The Invincible Spiderman Seas...

De DGLondon1103

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In a world where Marvel and DC and Trasformers all exist in the same universe there is never a dull moment. W... Mais

Cast List for Episode 1
Episode 2: Along Came A Spider Part 2
Episode 3: Along Came a Spider Part 3
Episode 4: Horns of The Rhino

Episode 1: Along Came A Spider Part 1

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De DGLondon1103

There is no such thing as normal. It is merely an illusion by those in denial that the world they live in isn't what it used to be. From the earliest tales of man there have been stories of strange feats men and women alike doing something akin to an animal. Whether or not it was true remains to be seen, but the first documented supernatural event happened in ancient Egypt. A man came into contact with a strange meteorite and became the first of what we call mutants. His name was Abin Sur, but gained the name Apocalypse. He had many children in his bloodline that scattered the earth, and their children had children, and the world was never the same. People were born with random powers and ostracized for it. This continued until world war 2 where the first superpowered hero came to the scene. He was Captain America, and while he wasn't a mutant he was the first step to legitimizing superpowered humans. He disappeared one day, but we'll get to that soon. Though with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and it came in the form of a Holocaust survivor angered on what humanity had done to him and his kind.

Fear of mutants and powers began anew, but a friend of this survivor formed a group of mutants to protect humanity and show the normal people that mutants could live peacefully. They were the X-Men. The war changed when four brave astronauts were caught in a cosmic wave and became the first superhero team known as the Fantastic Four. This seemed to be an awakening because suddenly people with powers started showing up left and right. Years later the world was thrown a curveball when we found out we were not alone. Aliens and demons were real, and magic and giant monsters were thrown in for good measure. The world we once knew was no longer with us. This is what people live through, and with the new world causes concerns about everything trying to get them.

Some of the Earth's greatest heroes created two groups that would defend the planet from the greatest threats. They were the Avengers and the Justice League. Out in the cosmos there were defenders like the Nova Corps, S.W.O.R.D, the Green Lantern Corps, and the Guardians of The Galaxy. Despite their resounding success there were two threats that nobody was prepared for. The first threat was a powerful godlike figure named Galactus. His desire was to consume the Earth in order to sustain himself, and with the help of his herald the Silver Surfer that would've happened. A long battle was held with Superman, Thor, The Fantastic Four, and a betrayal by the Silver Surfer that was able to hold him back long enough for Mr. Fantastic to find a way to appease him without sacrificing Earth. A dimension called the Negative Zone was discovered that had unlimited energy he could feed off, and would ascend his powers to new heights. Moved by the fortitude of all that faced him and the kindness they gave to him, Galactus promised to end his killing ways. Now a friend to Earth and the universe as a whole he left, but in one last act of cruelty punishes the Surfer for his betrayal by banning him from his home planet and Earth as a place to live. Galactus also gave a strange warning to the heroes of Earth that one day there would be a mandatory call to action, and whomever was summoned had no choice but to participate.

After the Galactus incident more years went by without much of a hitch. However a threat that only the Avengers knew of struck precisely one year ago. Not much is known, only that everyone with the exception of the Avengers and Fantastic four were rendered unconscious. By the time everyone was awakened the battle was long over. Most of the property that was damaged was being repaired, and it was almost like nothing happened....almost. There was a cost that dealt a blow to the hero community. The Avenger known as Wasp tragically lost her life. The glue that held the team together was dissolved, and so were they. Bruce Banner, the Hulk, went awol and vanished. They are still searching for him to this day. Thor left Earth and returned to Asgard to help balance the realms. Hank Pym, known as Antman and husband of Wasp quit going out on duty with the team, but still helps behind the scenes. Black Widow also quit and works for S.H.I.E.L.D full time.

With that a power vacuum came to being. There were concerns about the two most powerful Avengers being gone. There was a silver lining as two new members Vision and Jocasta appeared six months after the incident. Now with all that exposition we can finally begin the story of a boy who has the potential to be the greatest hero that ever lived. His name is Peter Parker.

Peter is 15 years old, a sophomore at Midtown High. Life is about as good can get for someone with his circumstances. He lives with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May in Queens. They don't have too much money, but they gave Peter the best life they could. His parents died in a plane crash when he was three years old. And they are all he has left. Well, he has an unofficial extended family, but we'll get to that soon enough. Peter wakes up from his bed and starts his day. As of right now he's 5'4 with medium brown hair done in the style of his first comic appearances.His eyes are as sharply blue as Tobey Maguire's. He goes downstairs to get breakfast from Aunt May. Uncle Ben sits at the table reading the paper.

Ben: "Morning Peter, sleep well?"

Peter: "Yeah I did. Food smells great."

May: "I made it just how you like it."

Peter: "You're the best Aunt May."

May: "Thanks dear. Are you ready for your field trip?"

Peter: "Sure am! We've known the Osborns forever but I've never actually been to Oscorp before. This is going to be so cool! I wonder what kind of things they've been up to."

Ben: "I've never been much of a science guy myself. I'm happy for the technological advancements and all, but I feel like we're losing part of ourselves in the process. Social interactions are barely functioning."

Peter: "I know, I try not to be like that but I feel like it's the only way I can connect with most other people."

The T.V show turns on the news which has superhero related news.

Anchor: "Welcome back everyone and good morning. I'm Martin Jones and we are in a refreshing upswing from the incident two weeks ago. Thanks to the Avengers the Serpent Society was swiftly defeated and put back in the raft, and supervillain crime in New York is at an all time low. In recent news the Mutant rights movement seems to have been gaining more traction."

May: "Good, mutants are people like you and me. They can't help being born that way."

Anchor: "We're going live to the rally to see what people from both sides of the camps think of mutants.

Man: "I'm not a real hater of mutants or anything, but I would at least like to know if there are any around me. They have powers and they can do whatever they want. That makes me concerned.

Woman: "What about the X-Men? They're mutants who fight for people like you and me, and they don't get enough thanks."

Man: "And what about the Brotherhood? They hate normal people."

Woman: "Only because people who discriminated against them in the worst ways looked for a safe haven. There are good mutants and bad mutants, and most just want to live out their lives in peace."

Man: "But it's up to them on whether they become the monsters some of us make them up to be, or if they make an effort to change our mind. Hiding isn't helping either. If my wife turned out to be a mutant and never told me it would be a huge breach of trust. We're supposed to not have secrets."

Woman: "Maybe she would be afraid of you thinking less of her for what she is. Maybe she wants to keep her privacy."

Man: "I would feel a lot better if they were open and registered with the government to show proof that they want to be seen as equals. If that happened I'd be friends with every mutant in the city."

Woman: "A superpowered registration? There's always been talk about it but I don't think it would ever happen."

It cuts back to the anchor.

Anchor: "And there you have it. What are your thoughts on mutant equality? Be sure to let us know on our social media platforms. Next up the current ratings for the New Warriors T.V series is at an all time high."

It shows off some of the members of the New Warriors named Mockingbird, Speedball, Namorita, Prodigy, Justice, and the former X-Man Firestar.

"The new Warriors are so cool! Speedball and Firestar are my favorites!"

"They're heroes but I wouldn't call most of them super."

"What do you mean?"

"Well Mockingbird and Justice were both convicted felons, but in Justice's case it wasn't his fault. He's cleaned himself up nicely, but I feel like Mockingbird puts herself on a pedestal that nobody else can reach. Same with Prodigy.  If he weren't with the team he could be a villain. Speedball I think is the most damaging because he lost what it means to be a hero."

"What do you think it takes?"

"He needs to be reminded that it isn't all about fame and fortune. Sure it's nice and not a bad thing in general, but he's reckless. His mind is focused on winning, and not helping others. Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. It's what you do with it that matters the most. Actions speak louder than words."

"I see. So no matter what I should always do the right thing?"

That sums it up pretty well."

"Wouldn't that be hard for a lot of people?"

Absolutely, but it's what needs to be done. It can be a thankless job."

They eventually arrive at Midtown High, and before Peter exits the vehicle Uncle Ben has some final words for him.

"Look, I know I make some big speeches about what's right and wrong, but it's only because I want what's best for you. I know I'm not your dad, but I've tried doing what I could to give you the life you deserve."

"That never mattered to me Uncle Ben. Who needs the Avengers when I have the best hero I could ever ask for?

"Thanks Peter, you know how to make this old heart of mine feel lively again."

It's getting closer to crunch time so Ben needs to let him go.

"Have a nice day."

"I know I will. I bet it'll be a day I'll never forget."

Peter exits the car and waves goodbye to Uncle Ben. Walking up to the doors of the front entrance Peter doesn't talk to anyone. When he enters his highschool is exactly what one would expect. A mixture of students from all ethnicities and walks of life. From the nerds, jocks, goths artistic, and cheerleaders alike. Peter doesn't quite belong to any group, but maybe the nerds are the closest he associates with because he has the perfect mind for chemistry and engineering, but he doesn't talk to them much because he wants friends who like him for himself as a person and not what group he's been linked to. He does his daily routine of getting supplies from his locker until someone forcefully presses his face into its door. It's his classmate and bully Flash Thompson. Flash is about 5'10 with medium blonde hair. He's on the JV football team as a running back. He has the voice of Kuwabara from Yu Yu Hakusho.

Flash: "Hey, Parker, what do you think you're doing?"

Peter: "I'm just trying to open my locker."

Flash: "Well why didn't you just say so! I'll help you out!"

Peter: "I don't think that's necc-"

Flash slams his head into the door again and slowly works his face up the lock, where Peter is forced to unlock it with half his view obstructed. After successfully unlocking it Flash lets him go.

Flash: "There ya go, Parker! Even with those glasses you still needed your good buddy Flash to help you out! Now what do you say?"

Peter: (quietly) "Thank you."

Flash: (slaps him on the back) "You're welcome!"

Flash leaves Peter alone from there, but his suffering isn't over yet. Another hand grabs Peter's wrist and starts twisting it. A boy with blond hair in a serrated bowl cut hairstyle is the culprit behind it. His name is Carl King. Flash may be a bully, but Carl is a sociopath in the making. Carl has targeted Peter for the very beginning for no real reason. He makes sure every time he meets Peter he always leaves a mark.

Carl: "Oh come on Peter you know you can't go through the day without having our fun together!"

Carl wastes no time putting Peter in as much pain as he possibly can. He's almost at the point where he's going to break Peter's wrist, but someone else finally has the nerve to intervene.

"That's enough Carl!"

Both Peter and Cark recognize the voice. Peter's demeanor instantly flips from despair to joy. His savior is the best friend one could ever ask for. His name is Harry Osborn, and he's another key segment to this tale. Harry is the son of the famous multi-millionaire Norman Obsorn. It was either random chance or fate that brought the Parkers and Osborns so close. Harry has brown hair that is parted in the middle to give an homage to a young James Franco. His face is quite different, almost like a pretty boy type. Carl hesitates a moment before letting Peter go.

Carl: "Harry, how are you doing?"

Harry: "Not well considering what you're

Carl: "What, this? Oh we were just messing around."

Harry: "Messing around huh? Get out of here."

Carl: "Whatever you say, rich boy."

Carl shoots Peter a look of murderous intent but heads to class. Peter straightens his glasses before speaking to Harry.

Peter: "Hey thanks for the help out there."

Harry: "I'd tell you to stand up for yourself, but Carl seems to only listen to me."

Peter: "It's because he wants to be your friend."

Harry: "Well that's never going to happen. All my life people only wanted to talk to me because of who my dad is, but not you. You're the only one who saw me as a person."

Peter: "Well when you put it like that it sounds like I rock."

Harry: "You do, now we should get to class."

Their home room is biology. The teacher isn't here yet, but instead walks in a blonde with a headband and a lot of heart. Her name is Gwen Stacy. She is Peter and Harry's other great friend. She's known Peter and Harry since 6th grade. She and Peter have a crush on each other, but neither are aware of the other's feelings. Gwen waves back at Peter and Harry and lingers her glance at Peter longer than intended and it becomes awkward for her. She turns away and acts like nothing ever happened.

Peter: "See? She was totally looking at you just like everyone else."

Harry: "You serious? She was looking at you."

Peter: "No way it's you she likes."

Harry: (under his breath) "Yeah, and in a year I'll fly on a snowboard made by my dad's company."

Oh Harry you and your foreshadowing never get old. The teacher walks in. His hair is long and wiry, and his face looks like he's always running on low fuel. This is Mr. Wilson, and he is a man whose dreams were crushed long ago.

Wilson: "As you know today we're taking a field trip to Oscorp, the place where I almost got a job, but instead I was beaten out by an amputee...still processing that after all these years."

Harry: -whispering- "I see why he looks so dead inside."

Peter: "Beat out by an amputee? Talk about embarrassing."

Wilson: "Well if you're excited as I am then get ready. We're leaving in five minutes. We're all going out the front so let's go."

The entire sophomore class makes their way to the busses, but Peter and Harry are in the back of the pack. Harry spots a limousine with black tinted windows that flashes its lights at him.

Harry: "Hey wait a minute I know that limo."

Harry beckons Peter over and approaches the car. One of the windows rolls down to reveal a man designed as a visual homage to a very young Willem Dafoe. This is Norman Osborn, founder and CEO of Oscorp. He's in his very early thirties and is one of the youngest multi millionaires of a company in the history of the world. If the sales continue he may finally reach the billionaire stage. He wears some slim shades and speaks very intensely. With the voice of Steeljaw from Transformers RID.

Norman: (intense) "Peter Parker, what do you think you're doing with my son?"

Peter: (nervously) "Oh well- we were just- I mean-"

Norman lets out a sigh and takes off his glasses. His expression changes from serious to mildly annoyed.

Norman: "Sweet Jesus Peter I was just joking."

Peter: (embarrassed) "Oh right that makes sense. Sorry, I just can't get a read on you sometimes. I don't know if you want to be my friend or destroy me."

Norman: "As CEO of a mega corporation that comes with the job description."

Harry: "So what are you doing here?"

Norman: "Well I figured instead of going in those decrepit school busses you would choose to ride in luxury."

Peter: "Wouldn't they notice us going missing?"

Norman: "You think they care? If they aren't indoctrinating you with socialist propaganda they're trying to prepare you for a liberal arts degree. You're just cogs in the machine for them."

Peter: "Yeah you're right."

Norman: "I bet they won't even notice your absence."

Harry: "Alright let's make a bet. If they notice, give me three hundred dollars."

Norman: "You're on."

The boys enter the limo and they drive off to Oscorp. On the ride there Norman can't help but converse with Peter.

Norman: "Did you ever find out how our families met?"

Peter: "Uncle Ben told me he fixed your pipes."

Norman: "Correct, but there's more to it than that. Your Uncle Ben is one of the greatest men I ever met, and the same goes for your Aunt May."

Peter: "So what about him made you like him?"

Norman: "The price. Most plumbers would've jumped at the chance to give me a high price, but instead he treated me like I was everyone else. It was the first time somebody saw me a human being since my rise to power. By fate's beautiful hands I was given another gift in the form of a boy the same age as my son."

Peter: "Oh mister Osborn you're being way too kind."

Harry: "Yeah you're never this nice to other people. Kinda creeping me out right now."

Norman: "The Parkers have done more for us than any corporation. We've been given an extended family. The Osborns and the Parkers. Could you name a better group of people?"

Peter: "The Avengers?"

Harry: "The Justice League?"

Peter: "The X-Men?"

Harry: "The Outsiders?"

Norman: "Nobody knows or cares who that last group is."

Peter: "The New Warriors?"

Everyone pauses before laughing.

Norman: "You're killing me with these jokes Peter."

Peter: "I'm glad. Maybe one day I'll be as great as you or Tony Stark."

Norman: "People like Tony Stark and Lex Luthor are just airheads. They keep dominating the sales in engineering, but I feel like one day Oscorp will take its rightful place among them."

Harry: "Yeah but you need to beat out Roxxon first."

Norman: "I don't trust that company. There's something shady going on there."

Peter: "What do you mean?"

Norman: "I'm not sure, but I tend to be right about these kinds of things."

Peter: "Their CEO is so nice though."

Norman: "Those who act like God's gift always have the darkest skeletons in their closet."

The Roxxon Oil Company is Oscorps most direct competitor. It's a petroleum conglomerate that has dipped its hands in engineering and manufacturing of goods. Recent stock numbers have it currently beating Oscorp by quite a bit. We'll get to that when the time comes.

They finally arrive at Oscorp just a few minutes before the buses arrive. It is designed as an homage to the Andrew Garfield movies with that imposing high peak. Norman drops off both boys at the entrance where they hide. The rest of the sophomore class shows up a few minutes later, and just as Norman called it nobody noticed them missing. Everyone steps inside and it's like scientific heaven. It's people showing off their tech like it's an expo. People are flying around in some sort of gliders, and few orbs are flying around and there is a winged harness being tested out by a bald old man. In the center of the room is a hologram of Norman holding an orange orb in his hand like it's the key to the universe. He finally introduces himself to the rest of the students.

Norman: "Welcome everyone to Oscorp. I am Norman Osborn, CEO and father to this little company of miracles. Here is the proof that I am the future we all desire. Whether it's medicine, energy, genetics, or weaponry, we are in pursuit of humanity's greatest potential. Follow me and I'll show you some of the projects we've been cooking up."

Norman first takes them to the medical department, which is just three floors above. There are several scientists working on different new medical techniques and experimental medicines.

Norman: "We're looking for ways to detect diseases before they even happen and give people medication more affordable for those with financial difficulty."

A scientist walks in through the back door with a huge stack of papers he sets down near his desk. He has beautiful long, black hair and a face to match it, but something about him is off. He is more on the pale side and he looks skinnier than he should.

Flash: "Geez who's the zombie over there?"

Norman: "I can assure you that he is no zombie. That is Micheal Morbious, and he's one of the most gentle people I ever had the pleasure of hiring."

Flash: "But why does he look like that?

Norman: "He suffers from a rare blood disease. Life for him has been hard. He hopes to find a cure thanks to our resources."

Peter: "Poor guy."

Norman: "Life has a way of being so unfair. A beautiful soul cursed while you, Flash, are healthy and looking like a dump truck with teeth"

A good chunk of the class laughs at the joke, which embarrasses Flash enough to be silent for most of the event."

Harry: "Dad you didn't have to murder him like that."

Norman: "I'm sorry, but I hate seeing a good man be brought down by those beneath them."

Down the hall he shows several people working on a volunteer in some sort of machine.

Norman: "This is a potential cure for cancer we're looking at. Nothing concrete but it looks promising.

Next up is the R&D department three floors up. Norman pulls aside a man with dark brown hair in his 40's.

Norman: "This is Alistair Smythe. He's our head of the robotics department. He's our top dog in this department."

Smythe: "Oh sir you flatter me too much."

Norman: "Why not give the kids here a small sample of what your robots can do."

He has a little robot cricket stand up and does a backflip and flies around. It even picks up small objects like eons and draws an illustration of Liz.

Liz: "Can I keep the picture?"

Smythe: "Sure!"

After taking the picture two men are working in the corner. One looks like Alfred Molina if he gained some weight. The other is much older, bald, and a pointed nose.

Norman: "Otto Octavius and Adrian Toomes, our top engineers. I'd introduce you, but we have places to be."

The final room he takes them to is the biology department. There are animals in different containers all around ranging from reptiles, fish, and even insects. There are two of them who have been waiting for them. The first man is of Arabic descent with a very fine trim and is dressed far more sharply compared to all the other scientists. The other is a man with brown hair and is missing his right arm.

Harry: - whispering- "Look he only has one arm."

Peter: "Definitely the guy Mr. Wilson was talking about."

Norman: "Our genetics expert Nels Van Adder and our lead biologist Curt Connors."

Adder: "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Curt: "It brings me great joy to introduce all of you to the wonders of science."

Norman: "How about you tell everyone about the projects you've been cooking up?"

Adder: "I'll go first if you don't mind, Curt."

Curt: "Not at all."

Adder: "Since I was a boy I always admired the olympics and the athletes that participated in them. They devoted their lives to being the best possible versions of themselves for one or several events. I then thought to myself why can't everyone be the best version of themselves? Thanks to Oscorp's funding I'm in the testing stages of the perfect genetic enhancer."

Nels turns on a projector to show off the product in question and a 3D model of a human body.

Adder: "Introducing the Genetic Overhaul Boosting Limiter Negator, or as everyone helped pitch in on the acronym, the G.O.B.L.N serum. Genetic weakness will be a thing of the past."

The projection shows a concept for what it would do to a human body once ingested. An unfit man is suddenly transformed into a perfectly sculpted physique.

Adder: "Everyone is the ideal version of themselves. Peak performance on everything you can do."

Gwen raises her hand.

Gwen: "Sounds like you're just making a bunch of Captain Americas."

The room falls silent as Gwen points out the fatal flaw in this idea. Nels at first doesn't know what to say before trying to defend himself.

Adder: (frazzled) "I can assure you that is not the intention. This is for medical purposes only."

Gwen: "But what purpose would there be if everyone can physically do the same thing?"

Nels: "Disease and imperfections, and birth defects would be a thing of the past. You can be perfect."

Gwen: "I don't mean to come off as rude, Mr. Adder, but just for me I wouldn't want it. I already love myself the way I am. My opinion is if everyone is special, then nobody is special. Life is about overcoming obstacles but this is like a shortcut. I don't want to offend anyone who wants it, but it's a false reality for them."

Peter and Harry's eyes are wide as they exchange a look with each other. Norman breaks the silence and applauds, and soon the rest of the class and Mr. Wilson join it as well.

Curt: "Well I'd applaud to, but, well, you know."

The joke alleviates the tension and Nels excuses himself from the room.

Flash: "Damn Gwen owned that nerd."

Norman: "A very insightful take on the matter, young Gwendeline. I sense a bright future for you."

Gwen: "I'm sorry for making a big scene."

Norman: "Never feel ashamed for speaking your mind. You may have actually changed my mind on that whole project now that I think about it. Anyway, Curt, how about you take the floor with your animals."

Dr.Conners steps forward, but before speaking he sees Mr. Wilson staring him down. He swallows before doing his best.

Curt: "Hello everyone, my name is Curt Conners, and thanks to Oscorp I've taken my research into reptiles and insects to the next level. Reptiles have had my interest for years, especially those with regenerative properties. I know you've all seen my missing arm. I believe we can one day harness a lizard's regenerative powers and apply it to amputees like myself. Never again will we ever have to be less than what we are. Our other project here is more on the experimental side. Anyone heard of cross-species?"

Peter raises his hands.

Peter: "That's the idea of merging different breeds of animals together, kind of like Ligers."

Curt: "Correct, but here we're doing it on a much smaller scale with insects in a test run. We're making new breeds of spiders to replace those that were extinct in order to fill that void. One specific spider we've created we've doused with radiation."

Peter: "Excuse me but what good does radiation do for a spider?"

Curt :"We're looking for potential cures to ailments by testing out the durability of these new species. If they can survive these harsh conditions we can possibly find new ways to improve our own genetics."

Peter: "It almost sounds like you're trying to play god."

Curt: "It may sound like that, but we're doing it for the benefit of others. As for the spider I was mentioning, take a look."

Curt points to the container where it's stashed with a bunch of other spiders, but it isn't present among them.

Harry: "I don't see it."

Curt: "Huh, me neither."

Norman: "Perhaps it got sent away for testing."

Harry: "Or it escaped."

Norman: "Impossible. Nothing ever gets out of our sight. Oh well, how about a lunch break?"

Everyone leaves for lunch except for Peter, who is pulled aside with Dr. Connors and Norman. Someone else is still in the room, but they don't know.

Norman: "I have to go, Peter, but the two of you should talk."

Norman leaves on business leaving Peter unsure of how he should converse with Curt.

"Yes I'm in the same shoes as you, Peter. Being alone with a young boy has me awkward as well."

(embarrassed) "Oh no no I wasn't thinking that at all! I'm just not very good at conversation...with anyone."

"Oh same here. Thank god for my wife for putting up with my nonsense."

"So why did Mr. Osborn want us to talk?"

"Because he has told me quite a bit about you. He praises you almost as much as his own son."

"He praises Harry?"

"He must not do it openly, how strange."

"So what did he say about me?"

"He talks about your scientific mind, and he thinks that when you graduated you could be a big help to us."

"It has been my dream to work here when I'm older."

"Then you'll fit right in."

"I'm sorry for calling out some of the experiments earlier."

"Don't apologize. If we're speaking honestly I've had my reservations about the cross-species research."

"I mean I get the idea behind it but it just sounds dangerous."

"The implications could be drastic if left in bad company, but I trust Oscorp."

"So that spider that went missing, why would you use radiation?"

"It wasn't my idea. It was one of our more...controversial scientists."

"Ah, so do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"


"Why not just use a prosthetic arm?"

"Because if I do then what's the point of my research? It might be useful but it just isn't the same as the real thing. I want to challenge myself and earn the happy ending I've been looking for."

"You're so passionate, I want to be like you and Mr. Osborn."

Want my advice? Don't be like us, be better. Here, take this. I like you, Peter you've got a friend. If you have any questions about science or life just give me a call."

Curt hands him a card with his number and email.

"It was nice meeting you, Peter, but I need to get back to work. You can look around if you want but you should get back with the rest of your class."

"Thanks, doctor Connors!"

Peter takes a look around in the room alone, or so he thinks. Someone else is watching, it's Carl. He begins to make a move, but something stops him. He looks up and sees a spider descending itself from the ceiling and Peter's direction. It's not just any spider, it's the missing test subject. Peter is completely oblivious as the spider lands on his shoulder and makes its way to his hand. A sharp pain stings on him, and he looks and sees the spider. In a panic of pain and terror he shakes his arm to get it off.

Peter: "Wait was that the experimental spider? Where did it go?"

The spider has vanished from Peter's sight, but not Carl's. Carl waits for the spider to walk by, and it suddenly stumbles to the floor like it's hurt. Carl is confused but has a small bag that he tries to scoop it up. The spider jumps over to the left almost instinctively, which confused Carl because he was behind the spider and there was no way it would know he was making a move. This time he is able to capture it.

Carl: "You'll do great in my collection."

Carl leaves while Peter is panicking, never noticing his presence. Peter calms himself down and returns to Gwen and Harry. Meanwhile Dr. Connors is confronted by Mr. Wilson.

"Hello Curt."

"Alex, it's been awhile."

"Must be nice having the job of a lifetime."

"Why do you still blame me for all of this? I did nothing to you."

"It's true Norman chose you, but you know I was researching the same ideas with reptiles as you were, but you were given the job instead."

"I guess it was a matter of presentation."

"It's not fair. I worked just as hard if not harder!"

"You should move on. You got another chance in teaching newer generations to follow their dreams."

"At the cost of my own? That's cruel."

"That is out of my hands."

"You mean hand."

"Resorting to insults are we?"

"The point is, Curt, you better come up with a solution quickly, or else someone else might take your place."

"Then it's best I get to work."

Mr. Wilson leaves Dr. Connors to his work while the latter looks over some of his research. Back at Peter's perspective the three kids eat over at a little custom table for guests.

Harry: "Why is it that the quiet kids caused the most trouble today."

Gwen: "Look I don't know what came over me, but my inner humanitarian just exploded out."

Harry: "That's a liberal arts degree in the making."

Gwen: "Oh shut up!"

Harry: "You too, Pete, big cajones calling out Dr. Connors like that."

Gwen: "Speaking of which you don't look so good."

Peter: "What? Me? I'm fine, see? This is the way a person who's perfectly fine acts!"

Gwen: "You look red."

Peter: -panicking- "Did the spider turn me into a cherry?!?"

Harry: "Spider?"

Peter: "I'm making a joke."

Gwen: "I don't get it."

Peter: "Because.... It's an inside joke."

Harry: "With who?

Peter: ".....Ghosts."

Gwen: "Can we please change the subject?"

Peter: "I agree! Norman Osborn really is amazing huh?"

Gwen: "He's a legend."

Harry: "Yeah.. he's great."

Gwen: "Something the matter?"

Harry: -sigh- "Everything's fine."

The field trip is over and everyone is home. Since it was on a Friday, Peter has the weekend free. Aunt May greets Ben and Peter.

May: "How was the field trip?"

Peter: "It was incredible!"

Ben: "Learn anything?"

Peter: "Yeah, we should never play god and spider bites hurt."

Ben: "A spider bit you? That's some bad luck there."

Peter: "Yeah. It's nothing though."

May: "Well I hope you're hungry because we're having pork chops."

Peter: "My favorite! You're the best."

Ben: "A meal fit for royalty. You're spoiling us, darling."

Later that night while eating all is well, but Peter's vision suddenly gets blurry. He drops his fork mid-meal.

May: "You alright?"

Ben: "Looks like a train hit you."

Peter: "I feel like it too."

Ben: "Maybe you should get some rest."

Peter: "Yeah you're right.

Ben: "Just call if you need us."

Peter slogs his way into bed, his drowsiness is increasing. Sweat all around his face materializes. He falls face first into his pillow and passes out instantly. It all feels like a fever dream. What happens next he can't even explain to himself. He feels cold and then wakes up to find his bed gone, along with his room and house. He's somewhere else entirely. It's like he's up in the clouds, but it's dark like fog where he can barely see in front of him. As above, so below, nothing but white and grey clouds to hinder his vision. He sees a shadow loom over him ,and when he disappears it vanishes. A voice calls out to him, but he can't pinpoint the direction.

You have been chosen, user."

"Who was that? Where are you?"

"Inside you."

"Gross get out!"

"Not literally, well, sort of literally."

"Then show yourself."

"As you wish."

A large figure with multiple legs and a round body emerges from in front of Peter. The fog in front of it fades away to reveal the spider that bit him. Peter is like the rest of society and does the appropriate responsive of screaming bloody murder.


"What? Eat you? I have no desire to do that."

"Oh yeah? That's exactly what a giant killer spider would say!"

"My child, if I wished you dead I would do it right now. You would stand no chance against me."

"I guess you're right. You are just a figment of my imagination."

"I am very real, but you are dreaming."

"Then I'm going to wake up right!"

Nothing happens.

"Huh... it isn't working."

"Because I do not give you permission to leave."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because of what I did to you."

"You mean when you bit me?"

"Yes you are part of something greater now. You are the inheritor of my totem."

"Inheritor of what? Who are you?"

"I know who you are, Peter Parker, but as for me, my name is Arachnus. I am the lord of the spiders, and you now possess my totem. We will become one soon enough."

"What are you talking about?"

"My bite passed my powers to you. Honestly I preferred to get your friend Harry instead, but he left before I could. I had no other options."

"Wow alright I'll pretend I didn't just get disrespected in my own home."

"Listen, Peter, and listen carefully. My time here is finite. I'm dying, and I needed someone to pass my powers on. You are the chosen inheritor of my totem."

"What is a totem and what do you mean you're dying?"

"Have you ever seen a totem pole before?"

"Yes with all the animals on them."

"All totems are spirits in the form of animals. We live among you anonymously. We reincarnate in different forms every few generations. We grant special people powers akin to who we are. For example you now will have the powers of a spider."

"So I can shoot webs?"

"Yes, and more. You will now be strong as well."

"How are spiders strong?"

"We aren't typically. You can thank the radiation for that."

"Oh no I'm radioactive!"

"Fear not, it's such a low dose for you it's not that big a deal. It also granted me a new ability."

"What is it?"

"I'll let you discover that for yourself."

"You still aren't telling me how you're dying."

"The radiation which improved my powers is also what is killing me. The experiment was a failure, but created a success that only you will benefit from. I am ashamed, however, to admit you will not get everything immediately. I can only give you half of my powers and strength."

"The radiation?"

"Correct. It's interfering with my transfer. In a few weeks I will be no more. When that happens I will visit you two more times. The first when the other half of my power transfers t o you, and the second is when you eventually die."

"I see. What will you have me do with this power?"

"That is completely up to you. Care not for how you use it for we totems are neutral on mortal affairs. I do ask one thing of you, and that is to survive. Survive so that we totems can live. Beware the spider's natural predators and other members of the arachnid family because they will do the most harm to you. Also beware of humans that will hunt you for having a totem. Finally, beware of the Inheritor Family."

"Who are they?"

"They haven't been around in decades, so they may finally be all dead, but you will know if you see it."

"How do I know all of what you said is real?"

Wake up and see for yourself. You should start to notice some changes immediately. I will let you leave now. Good luck, Peter parker. Use my power wisely."

Arachnus is consumed by the fog and it gets to where Peter is completely blinded. He finally wakes over breathing heavily, but something feels different....he feels great. His vision is blurry, but he has his glasses on, which doesn't make sense. After getting up he checks his glasses to see if they're blurry, and they aren't. It's when he takes them off that something registers. He can see perfectly. All the colors and full detail without the aid of his glasses.

"Whoa, I can see perfectly!"

He takes his shirt off to change clothes, but nearly faints when he sees he has a perfect six pack and muscles.

"How many push-ups did this spider do? How many sit-ups? What kind of protein shakes did he have?"

He admire his new perfect physique before putting

"Geez Arachnus, you turned me into the fifth Pillar Man."

Peter tries to open the door but finds his hand stuck to it. He tries pulling but it doesn't budge. He starts shaking it violently, and it makes a lot of noise.

May: "Are you alright Peter?"

Peter: "Yeah I'm fine the door is just stuck!"

"I'll get your uncle to help you."

Peter: "No need! I got this!"

Peter gets more frantic but he does manage to pry himself free, albeit landing on his backside. He walks down the stairs cheerfully and joins them for breakfast.

Ben: "Sounds like you were in a fight."

Peter: "That door was pretty tough."

Ben: "You look pretty good for someone who felt sick yesterday."

Peter: "it passes pretty quick Just needed to sleep it off."

May: "I got some bacon and eggs for you."

Peter: "Awesome!"

During the meal Ben notices the lack of glasses.

Ben: "How are you able to see without your glasses."

Peter: "I... just woke up like that."

Ben: "Really?"

Peter: "Yeah."

Ben: "If you say so."

May: "Wow the glasses really did their job."

Later that day Peter goes outside into the city and finds an empty alleyway to test out his new powers. He puts his hand against the wall, and just like the Rami film it has the tiny spider legs coming out of his hands. With a deep breath he puts his hands on the wall and takes the first step, then another, another, and so forth. With each step he scales the wall his fear becomes replaced with wonder and confidence. Overnight his life has transformed from a feeble existence to something greater. At the top of the building he tries to do some flips. His first attempt fails miserably with him falling on his face. He keeps practicing until he does a perfect backflip. He starts doing side flips, font flips and jumps higher. Feeling brave he tests his jumping powers to another building and lands it perfectly. A much further building is up ahead, and he doesn't think he can make it. He's relying on something else. The web of a spider is what he's after.

"Alright web, let's see how I do it."

Instinctively it's life destiny he knows he has to use his hands, like this was his destiny. He runs and jumps and does the right gesture with his hands...but nothing happens. It's at that moment when he remembers he doesn't have all the powers yet.

"You know I really didn't think this through!"

He hits the wall and then falls on top of a garbage disposal before rolling off. Surprisingly he didn't break anything. He limps off his way home. He goes through the back and clumps his way into his room. He opens the window and is upside down on his ceiling. He jumps down with his back to the door. When he turns around a sharp shiver travels down his spine. Uncle Ben is in the room staring him down. Peter freaks and falls down.

"So that's what's been going on."

"Look I can explain!"

"So you're a mutant."

"What? No! That's not it at all!"

"Then how do you explain this?"

Peter regales him the story of the spider bite and his encounter with the spider in his dreams.

"Peter, it would've been so much easier if you were a mutant."

"Well that's what's going on."

"So what are you going to do with these powers?"

"I don't know, I still don't know what all my limits are."

"Well I know what you aren't going to do. You're not going to tell May."

"Why not?"

"It would be too big of a burden. You're also not going to do anything about it."

"So you're not going to let me even try it out?"

"Those powers might attract the wrong kind of attention. Pretend like it doesn't exist."


"No buts, you got it?"

-sigh- "Yes Uncle Ben."

"I'm sorry, but it's for your own good."

Ben leaves Peter feeling hurt and betrayed. At last he feels special, but he isn't allowed to feel like it. The rest of the weekend goes with Peter feeling isolated, but he does find out new things about his powers on accident like his strength. When a pencil gets under his desk he lifts it up with ease to his surprise. He gets texts from Harry and Gwen, but he doesn't answer either of them. Monday morning hits and Peter has overslept. The bus has left without him and Peter leaves in a hurry. He passes Uncle Ben and instead of saying goodbye he just briefly looks at him with a sad look.

May: "What was that about?"

Ben: "You know kids these days."

Peter is sprinting as fast as he can, and normally he would be out of breath but his powers have given him increased stamina, and he even seems to be moving a little faster as well. He sees the bus but a kid is playing in the street. Something hits him like a sort of electric feeling that makes all the hairs on his body stand up. Like all of his senses are turned up to a thousand percent efficiently. He doesn't know what is going on but he instinctively looks behind him and somehow manages to see someone texting while driving straight toward the child. It's like his body was moving on his own because he dives for the kid, and rolls his way to the other side of the street right before the car hits the kid. The mother of the kid comes running after them soon after.

Woman: (frantic) "Sweeties are you alright?!"

Kid: "Yeah mommy, the nice boy saved me!"

Woman: "You did? Thank you so much!"

Peter: "Don't worry about it. Anyway I got to go, so please don't play in the street!"

Kid: "Okay!"

With the family safe Peter darts for the bus once more.

"Just what was that rush? I've never felt anything like it."

He manages to find an alleyway where the bus is stopped at a light. With there being enough smog from the exhaust Peter is able to stealthily crawl into the underside of the bus and hang upside down for the duration of the trip. When everyone arrives at the school he waits for everyone to get off the bus before he crawls out. Thankfully nobody saw him and he managed to get there on time. Harry is waiting on the entrance.

Harry: "You didn't answer my texts."

Peter: "Sorry I was in a bad place. I needed to figure stuff out."

Harry: "Hey where are your glasses?"

Peter: "I uh... got contacts?"

Harry: "Oh really? Sweet!"

That sensation suddenly appears again, and Peter instinctively gets out of the way. A football was thrown at him that he dodged just in time. He looks in the direction of the throw and sees Flash was the culprit. He looks totally surprised that Peter dodged that.

Flash: "Hey Parker how did you know?"

Peter pauses for a moment and decides to do something unprecedented.

Peter: "I don't know, Flash. I guess your act is getting weak."

Flash: "The hell did you just say?"

Peter: "I'm saying I'm bored. You're boring me."

Flash: "Since when did you grow some balls ?"

Peter: "Well someone had to since yours never dropped!"

A crowd starts to gather. The balance of the hierarchy is suddenly shifting and everyone else is picking up on it. Gwen and Carl both show up on opposite corners of the crowd.

Flash: "You're really pissing me off, Parker!"

Peter: "Well know you know how I've felt all these years Flash! You're the biggest jerk and everyone flocks to you like seagulls."

Flash: "Well maybe if you weren't such a waste of space I wouldn't have to slap you around!"

Peter: "How am I a waste? My GPA is higher than the number of brain cells you have!"

Flash has enough and shoves Peter. He pulls it off but Peter doesn't go as far back as he thought.

Peter: "You know what Flash? Want to prove you're tough? Fight me."

Flash: "Yeah you're on! Meet me in the ring!"

The school has a boxing ring in the gym for their boxing club. Flash gets red gloves while Peter gets blue. Harry tries to dissuade him from fighting.

Harry: "Look Pete I don't know what you smoked but I don't want it! You're going to get killed out there."

Peter: "I promise you I'll be fine."

Harry: "You never fought anyone, you don't stand a chance."

Peter: "I just need one good punch."

Harry: "You're not Mike Tyson!"

Peter: (jokingly) "Really? Then I really am done for!"

Gwen looks away unable to bear what will happen to her beloved Peter. Carl on the other hand is just chomping at the bits to see Peter get destroyed.

Flash: "Last chance Parker."

Peter: "I'm good, thanks."

Flash: "Alright you asked for it!"

Flash goes for a right hook, and everyone is silent. Flash looks and sees somehow he missed his shot because his glove is mere centimeters from Peter's left cheek.

Flash: "What the...?"

Peter: -goading- "Is big man Flash Thompson afraid to hit puny Parker?"

People in the background start to giggle. Flash decides to get more aggressive, and Peter just starts dodging every attack. Peter is smart to keep barely dodging in order to avoid suspicion.

Harry: "Who taught Peter how to do that?"

Gwen: "He's not hurt!"

Carl: "What is this crap?"

Flash lays on more attacks and this time Peter has no choice but to block. Flash is admittedly pretty tough and some of his blows make Peter crumple to the floor.

Carl: "Now that's more like it!"

Gwen: "Peter get out of there!"

Peter is on his knees and Flash has his back to him celebrating.

Peter: (to himself) "Right, he actually is pretty tough."

Peter stands back up, surprising everyone.

Flash: "You want some more huh? Tell you what I'll give you a hand. You get one free shot."

Peter: "...Really?"

Flash: "Yeah man hit me as hard as you can!"

Peter: "If you say so."

Flash: "This is going to be the weakest punch ever guys, just watch!"

Flash starts laughing, and then it cuts to Flash at top-down angle still laughing, but there is a black eye on his left eye. Liz and a few other students are looking down at him as Flash realizes he's on the floor of the ring.

Flash: "What happened...and why does my face feel like it got hit by a train?"

Liz: "Well... you lost."

Flash: "What?"

It cuts to what actually happened after Flash started laughing at Peter. The boy took Flash's offer to heart and clocks him right in the face, knocking him out instantly. Flash falls over like a recently chopped tree with an appropriate thud when he hits the ground. Everyone is silent with their jaws agape. Harry is frantically looking back at Peter to Flash for a good twenty seconds. Peter suddenly yells out in pain and shakes his hand to fake injury. That seems to do the trick because the crowd erupts in cheering for Peter's success. Gwen breathes a sigh of relief and may have lost twenty years of her life from all that stress. Carl is in disbelief and leaves trying to comprehend what just happened. Harry jumps into the ring and puts his arm around Peter.

Harry: "I gotta ask you this man... since when did you become AMAZING?"

Peter: "I guess I just was unsure of what I was capable of."

Harry: "Alright, well your lunch is getting paid for today my good man."

Peter: "You don't have to."

Harry: "I insist."

Peter: "Well you're the boss!"

Peter leaves with Harry to the cafeteria with his head held up high.

Peter: (to himself) "This is the beginning of something great I just know it!"

Newton's law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This still holds true for someone else. While Peter is rising, someone else is falling lower. At Oscorp Norman gets a notification on his phone. He looks at it blankly and goes to the bathroom. He washes his hands and splashes water on his face. His expression goes from blank to dark. He goes down an elevator into a secret bunker deep underground. There his is greeted by two of his guards and someone strapped to a chair.

Guard 1: "We found him snooping around the weapons department."

Norman: "How much does he know?"

The second guard hands him a data chip. Norman plugs it into his phone, which is a part of Oscorp tech itself. The chip reveals several top secret information that makes Norman's expression break for a moment.

Norman: "Who sent you?"

Man: "Not going to ask who I am?"

Norman: (cold) "I've never heard of you, and thanks to your actions nobody else ever will either."

Man: "You're evil, Norman Obsborn, a demon in human skin."

Norman: "Idiot, you don't know me at all. I'm Norman Osborn. I am the pure embodiment of perfection. I am the universe's champion of perfection. I am the apex, the zenith, and the true master of this universe. The only reason we all exist is because I am here to become  god."

Man: "You're delusional."

Norman: "I have no delusions. I'll ask you one last time. Who sent you."

Man: "I'll never tell you."

Norman: "You don't have to. I already know you're working for ROXXON."

Man: "How did you know?"

Norman: "Because they're the only company stupid enough to challenge me like that. You're not the first, and you won't be the last."

Man: "The public will find out what you've done."

Norman: "No they won't. If you think you're a hero then you are the one with delusions. Your company has done far more evil than I have ever done. My purpose is to root out all the evil in the world and destroy all that oppose me."

Man: "You won't win this."

Norman pulls out a gun and holds it to his neck.

Norman: (intense) "Let me tell you something about myself. True defeat is something that does not apply to me. I can lose 99 battles but I will always win the hundredth. Norman Osborn always comes out on top in the end."

Man: "So you're going to kill me?"

Norman: "Yes. It's only fitting for the one who sentences you to death to carry it out personally. You should be honored. You had the pleasure of dying to mankind's savior. Consider it the highlight of your otherwise pointless existence."

Man: "Then I go without regrets."

Norman: "Don't worry, your boss Martin Li will join you in the great beyond soon enough."

Norman pulls the trigger and shoots the man in the neck. He wipes his hands of the blood and hands his bloody suit to the first guard.

Norman: "Burn the suit and destroy the gun."

He gestures to the second guard.

Norman: "Melt the body with acid like the rest. Then have Mendel erase all records of this man's existence. This never happened."

Guard 2: "Yes sir."

Norman drops the chip and steps on it to break it. He starts walking back to the elevator to resume his work.

Norman: (to himself) "Martin Li, Lex Luthor, and Tony Stark, all stepping stone on my path to glory. Nobody understands why I do such heinous acts for the good of humanity, but one day they will, and they'll love me for it. This is the era of Osborn, and nobody will stop me."

And just like that the story of Norman and Peter have truly begun. Their conflict is inevitable and they will change each other's lives for better and for worse in so many ways. The only question is whether or not either of them will be survive the coming war, and what other surprises wait for them? All that is certain is that nobody will see it coming.

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