"Lost & Found" (Revised for W...

由 GratianaLovelace

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At 30, Jocelyn feels that her life is missing something--herself. So after dumping her controlling boyfriend... 更多

"Lost & Found" (Revised), an original story by Gratiana Lovelace, 2014
Ch. 0 Prologue to Ch. 3: Matthew & Jocie Meet
Ch. 4: Jocie has Lunch with Matthew and Aunt Madge
Ch. 5: Jocie Escorts Matthew to his Speech Therapy Appointment,
Ch. 6: Getting to Know Each Other Better
Ch. 7 (PG): More than a Feeling
Ch. 8 (PG-13, S): A Love Rekindled
Ch. 9 (PG-13): Through Others' Eyes
Ch. 10 (PG-13): Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Ch. 11 (PG-13, S): A Turning Point for Jocelyn and Matthew
Ch. 12 (PG-13, S, D): Love's Joys and Complications
Ch. 13 (PG-13, D): Fallout
Ch. 14 (PG-13): Separation Brings New Beginnings
Ch. 15 (PG-13): The December Holidays Bring Second Chances
Ch. 16 (PG-13, S): Jocelyn and Matthew Talk
Ch. 17 (PG-13): Wedding Planning & Such, Part 1
Ch. 18 (PG-13, D): Matthew Relives the Accident
Ch. 19 (PG-13): Wedding Planning & Such, Part 2
Ch. 21 (PG-13, S): ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Nights of Love and Christmas Eve Joy
Ch. 22 (PG-13): Christmas Day Gifts of Love
Ch. 23 End (PG-13, D): Because you loved me

Ch. 20 (PG-13): Double Wedding

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由 GratianaLovelace

“Lost & Found” (Revised), Ch.  20 (PG-13): Double Wedding, December 10, 2014 Gratiana Lovelace

 (An original fiction copyrighted by Gratiana Lovelace;  all rights reserved)
[(1) top right, story logo]

[I will illustrate my story using my dream cast of --Richard Armitage for Matthew Drake, Kate Beckinsale for Jocelyn Burrows, Brenda Blethyn for Aunt Madge, Michael Crawford for Michael Ferguson, Gina McKee for Marcia Glass, James Frain for Vicar Nelson Marshall, Shirley MacLaine for Lucretia Baldridge, and others.] 

Author’s Mature Content Note:  “Lost & Found” is love story with mature themes (D for drama and S for sensuality) of love and relationships.  Most chapters will be PG or PG-13. However, if you are unable or unwilling to attend a movie with the ratings I provide, then please do not read that chapter.  This is my disclaimer.

Recap from the previous installment:   Wedding planning for the two couples is swift and streamlined--with everything falling into place. And even one little quarter is heard from as Matthew and Jocelyn's baby kicks in her womb for the first time.  All that is left now is for Matthew & Jocelyn and Michael & Madge to get married.

“Lost & Found” (Revised), Ch.  20 (PG-13): Double Weddings

The Tuesday morning of December 23rd dawns brightly on Matthew & Jocelyn’s and Madge & Michael’s wedding day—with new fallen snow glistening pristinely everywhere.  To observe custom—and so that the grooms would not see their bride’s gowns before the wedding—Matthew spent the night with Madge.  And Michael spent the night in his own flat above the pub.  You see, though they have not broadcast this fact, Michael and Madge have been living together ever since Matthew moved to his own flat. 

So at 10:15am, Matthew accompanies Madge to the church—after helping her with all of the tiny buttons on the back of her wedding gown, and Michael picks up Jocelyn in a taxi.  Arriving at the church, both men head to see the Vicar so as not to see their ladies in their wedding gowns until the moment that they walk up the aisle toward them.  The church is lovingly and tastefully decorated with two large vases of roses and stephanotis at the altar and roses and ribbons at each pew end facing the center aisle.

And then, the moment they have all been waiting for arrives.  Surrounded by their closest family, friends, and colleagues, Matthew and Jocelyn, and Madge and Michael’s wedding ceremony begins.  The Vicar and the two men—Matthew and Michael in their dark blue wedding suits stand eagerly at the end of the center aisle, waiting for their brides to appear one at a time.  The organist who had been playing incidental music switches over to Jeremiah Clarke’s Trumpet Voluntary [(2)]and Madge moves from the side of the sanctuary’s foyer to stand at the beginning of the church aisle at the back of the church. 

Madge is wearing an ivory satin gown with a fitted bodice overlaid with lace and delicately trimmed with small pearls along the edging with a full satin skirt with no ornamentation on it.  Madge’s hair is swept up in a loose bun and she is wearing the lace veil that Jocelyn had received from the wedding gown shop, because Jocelyn decided not to wear a veil.  Madge’s bridal bouquet is comprised of the lovely ivory colored stephanotis flower with long tendrils of flowers falling about one foot down from the center of the bouquet.  Both Madge and her flowers are breathtaking and Michael beams with pride and love at his sweet Madge as she walks toward him.  When Madge is at Michael’s side and they clasp hands, it is time for Jocelyn to walk down the aisle. 

Moving to stand at the head of the center sanctuary aisle, Matthew pauses in reflection [(3) right] before he lifts his gaze to seek out his bride, Jocelyn.  The church sanctuary doors had been closed briefly again after Madge’s entrance and walk down the aisle.  And now the verger opens the sanctuary doors and Jocelyn moves to stand in the center of the entrance to the church sanctuary.

The organist switches music to a variation of Trumpet Voluntary as Jocelyn stands with slightly nervous anticipation at the beginning of the aisle at the back of the church, her amazed to see that so many friends and colleagues from her university and Matthew’s postal center--as well as many of Madge’s clients and Michael’s patrons--were able to join them today. 

Jocelyn’s head slightly dips sweetly demurely [(4) right]   in looking at and seeing only her love Matthew waiting for her at the other end of the aisle.  They smile sweetly at each other. Very soon, they will be wed and begin their lives together.  Seeing a look of expectation upon everyone’s faces--including Matthew’s face--Jocelyn looks to Madge already standing up front. Madge smiles and nods encouragingly at Jocelyn.  Then Jocelyn begins to walk toward Matthew.  Jocelyn is wearing her ivory rose satin and lace dream wedding gown that has an empire waist with a sweetheart neckline and bow below the bodice. Even if she weren’t pregnant, Jocelyn thinks that she would have chosen this gown for it’s elegance and prettiness.  Matthew is overcome with Jocelyn’s lovely, elegant, and romantic wedding look. 

Jocelyn is not wearing a veil, but she has her hair styled in a romantic updo twist with her hair loosely clasped in a bun at the back of her head with antique silver pins holding it in place.  They are the something old.  Her dress is the something new.  The strand of pearls she wears are something borrowed--from her friend, Lucy Baldridge, whom Jocelyn nods and smiles at as she passes her down the aisle.  And Jocelyn’s something blue is only for Matthew’s eyes, later. And Jocelyn also has small lily of the valley flowers interspersed sparingly near the base of the  bun as her hair’s soft tendril curls romantically frame her face.  Jocelyn’s bridal bouquet flowers are ivory pink roses tightly wrapped together with an ivory satin ribbon. 

Matthew smiles adoringly at Jocelyn and she at him--their loving tenderness for each other witnessed by their friends in attendance at their wedding.  And  Jocelyn is spellbound by Matthew’s breathtaking handsomeness in his elegant blue suit and Windsor knotted tie. Matthew is old school, and Jocelyn loves that about him.  Jocelyn and Matthew look like quite the romantic couple--with loving eyes only for each other.

During her walk down the aisle, Jocelyn feels that time is suspended as she is enveloped in a soft romantic glow, as each pew’s aisle  candles festooned with ivory colored ribbons light her way down the aisle.  When Jocelyn reaches Matthew, they tenderly clasp hands--their futures soon to be lovingly and happily entwined together.

Then both bridal couples look forward at the vicar as their wedding vows begin.

Vicar Nelson:  Vicar Nelson smiles warmly at both wedding couples before he begins the wedding ceremony.   “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love of Matthew & Jocelyn and the love of Michael & Madge in the sight of God.   Marriage is not an estate to be entered into lightly.  If anyone can show just cause why either of these two couples may not be joined in marriage, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.” 

After pausing and no one comes forward, the vicar continues.

Vicar Nelson:  “Will each couple face each other and clasp hands?  Marjorie Ann Drake, do you take this man, Michael Scott Ferguson, to be your lawfully, wedded husband?”

Madge:  “I do.”

Vicar Nelson:  “Michael Scott Ferguson, do you take this woman, Marjorie Ann Drake, to be your lawfully, wedded wife?”

Michael:  “I doo.”

Then the Vicar repeats the same promises for Matthew and Jocelyn.

Vicar Nelson:  “Jocelyn Eileen Burrows, do you take this man, Matthew Charles Drake, to be your lawfully, wedded husband?

Jocelyn:  “I do.”  Jocelyn gazes lovingly into Matthew’s eyes.

Vicar Nelson:  “Matthew Charles Drake, do you take this woman, Jocelyn Eileen Burrows, to be your lawfully, wedded wife?”

Matthew:  “I do.”  Matthew gazes at Jocelyn adoringly.

Then, the couples turn back to looking forward at the Vicar as he gives his wedding homily—still clasping one of their hands together.

Vicar Nelson:  “Both of these couples have a deep and sustaining love for each other.  For Madge & Michael, that has meant twenty years of faithfulness that brings them to this their wedding today.  For Matthew & Jocelyn, they are embarking on their lives together as husband and wife at the beginning of their lives—with all the hope and promise that brings to them.  For the love that these couples’ share, we their friends and family are gladdened by their love and commitment to each other.  May their happiness together only increase from this day forward.”   Both wedding couples smile at the Vicar.

Vicar Nelson:  “These two couples—Michael & Madge and Matthew & Jocelyn have chosen a spiritually meaningful scripture passage from the bible from 1st Corinthians, versus 1-13” [(5) below]:  

“1If I speak in the tongues [a] of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames [b], but have not love, I gain nothing.

 4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

 8Love never fails. …

 13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

Then it is time for the wedding vows [(6)].   And as prearranged, the couples will say their vows to each other simultaneously—without direction from the vicar—to save time and to make them flow more smoothly since this is a double wedding.

Madge & Michael:  I Marjorie/Michael, take you Michael/Marjorie to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife.  To have and to hold from this day forward.  For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer.  In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, til death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance, and thereto I give thee my troth.”

Then it is Matthew and Jocelyn’s turn to say their vows together.

Matthew and Jocelyn:  “I Matthew/Jocelyn take you  Jocelyn/Matthew to be my lawfully wedded wife/husband.  To have and to hold from this day forward.  For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer.  In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, til death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance, and thereto I give thee my troth.”

Vicar Nelson:  “The giving and the receiving of rings by the bride and groom is a constant reminder of their love and faithfulness to each other—an unbroken circle of their love for one another.”   He hands each couple their rings for each other.

Matthew and Jocelyn:  “Take this ring in token and in pledge of my undying devotion and love for you.”   They slip their rings on each other’s fingers.

Michael and Madge:  “Take this ring in token and in pledge of my undying devotion and love for you.”   They slip their rings on each other’s fingers.


Vicar Nelson:  “Before we close our service today, our grooms Michael and Matthew have a special surprise for their brides.”  Then the vicar looks up in the choir loft where the organist is now seated at the piano and she begins to play the familiar and lilting romantic melody from the musical Camelot, “If ever I would leave you” [(7) video in right sidebar].    

Michael and Matthew, holding their lovely brides in their arms, begin to sing the song to their brides with their velvety baritone voices singing in unison

Matthew and Michael:  “If ever I would leave you. It wouldn't be in Summer.  Seeing you in Summer I never would go. Your hair streaked with sun-light, Your lips red as flame, Your face with a lustre that puts gold to shame!”

Both Madge and Jocelyn are mesmerized by their loves singing such a sentimental and heartfelt song to them and they begin to tear up as they gaze into their lovers’ eyes.

Matthew and Michael:  “But if I'd ever leave you, How could it be in Autumn. How I'd leave in Autumn I never would know. I've seen how you sparkle.  When fall nips the air.  I know you in Autumn.  And I must be there.”

Now the grooms are tearing up, as they gaze lovingly at their brides.  But their voices do not quiver as they share the tender meaning of the song with their lovely brides.

Matthew and Michael:  “And could I leave you running merrily through the snow?  Or on a Wintry evening when you catch the fire's glow?”

For the final verse of the song, Matthew and Michael gently pull their brides closer to them as they sing the crescendo in volume and intensity.

Matthew and Michael:  “If ever I would leave you, how could it be in Spring-time?  Knowing how in Spring I'm bewitched by you so?  Oh, no! Not in Spring-time!  Summer, Winter or Fall!  No, never could I leave you, at all!”  Then they repeat.  “If ever I would leave you, how could it be in Spring-time?  Knowing how in Spring I'm bewitched by you so?  Oh, no! Not in Spring-time!  Summer, Winter or Fall!  No, never could I leave you, at all!” 

Their lovely  baritones crescendo into a resoundingly lovely finale, Matthew and Michael finish singing the romantic song and you could hear a pin drop in the church.  Matthew & Jocelyn and Michael & Madge continue to gaze lovingly at each other.  Then, the vicar solemnizes their marriage ceremony.

Vicar Nelson:  “In as much as Michael & Madge and Matthew & Jocelyn have consented to be joined together in holy wedlock, by the vows that we have witnessed today--and that they have declared the same by the giving and receiving of rings--I pronounce that they be husbands and wives together.    Grooms, you may kiss your brides.”

And the grooms each lean down and kiss their brides sweetly, tenderly, adoringly, and lovingly for several minutes.  Then, as the couples’ faces part, they gaze lovingly at each other again.

Vicar Nelson:  “And now, it is my pleasure to introduce to you Michael & Madge Ferguson, and Matthew & Jocelyn Drake.” 

The wedding guests erupt in applause as the two couples walk down the aisle to the back of the church.  The two now married couples are met by the Vicar and they sign their respective wedding certificates—and witness the other couple’s wedding certificate.  Then, Michael & Madge and Matthew & Jocelyn greet their guests filing out before taking pictures in the church and then heading to Michael’s Pub for their reception.


Whether a bride is thirty years old as in Jocelyn’s case--or fifty years old as in Madge’s case--her wedding day is one of the most special days of her life.  And so it is for Jocelyn and Madge today.  And not to forget the loving sentiment that the grooms declared personally for their brides in song, Matthew and Michael also treasure their wedding day.  So, it is with joy in their hearts, that Matthew & Jocelyn and Madge & Michael celebrate their wedding at their wedding reception with their closest, family, friends, and colleagues at Michael’s pub.

Michael:  Raising his champagne glass, Michael toasts their guests. “On behalf of Madge & I, and Matthew & Jocelyn, we thank ye forrrr coming today forrr ourrr weddings.”   Madge and Matthew and Jocelyn smile and nod.

Matthew:  His arm protectively around Jocelyn’s waist, Matthew adds.  “We hope you enjoy yourselves as we walk around the room greeting you.”

Then tinkling glassware signals the universal wedding guest request for the brides and grooms to kiss.  And they do so with loving abandon.  A practice that will happen often during the reception.

Jocelyn:  “I love you so Mathew.”   She caresses his face, the face of her love and the father of their child to be born in the Spring.

Matthew:  “I love you so Jocelyn.”   Matthew embraces Jocelyn, romantically enclosing her in his arms and kissing her tenderly.  Jocelyn quite enjoys her first kisses as a married lady.

Not to be outdone, the very excited Michael follows Matthew’s lead--though a bit more boisterously.

Michael:  “Ye  arrre finally all mine, Lassie.”  Michael says lovingly as he pulls Madge close to him and kisses her heartily.

Madge:  Blushing profusely after their kissing, Madge sighs. “Oh Michael.”  And he embraces her tenderly in his arms for another kiss.

More glass tinkling ensues and Matthew also kisses his Jocelyn again adoringly and lovingly--and more clapping and cheering ensues.

Their guests clap and cheer mightily for each couple’s heartfelt display of emotion.  Lucy Baldridge has a tear in her eye that she dabs at with her fine linen hankie, before rushing over to warmly embrace Jocelyn and Matthew in congratulations.

Throughout the buffet luncheon reception, there are the usual activities of toasts and cake cutting and first dance and such.  But, it is the bridal bouquet and garter tossing that garners the most interest among the single young people in the crowd.  And, it is a little amusing—perhaps fateful—that Matthew’s former Speech Therapist, Marcia Glass and their Vicar Nelson Marshall catch the bouquet and garter, respectively.  This causes paroxysms of giggles among the wedding reception attendees.  But, Marcia and Vicar Nelson then gamely dance together as proscribed by wedding festivities traditions.  It turns out that the thirty somethings Marcia and Vicar Nelson dance quite well together and go on to chat with each other the rest of the evening.  Hmmm.  Thinks Matthew & Jocelyn and Madge & Michael. 

Then all too soon, it is time for the wedding couples to say their farewells to their guests and head to their respective honeymoon wedding nights.

To be continued with Chapter 21

“Lost & Found” (Revised), Ch. 20  References for Wattpad, Dec. 10, 2014 Gratiana Lovelace

1)“Lost & Found” title graphic representing Matthew is an artistic blurring of a portrait of the Spooks character Lucas North (as portrayed by British actor Richard Armitage) found at http://www.richardarmitagenet.com/images/gallery/Spooks/Spooks9/album/episode2/album/slides/2_199.html

2)   Video of an instrumental organ version of Trumpet Voluntary by Jeremiah Clarke (right) was found at http://vimeo.com/22612930   “Trumpet Voluntary by Jeremiah Clarke performed by Donald Dumbler, Organist, St. Patrick's Cathedral”  ; for more about this work, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremiah_Clarke

3)   Image of Matthew in his Wedding suit (sized)  is Richard Armitage in a 2013 portrait by  photographer Sarah Dunn  found at http://www.sarahdunnphoto.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/RA_HOBBIT_SHOT005_002-540x720.jpg; to view more off Sarah’s portraiture, you may also visit her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sarah-Dunn-Photography/293600401093?fref=photo

4)    Image of Jocelyn in her wedding gown is a   composite manip of:
a)  Kate Beckinsale’s head found at:  Jocelyn’s Wedding hair updo is Kate Becksale found at  http://www.glamour.com/images/beauty/2013/05/kate-beckinsale-side-bun-hairstyle-hair-part-h724.jpg; and
b)  Jocelyn’s empire waisted ivory rose lace over ivory rose satin wedding gown was found at http://www.shopweddingdress.co.uk/upfile/Wedding%20Dresses/Maternity%20Wedding%20Dresses/Short%20Sleeves%20Empire%20Lace%20Maternity%20Bride%20Wedding%20Dresses.jpg

5) The quote from 1st Corinthians 13 was found at http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+13&version=NIV

6) General Wedding Vows were excerpted from The Book of Common Prayer, “According to the use of The Episcopal Church”, Church Publishing Incorporated, NewYork,1979.

7)“If Ever I Would Leave You”, song with Robert Goulet singing as Lancelot from the musical Camelot–by Lerner and Loewe–found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwfYHVJHMOA in a video by catman916; lyrics  were found at http://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/camelot/ifeveriwouldleaveyou.htm

“Lost & Found” (Revised), Ch. 20 Images for Wattpad, Dec. 10, 2014 Gratiana Lovelace



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