Three Werewolves, Three Boys

Av rebeccaphaup

753 30 7

this is my first time making a story so yea it's gonna be cringy i know 😂 all i can say is that im trying an... Mer

chapter 1 "lockers"
chapter 2 "mall meeting"
chapter 3 "kidnappers"
chapter 4 "the dress"
chapter 5 "the huge wolf"
chapter 6 "visitors"
chapter 7 "truth or dare"
chapter 8 "the girlfriend"
chapter 9 "haunted house talk"
chapter 10 "movie"
chapter 11 "pretty boy"
chapter 12 "skeleton"
chapter 13 "star bucks"
chapter 14 "the question"
chapter 15 "werewolves"
chapter 16 "Alexander"
chapter 17 "not human"
chapter 18 "new student"
chapter 19 "Get to it"
chapter 20 "your rump?"
chapter 21 "Secret"
chapter 22 "otters"
authors note
Chapter 24 "cracker barrel"
Chapter 25 "a lot nicer"
Chapter 26 "Honest."
chapter 27 "even if you do have a gun"
chapter 28 "Jaylyn"
chapter 29 "cool name"
chapter 30 "Ivory"
Chapter 31 "hello"

chapter 23 "cousin"

17 1 0
Av rebeccaphaup

Jay's P.O.V

My phone rang "hello?" I answered

"Hey Jay" my dad's voice came through the phone

"What you need?" I asked looking at the otter paddock then at Adien, i was really confused

"Just letting you know the business trip got cut short so were on the way back home now, i already called Zack and told him, he said he was about to video chat you"

"Ah ok well me and Everyone else went to the zoo and Adien's little sister got sick so his mom brought her back so she wont get sick and shes at the butter fly exhibit, so i will go and get her and we should be back in about an hour from now"

"Ok that's all i wanted"

"Alright bye"

"Bye" he hung up

"Ok so we got to get everyone" i ignored the otter who was still swimming in a heart shape around me and Adien "im ignoring this otter" I pointed to it

Adien laughed "the otter is cute"

"I know but i don't like what he's doing"

My phone lit up, my brother was video chatting me, i answered it "hey bro" i leaned against the railing

He moved the camera to where i could see him and Anne "you told me if i do this to let you see and im going to" Anne looked up at him from what she was doing

"Huh?" She was confused

My brother sat his phone up in a corner to where there was a big open spot on the camera "babe come stand here" he pointed to a spot not far in front of him

"Ok?" She moved in front of him

"Ok ive been meaning to do this and my sister thought it would be a good idea so im doing it" he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the box and got on one knee

Anne gasped and started crying "Anne your the love of my life and i wouldn't know what to do with out you so" he opened the box "will you marry me"

Adien peeked over my shoulder wide eyed "he proposing" he whispered

"I know now shut up" i whispered back to him

"Yes of course yes" she stepped towards my brother and hugged him, kissing him on the lips while he wrapped his arms around her. After they finished my brother put the ring on her finger and wrapped his arm around her and looked back at his phone

"Hey Adien" he smiled to my friend

"Hey Zack" Adien greeted "and congrats"

"Thanks" my brother hugged Anne, he started laughing "Jay you and Adien has a friend watching"

"What?" We looked at each other before it clicked

"oh the otter" I turned and pointed to it

"I forgot about the otter" Adien watched the otter swim around

"Yeah this otter has been swimming in a heart shape around me and Adien and i do not like it very much" i looked back at my phone, my brother and Anne laughed this time

"Hey Guys" Lexi and Ryder walked up holding hands with Rose and Drake following

"Hey" i turned my phone towards them

"Hey Zack" Lexi waved at him

He waved back "hey"

"The otter i-"

"Don't even say it, i already know" i cut Rose off

"Shes not happy about it either" Adien pointed to me

"The otter is cute though" my brother spoke, i turned the phone back towards me

"I agree" i looked at the otter then back at my brother "im gonna get off i gotta go get Lily from the butter flys"

"Alright Bye"

"Bye sis-in-law" Anne spoke up finally

"Bye Anne" i said before i hung up

"Ok now to find Lily in a room of butter flys"


"But first" i got on my camera and stuck my tongue out taking a picture of me and the otter "ok we can go" i turned off my phone

"Of course Jay" Lexi wrapped her arm around me, as i laughed


At the butter flys


"Yes sissy" Lily ran around the corner and straight up to me

"Dad said his business trip got cut short so there on the way back home now"

"So we have to leave?"


Once they were back home

"Hey" my dad opened the door, holding it for Skylar

"Hey dad" I watch him shut the door As Rose, Drake, Lexi and Ryder slept on the couch. While I sat in my dad's chair and Adien sat on the love seat

"So i have a surprise" My father stood behind the couch looking at me


"You have some cousins from my sisters side of the family that I want you and your brother along with Lily to meet"

"How old?"

"The boy is 31 and the girl is 17"

"Damn he be old"

"He doesn't look it though"

"What do they look like?"

"Ok Jason is 31 with dark brown hair with blue eyes with green flakes, and Castle is 17 with solid black hair with green eyes" he locked eyes with me "she acts a lot like you and she has a fighting spirit and hangs out with boys just like you"

"Is she like me"

"He just said that" Skylar came out from the kitchen

"He knows what i mean"

"No she isn't like you in that way but she has a good since of hearing and smell and what i mean by that is she knows the smell of blood"

"The smell of blood is easy to pick up but not for many"

"Can anyone tell me what your being so secret about" Skylar hit the wall with her rag

"Fine" i stood up and looked right at her "you really want to know"

"Yes i really want to know" she snapped at me

"Alright" i put my hands in my pockets and looked at my dad "your not gonna like how i show her but she wants to know"

"Wait do they know" he pointed to the boys

"Yes they wouldn't leave so we had to tell them"

"Yeah we were stubborn" Adien spoke, looking at my dad

"Lexi, Rose get up" i hit their legs making them jump

"Were up were up" Lexi yawned

"Skylar wont drop it so were going to have to show her"


"Ok lets go, wake up the boys first"


The boys woke up, i looked straight up and down back at Skylar "hold on" i smirked

"What do you mean?"

I snapped my fingers teleporting us to the woods, she screamed and jumped at my father landing bridle style in my dads arms "what the fuck was that!"

"Don't scream just yet" i looked over my shoulder at Rose

"This is what we have to put up with on a day to day bases" My father looked at Skylar

"Rose" i looked at her she nodded her head and jumped forwards shifting into her brown wolf with brown eyes

"What is she?"

"Me, Lexi and Rose are werewolves" I looked at Skylar while Lexi jumped forward, shifting into her gray and white wolf with brown eyes

"Werewolves?" She looked at Lexi and Rose who was sitting beside me

"Yeah" i tilted my head looking at her "my turn" i smirked watching her stare at me

I jumped forward shifting into my solid black wolf with sapphire blue eyes "woah" her eyes scanned us "i see why you don't want people knowing"

Back at the house

"Anyways" my dad looked at me "so over the week end you me Zack and Lily are going to visit them and Skylar is going to have to stay here since my sister doesn't know her"

"And im fine with staying here"

"What about Nightmare?" I pointed to him, then to Binx "well i know he's staying here unless your going to let him come"

"Yeah but Binx is going to have to stay in a cage and Nightmare will have to stay in your car"

"I think I can manage to get him in a cage" i looked over at Binx who meowed at me "i know Nightmare will stay in my car"


"Ok bett-" my dad got cut off by his phone


A few minutes later he hung up "well Castle got suspended for doing something Jay would most likely do" he looked at me

"What do you mean?"

"She started a food fight" he looked down then back at me

"Yeah that's something i would do"

"So i think were going to go today or tomorrow, my sister said she didn't care which day we came"

"Ok well how about tomorrow since its almost night"

The next day
Its Wednesday

"Ready to go?" My dad asked when me and my brother came down the stairs with back packs on our back. I had barely managed to get Binx in a cage, but some how i did it


I walked out the door holding Binx's cage, Nightmare padded along side of me wearing his collar. I opened my car door and let Nightmare jump in and climb to the passenger seat while i sat my back pack in behind the seats and sat Binx beside it "ok buddy don't worry you'll be out of there in no time" I put my finger through the bars and rubbed his head "ok so i will follow Zack, who will be following dad" i turned around facing my brother and my father

"Yep" my dad opened his truck door "lets go" he climbed in his truck starting it and backing out of our drive way, Lily was riding with him, my brother followed behind our dads truck. I followed behind my brother

I rolled down my window and the passenger window. 8 set my arm on the window seal and placed my hand on the top of my car door, my phone was connected to my car already and playing music, i hummed along with the song. We stopped at a pit stop on the way, luckily they had a spot for animals, i reached behind me and grabbed Binx's cage and sat it on my arm rest in between my seats. I opened the passenger door and let Nightmare jump out "go run around over there" i pointed to the area where all the other dogs were running around, he ran and jumped over the fence. "Ok time for Binx to roam around inside my car" i ran back to the driver door and started my car rolling the windows up not all the way but enough that he couldn't escape and enough to where he wouldn't get hot and to where he could breath

"Ok Binx you can roam around inside my car" i opened his cage door and shut my car door. I walked up to the vending machines and got a snickers bar along with a Dr.Pepper. "Hey sis dad said you better go to the bathroom because after this its just straight road and no pit stops"

"Alright" i finished my snickers bar and through away the wrapper "hold this" i handed him my pop "and don't drink it, if you want one you can spend your own dollar"

"Of course" he rolled his eyes

I ran off towards the bathroom before stopping when my phone went off, Lexi was video chatting me, i answered "Hey"

"Where are you?"

"Bathroom" i entered the bathroom

"No i mean where are you like on a map"

"Honestly no idea now im turning off the sound so i can use the restroom"


I turned off the sound and used the restroom, then washed my hands, after i walked out i seen my dad and brother looking at a map. I walked over and took my pop from my brothers hand making him look at me "hey sis"

"Hey" i turned the sound back on "here" i flipped the camera so Lexi could see the map


"Lexi video chatted me asking where i was"

"Oh ok"

"Where are you all going?"

"Here" my dad pointed to harrisburg, Illinois


"Family" i flipped the camera to face me again "welp i gotta go get Binx back in the cage and get Nightmare, which getting Nightmare will be easy"

"Ok i will let you go"


"Bye" she waved before hanging up

I walked back out sit the pit stop to see people surrounding my car, ok lets have some fun, I thought before getting out my car keys and pressing the horn making my car horn go off and people screaming. I started laughing and walked towards my car "maybe you shouldn't be surrounding my car then i wouldn't of scared you" when i got close enough i spoke to them

"Well maybe you shouldn't leave a cat in there with no way to breath" one woman turned to me

"Ok then what do you call this" i walked to the driver door and stuck my fingers in the opened part of the window and pressing them against the other side of the window "im pretty sure that's an air hole" i turned to her before taking my fingers out of the window "now leave me and my cat alone along with my dog" my dog was standing behind them

"What dog?"

"Behind you" the woman turned around and screamed when she seen Nightmare

"See Nightmare here is my dog even though he looks like a wolf"

"That cant be a dog"

I was getting irritated "well it is" i snapped "now leave" i snapped again

"Alright fine" they left, i seen my brother standing there with an amused expression

"Dumb asses thought Binx couldn't breath"

"Wow" he chuckled

"Ok kids lets go" my dad came over with Lily following him

"Ok lets go" i opened my car door and putting Binx back into his cage as Nightmare climbed inside back to the passenger side, i shut my car door

"Ok music time" i connected my phone to my car and started play Fly Away by TheFatRat

An hour has passed, my dad and brother was pretty far ahead of me but I tracked my brothers car so i wouldn't get lost from them plus with my camaro it wouldn't take long for me to catch up

Adien called me "hey pretty boy"


"What you need"

"First nice song" he paused for a second "so your going to harrisburg Illinois"

"Thanks and yeah"

"Nice wanna video chat?"


"Ok hang on" he hung up and a about a minute later he video chatted me "hello once again"

"Hello" i looked at my phone quickly before returning back to the road

"Eyes on the road"

"I know dummy" I decided it was time to catch up to my brother "ok if your using head phones then you might get ear raped"

"What do you mean by that"

"Im catching up to my brother who is about a mile away so im warning you"

"Ok i turned down my volume"

"Ok" i reached down flipping a little lever letting the roar of my car get louder while putting my car into 5th gear or race mode for what i like to call it "time to go" i smirked looking at my phone then back at the road. I pressed the gas listening to the roar of my camaro get louder as i got faster, i past a few cars, i wasn't far from my brother now

"Your car is pretty loud" i heard Adien's voice

"I know but it gets louder" i smirked once again

"How louder?"

I was on an open road with all the cars behind me "this loud" i pressed the gas letting my car get as loud as it can as i easily went around a curve in the road "im glad i have experience as a racer or else i wouldn't know how to control this car around curves" i finally caught up to my brother so i put my car back in 4th gear and flipped the switch off, Binx meowed "what wrong Binx?" He meowed again "you dont like being in a cage do you?" He meowed again but his meow sounded like the word no, i laughed at him "of course"

About a hour later i seen a big sign that said 'welcome to Harrisburg Illinois', i smirked "hello harrisburg and hello family i never knew i had". Another hour passed this time we where pulling into a house smaller than mine but not by much difference.

I seen another camaro "needs washed" i muttered to my self while opening my door stepping out of my car, I closed the door behind me. My dad was already at the door knocking, me and Zack was walking towards the porch. Zack stopped beside door leaning on the railing, i stopped beside him and put my arm on his shoulder while crossing my legs as the door opened to reveal a girl about my height with black hair and green eyes. She stepped back as i heard a woman from the kitchen, im guessing, running towards my dad eventually catching him in a hug.

"ok Castle this is my brother" the woman stepped away from my dad "and this is my daughter Castle" she introduced my dad and her daughter to each other

"Shes pretty"

"Thanks" her mother smiled, she smiled awkwardly

"Oh Castle you might get along with my oldest kids" my dad turned to her

"Depends who and how old are they?" I heard her voice

"Zack is 18 and Jay is 17" a lily pushed her way in the front "oh and this is Lily shes only 7"

"Hello" she looked down at my sister

"You look like my sissy"

"Is that good?" She asked Lily

"I don't know"

"Dad" my brother spoke

"Yeah Zack?" Dad turned around and revealed us, they looked like twins I read her mind

"What about Night and Binx" i asked my dad

"Oh yes" my dad turned back to his sister "now Jay here has a dog and a cat but her dog is" my dad looked at me then back at his sister

"He's not much of a dog" i finished for my dad

"How is that possible?" Castle spoke up locking eyes with me

"80 wolf 20 dog"

"Really that's awesome"

"Mhm wanna see him?" Castle seemed really nice


"Ok first this is Jay and this is Zack" my dad spoke before i could, she was very good at keeping a straight face, i read her mind

"and this is Castle" my dads sister spoke pointing to her daughter

"Castle get Jason" her dad spoke up

"Isn't he in the kitchen?"

"Right" her dad turned around and walked into the kitchen, soon returning with a man following

"Come on in"

"Castle has friends over so don't mind them"


"We should go anyways" someone spoke

"Yeah" someone agreed

"Alright see ya later guys" she looked over her shoulder

"See ya"

Castles friends left probably 5 minutes ago while we all sat down: i had my legs in my brothers lap while looking at the roof, my brother and Jason talked none stop, same as her parents and my father, she sat in the floor "hey Castle" i finally spoke

"Yeah?" She looked up at me

"What do you do around here?"

"Oh yeah Jay if you want you can bring Binx and Night in" my father looked at me

"Ok i think Binx wants to get out of the cage anyways and Nightmare would probably like to run around" i sat up

"Can i come?" She asked looking at me

"Sure" i stood up, she did the same

Soon we were outside "you got a Camaro too?" I asked looking at me once we were near her car


"So do I" i pointed to mine, it was solid black with white stripes going from the hood to the back

"Nice" mine was cleaned "looks better than mine"

"Yours isn't cleaned but if you clean it up it would look nice" i opened the driver door stepping back so Nightmare could jump out "this is Nightmare" he looked at her with his green eyes

"Pretty" she let him sniff her hand

"Be good Night" i rubbed his head before reaching in her car and pulling out a cat carrier "and this is Binx" i turned the cage to where she could him

"Guess you like black animals?" At first she didn't see anything until she seen a pair of yellow eyes staring at her, Binx meowed


"I didn't see him till he meowed and his eyes shown"

"Wow" i laughed

"I mean he's a black cat and since its almost dark you can barely see him"

"Yeah i understand that" i opened the cage door and reached in pulling my cat out and putting him against my chest while setting the cage back into my car, she looked down to see my wolf/dog sitting, waiting patiently.

"Ok we can go back inside now Right?" She asked me, she was getting cold

"Yeah" i laughed at her again

Once we were back inside her dog jumped the couch while she sat her cat on the floor "wow he really does look like a wolf" Castle's mom was shocked but what Castle was shocked about is that he just jumped the couch and sat down in front of my brother

Lily crawled over and started petting him before Binx padded around the couch and came into view "aw is that your cat"

"Yeah his name is Binx and he likes being him high places so he doesn't get bothered by Lily or Nightmare" after I finished speaking Binx jumped on the counter in front of the tv

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