:Captured: Bakugou x Reader

بواسطة Forgotten_Damsel

100K 3.5K 2.5K

Bakugou x Reader Tribal AU When you're suddenly taken away from your home village by force, you find yoursel... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 2

7.2K 259 213
بواسطة Forgotten_Damsel


Word Count:  4574



"You're going to be mine." 

Immediately, you slapped the male in face, "I'll never  be yours." You hissed at him, venom coating your words. 

Who did this man think he was? 

His head rotated back to face you, you could barely see the outline of your attack on his cheek. Instead of being a hit against him, it seemed to rile him up even more as his arm wrapped securely around your waist, roughly pulling you closer, "Now, you're definitely mine." 

Your palms pressed against his toned chest in a pointless attempt to break free from his grip. You could feel two small paws behind you tugging at your waist in an effort to help separate the two of you. The male looked down at the new disturbance a sharp breath of disapproval escaping his lips, "Brat, you should really learn your place." 

Kota's dark eyes matched the intense glare that he was receiving. The boy did not say a word and only held onto your waist with a vice grip. 

"Or, maybe you should learn your place. You had no right to attack my tribe." You countered for Kota moving your hands to hold his head protectively. 

This made the blond's face turn sour and pulled away with a sudden force, "You have no idea what your tribe did. They got what they deserved." 

His crimson eyes sharpened down at Kota. With one strong tug, he was ripped from you proving the strength the blond had over you, "You're quite the trouble maker aren't ya?" 

"Lea-ve, h-him alone!" Shino cried out. Her eyes crazed as she attempted to move closer before being stopped by a straw-colored haired man with a distinctive black streak running through his hair. 

Lowering to Kota's level a sharp dagger was put on display in the orange light, the leader spinning it in his hand without care, "I only want the girl. My tribe doesn't need another brat." The cold metal made a swing towards the boy making you jump into action before it could make contact with his small throat. 

You hissed in pain as the blade swiped through your forearm that you wrapped around his neck as a protectant. Those cuprite eyes widening at your sudden action. 

"W-Wait!" Your voice shook as you tried to ignore the new stinging pain erupting in your arm, "I'll come with you, c-calmly, only if Kota comes with me and you don't hurt him." 

The male sneered at your proposition, "I can just take you by force, you aren't exactly giving a good deal. The kid is just another mouth to feed, something I don't need."

Your eyes burned as you detached your necklace with one hand not wanting to remove the little protection that you were able to give to Kota. Shoving the beaded necklace into his face you spoke fighting through the pain, "I-I promise to you that I will never r-run away, I will not fight y-you. I'll be yours without question," You could feel Kota clawing at your outstretched arm begging you to return the necklace to its rightful spot, "but only if Kota comes with me."

This strange custom seemed to interest your captor as he took the necklace out of your hand studying the different beads. His hands playing with the beads, staining their purity with the blood of your people. A sharp click of his tongue echoed through the air as he towered above you. 

Shoving your necklace into a small pouch that was attached to his side his dagger was placed back into its sheath. A large palm stretched out to you, "Alright then." 

Hesitantly, you placed your hand in his. Your hand was engulfed by his as he wrapped his noticeable warm digits around your clammy ones. You swerved your body around Kota remaining as a wall between the two. 

The blond snapped his head back to his people barking, "Take what you want, we're heading out." 

This sprung his people to life as they scurried around filling their pouches with different goods that were scattered around the tribe.

"Collect your things if your house is still standing," letting go of your hand he moved away returning to the chief chair, "Kirishima watch over her." 

The redhead marched towards you, his face was impassive but at least you knew the name of at least one of these monsters. Holding on to Kota's hand you made your way to your house which was one of the few huts still standing. Taking a deep breath, you peeked behind the heavy cloth. 

Squeezing Kota's hand you knelt before him wiping at his cheeks stained with dried rivers, "Stay with him, okay? I'll be back in a moment." 

He didn't need to see any more hardship. 

Lifting the cloth just enough to slip into the small grass home you stepped carefully around the destruction that was hidden from the outside world. Grabbing your satchel, you stuffed it full with a few sets of clothing and few sets that Kota had left in your home from his nights of sleeping over. You also added small trinkets and other precious things that you could fit. Finally, you moved over the bodies that were your mother and father. 

Your body shivered at feeling the cool liquid hitting against the bottom of your feet. Moving quickly you removed those precious necklaces leaving their ivory and blue necklaces safe on their neck. 

You knew it was wrong to do, to steal these from them, but you couldn't help it. Shaking your head you fought away the water that wanted to break the dam you set up in your eyes. You can't cry. Not now. 

They almost looked peaceful though you know that their death was far from that, "I love you both so much." Your voice whispered with what little strength you had left. 

Exiting the hut, you immediately took Kota's hand into yours again ignore the ruby gems that were assigned to watch over you. As you walked back to the main grounds, you study the man walking next to you. 

He was incredibly large with muscle rippling across his body. The tribal marking across his body painted in a yellow paste. His body was covered in small scars that if you weren't looking at him so closely you wouldn't have noticed. A leather headband kept his hair out of his face allowing you an unhindered view of it. His face marking were in black and appeared to be tattooed. They laid tastefully below his eyes in a set of three small triangles the followed the curvature of his face. You also could see s single scar on his face on the upper lid of his eye. 

What was the most interesting factor of this man was that there wasn't a single drop of blood of your kin on his body. It was clear that he wasn't an archer as he lacked the bow and arrows instead he had a set of swords at to his sides. Maybe this man was late to the raid and missed out on the fun. But he seemed to keep his eyes off of the massacre at his feet. 

Regardless of his seemingly clean appearance, he was just as guilty as the rest of them. 

At the main grounds, you could see that the raiders were busy lighting the remaining building on fire. Ignoring the increasing warmth around you, you made your way to your last destination before you would leave this place forever. 

Kneeling in front of Shino, you brought Kota closer to sit on your knee. 

Shino's eyes glinted in happiness her breath labored as her chest moved with strained movement, "K-Kota."

The young boy dived off of your knee into her chest nuzzling into it. It was the first time you've ever seen the boy give her affection willingly. 

Quickly, you went to work undoing Shino bindings. You could hear a shuffling behind you, whipping your head around you glared at Kirishima who was making an attempt to stop you from releasing the injured female. 

Kirishima stopped in his tracks his eyes jumping between you and the pair that were huddling next to you. Crossing his arms, he turned so that only his side profile was watching over you. 

You were thankful that he was going to let you do this. 

Finally freeing Shindo, her arms wrapped weakly around Kota making him weep even more, "A-Auntie..I don't want to leave!" 

Shino's thin and growing cold fingers brushed through the inky soft locks of her nephew, "Kota, you have to..(Y/N) is doing a lot...to s-save, you," pulling him away from her chest she brushed away the new clear gems that were leaking out of her dear nephew's raven eyes, "you know you aren't allowed to c-cry right now, w-what..would the elders think?" 

He sniffled and harshly whipped at his eyes not wanting to disappoint his aunt anymore, Shino umber orbs moving to you as she gave a broken smile to you, "(Y-Y/N), I know that I'm..being selfish by asking....but can you take off my necklace for me?"

Your fingers moved nimbly to remove the piece of jewelry from her pressing it into her hand. Her finger brushed over the smooth bead as Shino moved her attention back to Kota, "Kota, promise, promise me you'll be...good for (Y/N)." 

The boy pulled her hand to his mouth seeing that she was losing strength with every passing moment, her chest moving more frantically. Kissing the necklace, Shino smiled at the boy. Kissing her other hand she pressed it into the boy's forehead before repeating the action to you. Her body finally giving out on her making her fall backwards into the cold ground below her. 

"T-Thank you (Y/N)..for everything." 

You tucked a few pieces of her chocolate strands behind her ear as you gave her a weak smile, "Rest easy Shino, he'll be safe." You kissed your hand tapping it on her forehead then restored her necklace to its rightful place. You watched as Kota kissed his hand with sloppy lips copying your movements but leaving his hand on her forehead. Feeling the slimy kiss on her forehead made Shino release a giggle that without a doubt hurt. 

"I love you, Shin-shin." Kota choked out staring down at her face.

A wave of peace filled her features as a new glimmer of light entered her eyes at his sweet words. It was rare when Kota ever gave out sweet words and to use the nickname he gave her as a toddler made her heart swell. It had been a long time since she heard it.

"I love you too, Ko-Ko."

Her eyes lost their fight to keep them open, her chest no longer fighting against what was coming towards her. You pulled Kota into your arms standing with him. He gripped on you like a starfish to a rock. You made your way next to Kirishima not bothering to acknowledge him or what he allowed you to do. 

Your eyes moved up to the dark sky, their bright lights not visible from all the smoke of your burning tribe. 

A loud thumping noise brought your attention back down to Earth. 

The ash-blond leader riding one of the four-legged beasts stood in front of you, another one of the beasts next to him as he controlled it with a set of leather strips, "Shitty hair," his voice bellowed as he tossed the leather to the man next to you, "take the kid with you." 

The redhead nodded at his leader's words as he ripped Kota away from you. Kota struggling against him as he was placed on top of the beast almost falling off until you pushed him upright to keep him steady on the strange animal, "Kota, you need to be good okay? No more fight." 


"No more fight." You said with more authority. This made Kota shut his mouth as he clutched the long hair that ran down the animal's neck. 

"Thank you." Kirishima called down to you which you returned with a death glare. 

Feeling a set of arms lift you, you found yourself on top of one of the beasts as well. Clinging onto the thin leather seat padding you felt a weight being added behind you. Those strong arms that had lifted you now locking you into position as they took hold of the straps in front of you. His large upper body pressing against your back. 

"Hold on," He husked into your ear, his warm breath tickling in the shell of your ear. His feet pressed into the sides of the beast making it suddenly taking off with great speed. 

Your body flew back into the male behind you. 

Your legs clench around the animal as one of your hands swung back to clutch onto the man's thigh while the other tightened on the leather padding. Your reaction made the blond cackle as he gave the straps a flick making the beast go faster. All of your limbs tightening their grip at the increase in speed as the animal slithered around trees and an occasional jump over small hills or creeks. 

This quick pace continued till you came across a river making the animal slow its movements as it made its way across. Your heart pumping from the ride, it shocked you that an animal like this could even be tamed.

"Not bad, idiot considering this is your first ride." He murmured the backhanded compliment to you. Your mind was spinning too fast as you collected yourself from the sudden take off that had happened minutes ago. 

Flushed against him, you could feel his steady breathing and the warmth that was emanating off of him. You could also now smell a sweet scent that seemed to be leaking from him. You didn't say a word only moving closer against the male. Even though it was an action you didn't want to do, you knew that it was safer to be against him even if you were already as close as you could be to him already. 

"Getting comfortable now are we, (Y/N)?" You could hear the smirk that was plastered to his face as he tested out your name on his tongue. It sent a shiver up your spine hearing your name leave his mouth. 

"You wish." You snapped at him your pride now taking over as you moved slightly forward creating the smallest gap between the two of you, your hand that was on his thigh moving to join the other that was clinging to the leather seating for dear life. You knew this was a horrible idea but you weren't going to let him get his way that easily. 

You could hear a small growl in his throat at your defiance. An arm wrapped around your waist pulling you back to be flat against him one more, "Don't be a brat or else you'll fall off the damn horse." 

His arm removed itself from you once more as the river crossing came to an end and you were off at top speed once more. 

You could now hear the pounding of the other beasts, newly named horses, inching closer to you on the leveled grassy plain. All the hooves pounding against the hard dirt reminded you of waves of the ocean slamming against the sea cliff that you would listen to with Midoriya on top of the headlands. 

There were distinct differences between this pounding of the horses and the waves though. This pounding was rhythmic, loud, and proud like a war call; waves, on the other hand, were calming and irregular with an occasional spray of a salty mist that cooled you down.

It was intense feeling being surrounded by this loud self-made drum that was being made. It surprised you that you didn't hear it at the lake when they came to raid your village. 

Time was rolling by like the many hills you traveled over. The longer time went on the more you realized just how far these people traveled to attack your village. The sky was being to paint itself in shades of savory red and blushing pinks, a sign that the sun was steadily approaching.

By the time you made it to a small makeshift living ground, it was practically dawn. Surveying the area, you noticed that it was too small for it for these people to be nomadic as they were lacking vital materials from what you could tell as you venture deeper into the grounds -- meaning that these people real tribe was even further away.

The horse came to a halt and you could feel the man behind you remove himself from your body as others filed in after him. You could see Kota and Kirishima at the back of the pack before you felt yourself being pulled down from the horse you had been on for hours. 

Immediately, you felt your legs give out under you forcing you to latch onto the male for dear life. The jostling movement of the horse paired with the occasional ramming of your lower half into the large beast from your body being lifted into the air when it jumped proved to have quite an effect on your body. 

It seemed that your partner had expected this weakness as he readjusted you picking you up so there wasn't more strain on your legs. Kirishima and Kota's horse pulled up next to you. Kota's windblown hair was quite the sight and it was partnered with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes from the new experience of riding such a wild animal. You couldn't blame him for enjoying the experience slightly, he was just a child. 

A toothy grin displayed an oddly set of sharp teeth that belonged to Kirishima, "I'll take care of Zero if you want, Bakugou." 

The blond, now discovering that his name is Bakugou, let out a groan before tossing the leather straps to the shark-toothed man, "Fine, take care of the brat for the night. Got it?" 

This seemed to pull Kota out of his fascination with the ride as he twisted his body to face Kirishima, "You said that I would able to stay with her!" 

Kirishima's eyes shifted between the young boy to you as a nervous chuckle left his mouth, "I know but I have to follow the orders of my chief kid."

Before Kota could dig himself into a bigger hole you spoke up, "Kota, it's okay I'll see you in the morning do as Kirishima says." 

The last thing you wanted to do was piss off anyone in this tribe, especially Bakugou. 

Sending you a pouting face he stayed quiet as he rode off with Kirishima across the small grounds. 

Bakugou carried you to his makeshift home. It was a different type of home than what you were used to. Several pelts were tried together and placed over large wooden poles. 

Setting you down on a collection of pelts that cover a bed of grass Bakugou went to work starting a small fire in the center of the home. Kindling the needed materials, in a few minutes there was another life in the tent with you. Next, he strode over a clay pot placing it in front of you he sat in the grass in front of you. 

He pulled out a cloth from the pot wringing it from the extra water that clung to it taking your arm and he delicately wiped at the injury he inflicted upon you. His face almost looked remorseful as he took in his work, luckily for him it wasn't deep enough to leave a scar. After wiping your face clean as well he dropped the cloth in the pot again. Lifting himself up again, his feet padded across the ground before returning with medical herbs and cloth wrappings. After making a paste he gently rubbed it over the cuts  before wrapping your arm with the cloth.

"Turn around." His hand diving back into the clay pot pulling out the cloth once more.

Your eyes narrowed at him, "Why?"

This seemed to irk him as he squeezed the cloth tighter, water trickling over his fingers, "Do you really want to go to bed with blood on your back?!" Even though his actual words weren't harsh, his tone made it sound more like a threat. 

Moving slowly you presented your back to the male. Swallowing a bit of nervousness you jumped at feeling the cold cloth smack against your back. His movements surprised you. 

Instead of being rough and coarse like you had imagined, his touch was anything but that. It was soft and you would even dare say tender as he worked on removing the blood he had rubbed against you during the ride. You played with your destroyed flower bracelets patiently waiting for him to finish. 

After a few more swipe you heard the cloth splash back into the water, "Alright," his deep voice echoed, " it's off your skin but you're going to want to change. My turn." 

You flinched as you felt him spin you to back forward to face him. His eyes boring into you as he rang the cloth for you before shoving it into your hands. Frozen, your (E/C) orbs flickered between the cold fabric in your hand and the man sitting across from. His top lip moving up to a sneer as he took your hand with the cloth shoving it into his chest, the water escaping the cloth making different wet paths down his chest. 

His stare was intense as he held your hand there. His grip wasn't forceful, his hand was simply holding your arm waiting for you to start. The topaz flames of the petite fire casting a warm glow over his body making him seem unreal as if he was the one really creating the light and not the fire. He did not force your hand to move anymore and waited for you in silence. The crackling of wood the only noise being made. 

Slowly, you moved your hand in small circles, your touch firm, but not rough against him as you washed away the caked up blood. Your eyes now focused on completing the task at hand while his eyes remained on you. 

It was all a strangely intimate event. 

Dunking and ringing out the cloth you watched the once clear water slowly become tainted to the color of wine. Moving quickly, you cleaned every part of him not wanting to see your people's blood on his body any longer than it already has been. The more you washed away the more you saw his true body. You could now see more defined muscles and that he too was littered with small battle scars, but less than Kirishima and more of them focused on his arms. You also discovered that he suffered no large cuts from the raid only the occasional scrape that did not need medical attention. 

The last place that you washed away was his face which only had the occasional splatter of blood here and there. Your bare fingers occasionally grazing the shockingly soft skin. Finishing your job, you tossed the cloth back in the water then wiped your hand clean against your ruined skirt. Standing up he took the supplies with him placing them back in their rightful spot.

"You should change, there is some blood on the back of your clothing." He called to you removing his large mantle followed by his cape showcasing his freshly washed muscular back that still had a sheen of wetness to it. 

He folded up the piece of fabric and placed it in the corner of the hut. You watched him continue to remove different items from his body. It wasn't until you saw his pants start to become loose did you look away. 

You sorted through the clothing you managed to pack and picked an ideal set. When you felt another weight on the bed you knew that it was safe to look once more. 

Burrowed under the covers, Bakugou only had on a pair of cloth pants on to replace his leather ones. His upper body on full display only ornamented with the different layers of necklaces that hung on his neck. 

"Turn around." You ordered him. 

His brows furrowed, "Hah?" 

"I said, turn around." You repeated yourself as you made a move to stand on your feet. Thankfully, your legs had recovered enough for you to do so. 

His eyes narrowed at you but didn't push the issue anymore. Huffing, he flipped himself over his leg cocking up as his fingers drummed against his knee while his other hand kept his head perched up to stare at the covering of the home. 

Your eyes didn't leave his form as you undressed from your ruined ceremony outfit. You changed into a simple violet one-shoulder top that stopped two inches below your breasts and a wrap skirt that hung lazily on to the middle of your waist. Releasing your hair from the confines that your mother placed it in you allowed your hair to flow freely as you sat back down on the bed. You got to work ripping off the damaged flowers from your limbs. You could feel another shift in the bed altering you that Bakugou had flipped back over. 

Gathering your ceremonial outfit and the ruined floral jewelry you stood up once more dropping the clothing into the fire. 

You wanted no memory of this night to remain. 

Turning on your heel, you could see Bakugou's eyes trained on the now burning clothing. Crawling under the covers of the bed as he did earlier you faced away from him and huddled to the edge of the bed not wanting to be close to him. 

But he wouldn't let you get away with that. 

He tugged you close to his body till you were against him like you were on the horse. His head nestled in the crook of your neck. You didn't bother fighting him, too busy watching your clothing turn to ashes and embers. The light of the fire slowly diminishing leaving the two of you in the dark. 

You could feel the calm and steadiness of Bakugou's breath hitting against your neck. He was in the world of dreams. Taking the opportunity, you scooted away only to be stopped by a tight squeeze of his arms around you. 

"Don't move." His voice drowsy, as his legs became entwined with yours to ensure that you did not attempt to move away from him again during his slumber. 

You took a mental note that he was a light sleeper.  

Shifting, you found a more comfortable spot in the hold you were forced in. You felt swallowed by his form and noticed that his palms were still extremely warm. That sweet scent still hanging in the air when you were around him. Breathing in the scent, as much as you hate to admit it, it was a comforting sweet scent, your eyelids suddenly becoming heavier. 

The events of the day were now hitting you making you realize just how tired you were. Not bothering to fight the call of sleep, you shut your eyes embraced the darkness that came with it.

It was an escape from reality. 

And that's what you needed most right now. 

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