The Second Princess (1)- 𝓞𝓷...

Autorstwa danysdefender

150K 3.2K 368

(Completed) "Her brother Will, he seems a lot nicer than she is." Anna Heart, A.K.A Ella Scarlett. A.K.A The... Więcej

Curse life and Real life
The Thing You Love Most
Milo !!
Snow Falls
The price of Gold
The Still small voice
The Shepard
The Heart is a lonely hunter
Desperate Souls
Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
Skin Deep
What happened to Fredrick
Red Handed
Last words
Hat Trick
The Stable Boy
An apple as red as blood
A Land without Magic
We are both
Lady of the Lake
The Crocodile
The Doctor
Child of the Moon
Into the Deep
Queen of Hearts
The cricket game.
The Outsider
In the name of the brother
The Queen is dead
The Millers Daughter
Welcome to Storybrooke
Selfless brave and true
The Evil Queen
Second star on the right
Straight on till morning
The heart of the truest believer
Lost Girl
Quite a common fairy
Nasty Habits
Good form
Think lovely thoughts
Save Henry
The New Neverland
Going Home
New York city serenade
Witch Hunt
The Tower
Quiet Minds
It's not easy being green
Bad Blood
Who's Alice
Nothing to fear
Dirty little secrets
Heart of the matter
To catch a thief
And they lived...
Authors thanks !!
Second book Is Up!!!!!


2.3K 60 12
Autorstwa danysdefender

Mary Margaret was walking in the woods looking for wherever Anna had stayed whilst they were fighting. She knew that they were fine now, but she wanted to know where she was staying just in case it ever happened again.

She made it to a clearing in the woods that had an old, cabin covered in moss.

Anna was sat in the middle of the woods, trying to get the rest of her stolen memories back, when she heard a voice say, "Oh...hey... how did you manage to get yourself... come on, it's going to be okay."

Mary Margaret was walking back to her car with the bird in her hands when she hear, "Mary Margaret?"

She turned around to see Anna limping out the woods.

"...I was looking for where you were staying but  I found this little guy instead."

Nodding Anna said, "Well I lived over there," She said pointing towards where her clearing was, " There is a cabin but I liked to sleep in the tent more fun I guess... Do you want me to come to the vet with you?"

Mary Margaret nodded enthusiastically saying, "Yeah, you shouldn't be out in the woods with your foot anyway." Seeing the way that Anna was looking at her she corrected herself, "I am saying as a friend, not a mother." She said smiling.

"Let's get going then." Ana said getting into the car.

. . . .

"Good news is- no broken bones, she was just a little de-hydrated. I got her some fluids, she should be just fine." The Vet told Anna and Mary Margaret.

Anna noticed that Mary Margaret and David kept sharing glances at each other, she smiled and shook her head.

"And the bad news.?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Well, this is a North Atlantic Dove. It's a migratory species, very unique among American doves, they tend to form strong, monogamous meaning-"

"If we don't get her back to her flock she'll be alone forever." Mary Margaret said cutting her off.

David glanced as Mary Margaret said that when the Vet said, "Well it's a long shot but the alternative... she'll heal but she won't be happy here."

David shared another glance with Mary Margaret as Anna said, "We'll take our chances, thank you doctor."

Grabbing the cage, Anna headed out to the car as Mary Margaret stayed behind to talk to David, who stopped her.

. . . .

"You are absolutely bloody reckless! What were you expecting to happen when you ran off by yourself?" Will shouted at Ella who was sitting on their bed covered in blood.

"Don't make that face I'm fine... I'm fine and It's not like I had a choice." Ella said holding up her arm that had a red cuff on it.

"You almost died! When they brought you back you were as pale as a ghost and there was blood everywhere! I thought I had lost you!"

"You didn't okay, they put up a fight and I'm here, okay? And I'm not planning on going anywhere without you."

Ella said as she stood up and pulled her brother, who had tears in his eyes, into a hug.

. . . .

"Do you hear that?" Anna said with a grin as she followed behind Mary Margaret.

They stopped by the edge of a hill and Mary Margaret looked at Anna with a smile, never having seen her smile like that before.

Anna's smile soon fell ,as the wind started picking up. She put the cage down in between her and Mary Margaret, and looked down at the giant hole right in front of them.

Then lightning struck as Mary Margaret both lost their footing, which Anna didn't have anyway, and slid down the hill with screams.

Just as they passed over the edge of the cliff they both grabbed the roots which were coming out of the edge of the cliff, and were both struggling to hang on.

Then they saw a hand come over and Mary Margaret said, "David!"

Anna knew that she would fall before David to get to her, so she tried to pull herself up not being very successful, when she felt a weight pushing her up over the edge of the cliff. She looked down and there was a shadow pushing up her feet.

When she was pushed over the top, she was sitting in the mud smiling, she knew who that was, who was protecting her, she remembered. Peter Pan.

. . . .

Mary Margaret was pulled into a hug by David, she pulled herself away looking for the girl that fell with her as she yelled "Anna!"

"I'm here." Anna said still sitting on the floor. Mary Margaret turned to her and fell to the floor hugging her tightly saying, "How did you get up?"

Anna, not wanting to tell her that Peter Pan's shadow saved her said "I have amazing arm strength remember?, now has anyone seen my stick?"

David looked down at the floor and through it to the brunette who caught it in one hand effortlessly and then stood up and started to walk back up the hill.

Mary Margaret followed her as David followed them both saying, "Where are you going?"

"We came to find the flock." Mary Margaret answered as the walked back up the hill.

David, followed them closely saying, "And I came here to get you before you got hurt! We have to go!"

It started raining heavily, but the pair were persistent as they headed towards the dove, who was sitting right where they left her.

"Doing this on foot is not the best plan!" David yelled over the rain.

"The gate was closed." Anna yelled

David nodded, "I know, I saw, It's too late we have to go ."

Anna helped Mary Margaret cover the doves cage in her jacket as the rain came down harder.

Mary Margaret looked up and said "But the Dove-"

She was cut off by David who said, "It's not safe... Anna can barely walk on solid concrete let alone slippery mud!, We need to get out of here!"

Mary Margaret agreed with David as he mentioned Anna, as David wrapped his arm around Anna's waist and helped her walk through the rain towards safety, wherever that was.

. . . .

Ella heard an explosion on the North side of the island that pulled her out of her daydream, she knew that someone was behind her. She quickly spun around and caught the dagger that was being thrown at her.

"Really, I'm Ella bloody Scarlett you're going to have to do a lot better than that if you're going to kill me."

"Bring me to your leader." Said the pirate with a red vest and a black over coat.

"You're talking to one of them." Ella said with a smile, "Who are you?"

"Killian Jones, Captain Hook, and I want off this god forsaken island."

. . . .

Mary Margaret, David and Anna, who was being helped by David, ran through the woods hoping to find a place to stay until the storm passed. Anna and David were in front and Anna was directing them to her cabin.

As they made it to the cabin, Mary Margaret knocked on the door saying , "Hello!? Is anyone in there!?"

"You do know that I'm about the only that has lived here?" Anna said

David who let Anna go to lean on the wall, kicked the door in before Anna could protest and they all went inside quickly.

"You know there was a key under the mat?" Anna said as she limped past David.

Throughout David and Mary Margaret's talk Anna sat in the chair awkwardly thinking about the shadow, and why it saved her, surely Peter had forgotten about her already, It's been what about three hundred years?"

She didn't want to interrupt them in this awkward moment for her while it was quite a big moment for them. Anna's thought were interrupted though as she saw through the window that the rain had stopped.

She stood up slowly and Mary Margaret and David immediately looked up, hearing the movement and it dawned on them that she had been there the whole time.

Anna limped out the door, Mary Margaret followed her with the dove as David protested.

As they made it to the place they were at before, Anna looked up at the sky with a smile.

As David started talking, Mary Margaret shushed him, watching as Anna's face lit up with a smile that she had only ever seen when she was with Henry.

"Listen." Anna said as she heard the other doves

"The flock they didn't leave." Mary Margaret said also smiling.

"They must've been waiting for the storm to clear." David said as Mary Margaret set the cage down on the floor.

"Okay, Okay girl time to join your friends, you can do it." Mary Margaret said as she let the bird go and watched it fly away.

. . . .

"Okay Hook, we'll make a deal, Love can I do this on my own?" Peter said to Hook but he was talking to Ella.

"Yeah, try anything Killian I'll kill you Okay?"

"Of course... Love." Killian said and Ella rolled her eyes

. . . .

Emma and Anna were sitting side by side at the table the next morning as Mary Margaret sat on the table. They all turned around to the clock that read 7:15.

Emma reached over the table and held Mary Margaret's hand as Anna held the the other. Mary Margaret smiled at the girls in response.

. . . .

Anna stood next to Mary Margaret at the diner at 7:45 as Ruby handed them their drinks

"Thanks Ruby" Anna said smiling at her.

They both turned around as the heard the door open, and Anna's mouth dropped when she saw David at the door. He then turned around and walked back out. Mary Margaret turned to look at Anna who nodded her head at the door and Mary Margaret followed him out the door and Anna followed Mary Margaret.

Anna walked to the corner of the road just in time to see David and Mary Margaret kissing.

"It's about damn time" Anna said to herself .

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