book for sure.

Li Yan nods his head. He is making plans to invade Yamato Island. When their new ships are ready, it's time to conquer that annoying small nation.

Dongbuk Empire must act fast. Eliminate the threat. Never let Yamato nation recovers from the loss. Giving enemy a chance to revenge is just plain stupid.

Yoon-gi receives the envoy from Yamato nation three days after the total annihilation.

The envoy says, "Our King wants to sign a peace agreement with your country, Your Majesty."

His words might sound humble. The envoy looks haughty enough.

The Emperor squints.

He says, "Non negotiable. Just prepare for full invasion."

The envoy is shocked.

He threatens, "Don't be over confident. Our fleet could easily squash your puny Naval army."

Suddenly a man walks into the Throne room.

He greets, "Long time no see, brother. Are you well?"

The ninth prince stares Seungho with disgust.

He scolds, "I don't have a traitorous brother like you."

"You guys labelled me as a traitor first. Just have to live up my name."


"Stop your whining. I'm not the old me. Tell uncle to give up. You can't win this war. It's like cracking an egg with a rock. By the way, you are the egg."

Yoon-gi chuckles.

The Ninth Prince glares at his youngest brother. Seungho used to be timid and easy going young man. Now he could slander anyone with his words.

The Ninth Prince asks, "What happened to our brother, the Fourth Prince?"

"He was slain for trying to kill the Emperor. I'm sure you have heard it too. Don't call him brother anymore. He poisoned our father."

No sign of surprise from the Ninth Prince.

Seungho asks, "You knew?"

"I have my suspicion. Yuki was his lover after all. But I have no proof. Uncle has tied me up to diplomacy duties since he got crowned."

"You are working hard like a good slave."

"He got no son to succeed him. If I waited few more years, I might get lucky."

"Good luck," mocks Seungho.

Nobody says anything for a while.

Finally the Ninth Prince asks, "Seungho, are you really okay?"

He looks worried.

Seungho comments, "Stop pretending. No longer needed."

"I'm really worried about you. Takeshi said you killed father. I wanted to... but...I couldn't help you..."

"Thanks for nothing."

The Ninth Prince is silent. Finally he turns to face the Emperor again.

He says, "One last chance. Will you sign the peace agreement or not?"

"No. Just leave."

The Ninth Prince looks nervous. He rubs his neck. He stares Seungho as if pleading for help silently. His little brother ignores him.

The Ninth Prince says, "You will regret this."

The Emperor mocks, "Really? Tell your King to prepare his old heart. My new cannons have been installed. The range: 150 meters away. Your ships would be reduced to smithereens."

The envoy takes a step back in his shock. The Empire has many talented men. Their progress in strengthening battleships are too frightening.

He could only say, "I will try to persuade our King."

After he has withdrawn, Seungho leaves too. He meets Yuki on his way back to his house in capital city.

He asks, "They let you loose?"

There are two soldiers next to her. Her hands and feet are still chained.

Yuki explains, "The Empress has changed my death sentence into exile. The northern area has been struck with plague. I will be helping doctors over there."

Seungho is silent.

Yuki explains, "Your brother never explicitly ordered me to poison your father. Only gave me hints. Until today, I still didn't know if it was his intentions or not."

"Don't defend him. He doesn't deserve your love."

"I know. He was a man filled with great ambition. I was just a stepping stone for him. Ji Ling is right. I could use the rest of my life to atone for my sins."

Seungho is still silent.

Yuki bows deeply when she apologizes, "You could never forgive me. I know it too well. I just want to say goodbye to you for one last time."

She has gone, escorted away.

Seungho sighs. He stares up to the sky.

He whispers, "Father, are you up there? I'm doing well now. The truth is out: I didn't poison you. Yet, I'm still a traitor in the end. I kinda sold my ship designs to the Emperor."

A hug from behind. Seungho turns around and caresses her head.

Eun Kyung scolds, "Don't be so blue. Father won't force you to work on battleship designs anymore."

"Good. I'm planning to design ships for merchants. A small one which could travel fast in the rivers."

"It sounds good. You better work hard."

"I know. Otherwise we won't have any money to feed your babies."

They laugh together. Last night, Eun Kyung's dog gave birth to three more pups. Seungho is worried about the massive dog foods.

Eun Kyung doesn't tell him about the money budget on purpose. Shadow Moon gave her big allowance in raising the dogs. They are excellent assassins in the forest. The agents often sent them out in pursue of enemies.

She wants her fiancee to work diligently. Seungho is the type of guy who slacked off without proper motivation.

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Hwan succeeded in winning her heart in a banquet. Applause for him.

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