Fever Blood

By Halcyon15

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When Laidu, a half-human, half-dragon Ranger, rescues a mysterious girl from slavers, he doesn't know it but... More

Chapter 1: Kyra
Chapter 3: Three Pines
Chapter 4: Bandits
Chapter 5: Departure From Three Pines
Chapter 6: Salt Dragon
Chapter 7: The Night is Not Empty
Chapter 8: Karik'ar's Secret
Chapter 9: Magnus
Chapter 10: Of Nightmares and Warriors
Chapter 11: To Earn Respect
Chapter 12: Indra on the Offensive
Chapter 13: The Price of Immortality
Chapter 14: Drawing Down the Storm
Chapter 15: of Ripped Pants and Farm Hicks
Chapter 16: The Pantry Demon
Chapter 17: The King of Joy
Chapter 18: A Taste For Blood
Chapter 19: The Fallen City
Chapter 20: el'Thaen'im
Chapter 21: The Appetite of a Dragon
Chapter 22: Paradox
Chapter 23: News From Caeldar
Chapter 24: Iron Scars
Chapter 25: Sticking Stones, Unbreaking Bones, and Too Many Words.
Chapter 26: The Vault Under the Mountain
Chapter 27: The Ultimatum
First Interlude: Trials
Chapter 28: Skinstealer
Chapter 29: Snake Fangs and Thuggery
Chapter 30: Deadly Blood and Burning Wrath
Chapter 31: Savage Diplomacy
Chapter 32: Panacea
Chapter 33: Sidhe Bones
Chapter 34: Footsteps in the Dark
Chapter 35: War Paint
Chapter 36: The Isle of Torment
Chapter 37: Torvan
Chapter 38: Mind Games
Chapter 39: The Hunters
Chapter 40: Training
Chapter 41: First Night Away
Chapter 42: Revulsion
Chapter 43: Breakfasts and Bones
Chapter 44: The Tomb of Kings
Chapter 45: Interrogations
Chapter 46: Rivalry
Chapter 47: A Welcome Reunion
Chapter 48: A Message From Skinstealer
Chapter 49: The Assassin
Chapter 50: Sapharama
Chapter 51: A New Friend
Chapter 52: Scaly Babies
Chapter 53: Bullies
Chapter 54: Vestments of Skin
Chapter 55: Soul and Blood
Chapter 56: A Monster's Night
Chapter 57: He Waits
Second Interlude: Requiems
Chapter 58: Blasphemous Blade
Chapter 59: The Body of Science
Chapter 60: Burning Brine
Chapter 61: Inheritance
Chapter 62: of Dreams and Madness
Chapter 63: Questionable Advice
Chapter 64: Screamchasm
Chapter 65: Reflections of Caeldar
Chapter 66: Brothers
Chapter 67: The Acolyte Path
Chapter 68: The Path and the Walker
Chapter 69: City of Cold
Chapter 70: Amidst The Ruins
Chapter 71: The Tribunal
Chapter 72: Gaelhal
Chapter 73: Another Face
Chapter 74: A Few Wagers
Chapter 75: Confession
Chapter 76: A Fitting Discipline
Chapter 77: Homecoming
Third Interlude: Fates
Chapter 78: The Avaricious Eye
Chapter 79: The Abyss Stares Back
Chapter 80: Rewards
Chapter 81: The Blade Law
Chapter 82: The Library
Chapter 83: Meeting Mirsari
Chapter 84: Teaching the Art of Death
Chapter 85: Security Reviews
Chapter 86: The Power of the Blood
Chapter 87: The Touch of Her Hand
Chapter 88: A Rival of the Blood
Chapter 89: A Hot Bath
Chapter 90: Cast Out
Chapter 91: The Final Test
Chapter 92: An Act of Worship
Chapter 93: Anatomy of the Soul
Chapter 94: Cydari
Chapter 95: Duel of Sorceries
Chapter 96: A Stand of Conscience
Chapter 97: Healing
Chapter 98: A Peculiar Madness
Chapter 99: The Fall of the Corpus Veritorum
Chapter 100: Reclaim The Sky
Chapter 101: The Cave of Names
Chapter 102: The Transfiguration of Aoife Corvain
Chapter 103: Foul Machinations
Chapter 104: The Courier's Duty
Chapter 105: Rendevous
Chapter 106: The First Step of a Journey
Chapter 107: Manhunt
Fourth Interlude: Candidates
Chapter 108: Shattered Memories
Chapter 109: Fire Regained
Chapter 110: Hunger Blood
Chapter 111: That Night
Chapter 112: The Name of the King
Chapter 113: All Hail Rhaedrashah
Chapter 114: The Warriors of Red Claw
Chapter 115: The Bearer of the Soul
Chapter 116: The Change
Chapter 117: The Terror of the Night
Chapter 118: Fever Blood Ascendant
Chapter 119: The Scholar's Quest
Chapter 120: The Death of an Immortal
Chapter 121: Imprisoned
Chapter 122: Awakening
Chapter 123: The Solstael Ball
Chapter 124: To Take Off the Mask
Chapter 125: The Question
Chapter 126: The Last Mission
Chapter 127: Endings and Beginnings
Epilogue: Sojourns
Author's Note
Author's Note - Addendum

Chapter 2: Day Specters

2.7K 168 24
By Halcyon15

I was one of the few who could flee. God forgive me; I have abandoned my fellow man. I have abandoned my brothers and let them die. But I console myself it is for the greater good.


He stirred. The girl -Kyra- shifted, and her dark eyes opened. Her head rested on his shoulder, warding off the autumn chill with Laidu's body heat and his cloak. "Good morning," she said, still half-asleep, leaning down on his chest for a more comfortable sleeping position, probably not even realizing what she was doing. Then, she upright, eyes wide with fear. "It's morning."

Laidu nodded. "Yes. It's daytime." Kyra backed away from the cave mouth, away from the light. "That means we have Day Specters to deal with." He stretched nonchalantly. Blood and thorns, he forgot how sore he could get! Sleeping while sitting always made him a bit sore. He rolled his neck and massaged the stiff muscle with the tips of his fingers. He had talons.

Kyra stared out at the light. "We're dead," she said hollowly. Laidu ignored her and dumped out the rank water from his water jug. His map had told him that he was near Three Pines Village. It wouldn't take long to get there. "We're not going to make it out of here alive, are we?"

"Day Specters are bad, but not that bad." He went into his pack, and dug out a bronze medallion, a mage's circle engraved in it. "Wear this," he said. "It'll ward off their effects on your mind." In part, that was true. The circle was supposed to strengthen mental defenses. If Kyra believed she wasn't going to be hurt by the Day Specters, then this would strengthen that belief. So, while it wouldn't protect her, per se, it would help her protect herself.

Kyra quickly put it on, the cloth she had been wrapped in fashioned into a makeshift robe. She needed something tighter, less diaphanous, if she was going through the forest. It looked nice on her, covered her well, but it was too bright, too flowy. "Are you sure it will work?" she asked nervously.

Laidu nodded. "Yes."

Kyra looked at him. "Why aren't you wearing one?" she asked, drawing Laidu's cloak tighter around her thin frame. She was layered in that dirty nightdress and that bed sheet.

"They spoke to me," Laidu said, eyes distant. "I heard their voices and survived it." Kyra looked at him, eyes wide. "I'll be fine. Trust me." He looked at her. "Besides, you need it more than me. Getting inoculated against their power ...it's not a pleasant experience.

Kyra nodded. "Yeah. Well, thanks for saving me," she said, eager to change the subject. Day Specters were not the topic of pleasant conversation. Laidu smiled in response.

"Actually, I need my cloak back." He sighed. "Are you cold?" She shook her head, and undid the cloak, handing it to the scaly Changed. "It's my badge of authority here," he explained. "Someone sees you travelling alone, dressed in nightclothes, they might take advantage of you. They see me, they are definitely going to think twice about doing that. Probably even think three times." He gave a chuckle at his stupid joke. Then, after slipping on his cloak and repacking his supplies, he stepped out the cave.

"Hey!" Kyra shouted. "Wait up!" She tripped out the crag, the cloth slipping, revealing her dirty nightdress under it. "I'm not exactly dressed for running!" It looked like she was dressed for sleeping. Strange. That was the first time any Ajandi raiding party had been this far into Alberion. Though the way she dropped her r's, the long a's... her accent made her sound Caeldari. High noble Caeldari.

Laidu rolled his eyes. "Well, hurry up." He had to be a bit nicer to her. It didn't look like she felt comfortable in the outside world.

Kyra rushed down, nearly tripping over the dress's hem. "Sorry about that." she said, before adjusting the long swath of cloth so that it didn't trail in the ground. "Alright, which way are we going?"

Laidu was about to say something when he heard a scream, one of desperation and fury. Of course he'd have to run into one of Them. Kyra grabbed his arm, hiding behind him. "What was that?" she asked, the fear palpable in her voice.

Laidu closed his eyes. "Shh," he said quietly. He listened, absorbing all, filtering it down to information he could use. Ranger training taught him to hone his senses, to hear everything. But not to focus. To focus was to exclude out the tiny details that could get him killed. In effect, he focused on nothing. But yet, because he did that, he saw all.

Then, he felt it. The cold, chilling scream that wasn't just a sound. The air itself screamed, too. The Banescream. The cry of the victims of the Day Specters. They must be close to a hive. And then Kyra screamed.

Laidu turned and saw the revenant a few meters away. It used to be a woman, with fair hair that was now dirty and tangled. It howled, its back arching as it forced all the air from its lungs. Then, it charged, one foot dragging slightly as it ran as fast as it could. Day Specters viewed revenants like clothing. They didn't care about any damage done to their bodies. Those were, after all, temporary.

Laidu reached forward, his arm blazing with heat and fury. He had to end the thing quickly. Banescreams had the other effect, the one he didn't want to endure again. The revenant charged, and Laidu sidestepped its hand, as if it had the deadliest of poisons on it. It tried to grab his face, but Laidu ducked it, and swung his own claws at the revenant's skeletal face.

He tripped over a root and felt her chilled hand grab his face. No. Not again! His back arched, stiffening, and reality began to disappear. He fell, deep into his mind, sight and sound and touch becoming something distant.

He became aware of many things, then. The smell of salt, the feel of dry, waterless air on his skin, the sun beating on his bare back and legs, the aches of the beatings. No. Please, dear God, no. Not here. Not this dry hell.

There were others, there, chained by the ankle, using hand picks to chip salt from the dry, dead earth. They wore loincloths, and on their bare backs and ankles were written, in the language of scars and bruises, the accounts of their punishments. They didn't have shirts or cloaks to ward off the harsh rays of the sun. The cloth was too expensive, especially if they were going to be lashed every other day.

Laidu felt the rough hands on his horns jerk him up. "I heard what you did," the overseer said in Laidu's ear. "You get to taste the cat today." The cat-o-nine-tails was the overseer's real power. The flog had been studded with glass shards, designed to rip the skin off its victim.

"You're not real," Laidu said. He should have said, "Gladly," as he had done, but he had to deviate from the memory soon. The Banescream would try to imprison him in this hellish remembrance, but if he didn't play his part, it began to collapse.

"I'm not real, you half-savage?" the overseer asked, before he flickered and vanished. Everything began to evaporate. The memory couldn't be that weak! And then he smelled it.

Blood. Lots of it. The last time he smelled that much iron, he had been in a battlefield, the corpses of two armies slain. Now, as his sight returned, he saw what happened.

Kyra sat by a tree, shocked, hands red with blood. The revenant's body was twitching, which was a surprise, as half of it looked like it had exploded from within. Blood stained everything. The revenant settled down.

"Well..." Laidu said. "Thanks." Kyra looked up. "You killed the revenant." He kicked it. "What did you do to it?" he asked.

Kyra didn't say anything. She just dropped something small and stained with blood on the ground.

Laidu grabbed it, and, wiping it off with the revenant's grimy clothing, saw the gold inlay. "You had a thaumaturgy plate?" he asked. Kyra nodded, still shocked. "Huh," he said.

Many alchemists and philosophers pondered the meaning of the odd, alchemical glyphs that thaumaturgers used to tinker with the universe. Laidu had seen thaumaturgic plates lift entire carriages into the air, conjure fire from nothing, and freeze water in the middle of summer. And, of course, like all the inventions of man, they had been utilized for battle.

He had seen entire battalions ignited as the temperature their flesh needed to reach to combust suddenly dropped and their own body heat lit them on fire. He had seen men scream in agony as their armor slowly crushed them. He had seen something like this, where someone's blood boiled in an instant. Nasty stuff.

"Are you alright?" he asked Kyra. She nodded, and Laidu bent down. Was she murmuring something?

"Pesh to the twenty-third, kyren to the ninth variation," Kyra repeated."Pesh to the twenty-third, kyren to the ninth variation. Pesh to the twenty-third, kyren to the ninth variation." The look in her eyes was that of loss of control. She was aware of what she was saying. She couldn't stop it. But the look in her eyes wasn't the only frightening thing. Her eyes had an odd sort of glow to them. A faint luminescence.

Two minutes later, she stopped and the glow subsided. "Sorry about that," she said, rising to her feet unsteadily. "Any time I use thaumaturgic plates, I can't stop saying odd....things." She shrugged.

Laidu sighed. "Alright, but we're going to have to get rid of this," he said. "Three Pines is part of Alberion proper, and they have a rather backwoods knowledge of thaumaturgy. Still," he said, "they can tell an lethal thaumaturgy plate." Lethal plates, fatal plaques, deathsigns. Whatever they were called, they were illegal for a civilian to carry.

Kyra nodded. "Alright." She began to scrape the ground until there was a sizeable hole. She dropped the silver and gold plate inside the hole, and packed the dirt on it. "Sorry about that," she said.

Laidu shrugged. "I've been in a forest town jail. It isn't fun." Of course, he had been conducting an investigation. Someone of his station threw people in jail. He didn't get thrown in. He looked at Kyra, then at the revenant. "Are you alright?" he asked, concerned. Killing someone wasn't easy. A revenant was already dead, but it still looked and felt the same.

"Yeah," Kyra said, voice hollow. "I've killed before," she said. She had? From the look in her eye, Laidu didn't want to reopen that old wound.

"She was dead long before you did that," Laidu said. Kyra looked relieved. "Now, lets go. I'd like to get to the town sooner rather than later."

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