Wolf Woes

Werewitch12 tarafından

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I do not own this story, but it's on another website m.fanfiction.net. It's by btvscharmedgirl I just wanted... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1 : Strange feelings (part 1)
Chapter 1: Strange feeling (part 2)
Chapter 1: Strange Feeling (pt 3)
Chapter 2: Friends (pt 1)
Chapter 2: Friends (pt 2)
Chapter 2: Friends (pt 3)
Chapter 2: Friends (pt 4)
Chapter 3: In The Cell (pt 1)
Chapter 3: In The Cell (pt 2)
Chapter 4: Josie's Home (Pt 1)
Chapter 4: Josie's Home (Pt 2)
Chapter 4: Josie's Home (pt 3)
Chapter 5: The Truth (pt 1)
Chapter 5: The Truth (pt 2)
Chapter 6: Conversations and Blood (pt 1)
Chapter 6: Conversations and Blood (pt 2)
Chapter 7: Running Wild (Pt 1)
Chapter 7: Running wild (pt 2)
Chapter 8: Big Date and Even Bigger Secrets (pt 1)
Chapter 8: Big Date and Even Bigger Secrets (pt 2)
Chapter 9: Let's Talk About Sex, Baby
Chapter 10: Testing the Bond (pt 2)
Chapter 11: Into the Unkown
Chapter 12: The Merge
Chapter 13: So?
Chapter 14: Fighting and Friendships
Chapter 15: Loose Ends
Chapter 16: The Bond
Chapter 17: Malivore
Chapter 18: Happy Birthday Hope [Final]

Chapter 10: Testing the Bond (pt 1)

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Werewitch12 tarafından


Hope was able to convince Rebekah to take her into town with barely any convincing. Not that she thought it would take much. Her aunt was always down for a good shopping trip. The downfall to living in a small town was having to hit up multiple shops to get everything on her list. They crisscrossed through town, making stops at the drugstore, office supply store, hardware store, general store, before making their way to the grocery store.

"How about this one?" Rebekah asked, holding up a box of cookies and crème protein bars.

"Yeah," Hope replied. "Josie will love them, but we need to find brownie ones for Lizzie... Ah here," she said triumphantly as she reached for a box on the bottom shelf. "That just leaves a multi pack since I don't know what kind Raf and Landon would like."

Rebekah smiled widely at her niece.

"What?" Hope asked, noticing her aunt's strange smile?

"Nothing," Rebekah replied, but Hope was sure her aunts smile was for something. She just wasn't sure if she wanted to know or not.

"I think that's everything I need," Hope said. She pulled out her shopping list and looked over it, double checking that she had everything.

"It's still early darling. Do you want to get dinner before heading back to school?"

Hope slipped the list back into her pockets and nodded her head. She was having fun with her aunt and wasn't ready for the day to end just yet. "Food sounds good." They pushed their small cart up to the front of the store. "Oh... awesome," Hope said when she saw the snacks displayed on the mini fridges. She reached up and grabbed several bags of Flaming Hot Cheetos.

"Since when do you eat those?" Rebekah asked, as she placed the groceries onto the belt.

"I don't. Josie's been craving them for days. It's been driving me crazy," Hope explained.

"You're sharing her craving now?"

"More like aware of her craving. It's like this little voice at the back of my head whispering Cheetos, Cheetos, Cheetos, and I just know the what and the why."

"Is it weird having someone else in your head?" Rebekah asked quietly.

"Sometimes," Hope replied, then pulled her credit card out of her wallet. "Mostly it just feels right. Like it was always supposed to be like this, and I just hadn't noticed that it was missing."

They went silent as the cashier rang up their items, not wanting him to overhear their conversation. On their way out to Ric's car, they bumped into the sheriff, quite literally. Hope was reading the bottom of the receipt and didn't see him standing by the carts.

"Sorry," she said, then looked up to see who she had ran into. "Oh... Sheriff, I didn't see you there."

"It's alright Hope," he grunted lowly. "Just watch where you're going."

"Hope, what's taking so long?" Rebekah asked as she made her way back into the store. Hope hadn't realized her aunt wasn't with her any more. "Matty," Rebekah exclaimed when she saw who Hope was talking to. "Matty, I haven't seen you in forever." She leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello Rebekah," he replied, and he looked as though hm he actual was happy to see her. "I didn't know you were in town."

"Oh yes. I'm here visiting Hope and helping out with the monster problem. I'm surprised Ric didn't warn you."

"Well the last time I saw him, we didn't end things on the best of terms. He's keeping me apprised of the situation but has been tight lipped about the going-on at the school otherwise."

"Well we should get dinner and catch up," Rebekah said.

"I'd like that. How long will you be in town for?"

"A few weeks, maybe longer," Rebekah answered, then looked to Hope. "I'm enjoying getting to spend so time with Hope."

"Same," Hope added coolly.

"I'll phone you at the school then," Matt replied, then bid the girls goodbye and quickly entered the store.

Rebekah looked at Hope questioning at his quick departure. "He doesn't like me,'' Hope answered her silent question.

"I'm sure that's not true. What's not to like?"

Hope turned around and started making her way back to the car. She opened the back hutch and place the bags in her hands with the rest of them. When they were both safely in their seats, Hope answered, "He doesn't like me because I'm Klaus Mikaelson's daughter. All of Dr. Saltzman's friends look at me like that. Not that I can blame them after what dad did to them."

"Well I bloody well can," Rebekah spat. "So, what if your dad is Klaus. You are your own person and deserve to be treat as such. And none of them have any room to judge. They weren't perfect little angels. Elena stabbed me in the back, literally, when all I wanted was to be her friend and then they kill Kol to get their hands on the cure first."

"And the only reason I am alive is because someone else is dead," Hope said, reminding her aunt of the reason why they don't like her. "I'm not losing sleep over them not liking me. Dr. Saltzman trusts me... for the most part, and he's the only one I care about. So please, don't make a big deal out of this.

"Fine, I won't make a big deal, but I will be making sure Matt knows you are more than your father's daughter, you are also my niece whom I love with all my heart and soul." She leaned over and gave Hope a big kiss on the cheek. "Let's go eat, and you can tell me all about Josie."

Hope smiled, "That I can be down with."

Hope got up extra early the next morning and made her way out to the old mill with a large trunk full of supplies. Her aunt had been more than willing to spend the day with Hope, especially when it meant shopping was involved. She wanted to set everything up before her morning date with Josie, that way she could enjoy every moment she could before Lizzie woke.

She levitated the large black trunk up to the landing where her and Josie liked to have their breakfast dates, then opened the trunk and began sorting through the items. There were dozens of new candles, three blankets (one heavy, to lay on the floor and two fluffy ones to cuddle with), several pillows, fighting sticks, a bag of different kinds of balls, and boxing gloves in just about every color.

The blankets and pillows came out, along with a few of the candle, while everything else stayed in. Hope spread the heavy blanket out, then placed the pillows and fluffy blankets. After she had everything set up, she headed back to the school to get their breakfast ready. The cooks were more than happy to prepare breakfast for Hope and Josie and had everything packed up and ready to go by the time Josie walked into the kitchen, still half asleep.

Half an hour later, Josie and Hope were cuddling together, talking softly. The remaining food was laying off to the side. It was chilly, so they had the blankets wrapped around them, while they looked out at the horizon, waiting for the sun to rise.

"How'd it go with Lizzie after I left?" Hope asked. She was enjoying being Josie's little spoon.

Josie hummed lightly. "She's mad, but I think it's more because Mom and Dad lectured us for an hour on the importance of Lizzie's mental health and how secrets only hurt Lizzie in the end. It's the bed time med that Lizzie hates the most. It knocks her out within an hour of taking it, and if she fights it, she says her body feels like its being pulled in several directions. She also hates how long she sleeps because of it and how drowsy she is if she doesn't get enough."

"Can't they try a different med?" Hope asked.

"This one works the best. She's calmer and clearheaded. It's just the side effect that bother her."

"I read that meditation can help."

"You did research on Lizzie's disorder?" Josie asked surprised.

"Yeah. Last night. I got a bunch of books while Auntie Bex and I were in town."

"That' so sweet," Josie gushed, then place a little kiss on Hope's temple. "Dad meditates with her. She has this brash bowl that helps to calm her, but a lot of the time it's just a way to calm her down after she's had an episode."

"Well maybe we can start meditating with her every day," Hope suggested, then rolled over to face Josie. "It could be a good way to strengthen our bond. Both between us and with Lizzie."

"I think she might like that," Josie agreed. She leaned forward and captured Hope's lip in a heated kiss. She pushed Hope onto her back and straddled her hips. The blanket that had been wrapped around them fell to the floor.

Hope grasped the sides of Josie's hips, running her hands down her thighs, wishing Josie had decided to wear a skirt instead of pants. She carefully flipped them, so she was lying above Josie, and rocked her hips in to Josie.

Josie's head fell backwards on to the pillow as she let out a loud moan at the friction Hope was creating. Hope leaned forward, allowing her body to rub against Josie's and planted kisses along her neck. Josie wrapped her legs around Hope's waist, pulling her rocking hips closer.

Hope rose over Josie, propping herself up on her elbow, allowing Josie to look into her eyes, which were bright yellow. She brought her hand up and gently ran her thumb beneath Hope's left eye.

Hope realized what Josie was reacting to, and then suddenly threw herself backward, so she was kneeling a few feet away from Josie, panting heavily. Josie wasn't sure exactly what was happening, but she did want nothing more then to comfort Hope.

Hope's panting eased and her eyes shifted back to normal, but she remained where she was kneeling, her body tense.

"Are you okay?" Josie asked tentatively.

"Yes. I just lost control for a second," Hope said.

"This isn't the first time we've made out," Josie stated.

"But this is the first time we've... you know... done that..."

Josie giggled and laid back, gesturing for Hope to join her. Hope slowly crawled over to Josie and cuddled into her side. "You know you're adorable when you can't say the words. It's just us here, you don't have to be so shy about it."

Hope huffed and came to sit next to Josie. "Grinding and dry humping sound so wrong."

"Now that you put it that way," Josie said, wrinkling her nose. "Are you okay."

"Yeah. I didn't realize my eyes had shifted until you were looking at me," Hope said.

"You were fine, Hope," Josie said. "I think your wolf eyes are cute."

"I'm afraid I might lose control in the moment, and hurt you," Hope admitted.

"I don't think you will hurt me," Josie replied honestly. "I didn't feel any aggression coming from you. Just a lot of other stuff." Josie didn't elaborate what other things she was feeling because she believed Hope already knew what she was talking about. Aside from the intense sexual charge running through their bond, the overwhelming feeling of love flowed strong. It had become an unspoken rule that it was too early for them to admit such feelings aloud, because it was still early in their relationship.

"Still, I think we should take things a little slower for now," Hope said. "At least until I'm sure I won't lose control."

"So, no more making out?" Josie asked with a pout.

"We can still make out," Hope assured her. "We should just keep the... you know to a minimum for now."

Josie smiled, "I think we can do that."

Hope looked out over the horizon and pouted, "We missed the sunrise."

"There's always tomorrow," Josie pointed out happily, then pulled the blanket back over them. "What should we do today?"

"I figured we could start fight training. Lizzie seemed eager to learn, and I also read that physical activity is good for those with bipolar disorder. It helps to focus the mind better.

Josie smiled at Hope and captured her lips in a gentle kiss. "You're so sweet, and I'm excited to start fight training as well," Josie hummed. "Lizzie told me about the plan. She excited about getting to be a hero. I think it'll be good for her to have something to focus on. When do you think your aunt will tell my dad the truth?"

"Hopefully not until it's too late, but they have some weird parental relationship, so she will probably tell him as soon as she come back," Hope said. "I was actually hoping you would help me with something before Lizzie joins us, if you're not afraid that is."

"Why would I be afraid?"

"Because it involves wolf me."

"I'm not afraid of your wolf side, Hope."

Hope could feel the truth in Josie's words, which made her relax. "I want to test out using magic while wolfed out."

"Sure, what do you need me to do?"

"Just toss some balls into the air and be there incase I accidental start the mill on fire."

"Hey, that's my specialty," Josie joked.

"I am well aware of your prevalence to fire," Hope smiled. "I have half a dozen fire spells running through my mind now. Which is why I want to teach you a water spell I know. I also want to test out our bond. I notice when I shifted a few days ago that the bond felt stronger. If I'm right, then me wolfing out will give us a taste of what completing the bond will be like."

"A precursor to the real thing," Josie said. "I like to see what it's be like before we decide. I'm game."

"Awesome," Hope said, then stood up. She offered her hand to her girlfriend who accepted it. "We just have to do one thing first."

"Does it involve drawling blood?"

"It does. Your sister and I have come to an agreement of sorts, which involves a mug of blood for your mother. So, we can either wake Lizzie up so she can give it to her, or you can give it to her yourself. She won't accept it from me though. I tried last night. She flat out refused to take it and lectured me for half an hour on the dangers of sharing my blood."

"And you're still willing to do this why?"

"Have you met your sister? I'd rather get lectured by your mother every night, than disappoint your sister this early in our shaky friendship."

Josie snorted, "I'm sure my sister will understand if my mother doesn't want to drink your blood, and I can't believe I just said that."

Hope laughed. "Honestly, with the fight coming up, we need your mom at her best and that won't happen if she's only on the school's animal blood. That and I really don't mind being the blood source until a better option comes along."

"Then I suppose I'll take Mom her breakfast, and see if she takes it," Josie said. "Are you okay with giving that much? Six mugs a day seems like a lot."

"I'm fine," Hope said. She picked up the picnic basket up, then gently pulled Josie toward the steps. The made their way back to the school silently, depositing the empty food containers off in the kitchen and grabbed two mugs out of the cabinets. Hope had planned ahead and brought the tourniquet and needle with her. They went up to their floor and ducked into the bathroom.

They filled both of the mugs, then went their separate ways, Josie to her mother's room in the adult's wing and Hope to her room where her aunt was sure to be asleep. Hope shook her aunt awake, who looked up at her with a withering glare.

"Sometimes I wonder how much of you is Klaus," she growled playfully.

Hope smiled then held the mug out for her aunt to take.

"Then again, you are very much your mother's daughter," Rebekah sighed as she took the mug.

"I'm going to wolf out and practice magic doing magic if you want to come watch. I promise I won't bite you."

"As fun as that sounds, I can't. Caroline's requested my aid in procuring blood for the school. She and I are heading into Georgia to hit up a few of the blood banks."

"Why Georgia?" Hope asked.

"So, it can't be traced back to the school," Rebekah answered. "We'll be gone for at least a day."

"You, on a road trip, with Caroline, for an entire day. Can I trust that you won't kill each other?"

"Don't be silly, darling. If I killed Caroline, then I would never be allowed to stay here with you. Besides, it's bad taste to kill the mother to your favorite niece's love, and vice-versa. You have nothing to worry about."

"Alright than," Hope said, then leaned down and gave her aunt a kiss. "I see you when you return."

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