Timeless: Hours of Anguish [A...

Par staylove_ly

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Everything is going perfectly in San's life. He's popular, he's confident, he's attractive, and he knows it... Plus

Saturday, November 26th
Sunday, November 27th
Tuesday, November 29th
Wednesday, November 30th
Thursday, December 1st
Friday, December 2nd
Saturday, December 3rd
Sunday, December 4th
Monday, December 5th
Tuesday, December 6th
The Q&A Nobody Asked For

Monday, November 28th

301 22 15
Par staylove_ly

Monday, November 28th. 8:51 AM. Hogwarts, History of Magic Classroom. Choi San.

San plopped into his chair in the back of the classroom and let out an irritated huff. He slammed his textbook onto the wooden desk, earning a few judgemental glares from the Hufflepuffs. He ignored them and rested his chin in the palm of his hand.

A percussion of rain hammered against the ancient stone walls as the wind rattled the windows and wailed hauntingly through the corridors. Thick, black clouds occupied the sky, only brightened up by the occasional flash of lightning that electrified the air.

History of Magic was by common consent the most boring subject Hogwarts had to offer. It was devised by Professor Binns, who had taught until very old age when he fell asleep in the faculty room and died in slumber. After that he had simply continued to teach after he'd become a ghost, droning on about the Giant wars and Goblin rebellions to bored-to-death students. Everyone would nap on their desks, exchange notes with their seatmates, or finish work they had been assigned in other classes. A complete waste of time that only fueled San's anger today.

Mingi settled down in the seat next to him, sympathy written in his features.

San's mood had reached a new low this morning. There had been no sign of Wooyoung at breakfast again. San had gotten up extra early, entered the Great Hall as soon as it opened, and stayed until the food had vanished from the tables, just to be completely sure he wouldn't miss Wooyoung. He even went to look for him at the hospital wing again. The library, the study area, the bathrooms. But to no avail.

The only place San didn't - couldn't - check was the Gryffindor Common Room.

But what was he still doing in his dorm? He hadn't had a proper meal since Saturday. He hadn't even sent a cheeky reply to the message San had sent him at dinner yesterday, which he always did. Without fail.

Something had to be wrong. If he wasn't sick... perhaps he was upset? Had he not enjoyed his birthday party as much as San had assumed? Did he not want to see San? But why? And wouldn't he at least have talked to Yeosang about it?

Was he overthinking this?

San clawed a hand in his hair. Wooyoung had never acted like this before and the ambiguity of this situation slowly drove San insane.

He felt Mingi's eyes on him, concerned and unsure what to say. He'd been trying to comfort San all morning but even he seemed to be at his wit's end. He put a hand on his shoulder.

"Look, bro," he said. "I don't know what's going on either. But I'm sure he'll have a perfectly reasonable explanation for you when you see him in Charms later."

"Yeah... maybe," grumbled San. He couldn't imagine what that perfectly reasonable explanation was supposed to be. He wasn't mad at Wooyoung. Just worried and confused.

And then there was another strange feeling that lingered in the back of his mind.

A feeling that seemed to stem from somewhere deep inside of him. It felt as though something was calling out to him, so desperately that it didn't feel like it came from himself. As if an invisible force from his very own soul was trying to tell him something.

San instinctively pressed a hand to his chest. He'd never felt something so uncanny before.

He didn't bother telling Mingi about it. He knew how insane he would sound trying to explain it to him and he didn't rule out the possibility that he was simply imagining things. Maybe it was but a byproduct of the lack of sleep he'd gotten last night.

San shook his head to clear it. He was going to see Wooyoung in Charms. He had to. Wooyoung was going to explain everything to him and they were going to laugh it off together.

Mingi patted San's shoulder and San managed a smile. He did appreciate his best friend's efforts in trying to cheer him up. Even though his worry hadn't eased one bit, he decided to make it seem like it did. For Mingi's sake.

Mingi returned his smile just as Binns entered the classroom through the wall.

Binns was a scrawny old man with thin, white hair and round, rimless glasses sitting low on his nose. He floated a few centimeters above the ground and was almost fully transparent. He halted next to his desk where a thick stack of new textbooks had been placed and asked one of the Hufflepuffs to hand one to each student while he reminded them in his monotone voice of the occupational guidance workshops that would take place shortly after Christmas break.

San thanked the Hufflepuff who had placed the new textbook on his table and glanced at its cover. Modern Magical History, Volume II.

"Volume II?" asked Mingi, letting his old textbook slide back into his bag. "I didn't even realize we finished Volume I."

San chuckled. "Neither have I." It was no surprise with how little interest they had in the subject.

"I hope this one makes for just as good pillow material as the last."

"Let's try it out."

Exchanging grins, the two were ready to let their heads rest on their books when Binns announced today's topic.

Lord Voldemort.

Within the blink of an eye, the class went dead silent. A dark tension filled the room.

Of course, everyone knew who he was. He had died only a year before most of them had been born and some of them had lost their parents or other family members because of him and his followers.

Professor Binns seemed pleasantly surprised that his class was paying attention for once. He scanned their uneasy faces. "Who can tell me about him?"

They all knew the story. Their parents had told them a million tales about the things he'd done. The Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the Battle of Hogwarts, the cold-blooded murder of thousands of muggles and muggleborn wizards and witches.

San himself was what they called a pure-blooded wizard, just like Yunho and Yeosang; Wooyoung and Jongho were half-bloods and Mingi was muggleborn. But blood status really didn't matter to anyone of their generation. It was about as relevant as their shoe size.

San's parents had always taught him that there was no such thing as a 'superior' blood status, and he had never questioned that thought.

When nobody said anything, Yunho slowly raised his hand.

He was the only one who actively took part in History of Magic class. He had always been enthusiastic about the topic. He was extremely well-versed about pretty much every historical event one could think of, down to the smallest of details.

It was almost scary sometimes. It often sounded like he had been there to witness it himself.

Needless to say, he was Binns' favorite student. The ghost gave Yunho a smile and gestured for him to speak.

"His real name was Tom Marvolo Riddle, born in 1926 on December 31st," Yunho began. "He and his movement killed countless people over decades, which is why he is considered the darkest wizard of all time. People didn't even dare utter his name."

Mingi rolled his eyes and muttered something that sounded a lot like 'nerd.' Yeonjun and Changbin chuckled. Yunho shot Mingi a glare.

"Please continue, Mr. Jeong," said Binns.

Yunho ripped his gaze away from Mingi and cleared his throat. "His mother died shortly after giving birth to him in front of the muggle orphanage he grew up in," he explained. "His magical powers were a lot stronger than those of any normal magical kid. He could move objects with his mind and cause them to float wherever he wished, manipulate animals and creatures at will, speak Parseltongue, and use his power to inflict harm on other orphans."

A heavy silence dominated the classroom as Yunho spoke. Even Yeonjun and Changbin's faces had grown serious.

"Riddle himself was a half-blood. He initially assumed that his father was the wizard parent, convinced that had his mother been a witch she would have been able to avoid death. Death was always his greatest fear."

Binns nodded along, jotting down something in his endless notes.

"From 1938 to 1945, he attended Hogwarts as a Slytherin student. He despised the fact that he was forced to return to the muggle orphanage during summer breaks. He was an exceptionally talented student, a prefect, loved by all of his professors. That is, except for Albus Dumbledore, who always kept a close eye on him.

"The 'friends' he made during his time in Hogwarts became his Death Eaters later on, though they were already little more than servants to him back then, rather than real friends. He never knew true friendship and only ever manipulated them into committing petty crimes for him.

"He became obsessed with his heritage and eventually, after enough research, had to accept the fact that his father was a muggle, and gave himself the alias 'Lord Voldemort' to spare himself the reminder of his 'filthy muggle father.'"

Yunho went on about Voldemort's heritage and all the Horcruxes he created over time in such detail that San wondered how many books he must've read on the topic.

The class would gasp whenever he mentioned one of the countless murders Voldemort committed to get what he wanted. They knew, of course, how cold-blooded and evil Voldemort had been, but hearing his stories was always unsettling.

How he had slipped further into the Dark Arts and gained his following. How he had enhanced his skills in Legilimency to a masterly level which allowed him to read, control, and telepathically invade the minds of others and create visions designed to torture them into madness until they begged for death. How he had learned of the prophecy about himself and Harry Potter during the First Wizarding War and decided to kill him as a child, not knowing that it would backfire, destroy his own body and make Potter a Horcrux. How he had slowly regained his power during Potter's Hogwarts years, leading to the duel between the two in Little Hangleton that started the Second Wizarding War, the Battle of the Department of Mysteries a year later, the ministry take-over and, eventually, the Battle of Hogwarts in which Potter finally defeated him.

"His broken and mutilated soul has been trapped between life and death ever since, unable to move on to the afterlife or even return as a disembodied spirit..." Yunho concluded the story.

A chill went through the class.

It was hard to imagine that it was a true story. One that had happened only a year before San had been born. Harry Potter had been just as old as San when he defeated him. Trapped his soul between life and death.

San couldn't help but wonder what he would do if he ever had to face a dark wizard like that. It had been his childhood dream to become an Auror, but of course, he had never gotten to use his Defense Against the Dark Arts skills outside the classroom. Even in their lessons they were only ever taught the theory behind offensive or defensive magic. They rarely even had to get out their wands.

Now that San thought about it, he truly had no idea what it would be like to fight in an actual battle. What it would feel like to have to protect his own and someone else's life. What it would feel like to have to protect Wooyoung's life.

San was ripped out of his thoughts when Mingi scoffed. His sharp eyes went back and forth between Binns, who looked very satisfied with Yunho's long and accurate response, and Yunho, who was well aware of just how impressive his knowledge about history was. He had spoken for almost the entire lesson, San realized.

"Very good, Mr. Jeong. Thirty points to Hufflepuff," said Binns and floated back to his desk.

Yunho smiled sheepishly as his housemates cheered. Even the Slytherins clapped along. Well, except for Mingi, who scowled and glared holes into Yunho's back.

Professor Binns, uncharacteristically cheery after today's lesson, waited for the class to simmer down again. "What do you think our society would look like right now if Harry Potter hadn't defeated Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts?" he asked. "Thinking about that question will be your task until our next lesson. I expect at least half a roll of parchment from everyone! Off you go now."

Never had the students been this invested in any topic they'd had in History of Magic class. Enthusiastic chatter followed the group as they exited the classroom. Everyone excitedly discussed the assignment question among their respective friend groups as they all poured down the Great Stairs.

Yunho was the center of attention. A cluster of Hufflepuff students bombarded him with questions, demanding more details about Voldemort. When he headed into the second floor corridor, most likely on the way to his next class, they followed him closely as if he were some kind of celebrity. The Slytherins continued further down the stairs.

Mingi glowered at the door Yunho had disappeared behind. "Look at them treating him like a pop star," he spat. "He's just a history geek who thinks he's special because he knows a bunch of trivial garbage."

San chuckled. "Careful, bro. Your jealousy is showing."

"Jealous?" Mingi scoffed. "Don't kid yourself. I'd have to care about him to be jealous. Which I don't!"

San shook his head. "Whatever you say."

The Slytherins crossed the Entrance Hall and descended into the dungeons, where their Potion lessons took place.

It was a lot colder here than up in the main castle; San could see his breath vapor. The classroom was large enough to allow at least twenty students to work. Its walls were lined with pickled animals in glass jars, as if the room wouldn't have already been creepy enough without them. In one corner of the room stood a basin into which ice-cold water poured from a gargoyle's mouth, while in another was a student supply cupboard. Professor Slughorn, the plump, bald Potions Master, was already there, writing the brewing instructions and ingredients for today's potion onto the blackboard in the front.

The Ravenclaws had already arrived and occupied about half of the available seats, so San and Mingi chose a table in the back of the class, where two cauldrons had already been prepared to boil water on a small flame.

Even after Slughorn had started his lesson, the Slytherins were still whispering among themselves, theorizing about what Voldemort's goal had been and how different their lives would be if he was in power. They wouldn't quiet down even after Slughorn had threatened to subtract points from them if they didn't stop discussing unrelated topics in his Potions class.

San rolled his eyes at them. He was still far too worried about Wooyoung to truly care at the moment. He would take care of that stupid assignment later, after Wooyoung had explained to him where he'd been this whole time, kissed him, cuddled up to his chest by some fireplace.

Slughorn didn't seem at all pleased about the Slytherins' sudden fascination with Voldemort. He flinched whenever they uttered his name and had an anxious expression on his ancient face. His mood turned even more sour when Changbin and Yeonjun suddenly raised their hands.

Changbin didn't wait for permission to speak. "Sir, you used to know Voldemort, right?" he asked excitedly. "He was one of your students!"

Excited murmuring took over the classroom. Even the Ravenclaws couldn't hide their piqued curiosity.

Slughorn fisted a hand on his hip. "Mr. Seo, you cannot - "

"Can you tell us what he was like, professor?" interrupted Yeonjun. "Did you know back then that he was going to turn into the darkest wizard of all time one day?"

More questions were thrown into the room, and Slughorn's eyes darkened with each one.

"Enough!" he shouted finally. "That's fifty points from Slytherin! I will not hear any more questions even remotely related to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!"


"Yes, Mr. Seo, fifty. Now open your books on page 207 before I make that a hundred."

The Slytherins groaned as the Ravenclaws snickered. Professor Slughorn took a breath to calm himself as everyone opened their books.

Soon after, they were busy rushing in and out of the Potions Adjoining Room, gathering all the ingredients needed to produce Veritaserum. A Truth Potion so powerful that three drops would have you spilling your innermost secrets to your greatest enemy, as San's potions textbook explained.

He and Mingi had just rolled up their sleeves and begun to cut their ginger roots into tiny cubes when Yeosang stopped by their table. He looked around for Slughorn, then took the free seat next to San.

"Have you seen Woo today?" Concern was written all across his handsome face. "He wasn't at breakfast and I don't have any classes with him today."

"Nope," sighed San. "Still no signs of him anywhere."

Yeosang rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I'm getting seriously worried about him. I've asked every living soul in this castle if they've seen him but nobody has, not since the party. The captain of Gryffindor's Quidditch team told me that he hasn't even shown up to practice this morning and kept ranting about how they couldn't afford to have their star chaser slack off only weeks before the big game." He frowned. "As if I care about Quidditch."

"Wait," said San. "He didn't go to practice? But he..."

"He never misses practice, I know."

San gnawed on his lip, his heart pounding with worry.

"Just what is he doing? Woo would never isolate himself like this, no matter what the problem is." Yeosang raked a hand through his hair. "I just... I don't understand."

"Stop it, you two," said Mingi as he sprinkled the ginger roots and mashed griffin claw into both his and San's cauldrons. The potions sizzled, then grew crimson. "Let's try to stay calm. There's still a chance he'll show up to Charms after this."

San slowly nodded. "You're right. We can't lose our heads. He'll come to Charms. He has to."

And if he wouldn't, San was going to barge into the Gryffindor Common Room and check on Wooyoung himself.

"Did I not make myself clear, Mr. Kang?" Slughorn had appeared next to Yeosang, glaring down at him. "Return to your seat before I take points from Ravenclaw as well."

Yeosang rose to his feet. "I was just about to, sir."

"Good," said Slughorn and peered into San's and Mingi's cauldrons. "Are you just going to sit here and wait for the potion to brew itself, Mr. Choi? I expect you to finish this by the end of the lesson! And Mr. Song, stir until the solution turns turquoise and then mix in the salamander blood. Not the other way around!"

"Yes, professor."

The minutes ticked by painfully slowly. Potions was normally one of San's better subjects, though his mistakes were never-ending today. His mind was anywhere but this classroom and it showed in his cauldron. His potion wouldn't turn turquoise no matter how much he stirred. He added too much salamander blood. He mashed the jewelweed instead of slicing it. When Slughorn finally let them leave, he handed in a vial of what had to be the worst Veritaserum ever created and left the dungeons with a nagging headache.

Slughorn had given them a ton of homework, but San couldn't find it in himself to care. All he knew was that he needed to get to Charms as quickly as possible. Mingi could hardly keep up with him as he sprinted up the flight of stairs that led to the second floor of the castle.

The Charms classroom was already cramped with Gryffindors and Slytherins, leaving only a handful of empty seats here and there. San stood in the doorway, catching his breath as he scanned the rows.

San's heart sank. Wooyoung was nowhere to be seen.

Mingi once again gave his shoulder a reassuring pat. "Maybe he's just... late?"

San said nothing. He didn't know what to think anymore.

There were no double seats left which forced the two of them to split up. Shoulders slumped, San settled for the seat beside Jongho, who greeted him with a nod and wordlessly cleared his table to make space for him.

Something was wrong with Wooyoung. If San hadn't been sure of it before, he was now. He still had no clue what it was, but there was no other explanation why he would still be in his dorm. San would just have to ditch his afternoon classes and head straight there as soon as Charms ended. What was the Gryffindor Common Room password again?

"How long are you going to keep Wooyoung?"

San jerked his head toward Jongho. "Huh?"

Jongho chuckled, casually paging through the textbook before him. "I mean I get it, he's pretty much your boyfriend now. But as his roommate, I feel like I have a right to be concerned. He didn't even stop to pick up his wand before he moved in with you. One would think he'd need it for class."

San frowned. "What are you talking about? I haven't seen him since I took him back to his dorm after the party."

Jongho looked up from the book and cocked an eyebrow, surprised. "What?"

"I've spent the past two days looking for him! You're telling me he's not at the dorm?!"

"Wooyoung hasn't been at the dorm since the night of the party. I... I assumed he was with you!"

San's eyes widened. His stomach churned as the world spun out of control.

Wooyoung. He hadn't been in his dorm the whole time? San had searched the entire castle. There was just no way, no way he wasn't there. Panic pumped through his veins as his heart hammered against his chest.

Professor Knotts entered the classroom and placed his briefcase on the teacher's desk, preparing to start the lesson.

Jongho put his hands on San's shoulders, facing him. "San, what's going on? Are you sure he wasn't with you?"

"Wh- Of course I'm sure!"

Jongho paled. He was the most carefree guy in the castle, but right now he looked more concerned and scared than San had ever seen him. "He wasn't in his bed when I came back from the party, so I thought he was with you, especially since I didn't see either of you all Sunday," he explained promptly. "His bed is completely untouched, his wand is still on his nightstand, and I've been feeding his cat for the past two days."

"That's ridiculous. Where would he go without his wand?"

"I know. It makes absolutely no sense..." Jongho swallowed. "Unless... something happened to him."

San opened his mouth to respond when Professor Knotts irritatedly cleared his throat. "I hate to interrupt your little tea time, gentlemen, but I would like to begin with the lesson if you don't mind."

Knotts was a tall and dark haired middle-aged wizard who had become the new Charms professor after Filius Flitwick had retired in their third year. He always wore flowy, amber robes, a monocle, and a condescending grin that never failed to make the hairs stand in the back of San's neck. He raised his brows at them, expecting an answer.

San and Jongho muttered an apology and continued the rest of their conversation scribbling hastily onto a piece of parchment.

"When he didn't show up to breakfast yesterday," wrote San. "I thought he'd had too much to drink and was sleeping off his hangover. After a while I got worried though, and I checked the Hospital wing - he wasn't there. This morning I searched the entire castle but couldn't find him anywhere, so I figured the only place he could be was the dorm."

Jongho read, then shook his head. "He's not there either," he replied. "Last I saw of him was at the party. I came back to the dorm at around one that night cause I had to take care of," Jongho hesitated a moment, "...something. Wooyoung wasn't there, though."

San's heart plummeted. That couldn't be. He was sure he'd brought Wooyoung back by midnight. He had already changed into his pajamas too. Where would he have gone after that, tipsy as he was?

"So after seeing the two of you glued together all evening, I thought he was still with you. I didn't see him at all yesterday and he wasn't at practice or Divination either."

None of this made sense. Wooyoung would never voluntarily skip practice. He wouldn't even stay off his broom when he'd sprained his ankle last summer. He was as serious about his spot on the team as one could get.

San crumpled the parchment in his fist. Jongho studied him, his face worried if not a little afraid.

Needless to say, neither of them heard a word of what Knotts said. Jongho anxiously tapped his fingers on his textbook as San absent-mindedly ripped the parchment into tiny pieces. His heart thumped loudly in his chest and his head felt like someone had whacked it with a broomstick several times.

Had Wooyoung tried to return to the party for some reason? Had he followed San? Looked for Jongho? Where would he go without his wand in the middle of the night?

And most importantly, where was he right now?

No matter how hard he racked his brain for answers, he couldn't come up with a sensical explanation.

San's eyes were glued to the old clock on the other side of the room. He glared at the clock's hands, mentally urging them to move faster, but the minutes ticked by slow as ever. He only half-heartedly participated when Knotts made them practice the Reductor Curse, a spell that blasted solid objects to pieces, on various chunks of wood and metal.

After what felt like hours, Knotts finally announced their homework and ended the lesson. San and Jongho rose from their seats as the students began to pour out the doors.

Knotts was in the middle of stuffing his belongings back into his briefcase when they walked up to his desk with Mingi in tow.

San cleared his throat. "Professor Knotts?"

Knotts glanced up. His calm face turned uncharacteristically cautious at the sight of San, but he was quick to cover it up with his usual grin. Somehow his grin bothered San even more than usual. "Mr. Choi. Can I help you?"

"We were wondering if you had any idea where Wooyoung is, sir," said Jongho. "He hasn't attended any of his classes today."

For only a split second, Knotts eyes widened with alarm. "Jung Wooyoung?"

Like there was another Wooyoung in their damn grade.

"Yes," said San impatiently. "We're getting seriously worried. Is something wrong with him? Is he sick?"

Professor Knotts laughed. He laughed.

San crossed his arms over his chest. "What seems to be so funny, professor?"

"How sweet of you to worry, but there is no need." Knotts chuckled as he closed his briefcase and made his way around the desk. "Mr. Jung is completely fine."

The three of them exchanged confused looks. "Sir, are you sure?" asked Mingi. "Nobody has seen him since Saturday night."

"Naturally. Mr. Jung is no longer attending this school."

San felt as though he'd been slapped in the face. His mind was reeling. "What... What are you talking about? You must be mistaken or something. Of course Wooyoung's still attending – "

"There have been... unforeseen circumstances that prompted Mr. Jung's leave," Knotts interrupted. He lay a hand on San's shoulder as if to comfort him, but his grin was anything but comforting. It bordered on a sneer.

"In the middle of the semester?" questioned Jongho.

Knotts only shrugged like this whole thing wasn't a big deal. "He sends his best regards."

"Best regards?!" San's patience had reached its limit. He jerked away from Knotts' and kicked a nearby chair. It clattered loudly to the floor. "You'd better tell me the truth before I stick those regards up your – "

"You should really hurry to your next class, Mr. Choi," said Knotts calmly. "Or I will have to take fifty points from Slytherin."

"Like I care about those dumb house points!" San yelled as Mingi grabbed one of his arms. Jongho promptly grabbed the other. "Let go of me!"

"Cut it out, man!" Mingi told him. "You're just gonna get yourself in trouble!"

"I don't care!" San kicked over another chair as they all but dragged him toward the exit. "Where is Wooyoung?!"

"That's it, Mr. Choi!" bellowed Knotts. "Fifty points from Slytherin! You are hereby to report to the headmistress' office immediately!"

Once outside in the corridor, San stopped struggling and Mingi rushed to close the door. A silence fell over the three as they stood there, panting.

San leaned against the wall and dropped his bookbag with a heavy thud. He slid to the cold stone floor as his knees gave out. White spots obscured his vision as frustration and anger poisoned his bloodstream. He clawed a hand in his hair, dizzy.

He didn't know what he had expected to hear but this must have been at the bottom of the list. Wooyoung leaving the school? So suddenly? And without a word? There was just no way.

"What were you thinking, bro?" Mingi finally scolded San. "Knotts could have you expelled for freaking out like that."

"I know, I know." San dragged his palms down his face. "I just... I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry."

Mingi extended a hand and pulled him back to his feet. "You're lucky we were there to stop you from getting yourself into more trouble. The headmistress might be scary but she'll probably let you off with a warning. I hope."

San sighed. "Yeah..."

"What do we do now?" asked Jongho, level-headed as ever. "We still have no clue where Wooyoung is. And what did Knotts mean by 'unforeseen circumstances?'"

Mingi only stared at the classroom door and shook his head with disbelief. "No clue, man. If you ask me, he was talking a whole lotta baloney."

"Agreed," said San. "Something fishy is going on here. I won't believe for a second that Wooyoung left without telling anyone."

Jongho nodded, then sighed as he checked his wristwatch. "It's almost too late to go to lunch. Maybe we should just head to class for now?"

"I really don't want to but maybe I should," groaned Mingi. "Professor Evans said she'd fail me if I'm late to Care of Magical Creatures one more time..."

San considered it. He knew that there wasn't much they could do right now, not until they found out more about what had really happened. At the same time, he knew he couldn't go to class and pretend that everything was fine when it was so clearly not.

He needed to do something. Anything.

"Screw class," he told them. "I'm heading to his dorm."

He had to see it for himself. He wouldn't rest until he confirmed for himself that Wooyoung was... gone.

He had already turned on his heel when Jongho put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Wait," he said. "I'm coming with you."

San gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks."

Then looked at Mingi who gnawed on his lip, torn.

"You go to class, Mingi. We'll catch up later."

Mingi looked apologetic, but nodded. "What about the headmistress? Knotts said to go see her immediately..."

"She can wait."

With that, San continued up the stairs with Jongho right behind him.

The way to the Gryffindor Common Room was a blur. Fear and frustration had taken over San's mind. Knotts' words were carved into his brain. Mr. Jung is no longer attending this school.

Wooyoung would never just leave without telling anyone. San couldn't think of a single reason why he would want to leave Hogwarts at all - in the middle of the school year no less. He was happy at Hogwarts. He was doing well in all of his classes, especially Divination, and he was happy with his friends. He was happy with San...

Mr. Jung is no longer attending this school.

Once they had reached the Fat Lady, Jongho said the password and the two of them climbed through the portrait hole. San followed him to the other side of the common room and up the winding staircase to the sixth-year boys' dorm.

Darong, Wooyoung's large tabby cat, happily wound around Jongho's legs as they entered. He picked her up and took a seat on his bed as San looked around the circular room.

It was just as Jongho had described. Wooyoung's bed was untouched, his wand rested on his nightstand, and his suitcase poked out from underneath his bed. San's note from yesterday lay uncared for between his scarlet pillows.

San frowned. Wooyoung's most prized possessions had been left behind. His favorite stuffed bunny. His beloved scarf in Gryffindor colors. His poster of the Chudley Cannons, his favorite Quidditch team. Even the picture on his nightstand that showed Wooyoung and himself, smiling and laughing together.

A twinge shot through San's heart.

"It's like he never left," he muttered. "Why would he leave all of his belongings here? There's no way he would've left without them."

Jongho hummed thoughtfully as he pet Darong who had curled to a ball in his lap. "If he had to leave on a whim, perhaps his stuff will be sent to him later...?"

San shook his head and began to pace back and forth. He couldn't imagine where Wooyoung would have had to go so suddenly in the middle of the night. No matter how he looked at it, it didn't make any sense.

He paused as a chilling thought crossed his mind.

Had Knotts lied to them? Had he been trying to cover something up? Did Knotts... have something to do with Wooyoung's disappearance?

San gulped. If that were true...


Jongho started, dropping the Bag O'Nuts he had just opened onto his bed. A handful of them spilled onto the scarlet sheets. "Um, yes?"

"Could you do me a favor?"


"Find every last professor in the castle and pester them about Wooyoung. If my suspicions are correct," which San desperately hoped they weren't, "they probably won't say anything, but I think it might be worth a try. Maybe one of them will slip up and tell us more than Knotts."

Jongho set Darong aside and rose to his feet. "I can do that but what do you mean by 'slip up?'" he asked. He "Don't tell me you think..."

San took a deep breath. "Yeah... I think the professors might know something about Wooyoung's disappearance. And they might even be trying to cover it up."

Having said that out loud, San felt a shiver run down his spine.

"I have no proof, of course," he added, "it's just a speculation of mine."

Jongho pursed his lips, a determination San had never expected from him flashing in his dark eyes. "I'll do what I can."

"Thanks. I'm counting on you."

Jongho was already halfway out the door when he noticed that San wasn't following him. "What about you?"

"I'll go see the headmistress," said San. "Thanks to Knotts she's expecting me anyway. Might as well give her a piece of my mind. I just need a moment."

"Alright. But don't do anything you'll regret."

"I won't promise anything."

Jongho let out an amused huff.

A beat.

"We're going to find him," said Jongho firmly. "One way or another."

San managed a smile. "I know."

With that, Jongho exited the dorm room, leaving San alone with his racing thoughts.

The sudden silence was deafening. His blood was a tsunami rushing through his ears. He took another deep breath.

As if she had sensed his anxiety, Darong hopped onto Wooyoung's bed and studied San with her attentive, yellow eyes. She leaned against his hand when he ran it over her soft fur, purring quietly.

San glanced at the picture on Wooyoung's nightstand again. He watched as Wooyoung wrapped his arms around him and pressed a kiss to San's cheek. They smiled at each other, then waved back at the camera.

The sight made his chest constrict. He felt his resolve strengthen - along with his anger.

He stood, his hands balled into fists. "I'm going to find him."

No more than ten minutes after San had left the Gryffindor Common Room he was stomping across the Front Courtyard. Though the clouds loomed overhead, still as dark and dense as they had been in the morning, the rain had been reduced to a drizzle that dampened San's dark hair while the nippy autumn wind tugged faintly at his robes. Once on the other, roofed side, San's legs carried him almost automatically to the ugly stone gargoyle that concealed the entrance to the headmistress' office.

This had by no means been the first time he'd been sent here.

San sighed. "Freedom and Security."

As soon as the words had left his lips, the gargoyle stepped aside and made way for him to climb the circular, moving stone staircase. It carried him upward until he reached a heavy double door

He all but barged into the office.

Headmistress Park set down her quill and let a piece of parchment disappear in her desk drawer before she rose to her feet. Fairly tall and slender, she always kept her long, raven hair in a tidy bun that perfectly suited her strict demeanor. She wore neat, navy blue robes that only emphasized her undeniable beauty. On the inside, however, San had gotten to know her as a typical cold and stuffy authority figure. His least favorite kind.

She had remained calm and quiet, but the furious glare she sent his way spoke volumes.

"I hope you have a very good reason for this intrusion, Mr. Choi," she said, her voice calm but her tone icy.

"Oh, you bet I do." San's anger left him trembling but he couldn't find it in himself to care. "I have one simple question for you. Where is Wooyoung?"

He'd cut straight to the point. There was no use beating around the bush; he wanted answers and he wanted them now.

Her eyebrow twitched at the mention of Wooyoung's name. "I beg your pardon?"

"Don't play dumb with me!" Guided by his temper, he stepped forward to lean on her desk, returning her glare. "Jung Wooyoung, a sixth-year Gryffindor student, has been missing since Saturday night. Nobody has seen him and he hasn't attended any of his classes today. Knotts claims that he's no longer attending Hogwarts, but my friends and I know that's not true!"

Headmistress Park held his gaze. Her lip quivered with fury as her patience thinned.

"So I'm asking you once again," he said through gritted teeth, "where is he?"

"That's Professor Knotts to you, Mr. Choi."

San slammed his hand down on her desk. "Where," he yelled, "is Wooyoung?!"

A beat. "It would seem as though Professor Knotts has already given you the very same answer I am about to give you," she replied calmly. "Mr. Jung is no longer attending this school. That is all you need to know. It is best you and your friends forget about him and instead focus on your studies. I expect that is all?"

"You've got to be kidding me!" exclaimed San, pushing himself away from the desk to rake a hand through his hair. Her faux serene attitude only infuriated San more. Never in his life had he felt this angry and helpless.

There was no doubt left in his mind. Something was extremely wrong here, and the headmistress was trying to cover it up. San was sure of it. She'd probably set up Knotts and the other professors too.

But why? Why was she doing this? If Wooyoung had transferred schools, why would she lie about it? Why would she cover it up? Just what the hell was going on here?

He turned to face her again, his breath shaking with fury. "Listen, lady – "

"No, you listen, Mr. Choi," she interrupted, finally raising her voice as well. "I am a very tolerant person. But I will not have you vandalize my office and disrespect me this way! Sixty points from Slytherin! Now return to your common room at once before I expel you faster than you can mutter 'Quidditch World Cup!'"

San's jaw clenched. He didn't want to get kicked out. He wanted- no, needed to find out what had happened to Wooyoung. It would be a lot harder to accomplish that if he was expelled.

Headmistress Park expectantly raised her brow. "Well?"

Something about the way she regarded San made him think that a part of her wanted him to continue pestering her. Like she felt some kind of joy at the thought of expelling him.

He was not going to grant her that satisfaction.

In a great show of self-restraint, San abandoned the thought of drawing his wand and cursing that grin off her lips, and retreated. He turned on his heel and stormed out of the office, making it a point to slam the door behind him.

Crossing the courtyard for the second time today, San returned to the castle. His heart still thumped angrily in his chest. Only when he reached the Entrance Hall did he notice that he didn't know where he was going.

He passed a group of chattering Ravenclaw girls and took a seat at the foot of the Great Stairs. He produced a roll of parchment from his book bag, tore off three palm-sized pieces, and wrote the same message three times.

Come to the former Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom as soon as possible. It's about Wooyoung. Try not to draw attention from any professors.


Muttering the same charm he'd used to send Wooyoung's note, he enchanted one parchment each to find Mingi, Yeosang, and Jongho. He didn't know how they were going to do it yet, but they needed to take matters into their own hands. If the school was going to sweep Wooyoung's disappearance under the rug, it was their turn to prevent that at all costs.

After San had arrived in the former Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, he didn't have to wait long before Yeosang and Mingi showed up.

Jongho wasn't with them. He had returned San's note, saying that he couldn't make it. Apparently the professors had grown suspicious of his pestering about Wooyoung and were now keeping an eye on him. It was probably smarter to have him lay low for the day.

Yeosang didn't take the news too well. By the time San and Mingi had filled him in on everything they had learned, all color had left his face. He didn't say much, but it was clear that the situation hit him hard.

Mingi on the other hand mirrored San's anger and looked about ready to fight somebody after San had reenacted his confrontation with Headmistress Park.

He slammed a hand on the ground the three were sitting on and made Yeosang jump in the process. "This is bullshit!"

San couldn't agree more. He felt so frustrated and helpless. His mind was still reeling with a million questions he had no answers to.

Yeosang didn't say anything and simply stared at his own trembling hands.

San clawed both his hands in his hair. "It doesn't make any sense. What are they trying to hide? Why are they trying so hard to make us believe that Wooyoung just left when he would never do that? Especially not without telling any of us about it. Without telling me about it..." He was surprised to hear the desperation in his own voice.

Mingi gave him a sympathetic look. "What do we do...?"

San shook his head. "If only we had a way to find out what exactly happened..."

"But..." Yeosang began, his voice wistful. "How are we supposed to find out what happened if nobody will tell us anything? We don't even have the slightest hint as to where he might be or why he disappeared so suddenly."

A pause. Nothing seemed to come to their minds.

"I... I don't know yet," said San. "But I will find a way. I have to. Even if it means I have to break the damn law."

Yeosang managed a small smile. "I'm with you on that."

Mingi pumped a fist into the air. "You can count on me too, brother!"

Monday, November 28th. 07:21 PM. Hogwarts, Fifth Floor. Choi Jongho.

Jongho spent his way to the Ravenclaw Tower trying to figure out what to say to Yeosang. He knew he was supposed to lay low, but the thought of Yeosang being alone after learning about his best friend's disappearance didn't sit right with him. He wanted to make sure Yeosang was doing okay.

He just hoped that things weren't going to be weird between them. They hadn't had a chance to talk since that kiss.

The mere thought made Jongho's face feel hot. Not for a moment had he stopped thinking about it ever since the night of the party. He knew of course that it hadn't meant anything. Yeosang had been so drunk and exhausted that he probably hadn't meant to kiss Jongho. There was a chance that he didn't even remember doing it.

But Jongho couldn't forget about it.

While it was true that he and Yeosang had begun to spend a little more time together since San and Wooyoung had become...whatever they classified as, he had never considered Yeosang as anything other than a friend. Wooyoung's best friend. A studious guy who also knew how to party.

Yet ever since that kiss, something within Jongho had changed. What that something was, he couldn't quite put his finger on. But it made his heart beat a little faster.

Jongho had just reached the end of the winding stairs of the tower when he spotted him.

Yeosang sat on the cold stone floor, his back leaning against the wall opposite the knobless door that marked the entrance of the Ravenclaw Common Room. He stared pensively at the ground, his knees hugged to his chest. His delicate features were obscured only by the crease between his brows.

He didn't notice Jongho until he stood right beside him.

Yeosang looked up at him and smiled. It didn't take a genius to tell that it was forced. "Jongho, hey. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, uh..." Jongho stammered. He realized he'd forgotten to come up with something to say.

Would it sound weird if he told Yeosang that he'd come here solely to see him? Yeah, probably. Jongho himself found it strange. Spontaneously meeting up at each other's common rooms wasn't something they normally did. They didn't even spend a lot of time together in general – at least not without Wooyoung.

Come on, Jongho, he told himself. Don't make this more complicated than it is.

Friends checked on each other. He just wanted to make sure Yeosang was okay. As any friend would.

Yeosang studied him, waiting for an answer.

"I, um, just wanted to make sure you were okay."

A beat. Yeosang averted his eyes. "...Do I look okay to you?"

"Sorry..." Jongho sheepishly scratched the back of his head. He should've known Yeosang was going to be upset. He probably wanted to be alone. "I shouldn't have asked."

Jongho hesitated for a moment, then reached into his backpack and produced a bag of two Cauldron Cakes. He placed it in Yeosang's lap and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Yeosang called after him. Jongho immediately spun back around. "I'm sorry. That was rude of me. This isn't your fault."

Yeosang's hazel eyes met Jongho's. They carried a certain lostness in them that made Jongho's chest constrict with sympathy.

"I'm just so worried about him, I..." he blinked away the tears that threatened to form, "I think I'm going crazy."

Jongho sighed. He sat down next to Yeosang and put an arm around his shoulders, awkwardness be damned. "I know. I feel the same."

Yeosang lay his head on Jongho's shoulder and relaxed against him. Jongho's heart did a little jump as Yeosang's warmth seeped through his robes.

No big deal. Friends comforted each other like that all the time, right?

Unsure what else to say, Jongho let his head rest against Yeosang's. His hair smelled really nice, Jongho noticed, like a fresh summer breeze, vanilla, and cinnamon.

Neither of them said anything for at least five minutes. Jongho listened to Yeosang's calm breathing, felt Yeosang's soft hair brush against his cheek.

"How did it take us so long to realize that he was gone?" said Yeosang after a while. His voice was almost as quiet as a whisper, yet full of emotion. "Why didn't I think to check on him sooner? Why are the professors acting so weird? Why has nobody done anything?"

"I don't have the answers to those questions," said Jongho. "But I know there has to be an explanation for all of this. It's going to be okay." The words were meant to reassure Yeosang as much as himself.

In reality, Jongho had nobody but himself to blame. If only he had talked to San sooner. If only he had told him that Wooyoung wasn't in his dorm, that his bed was untouched, that his wand was still on his nightstand. He should have gotten suspicious immediately.

Yeosang scoffed and moved away to look at him. "Do you really believe that? For all we know, something terrible could have happened to him, yet we're only sitting here doing nothing!" He raked a hand through his hair, messing it up a bit in the process.

"I know..." Jongho repeated. He brushed a loose strand of Yeosang's hair out of his pretty face, tucking it behind his ear. "But we have no choice but to stay calm for now until we figure things out."

Yeosang averted his eyes again. He was fighting back tears. "I don't know if I can..."

"Then... I'll be right here to calm you down."

Jongho was taken aback by his own words. That had to be the cheesiest thing he had ever said. It probably gave away just how much his feelings for Yeosang had changed, too. But it felt like something he needed to hear right now.

And it worked. Yeosang smiled.

Jongho smiled back.

They held each other's gaze for a moment. Heat rushed to Jongho's cheeks when he realized how close they were. It didn't help that his heart thumped so loudly in his ears that he was afraid Yeosang might hear it. His eyes flickered toward his lips. The same soft, rosy lips that had been on his brain for two days straight.

Why was he suddenly so nervous around Yeosang, so aware of him?

Jongho cleared his throat before his mind could wander any further. "Um, what are you doing out here, by the way? I would assume your common room would be more cozy than this corridor."

"Huh?" Yeosang blinked and glanced around as though he had forgotten where they were. "Oh. I didn't know the answer to the knocker's riddle, so I'm stuck out here until someone solves it."

Jongho stood and extended a hand to him. "What was the riddle?"

Yeosang let Jongho pull him to his feet. Yeosang's hands felt much smaller and more delicate than his own. "I'll show you."

He continued to hold on to Jongho's hand as he picked up the Cauldron Cakes and led him to the door with the bronze eagle-shaped knocker on it. He grabbed it with his free hand and knocked twice on the knobless wooden door.

The knocker repeated its question. "What can be caught but never thrown?"

Yeosang threw Jongho a helpless look.

Jongho hummed in thought. Caught but never thrown... When the solution dawned on him, he stifled a chuckle at how silly it was.

"A cold."

The door swung open.

"Seriously?" Yeosang laughed. "Consider me embarrassed. What kind of Ravenclaw am I if I can't even figure that out?"

"A shaken-up one," said Jongho. "It happens to the best of us."

Yeosang was still holding Jongho's hand when he led him inside. "Thank you, really. I thought I'd have to camp out there."

Jongho grinned proudly. "It was nothing..."

The first and only time he had set foot into the Ravenclaw Common Room had been on the night of the party. Back then, he hadn't been able to get a good look at it. It had been dark, he had been half-drunk, and he had been busy trying to locate the sixth-year boys dorm with a blacked out Yeosang in his arms.

Only now that it was well lit with a dozen torches did he realize just how gorgeous it was. It was a wide, circular room with graceful arched windows hung with blue and bronze silks. The ceiling was domed and painted with countless stars that complimented the midnight blue carpet. Bookshelves, chairs, and tables that featured chess boards and telescopes occupied every niche. Where the Gryffindor Common Room was homey and cozy, this room was neat and sophisticated. Jongho liked it.

He and Yeosang stood in the center of the room, right beneath the star-dotted ceiling. Their eyes met once again, sending electricity through Jongho's veins. Was it just the lighting or had Yeosang's eyes always had those beautiful specks of gold in them?

Stop it.

"You should, uh, probably get some rest," Jongho suggested. "Today has been tough for all of us."

Yeosang nodded, his bangs feathering perfectly over his eyebrows. "You're right. Thanks for solving the riddle and these," he held up the bag of Cauldron Cakes, "and also for cheering me up a little."

Jongho smiled. "Anytime."

He surprised himself with how much he meant that. Before he knew what he was doing, he had pulled Yeosang into a hug.

"I promise everything's going to be alright," he muttered into Yeosang's hair.

"I really hope so."

Several moments passed as they stayed like this, Yeosang's arms wrapped around Jongho's neck and Jongho holding Yeosang's waist. Jongho usually wasn't much of a hugger, but right now it felt right. He didn't want to let go. Yeosang felt so small and delicate in his arms.

The sound of a gasp made the two pull apart.

Park Seonghwa stood in the doorway that led to the dorms, a comically large stack of books in his arms and the bronze prefect badge on his robes polished as ever. His expression turned from surprised to strict when he recognized Jongho. He set down the books on a nearby table and directed an accusatory index finger at him.

"Hey, aren't you a Gryffindor?" he exclaimed. "You're not allowed in here!"

Yeosang ran a hand through his hair. "He just helped me get past the knocker, Seonghwa. It's not a big deal."

Seonghwa stubbornly crossed his arms over his chest.

He had just opened his mouth to protest when Yeosang whispered to Jongho, "You should leave before he takes points from you. He takes his prefect business very seriously."

"Got it," said Jongho. "I'll, um, see you around."

"Yeah. Thanks again."

Yeosang smiled apologetically as Jongho gave him an awkward wave. He turned to leave the common room, trying not to think about how much he'd liked holding Yeosang.

Monday, November 28th. 11:49 PM. Hogwarts, Slytherin Dorm. Choi San.

San couldn't sleep a wink. He had been tossing and turning for at least an hour, trying desperately to shut off his brain. It was no use. The harsh truth had already been ingrained in his mind.

Wooyoung was gone and nobody knew where he was.

His thoughts were full of worry, frustration, and most of all, guilt. Here he was, lying uselessly in bed without any way of knowing if Wooyoung was alright, why he had left, or whether or not he had done so willingly - though San was almost convinced that he hadn't. He couldn't have. San couldn't come up with a single reason why Wooyoung would leave without a word.

When he simply couldn't take it anymore, San kicked off his blankets and sat up on his bed. He wasn't going to catch even a minute of sleep at this point. He might as well try to cook up a plan to find Wooyoung.

Careful not to wake his dorm mates, San quietly threw on a hoodie, slid into a pair of slippers and crept down the staircase into the empty common room. Once he had made sure that he hadn't alerted any prefects, he climbed through the portrait hole and soon found himself wandering aimlessly through the dungeons.

The temperature had dropped considerably, and San suddenly wished he had thought to bring his coat. He hugged his hoodie tighter around his body. The dungeons were dead silent, save for his own echoing footsteps and the crackling of the torches that didn't do much to break the darkness around him.

San drew his wand and muttered, "Lumos," illuminating the tip of his wand. At least he could see the ground in front of him now.

As he wandered on, he once again racked his brain for ideas. Finding Wooyoung was going to prove difficult without any help from the school or somebody outside of it.

He had already tried to send his owl to Wooyoung's parents, asking if Wooyoung was safe, but even that plan had failed. Spooky had simply returned with his letter after half an hour, which made the whole thing even more suspicious. San wouldn't be surprised if Headmistress Park controlled the mail going in and out of Hogwarts. If she wanted to cover up Wooyoung's disappearance, she probably had somebody make sure that no information about him left the castle.

He clenched his fists. Was there any way to get around that? Perhaps if he used some kind of keyword? Would Wooyoung's parents understand if he tried to -

San stopped in his tracks.

The distant sound of voices had interrupted his train of thought. He'd be screwed if a teacher or prefect caught him outside of bed after curfew. He was about to hurry around the corner when he heard one of the voices mention Wooyoung's name.

San's eyes widened. Had he heard that correctly?

He jerked his head toward the source of the voices and spotted a door to his right, one he had never seen before. Then again, the dungeons were so vast that it was impossible to know every nook and cranny of it.

"Nox," he whispered, and the light at the tip of his wand vanished.

He didn't usually like to eavesdrop, but this was about Wooyoung. He didn't have much of a choice. Moving as silently as he could, San pressed his back against the cold wall beside the door and listened.

"I know," said one man in a panicked tone, "but that Gryffindor kid has been following our staff around all day asking about the... the Wooyoung situation!"

"Calm down. He's just an annoying kid," said another man. "I swear to you he's going to forget about him by the end of the week."

"Maybe... But that doesn't change anything about the fact that the headmistress is furious. If she fires me, I'm done for!"

San clasped a hand over his mouth.

He couldn't believe his ears. Sure, he had already speculated that Headmistress Park had been the one to order the professors not to talk about Wooyoung. But hearing those speculations be confirmed like this sent a chill down San's spine. Were all of the professors in on this? Or only a select few? What was the headmistress trying to hide in the first place? What... What did they have to do with Wooyoung's disappearance?

San forced himself to keep it together and continued to listen.

"I do feel a little bit bad for the kid, though," mumbled the man San recognized to be Professor Snippet, his Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. "He's only a teenager..."

A cold laugh. "Don't get sentimental, now. That kid is just the beginning. A small fraction of the bigger picture. He should be honored to play such an important role in this."

"I'm not sure about this, Dave..." whined Professor Snippet.

San frowned as he tried to figure out who the second voice belonged to.

Dave... He didn't know a professor with that name. To be fair, he didn't know a lot of their first names. But his voice didn't sound familiar either. Maybe it was one of the professors that taught a class San didn't take? Alchemy? Divination? Study of Ancient Runes maybe...?

"Well, then I suggest you become sure about this if you want to keep your job," the guy named Dave threatened. "You know what happens if you go against the headmistress."

Professor Snippet didn't say anything in return. There was an eerie pause before Dave spoke up again.

"It is finally time. The New Lord is rising."

Continuer la Lecture

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