Yes, Sir?-BoyXBoy

Von c_m_fairbanks

7.6K 312 77

Austin is the new music teacher at Bellevue High. Oli loves music class. He is know as the the bully, just to... Mehr

Warnings and Stuffs Reload
~18~ Finalle


1K 32 27
Von c_m_fairbanks

I shut my locker and made my way to my favorite class, music. I'm Oli. Im you're stereotypical bully, but for a different reason. I'm gay and no one knows. I want to keep it that way. I pulled at the sleeves of my jumper and walked into the class 'Mr.Carlile' was written on the board.

I looked at said teacher and damn he was hot. He had blackish brown hair, tattoos covered his body. His back was turned to the board but I could see his black skinny jeans, hugging his perfect ass in all the right places, and navy blue converse. He probably has brown eyes and a flawless face. I took my seat so if he stood right in front of me I would get a good look at his ass.

He turned around and, damn, I was right. He had a Misfits shirt on and people started coming in. "Everyone settle down." Mr. Carlile commanded. Damn his voice was hot. I would be lying if I said it didn't give me a slight boner.

"I'm Mr. Carlile, you're new music teacher. I'm only twenty. If you have any questions, let me know."

"Are you gay?" One kid asked.

"Um, bi." He answered.

"What type of guy gives the best sex?"

"British ones." He replied. This caught my attention.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" A girl asked.

"No. My fiancee broke up with me. Well, I broke up with her. She cheated on me." He explained.

"Guys, stop asking him questions. Let's just get on with class." I commanded. He shot me a small smile and I slumped back in my seat, returning the smile.

"Shut it, Oliver." Trinity, my ex, said.

"Fuck you. At least my blowjobs don't suck. Stupid Bitch." I retorted.

"Whatever." She sighed in defeat.

Mr. Carlile came over. "Detention. That language is not allowed." He said quietly. "Stay after class."

"Yes, sir." I said.

He walked away and started class. He talked about the scales and shit, me making sexual comments. It was last class so I packed up slowly. He motioned me over one everyone was gone. I walked over.

"What's your name?"

"Oliver. Call me Oli, sir." I answered.

"Okay, Oli. Why'd you call her a bitch?"

"She's my ex. She broke up with me for the star of the football team. Cheer captain always dates the football star." I responded. I tugged at my sleeves and he got up.

"What happened?" He asked as he brushed his fingers over my cheek.

"Nothing." I lied.

"Something happened, Oli." He said sternly.

"It's fine." I lied. He rubbed the makeup off, revealing the purple mark my father had left the night before. He's beat me ever since he found out I was gay.

"Oli...Who did this? I demand an answer."

"I can't tell you."

"Oliver whatever your last name is-"

"Sykes. Oliver Scott Sykes."

"Oliver Scott Sykes tell me now."

"I'm sorry. I can't." I said, getting annoyed. He sighed and rubbed it again, backing away. "What's your name, sir?"

"Austin." He answered.

"Nice to meet you Austin."

"You too, Oli. Will I be seeing a lot of you in detention?"

"Depends on if you want me here or not. Im not the nicest person."

"I can tell." He whispered.

"Rude." I said, jumping on the desk.

"Why aren't you nice?"

"I have a secret I have to keep. This secret isn't to be told. This secret is something only two people know. This secret is to never to be exposed, sir." I answered.

"Who are those two people?"

"My parents and a different ex." I replied, looking at my hands.

"Why is this so bad?"

"Because no one can know. It'll put me in my bad place. It'll make it worse than it already is."

"Oli, what's the secret? This doesn't sound healthy."

"You can't tell anyone. Between you and I. No one else." I demanded. He nodded. "I'"

"Why's that bad?"

"My mum is catholic. My father is catholic. I hate everything related to god, including him. My brother passed away last year, sending me into a bad place. One night stands, drinking, drugs, everything. I have a lot of tattoos I got illegally." I explained.

"Can I see them?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I also started self harming and burning. I don't let anybody see that. Sorry, sir."

"About this ex. What's his name?"

"Josh. I thought he was the best thing that ever happened to me. Turns out, he was using me for drugs and money and sex."

"So this all happened after your brother passed?"

"Yeah. He was my best friend." I mummbled. I closed my eyes, holding the tears back.

My hands started shaking and flashbacks. The flashbacks of the car crash. The car crash I survived and he didn't.

"You shouldn't have lived. You're worthless. You should've died." My father spat at me when I told him.

My cheeks were wet and I was scratching at my arms furiously. "Oli, snap out of it." Austin said, snapping his fingers. He grabbed my wrist and I looked up. "It's okay. You'll be fine. I promise."

I nodded and hugged him. He hugged back and I smiled. I opened my eyes and stared at his ass. Damn. That's a nice ass. He pulled back and I grabbed my bag.

I still had thirty minutes left, so I took my song book out and started writing. I had half of a song called Drown done. "What're you writing?" He asked from his desk. I was staring at it intently, thinking of a melody and more lyrics.

"Nothing. Just something I wrote."

"Like a song?" He questioned.

"Yeah." I simply answered. He came over and sat beside me.

"So is that what you wanna do? Be in a band?"

"Yeah. I am. I scream and sing, sir." I answered.

"May I?" He motioned to my notebook. I nodded my head soon after and gave it to him. He started looking through them. "Tell Slaten Not To Wash His Dick?"

"Don't question me." I retorted. He chuckled and continued looking. My phone started ringing, I'm Weird by Ghost Town, and I sighed. I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Where are you, Oli? We have band practice."

"Shit. I got detintion." I answered.

"What about your dad?"

"He gets out at five. Detention ends at five. It takes him three minutes to get home. So basically I have to run home. I'm so sorry."

"It's all right bro. We understand."

"Thank you." I said.

"No problem. See ya."

"Bye." I put my phone down. "God damnit." I muttered.

"Calm down." Austin said and massaged ny shoulders. When did he get behind me?

"I'm lucky I used to do track." I pointed out.

"I could give you a ride. We could leave right now."

"Thank you, sir." I hopped off the desk and hugged him, kissing his cheek.

We grabbed our stuff and went to his car. A blue mustang with white stripes. We got in and I directed him to my house. About one street away I told him to stop.

"They'll see the car and get suspicious. I'll just have to run. Why is my dad there? Fuck!" I yelled the last word. I got out and ran to the hell I call home.

I saw Austin watching me and I put my messenger bag on my shoulder. I climbed up the rose thing that was below my window. I climbed onto my balcony and tested my door, locked. Fuck me.

I tested my window and it was locked. I climbed back down, leaving my bag, and walked in the front door. My mum and dad were sitting on the couch together.

"Hey, bud." My dad said, looking at me.

"Um, hi." I stuttered, in awe.

"We want to run something past you." I walked over to a seperate chair, closest to the stairs and farthest from them.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Family therapy. You can...speak your mind. I was looking around and someone can take us after school." My mum offered.

"I get detention too much. What if I had band practice?"

"Band?" My father questioned.

"Yeah. I'm in a band. It's what I wanna do with my life. Be in a band. Travel the world. Make music."

"Oliver, you have no talent. How are you in a band?" He retorted.

"Wow. Thanks." I mumbled and got up. "If we do family therapy, I'll say stuff you won't like. We'll come home, I'll get beat, and you'll carry on with your marry life. If church taught me one thing, it was that I shouldn't get beat." I sassed.

"That's not true. We beat you because your a little gay faggot." My father spat.

"If you had a daughter and she liked girls, would you hit her?" I asked.

"No. Shes a girl. It's common for girls to look at girls that way." He answered.

"You're so fucking sexist." I yelled.

"Don't use that language. That is a sin." He yelled. He got up and punched me in my jaw. He gave me the worst beating I have ever endured, kicking and punching and slapping and spitting.

"SO IS BEATING YOUR KID!" I yelled. "I'm done. So fucking done." I ran up the stairs and locked myself in my room. I grabbed a duffle bag and shoved some of my stuff in it.

I grabbed my keys, so I could get more stuff later, and my bag from the balcony. I took my phone, headphones, and iPod. I padded down the stairs and walked out, slamming the door. I limped to Lee Malia's house. He was in our band and his mum loved me. Probably more than my own. It's kinda sad.

I knocked on the door and walked in, I'm allowed. "Lee?" I asked.

"Oli?" He yelled back.

"Yeah." I said as he walked in with his mum.

"Oh jeez. What happened Hun?" His mum asked as she walked over and touched my already forming bruises.

"My father."

"Come sit. I'll clean you up and you can tell us what happened." So we did.

I got cleaned up and told them what happened. "Mum, can he just move in with us?"

"We can't do that. I'm sorry, Oli." She said sympathetically.

"It's okay." I reassured. She gave me a sad smile but I brushed it off. "I promise."

"Why not?"

"We don't have enough money. We aren't doing well as it is."

"It's fine. Seriously." I promised.

"Thanks Lee. You too, Kalel." I said and hugged them.

"Cmon. I'll make dinner." She announced as my phone started ringing. I took it out and answered it as they went to the kitchen. I stepped outside, sitting on the steps.

"Where are you, Oli?" My mum's frantic voice came through.

"A friend's house. Just leave me alone. You've done enough already."

"Oliver, I demand you come home right this instant."

"So I can be beat? So I can be tourtured in the hell I call a home? So I can lock myself in my room just so I don't have to interact with you? So I can blame myself for Matthew's death? So you can tell me how fucked up I am? I hate that fucking house and I don't give two shits about my language either. I hate God. I hate anything to do with that. Ever since Matthew died you've been God this God that. It's fucking annoying. He isn't going to bring back your dead son just because you fucking think you need him. You have another son that you fucking hate and that you think is a piece of shit. You don't know the shit I've done since his death. He was my best friend and I saw him die. Do you know how hard that was? I'm glad I survived so he wouldn't have gotten beat. I miss him so much. He knew everything. Guess what? He knew I was gay as fuck and didn't give two shits. Tell me I'll burn in hell. I don't care." I ranted.

"What do you mean we don't know what you do?" She asked.

"Course that's all you care about. Want us to look like the perfect family. God forbid we look bad to society. I don't give a fuck." I said and hung up. I buried my head in my hands and sighed.

"Oli, what's wrong?" Someone asked. I looked up and saw Austin.

"Nothing. Just parents, sir."

"You had a pretty nice rant going on. We aren't burning in hell. Don't worry. Pretty vulgar language though."

"We aren't in school. Therefore you aren't my teacher. I can suck your dick at anytime. Just say the word, sir." I teased, sort of serious though.

"Oli, we're still a teacher and student."

"I wonder how dominate you would be. Probably really hot and demanding. I bet you like it rough and fast." I said, accent revealing itself.

"You're British?"

"Yeah. Lived in the UK until I was 16. My accent comes out sometimes."

"I like it."

"You did say British sex was the best. Wanna test that therory?"

"Maybe after you graduate." He mumbled.

"You have a house and a dick. I have an ass that's waiting to be fucked." I pointed out. He shot me a playful glare and grabbed my phone.

"I gotta get home. Text me if you need anything."

"Thanks. See you later, sir." I replied. He smiled at me and I returned it as he walked away.

I got up and went inside. I limped to the bathroom and pulled my makeup out. I put makeup on some of my bruises and changed my lip ring. I put it up and went to the kitchen.

"So I was in detintion and wrote another song." I said to Lee, grabbing my notebook.

"Really? Can I see?" He asked. I handed it to him and he read over it. "This is really good. I'm serious."


"I swear you've written enough songs for four albums." He exaggerated.

"Leave me alone." I joked. He gave it back and I saw Kalel smirking. "I feel like we'll be sucsessful."

"I know you will. You have talent." She added.

"Thanks mum." Lee smiled.

There was a knock on the door and I walked to it. I saw Austin on the other side and opened the door. "Who's at the door, Hun?" Kalel asked from the kitchen.

"No one. I got it." I said. I turned and saw Lee smirking at me. "Lee. Leave." I demanded. He chuckled and walked to the living room. I stepped outside and Austin pouted. "He's not my boyfriend. Don't worry."

He chuckled. "Why was someone calling you Hun? I don't like it."

"Lee's mum." I said as I trailed my hand over his arm. "Don't worry. Lee is my best friend."

"So who fucked you? You have a limp."

"More like who fucked my body up. My father. You could always make it worse." I offered.

"I think this is a little inappropriate, Oliver."

"I don't do appropriate, sir." I taunted.

"I can see." He said and put his hand beside my head. I smirked.

"Didn't think you would cave that easily. I was looking for a challange."

"Oh I haven't caved. I came here for the job. Not to fall in love with my students." He retorted.

"You don't have to love me to fuck me."

"I kinda like to know someone and be in love with them before I tap that ass." He replied.

"What's tomorrow? Friday. If my idiot parents didn't set up family therapy, then I'll take the car and we can go to the next town over. We can spend the weekend there, get to know each other." I offered.

"Sure. Family therapy?"

"Yeah. They asked me if it was okay with me. Not like they care. I flipped out, got beat, then left. Now I'm here. Talking to this amazing man that, sadly, is my teacher."

"I'm talking to this amazing boy who is sadly my student." He replied.

Lee opened the door and smirked. "Fucking the music teacher already, Oliver?" He taunted.

"Shut your trap." I said.

"Oh. He didnt cuss at me. Where did Oli go? What have you done with him."

"Seriously. Shut the fuck up, you little shit."

"Theres the Oli I know." I glared at him and he shut the door, leaving. Austin gave me an amused look and I shrugged.

"So you cuss a lot?"

"I cuss even more in bed." I answered, biting my lip. He smiled.

"I'm sure you do." He answered.

"Maybe you'll find out soon."

"Maybe." He agreed. "I gotta go. See ya tomorrow."

"Mkay. Make sure you're ready."

"Got it." He said and gazed into my eyes quickly. He moved his arm and smiled again. "Bye, Oli."

"Bye, Aus." I said as he walked away. I bit my lip. I walked back in the house and went upstairs. I went to his mum's room and set some money on her dresser.

I always give her money when I stay here and I always take it from my father. I went back down stairs and she shot me a look as I sat down.

"You know what I did, Kalel." I said, forgetting to hide my accent. Lee chocked on his drink and she looked at me.

"You're British?!" He yelled.

"Yeah. Lived in Sheffield until I was sixteen. Moved here. Brother died last year." I answered. "My mum and dad are pure British."

"I've always wanted a British friend." Lee exclaimed.

"I always hid my accent. It never really went away."

"This is so cool."

I rolled my eyes and sat on the island stool. I fished my phone from my pocket and started playing a game. My phone vibrated as I set it down. I looked at the screen, my mum.

Mum:We have family therapy tomorrow. Do not get detiontion.


Mum:Oliver, its for the best.

Oli:The best would be getting your asses in jail. Fuck off you stupid bitch.

Mum:Oliver. What you are is a sin. What you're doing is a sin.

Oli:So being myself is a sin? Blaming me for Matthew's death isnt a sin? Beating me isn't a sin? Putting me through hell and back isn't a sin? Just fuck off and go suck Lyle's dick or something.

I put my phone in my pocket as Kalel put a plate in front of me. "Thanks, Kalel."

"No problem, Hun." She responded with a smile.

"I would much rather have your mum than mine." I said to Lee.

"Yeah. She's pretty awesome. I just wish that you didn't have to live with those assholes."

"There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it. There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret." I said.

"That would be a good album title." Kalel commented.

"He always says that. We've told him countless times." Lee mentioned.

"We heard Oli was here!" Jordan, one of my bandmates, yelled.

"Where else? We all know Kalel is the best." I pointed out as I ate.

"Thanks, Oli."

"Woah. Whats up with the sudden accent?" Jordan asked, looking shocked. Everyone was shocked.

"I hide it." I said with no accent. "I lived in Sheffield for sixteen years. I didn't transfer. I moved." I continued with an accent.

"So thats why you call us mate and spell stuff weird?" Matt N asked.

"I dont spell it weird. Just how I learned." I replied.

Mum: Oliver, come home. Right now.

I groaned and got up. "My mum is being a bitch. I gotta go. Ill see you tomorrow. Sorry we couldnt do band practice. Lee knows I wrote a new song."

"Its okay. We can look it over at lunch." Jordan replied. I hugged Kalel and thanked her. She just smiled. I hugged the guys and grabbed my bag.

"Bye guys." I yelled as I left. I started limping home, preparing myself for hell.

I stepped onto the deck and took a deep breath. I walked in and bolted for the stairs. I went up them and locked myself in my room. I quickly did my homework and went to sleep.


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