Rather Be On Top

Por PNGonzalez

3.8K 146 121

Damian Wayne. He was known for many things. Most popular? Wayne. Rich boy. Perfect. Heir. Prince. Yes... Más

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen

chapter eleven

145 7 5
Por PNGonzalez

It was the next day.

Since Damian arrived, it was awkward.

Awkward was an understatement.

Since he came home, he's shut himself in his room and nearly had a panic attack at the situation he forced himself in. He didn't know what he was doing now.

Now that it was the next morning though, he just knew he'd have to confront everyone when he came dowm and sat himself at the breakfast table.

He didn't think he'd have to confront anyone so early in the morning. And if he did, he would have expected it to be Jason. It wasn't. Dick came through the door and planted himself right behind Damian, who stared at his reflection in the body mirror in the room. "You look angry, Grayson. Are you upset father's biological son is actually alive after all these years?"

"You're not Damian. You can't be. You're Renegade, a villain and a murderer."

"And Damian can't be a murderer either? I'm not allowed to kill anyone because I'm a Wayne? Because I was a bat? I'm sixteen now. You can't control me. I was serious about what I said a week ago, Dick. I was tired of being your shadow. Jason's shadow. Even Tim's and especially of my father. But I am me and I am back whether you like it or not. And I've changed."

As much as the eldest didn't want to admit it, Damian was right. The boy has changed. He went from that snarky arrogant little kid to a teenage leader and dominator. A villain known around the country with many accomplishments no matter how bad.

Damian was also on a first name basis with everyone and somehow, that made Dick multitudes of uncomfortable.

"You're seriously being honest with me when you say you're Damian. Like, the Damian who was such a neat freak he threw knives at people who moved something out of place?"


The reminder of his younger teenage years made him groan. "I was so weirdly annoying as a child, wasn't I?" Jason burst into the room. "Hell yeah you were!"

He shut the door and locked it.

"So our golden boy finally figured out. You're getting bad at keeping secrets, baby bird."

"I'm not! Everything. . . happens for a reason."

Dick aimed a look his way. "Because it's God's will?" Damian made a face. "Of course not, I do not believe in a divine power aside from one created by merit. And because I am my own power, these events made by myself. . . everything happens because I want it to. The objective may blur in the process of getting there but it will always happen." Dick punched Jason in the arm with a growl. "So you really did know for three whole years! And both of you-ugh! Don't even get me started! You two don't know how mad I am! A villain, Damian? You became a villain and killed what? A clone of yourself?"

"Actually, that is precisely what I did, yes. And I made Kent my nemesis."

Dick finally came to a quiet and held up his phone to hover it in front of Damian's face. "So I kinda texted him. Told him you're not dead." Damian saw the words in all caps by Jon.


That was sent seven minutes ago. 

A crash from downstairs made them all stumble and trip over each other to get out of the room. The three raced down the stairs to find a hovering Jonathan Kent in pajama pants and nothing more.

Damian finally stopped at the bottom step and looked Jon's body up and down because wow he'd only ever been able to see Jon grow as Superboy, physical features always hidden under the skin tight suit that covered every ounce of his prescious body. Muscles and abs he's never seen before were molded into the super's body beautifully. "Jon," Damian breathed out the name shakily but surely because his boyfriend looked at him with the same fondness Damian held when he watched Superboy fly around in the distance or at the base where the men and women would train and Damian could watch from the other side of the window without him knowing.

"Damian? Damian, Damian, Damian! He flew forward and wrapped his arms around Damian's body without mercy, super strength kicking in and nearly crushing his lungs. His own arms found themselves around the other.

"It's been too long."

Very long.

The last time they were both close to each other-well, before all the heroes decided to crash his base, Damian and Jon's encounter was as Renegade and Superboy, at it again, fighting around Metropolis. The last time they even touched each other was when Damian had Jon in a chokehold and Jon trying to drown him, both on the same day actually, about a month ago.

Scary times, yes, that day was because it was the first time since being a villain that Damian has come close to a painful death.

Don't get him wrong, he's died before.

To be specific, Damian has died once every year and everytime he did die, it was thanks to some reckless person, assassin or villain, who always accidently pushed him the wrong direction at the wrong time or shot him in a vulnerable spot in a bad situation at odd angles. None of his deaths were of his own fault. Yet. But in the end, someone brought him back to the Lazarus pit and revived him.

So far he still felt more or less sane.

Maybe he wasn't but he didn't think he'd know that himself. He'd take a mental test later on the internet. Or maybe go to Slade and ask what he thinks of his personality and behaviour. In the long run though, he could assume he was more sane than Harley's daughter for now.

Jon grabbed his face and pressed their lips together. Quick. Lightning fast because Jon separated almost as quickly to look Damian in the eyes.

The super couldn't breathe.

He wanted to hyperventilate because this was impossible. "I watched you die. I heard your heartbeat disappear. I saw you die. Your head was chopped off! How are you here? How are you breathing? Is this just another dream?"

This feels good.

"I'm real. I'm so real. I love you so much. I won't leave again, I promise, I won't die."

Why did he feel so guilty now?

It's because you killed yourself and left him.

"Want to stay for breakfast?"

"I seriously would love to."


And there they all were. At breakfast. It was quiet and it was awkward and the only thing that could really be heard was the shifting of multiple people in their seats. The chatter was at zero and everyone ate slowly, most glancing up from their bowls or plates to see Damian's face because it's been three years.

It's been three years and he looks so different.

That wasn't even what made it weird.

What made it weird was the fact that Damian didn't look like Damian. Their Damian was short, pale as an old vampire, spoke in formal sentences, barely cracked a smile let alone force one, had a dull look and arrogant personality and had almost zero friends most of his life. It was a Damian they all knew and were used to but now that Damian was back from the dead, it felt. . . weird. There wasn't a word but weird was the only possible way they could describe it. The bat family dinners were quiet when the youngest first died but after months of forced healing, they all treated everything normally and buried themselves in work to move on. It was the same way when Jason died and rose from the dead at the ripe age of fifteen years.

Only now, Damian was three years older than the last time they all saw him. When he was still labeled as alive at least. All that time was lost. Memories that could have been made and family moments they could have shared and remembered when they were all older gone because they never existed in the first place.

At the table sat a stranger, sixteen years old, an average and great height, former emerald coloured eyes now a brilliant jade, liked to smile and laugh, was open, sort of spoke like a teenager but still held that formality and politeness, genuine, it was a brand new person.

A death and a three year gap could clearly change a lot in an individual.

The change was just so shocking, and the surprise was so out of nowhere that none of the heroes knew how to react or what to say.

So Damian made the choice of speaking first right after chuckling quietly and setting his fork down gently. "I made this awkward, didn't I? It's been a while so I'm sure everyone's surprised. I've been dead for three years, technically. Legally saying at least. We should get that changed." Bruce cleared his throat and stared at his son, holding back tears. "Yes, I'll get to that soon." Bruce paused for a few seconds to think up something to say and hopefully strike up a conversation. "So, what have you been doing, Damian? You seem stronger, look better too. You seem more relaxed."

Quick think of a backstory.

"Yes, I lived around Europe. I actually graduated high school and college. I have my Ph.D. in business management and psychology."

Well, he wasn't exactly lying to them. He didn't live in Europe all this time but he was in Europe for some time to finish school quickly and earn the needed degrees to become a businessman and better assassin.

Okay, let's take a little risk.

"If I am being honest, I actually got to know my mother over that time as well. She helped me find a living and further my educations."

Jason kept on looking at him every few seconds and it was getting on his nerves. Only slightly. He wanted to say something, scream it to him from where he sat, but they both very well knew he couldn't. He wouldn't dare reveal someone else's secret like that.

Dick leaned back in his seat with his arms above his head while he stretched. "Sixteen and you have two doctorates. What even. Bruce didn't let any of us skip grades so we're not as accomplished as we should be." Jon gave him a playful but challenging look. "At least you're smart enough to pass grade levels. I'm ranked like seventy in my grade level. I'm not even close to top ten. Tim turned to Damian excitedly. "I've been tutoring Jon for the past two years. He's been improving so much. He's moved up the ranks. Five hundred to seventy is an improvement actually. By the time he's a senior, I guarantee you he'll be in the top three. He'll get a scholarship as an athlete maybe, or even because he's a genius. Who knows." Damian looked at Jon with a fond smile.

"I'm really proud of you, Jon. I'm so glad I came back."

Jason finally said something. "And why did you come back?" The table was brought to silence. Dick sent him a glare to shut him up. Damian forced a smile next. "I thought you needed help with Renegade. Or anything really. I've stopped the hero business but I've still trained. Although I am close with Renegade so I can't give away information." Dick watched Damian carefully.

Because Damian was. Careful, that is.

When he spoke, he was cautious of what exactly he was saying but all Dick was picking up was the truth. Where was the lie?

He was so extremely happy and angry at the same time. There was just so much contradiction in his own head that he wanted to break down and cry.

Instead he smiled. "So, you've been training, right? Wanna give it a go after breakfast? I'll go easy on you, baby bird." And oh, he could not stop himself and he didn't make his tone of voice subtle. Bruce could see through his son's antics more than any of them could because he knew the most out of any of them Dick's not-so-subtle-pissed-off-attitude and Dick was pissed. Jason refrained from saying anything when he saw the look.

Dick was more than ready to kick ass.

And knowing Damian was Renegade made everything so much better. While Dick as a kid was humble and friendly and always selfless, he's grown out of that. Standing at twenty, he was still a collected person who knew when to not blow things, but inside his own home, all masks fell off to reveal the beast he held inside during the day.

Beating Damian meant beating Renegade, which meant that a one-on-one battle between them both assured Dick that he would win and not Damian. It meant they could take down Renegade and put an end to the organization he's created.

If Dick could beat Damian now, then he'd challenge Damian personally back on Infinity Island where all of Cataclysm's recruits would watch him fall and fail to the hands of Dick Grayson, of Nightwing, of a hero.

And he knew Damian's own aggitation wouldn't change when Damian was challenged to a battle he didn't want to fight. It showed on the young teen's face. "Very well, Grayson. If it is a battle you would like, you shall get it. You reek of confidence. It disgusts me. Overconfidence will drown you in the sea of reality. You will lose to me, Grayson. You will see me in a new light today." The words hurt and his pride felt offended. Dick sneered at his brother and stood from his seat. "That's rich coming from you, don't you think?"

Damian also stood with the same aggressiveness. "I'm not the same as I was back then."

Everyone else around the table sat silently in fear of being seriously injured if they decided to utter a single letter. Dick turned and began for the training room and Damian headed for his bedroom to fetch one of his better swords and some weapons. Standing in his room, Damian delivered a mid-kick to the wall closest to him. The break felt nice. Get his anger out. Doing that meant he'd break less bones of the enemy at hand.

He tutted quietly. Calling his own brother an enemy.


Damian stripped and found a stretchy pair of black leggings and the appropriate shoes. He strapped on a utility belt and armed himself with daggers, knives, smoke bombs, his sword. He was going to go all out on this fight because if he didn't win, then Dick would know his weaknesses and know Renegade could fall.

Not bothering with a shirt, he left the room and joined up with everyone else in the training room. Everyone else. People who would be watching the fierce battle about to unravel.

"Renegade is your enemy, correct?"

Dick didn't answer but Damian continued to talk. To taunt. "I've been trained personally by Renegade. By my mother and grandfather and by countless other villains in this three years. I've learned different styles and mastered them. I hope you're prepared." Dick wasn't having this.

"And. . . You should personlly know how dangerous Renegade truly is. Right, Nightwing?"

He wasn't going to fall for Damian's taunting and mocking.

"I'm ready."

"So am I."

Dick extended his chosen staff, both ends sharp and ready to cut. Damian pulled out his own sword from it's place at his side and stared down at the size. Reveled at the familiar feeling it presented him. The sword was small and not as sharp as he would like, but it would work and he would put it to good use after so long.

One rule at the beginning of battle.

Never attack first.

Dick was the one who taught him that. And here the eldest was, charging forward at him at full raging speed. Dick flipped forward and swung his staff down. The collision of both weapons forced them both in awkward positions that made them both roll and flip backwards.

"You're not using all your power, Dami."

"You're not allowed to call me by that name."

They both attacked and continued to talk all the while. This battle was to settle things. If it didn't, it would only make everything so much worse.

"And why can't I? We're brothers."

Damian shoved him backward with his sword and twirled around with the weapon watching the tip make a long clean cut right across Nightwing's rib cage. Dick only acknowledged the successful hit with a glare and threw a birdarang that embedded itself in the younger's shoulder. He hissed before pulling it out.

Only. It exploded and knocked him backwards and off his feet. Dick was already there to tackle him to the ground and carry out a series of painful punches, knuckles hitting Damian's jaw and nose and face overall. Damian finally kicked him off and used the heel of his shoe to fall onto the side of Dick's knee.

Dick fell to the ground with a growl and turned quickly to just barely block Damian's sword, inches from his face. Damian's eyes screamed murder.

And Bruce saw the intent to kill.

He stood and ran immediately.

Damian pressed down more then disarmed the other, finally being able to attack himself, punch after brutally dangerous punch.

"You're not my brother."

Bruce grabbed Damian's arms and pulled him off Dick. "What are you two thinking! If you're angry, talk it out! Don't bring weapons into this! We're all angry, okay? But he's finally back home so we need to feel more relieved that he's even alive! Alright?" Dick stared up at Damian from where he was on the floor.

From his position, it was clear who had won. And Dick didn't like the result. If this were a real battle and he was in a mentally stable position, would he have won? And if not.

Would Damian have killed him?

He scowled. "Are none of the people here worthy of being called your family? You're saying I'm not your brother? You used to worship me like a God." Damian scoffed before chuckling.

And that turned into laughter. Genuine laughter that made everyone go cold. Damian thrust his sword downward and when it found it's way into Dick's left hand, everyone took a step back in surprise. Dick didn't even flinch but it hurt.

This stung.

His laughter finally died down. "I admired you, Grayson. So much. But you're not my brother, I don't think you can ever be my brother again." He twisted the sword and watched Dick finally flinch in pain. "I told you I've changed. I was trained by a villain. Multiple. What else did you expect out of this battle?" Damian pulled the sword out then threw it to the ground, discarding it somewhere in the room.

Dick stared at the sword Damian had let go of. It was a sword Dick had gifted him years ago as a present and he was just defeated with that very sword. Damian had just thrown away that sword. The last string of their relationship had been severed. 

Dick brought himself to stand and Tim was immediately there and at his side to help him stand on his good leg and not the broken one.

"Then what? Is Jason your brother only?"

Jason became defensive at the mention of his name. "Don't drag me into this, goldie, I'm not some-." Damian held a hand up then crossed his arms. "Yes, as a matter of fact, he is my brother because Jason's been with me for three years. He's helped me through my troubles and helped bring me back to life when I died. He didn't give up on me and he believed in me."

"And what about me, Damian! I was there for you all your life! I practically helped raise you!"

Damian ignored him and unclipped his belt. The belt along with all the weapons fell to the ground. More things he was willing to let go. These were Robin's weapons.

Not his.

Another reminder of the shadows. He wasn't turning back towards that boring and excruciating life.

Bruce got a few things out of the show.

Jason's known Damian's been alive.

Dick and Damian were no longer brothers.

And Damian had become a complete stranger to them all in three years. Bruce didn't even know if Damian was even real now because most people change for the better.

Damian, friendly on the outside, remained as cold and even grew more murderous on the inside.

His son left the room in an angry stride.

Jason and Jon followed.


Usually books have Damian and Dick's brotherly relationship so affectionate and fluffy but it's always nice to see some tension.

Anyway, thank you for reading~

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