Par isha_mhaske

7.5K 522 641

What happens when someone whom you used to call as 'bestfriend' turns out to be someone who you never thought... Plus

Author's Note 1
2.5 ROYAL?!
Announcement 1
Announcement 2
40.OH GOD!
48.OH MY MY!
Author's Note 2


108 8 13
Par isha_mhaske

Why Not Me?
~Enrique Iglesias

Escaping nights without you
with shadows on the wall .
My mind is running wild
trying hard not to fall.
You tell me that you love me
but say I'm just a friend.

My heart is broken up into piece.
'Cause I know I'll never free my soul.
It's trapped in between
true love and being alone.
When my eyes are closed
the greatest story told.
I woke and my dreams
are shattered here on the floor.

Why oh why tell me why not me?
Why oh why we were meant to be?
Baby I know I could be all you need.
Why oh why oh why?

I wanna love you.
If you only knew
how much I love you.

The day after tomorrow
I'll still be around.
To catch you when you fall and
never let you down.
You say that we're forever ,
our love will never end.
I've tried to come up
but it's drowning me to know.


Chapter 34 : MESSED UP


"What are you doing here ??" ,
I ask instantly

" Surprise ? " He says cheekily

" How did you know?"

" Lucy might have helped me " he says while scratching the back of his head , okay that was adorable...

" So hop on " he suggests

I instantly look at Ro ,
who's expression are something I can't figure out at the moment .

" Pepper Spray?" He mumbles

And I look at him like he grew
two heads ,
but end up nodding right after .

" Fine , go and
call me once you guys reach "

" Okay daddy " I squeak

" That sounds so bad "

"Please jump into a dustbin!"

" That's not very nice "

" I said 'please' , didn't I? "

Before he can come up with something savage , Marv calls me out .

" Bella?"

" Yaa , I'm coming "

Since I have a few bags ,
I keep it on the backseat itself and settle myself in the front .

Fed's car comes right after .

" Mario drive safely "

" It's Marvin "

Ro ignores him.

Expected !

" Ro we are not going to the
other side of the world "

" Whatever "

" Stop using my lines "

" Stop messing with my mind " ,
he mumbles.

" There! You did it again!" I yell

I wave my hand and he waves back .

He looks at Marvin ,
who's already looking at both of us .

I kinda expected him to give him
'the talk' but he doesn't.

" Let's go " I say

" Let's go!" Marv repeats and starts the engine .

I don't know what to say to him ?
I mean it's such a sweet gesture that someone makes efforts for you.

' Thank you? ' my inner voice says

"Thank you"

" My pleasure" he says

" By the way , is there a airport nearby or is my heart actually taking off " he says , while staring at me .

" um that's where you picked me up from" I say , pretending dumb and then look out of the window .

After a while , I extend my arm to play music and he does the same ,
our fingers collide and then we just look at each other.

" Look straight " I remind him and he obeys .

"So how were your holidays?"

"Quite good and yours?"

"Same . I returned back yesterday morning "

"Yaa , so why did you come and pick me up?"

"Truth or lie?"

"Obviously truth"

"Then let's just say I'm trying my chances"

"Marvin" I sigh

"Don't Marvin me . I know I'm cute so if not love , infatuation may definitely happen " he winks at me

I just send a forced smile in his way .

If only others knew for me being in a relationship means so damn much !
Even if I like you ,
I still won't be ready for that commitment , reason being the base of a relationship is love and till I'm not sure about my feelings ,
I'm gonna wait for the right time and the right person .

To go on a date would be fine , I suppose . I mean it's just a hang out between two people who like each other .

But still I haven't dated anyone so far . And Marvin's intentions are indicating that some or the other day , he may ask me .

I don't even know what he saw in me in the first place ?!

For the first time ever ,
my crush is actually giving me some attention and even though it feels good ,
I'm not able to ignore the feeling that if something happens between us ,
it's gonna be too soon and I don't know , it just doesn't feel right or maybe I'm just overthinking..

"For that moment , I actually thought you and Royal Miller are dating .
I was like , wasn't he in a relationship with Jessica Schulz ?
Also , that thought about you guys kinda made me jealous "

"That's why you came ?"

"Yaa , that too " he says

"Me and Royal are best friends "

"'Good for us then "

Us ? As in me and Marvin ?
What do I think about us ?

How would Ro think about us ?

Why do I get a feeling it's gonna be a messed up situation?


Yesterday night ,
I was all alone in the room.

Chris hasn't returned yet but he will arrive today by midnight .

Me and Lu had breakfast in the morning.
Harv was also going to join us
but he overslept .

Now I'm listening to Music in the dance room while I wait for Jessica to bless me with her presence .

I check my last messages and see that Ro seenzoned me , ugh .

I mean , he read my last messages
and then didn't even make efforts to send a reply .

He must be drunk and still sleeping !

I go through our yesterday's chats once again .

' I reached (: '

' Good '

' You?'

' Not yet .
Me and Fed stopped by somewhere'

'Don't drink'

'How do you know I'm somewhere drinking??'

'I didn't but now you said it yourself'

'Wait what!'

'I repeat , don't drink'

'As if I'm listening to you'

' What about your
New Year Resolution?'

Not giving it a second thought ,
I put my phone in my bag and
get ready to practice.

I start warming up and the soothing music makes it better , otherwise I'd be tired with the warm up itself .

" Someone's on time! " , I hear and straighten up .

Initially I was trying to touch my feet without bending my knees ,
key word trying .

Someone's late!

Bell be nice !

"Yaa" I say and give her a faint smile

"Someone's happy" she says with a fake expression plastered on her fake face .

Bell be nicer !

"Nothing special" I reply

" Oh , I thought you would be having the time of your life with something which belongs to me " she says and glares at me

"If by that you mean Ro.. Royal ,
then let me tell you , he's isn't a thing to own"

"Why are you getting so worked up ?"

"Because he's my bestfriend!"

" Just bestfriend? I don't think so .
You are secretly trying to steal him from me , aren't you ?"

"Listen , I don't know why you are throwing a fit at me , but when you will cool down , then we'll practice "

I grab my bag and just I'm about to exit , I almost collide with Fed but we back away at the same time .

" Careful " he says

"Sorry" I mutter and just as I am about to walk away , he says ,



"I am sorry "

"Sorry ?"

"For that day when I bullied you .
I shouldn't have done that , especially when I didn't know what exactly happened "

"It's okay "

"You are a good friend to Royal "

"I hope so "

"No , you definitely are . But it kinda ruined our night"

"Why , what happened ?"

"Chill , I'm kidding . Actually ,
I decided to go to bar and had plans for drinking . But , you asked him not to do that , so he dragged me out of there and we ended up just talking "

"Oh , I thought he ignored it"

"Clearly he didn't"

"Feddy what are you doing here with her??" Beca asks while walking in our direction

"Nothing to worry about " he says and pulls her close

"Okay guys , I'll get going"

"Yeah" he smiles at me and Beca looks at him as if he's just committed a crime.

Why our girls so hard to handle and harder to understand?

You are also a girl !

That's the point!

I'm not that frustrated now , thanks to Ro .
But still , why did Jess behave so rude?

She's always rude to you .

I know , but today it felt mean .
Like she disliked me even more .

Wait a sec , is she jealous because of me and Ro getting closer ??

But , I don't like Ro that way and
even if I did , then also I won't ever wish for breaking his relationship with someone else !

What matters at the end of the day is the person you love should be happy , with or without you .

Well said ! Proud of you !

Are you mocking me?

Why would I do such an honourable task , I'm you after all ?

You are doing it again !

What ? Am I making fun of you ?

Do you even have to ask?

It's so fun pulling your leg

My leg is your leg too !

I regret that I am you !

"Stop talking , will you ?!"

"Sorry! But I didn't say anything"

" You what?"

Oh shit !

"No no , I'm sorry .
Actually I have a weird habit and
I keep on talking to myself . Sometimes , okay all the time ,
day dream and zone out , like I just did.
And when I said 'shut up' or whatever it was to my own self and not you , sorry I'm probably rambling right now , but you understand , right?"

He nods his head and shakes it right after .


I just made a complete fool of myself !

Nothing new !

"Did you hear it?" I ask

"Hear what?"

"My inner voice , mocking me again and again "

He chuckles

"Okay then tell your inner voice that's it's really lucky to be a part of you. "

'Joke of the year , ha ha ha'

"That's indeed sweet of you "

"Tea?" he asks


"Whatever you like "

"I'll pay " I suggest

"No , I'll do it "

"Okay , let's pay for ourselves ?"

"Great" he says and we proceed towards our canteen .

My lectures are starting from tomorrow so I still have a day to relax .

I order cold coffee for myself and he takes hot coffee for himself .

He's looking nice today .

He's wearing olive green coloured hoodie and with army pants .
His blond hair is neatly combed ,
he has light freckles on his cheeks
and his brown eyes are looking straight into mine .

Oopsie , caught !

I immediately look away .

He gives a fake cough and then asks , "So were you angry at someone or something ?"



"Just something , don't worry "

"If you don't want to share , it's okay "

Yup he used that line !
I swear that line has some special powers to extract the truth from someone .

"No , it's not like that , it's just that me and Jessica don't get along"

"Jessica? As in Royal's ex ? The hot girlfriend?"

"Yes that one , but they are still together "

"Oh I thought that because of his text that day "

"But I messaged you that he was just messing with me so he said whatever he said "

"Yaa I was relieved to know that "

Okay , now what should I say ?

Somebody help me !

Never ever did my crush pay attention to me ?
And now I'm getting what I wanted ,
I don't know what to say or do !

Is this really what you wanted ?

"So you really think she is hot ?",
I end up asking

"Why ? Are you jealous?"

"No , just asking , like what did Ro see in her? "

"What every other guy saw but he was lucky enough to actually date her"

"So you also have a crush on her ?"

"Nope , for now, my eyes are set on a different girl "

"Oh okay "

Should I ask him who's she ?

Does he like someone else ?

Obviously , why would he like you ?

Why do you have to interrupt again and again ?
And what if that someone is me ?
I mean he actually came to pick me from the airport .

So let's say he likes you , do you like him ?

He's cute .

That's just infatuation.

Whatever , now let me drink my beloved coffee which has turned colder now .

Wait , what ?

I gulp down half the glass in one go and then lick my lips .

Coffee tastes divine .

I take another sip , while he sips his drink .

I chuckle .

"What ?" he asks

I let our a chuckle again .

"There's something on my face , right?" He asks and wipes his upper lips .

" It's still there , a bit lower " I say

"Help me please " he says ,  and leans forward .

" Okay?"

Nervously I wipe whatever foam was left on his lower lip with a tissue. 

His eyes are boring into mine .

Someone's whose 'suddenly loud' voice I know on a whole another level breaks our trance and Marvin settles back into his chair .


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Any Isabella and Marvin shipper ?
( Just asking ...)

Posted on : 1st April , 2020

Yup,  I know there's a lot of self annoying talk in here but that's just the way Isabella is ...

Continuer la Lecture

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