Kamen Rider Gaim - Fruit Wars...

De MitchellDonnelly

13.1K 198 21

Yuuta is a young man who is from a family who are descendants of famous warriors who fought back in the Sengo... Mai multe

Characters (Updated)
Episode 1 - Transform! The Orange Samurai Appears!
Episode 2 - The New Sengoku Period
Episode 3 - Pulverize! Pineapple Arms!
Episode 5 - Samurai to Ninja! Go, Strawberry Arms!
Episode 6 - Arrival of a Rival! The Banana Transformation!
Episode 7 - The Man Who Fell in Love with the Enemy
Episode 8 - Melon Rider, Prepare for Battle!
Episode 9 - The Mother Tree
Episode 10 - The Final Showdown of Love! Orange vs. Melon!
Episode 11 - Legend of the Golden Fruit (REMADE)
Episode 12 - Encounter with Durian and Cherry! Unleash Watermelon Arms!
Episode 13 - Another Battle Begins! Confrontation with the Lemon Archer!
Episode 14 - The Orange's Fear and The Lemon's Determination
Episode 15 - Banana, Acorn, and a Familiar Face!
Episode 16 - The Truth Behind a Banana's Peel
Episode 17 - Go to War! The Lemon Rider's Rampage!
Episode 18 - The Power of Oranges! Birth of Jimber Tangerine!
Episode 19 - Kai in Crisis! The Apple Warrior's Debut!
Episode 20 - A Samurai's Disappearance
Episode 21 - Jam's Trial and Secret
Episode 22 - The Orange and Banana's Rescue! Siege at Akechi Castle!
Episode 23 - Back to the Front Lines! Raise Your Flag, Triumph Arms!
Episode 24 - The New Mysterious Enemy
Episode 25 - Return and Recruitment! The Jimber's Potential!
Episode 26 - A Banana's Genesis Transformation!
Episode 27 - Counterattack! The True Battle Begins!
Episode 28 - Fallen Tiger, Rising Dragon
Episode 29 - The New Dangerous Threat! Rise of the Inves!
Episode 30 - Appear, the Peach Fortune Teller, Marika!
Episode 31 - Another Assault! The Green Overlord!
Episode 32 - Gaim and Baron! Clash of Ideals!
Episode 33 - New Troubles in Echigo

Episode 4 - A New Armored Rider Appears! The Grape Dragon!

428 7 0
De MitchellDonnelly

It starts at the Takeda dorms where Yukimura showed Yuuta the cherry blossom.

Shingen is showing the room where Yuuta will be staying.

Yuuta: So, this is the room I'll be staying in?

Shingen: Indeed, since you are an official member of the Takeda army, I bear partially the responsibility to see you fit in.

Yuuta: Wait, what? Lord Shingen, I never said anything in becoming a part of your army!

Shingen: Well you've taken such actions in taking Oyamada's place of using his lockseed and belt, as well as using that other lockseed I've given you. Therefore, this already makes you into an official member of the Takeda forces.

Yuuta is shocked upon hearing this that his jaw dropped.

Shingen: Now then, I have to go take care of business. My young cub will come by to give you the details of the ways we operate here. I'll be seeing you soon, Yuuta.

Yuuta: ...You've got to be kidding me.

Later at night, Yuuta is sleeping on his futon bed. However, he's having a hard time sleeping due to his twist and turns.

However, the real reason is due to having that dream again. Where he's in a dark place and hears a mysterious voice.

Yuuta: This place again...?

???: Fruit...

Yuuta: That voice again, I knew it. Hey, is anyone there! Why do you keep saying the word "fruit"!

???: The... fruit... The golden... fruit...

Yuuta tends to hear more, but his dream is already fading...

The next day...

Yuuta is seen at Kanami's mochi stand, but with a very tiring look on his face. Like his appearance is of an old man.

Kanami came by with a plate of two sticks of ice-cream mochi on her hands.

Kanami: Yuuta?

Yuuta: Oh, Kanami... good morning.

Kanami: Your face looks so pale. Did you have some trouble sleeping?

Yuuta: Eh? Yeah, I guess you can say that. Had a weird dream last night. *thoughts*...Although, what's that all about with that voice saying some sort of "golden fruit"?

Kanami: I see. Then here, perhaps these will wake you up.

Yuuta: Ah, thank you so much!

Yuuta grabbed one of the mochi sticks and took a bite one of it. Then, Yuuta started to get surprised and his mouth started to get cold.

Yuuta: Whoo! These tasty treats did wake me up.

But as Yuuta tried to taste another one, his stick was snatched away from him. And the one who did it is a girl in a shinobi outfit, who immediately ate all the leftover mochi from the stick.

Girl: Mmm~. Delicious!

Yuuta: Hey, that's my mochi!

The girl didn't pay attention as she took the other mochi stick on the plate and ate it all.

Yuuta: Hey!

Kanami: Sakura!

Kanami came back after noticing the girl named Sakura eating Yuuta's mochi.

Sakura: Ah, big sister Kanami! Your mochi are always delicious.

Kanami: What are you doing, Sakura!? Those are for Yuuta.

Sakura: But isn't sharing caring, besides he doesn't mind.

Yuuta: *thoughts*I actually do mind you little thief!

Kanami: Honestly. I'm so sorry, Yuuta. Hang on, I'll make you some more.

Yuuta: What, no wait Kanami, I can't just make you do that.

Kanami: Oh no, it's okay. Besides, you can't start the day on an empty stomach, can you?

Yuuta: Well, at least tell me how much do I have to pay.

Kanami: ...*giggle*Please do not worry so much, Yuuta. Your dish is on the house for today.

Kanami went back inside to make some more.

Yuuta: *thoughts*Her smile... I swear I won't anything else happen to her again.

Sakura: Eh... Big sister Kanami does always have a big heart.

Yuuta: Um... who are you?

Sakura: Oh silly me, where are my manners. I'm a kunoichi and the Takeda's spy, Sarutobi Sakura. Nice to meet you~.

Sakura gives off a wink and a "peace" hand-sign.

Yuuta: Uh, yeah... nice to meet you too.

Sakura: And you must be Yuuta, my lord Yukimura has told me all about you.

Yuuta: Guess news travel fast. Wait, "Sarutobi"...? Are you somehow related to Sarutobi Sasuke, the ninja?

Sakura: Oh, so you know about my father. Yeah, my ninja skills came from him.

Yuuta: So he's alive as well. Is your father still working for the Takeda, Sakura?

Sakura: Not anymore. He decided to retire, leaving me in his place.

Yuuta: I see, anyway, what are you doing here?

Sakura: I actually came here to pick you up.

Yuuta: Pick me up? For what?

Sakura: It's Lord Shingen, he asked me for you to come back to the base at once.


As promised, Yuuta, along with Yukimura sitting beside him, Sakura at the side, as well as some other samurai that are present, are in front of Shingen for some news.

Shingen: Silence! ...Now then, I gathered you all here because we received information from our troops. They have reported that a group of Uesugi soldiers have been spotted somewhere in the fields of Kai.

This alarmed and concerned the samurais.

Yukimura: The Uesugi? What business do they have appearing here in Kai?

Shingen: I do not know. But further news is they saw them fleeing towards Kawanakajima.

Yuuta: Kawanakajima? What's that?

Yukimura: It's another battlefield located in the northern Shinano Province. My Lord and Lord Kenshin had many military conflicts in that area.

Yuuta: Wait, are they trying to signal another battle with the Takeda? And their trying to lead us to that place?

Shingen: Hah hah hah! I see you've figured it out already, Yuuta. You are indeed correct, and that's why we are going to abide to their wishes.

Yukimura: My lord, surely you see this as a trap!

Shingen: And that's why I have a plan. Men, prepare yourselves for battle!

All: Yes, my lord!

While everyone is dismissed and putting their armor on, Yuuta started to leave but Shingen halted him.

Shingen: Yuuta.

Yuuta: Yes, lord Shingen?

Shingen: I forgot this will be your first battle. Are you nervous?

Yuuta started to trembled after some flashbacks played of Oyamada's death and seeing blood on his hands.

Yuuta: No... no of course not.

Shingen: You say that, but you happen to be shaking.

Shingen was right 'bout that, as Yuuta is seen trembling.

Yuuta: It's just that, I never thought I would see someone die in front of me... I'm scared...

Shingen: Yuuta, even after our deaths we live in such chaotic times. Our soldiers are still men, who are ready to give up their lives for the sake of peace. However, the will to fight is yours and your decision alone.

Yuuta: I... I don't know what to do. But, if I fight, then I'll find what's right or wrong.

Shingen: A good answer. Here, take these.

Shingen gave out a lockseed, and a weird huge lock to Yuuta.

Yuuta: Whoa, new lockseeds?

Shingen: This one is a lockseed, and this other one is something special.

Yuuta: What is it then?

Shingen: Something that will help you since you don't know how to ride a horse.


Yuuta and the rest of the Takeda army, who are already Kurokage Troopers, have arrived in Kawanakajima.

Yuuta: So this is Kawanakajima... It's kind of huge.

Yukimura: What are your orders, my lord?

Shingen: There seemed to be no sign of the enemy, but let's leave with some assurance. Yukimura, you and I will cross the bridge and scout the right side along with half of our men. And Yuuta...

Yuuta: Yes?

Shingen: The other half of my men and Sakura will follow you, and you shall scout to the left.

Yuuta: Eh? W-Wait, you want me to lead the soldiers? Me!?

Shingen: Do not show fear, Yuuta. Since you are this army's armored rider, many will be counting on you.

Yuuta: ...Alright, I'll do it.

Shingen: Use your new lockseed to lead them. Remember, if you see the enemy then engage them, but if their forces are larger, then retreat.

Yuuta: Understood.

Shingen: Then good luck.

Then Shingen, Yukimura, and half of the Takeda army has left.

Sakura: Don't worry about it, Yu. You'll be fine.

Yuuta: *inhales and exhales*Alright. Sakura, I want you to go on ahead to see if the enemy's close.

Sakura: You mean scout the area? Then it shall be done!

Sakura then jumped high and banished.

Yuuta: ...Alright, let's see what this what this new lock can do.

Yuuta grabs the new huge lock and presses the button.

Suddenly, the lock has grown big and transformed into a motorcycle, the Sakura Hurricane.

Yuuta: Ooh, it's a motorcycle! Alright guys, let's go!

Yuuta then gets on his motorcycle and leads his army into the empty battlefield.


There are some Uesugi forces walking around the fields, already transformed into Kurokage Troopers.

note: All Kurokages throughout the story will look like these, and the flag ones will have different symbols depending on each warlord clan.

But as they are walking, they heard something. Which is none other than Yuuta riding towards them along with his army.

As soon as the Kurokages spot them, they began to charge at them.

While Yuuta is riding, he puts on his belt and puts his lockseed on his belt.

Yuuta: Alright... Let's rock!

Lockseed: Orange! ...Lock On!

Yuuta: Henshin!

Orange Arms: Path of Blossoms, on Stage!

Gaim: From here on, this is our show!

As the Uegsugi Kurokages still charge at the Takeda, Yuuta begins by slashing them with his Daidaimaru while riding.

He even does a wheelie in knocking the Uesugi Kurokages with his front-wheel.

Yuuta then gets off his bike and began to charge at the enemies.

Because of Yuuta's attacks from earlier, the Uesugi Kurokages' formation has been broken, as the Takeda Kurokages defeated them easily.

Yuuta also helped out, as he blocked the spears for his comrades, and shooting them before they have the chance to strike.

Just when it's about to finish up, Yuuta pressed the blade-handle on his belt.

Sengoku Driver: Orange Squash!

Yuuta started by jumping high in the air. Then a line of orange slices appeared, and as Yuuta went through them, a concentration of orange energy focused on his right foot. Then, he landed a powerful on the final Kurokage.

Yuuta and the others stood victorious with others suffering minor injuries.

Gaim: Whew, think that's all of them.

Suddenly, Yuuta hears the cries of his troops being taken down by a girl with long black hair. Along with additional Uesugi Kurokages supporting and started taking down some Takeda Kurokages.

As he saw the girl beating them with her hand-to-hand combat, Yuuta ran to one of his soldiers who have been defeated.

Gaim: Hey, are you okay! ...Grr, who are you?!

The girl then turned her face slowly towards Yuuta, while her hair his being swayed by the wind.

Naomi: Naoe Naomi... daughter of Naoe Kanetsugu. Do you happen to be Takeda's special armored rider?

Gaim: Yeah, and what of it?

Naomi: I've come here with orders to defeat you.

Naomi puts on her belt and puts in a new lockseed.

Lockseed: Grape! ...Lock On!

Naomi: Henshin.

Hai! Budou Arms! Dragon, Fire, Bang-Bang-Bang!

After pressing the blade-handle, a group of grapes appeared from the sky and transformed into armor. Turning Naomi into Kamen Rider Ryugen.

Gaim: Eh!? Grapes?

Ryugen: Now, show me your power.

Gaim: Heh, now this is getting interesting. Haah!

The last thing we see is Yuuta charging with both swords towards Naomi.


In Takeda and Yukimura's side, they immediately are engaging with Uesugi Kurokages.

Since Shingen isn't an armored rider, he can only use his War Fan and katana. Which seems to be working in dealing with the Kurokages because of his strength.

As for Yukimura, he seemed to have improved since the last time.

He keeps dealing damage to the Uesugi Kurokages with continuous strikes with his spears.

After defeating another bunch, Yukimura continues to engage.

However, as he ran to deal with more Kurokages, he stopped by an opened field with a pond.

Yukimura: ...This place.

???: Nostalgic, isn't it?

Yukimura is surprised when he sees Michiko appearing from behind a tree in a yukata.

Michiko: How does it feel, Yukimura. For us to be face-to-face once again, in a place filled with memories?

Yukimura: Lady Michiko...

Michiko: Although, it is a shame that our fate is tied to us battling each other.

Yukimura: Michi... Please, it doesn't have to be like this. There's no need for us to fight with each other!

Michiko: *chuckles*How fond of you. Calling me how you used to in the past. And you are wrong, there is still a reason for us to fight.

Michiko then drew puts her belt and puts in her lockseed.

Lockseed: Melon! ...Lock On!

Michiko: ...Henshin.

Soiya! Melon Arms: Acknowledged by Providence!

Michiko then transformed after a melon appears and turned into armor. Turning her into Kamen Rider Zangetsu.

Zangetsu: Now then, Yukimura. It's time we end this.

Yukimura: Tsk, very well. Then let us settle this once and for all... my love.

To be continued...

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