The Agent's Priority

Bởi -Dreamwrote-

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Agent Zaiarhys Maksimov, a special and an important asset to the FBI agency along side her partner She's inde... Xem Thêm

C31- (Matthew's POV)
Long Distance Relationship
Meeting the Maksimov's Pt.1
Meeting the Maksimov's Pt.2
Rafa's Bachelors Party
Happy Birthday Mommy


272 10 0
Bởi -Dreamwrote-

"I don't need it anymore"

"Wear it and stop being so damn stubborn for once"

"Get that thing away from me or I swear I'll use that fucking sling to fucking hang your head up to my mothers favorite chandelier"

"What the hell is your problem with slings?!" He sighed loudly and exasperatedly stomping his feet as we continued walking towards the directors office "its for your—"

"I don't have any problem with slings!" I shouted at him making his right eye twitch from how it echoed "Purposely picking a disgusting hot pink colored one..grrr..You're the biggest problem in the earth!"

"Hot pink is my favori—"

"Then why don't you fucking wear it then shithead?!"

Glaring at him I sharply turned left to come face to face with those big mahogany doors

Its been 3 days since I was discharged and its been 1 week and 2 days since I've last seen Rafa at the hospital

The last I saw him was when I was high in painkillers

And after that....nothing

He left without saying goodbye again

I hate how nostalgic it was when I woke up the next day without him... hand cuffed and hopeless on that stiff hospital bed expecting him to open that door to come visit me... but no

I went on rampage twice resulting them to also hand cuff both my ankles and sedate me to get me to sleep almost everyday

And after those days I gave up expecting him to show up every single time the door open only for my brother, mom, Lance, Maureen and Timothy to come barging in

No... I'm not giving up on him if that's what you're asking.

More like I'll be giving him time to think and figure out what he wants by himself...

Without me, without forcing him

"You're 23 minutes late Lia." My father's deep and loud voice greetud us the second I opened the door "What is it Agent Calvert?"

Tuning them out my attention settled on the man sitting on the brown leather seat across the director's seat in a smart outfit  and a black briefcase laying on his lap, who is now staring at me with a hint of curiosity and realization

The door closing had me snapping my attention to it over my shoulder to find no signs of Lance

"I believe this is her?" Russian?

"Yes this is her... my daughter—"

"Ah! известный Lilliana Zaiarhys Maksimov.." (the famous) The middle aged man grinned standing up from his seat unaffected by the narrowing of my eyes as he stepped towards me with an outstretched hand "Igor Oblesiev..."

Where did I heard that name?—

"Maksimov's private family lawyer, pleased to make your acquaintance"

Raising an eyebrow at him I reluctantly shook his hand slowly after I took a moment of suspicious silence

"I've heard lots of... good things about you from мистер Dimitri—"

My left eye twitched and I involuntarily spat straight to the point "what is the meaning of this."

His pale blue eyes mysteriously brighten realizing the weak spot of mine he just hit

"Lia." My father called out with a hint of warning in his tone " why don't you take a seat first.."

With my eyes trained on those grey eyes that I inherited I slowly took a seat on the other brown leather seat facing our said family lawyer

"так как вы были—" (so how have you been—)

"что это?" (what is it.) I blankly interrupted making him halt halfway before shaking his head in amusement

"I see you're grandfather so far was not wrong about your нетерпение" (impatience)

I fist my hands against the arm rests of my seat at mentioning my grandfather twice

'You need to work on that anger of yours зая, otherwise it may take control over you instead of having full control over it' (zaika)

'Use your anger only to highten your instinct and fuel up your adrenaline darling. Not to blind your sight!'

My nails digging through the plush leather of my father's favorite seat

'Take full control on that anger darling and never let it blind your sight... otherwise it may take control over you instead'

I froze remembering his words, and with my eyes closed I took a deep breath and exhaled through my nose quietly before opening them back again

I..Remember that gramps.

"Anyways let me just ask you one thing." Blinking back to reality I locked gazes with Mr. Oblesiev "Do you know about the multi billionaire company of your grandfather Mr. Dimitri Maksimov yes? The Maxforge Inc."

With my suspiciousness takibg over my features, I full well remember the successful empire gramps managed ti'l he was already 85 and how he kept me protected from the fame and the name of its existence ever since I was a kid. And even after his death.. news about me never once been mentioned

But news about his children fighting over the ownership is what had been on the news for a solid week just after his death

"Yes." I nodded slowly trying to come up with possibilities inside my head "It's still standing successfully as ever after 3 years without a CEO." I flicked my eyes to my father briefly only to find him with his eyes closed in ease "Did someone already had the title?"

Who got the ownership? My father? Uncle Jerico? Uncle Aleksei? Aunt Daja? Don't tell me its—

"Here lies..." he trailed off as he swiftly clicked open his briefcase and gently taking out two black files and a black velvet box "the answers to your every question" he grinned widely handing me the file

His grin left an unsettling feeling inside me, almost as if creeping me out how giddy he's getting so far

Narrowing my eyes at him in distrust I switched my gaze to my father now staring at the file with his hands interlaced under his chin

He found me staring at him and gave me a weak smile of assurance before gesturing a hand to the outstretched file infront of me

Swiping my tounge across the seam of my lips I took both the files hesitantly settling one on my lap as I unlid the opening of the first one

I gave another suspiscious glance towards the lawyer eyeing me with excitement and curiosity knowing full well about what's to come

"Gramps... always full with surprises I see" I mumbled lowly as I mamage to open it

I don't like where this is leading to

'Последняя воля и завещание'
Dimitri Maksimov
('Will And Testament')

Was written on the inside in dark large russian letters, as large as my eyes had gotten in incredelousness

"Its... not translated.." I hate how my voice sound drained

"Ahh that... I wantes to give you the original.. the one he literally signed in"

I skin past the paragraph of paragraphs of nonsense written neatly with his familiat handwriting

"Я завещание, завещаю и передаю свой бизнес, все поместье и все остальное имущество моей внучке Lilianna Zaiarhys Dawn Maksimov." (I devise, bequeath and transfer my business, all the estate and all other property to my granddaughter Lilliana Zaiarhys Dawn Maksimov)

"This got to be fake" I involuntarily hissed "Do not kid with me" I dared the lawyer to say it was a prank

"не за что" (not at all) he smiled softly at the disbelief in my face "go on..."

Shaking my head I flip the pages already had an idea what the next folder is about

Налог на наследство (Estate Tax)

I hastily flip another one

Наследование (Inheritance)

Slamming the file down to my fathers table I stood up with my eyes boring into the said lawyer

"I can't have this"


Matthew's POV

"You still thinking?"

"What are you doing here?" I sighed rubbing my eye under my glasses before looking up at him with an irritated face

"I have news big bro—"

"Okay look... one stop calling me that" I held up a finger as I stretch my stiff legs under the table "two. I don't have time for your gossips"

"My news for you today is about my bodyguard that you happen to—"

Not again...

"Lance? I'm not interested" I shook my head negatively my eyes still settled on the report about the progress of the new patient

Scoffing I heard his footsteps approach my desk "Of course you aren't interested about that man trying to sabotage you're love life—besides its not about Lance its about Z—"

Sighing loudly I drop my pen to run a hand through my hair as my eyes snap up at him in conflict and distress

"I know already alright? I have loved her ever since we we're kids but I just need more time to think through it more.."

"Oh you do? Well that's good cause  you see—"

"I don't want to hear it anymore. Okay! Just-just be patient, I just need more time to grow some ba—"

"Yes okay I understand now let me fini—"

"I said I still need to think Timo—"


He landed a heavy fist down the top of my head

Jumping up from my seat I gape at Timothy in surprise as I rubbed the spot "w-what the—!!"

"You'd be too late if you do that! You hear me?!" He continued to shout as he hovered above me with a sneer on his face "Lance called this morning about Zaia getting suspended off duty for 2 months—"

Blinking at him confused I asked "What do you mean? I could still confess even if she won't be at campus—"

"There's more." He cuts me off  rudely wearing a very serious face that I didn't know he have before looking around the empty office of my superior "She will be the next CEO of one of the largest multinillion buisness transport in Russia so they have come to an agreement that while she's suspended from work she'll be staying at Russia for those two consecutive months...or even extend since there'll be alot of preparations in handling a company and all"

My whole body stiffen as his words took its time processing into my brain

Russia... that's over 5,000 miles from here—

Wait... she'd be the CEO there, how will I—

"I don't know how long or if she's ever coming back but—"

"When is she planning to leave?" I heard my voice loudly interrupted him

I look up as I was met by silence only to find his now grave expression as he says in an equally grave tone

"Today... that's all I kno—"

Quickly grabbing his keys from his loosened grip I was already bolting out of the room and dashing towards the nearest elevator

What is this feeling?..

I could feel my heartbeat getting frantic its not like the ones I have whenever I'll have asthma attacks

No its... more like

Fear... this dreadfull feeling... it causing my stomach to churn painfully

I repeatedly punch the down button of the elevator and as I grew impatient I began running once again towards the staiwell

"Matt!! Where the hell are you going?!" I heard Timothy and many sets of footsteps running after me "Wait! What about your test this afternoon?!"

Fuck that test

"Sir stop!"

"Sir Matthew! you can't go out of the campus—"

"Wait! I wanna come too!—"

"You've done enough lil bro..." I turn from behind me with a palm up to the secret service agents effectively halting them before they crash into me "I will be taking it from here, thank you" I smiled at him gratefully that I swear I saw his eyes moisten just before I turn around and start sprinting towards Timothy's yellow Jaguar sports car

"I saw you cringe just now by the way!"

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