Isekai Yururi Kikou (Raising...

By akira_psych

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Chapter 1-5
Chapter 6-10
Chapter 11-15
Chapter 16-20
Chapter 21-25
Chapter 26-30
Chapter 31-35
Chapter 36-40
Chapter 41-45
Chapter 46-50
Chapter 51-55
Chapter 61-65
Chapter 66-70
Chapter 71-75
Chapter 76-80
Chapter 81-85
Chapter 86-90
Chapter 91-95
Chapter 96-100
Chapter 101-105
Chapter 106-110
Chapter 111-115
Chapter 116-120
Chapter 121-125
Chapter 126-130
Chapter 131-135
Chapter 136-140
Chapter 141-145
Chapter 146-150
Chapter 151-155
Chapter 156-160
Chapter 161-165
Chapter 166-170
Chapter 171-175
Chapter 176-180
Chapter 181-185
Chapter 186-190
Chapter 191-195
Chapter 196-200
Chapter 201-205
Chapter 206-210
Chapter 211-215
Chapter 216-220
Chapter 221-225
Chapter 226-230
Chapter 231-235
Chapter 236-240
Chapter 241-245
Chapter 246-250
Chapter 251-255
Chapter 256-260
Chapter 261-265
Chapter 266 - 270
Chapter 271-275
Chapter 276-280
Chapter 281-285
Chapter 286-290
Chapter 291-295
Chapter 296-300
Chapter 301-305
Chapter 306-310
Chapter 311-315
Chapter 316-320
Chapter 321-325
Chapter 326-330
Chapter 331-335
Chapter 336-340
Chapter 341-345
Chapter 346-350
Chapter 351-355
Chapter 356-360
Chapter 361-365
Chapter 366-370
Chapter 371-375
Chapter 376-380
Chapter 381-385

Chapter 56-60

152 8 0
By akira_psych

Chapter 56 – Regrettable Beauty



Allen and Elena began eating the onigiri and soup slowly on the plates I served in front of them after doing before meal manners .

The Contracted beasts properly imitated the two and begun eating .

When I saw everyone start to eat, I offered onigiri and soup to Vivian-san who was enviously looking at the children .

「Is that okay!? Wa~ Itadakimasu!」

Because the children started eating first, Vivian-san was able to judge that onigiri is food, but "I wonder what this is......" she started eating after hesitating . However, after two, three bites, she started stuffing her cheeks in a trance .

「Hagu, hagu...... ngun, gu......」

She offered the onigiri to her stomach with a great vigor . Baku, baku, baku, such sound effects could be heard .

「Allen, Elena . This is are yours, so eat slowly, okay?」

It appears Allen and Elena thought that the unrestricted Vivian-san would eat even their shares . They sped up their eating speed in a hurry .

But, the two became relieved after my caution and nodded while chewing with stuffed cheeks, restoring their pace of eating .

「By the way, it seems you collapsed because of hunger, but what happened?」

「Ngu! Ngun, gu!」

「No...... it's fine after you finish eating......」


When I asked what happened, Vivian-san started talking with her mouth crammed with onigiri .

I have no idea what she's saying, her manners are bad . Because it's no good for Allen and Elena to imitate her, I decided to talk after the meal .

Then, Vivia-san resumed eating silently .

Nonetheless, she can eat well......

「Iya~ I'm stuffed~ Thank you for the meal」

The massive amount of onigiri disappeared just like that .

「Ah, I'm called Vivian . Vivi or Vivian, call me however you like . Incidentally, what was that from a little while ago~ I have never eaten something like that~」

「Yeah, it's white wheat cooked in water」

「White wheat, is it? That feed for domestic animals?」

Ah, I did it now...... rice on Aetherdia is used as feed for domestic animals, isn't it? I completely forgot .

「I'm sorry . Because we eat White White as everyday meals in my hometown, I ended up offering it to you without thinking . Have I offended you?」

「No, no . It was delicious, so there's no problem . Nevertheless, the white wheat, huh~ I have no idea it was something so delicious~」

Even after hearing about the white wheat, Vivian-san wasn't offended . Rather, she seems to have liked it . I'm glad......

I have to be more careful to what I offer to people from now on . Some people would misunderstand or be insulted, after all .

「Iya~ Oniisan is skilled at cooking, aren't you~ Are? Oniisan? Or is it Papa-san?」

Before I noticed, Vivian-san was talking to Allen and Elena .

「「......? Onii~chan」」

Allen and Elena who should not have any vigilance towards Vivian-san hesitated for a moment and answered .

...... I wonder what happened?

Since Vivian-san is here, I shouldn't haste to confirm . I must not forget to check later .

「So it was Oniisan~ But, the reaction was bad, wasn't it~ Are you perhaps, in fact, Papa-san?」

「I'm the elder brother......」

It seems Vivian-san noticed Allen and Elena hesitating too .

Rather, what is she thinking, this person......

「I'm sorry~ People's secrets are my favorite food! Uncovering hidden things is fun, isn't it~」


Vivian-san――no, just Vivian, should be fine now......

Vivian notices my "amazement" and starts speaking even more .

I don't think it can be called impressive, but maa, it's most likely「Hobby=Work」in her case .

「So, why did you collapse, Vivian?」

「Iya~ I wonder why?」

「...... Don't ask me」

...... This person, is she playing around?

「Umm, umm...... ah, that's right! I have remembered! I have moved out of the town, but I forgot to purchase food . That's why I endured on the local procurement, but there was no harvest for the past two, three days......」

「When you notice you don't have food, return to the town!」

「Ooh! That's certainly true . Iya~ I will somehow manage~ I thought so and didn't pay further attention to it!」


「Right, right, I have to report in Albert Town for my work, but where is this?」

「...... Here is nearby of the town of Bailey」


Albert Town is in the east of Bailey, it's a town in the south of the royal capital .

I don't know which town Vivian has departed from, but if she didn't cross the sea on a ship from a foreign country, being in Bailey's surroundings is strange .

「How strange? Maa but, I still have plenty of time to report, so it will be okay! Right, right, this time's job was too easy~ I had to do a background investigation on the marriage partner of a certain noble lady, but the target of the investigation was a man . Surprisingly, he kept a commoner's daughter in the house! That was so impressive~ He had no intention to hide it . The story came out just after asking a servant a little . Honestly, I didn't even have to infiltrate as a seravant~」

No, I have not asked about the contents of your work...... why have you stuck out your tongue out after talking!

「Oops, even though I have time to report, I shouldn't take it too slow, right? Then, I'm going okay~ Ah, right . This is my thanks for the meal」

Vivian who suddenly stood unfastened the bag on her waist and presented me several small bottles filled with some liquids .

「You don't have to mind it really」

「No, no, please accept it」

Vivan forcibly pushed the small bottles in my hands .

...... I wonder what this is?


【Drops of Crimson Rose】

A vampire specially made aphrodisiac .

Immediate effect . The effect lasts approximately four to five hours .

Excellent product with no side effects . Women exclusive use .



【Drops of White Rose】

A vampire specially made energy drug .

Immediate effect . The effect lasts approximately four to five hours .

Excellent product with no side effects . Men exclusive use .



I got astonished after appraising the small bottles .

「Hey! This!!」

「Ah, looks like you know what kind of medicine it is . This is a medicine I made, but the effect is exceptional, it's quite popular~ Please, try it by all means . Njaa, thank you for the meal~」

「Oi, wait!」

Vivian departed with quick movements .



Seriously, what's with that fellow...... besides, what am I supposed to do with this......

I, haa...... sigh and store the small bottles in the《Infinite Storage》 . I have decided to hoard it in the《Infinite Storage》as it is .

「「...... Onii~chan」」

「What is it?」

「「What is Papa~? 」」


When I hang down my head dejectedly, Allen and Elena asks me a surprising question .

Surely not...... but...... perhaps......?

「...... Umm, Allen, Elena, do you know who a father or Otousan is?」

Allen and Elena shake their heads to my question .

Acha~...... these two don't know about something like family...... so this is why they hesitated to Vivian's question......

I see, well, of course, ~ They had no one to teach them, so they don't know~

I thought the two knew because they called me「Onii~chan」as if it was natural .

Ah, I see . The towns' people――especially Obaasan from the inn or the stores called out to Allen and Elena, but they also asked things such as「Are you going out with your Oniichan?」or「Oniisan, how about this for the children?」many times . Allen and Elena who heard that ended up calling me Oniichan......

「...... Umm, Papa is Otousan and that's――」

First of all, I decided to not teach them only about Otousan, but also about Okaasan and siblings .

However, explaining is unexpectedly much harder than I thought......

Chapter 57 – Undiscovered Uproar

When we returned to the town from the sea, we made our way to the Adventurer's Guild .

In order to learn about the materials around this town and to receive gathering requests of the materials, we have on hand .

I'm not troubled about money, but we receive requests regularly . You see, there is qualification invalidation term, right? Although I have three years to spare until the term, I would like to get into a habit of receiving requests .

After entering the guild, I first went to the requesting board, picked up a few requests after checking my materials and the requested materials and then lined up in the reception queue .

As it's already evening, there are plenty of adventurers who have returned from work .

「Hello . Are you here to request a job?」

When my turn came, the receptionist woman greeted me . Apparently, I don't look like an adventurer but someone who came to find a job...... Well, it can't be helped .

I present my guild card at the counter .

「No . I'd like to accept this request」

「I'm sorry . So you were an adventurer . I have not seen you here before」

「I have just arrived at this town the other day」

「Is that so? Then, I will hold on this for a moment」

When the receptionist woman received the guild card, she started operating the crystal plate .

While she works, I take out the materials written on the requests and line them up on the counter .

「Eh! A-rank!?」

「Well, more or less......」

「Pardon my rudeness . Are all these materials matching the requests?」

「Yes, I have them all」

「I will verify」

The receptionist woman was surprised that I was an A-rank, but she immediately started checking the material . But, the receptionist woman who begun to work suddenly loudly shouted .




I was startled by her shriek like voice . Allen and Elena got startled as well as they cling to my leg .

「D, dungeon~! Y, you have discovered a new dungeon!?」


To my surprise, the receptionist woman shouted again .

It appears that she happen to see my【Dungeon record】while processing the material .

Still, what did she just say? New dungeon?

We have been only in the『Dungeon fo Earth』in Shirin and the『Dungeon of Ripples』which we went into a few days ago .

――That means, the Dungeon of Ripples was an undiscovered dungeon......

There are 108 dungeons on Aetherdia .

I know about all dungeons, but I am no aware which are publicly known .

I should have checked it......

We have unconsciously stepped into an undiscovered dungeon, and the trace was left listed on the guild card......

Is this bad? ...... No, it's all right . I can deceive!

The entrance was in the sea, but it's quite easy to discover when diving...... un, it will be alright .

『We accidentally found it when playing in the sea』Let's go with that!

It's true anyway that we found it accidentally while swimming in the sea .

「Karen, what is it about a new dungeon?」

「T, this gentleman's【Dungeon record】has『53rd Dungeon "Ripples"』entry recorded on it~」

「What!? ――T, this is!」

When a male guild staff member run up to the receptionist woman――Karen-san, he raised his voice in surprise .

Seeing the man's reaction, the other staff members gathered around, infecting the guild with noise .

Aah~...... even the adventurers in the guild have noticed now......

「Takumi-sama, is it really a dungeon!?」


...... Eh? What's that, what does she mean?

「You fool, Karen! What are you saying! It's naturally a dungeon since it's listed on the guild card!!」

"It might not be a dungeon" worry?

No, in the first place, I can't orally report the discovery of a new dungeon .

By seeing it recorded on the guild card, the doubts that would float around will disappear .

Rather, this is more or less a personal information, isn't it? I would like them to stop shouting so loudly, though...... where did the information concealment go?

「However, Shawn-san! Discovering a new dungeon is something very important」

「I know how important it is more than you!」

「But, but~」

「Karen, you stay quiet! What you are saying is unreasonable!」

「No, no, Shawn-san's tension is ridiculous?」

Ah~...... can I already go? It's fine, right?

Allen and Elena are withering under the surrounding's attention......

First of all, let's clean up the things I took ou――

「W, wait a moment, please! What are you doing!?」

Tsk! She noticed . I thought about stealthily escaping, but Karen-san has noticed......

「I'm leaving . Ah, return my guild card, please」

「Wha!! What are you doing! You can't do that!」

Because I couldn't escape, I seriously told my intentions . Karen-san holds my guild card in her hands, not willing to return it .

I'm hesitant to leave behind my ID, but...... shall I go as I am?

――I thought such, but before I noticed, the people that gathered around formed a barricade .

Although they have a reasonable distance, because they are all men with good builds, breaking through would be difficult .

Allen and Elena wither because of surroundings even more...... no, they are frightened .

I look at Karen-san while stroking Allen's and Elena's shoulder to soothe them .

「Why can't I leave?」

「Why, you ask...... I, I mean, you have discovered a new dungeon? You have to tell us all about it!」

「Don't wanna」


「Although it's a thing to be surprised about, I don't want to talk to someone who irresponsibly shouts someone's personal information」


There's no doubt that【Dungeon record】is personal information . And yet, the staff which have the obligation to conceal it shouted out loud its contents .

People who were in the guild have totally paid attention to what was said and already found out about the new dungeon .

Because of my remark of not wanting to tell the guild, the people around started talking things such as「Does he plans to monopolize it?」or「No, he even had the first taste......」 .

Disclosing personal information without the consent of the person in question . N~......

「Or did the rule of guild staff member's『Can't reveal personal information to others』got annulled without my knowing?」

「...... Ugu」

Hearing my words, Karen-san's face gradually turned blue .

There's no way such important rule got abolished . I'm sure Karen-san made a violation of her duties .

The male staff member――Shawn-san and other staff members made awkward expressions as well .

They have not rebuked Karen-san, they instead take advantage and rode on the opportunity with her .

Regarding that dungeon, it won't be a problem even if it gets exposed――rather, I am troubled that it was exposed in this way, it's a serious situation .

For instance, if it were "Allen and Elena captured advanced level dungeon"...... she would certainly be surprised, right? At that time, the two would get exposed and place them in a troublesome situation .

It's just an example, but it may certainly happen one day......

Rather,【Request record】has already record of transaction of Gaya Forest's materials . She has probably not looked properly yet, but it would be a noise making record when she does .

I have to keep it in control before that!

「What is this ruckus!!」

「「Gu, guild master!!」」

In the meanwhile, overhearing the ruckus, a solidly build man in his fifties walks from the inner part of the guild . He has a former adventurer feeling around him?

He appears to be the guild master here .

Chapter 58 – Apology and Information Provision

「Are you the cause of the ruckus?」

The guild master clearly said that while looking at me .

Well, I'm confronting the staff members, and other adventurers are surrounding me . It can't be helped that I'm seen like that .

「You might say that I'm the cause, but I'm not the one who started it」

「What do you mean?」

「It started because these staff members shouted out loud our personal information」

「What!? Is that truth!!」

At my complaint, the guild master vigorously turned towards his subordinates .

「Ah...... umm......」

「What is it! Speak clearly!!」

「B, because there was information about a new dungeon, I unconsciously screamed out!! I'm terribly sorry!!」

Karen-san frightened by the guild master's angry voice reported about the dungeon while bowing down .

「What!? ...... Is that story true?」

「Ye, yes . It's certainly stated in this person's【Dungeon record】」

「Which is it?」

「This one~」

Oi, guild master . You shouldn't be confirming【Dungeon record】in this situation......

「So, where is this dungeon?」

「That is...... umm...... he doesn't want to tell......」

「...... Is that so? Why?」

「Therefore!! Please don't divert the problem . I'm not saying that I don't want to tell the location of the dungeon . I just don't want to tell it to an organization that discloses personal information!!」

Because the discussion seemed to go off track, I immediately argued vehemently .

Seriously, I would like you not to forget that!


All the staff members are silent .

「Umm, you see...... that......」

「Anyhow, lead me to a separate room first please!」

「That's right, sorry . Could you follow to my office?」

The guild master shows me to his office while awkwardly scratching his cheek .

Haa...... let's go for now......

Ah~ Even though I came to the guild in order to sell materials, thinking it would be immediately over...... the ruckus took more time that was planned .

It's almost time for a meal~ Rather than reporting the dungeon, Allen's and Elena's meal is more important......

However, it doesn't look like I will be able to leave without reporting . Will I be able to leave faster if I report this quickly?


◇ ◇ ◇

We were guided to the guild master's office .

Are fellow travelers include Karen-san and another three staff members .

「First of all, including me, our staff members want to apologize」

「「「We are sorry」」」

When we settle in the office's sofa, the guild master and the staff members give words of apology simultaneously .

「Even if was a discovery of a new dungeon, that remark in such place was absurd . I'm really sorry」

They really seemed to think they were at fault and apologized sincerely .

「I would like to hear the details properly later, but...... that, um......」

「Suspension or salary cut, is it?」

「...... Yeah, that's right . Would be asking to pardon the dismissal too much as expected?」

「I don't care . I would just like to ask you not to disclose personal information next time」

「Of course . I will teach them properly」

When I accept, Karen-san was obviously relieved .

As for me, as long as the information management is solid, I don't mind using the guild policy for the treatment of staff . I'd like to avoid awkward relations with the guild . I plan to use the guild in the future as well .

At any rate, since it's impossible to hide the information that has flowed, it would be better to sell as much kindness to the guild as possible .

Well, I won't forgive them next time, though!

「Ah~ Then......」

「The dungeon, is it?」

「That's right . In a case that a new dungeon was discovered...... since the location is clearly indicated on the guild card this time, the feudal lord would be notified about the discovery, he would dispatch his people, and those will confirm the location with the guild」

Hee~ The feudal lord is immediately notified about a new dungeon~

But, if the discoverer didn't have a guild card, that discoverer would be the only evidence, so it seems that the guild would investigate before notifying the feudal lord .

「You will be rewarded with a prize if the country officially recognizes it . Of course, if you present the guild with information about the dungeon, you will also receive a reward from the guild」

Since the existence of the dungeon has already spread, there's no need to hesitate . If I hide things, I would get entangled with some weird fellows .

Well, I don't really care about the prize from the country, though......

「I understand . I will tell you」


「Yes . The dungeon is『53rd "Ripples"』 . It's an intermediate difficulty dungeon with 30 floors . It appears to be a dungeon of a water attribute

「Water attribute!」

I report the basic information first . Most of it is recorded on the guild card, so I think anyone would understand after looking, but just in case .

About the attribute, I'm pretty sure it's "water . "

「The place is along the coast, east side of the town . Do you know of the largish reef in the sea about ten minutes by foot from the shore?」

「Yeah . It's the one not far away from the beach, right?」

「Yes, that's right」

Whether because it's close to the town, guild master immediately grasped the location .

「There is an entrance to the dungeon in that rock」



「This close!?」

「No way......」

Hearing about the entrance to the dungeon in the reef, the guild staff were taken aback by its closeness .

Because it had not been discovered so far, I thought it was in a place where people could not go .

「Incidentally, the entrance is in the sea」

「What a thing......」

Everyone hangs their heads this time . They are all people with rich reactions......

「Yeah, also, it's about 50 meters of a complete channel to the entrance . If you'd like to confirm, it would be necessary for me to accompany you」


「Because there's no place to take a breath, you can only advance while holding it . If you can't prepare a necessary magic tool, you better choose the right person to investigate」


I think that the person who would go for the investigation would be someone who is used to move around, but if by chance it's a person with an office job, he wouldn't be able to follow .

「How did you enter?」

「I have confidence in my lung capacity」

「I, is that so......」

Because it's not like the mermaid bracelet is not around at all, it should be all right to tell about it, but I decided to keep it hidden for the time being . I would be troubled if they asked the source, after all .

「...... Takumi-san is A-rank, after all . That much surely wouldn't be trouble」


When Karen-san muttered in admiration, other members reacted .

Yeah, they weren't aware of my rank . However, guild master...... didn't you see the crystal as well? Well, having his eyes nailed on the【Dungeon record】it's probably natural that he didn't notice......

I was slightly amazed and let out a sigh .

「「Onii~chan, hungry~」」

Allen and Elena interrupt the conversation by pulling on my clothes and stating their hunger .

「I'm sorry~ We have already finished, shall we go for a meal?」


「Well then, it's all right to end the story about the dungeon here, isn't it?」

I decided to cut off the discussion immediately . Fortunately, I have finished providing the minimum necessary information .

「Well then, we will excuse ourselves here . Allen, Elena, let's go~」


「Eh? Wai... . . oi!?」

I have heard the guild master trying to stop me, but I ignored that and promptly left the office with Allen and Elena .

When I returned to the guild hall, the adventurers who heard about the dungeon were waiting . Because I wouldn't like to be caught by those people, I told them「I had told the guild the location of the guild, so please ask them」 .

Would it be all right for now like this?

Now then, the meal, the meal . Where shall we have the dinner?

Chapter 59 – Feudal Lord of Bailey

The next day .

After eating breakfast in the dining room of the inn, we were relaxing in the room .

Then, the sub master of the Adventurer's Guild came to visit .

Apparently, they went to the dungeon overnight or early in the morning and seemed to have finished checking .

The dungeon is nearby after all . Just going to take a look shouldn't take much time .

And they are on their way to report to the feudal lord now . It seems they have applied for an appointment yesterday and decided on meeting this morning .

So, we were told to go along . 「Why me as well?」when I asked,「What is the discoverer asking about!!」I was scolded .

No, I wasn't aware I have to accompany you .

That being the case, we have arrived at the lord's mansion .

Well, I really didn't feel like resisting and thought that saying hello to the feudal lord might not be bad, so I went along obediently, though .

Thus, after being shown to a room and told to wait, a middle-aged man in his thirties along with an elderly man soon entered the room .

I have not used appraisal, but judging by the garments, the young man looks more like the Feudal Lord-sama . But this person, haven't I seen him before somewhere......

「You are Takumi-san? How do you do? Cedric Risner is my name」

「Eh? ...... Risner?」

Feudal Lord-sama speaks as if he knew about me .

I have not met him before, but his surname is Risner . And his silver hair and grayish blue eyes, perhaps......?

「Oya? Have you not heard from Isaac?」

「...... Acquaintances, only」

「That fellow again...... I'm really sorry for my younger brother . He surely kept silent to surprise you」

Younger brother!!

That means this Feudal Lord-sama is Shirin's Knights Order's Risner-sama's oniisan!

Ah, I see . That's why Risner-sama wrote me a letter of introduction when I told him that I'm going to Bailey~

I was a little bit surprised that Risner-sama was the one who wrote me the letter of introduction since Derrick-sama and Wald-sama who are of a high peerage rank, and the advisor of the order Callan-sama were there .

At that time, I simply thought that he was just writing to someone he knows .

I thought that Risner-sama had a good relationship with the Feudal Lord-sama of Bailey judging by his way of speech...... but, to think they were family......

If they are relatives, Risner-sama was the most suitable to write the letter of introduction, wasn't he?

「In Shirin, Risner-sama...... I am indebted to Isaac-sama very much」

「No, no, it was in a letter, but I inquired about Takumi-san . You are Isaac's lifesaver . Thank you very much for helping my brother」

「Ah, raise your head please!!」

I was surprised at him suddenly lowering his head right after greeting me . I hurry up and stop Oniisan .

「It is I who should thank Risner-sama...... ah~ I'm sorry . Is it alright to call you Cedric-sama?」

Ah~...... it would be confusing calling both brothers Risner-sama...... however, calling him by his name without permission would be impolite . First, let's ask for permission......

「Yes, certainly . Honorifics are unnecessary too」

「No, that much is......」

「Then, let's settle on "san . " Of course, I don't mind if you call Isaac that way as well . I give you permission as his elder brother」

「No, but......」

「Let's get along」

He has a gentle smile, but an overbearing way of calling has been decided . Un, it doesn't seem that I will be able to refuse .

But, it would be impossible without honorifics, so please forgive me for adding "san . "

「I was under Isaac-san's care . I had also received a letter of introduction when leaving Shirin . It's a little late, but this is the letter」

It's different from my plan, but I hand over the letter I got from Isaac-san to Cedric-san .

「That's right, that! I've heard from Isaac that he gave you a letter of introduction, so when you arrived at this town, I thought you would immediately visit me, you know?」

「Are? He certainly asked me to visit you, but...... I didn't have any plans on receiving a favor, you know?」

Just receiving aid would make me feel awkward and I had no plans on making things difficult for him .



Are we misunderstanding something......?

「...... Umm, let's rely on him if something occurs...... is what you were thinking?」

「...... Well, you could say that」

I feel like I'm counting on the noble's authority, but that's really it when speaking frankly...... helping when in trouble . When there's really, really no other way . I thought to ask for help only then .

「...... Isaac that fellow」

It seems that Isaac-san has told Cedric-san something different .

Isaac-san...... what have you told him......

「May I ask what Isaac-san has written in the letter?」

「Yes . About the happenings in Shirin, Takumi-san's arrival to Bailey, and he asked me to lend you a hand . Those were the contents」

Indeed, those contents make it seems as if it has already been decided that I would come to visit the feudal lord .

...... Are? Perhaps...... did I mistake the meaning behind the letter of introduction?

Regardless of what I plan on doing, I should have visited here first, or something......?

Uwa~ have I done it......

「There was a report from the gatekeeper that Takumi-san has arrived, but that was the reason you weren't coming, I see」

「...... Eh?」

Wait a minute!

While I was worried about the interpretation of the letter of introduction, Cedric-san said something that can't be disregarded .

「Cedric-san, what do you mean by the gatekeeper's report......」

「I had notified the gatekeepers to let me know when Takumi-san arrives in the town immediately」

Wow . Cedric-san, you have given such orders......

「That was futile as well, though」

「...... I'm sorry」

「No, no . I was selfishly waiting so don't mind it . But that being the case, I would have been nice if you visited . Oh yeah, Takumi-san made a new bread in Shirin and spread it, right? Actually, it was also written in Isaac's letter, and because a detailed recipe wasn't necessary, it has already spread through our town」

「Ah, yes . I saw it selling in a shop」

It was only jam buns, and bread with dried fruit and nuts mixed in, but as fruits and nuts are abundant here, the variety definitely increased .

「Takumi-san . If possible, won't you please tell me the recipes of the things called Cream bread and Anpan? Of course, I will reward you」

「I would like to ask about this . A reward is not necessary . It's just, about the shops, but......」

「I heard from Isaac about this as well . If there's no fuss about the store, I will introduce it to a wholesale store that sells bread to our house, the other stores will be properly supported by the Risner house」

Because Allen and Elena love Cream bread, I want to make it efficient to replenish . That's why I intended to have it made in a shop somewhere .

Regarding the custard cream, I think I'm willing to publish the recipe, but that would make it difficult to Road-san, wouldn't it~ I should take this proposal from Cedric-san and teach him how to manage the recipe safely, right?

As for the red bean paste, you just need to boil sweet red legume, so I thought it would appear in other shops even without the recipe, but...... that doesn't seem to be the case .

「I'm fine with a store that Cedric-san recommends」

「Ayy~ I'm looking forward to it . Isaac boasted in the letter how delicious it is, so I was extremely interested, you know?」

Eeh!? It's just a normal Cream bread and Anpan, you know? Isaac-san, why are you raising the hurdle that much!?

While Cedric-san and I are having such discusison――



The sub master who was left behind flusteredly raised voice .

Un, Cedric-san and I completely forgot the sub master's existence .

Chapter 60 – Check and Report

「Yeah . Gilliam-dono, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting」

「No . I didn't know that Count-sama and Takumi-san were acquintances」

「It's our first time meeting, but Takumi-san is an important guest of our family . Ah, which reminds me, it appears there was some kind of a problem yesterday at the guild, wasn't there? Is the reason that the guild master didn't come today because he was busy dealing with that?」


The sub master's――Gilliam-san's complexion instantly turned pale .

Nevertheless, Cedric-san . Why do you know about that matter? It happened just yesterday, you know?

I thought I was being tailed for a moment there . But, if that were the case, both the children and I would notice .

That means, his intelligence gathering is awfully excellent .

「I won't say anything because Takumi-san compromised, but I hope that such thing won't happen in the future」

「Y, yes . Of course! Severely, I will hold it in my heart!」

「If you, the sub master says so, I feel relieved」

Cedric-san, thank you very much .

It appears he gave the guild warning for our sake .

At any rate...... Cedric is talking with the usual smile, but it brought up the fire from the atmosphere .

Hence Gilliam-san nodded with a great vigor .


「Allen, Elena . Pointing fingers at people is rude」


At that time, Allen and Elena who were quiet all the time suddenly let out voices and pointed at Cedric-san . I stopped their gesture in a hurry .

「So, what happened?」


N? Alike?

「Said it's alright~ to kick」

「Knight Onii~chan」


Ah~ that time...... In the Gaya Forest with the Knights Order, Isaac-san said to Allen and Elena that it's alright to kick Wald-sama......

I also find the smile of Isaac-san at that time exactly the same as Cedric-san's, but...... however, do I hear a different meaning when the to say it......

「Umm...... by alike you mean Isaac-san, right? Has my little brother grew to like being kicked around by children in the time I have not seen him, I wonder......」

「You are wrong, it's different! The target on the receiving end of the kick was different!」

See~ Cedric-san had a weird misunderstanding~

I must resolve the misunderstanding to protect Isaac-san's honor! Ah~ while that may be true, I can't possibly say that the target of the kicking as Wald-sama......

It seems difficult to explain while not saying the concrete thing .

I somehow managed to solve the misunderstanding, and we talked about the "Ripples" dungeon .

The contents were about the details I found in the dungeon, and the investigation of the people Cedric-san and the guild dispatched .

「Haa~ To discover a dungeon in my fief~ I'm grateful to you, Takumi-san」

「That so, isn't it? People are going to gather in our town from now on」

Speaking frankly, a dungeon is a vein of gold .

When the information of a new dungeon gets out, adventurers will start gathering around . Those adventurers will bring back the dropped items from the dungeon and sell them at the Adventurer's Guild .

Merchants will gather for those dropped items and trade with the Adventurer's Guild .

When people gather, the inns and restaurants will flourish .

Since the economy moves in various places and taxes are paid, the financial affairs of the fief prosper as a result .

It was really a coincidence that I have caused a dungeon fuss in the Risner territory, but I think it would be good if it returned the favor that I owe to the Risner house at least a little .

Well, I think that problems will arise with the sudden increase of people, but I can only wish them to do their best .

Oh yeah, there is a total of four dungeons kept under control in Guardia . It appears that the "Ripples" we have discovered is going to be the fifth one .

Yesterday, before returning from the guild, I asked the receptionist about the locations of the dungeons . She then turned towards the adventurers and got me a list with a rough map .

The list had the dungeons written in order with information such as[Fourth Dungeon "Earth" /Low rank/Guardia, Shirin/To the east, half day by foot] .

According to this list, half of the dungeons appear to be undiscovered .

I get why the dungeon in the Gaya Forest or the dungeon in the deep sea are not discovered, but I was surprised that even dungeons near the towns are undiscovered .

Because of that~ I have to be more careful~ Is what I was thinking while storing the map into the《Infinite Storage》, but then――


At that time, I heard an electric sound in my head for some reason .

I thought what could it be, so I immediately opened the designating window .

Then, there was an indication "NEW" by the map tab .

The information written on the paper I stored in the《Infinite Storage》was now indicated on the map .

That's right, the map has updated on its own . Seriously~ I was completely dumbfounded then~

「That reminds me, how far in the dungeon did you go?」

「We just looked a bit around the first floor . We did not have much time as I wouldn't make it in time for today . We indeed had troubles right at the entrance, though」

As expected, reaching the entrance of the dungeon――it was not easy swimming for about 50 meters without breathing .

「Umm...... I feel bad for asking, but there were no casualties, right?」

Because there is no way to get out of the waterway halfway, if you can't hold your breath, the risk of drowning isn't low .

I wouldn't like to hear the talk of people drowning in the dungeon I have discovered .

「Everything's all right . The investigator I chose had a large stamina and good swimming skills」

I feel relieved hearing Cedric-san's words .

But, it's obvious that when the dungeon is officially announced, reckless people will appear one after another . We have to take measures against that immediately......

「Well, I understand Takumi-san's fears . I had the investigator hold onto a magic tool just in case, and right now, we are in a hurry to mass produce that very magic tool」

「You mean a magic tool that allows breathing underwater?」

「Yes . It's not that highly effective, but it uses wind magic stone which creates a fixed amount of air in the magic tool, so I gave the orders to have that mass produced」

Creates air...... hee~ so there was such magic tool~ if something like that exists, I can feel relieved?

「Also, regarding the reward . I'm sure you are aware, but the discoverer of a dungeon gets rewarded by the country」

Yeah, the matter of the reward still remains...... I've heard from the guild that the discoverer would receive a reward, but don't conceal the important thing!

「Is the name of the discoverer officially announced?」

「It's reported to the country, but only limited information is revealed in the public announcement . It was done like that in the past . Takumi-san, you don't like the official announcement? Discoverer of a new dungeon will receive high praises, you know?」

「I'd like to decline the praises」

「I understand . I will propose that to His Majesty」

「I will leave it to you」

Discovering a new dungeon looks too conspicuous, so I would like to avoid it . Fortunately, publishing my name seems to be avoidable .

In truth, I would like to avoid the reward as well, but...... Cedric-san rejected with a wonderful smile . ...... Regrets .

Now then, is the talk done with this? It had become noon before I noticed .

The sub master who finished reporting quickly left the room .

「Cedric-sama, everyone is waiting in the dining room」

The butler of the Risner house who guided us to Cedric-san, Joshua-san just came to call for Cedric-san, so we will also take our leave――

「Then, we will......――」

「Now then, Takumi-san . The lunch preparations are done, so let's move to the dining room」


Cedric-san smiled with a smile that I couldn't go against .

Ku...... this smile, it's definitely a foul play!

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