Discovering It All

بواسطة xi_donis

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𝒶 𝓈𝓊𝓇𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓈ℯ 𝒾𝓃 ℯ𝓋ℯ𝓇𝓎 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇... المزيد

My Hero
Author's Note
Comforting Kara
A Long Day
Big Trouble
Riled Up
Game Night
Extreme Jealousy
Samantha Arias
Weird Feeling
Early Day
Small Authors Note
Best Friends
Celebration Date
Surprising Lena
The Heart Wants What It Wants
Strawberry Donuts
Quick Note
Back To Normal
Girl Of Steel
*Oh Adam*
Authors Note
Another Authors Note
*My World*
Strange Behavior
Part of the Plan
Changes (2)
The Secret Spot
*Thunderstorm Love*
Thunderstorm Love (2)
Losing Patience
*Losing Patience (2)*
Authors Note
*Attatched To You*
*Attatched To You (2)*
*Attached To You (3)*
Fiery Dreams
The Big Day
Authors Note
Very Good Morning
Last Day
Sisterly Love
New Ideas
Amazingly Overwhelming
Amazingly Overwhelming (2)
Amazingly Overwhelming (3)
Girls Night
Girls Night (2)
The Morning After
The Morning After (2)
Halloween Special
First Day Back
Check Up
Only Getting Worse
Thanksgiving Special
Thanksgiving Special (2)
Middle Of December
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Happy New Years
Quick Question

Always Pt. 2

2.8K 50 3
بواسطة xi_donis

"Drop your bags at my feet and come in very slowly." Alex said as Lena came in, she was currently holding her favorite alien gun to her head, she promised not to kill Lena, she didn't promise not to scare her.

"Alex please put that down, I don't want anyone to get hurt." Lena said quietly, she usually wasn't scared of a lot of things but she knew Alex would shoot her in a second for Kara.

"Alex! Put that gun away before you accidentally shoot her!" Kara yelled softly, but this time she didn't even bother to get in between the two women.

Alex laughed loudly, shaking her head at her younger sister. "I'm not gonna accidentally do anything, Now, she has 5 seconds to talk or I'm going to shoot her in the head."

Kara rolled her eyes at how dramatic her sister was. "Well at least get it away from her head, please?"

"Fine fine" Alex move the gun away from Lenas head and put it to her back. "Explain yourself or die"

Lena let a soft sigh of relief when she no longer felt cold metal against the side of her head, she was already nervous enough to face Kara, now she was scared of dying young.

"Well? Explain yourself" Alex said annoyed, pushing the gun further into Lenas back.

Lena nodded softly, looking into Karas eyes before speaking softly. "Baby I know you're probably really upset at me right now because of what you saw but it really wasn't what it looked like"

"Well then it obviously had to be if I found her crying on the front porch!" Alex yelled angrily.

"Relax Alex, Let her talk" Kara said softly, gesturing for Lena to continue.

Lena smiled softly and continued to explain. "He told me he wanted to apologize and I was ready to forgive him, I was really, But he kissed me, it wasn't long though I swear, you opened the door the second he put his lips to mine, Kara I swear I didn't know he was going to do that, you have to believe me" tears were forming in Lenas eyes now, she was telling the truth, she just hoped Kara would believe it.

Alex put her gun away when Lena started crying, she had never seen the Luthor cry before up to this point.

Kara immediately pulled the girl into a hug and kissed her repeatedly. "I'm so so sorry Lena, I should've known you weren't gonna hurt me like that"

Alex smiled softly at the two before once again apologizing to Lena. "I'm sorry again, I just couldn't let you live when my baby sister was crying her soul out to me every day for 3 days."

Lena turned to look at Alex and smiled softly. "I probably would do the same thing to anyone who made Kara cry, even if it was just for 3 seconds, well maybe not Kill them, but make them hate their life."

Alex chuckled softly at the woman in front of her, automatically agreeing with what she had to say. "That's so true, but I would kill them no doubt, no one makes Kara cry and gets away with it, but I guess there's always an exception for you huh?"

Lena nodded softly, her smile getting brighter by the second until their talk was cut short by Kara.

"Um excuse me, stop flirting with eachother" Kara whined, crossing her arms.

Lena laughed softly and kissed Kara on the cheek, "we're not flirting Kara, we're just getting along nicely."

"Right baby sis relax" Alex laughed as well, and went into the kitchen to pour her a drink.

When Alex left Kara had immediately changed her mood. "I'm going to kill James"

Lena raised an eyebrow and shook her head at the younger girl. "No you're not, I fired him and he's banned from the building."

Kara rolled her eyes in annoyance. "You fired him and he came back though, And he kissed you, only I can kiss you, that's not okay, I found out that I have super strength, and I broke a knife on my abs this morning, I can take him, but he's not gonna be able to take me, Thats what I'm counting on" She grabbed her bag and opened the door for Lena. "Are you gonna take me home or no?"

Lena was at a lost for words, she had never heard Kara speak of any type of violence unless it was against villains in a cartoon, there was no way she could possibly want to kill James. "Baby don't you want to calm down first? I mean seriously, we can sit down and have dinner or something first okay?"

Kara glared at the Luthor in front of her before grabbing her hand and yanking her out the door. "My mind has been made up since the second I saw him kiss you, I'm not asking you to watch, I'm asking you to take me home, If not I'll ask Alex."

Sighing softly the Luthor called her driver and waited for him to arrive, she just hoped Kara didn't actually kill James, what he did was stupid, but the man was just heartbroken and in denial, he didn't deserve to die.
About 20 minutes later the driver had arrived and both Lena and Kara got into the car, Lena was rubbing Karas thigh gently but the younger girl still wouldn't calm down, if her leg bounced any faster her hand would probably fall off of it. She also started thinking about what the girl said, about her having super strength, Kara had always been athletic, but she was so small that you wouldn't really know it from first glance. The blonde also had impeccable hearing, She wondered if that had something to do with her Alien cells as well, she already was so intrigued by Kara, but now that she's found out about this side of her, she couldn't help but wonder how this all would play out.

Lena had to cut her daydreaming off when she heard the driver say they had arrived, Kara had gotten out the car already so she had to quickly go inside as well to see what the girl was planning on doing.

Meanwhile, Kara was changing into something other than a hoodie and shorts, maybe something that screamed, "You're gonna die", either way, she wanted James to be scared, so instead she decided to dress in her normal clothes, high ponytail and pink lipgloss, she was going to trick James into thinking everything was okay and then she was going to attack him.

"Baby?" Kara heard Lena say as she turned towards the doorway. "Where are you going looking like that?"

Kara smiled softly, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "I'm gonna do something stupid, and this time there's no way out of it"

"But baby I haven't seen you in three days, I kind of wanted to make up for lost time, don't you?" Lena said softly, biting her lip nervously, she never knew when trying to coax the girl out of her stupid plans would actually work.

Kara sighed softly and nodded, whispering softly. "We could take a shower together if you'd like?"

Lena raised an eyebrow at this, tilting her head at Kara. "You want to shower together?"

"I mean yeah, Alex said it saves water, and you know it would be quicker and I don't know, I'm kind of exhausted from crying everyday and not eating and-"

"Not eating?" Lena cut her off as always. "Kara you eat everyday, did you really not eat for three days?"

"Leeee can you ignore that part for 5 seconds and just come shower with me, pleaseee?" Kara whined, pouting at Lena because she knew it would break her.

"Fine fine, but you have to eat at some point today or there's going to be a serious problem." Lena said softly, grabbing Karas hand and pulling her into the bathroom.

Kara giggled softly at the blank threat, following Lena to the bathroom and closing the door behind them. "Can you close your eyes please?" Although Lena has seen her naked plenty of times, stripping right in front of her was just really nerve racking, she wasn't going to try and be bold because of her newfound powers, if anything they would make her more shy around the woman, but she also wanted to know if Lena could make her weak in the knees while she was literally bench pressing cars, that would be dangerous.

"Baby I know you said to close my eyes but your facial expressions are just too adorable to look away from" Lena teased, smiling softly at the blonde before stripping out of her own clothes.

Kara blushed immediately, She turned away from Lena as she quickly slipped out of her clothes, taking her hair out of its ponytail and turning on the shower.

"You want me to get in first or you wanna get in first?" Lena said softly, noticing how insecure the girl had suddenly gotten and wanted to make sure she was as comfortable as possible.

"You can get in first if you want" Kara said quietly, gesturing towards the shower and looking at the floor. She only looked up when she heard the shower door open and close.

The doors were glass so she could see Lenas body very clearly until the hot water made the doors steam up. After getting over her nerves, Kara made her way into the shower and made sure that she wasn't pressed up against Lena  in any way.

"The water feels nice doesn't it?" Lena hummed softly, soaping up her hair and body. She heard Kara mumble a small "yes" before she turned to see the girl with her back pressed against the other wall of the shower.

"Baby you know you don't have to stand so far away, come get closer to the water" Lena said softly, grabbing the girls hand and pulling her under the water. She smiled when she saw Kara let out a soft breath of relief, she just wanted her baby to be stress free.

"Baby can I ask you something?" Lena said softly, pushing Karas wet hair back so it didn't get in her face.

Kara nodded softly and looked into Lenas eyes, whatever it was, she hoped it wasn't anything bad.

"How would you feel about moving your things into my room?" Lena asked quietly, looking away from Karas eyes just Incase she gave her an answer that would hurt her.

"You mean like, your room would become our room?" Kara asked, tilting her head at the woman in front of her.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I mean baby" Lena answered, looking back into Karas eyes.

"I would love to move into your room with you Lena" Kara said happily, kissing the woman softly before she turned to wash herself.

Lena was very pleased to hear that, she rinsed herself off after washing up and helped Kara finish washing all the soap out of her hair. When they were done in the shower, they dried off and got ready for an afternoon of moving things around.
About an hour and a half later they had finally finished turning Lenas room into "their" room. The only thing that they really had to change was the closets, Lena had moved all her stuff into one closet so Kara could move her stuff into the other one. Everything else was fine.

Lena was currently on her laptop, She was trying finish the work that she had forgotten to do this morning, but she couldn't really focus because Kara was belting out Disney songs right next to her.

"Baby? Could you please quiet down a bit, I have work to finish" Lena said softly, turning to look at the blonde who had stopped singing immediately.

"I'm sorry Lee, I can go get some food while you finish working if you want me to" Kara said, tilting her head at the woman next to her.

"I should be finished by the time you come back, Take my card" Lena smiled at the blonde as she gave her the black card and went back to her work.

Kara decided to just get used to Lena paying for her things, Every time she told the woman she was going to buy something, Lena simply told her no and would buy it for her, At first she was annoyed because she wanted to buy Lena things too, But over all she just stopped trying to argue about it. She pocketed the card and made her way to the store.

She didn't like driving most places and since most of the food places she went to were only like 3 blocks away, she decided to just take a nice walk there. It was about 5:00pm and the air just felt great, there really was no need for her to take any other transportation.

When Kara finally got to the restaurant they already knew what she wanted, She was a regular customer there and she always ordered the same thing around this time. Potstickers.

She grabbed the huge back of food and also remembered to Lena some chicken and broccoli, something about being healthy or whatever. But there was no way Kara was going to order Kale salad, It's gross and should die forever.

Anyways, She was making her way back home and realized she had been gone almost an hour, it was going on 6:00 and she didn't even realize how long it took her to even get the food in the first place. She sped up her walking so she could get home faster, and next thing you know she's home.

She walked in the house, closing the door behind her and sitting the food on the counter. She was surprised to see that Lena was on the couch watching a movie. Was she gone that long?

"Hey baby, You were gone for a while, did you walk there?" Lena asked, keeping her eyes on the movie.

"Um yeah I did, It's been really nice outside lately, I might start jogging soon." Kara said, Taking their food out of the bags and taking the containers over to the living room table.

"Jogging? Hm, I might go with you one day. Is that for me?" Lena asked, pointing to the white container.

Kara nodded softly and gave the woman her food. "I wanted to at least get you something, you're so hard working and you pay for most of my stuff."

Lena smiled at the blonde, kissing her softly before taking the container and grabbing a fork. "Thank you baby, but you really didn't have to do that, you work hard too."

Kara shrugged and opened her container of potstickers, grabbing her water bottle as well. "Yeah but not as hard as you, the only reason I work hard is because my boss is scary."

"I am not scary, I just like when things get done properly." Lena scoffed, defending herself and taking a bite of her food.

"Sure you're not" Kara giggled at the woman's response and started to eat her food, watching whatever movie Lena had put on.
A few hours later Lena decided to go to bed, they had finished their food and hour beforehand and she was really exhausted. Kara on the other hand decided to stay up, she wasn't sleepy, she was just bored. She could already hear Lena telling her not to do something stupid but she couldn't help it. She checked the time to see that it was 9:30, late but not that late. She got up from the couch and quietly made her way outside. She wasn't going to do anything drastic, she was just going to go for a late night jog to tire herself out, it usually worked for her.

At first she started speed walking, then jogging and then it turned into sprinting, she had a lot of energy and didn't know where it was coming from, she kind of loved it. She didn't feel tired at all though, So she decided to go to the docks and just listen to the sound of the boats, that always calmed her.

It took her a while to get there but she wasn't phased by the time. She sat right at the end of the boardwalk and just decided to see how long it took the sun to come up. It was 11:30 now, She wasn't getting any sleepier so she just stayed there and watched the stars, starting to count them to see if it would make her fall asleep.
Lena woke up yet again to an empty bed. She checked the time to see that it was 7:37 and she got up to go get ready for the day.

When she was finally ready she walked in the living room and saw that Kara wasn't on the couch, and she wasn't in the kitchen either, come to think of it, Kara never even came to bed.

Lena instantly pulled out her cellphone and called the younger girl but hung up when she heard the door open.

"Hey Lee, Sorry I left like really early, I went for a jog." Kara added the last part in quickly, hoping the girl wouldn't interrogate her about where she's been.

"Baby you didn't come to bed last night, I don't think you came to bed at all actually, But I have to go to work so I'm not going to bother you about it" Lena said softly, grabbing her things and calling her driver.

"Can I come with you please?" Kara asked hopefully, She would love to see everyone again, she heard that people were worried about her.

Lena nodded her head towards the bathroom and looked at her watch. "Hurry up and shower, If you're not ready before my driver gets here, I will leave you."

Kara ran to the bathroom to take a quick shower and then changed into her work clothes, she was back in the living room and ready to go as soon as Lenas driver came.

Lena smiled at the younger blonde, she was out of breath from moving so quickly but she still looked really lovely. "Ready?"

Kara only nodded before running out the door and getting in the car, Lena got in right next to her and the driver drove them to work.
When they arrived at LuthorCo, Kara was immediately bombarded with questions and hugs, apparently Lena had been a real witch since she had left. That's not the word they used but Kara was not repeating those harsh words.

Kara had moved past all those people to hug her bestfriend Winn, he had been very bored at the office without her and he told her he missed having someone else to talk to. She missed him too though, Which is why she sat right next to him instead of going into Lenas office.

"Has Lena really been that bad since I left?" She asked him, playing with his Star Wars action figures, he only let her touch them, he said it was because she was special to him like they were. Kara couldn't help but blush at those words when he first told her that, he has always been so nice to her, she was glad to call him her friend.

Winn took his pen from behind his ear and whisper shouted. "Has she? Kara that woman cut off our early day, Got James banned from the building, And she fired Carol, Thomas and Benjamin!"

Kara looked at him in shock. "No way! She really fired Benji? What did he do?"

"She was yelling at at contractor for knocking her painting over, and Ben told her to calm down"

"Oh no, she hates being told to calm down, especially when she's already angry." Kara said, shaking her head at the poorly tempered woman.

"I know right!" Winn continued, shaking his head as well. "That's not even it though, The contractor told her that the painting wasn't that good anyway and that all she had to do was replace it"

Kara gasped and leaned forward, "and then what happened?"

"She totally threw a hammer at his head, he ducked just in time but it still scared him enough to get back to work." Winn laughed quietly

"Poor guy, Why didn't anyone warn him before he walked into a death trap" Kara laughed as well, she really missed having these talks with Winn, they always seemed to make her day.

"I don't know man, He just wasn't ready for it and neither was Ben, I'm just glad she kind of likes me, I'm pretty sure I'd be next in her chain of unemployment." Winn said playfully.

Kara shook her head at him, laughing at the statement. "I promise I would never let her fire you, If you go I go, then she'd have to bring you back."

Winn smiled at the promise, nodding in agreement. "Well if you ever go then I'll go too, starting now of course, Only because I had no idea if you were gone for good or not, you really gave me a scare."

"I'm sorry Winn, I promise I'll contact you next time." Kara gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and smiled when his worried facial expression went away. "What do you say we have game night tonight? It'll be funnn" she poked his cheek repeatedly.

Winn laughed and pushed the girls hand away. "Alright Alright fine, But you have to promise not to hurt me if you lose like last time."

Kara scoffed at the request. "That was an entire accident, how was I supposed to know the controller would fly out of my hand and almost knock your head off?"

Winn shrugged at her and poked her cheek back. "Well maybe if your temper wasn't as bad as Lenas you wouldn't have thrown it in the first place."

"Woah woah, My temper is not as bad as Lenas, She gets mad over simple things, Literally you could drop a paper clip while she's working and next thing you know she's kicking you out of her office." Kara pouted, remembering one of the many times Lena had kicked her out.

"Alright that's true, But you do get angry sometimes, and when you do it's hard to bring you back, Luckily you've only gotten mad at game night." Winn teased her, but he instantly got back to his work after hearing Lenas office door open.

Kara already knew she had about 10 seconds to get into the woman's office before she came and got her so she just gave Winn a quick side hug before running into the office.

"That's a new record, I didn't even have to call you this time" Lena chuckled softly, closing the door and walking back to her desk.

"Well I wouldn't want to get my head knocked off with a hammer" Kara mumbled quietly, making her way to the vending machine.

"What was that?" Lena said, raising an eyebrow as she opened her laptop.

"Oh nothing" Kara said quickly, grabbing a few bags of chips and of course a fruit punch before settling on the couch. She pulled out her phone to text Winn, they had a lot of things to catch up on.

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