The Inheritors [editing]

Por fab_moon

8.3K 832 681

My flight was being called on for the last time. I turned to have one last look at Noah, or more properly to... Más

First author's note evaaa!
1. Meet our Plain Jane
2. LA, here I come !
3. Meet the anonymous dude.
4. Rachel who !?
5. He's totally gay.
6. A day to remember
8. Home sweet home
9. Good news. Or not.

7. Goodbye it is.

476 56 77
Por fab_moon

Ivy's POV:

My stomach tightened when he reached over to brush some hair from my face, his gorgeous eyes meeting mine.

-" You are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. I love you so much Ivy."

Noah was now holding my hand as he confessed his feelings.

"Marry me!" He suddenly added.

The euphoric wave of emotions that I sensed was undefinable. I was ecstatic with happiness. Never before had I felt such strong emotions for anyone else besides my mother.

I was in seventh heaven.

That, until I felt someone fiercly agitating my arm.

-" Get up lazy ass! We should get going." The voice spoke and the person went back to shaking me like I was some salt shaker.

I blenched at the movement and jumped to my feet. The same guy I've been dreaming of seconds ago stood by my bed, looking surprised and amazed by how fast I had gotten up.

Noah was wearing a white shirt that covered his built up chest and defined his broad shoulders, as well as his toned biceps. Below the top, he was wearing a pair of faded blue denim jeans with a tiny rip on his left knee and black scuffed trainers.

Even in this casual outfit he still looked vaguely certain and confident. And damn did he have every right to feel that way. You'd have to be blind or mentally unstable not to notice how terrifically attractive he was. And of course my stupid self couldn't get the image of him proposing or the thought of us having babies out of my head.

-" Are you done yet ? " A deep chuckle emitted from Noah, showing his amusement at how easily I could be distracted. He must've been aware that I had been checking him out. How embarassing !

I blushed with shame and nodded my head in response, seeing as I couldn't get my tongue to articulate.

-" Good. Now let's go have some breakfast then we can leave. The car has been repared." He retorted before heading downstairs.

After I had washed my face in a rush, splashing it a couple of times, and gave my hands a quick rinse, I joined Noah downstairs.

The dining room was deadly quiet. Although the appetizing aroma of baking was floating in the air. The fragnance of bacon drifted into my nostrils, tempting and mouthwatering. I looked around and noticed that noone was seated, besides Noah. Appearently we're the only ones staying in this motel.

I took a seat across from Noah. The table ahead of us was nicely served; two plates of scrambled eggs along with some bacon and sausages, and a carton of orange juice to the side.

I hated early morning breakfasts. Back home I'd always skip breakfast on school days. And my mom would always lecture me about the benefits of breakfast and how it's the main meal of the day, bla bla.

So what ? I have my own diet. One that requires no breakfast, a lot of junk food, and a few (dozen) snacks between meals.

Although now I couldn't resist the food. It smelled really good. Besides it wasn't that early. I couldn't tell the exact time but looking at how high and bright the sun was, I knew it was a little before midday. Ugh. I really miss my phone. It sucks not having one.

Once we had finished our meals, Noah paid the recptionist with the few bills he -luckily- had on him. She gave me a knowing smile as I said goodbye and we existed the building.

The red ferrari was as new as ever. The paint looked as it had been renewed. I asked Noah and he said it's to cover some scratches and damages caused by last night's crash.

-" What about the cost ? How are you planning on paying all that ? " I had also asked.

-" I'm going to get my dad's secretary write them a cheque. " He carelessly replied.

I wanted to ask him about his dad, what kind of work he does that affords him this celebrity-kind-of life, but then I decided against it and kept my mouth shut.

I guess some things are better left unknown.


A couple of hours later, the car ride had finally gotten to an end and we had arrived to Noah's. We hopped out of the car and entered the house. It was whelmed with a relaxed comfortable atmosphere. As soon as I stepped in, I instantly felt at ease.

It's pretty amazing how a building can have such strong impact on one's attitude and well-being, let alone if it's someone else's house. I guess it just feels good to be somewhere familiar. And damn was this place familiar. And damn would I trade our three-rooms appartment for this magestic house.

Speaking of our appartment, I wonder what day will I go back home. When was my ticket due again ? Was it 17 ? Yeah I guess that was it. But hey.. what's today's date ?

I turned to ask Noah who was at the door, bent down, taking off his trainers.

-" Say Noah, what day are we on ? " He raised his head and looked at me, his face holding a confused expression. "I kind of lost track." I added justifyingly.

-" Uh.. it's tuesday ? " His answer sounded more like a question but whatever.

-" Tuesday.. ? " I repeated, refering to him to carry on and be more specific about the date.

-" 17. Tuesday 17. " He declared, this time with certainty.

HOLLY SHIT ! My plane's today. I'm leaving today.

I was about to put my thoughts into words but realization must've hit Noah at that same time.

-" Your trip is due for today, isn't it ? " He asked.

-" Yeah." I said in affirmation. The sadness in my voice was overly obvious and easy to detect.

Noah didn't look so happy either. He remained silent and looked pensive, as if he was having deep inner talks with..himself.

He opened his mouth and was about to say something when someone came by rushing to him and put their arms around him, taking him into a hug.

-" NOAH YOU'RE ALIVE ! THANK GOD FOR THAT ! " The person yelled whinning in a high pitched tone and I instantly recognized that voice.

It belonged to the person I liked the least in the world.

And I'm not talking about Brooke because, despite our conflicts and her jealous invalid accusations, she was still a nice person and there was no reason for me to hate her.

So no, it is not Brooke. The person I am actually talking about is Rachel. Yup. The bimbo herself.

I watched her hug him for a while, which was pretty awkward. Like what the heck am I supposed to do? Look away ?

I'd clear my throat but they already know I'm right here.

What's weird though is that Noah wasn't hugging her back, and it wasn't long before he gently pushed her away. And trust me, if he hadn't, she'd still be attached to him. And she wasn't done whinning.

-" Noah! Why'd you do to that to me? I was about to go insane ! " She scowled at him.

-" Do what to you !? " He said questioning.

-" You didn't come home last night! I was worried that you had left me for good. "

She explained, her voice filled with sadness and hurt. I wish I could say it's just an act but she actually looked hurt.

Noah wasn't the slightest bit moved. He even had the nerve to laugh. And that made me wonder what's his heart made of. Even I was affected by her words.

Once his laugh died down he retorted:

-" You know I couldn't leave you even if I wanted to Rachel. "

What does this mean?

"Oh and save your worry would you, you're not my mother." He said firmly.

Ouch. Double ouch actually.

What's the rudeness for ? Actually w when i think about it, he wasn't polite last time he spoke to her either. I hadn't paid much attention to it back then. I thought it's some passing argument between the two, but now I know its is much bigger than that. Appearently they are used to these kind of talks. More like Rachel is used to his rude comebacks it doesn't even bother her now.

-" So? " Noah raised an eyebrow at me.

I had zoned out for a moment, caught up in my thoughts, and I hadn't acknowledged that he was talking to me..or that Rachel had left for a fact.

I lifted my face and looked at him in confusion.

-" Care to share Iv' ?" He asked with a smirk.

-" Huh? "

-" You were daydreaming right there. Wanna tell me what that was about? "

Uuh. Why would I tell you my thoughts ? They're in my brain for a reason.

-" What is it that you asked first, while I was daydreaming ?" I said, emphasizing the word he had used.

-" Oh yeah. I wanted to know what time does your plane leave. "

"- 2 o'clock. " I answered once I had checked the ticket Jay had sent me earlier as promised.

-" That's two hours from now. We must leave in 20 minutes or so to reach the airport and get done with the official measures and all on time. "

-" Yeah okay. That shouldn't take time since I don't have much luggage but still, better be early than late. " I retorted.

-" Yup. Now go get changed. I'm thinking of having lunch somewhere nice. "

Thank God. I'm starving. God bless you Noah!

-"And get your suit because we're heading straight to the airport after that." He added.

I might be mistaken but I think I spotted some sadness in his voice.

Once in the bathroom, I turned on the shower and climbed in. The hot water ran over my hair and down onto my skin. I sighed in content at the warmth. The water worked its magic on me and I felt all my muscles loosen.

When I was done I climbed out and put on some vanilla lotion. Then I wrapped a towel around myself and went into the guests' room, aka my room for the last day.

I opened my suitcase and sat ont the floor across from it. After a moment of meditation and studying pretty much all the items I grabbed a pink flowery dress that got to my knees and some white flats.

I know what you're thinking. No, I AM NOT a dresses' girl. I only wear them in special occasions; basically weddings and funerals, which I rarely attend.

But I thought I would make an exception today since it's super hot and I might never witness such lovely sunny weather in my life ever again.

I had managed to shower and get dressed all in 10 minutes just like officer Noah had commanded.

I got out of the room and headed to the living room where Noah was impatiently tapping his foot. He hadn't changed his clothes or showered, he said he would do that once he got back.

-" Ten minutes and forty five seconds. You're late." He said once he'd finished eying me.

-" How punctual, Mr Carter. " I replied ironically.

-" Very well Ms Simmons. Now shall we ?" He said pointing to the door, trying to keep up my tactic act.

He lead me to his car then opened the passenger door for me.

How sweet. My inner voice remarked.

Ugh you again. Not now!

It wasn't long before we arrived to our destination. It was a lovely restaurant, not too small not too fancy. I insisted that we would sit outside because the weather was just too pleasant and enjoyable.

After studying the menu over and over again I asked Noah why don't we just have burgers and to my surprise, he agreed. No protesting, no mocking remarks.

-" How come you're agreeing with everything I say !? And you've even quit making fun of me! " I asked him.

He raised an eyebrow and was silenced for a second before pulling his usual smirk.

-" It's our last day together. I thought we'd call truce. " He said griting his teeth, obviously fighting the urge to laugh.

-" So you're not sad that I'm leaving? "

The words slipped my mouth too soon. I've been dying to ask him this all day. He hasn't said anything about that matter, honestly it made me sad; knowing that he's not bothered the least by me leaving.

But then again why would he care at all ? To him I am just some girl he rescued. And being the good hospitable person he is, he offered to take me to his place instead of letting me croak on that sidewalk where he had found me sobbing.

He's a good person. That's it.

-" Nope. Not sad at all. " He answered after a while.

I was definitely taken aback by his answer, it wasn't exactly what I was expecting.

-" Jeez I was kidding ! " Noah suddenly blurted. "Your expression was priceless though! " He added before bursting out into loud laughter that echoed in the large room, causing people from everywhere to look at us.

-" Not funny Noah! " I protested, faking hurt.

I looked at him and he was still shaking with laughter. His sight was too funny I couldn't help but giggle. My facial muscles weren't strong enough so I eventually broke into laughter, too.

I guess laughter really is contagious.

-" So does that mean you're going to miss me?" I asked him once the guffaws died out.

He was silent for a while.

Go ahead Noah, take your time. I don't have a flight to catch.

-" Yeah. Of course I'm going to miss you silly."

He paused a little before carrying on:

"But that doesn't change the fact that you're leaving. There's nothing I could say that will make you stay, is there !? "

Now that's one interesting question.

-" I guess not. I really wish I could stay longer but my mom needs me. " I explained. "And well there's school too. "

I sighed at the thought of school. I'm so not looking forward to going back there anytime soon. High school sucked.

-" I know Ivy, I know. I'm not asking you to stay anyways. " Noah said mocking me, a devilish smirk plastered on his face.

-" Whatever.. HOLLY SHIT NOAH WE HAVE TO GO NOOW! " I yelled as soon as I threw a glance at the mural clock.

I got up in panic with Noah following me and within seconds we had pulled out of the driveway.

We arrived at the airport just in time to get done with all the necessary measures.

We sat on a bench in silence. No, not awkward silence, but more of quite between Noah and my soul, that's trying its hardest to fight back tears from knowing that we'll never be together again. We did a little talk but we both knew we were running out of time.

Noah's hand reached over to where mine rested and he gently caressed it. The pain lessened a little, if that's even possible.

Just then my flight was called.

Dear karma, I know I am forever and always out of luck. No need to constantly remind me.

" Ivy.. " Noah voiced gently, trying to fetch me out of my sadness hole.

I didn't respond.. I couldn't.

He tightened his grip on my hand as if to reassure me, only it wasn't helping.

-" Ivy, I.. I.. " He said stammering.

A faint weak yes managed to come out of my lips, and I felt my heart breaking a littke more as he suddenly pulled me into his arms.

He smelled terrifically good and his chest was so perfect and warm. Tears started rolling down my cheeks immediately. What the fuck is happening to me ? I've never been this emotional in my life and I've only known this guys for three days. THREE FREAKING DAYS !

I am definitely PMSing right now.

I broke the hug and dried my tears. I looked up to meet Noah's gaze.

-" That's the sad door.." He said behind a forced smile, pointing out to the entrance where he can't no longer walk with me. Sure enough, there were several couples hugging and kissing.

My flight was being called for the last time. I looked back at Noah, taking in his beautiful face for the last time. His eyes were glowing and I could see the sorrow behind them. His lips were so red and full, making me desperate to kiss them. And that desire only increased when he bit his lips.

But I couldn't shake away the disappointment that he belonged to Rachel.

-" Goodbye Noah." I voiced the words I feared the most. "I can not thank you enough for what you did to me. I wish there's something I could do for you in return. "

-" Yes there is." He whispered and then, to my biggest surprise, he started leaning in.

He got closer and our lips brushed for an instant. I felt a shiver go down my spine at the sudden contact. My tongue was tied in my mouth and my legs glued and disabled.

Before I could react or process anything that was happening, he placed a soft, gentle kiss on my lips as the back of his fingers went up to caress my cheek.

The kiss only lasted for a few seconds before he pulled away. I wished his lips had remained longer combined with mine. And although I was sad because I had to leave right then, I couldn't help but smile like the idiot I am.


TADAAAAAA ! How d'ya like this chapie?

Did any of u cry ? No? Well I did :(

I want you all to vote and (pleaaase) comment so I know whether you liked it or not. And do feel free to point out ANY kind of mistakes, anything that you'd want me to modify.

I really do try my best to make this perfect for you guys to read but it still is faar from being perfect. So don't hesitate, just let me know :D

I'm super sorry for the long wait my life has been crazy, and nope I'm not some secret popstar (wish I was lol). So no I've just been busy with school & all :(


Oh & I wanna thank this babe here @BeYou98 she was the one who inspired me & gave me some wonderful ideas bt the end of the chap! Loveu ♡

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