
By mistas_hat

192K 5.3K 4.4K

When Shigaraki is about to choke our boy Deku, what if things played out a bit differently? Uraraka sees Dek... More

Unexpected Moments
In Hiding
not a real update but pls read anyways
Part Time Villian
Room and Board
ive been bad and not in a kinky way
whats up simps

end p1

7.5K 271 199
By mistas_hat

Sorry guys. I fell out of the my hero fandom a while ago. I think i stopped watching in 2019. I tried to finish this fic cus i didn't (and still don't) want to leave this story open ended.

This will be the second to last chapter. If they're ooc im sorry, I kinda just want to get this finished, I loved writing shigadeku, but it kinda sucks when you don't feel any excitement for it.

Shigarakis pov

I didn't sleep last night. I'm ready. I'm ready to attack UA, shake the heroes and their system to its core. I want to smell smoke and blood in the air. Im... impatient.
Boss told me to wait.
Boss questions me recruiting a hero.
Boss wants me to "grow up".

I run my hands across my neck, staring angrily out of the window I find myself in front of. I dont know when I walked up to the third floor. I just know that we never go up here, and its cold as shit.
But I think its helping.
The chilled air is calming my mind from the bloodlust and destruction I'm craving.
But their is still something bothering me. Deku. I want him to commit. He has been wavering between hero and villian for too long. I know he sees I am in the right, that the whole League is better than any heroes association.

"I want him on my side." I mumble. " I want him to be loyal, I want..."

I want him.

My hands twitch involuntarily. I want to control his every thought, his every movement. I want him to look at me, and believe every word I say. I want him to stare into me with those deceivably sweet eyes, which hide such...murderous and self destructive impulses.

I laugh, a bit raspily.

I want to set him loose on the world, a house pet turned wild.

Tracing my fingers across the window, leaving a lines of decay, the now windowless room lets in the cool morning air. It rustled my hair as I spin around.

He's mine.

Dekus pov

I'm going to school. Its not the same as usual, because I received a text.
Normally, I'd get up, get ready, eat breakfast and meet Iida for our run to school.

But today it's different.

Shigaraki sent me a text.
"Be ready. 10:00 pm. I'm taking down UA. USJ."

I texted him back, asking for more info, asking him to wait, but he had only said, "choose a side."

I stare into my bathroom mirror, and I don't recognize the person I see. He has my hair, he has my clothes, my face, my posture, and my hands, but this guy, he's smiling, and his eyes are tinted with red.

This guy is excited, possibly overjoyed, and I'm afraid I feel the same.

My run with Iida is different as well. Instead of either of us running ahead, our usualy race to school, we keep in perfect rhythm.

Right foot. Left foot. Right foot. Left-

He stops, skidding slightly, and I slow to a halt as we reach UA's main entrance.

"Midoriya?" Iida says, breaking our silence.

"Are you feeling all right? You seem off." He states.

"I suppose I am, sorry." I chuckle. "Must've not slept well."

We continue our walk into the school.

He shakes his head disappointedly, "You need to be getting 8 hours minimum!"

"Yeah I know." I pause for a moment before we enter class. "I just have a big decision to make, thats all."

He is about to ask, but I cut him off.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you later." I say with a wink before finding my spot.

He looks confused and flustered.
I think I might've picked up that wink from Toga, I think amusedly as I sit down.

I open my sketchbook as Aizawa starts his lecture. For this first time I find myself zoning out, and focusing in on the paper in front of me.

I don't know when I started, but their is a tiny Shigaraki doodled on my page. I continue, adding in his neck scratches, and eye bags.
I wonder how much he sleeps? He probably needs more. When I'm over there I'll make sure he sleeps more-

I stop myself.

When I'm over there? I'm already planning to stay, does that mean I have chosen? But what about mom, and UA, and All Might, and-

Do I even care?

I haven't thought much of any of them recently. The only person I am excited to talk to has been Shigaraki.

What does that even mean?!?!

I care about his well being. I care about what he thinks of me. I care about him.

Does he care about me?

I think back to when I had attacked him and broken my legs. He had held me so gently, and had wrapped my wounds, poorly, but he really tried.

He had me healed, he released me, with conditions, of course, but he still let me go.

My pencil lead snaps on the paper, and my hand hurts from gripping it too hard.

What do I do??

My sketchbook no longer distracts me, and Aizawas lecture turns from a distant mumble, to a dull throb in my brain. I look at my watch.




I jump as my classmates all getup. I didn't even hear him say to get changed into our hero uniforms.

I change into my suit, the one my mom made, but it feels wrong. Like it doesn't belong to me anymore. The green fabric now rough against my skin, I try to ignore it.

I follow my class to the USJ, a small part of me still very excited to see what it looks like, but I linger back from the group. I shouldn't walk with people I might betray.

As we round a corner a feel a hand grab my shoulder. I whip around to see Bakugo.

His eyes are narrowed, and by the grip he has on my shoulder (and having known him forever) I can tell he's mad at me.

"What the hell Deku?" He says in his usual tone.

"What?" I say flatly.

His hand tightens around my shoulder.

"All morning you've been all weird. I dont like it, it pisses me off!"

I try to push his hand off.

"What are you talking about?" I say sharply.

He looks like he is about to yell, but he stops, and squints his eyes. His expression drops a bit, and he stares at me.


"Shut up" he says, and stares directly into my eyes.

I stand there, my arm aching, and not liking the proximity between me and the blonde.

"Whats wrong with your eyes nerd?"

"Nothings wrong with my eyes!" I snap.

"Don't lie to me Deku, why are they red!?" He shouts.

"Bakugou!" We both whip our heads to the side to see a very angry Iida.
"Unhand Midoriya right now!" He orders.

Kacchan grunts, and pushes me away, he stomps off after the group.
"Whatever. "

I give a silent 'thank you' to Iida before following him into USJ.

As we enter the building, I almost expect to see Shigaraki or one of the others already in there, and I can't help but let out a sigh of relief when we are greeted by 14.

USJ is just as cool as I thought it would be, but I try to keep my fanboying to a minimum. I nervously check my phone.


I can feel my hands shaking. Not out of nerves, but from the pure energy and excitement that is coursing through me. I see some of the electricity from my gifted quirk snap between my fingers.

I glance around at my classmates, my friends, and for a moment, im brought out of my high. I look at Uraraka, at Bakugo, Iida, Tsu, everyone, and I try to memorize their faces.

This is probably the last time I will ever see them happy. The last time that I will be considered their friend. I swallow the lump that I was growing in my throat, as a new morose feeling floods me.

I walk up to Uraraka.

"Hey Deku, isn't this place so cool?" She says, smiling and looking around USJ.

"It really is!" I say trying to sound excited.

It was probably millions of dollars to make this, when we could just train outside. Another way that heroes are taking advantage of their massive amounts of funding.
I almost laugh at my own thought. Thats sounds like something Shigaraki would say.

"This is a bit random, but I just wanted to let you know, I really appreciate our friendship." I say softly.

She looks at me at bit surprised, but breaks out into a big grin.
"Thats really sweet Deku! I do too!" She says pulling me into a quick hug.

I don't mind this hug.

She was a very good friend.

I pull away, and listen to 14.


Okay. I'm ready.

The screams and confused shouts of my classmates are not a surprise. Neither is finding myself with Tsu and Mineta in the water biome.

Kurogiri had come right on time,(he isn't one to be late) and it seems the Leagues lackeys have not been notified of my association with the League, as they were attacking me as well.

My eyes widen as I realize what that means. I will talk about that with Shigaraki later.

I feel a grin creep onto my face, the excitement from earlier coming back with a rush. Im sure Shigaraki wouldn't mind if I beat up his lackeys, besides, I want to get over to him without my classmates realizing that I'm no longer on their side.

I know my quirk won't break me, I can feel it. As I run up to a lizard looking guy, the electric force rushes through my arm, and I send him straight back into the water.

I check my hand, not a single scratch. As I go to take another swing at one of the lackeys, I notice something, that I felt I should've seen earlier. Instead of the electric green energy that usually surrounds me, I see a dark red aura around my fist.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my opponent who manages to land a hit while I was staring at my arm.

I'll figure this out later.

Tsu, Mineta, and I made it onto land, and my head is throbbing. I'm so close to him, I need to let him know that I have decided. I need to get to him. I start to move forward but Tsu grabs me.

"Its not safe-" She starts.

I turn back sharply.
"Don't touch me!" I snap, feeling a bit bad once I see her expression, but I push that down.

I pull away, and step closer. His back is to me... I take another step...
Aizawa is on the ground not far away.
I slip into place beside Shigaraki, and I see from under the hand that covers his face, his smile.

Immediate relaxation floods through me, he wanted me here. He wanted me with him. I did the right thing.

"I'm so happy that you made the right choice. " he says, voice raspy.

And I almost yelp as he pulls me foward to face him.

He's still so gentle. Its annoying.

Placing two fingers under my chin he tilts my head up. I let him.

"What would you like to do with your freedom from the heroes?" He asks.

The heroes?

All at once I tune back into the rush of noise, the sound of fighting and screaming thats going on all around me.

I focus back in on the man in front of me.
"What would you like me to do Shigaraki-san?" I say quietly.

He stops for a moment, a bit taken aback, but he quickly gathers himself,
"Go play, but don't get hurt."

"Okay!" I say cheerily.

I run off, feeling like a little kid sent for recess.
Maybe I will-

"Midoriya!! MIdoriya!!" A hand grabs my shoulder and I see Tsu.
"Are you okay!?! He could've killed you! Why-"

I frown at her.

"...why did he let you go?" She says, and I can see the gears in her head starting to turn.

I just sigh.

"Just stay out of my way. I don't want to hurt you." I say calmly.
She gapes at me.
"Oh, go check on Aizawa-sensei for me, he's the closest thing to a real hero UA has." I end, laughing a bit.

I'm heading for Kacchan. Its easy to find him, his explosive quirk is very easy to track.
Glancing around I find a sharp rock, and without thinking, I slam it into my leg, the pain is sharp, and my leg almost immediately starts bleeding, but it will be worth it.

I start forcing myself to cry as I work my way over to the angry blonde.

The look on his face will be worth it.

"Kacchan! H-help!" I cry out, limping into his vicinity, he is in combat, but he whips around, and his entire face goes slack. I watch his eyes narrow.

He's horrified. I knew he would be.

A moment of triumph fills me, having my suspicion confirmed that he did care for me, but I crush it down.
Its too late for him.

The look on his face.

"Kacchan..." I whine, before collapsing onto the ground.

I gather my improved quirk into my fist.

For the second time today he grabs me by the shoulder and wrenches my body upwards.

I'm almost touched by his scared expression, but when I land a punch right to the gut, his face then was much nicer.


He fell onto the ground, and I started laughing so hard, that my tears became real.

"What the fuck Deku?" He grunts, clutching his stomach.

"Oh my," I gasp out, controlling my hysteria. "That felt soo good! I have been waiting years to do that, Kacchan!"

"Don't call me that you bitch!" He stands up, smoke already pouring from his hands.

"Or what? You'll kill me? I'd like to see you try!" I snarl.

Shigarkis pov

Where did he go?

I can feel my heart beating faster and faster.

He's capable on his own, I know that!

But he also makes stupid designs, like when he attacked me...

"Argh!" I stomp my foot on the ground. "All Might needs to get here now, or I'm going to bring this whole building down!!"

All Might will be taken care of by my Nomu, but I'm not as worried about that as I should be.

"Its been too long. He should be back by now." I mutter.


"Bring me to him."

"...To All Might? I don't see that being-"

"No!" I shout. "To Deku!"

The shadow eyes me strangely.
"I don't want our new recruit dying!"

I think I hear Kurogiri sigh as he opens a new portal.

"It should bring you in the area he is in."

I'm already through before he can finish. Whipping my head around, searching for the green haired teen.

It doesn't take long, he is locked in combat with some blonde kid.

Dekus face is twisted into something I hadn't seen before. His usually soft appearance is sharp and fierce, he shouldn't be able to make a face like that.
As he recieves a blow to the face, he turns a bit, and I can see that he is smiling. A wicked twisted thing that makes my stomach do a flip.

I want to see what other expressions he can make...
But for now

"Deku, here." I order.

I watch as he jumps back from the cussing teen, and runs over to me.
"What are you doing over here Shigaraki san?" He asks in a surprisingly happy tone.

I ignore his question and avoid eye contact.
"You're hurt." I state.

"You are too." He points at my arm, that teacher and the gun wielder were tough.

"We have to go soon, say goodbye to your friend." I change my tone to mock the hero that was watching us.

"Bye Kacchan!"

"Deku you fucking traitor!"
I hear the runt yell as we go into the void.

Back in the center of the USJ with Kurogiri, I see All Might fighting Nomu.

"I advise we leave Shigaraki-san."

"Why would we-" All Might lands a solid punch to Nomus beak.

I pause then bend down to Deku.

"What should we do?" I say quietly.

"Huh?" He looks a bit surprised. I think he might be a bit out of it with blood loss.
"I don't want you getting hurt, so we should retreat." He says.

I'm not sure if I'm going to survive this with my heart speeding up as much as it has today.

I nod, "Okay, thank you." I say softly.
"We're leaving Kurogiri. "

2800 words woot woot.

Next chapter will be purely shigadeku interactions, should be up by the end of October. Thank you for your support!

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