Eternally hers

Par m1nd15p0w3r

224K 10.6K 589

Ok in all reality I suck at descriptions. This is my first story please give it a chance but speak your mind... Plus

I'm Pregrnant
Finding my love
Building More
Getting Along
The Runaway
The Return
The Meeting
F*ck falling I fell
I loved you
Lovin Her
Adoring Her
The Run
Truth and Knowledge
A glimpse
And then there was life
In the Name of Science
Better Times
Lab Rat
Brighter days
Closer than ever
Water Sports
Ohhh Puppy Love
Deja Vu
Chill day maybe???
I'm Sorry You're What???
Never happened before
Who is Adit?
What Dreams May Come
Woe Is Me
When Darkness Turns to Light
Turning of the Tide
The Fallen
When Darkness Fell
I Thought This Was Supposed To Be Light
Finally There is the Light
And the Light Burns
Untitled Part 46
the Shroud is Ripped in Two
Bittersweet Sorrow
Expect the Unexpected
Ice Water Bath
Finally Peace Within
Back as One
I'm Drowning
A River of Blood
Fragile Beings
I Didn't Expect This
How Do You Bounce Back?
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Pain Reminds Me That I Am Alive
Pain In My Soul
My Selfish Acts
Blinded but Not by the Light
A Mystery Indeed
I Will Never Be Like Her
There Goes That Shroud Again
Will the Real Adit Please Stand Up
The Calm Before
My Bryson tiller
Rien de mieux
At First Sight
Needed This
Shattered Beings
What The Future Holds
About Damn Time
the End is the Beginning
A Long Kiss Goodnight

Who Knew???

1.1K 86 8
Par m1nd15p0w3r

Aint this bout a....just dayum

Oh fuck

She is never going to let me live this down. Her ass put me to sleep. I reach over looking for her warmth and its missing. The sheets are cool as if she has been out of bed for a while. Sitting up I stretch and glance around the room. There is no sign of Kaira. I swing my legs off the bed. I wince a little as the sheets rub against my sensitive tip.


"What?" I ask aloud, gingerly moving my hands down my body. Starting as my fingers graze my extended flesh. "I haven't changed back."

I try not to freak out because I know for a fact, personally Kaira and I have been going at it nonstop since we reunited. Mind you Kaira looks like a sexy nerd, librarian, bookworm, something. But my baby a freak. Even with my aggressive nature, Kaira has been instigating our physical side more often than I do. And these past days, I've woken up to her taking it. She wanted it; she took it, she got it. So, no wonder my body is confused right now.

I have been so into and in tuned to my wife that the only fleeting thought I've conceived is that tomorrow training with Kay came and went. I wasn't going to question it or go looking for answers. Kaira and I needed this time to heal and get back as one. All this extra drama and shit, it isn't us. Yes, we have had a few moments, but in a lifetime or more, I think it equates.

Standing up, I walk to the dresser for a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. The need to find Kaira overrides my need to pee. These past days have been amazingly, wonderful. Spending time and letting things settle between Kaira and I. Its been feeling like our days in Italy. I head to the door and open it. Before I can even call out to her, I hear her talking. I swear if it's Adit I am going to try my best to kick her ass.

Walking down the stairs, I am brought to a halt. To say I was surprised to see Kaira is sitting, talking to Aja. Both look my way when I enter the room. I walk over and give Kaira a kiss and Aja a hug.

"What are you ladies up to?" I ask.

"Nothing much, love." Kaira answers. "Why are you up so early?"

"Weirdest dreams." I cast a look at Aja trying to decide if I want to elaborate. "Forgive me Aja, how are you?" I don't know if I'm just paranoid but I feel like her eyes lingered on my crotch too long. I know it is because anxiety. I keep wanting to reach down and adjust myself.

She leans forward, placing her chin on her fist resting her arm on her knee, tilting her head. "I'm fine Imani, how are you?" She knows.

"Ahm,,,I'm good." I look everywhere but at her. From the corner of my eye I see Kaira giving me a strange look. "I'm just going out for a run before i have to meet up with Kay."

Running back upstairs I do my morning routine, before jogging back down. I go to Kaira and give her a quick kiss telling her I'll be back later. Making my way outside, I look in all directions before shrugging and let my body decide which way to start off. As I'm jogging I let my mind wander over the last few weeks. Kaira and I are doing great. Our relationship is pretty much back to being solidified.

our baby is excellent. I just wish that Kaira's pregnancy was like humans, nine months later, new edition is here. But nah, nope, alas it is not like that for us. I could be waiting i don't know, centuries are something. And now with my body not changing, I'm freaking. Thought of hurting Kaira and my child, our child breaks me. I wonder if this means I'm getting more aggressive. Though in my defense Kaira has been the one taking what she wants.

She scared the soul out of poor Kay, the other day, when she came demanding a go for the unexpected practice, as Kaira rode my dick like Apollo's Chariot, to the heavens above Olympus.

Fuck, man. I'm getting hard right now.

I can't do this, I've never done this. You realize after a mad amount of years, I've never had to piss out of my dick before today.

I'm like.

I thought.

It went.


Who the fuck knew, that it is that hard to piss with a dick. Like oh my goodness I don't know if I can do that again. And exactly what do you do with it when you have to do other things.

Extending my body out, I begin to feel that pull not only to my physical but my metaphysical. Every one of my senses on high alert. Feeling my muscles tensing with every jump, twist and curl. My movements second nature. Nothing wasted. Feeling the ground shift has I hop on a rock before bouncing off then into a 360 with a tree. Landing nicely then turning ass over end over a body.

Rolling down and away, before skidding to a halt. Wincing as I stand, I look at the lump that tripped me. Edging my way closer, I take in the rumpled appearance. The ruffled state of the being. Even though extravagantly dressed, the disheveled prerequisite of the entity known as Adt lays before me. Downed.

I apologize,

I was watching V For Vendetta last night before Kaira jumped me. I don't know why but every time I watch that movie I have to break out my thesaurus.

Anyway, I digress. I look at her in some form of slumber. She looks so young. It is almost hard to believe that next to Aja, Adit is the oldest being that I know. They were here before earth was earth.

I lean down closer to her, checking for breath and injuries. Other than the chaotic appearance, nothing seems torn or tainted with blood. Matter of fact, I would say, other than the clothes, she looks healthy, well rested. Her skin is practically glowing. The markings etched deep within her, shimmering slightly brighter. She looks healed.

"You went from checking me out to trying to kiss me puppy?" she suddenly speaks above me.

I jump back tripping again, grabbing my chest. I know my eyes are bugged out. I barely comprehend her jest. Shaking my head, I get to my feet, as Adit groans and sits up.

"At least she did finish my hair," she mumbles, before looking at me. "How long have I been gone?"

Licking my lips, I try to remember the last I've seen Adit. "Almost two weeks ago." I look around then back at her. "What are you doing sleeping out here?"

She grins while standing up. "I wasn't sleeping puppy, I was waking. Flipping Aja, my mother, put me to sleep."

I can only blink. "She can do that?" I ask finally being able to get my mouth to work.

Smirking, she stretches out her body. I can hear her bones realigning and popping into place. Blinking a couple of times, she focuses her gaze entirely on me and that's when I notice it. Her eyes are back to their pure melted gold color. They are clearer.

"Yes, puppy, she can," she answers. Tilting her head, she studies me. "What's wrong puppy?"

Looking at her and hearing the true sincerity in her tone, I break down. I don't know if it's from her returning after her absence. And I'm not talking about her disappearing for a few weeks. Since that day with Tanjir, the day Kaira and I got back together, Adit has put distance between us.

She looks up at the predawn sky, putting a hand on my shoulder, she pulls me to her. Wrapping her arms around me before pulling away, and lifting my face up. She kisses my forehead. "I think we have a walk ahead of us. You can tell me on the way."

Keeping her arm around my shoulders, she pushes me in the direction of the village. Rubbing my hands over my face, I gather my thoughts. Oh heavens dude. I can't believe I'm crying.

"Nothing's wrong," my mouth says.

Adit stops walking and grabbing my face again she forces eye contact. "Don't." Breathing in deeply she never wavers her attention. "Spill or I'll make you."

She isn't joking.

"It's embarrassing," I start. I go to look away but her gaze is firm. "I haven't changed back."

She raises an eyebrow and tilts her head. I can tell them moment comprehension hits her. Her eyes dart down then back up. Both her eyebrows raising.

"I don't know what it means," I tell her. "Am I becoming more aggressive? Is there a chance of me hurting Kaira and our child?" I look up to see her smiling. "It's not funny."

Leaning down bumping my forehead with her own, before turning to continue our walk. "No puppy is not funny, it's endearing. Kaira is the reason you're not changing back. I wondered how her body's demands would effect you." She says reaching up and rubbing her chin. "Have you noticed the bond shared between the parents here and their children?" I shake my head. "When females of our kind become pregnant, her has certain needs or requirements even. Ones that can only be fulfilled by their partners. Not just sexual. It's a bonding process. We give blood and life. Meaning we provide sustenance and stability. And through that our bond with our child is solidified."

I do not understand. And I'm sure my face says so. She sighs.

"Mizaru been taking your dick whenever she feels the need?" I nod. "Has she been feeding off of you?" Again I nod. "You seed is strengthening the cocoon that your child rests in. Remember she will be in there a long time. Your blood is giving her life and longevity." Still not getting it. "I don't really know how to explain this to you puppy. But no you're not getting aggressive. And you won't hurt Kaira or your child.

Her body requires yours in order to stay healthy and strong. You changing back and forth taxes you, and your body is dealing with all this the best way it can."

Now that makes sense.

"Why does it take so long?" I ask.

"What? The pregnancy?" I nod.

"We are immortal. Our bodies grow at a different rate. Each pregnancy is different. But the longer the pregnancy, the stronger the baby. My mother was pregnant with me forever." She says smiling.

Which brings me to my next question. "Why are you called the first son of Mecca?"

"Aahhhh, the books. Well my father and mother were expecting me before my father had to get with Nerezza," she explains. "I was conceived before any of my siblings were even thought of."

My head snaps in her direction. "How is that even possible?"

"I told you puppy, my mother was pregnant forever." She looks up and stares off a moment. "A lot of people thought my father had been unfaithful in his marriage when I was born. They believed that he neglected his first borns. When my mother became pregnant with me, she had to go to her realm during her pregnancy."


"She is stronger there. It's a source of her power like Mecca was for my father," she says. She looks down at me. "Anything else bothering you?"

My mind goes back to my earlier feeling of her not wanting anything to do with me. I can't help but to feel that the only reason I'm even here is because of my child. Or maybe some sense of obligation, from her rescuing me and giving me a second chance at life. You know and it sucks. Before recently I never knew Adit or knew of Adit and finding out that she raised me, I do feel some sort of abandonment. Then and now. And I feel selfish about it.

I know Adit is constantly dealing with things. Constantly fighting and protecting us. Human and our kind alike and I'm standing here butthurt. But I guess Adit is right. I'm basically a teenager. My childish hurts are still there.

Taking a deep breath, fuck it. "Are you mad or upset with me about something?" My voice shakes. "I apologize if asking this,,,or,,,, or, or feeling like this is a weakness. If it shows some type of inability." My eyes are flooding right now. My tears threatening to overflow, causing my nose to begin to run.

She dips her head, locking eyes with me. Placing her hand against my neck, she stops again and turns to me. There is no trace of a smirk, smile or otherwise on her lips.

"It's not a weakness to show emotion Imani. Never think that and don't apologize for it. No, I'm not mad or upset with you. I just didn't want to mess up with you and Kaira getting back together," she pauses. "Look at me, next to my own children, you are my greatest creation. My greatest accomplishment on earth. And I owe you an apology for making you think otherwise.

I spent years watching you from a distance. Being proud of the being you have grown up to be. I'm sorry I left you. And maybe it wasn't the best choice but it was the only choice. The only real choice to give you a chance in life."

She pulls me closer and embraces me tightly. "You are my care in this world puppy. Not your baby, her birth only gives me a reason to help humanity. She is not the cause for my love for you." Patting my back, we go back to our walk.

Words that Kaira once said to me filling my head. "And I know despite her believing she can love no one, she loves you. Almost as much as I do." She once said to me. I doubted them then but looking into Adit's eyes I can't help but to believe them now. To feel the power behind them.

We walk in silence, listening to the sounds waking up around the preserve. The slight shuffling of animals being roused. The fluttering of wings. The commotion coming from the hall as breakfast is being laid out.

As we walk through the village, a few members stop to speak. No one asks Adit about her recent disappearance. I'm guessing they are used to her leaving. Now that I think about it, the guys wasn't even concerned about her not being around.

"Do you disappear often?" I ask her.

"To a degree," she responds with a smile forming. "I go and visit other packs, or I'm off following puppies to Italy or New Zealand and anywhere else they go. Or I'm just out enjoying new flavors."

Arriving at my house, I notice Adit tense. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing. My mother is here." Is all she says, following me through the door.

"Yea well at least she was when I left." I head to the living room where I last saw the ladies. My eyes find Kaira immediately. Walking to her bending down to kiss her. "Guess who followed me home babe?"

She turns her head in Adit's direction. "No strays."

"Hello my child, how was your nap?" Aja asks Adit.

"Ha ha Mother," Adit retorts, walking over to Aja kissing her forehead.

"Well you do look loads better," she says. She looks over at Kaira who appears to be nervous. "Why don't we go to your place and you can tell me all about it."

"What's there to tell? You put me to sleep then tossed me in the forest two weeks later." Adit says taking a seat obviously not getting Aja's hint.

I look at Kaira and see her fidgeting with her fingers. I sit next to her and grab her hands. "What's going on with you baby?"

She looks towards me and breathes in deeply. "I want to get my sight back.'

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