Made For You | BOTW Link x Re...


465K 15.3K 36.1K

"You will aid the hero during his journey in defeating Calamity Ganon." That was the order that was given to... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 19

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You tapped your fingers on your knee, trying to keep your nerves down as you sat with your back against a pillar. It had been an entire day since you last saw Link, and the faith you had in him was beginning to wither away. Unspeakable thoughts slithered their way into your mind and as much as you tried to keep them at bay, you failed. Worry was clear in your face and each time a Zora came to your side to ask if you were alright, you'd respond with a simple nod of your head. Of course, you could try occupying yourself, but you weren't exactly sure how to.

"Still no sign of him?" Sidon asked as he walked toward you slowly. He had taken notice of your worried state, and he hoped to be of some help.

"No," you sighed as you rubbed your neck. You hadn't moved from your spot since the morning, and you weren't exactly planning on moving anytime soon. Even hunger was not enough to lift you from the ground. You brought your hands to your lap and rested your head against the pillar you were sitting against. "Too much time has passed."

"It's only been a day. I'm sure Link is alright," the Zora said, wanting to reassure you that everything was alright.

You simply nodded and exhaled as you pulled together your tortured thoughts. "Yeah," you mumbled quietly. His words had little to no effect, but you appreciated his effort. You cocked your head up to look at him, sending him a tiny smile.

Prince Sidon smiled back before clearing his throat. "Now, instead of sitting around why don't you come with me?" He asked as he extended his hand out for you to take. "Some Zora children want to go for a swim. I say we join them."

You hesitated, flickering your eyes to his hand and eyes. The idea sounded great, but what if Link came back while you were away? What if he looked for you? You sighed and just as you were about to politely decline the invitation a few Zora children came running toward Sidon. "Prince Sidon! Prince Sidon! Laruta said you were coming with us to the lake?" A young Zora boy asked. There was a sparkle in his eyes as he gazed at the Prince and you couldn't help but find it adorable. The little Zora then directed his golden eyes to you. "Is she coming along?"

"Yes that's correct," Sidon affirmed the young Zora's first words, but when the boy asked if you were coming he paused and glanced at you.  He gave you a look that indicated he wanted you to respond to the question.

You sighed and then mustered a sweet smile. "Yes," you responded as you took Prince Sidon's hand. The Prince grinned and hoisted you up from the ground before leading you toward a bridge. You hesitantly looked back at where you were sitting as a wave of concern washed over you. It felt wrong to go off, but you snapped away from this when the little Zora began to speak.

"This'll be fun! I've never spent time with a Hylian before!" The young Zora boy exclaimed as he skipped by your side. He looked up at you with the widest smile ever. "I'm Keye!" He beamed happily, playfully kicking a bit of water that was on the floor. He moved his head up to look at you with a cheery face.

"Keye? You have a very unique name, I love it," you commented while sending him a smile. "I'm (Y/n)."

"Ooh, you have a pretty name," Keye said with a cute giggle. The little boy started to hum a small tune as Sidon and you walked. You gazed upon your new surroundings after having crossed the bridge that led to a large lake. The pool of water rested not too far from you, but from where you stood you could hear the playful sounds of children swimming around and enjoying themselves.

"Do they come here often?" You asked, watching as Keye ran to his friends quickly. You grinned and glanced at the Prince.

"Not really. But ever since the weather cleared they have been," he answered, smiling as he observed the Zora children jump into the lake with laughter. He hummed in amusement and looked around before speaking up once again. "But we have to be careful. Some monsters may lurk around." Sidon started to stride toward the lake, though he kept looking around to make sure no creatures were near. When you noticed this you rose your head and went to his side.

"Well if there are any, I'll take care of them," you said as you patted your swords handle with a smile. Your eyes then travelled to the large body of water that laid in front of you. The suns reflection caused the lake to sparkle beautifully. The sight was, by all means, relaxing, but you didn't feel that way. Your mind was still on Link and though Sidon's intention of distracting you were good, you still felt the need to go back to Zora's Domain and wait there.

"Very well," Sidon chirped as he took your hand, leading you toward the water. "I assume you can swim?" He turned to look at you before gently letting go.

"Yes, though I doubt I am as good as you," you chuckled, taking off your boots. You would remove your tunic, but you didn't exactly have that confidence with the Prince yet, so you kept it on.

"No ones as good as me," he joked. The Zora Prince then walked into the lake, pushing himself forward to swim along with the children. You smiled and kicked your boots to the side before going into the water. The cold liquid caused shivers to run up and down your spine, but it wasn't unpleasant. Goosebumps appeared on your skin as you started to swim toward the others, though it was hard to catch up. By the time you made it to Sidon's side, your arms were already tired. "You alright?" He asked, noticing your scrunched up facial expression.

"Oh yeah," you nodded, acting as if your arms weren't aching. You cleared your throat and kicked your legs to keep afloat.

"Prince Sidon, who's this?" Laruta, one of the little Zora girls asked as she directed her golden eyes to you. She tilted her head, curiously examining you. She then moved her attention back to Sidon, waiting for his response.

"Ah, this is (Y/n)," Sidon said as he placed his hand on the small of your back, moving you a bit forward so the children could see you more clearly. You blinked, looking at the variety of kids before waving with a small smile. All of them looked at you with a curious look in their eyes, some even moved closer to you. You didn't mind this, though you felt slightly nervous from their stares.

Laruta swam toward you and shyly leaned forward, catching sight of your pointy ears. "You're a Hylian," she gasped, raising her tiny hand (or fin you could say) to your ears. Her eyes widened with curiosity as she touched the end of your ear with her mouth agape. You stayed still, smiling a bit when you saw the look in her big eyes. Laruta observed you a bit more before swimming back, sending you a cute smile in return. "You're very pretty."

Her compliment caused you to awe as you brought a hand up to your heart. "And you are very sweet. Not to mention adorable," you replied, swaying your arms around the water. The little Zora giggled at your words and smiled big. You parted your lips to say something else, but the other Zora children began to surround you. After having seen Laruta get close to you, they pulled together enough courage from their shy hearts to do the same. Another Zora girl swam near your back and gently took your hair into her hands.

"Your hair is super soft," Alete, one of the little girls said as she gawked over your (h/c) coloured locks. Her eyes illuminated with fascination as she played with a strand of your hair.

"You have beautiful eyes," Jetan, another Zora boy commented as he tilted his head while looking at you.

You continued receiving many lovely comments from the children, and every single time they would say something your lips would curl in a sweet smile. You didn't mind the kids getting close to you. You found the amazement toward you, a Hylian, adorable. They looked at you with so much interest that it caused you to giggle to yourself. The children were going to say more things, but they stopped when they heard Prince Sidon clear his throat.

"Children, I'm sure (Y/n) enjoys hearing you comment on her beauty," Sidon chuckled as he peered at you, admiring your features as well before shaking his head, "but I think we should focus on swimming for now. Okay?"

"Ah yes. Guys, race you to the other side!" Keye shouted with laugher before diving into the water. The other Zora kids followed on after him and soon enough they all splashed toward the other end of the lake.

"Sorry about that," Sidon apologised as he observed the children. He then moved his attention to you. "Most of them have never seen a Hylian before, so you can understand why they'd be curious about you."

"Oh, it's completely fine. It feels nice to receive so many compliments," you laughed gently, directing your eyes to the Zora's that began to emerge from the water. You smiled fondly and turned back to Sidon.

"You must be used to it though."

"Used to what?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Compliments. I'm sure a beautiful girl like you gets them all the time," he stated, feeling rather flustered from speaking about your attractiveness. Nonetheless, he kept his head high and smiled at you charmingly.

You gulped and felt your cheeks heat up. "Uh," you rubbed your neck, obviously lost with your words. His comment caught you off guard, so you stayed silent for a few seconds before finally finding your voice. "No, not really." You wondered if it was a bad thing, to not receive many compliments.

When Sidon heard this a look of surprise came over his face. "Really?" He asked in disbelief. "I find that very hard to believe." He shook his head. "Does Link not comment on your beauty?"

You paused. You never once thought you were beautiful (perhaps because you rarely saw your reflection) so the knowledge of Link never complimenting you on your supposedly alluring features didn't bother you much. "No," you answered with a small shrug. Now filled with interest, you looked down at the crystal clear lake. As the water began to sit still, you were able to see yourself. You examined the shape of your lips, the colour of your eyes, the tone of your skin, and your facial structure with a hum before looking up. "Is that a bad thing?"

"Not necessarily, but if I were your partner I would compliment you," Sidon mentioned with a grin. The Prince had come across many Hylian women before, though none of them compared to your heavenly appearance nor your appealing personality.

Your cheeks burned as a shy smile painted your lips. "Hmm, well aren't you sweet," you hummed.

Sidon chuckled deeply and opened his mouth to speak, but he was interrupted by the sound of screaming children. The two of you jolted your heads forward in confusion as the Zora kids swam as fast as they could. "Monsters! Monsters!" Jetan shouted, fear clear in his high pitch voice. Your eyes widened and when you looked ahead you saw three Moblins appear amidst the tall trees. One of them held a bow and the arrow it was equipped with was a shock one. Cold sweat formed on your neck when you remembered that one of those arrows could be fatal to a Zora.

"Everyone out now!" The Prince ordered, his eyes growing wide when he took notice of the shock arrow. He acted quickly and helped each of the children one by one, wanting to get them all to safety. You moved out of the water hurriedly and turned, facing the Moblins that now jogged toward the Zora's and you. The one with the bow and arrow pulled its bowstring back, aiming at Keye. Your heartbeat quickened as you dashed toward the little boy while bringing out your shield. Swiftly, you pulled Keye behind you and held out your shield just in time to block the electrifying arrow.

"Keye go with Sidon!" You shouted as you pulled out your bow and arrow. You weren't sure if the little boy had heeded your words, but you didn't have time to make sure. The Moblin prepared to fire at you, but before it could you pulled your bowstring back and let an arrow fly straight through its head. The remaining two Moblins were now charging at you, so you placed the bow over your shoulder and unsheathed your sword, running toward them at the same speed. You jumped into the air, driving your blade down to the shoulder of one of the monsters.

The creature howled in agony, though you could care less about it. Before it had time to get a hit at you, you twirled and drove your weapon through its chest, successfully killing it. The last Moblin swung its claymore, but you reacted to this just in time. You jumped back, dodging its puny attack perfectly. Already knowing the world was going to slow, you prepared yourself and once you landed on the ground you sprinted toward the monster.

You propelled your blade forward and into the enemy as much as you could before time went back to normal, and when it did you moved back. The Moblin was in pain, but this one was much stronger than the other two. It slammed its claymore down, though you were able to block the blow with your sword. You grunted as your arms were put under a lot of pressure. The feeling strained your muscles, causing them to shake in discomfort.

Seeing that you didn't back down, the Moblin moved back, only to raise the claymore over its head to drive down. But the moment its chest was exposed you thrusted your weapon into him and then swiftly moved it out. You quickly walked backwards, watching as the creature let out one final cry of pain before disappearing in a puff of smoke. You exhaled and wiped away beads of sweat from your forehead with your backhand. "I hate Moblins," you muttered before frowning. You felt sticky due to your sweat and already wet tunic. Just as you were about to remove your shirt, you heard tiny footsteps running toward you.

"Oh my goodness!" Alete exclaimed as she ran to you, along with the other Zora children. She cocked her head up to look at you with a hint of admiration. "You defeated those monsters so easily!" The fear the kids had felt was completely erased from their eyes.

"I know she was like," Keye grabbed a stick from the ground and pointed it to his friends. "Hyah, take that! Whack!" He started to wiggle the pretend sword around, trying his best to mimic your actions, though it simply came off as cute. His golden eyes then gazed up at you as a large smile appeared on his face. "You should teach me how to fight like you!"

The other Zora kids gasped before running in front of you, each of them raising their hands. "No, teach me first!" They started to say at the same time, surrounding you with excitement written on their faces.

"I think you should thank her for saving your lives first," Sidon said as he walked up to you with a grateful smile.

"Oh, yes. Thank you (Y/n)," Keye gushed, tilting his head up to stare at you with fond eyes. "Can you teach me how to sword fight now?"

You opened your mouth to respond, but Sidon answered instead. "It's getting late Keye. How about she teaches all of you tomorrow, okay?" He suggested before looking at you with a sheepish smile. "If you don't mind that is."

You chuckled while shaking your head. "No, I don't mind."


The next day, your entire morning was spent on teaching the Zora children simple sword stances (though you had them practice with a branch than an actual weapon). This kept you occupied for hours, which you were thankful for. There was still no sign of Link, but the kids kept you busy with hundreds of questions and actions. You stepped back, smiling as Laruta playfully swung her pretend sword around while keeping her eyes forward. "I hope to be like Lady Mipha one day," she said, her voice filled with awe as she stared at the statue.

You raised your head to look at the statue as well. "Is that so?" You glanced down at the little girl.

Laruta never moved her eyes away from the Champion's statue. She simply nodded and raised her branch once again. "Am I holding it right?" She asked, glimpsing up at you cutely.

You dropped your eyes to her hands, giggling when you saw how her tiny hand barely wrapped around the branch. You crouched down and gently took the so called weapon. "You want to hold the end like this," you lectured, demonstrating how to correctly hold the pretend sword. The little girl nodded and excitedly took the branch, following your words. She wiggled, hoping she was holding it right as she turned to look at you for approval. "Yes! Like that," you praised. Laruta's esteem boosted at your words and a wide smile came over her face.

The little Zora proudly lifted her head and branch. "Can I use a sword now?" She asked with a hopeful tone.

You laughed softly. "I think you're too small for that Laruta. Stick with a branch for now," you patted her back and slowly rose from the ground. You gave her a soft smile and sighed. "Now, can you go tell Jetan it's his turn?"

"Okay. Thanks for teaching me," Laruta giggled as she hugged your legs tightly before running off, the branch still in her hand.

"You're welcome!" You called out, sighing as you watched her runoff.

"They've taken quite a liking toward you," said a voice. You jumped, turning to see Sidon standing just a bit behind you. He took notice of your startled face and chuckled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you (Y/n)."

You dismissed his words with a wave of your hand. "It's alright. What brings you here?"

"I wanted to see how you were doing."

"Oh, well I'm—," you paused. You raised an eyebrow and leaned to the side, catching sight of someone limping across the east bridge. Completely forgetting about Sidon, you moved closer until you could make out who it was. Link. You gasped and sprinted toward the bridge. As you got closer to the limping boy, you felt your heart pace quicken. Blood ran down the side of his temples and neck, but that wasn't the worse part. Each step he took was followed by a limp, and when you glanced down at his leg you noticed a cut in his trousers. Bright red blood trickled from the wound, causing him to leave a trail behind him.

"(Y/n)," Link croaked as he picked up his head, wincing in pain. Your mouth gaped as you took in his current state, and you didn't even know what to say. But the boy didn't need words to know what was going through your mind. Using the last bit of stamina he had, he dragged himself toward you and loosely wrapped one arm around your waist, pulling you to him. "I'm tired," he mumbled.

You didn't react to the hug. You were too shocked to do anything at this point, but when you heard his words you came back to your senses. You pulled back from the hug and moved to his side hurriedly, snaking one arm around his hip. "I need to get you on a bed," you said worriedly, using your strength to hold him as the two of you walked down the bridge.

"No hello? Or I missed you?" Link asked with a raspy voice, wanting to keep the situation light, but when he saw the sad frown that took over your features he winced. He hobbled by your side, clinging onto your tunic to keep from falling. Each time he stepped on his injured leg he would hiss in pain, but he hoped you wouldn't notice this. It pained him more to see you worry, so he attempted to walk on his own, but when he moved your arm away he almost collapsed.

Your eyes widened and you quickly latched your arms around him, stopping his fall. You opened your mouth to scold his action, but the sound of footsteps interrupted you. "(Y/n)! Is Link alright?!" Prince Sidon asked as he ran toward the two of you. His eyes trailed over the broken boy you had trouble holding onto.

"No. Help me take him to the inn, please," you pleaded, blinking away some tears that threatened to spill from your eyes. Seeing Link in such a terrible state caused so many emotions to go through you, and you had no idea how to control them all.

Sidon could hear a hint of sadness in your voice and when his eyes went to you, he spot the glassy look in your eyes. He frowned sadly and nodded, bending down to pick up Link carefully. "Come on," he told you as he carried the Hylian boy to the inn. You followed along and when you both got to the vacant inn, you took out a couple of rupees to pay for a bed. "I'll pay (Y/n), don't worry," Sidon spoke up as he helped Link onto a bed. He then walked to your side and took your hand. "You go ahead and take care of Link."

You looked up at him, gulping down a knot that was beginning to form in your throat. "Okay..," you said somewhat quietly before walking to the bed Link was laying on. You grumbled to yourself and removed your satchel from your shoulders. Your eyes slowly rose to look at Link, who was now trying to sit up. "What are you doing?" You asked, setting down your satchel before kneeling.

Link grunted and sat up with difficulty. "I don't want to lay down," he answered stubbornly, scowling when a rush of pain came over his leg. A long groan escaped his lips and hearing this made you frown.

"Well, you should." You grabbed a piece of cloth from your satchel and stood up, going over to a bowl of water that just so happened to be on a desk nearby. You soaked the cloth up and walked back to Link, who was tiredly looking at you. Your heart clenched as you sat beside him, gently moving your fingers to his bangs to push them back. Dry blood stained his forehead, which made you grimace as you began to press the cool wet cloth on him. You cleaned away his blood silently, your lips forming a pout as you did so.

"Are you sad?" Link questioned quietly, his eyes looking down at your pouting lips. You didn't reply. Instead, you remained focused on cleaning his bleeding wounds before doing anything else. You brought the cloth filled with blood down and sneered, getting up from the bed to go to your satchel again.

"Where else are you hurt?" You asked, getting a couple of bandages from your satchel as well as other pieces of cloth.

"My leg," he replied, eyes observing you.

You nodded and turned back to him, kneeling on the ground to work on his deeply cut leg. Looking at the wound made you wince, but you worked quickly. You started to roll up the hem of his trousers until you could see his cut more clearly. Slowly, you brought another damp cloth to the open flesh and tapped it gently, biting your bottom lip when you heard Link hiss. "Sorry," you said, looking at him with concern.

"I-It's alright," he cleared his throat, squeezing his eyes closed.

You started to tap his wound more gently, wiping away the blood that trickled down his leg. "Better?" You asked, keeping your eyes on the injury you were beginning to wrap in a bandage.

Link breathed out. "Yes." He opened his eyes gradually and watched as you put things away. When you stood up once again he groaned and leaned forward, grabbing your hand. "Wait," he mumbled, weakly pulling you to his side. His arm slithered around your waist when he managed to sit you down on the bed.

"What are you—," you started to say, but you paused when he rested his head on your shoulder. The action caused a long shiver to run down your spine, but it wasn't unpleasant. His closeness helped part of your worried self calm down so you stayed still, allowing him to hold you delicately.

"I'm sorry I took forever," he apologised.

You exhaled and rested your head on his. "It's okay, but you promised you'd be careful," you muttered, looking down at your fingers. You started to fidget with them, stopping only when Link put his hand on one.

"I tried, but Ganon's creation didn't go easy on me." Link moved his head away and stared at your face. He pursed his lips and moved strands of hair behind your ear to get a better look at you. "Thank you, though."

"For what?" You glanced at him.

He gestured to his leg. "Patching me up of course," he said, a small smile accompanying the end of his words. He parted his lips to say more, but a long yawn was heard instead. Link's eyelids were beginning to get droopy, and the feeling of exhaustion was finally taking over his body.

You half-smiled and gently moved away from his hold. "You need to rest," you said as you pressed him onto the bed, having him lay flat. You then gathered the bandages you had taken out and began to stuff them into your satchel. "I'll wake you tomorrow, okay?" You glanced up to look at him, sighing when you saw his eyes already closed. His response was a simple nod.

You made a move to get up from the bed, but you stopped when Link's hand came to rest on yours again. It was such a small thing, him holding your hand, but for some reason, you felt relaxed when he did so. The last two days were spent on worrying and now that you finally had him by your side, you felt calm. Sure, he came to you bloody, bruised, and broken, but seeing him patched up and resting soothed your nerves. So, you stayed by his side as he slept peacefully with your hand in his.


Link held onto a pillar, scrunching his face when he put pressure on his wounded leg. He saw you ready to help him, but he quickly dismissed the action before it occurred. "I can do it," he told you as he slowly leaned away from the pillar. A few days had passed since his return and he was eager to continue his journey to the other three Divine Beasts. Still, you felt like he needed more time to heal, but the stubborn blonde boy disagreed with you.

"Doesn't look like it," you said, standing close to him just in case he fell.

He looked at you with a serious face. "Way to motivate me," he replied sarcastically. He then huffed and looked in front once again, completely letting go of the pillar he was latching onto. Little by little, he began to walk, though it was followed by a small hobble. Nonetheless, the boy smiled at the tiny progress and continued his small strides. "See, told you I could do it," he said, looking over his shoulder.

You stayed behind him just in case. "Mhm, now can you go back to bed? I rather not have you fall and end up opening your wound."

"Go back to bed?" He scoffed before shaking his head. "This is the first time I've gotten up in days. I've had enough resting. Besides, we have to go back to Kakariko Village."


"To see Impa. Remember?"

You sighed out heavily and folded your arms. "Your wound still needs to—," Link interrupted you.

"Yes yes I know, but we can't stay here too long, (Y/n). We still have to go to the other three Divine Beasts!" He reminded you, hobbling to stand in front of you. You peered up at him, knowing he was right. A wound like his would take weeks to heal, and you both didn't have that kind of time. Grumbling, you looked away which served as your response. Link grinned and moved his head up, to look at the entrance of the inn before gazing back at you. "Let's pack up. To save us some time, we can use the Sheikah Slate to travel instantly to the tower I activated a few days ago."

"The one near the horses?"

"Yeah, that one."

You nodded your head slowly. "Alright... I'll get everything," you said with a sigh. "Wait here." You turned on your heel and walked toward the inn, but Link followed behind you.

"I'll help," Link said happily, hobbling by your side.

You looked at him, snickering with the way he walked. To make sure he didn't stumble or something along those lines you locked your arm with his and strolled toward the inn. "I wonder if Epona and Zephyr are still where we left them," you pondered, greeting a couple of Zora's as you walked toward the bed Link had been sleeping on for the last couple of days.

"They're loyal, so I'm sure of it," Link said, keeping his arm locked with yours. He hummed to himself when you reached his bed, spotting his things and yours on the floor. He gently moved away from you and hopped over to his weapons, sheathing each of them before standing straight.

You did the same, and just before putting away your last sword you heard someone call your name. You arched an eyebrow and turned, smiling when you saw Keye and Laruta run to you excitedly. "(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" They shouted, hugging your legs when they reached you. You almost fell from the sudden force, but you managed to keep your balance. The two Zora children giggled, only to pause when they noticed you carrying your things. "Are you leaving?" Laruta asked, looking up at you with big eyes.

"Yes. My friend and I have things to do," you answered, pouting when you saw a flash of sadness come over their eyes.

"No don't go," Keye whined, holding onto your legs more tightly. "Who will teach us how to sword fight?"

You laughed lightly and gently moved them away from your legs. You then crouched to their height and smiled fondly. "I'm sure there are others around here who can teach you two."

"But no one is as good as you," Laruta commented. The little Zora girl crossed her arms and huffed. "Are you leaving for good, or will you come back one day?" She looked at you with hopeful eyes, and Keye shared the same look.

Your gaze on them softened. "I'll come back," you assured.

"You better," Keye mumbled before cracking a smile. The two little Zora's hugged you once more and you made sure to hug back. After a bit they pulled away and grinned. "Good luck on your journey (Y/n)," they both said simultaneously.

"Thank you," you beamed, pressing a kiss on their heads. Laruta and Keye giggled with a flustered look. You smiled and stood up from the ground, watching as the two ran off with a series of laughs and giggles.

"Who were they?" Link asked curiously, eyes following the little kids before directing them toward you.

"Laruta and Keye," you responded, slowly moving your eyes to the blonde boy.

He nodded and started to walk out the inn with you. "They seem to really like you."

"Yeah," you said, grinning.

Link stayed quiet for a few seconds before speaking up again. "How come you don't kiss my head like that?"

You arched an eyebrow and glanced at him with a strange look. "What?"

"You kissed their heads before they left. You don't do that with me," he stated with a pout.

You snickered. "Want me to start doing that?"

"Yes," he nodded his head with a playful grin.

You rolled your eyes with a smile and continued on walking with him. As you strolled through the square platform, you spotted Sidon standing near the statue of his sister. Not wanting to leave without telling him goodbye, you changed your direction and headed toward him. "Sidon," you spoke up when you neared him.

The Prince perked up at the sound of your voice and almost instantly looked down at you with his signature charming grin. "(Y/n)," he greeted, bowing his head with a chuckle. He moved his eyes, seeing Link now move to your side. "I see you have recovered from your injuries, Link."

"Uh, somewhat, yeah," Link agreed, glancing down at his leg before shrugging.

"What brings the two of you here?" Sidon asked, now directing his full attention to you.

"We came to say goodbye," you answered, smiling a bit sadly. "Link and I must continue our travels, but I wanted to see you before we left."

Sidon paused at your words. A puzzled look came over his face when he heard the words 'goodbye,' but he quickly shook it away. "Oh," he hesitated, frowning ever so slightly. "May I escort you two out of Zora's Domain?"

"That won't be necessary, we'll be travelling out of here differently." Link was the one to respond this time.

The Zora nodded his head slowly, flickering his eyes to Link and then at you. "Well, if this is a goodbye," he began to say as he leaned down. He took your hand in his and lifted it gently. Sidon bowed and pressed a soft kiss on the back of your hand, maintaining eye contact with you. "I wish you safe travels, (Y/n)."

His actions caused heat to rush to your cheeks. You gracefully bowed your head, raising it only to send him a sweet smile. "Thank you Sidon," you said shyly.

Though you didn't see, Link was staring at Sidon with knitted eyebrows. He wasn't exactly frowning, but he did have a bothered look going on. Clearing his throat, he pulled out his Sheikah Slate and poked your shoulder, voluntarily breaking the moment Sidon was having with you. "(Y/n)," he said, eyeing the Zora slightly before softening his eyes on you. "We have to go."

You looked at him and nodded. "Goodbye Sidon," you said, taking a step back.

"Farewell," the Prince replied, looking at you with a grin.

Link moved back with you and grumbled quietly, pressing the tower he wanted to travel to on the screen twice. Before the blue tendrils of light surrounded him, he wrapped his arm around your waist and smoothly pulled you to his side. He kept a firm hold, now directing his eyes down to the glowing blue that coiled his legs and yours. The tendrils started to travel up his body, extending itself toward yours until it engrossed every part of you two.

As he felt himself be lifted into the air, he put both arms around you, in a way of securing you. The action made you smile as a churning feeling curled in your stomach. Your eyesight was then covered with a glowing blue as an odd ringing sound filled your ears. You squirmed a bit, but once your body pulsed you felt yourself be lowered down again. When the tendrils disappeared, you were met with a view that was no longer Zora's Domain.

"I forgot how it felt to travel this way," you said, looking around your new surroundings.

"Same," Link chuckled. He also looked around, and part of him was relieved to know it was just the two of you from here on out again. He looked down at you, eyes widening when he felt your closeness. He clumsily unwrapped his arms and rubbed the back of his neck with a toothy smile.

You giggled at this and pinched his cheek. "Where did we leave the horses?" You asked, going toward the edge of the tower. You scouted the area from where you stood, and you tried your best on looking for Zephr and Epona.

"Over there, by that tree," Link answered as he hopped to your side. "So, should we glide down from here?"

You looked at him with a certain 'are you serious,' look and shook your head. "Do you not remember what happened the last time you glided down from this tower?"

"I fell on you."

"Yes, and I don't want that to happen again."

"But that was fun," he joked while nudging you.

You scoffed. "No."

"Well, we're gliding down there," Link said, taking out the paraglider. He moved it over his head and glanced at you.

"I don't want to," you replied, crossing your arms with a pout.

"Too bad. This is the fastest way down."

You exhaled and got in front of him, raising your hands to grab onto the handle of the object. "If you fall on me—," you started to say, but Link pushed you both off the tower before you could finish. You yelped and clung onto the wooden handles tightly, feeling your heart quicken as you hung from the paraglider. The wind whipped against your face violently so you squeezed your eyes shut, letting Link manoeuvre the paraglider toward the ground.

Link shifted his body weight to the side, avoiding a few birds that flew close to the glider. He then focused on getting to ground more quickly since he felt his hurting arms pulse in pain. This was a bad idea, he thought as he grunted. He leaned his head to the side, seeing that the ground was not too far. Pulling together his stamina, he gripped the handles more tightly and moved forward, hoping to reach the grass before his arms started to ache more.

You looked down, seeing the ground get closer. As usual, you let go too early and collapsed onto the grass. "Too soon," you grumbled, wincing as you started to sit up. You glanced up, expecting to see Link glide down the remaining distance, but instead he dropped like you and fell onto the floor. Your eyes widened and you rushed to his side, ignoring the pulse your left butt cheek sent. "Link!" You shouted, kneeling beside him.

"Couldn't hold on that long," he answered, rolling onto his back. He blew strands of his hair away from his face and groaned.

You sighed and brushed his bangs to the side. "Yeah, I saw that."

Link looked at you, a boyish grin then setting on his lips. "I didn't fall on you at least," he chuckled softly.

You rolled your eyes with a smile and fumbled off the ground. You extended your hand and waited for him to take it. "Good. Now stop laying around and get up."

He smirked and took your hand, giving you the impression he was going to get up. Instead, he pulled you down and had you fall beside him. The action caused you to yelp in surprise. "Hmm, no. It's quite comfortable here," he said, turning his head to the side to look at your shocked face.

You gazed back at him before smacking his chest. "That hurt."

"The pain will go away. Now how about you just lay beside me and enjoy my company?"

You rolled your eyes with a grin and sighed. "Fine," you said as you turned your head to the sky. The heavens were filled with clouds, but a couple rays of the sun managed to light through. It was a lovely sight, but you were pulled away from it when Link began playing with the tip of your fingers. You raised an eyebrow and looked down at your hands, giggling as you watched him play with them. When you moved your eyes to glance at him, you noticed a goofy grin on his lips, but you didn't say anything about it.

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