Soul Reapers Work For Death:...

By Twilight_Prankster

17.6K 522 358

From the gal who wrote A Railgun In Fairy Tail, we get another start of a super duper crossover. Substitue So... More

FOOL! Welcome to Death City
Must Have SYMMETRY!!!!
School of Death
A Dark Instinct.
Medusa Gorgon
Black Blood
More School Mates
Lord Death.
Chainsaw Massacre. Not in Texas.

Frogs On Ice.

1.2K 37 10
By Twilight_Prankster

The room was dark... very dark... from within the dark room.. a boy awoke.. he wore a black kimono.. and a white coat with the japanese character for 10 on the back of the coat..He had white hair and a green scarf... and a katana was sheathed to his back.. in reality.. he actually looked about the age of a grade schooler.. though his face spoke of years of experience..

The boy looked around the dark room feeling rather confused. "Rangiku...? Rangiku!! How many times do I have to tell you.. pranks are unbecoming of Squad 10!... Oy!! MATSUMOTO!!!"

No answer...

The boy walked over to the window of the room where moonlight was streaming in and looked out..

"It looks like... Paris.." The boy muttered.

The boy paused for a moment, then suddenly jumped back, looking shocked. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE MOON!?"


"So this is Paris huh?" Ichigo stepped out of the cab holding a suitcase as Patty followed suit. "Man I'm glad I was able to ditch Excalibur around the baggage claim.."

"Aren't you worried about how lost Excalibur is right now?" Patty asked.

"Hold that thought." said Ichigo taking out a Giraffe hand puppet from his pocket. "Look! It's a Bobby the Giraffe!!"

"Yay yay!!" Patty clapped her hands, completely enthralled by the hand puppet and completely forgetting about Excalibur.

Ichigo had pretty much figured out that Patty was the easiest girl in the world to get. She liked giraffes.. and was almost always happy.. she was like a childish version of another girl Ichigo knew from his world... only he had no doubt that Orihime was way more mature.. despite her odd tastes..

"Alright.." said Ichigo picking up Patty's suitcase for her. "We've already got some sort of hotel booked here.. and we're supposed to collect some Kishin eggs that have been reported to be around here after we're done unpacking... so let's just-"

Before Ichigo could finish saying anything.. Patty suddenly started hugging his arm and humming cheerfully.

Ichigo stared for a minute.. watching Patty's PDA (Public Display of Affection) with a bit of bemusement. He hadn't fully thought about the fact that Patty actually thought she was his girl friend until now... it was rather odd... but the more Ichigo watched Patty hug his arm...

Ichigo shook his head. No.. this wasn't right, he didn't know her.. it wasn't right to play any girl's feelings like this.. but then again.. who would believe him if said the truth? Half the school already thought he was a crazy head..

He sighed and continued to walk through the streets of the nighttime Paris.. meanwhile.. though he didn't know it..  There was a strange girl  sitting on top of what appeared to be a large black cartoonish tadpole flying through the sky..

This girl.. by any regards.. just so happened to be a Witch. Witches were one of the many things that were hunted by Meisters of the Academy. In order for a weapon to become a Death Scythe, it had to devour 99 Kishin eggs and one Witch's soul..

Of course, on this mission, Ichigo knew there was no way Zangetsu was going to eat souls.. so he decided to let Patty do all the eating..

This witch in particular, was named Eruka Frog.. and the Frog name was well given.. as Eruka bore quite the resemblence to a frog. She had dots on either end of the corner of her mouth.. giving it a frog-like look, and her pointed witch's hat was orange with a frog face on it. She wore a black skirt dress with white polkadots and black leg stockings..

And yes, she was indeed the same Eruka Medusa spoke to shortly after Ichigo had been pushed out of the Nurse's office.. see, Eruka had the uncanny ability to transform into an actual frog..

In any case.. Eruka wasn't listening to Medusa because she wanted to.. rather because.. Medusa had quite a way with blackmail...

Eruka looked around at the streets below as she rode her giant tadpole. "Alright Tadpole Jackson.. we're supposed to attack some guy wearing a Kimono with a sword... hmmm.. there's that weapon from the Academy.. and she's with some orange haired boy.. but.. er.. that boy's wearing a t-shirt and jeans... was Medusa right about this? Cause she said that girl would be with him.. peh! She got it wrong!! Stupid Medusa... Ribbit... "

Eruka continued to look around.. certain that Medusa had definitely made a mistake.. then.. she noticed something.. there.. down an alleyway.. there was a boy.. and he had a sword.. and a kimono..

"Ribbit? Well.. I guess he's close enough.." said Eruka as she adjusted her froggy hat slightly. "Oh well.. Onwards Tadpole Jackson!!"

Tadpole Jackson floated down to the alleyway at Eruka's command.. and Eruka leapt off into the alleyway, grinning.. "You know.. I haven't had a good fight in a while.. so this might be good for me.. Ribbit.. Hey you!!"

The white haired boy turned around.. his expression looked cold.. like pale moonlight sticking to a cold winter's gleam... "Who are you?"

"Well that hardly matters does it..?" said Eruka as she held out her hands. "Thing is.. I'm a witch.. and us witches love to give folks like you a hard time.."

The boy narrowed his eyes. "Your point..?"

2 large spherical tadpoles appeared in Eruka's hands as her grin turned a little wider. "Just shut up and have a taste of my Tadpole Bombs!!"

Eruka threw the tadpole bombs at the boy, and a massive explosion shook the alleyway.. littering the alley with craters...

Suddenly, without warning.. the boy flashed into view right behind Eruka.. his blade at her throat.

"R-Ribbit!?" said Eruka.. as a trail of sweat went down her forehead. "Wh-when did you..?"

"I don't like to play games.. " said the boy. "I am Captain Hitsugaya of Squad 10 from the Gotei 13.. you're going to tell me where I am and why you attacked me.."

"H-Hitsugaya!?" said Eruka with a gulp. "Crap!! Ribbit!! I attacked the wrong guy!! I was supposed to go after some Ichigo pig or some-"

"Ichigo!?" said Hitsugaya, his eyes widening. "He's here too!?"

Rather then answer.. Eruka suddenly dropped a Tadpole Bomb from her hand.. and an explosion shook the surroundings.

The boy, Toshiro Hitsugaya, flashed away from the blast and reappeared on the roof of one of the buildings..

Eruka was flying into the air on Tadpole Jackson, throwing out a multibarrage of Tadpole Bombs.

"SEE YA LATER GRADE SCHOOLER!! RIBBIT!!" Eruka shouted as she flew away..

A vein throbbed on Toshiro's head at the word "Grade Schooler" and he flashed from  building to building, dodging the multiple powerful explosions that were littering the city of Paris from the Tadpole Bombs.

"Grade Schooler?" Toshiro growled. "I.. AM NOT A GRADE SCHOOLER!"

Eruka continued on her way.. sitting on Tadpole Jackson and berrating herself for being so stupid.

"Damn it!! Ribbit!! I just went and attacked the wrong guy, and I nearly payed for it too!" said Eruka. "Alright.. now I have to go find that Ichigo guy so I can lure him to the area that Medusa needs him in.. since he can sense Kishin eggs about as well as I can fit through the eye of a needle... anyways.. I'm glad I finally got away from that weird ki-ki-....kid..."

Eruka's eyes widened as she noticed Toshiro hovering in front of her a few meters away from Tadpole Jackson.. as if he were standing on thin air itself.. his sword resting on his shoulder...

"R-RIBBIT!?" said Eruka. "H-how did you-!?"

"That tadpole of yours isn't as fast as you think.." said Toshiro. "Now.. tell me where Ichigo is.."

"AS IF I'D TELL YOU!!!" Eruka threw a multitude of tadpole bombs at Toshiro.. Toshiro used his flash step to avoid all the explosions appearing in and out of view through the air before he appeared right above Eruka.

"Sit upon the Frozen Heavens.. HYORINMARU!!"

Toshiro slashed his blade forward, and a massive chinese dragon made out of pure crystalized ice with glowing red eyes.. roared and and soared down at Eruka and Tadpole Jackson..

"HOLY RIBBIT!!!" Eruka pulled on Tadpole Jackson's cheeks, and the large tadpole barely flew out of the way as the massive ice dragon collided with the city below.. creating an exploding freezing air that encased a great number of buildings in ice..

"R-ribbit.. ribbit.. ribbit.. RIBBIT!!" Eruka began croaking in absolute fear. "TADPOLE JACKSON!! GET US OUT OF HERE!!!"

Tadpole Jackson shot off into the horizon like a frightened rocket..

But Toshiro raised his blade to the sky.. his eyes resuming their cold look. "You can't escape Hyorinmaru..."

As Toshiro said this.. an icey chille raged out of his blade and into the sky.. and the stars and freakish moon were obscured by a great number of dark gray clouds.. and snow began to fall...

A massive blizzard blew through.. causing Tadpole Jackson to shiver.. then to Eruka's horror.. Tadpole Jackso began to encase itself in a large freezing block of ice.

"TADPOLE JACKSON!!!" Eruka screamed. "RIBBIT!!"

Toshiro flashed over to Eruka's right. "My Hyorinmaru's powers extend to the surrounding atmosphere.. the weather is mine to control.."


"Wait.." said Toshiro. "What!?"

Suddenly, without warning, Eruka squealed in fright as she plummeted down to Earth on her frozen pet giant tadpole. "RIBBIT RIBBIT RIBBIT RIIIIIIIIBBBBBIIIIIIIIITTTT!!!!!"

"Well.. I probably didn't think that part through.." said Toshiro with a raised eyebrow. Toshiro flashed down to the ground where Eruka had crashed.

Eruka was crying over Tadpole Jackson.. who was now out of the ice encasing, but judging from the swirly eyes..completely knocked out..

"Tadpole Jackson no!!!" Eruka cried. "That's it ya ice kid!! Ya made me mad!!! RIBBIT!!"

Eruka thrust out her hands.. and a great number of Tadpole boms launched themselves out and began hopping towards Toshiro..

Toshiro slashed his blade outwards.. and a massive stream of ice exploded out.. turning into a tightly woven massive barrier of ice that blocked the explosions..

"Your attempts are futile.. if your only trick are those explosions of yours then you're in trouble.." said Toshiro.

Darn!, thought Eruka. Under normal circumstances, I'd just change into a frog and escape.. but I can't leave Tadpole Jackson! Oh man.. if Medusa hears about all of this.. she's going to kill me!!

As far as Eruka knew.. the only thing she could do at the moment was keep throwing Tadpole Bombs.. so that's what she did..

Eruka let out a yell and threw as many tadpole bombs as she could... but Toshiro raised his blade to the air. "Sit upon the Frozen Heavens... Hyorinmaru!!!"

Another massive ice dragon erupted from Toshiro's blade.. and raged into the tadpole bombs.. letting them explode around it's hard powerful frozen surface. The ice dragon exploded into Eruka in a great glittering icey mist.. 

Eruka opened her eyes in a daze.. to find that she was frozen up to her chest  with Toshiro pointing his blade at her throat... Eruka began to sweat despite the cold. "R-ribbit.. ribbit.."

"Tell me where Ichigo is.." said Toshiro. "And I'll let you go..."

"R-Ribbit.." said Eruka. "Y-you know.. I'd really tell you if I knew.. but I actually came here looking for the guy same as you.. then I thought you were him.. and when I went after you I kinda lost the real deal...eheh... ribbit.."

Toshiro narrowed his eyes. "Alright then.. why do you want Ichigo?"

"No idea.." said Eruka. "you'd have to ask Lady Medusa..."

"Lady Medusa?" said Toshiro. "Alright then.. whoever she is.. what does she want with Ichigo?"

"E-even if I knew.. I couldn't tell you that.." said Eruka with a nervous croak. "Y-you have no idea what she could do to me if she knew!!!"

"You have no idea what I could do to you if you don't tell me.." said Toshiro as a dangerous chill began to eminate from his body. "I'm not going to play games here.. "

"R-Ribbit..?" Eruka began to quiver as the blade tip pressed a little harder against her throat..

Suddenly Toshiro removed his blade.. "What's this? Some sort of.. strange spiritual pressure.." Toshiro moved a hand over to Eruka's forehead.

"Wh-what are you doing!?" said Eruka. "Look!! Ribbit!! Y-you could threaten to kill me!! But the truth is-"

There was a burst of light, and over 20 strange looking snakes with dot-like bodies slammed onto the ground.. supposedly out of Eruka's body.

"I used Kido to remove those.. " said Toshiro. "Were those from this Medusa person...?"

Eruka just stared at the snakes.

"Hello?" said Toshiro.



In a flash.. to Toshiro's great shock.. Eruka shattered the ice freezing her in place.. tears in her eyes, as she embraced Toshiro and picked him up in a massive hug.

"OY!! HEY!!! STOP IT!!" Toshiro exclaimed. "PUT ME DOWN YA MAD GIRL!!"

"YOU SAVED ME!!! RIBBIT RIBBIT!!" Eruka screamed.. tears of joy running down her face. "YOU ARE THE BEST PERSON I'VE EVER MET!!!! RIBBIT RIBBIT!!!"

Toshiro just continued to look bewildered and confused. "S-saved you from what!? HEY!! STOP SQUEEZING MY SPINE LIKE THAT!!!"

"You have no idea how long I wanted those stupid snakes out!!" Eruka squealed. "If it weren't for you! I'd still be running around like stupid ol' Medusa's lap dog!! Oh dang!! THANK YOU!!! Ribbit, ribbit!!"

"Ack... you're.. hugging.. too tight.. GET OFF!!!" Toshiro growled, pounding on the oblivious Eruka's head with his fist until some bruises started to form on the Witch's head.

"I'm going to follow you forever kid!!" said Eruka. "You're the grade schooler that saved me!! So from now on!! I'm gonna be your number one servant!!! Cause I choose to serve you!! Not like with Medusa!!"

"I DON'T WANT A FREAKING SERVANT!!!!" Toshiro roared. "LET GO OF ME!!!"

"And I'll do everything!!" Eruka screamed. "But only because I want to!!! I'll cook you dinner!! I'll take you to school!!"



About several blocks away.. Ichigo and Patty were walking through the street, as Ichigo looked at a city map he had picked up at a visitor's center.

"Damn.. this map thing just makes no sense.." Ichigo muttered. "I can't read french... Hey Patty, what's up with you.."

"I don't know.." said Patty. "Do you hear something? It sounds like somebody shouting about not wanting someone to call them a Grade Schooler..."

"It's none of your business what other people shout about.." Ichigo muttered. "Anyways.. I think the cathedral is somewhere near here..."

As the twosome continued onwards... in the shadows.. what appeared to be a young person with a black robe/dress like clothing with a black collar and pinkish hair peeked out.. she had a nervous yet slightly insane expression.. and by far... her sex was actually quite ambiguous.. it was rather hard to tell if this person were a girl or a boy...

"S-so I'm supposed to fight him?" she muttered. "I- I don't know how exactly I'm supposed to deal with that!"

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