Magic and Wolves: Book 1 of W...

By emmawaack

194K 8.7K 353

"Alright Mr. Steinson you can pay Franny. Let us know if any problems come up." She opened the door and smile... More

Call Me Hammer
Trust Me CeCe
My Apologizes Ma'am
Stay Smart Cecilia
Focus, You Don't Want to Blow Up the House
Something to Remind You
Damn Wolf Instincts
Let Me Sneak Out the Back
I'm The Big Bad Wolf
Quit Acting Like a Stalker
Prove Me Wrong
Is This the Mate Thing?
Shut Him Up
It Smells Like Rain
I Overshared
It's Been a Long Day
It Won't Be Too Painful
A Gentle Reminder
I Never Thought About Consequences
I Will Begin to Lose My Calm
Not My House
Time To Teach This Mutt A Lesson
Fate Is A Funny Thing
Not Too Ridiculous?
You Guys Don't Mess Around, Do You?
Mind, Body, Spirit
What's Troubling you
What's Your Answer
Mad World
I Promise Not to Get Murdered
You Do Not Disappoint
Time To Be The Alpha
How Old Are You?
Magic Energy
Who Are You?
Not Much of a Talker
Do You Have a Suggestion
Too Tired for This Shit
We Have a Plan
Into the Fire
Chaos Erupts
Definitely Not a Dream


3K 143 7
By emmawaack


"You look troubled Mate."

Hammer looked up from the drink in front of him. A young-looking man leaned back against the counter behind the bar, cleaning his hands with a rag. He had sandy blonde hair that was slightly tousled, strong features and startling gold eyes.

Two heavy silver hoops hung from his ears and a thick leather collar was around his neck. Combat boots and loose low riding jeans were the only clothes he wore leaving his well-defined chest bare.

A large tattoo started on his right peck, wrapping over his shoulder onto his back and down his muscular arm. A variety of black lines created a Mandala that centered on his shoulder and radiated out from there creating a traditional, tribal design.

His Voice was deep and low with a heavy British accent.

"I wouldna say troubled," Hammer replied, his Irish accent more prominent. He hadn't been hiding it since confessing to Cecilia, "Just lost in thought."

"Oi Mate," the bartender smirked, pulling out a bottle filled with amber liquid and topped off Hammers drink, "Your accents almost as thick as me own."

"Aye, it tis." Hammer winked, tipping his whiskey filled glass in a salute.

"Name's Sylas." The bartender laughed, reaching his hand out over the bar.

"Hammer." They shook hands smiling at each other. "So, what brought you cross the pond?"

"Time for a change," Sylas shrugged, pouring himself a glass of whiskey. "Travelled some around the world. When I got here it suited me, so I stayed."

"Cheers to that, my story is similar."

"So, what brings you here this evenin. Not drinking your troubles away, I hope."

Hammer shook his head, "Meeting someone here. She's late though."

Hammer glanced at his phone, seeing no missed calls or messages he frowned.

"Ah, trials of the heart can drive a man to the bottom of the bottle. I don't recommend making it a habit my friend." Sylas sighed, his eyes getting a far-off look as he finished his drink.

"Personal experience?"

"I've experienced more than most can forget in a lifetime." Hammer tilted his head slightly, looking at the blonde man but before he could ask what he had meant, Sylas pointed behind him, "Would this be your fair maiden now?"

Hammer spun, a grin forming when he spotted Cecilia. Even in a plain tight white tee-shirt and faded ripped jeans she was still the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

She was walking toward him, but her attention was on the mountain of a man next to her. Hammer frowned as she grabbed his arm laughing at what he had just said to her. Hammers fingers twitched, sparks starting to dart between his fingers as a jealous feeling started to burn in his gut. Before he got too lost in his own thoughts a hand reached out gripping his arm painfully.

"Easy Mate. Let's not electrocute the entire bar cause someone told ya lady a joke." Sylas rumbled quietly.

Hammer jerked his head in a nod, inhaling deeply. He was beginning to understand more why Mages did not form deep relationships and why the Mate ritual was so intense. He had never felt so off balance, his emotions were unfocused, and he was struggling to control his magic.

Sylas slowly released his grip on the mage, watching him regain control of himself, he had no desire to witness what happens when a mage losses control of their powers and emotions, not again.

Cecilia turned her focus and locked her eyes onto Hammer, her smile growing. As soon as she was close enough, she reached out and grabbed a hold of the vest Hammer was wearing and pulled him into a searing kiss.

All the negative emotions he had been feeling burned away in the heat of that kiss. He buried his hands in her hair deepening the kiss, sweeping his tongue across her bottom lip and diving in when her lips parted for him.

Hammer pulled back and rested his forehead on hers, breathing in slowly, "I've missed you A Chuisle."

Cecilia quickly pecked his lips, "I've miss you too Sampson. I'm sorry I've been so busy these past few days. There's just been so much to do."

She leaned into him, inhaling deeply.

"Two days is too long to go without your scent." She whispered.

"Ahem." Cecilia and Hammer turned to look at the two men watching them.

"Fuck, I'm rude as shit sometimes." Cecilia mumbled. She gestured to the mocha skinned man she had come in with, "Sampson, this is my Gamma or third in command, Carson. Carson, this is my Mate Hammer."

Carson inclined his head in a slight bow as he and Hammer shook hands, "Alpha, pleasure to meet you finally."

Hammers head tilted to the side again and Cecilia knew he was trying to figure something out before he even asked a question.

"They call you Alpha because I'm the Alpha and as you are my Mate, you are the Luna of the Pack." Cecilia spoke before he could open his mouth, "But since you are male, its Alpha, not Luna."

Hammer nodded; his eyes slightly unfocused as he took in this information. While he thought Cecilia and Carson turned to the bar.

"Sylas, you feel like actually working?" Cecilia teased, slipping her arm around Hammers waist, pulling him close to her.

"I'll get ya drinks Alpha." Sylas winked at her, "And if you would, introduce me to this tall drink of hot chocolate. I didn't think there was a wolf in town I didn't know. Ya all drink like fish."

Cecilia smirked at the blonde man. He was still a mystery to the entire town. He had shown up 6 months ago, no one knew much about where he was from, and he had never told anyone what kind of Fae he was. He worked at the bar and would often preform on the stage. He also had gained a reputation of sleeping with every available man who consented, which were most he approached.

"Sylas, this is Carson, my new Gamma. We actually came for a few reasons."

Sylas glanced between the two and nodded quickly. "Well then, let's make it quick. I'm sure you'd like to enjoy your evening and I would like to introduce myself to that adorable little pixie at the end of the bar."

Carson laughed loudly at that, "Sounds like you might enjoy your night more than we will, barkeep."

"Alright, alright. How much of what's happened has gotten around the town Sylas?"

"Not much, Zachariah and Jake taken down in fair combat and Steven has run off. Damn shame that one." Sylas said, pulling out glasses for Cecilia and Carson.

"Why do you say that?" Carson asked, a slight growl in his voice.

"Down boy," Sylas slid him a drink, "I knew Steve quite well, he would come here, and we'd talk often. He was a lost, conflicted man who was hiding from his past. It's a shame he couldn't find his way to the path that was best for him here."

"He said all that to you?" Hammer asked.

"No, but like I said, I'm a man of many experiences and I know a troubled soul when I meet one." Sylas didn't mention the other reason he was disappointed in Steves disappearance. If the wolves hadn't been able to tell that Steve was only half wolf Sylas wasn't about to tell them, not when it would cause questions that Sylas was unwilling to answer. "Other than a regime change, the town hasn't heard much. The pack business is staying the packs business."

"Good. Thats all that needs to be said then. One more thing, then you can return to your man whore ways."

"I prefer sexually generous but semantics really. Ask away."

"Have you seen or heard of any strangers coming to town in the last few weeks?" Cecilia asked, she was still on edge about the possibility of someone hanging around outside Hammers house, especially since they couldn't pick up a smell.

"Only stranger I've seen lately is our Irish friend here." Sylas leaned back against the counter. His golden eyes taking in the three in front of him. They were doing their best to keep casual, but Sylas knew better. He also knew when to keep his mouth shut. The two wolves were clearly on edge, their protective instincts high. Carsons eyes continually scanned the crowd observing everything, while Cecilia kept in close contact with Hammer, making sure she knew where he was always. Sylas observed Hammer for a few more moments, he was the most concerning. He could not go much longer without completing the Mate bond. Sylas had seen this before. An out of balance Mage was a catastrophe waiting to happen. He quickly wrote his number on a slip of paper and handed it to Hammer.

"Text me later Mate, we can talk about the motherland, aye?" Sylas teased.

Hammer nodded, putting the paper in his pocket. "Aye Laddie, us foreign men gotta stick together. We'll get a cuppa tea sometime."

Sylas laughed, before stepping away from the trio. Turning his gaze down the bar, he spotted the sparkling pixie he had spotted earlier. Time to forget about things that were not his problem and have a little fun.

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