W.E.L.F.S: The Snake's Eye (C...

De Naumaan333

590 145 31

"I saw you and you were just standing there. I started walking towards you and you-just-just stood there." St... Mai multe

1-The Land Of Opentam
2-In 500 years
4-The Future
7-Rest In Peace
8-An Ordinary Morning
11-The Rift
14-Linked Subconciousness
17-Out of Sync
19-The Marker
28-An Arduous Journey
30-The Snake's Eye


43 6 0
De Naumaan333

I was always taught that leaders were born out of passion and ambition. Yet I disagree.

I think that leaders are created out of conflict. They are shouldered with the responsibilities, that they were once secluded from.
They push others to be stronger to over-mask the fact that they are weak.
They rise above all, as others line in front of them, dancing to every tune the captain spins.

I was always looked to as a leader. Having to keep the siblings in command, while also being lonely myself.

Yet what was I leading them too? What was this army supposed to battle?

When would the war begin?


I am Ember, the first born. This is the first part of my story. The part that I feel that it is crucial for me to narrate. It's the chapter where it all begins. Think of it as the ingredients, that will be used to bake an even bigger cake. An even tastier story.

Comparable to my siblings, I also have brown hair that flicks backwards, as it sinks behind my ears. It's parted in the middle as it sets into curtains. My eyes too are blue, just a lighter shade. They are a medium size which fits with my semi-pointed nose. My face is naturally pale. Almost like a mixture with white and grey. It's a fireine thing I'm assuming.

As you guessed. Since I'm a Fireine, I can control fire.
Different to my siblings, sometimes I feel that Carol is more strict with me, than any other of my siblings because my powers are too dangerous. One little mistake and I could burn the house down. Fortunately for me, I've never made a mistake.

I sometimes also feel like, I'm shuffled with pressure, despite not asking for it. Carol is most harsh on me and she treats me like I'm a bomb waiting to explode, like she's expecting something. Something that I'm unaware of.

Anyway fire. It's pretty poetic really.
Kai is like a tsunami that balances the entire ocean. A perfect child.
We were the humble fish that swam undetectably, as he directed us. With his untouchable image.

Lexi is feisty. She's bitchy, sassy and she is lightning. Whereas Jess is the complete opposite. She's soft and tender and will bend over backwards for her siblings.

Stiles is Stiles.

Yet what does my power represent? Does it represent the fury that I constantly feel myself battling with? Does it reflect how I'm repeatedly treading on fire, scared to do anything?
Maybe it's violence.

Carol was sitting on my bed, gently stroking my hair as my siblings surrounded her.

"What do you think this is?" Asked Kai nervously, who was now on his feet, staring timidly at Carol.

Carol snapped her neck backward. Her nose flared as she glared at Kai, like she wanted to throw him out the window.
Kai frowned, as he sat back down on his bed, his foot tapping the floor.

"Could it be that he's ill?" Asked Jess.

"Could be. I mean he's showing symptoms of normal flu. Yet you kids are immune to all Earth 1 illnesses. It still doesn't explain, why he won't wake up." Muttered Carol.

"He could just be tired." Said Stiles, as he grinned moronically.

Nobody found him amusing, as Lexi slapped the back of his head.

"You all went to sleep, at the same time, last night. For heaven's sake Stiles, you share a room. I know you physically can't process normal thoughts, but this is an all time low, even for you." Hissed Lexi as she scowled at him.

"Let's leave him to rest." Said Carol as she stood up from the bed. She walked to the door and waved her hand, dismissing them.

"No fair. He doesn't have to go to shitty school, tutored by you." Whined Lexi.

"ALEXA!" Yelled Carol, from the hallway.
Stiles and Jess, both followed Carol leaving Kai and Lexi alone.

"If I knew I would miss school, I would've pretended to faint too." Said Lexi. She pushed her hair back and sat on the side of the bed, towering over me.

"You can get up now!" Whispered Lexi as she pushed me aggressively, only to hear groans.

"Lexi. I don't think he's faking it. I think something is seriously wrong." Responded Kai.

"Bummer." Noted Lexi, rolling her eyes.
She glanced up at Kai, who was staring at the ground sulking.
"So how do you feel? You know. About Carol."

"Pissed really. I was only trying to help." Mumbled Kai, as he kicked the ground like a child.

"Well it's Carol. I am affirmative she would rather have us die, than even use our powers." Concluded Lexi. She gasped. "Alexa!"
Said Lexi, as she imitated a high posh voice, that of Carols.

"You dare use your powers. Nope. That simply will not do. I sentence you to death."

Lexi did a slicing motion, with her hand to her neck as she chuckled vigorously.

Kai started howling with laughter, struggling to breathe.

"CHILDREN. Downstairs now!" Shouted Carol, her voice echoing as it filled the upstairs room.

Lexi moaned. "Urgh. The mistress awaits." Said Lexi jeeringly, as she danced her way out of the room.

Kai got up too, he walked over to me and pulled the blanket over my body, so it smothered me.

"You really got me in trouble today." Said Kai sighing, as he grazed my cheek.

Kai soon left the room. I was now fully alone.


Oblivious to the bickering in the real world, I was somewhere special. Diving between dreams, feeling myself falling through cracks between space. It was beautiful.

I was jumping on clouds like parkour, feeling weightless. Every time I pressed on a cloud, I would slightly bounce back up. The sky was pearly white and the ground, wasn't even visible. It was as if, this was the ground.

It was the escape that I craved. Where I was free from thinking and stressing. Where I was allowed to be stripped from control as the world around me shifted, from different things.

There was a line of clouds trailing in front of me, while I hopped forwards. I swiftly started sprinting as I practically ran from cloud to cloud. Soon, a building emerged in the distance. It was blurred, yet i could feel the golden glow penetrate my skin. Was this heaven? I asked myself.

Regardless of whether heaven is real or not, it's a dream. Nothing is real, while at the same time, everything is real.

Eager to visit this glow of light, I continued on the parkour, feeling satisfaction every time my foot touched the soft silky puff of air.

The building started getting more clearer. It had two towers guarding the beautiful curved middle, which had a crowned lining, circling it.
It looked magnificent. It looked like a beautiful kingdom. Familiar even.
It felt like home. Dreaming was my home. It's where I belong.

I tried taking another step. When suddenly a sound materialised behind me. A soft hissing noise. I turned my head back, only to see nothing. But the feeling. I couldn't feel the softness comforting my skin. Instead I peered down to see the cloud, that I was standing on change colour to a deep dark grey, as it grew immensely. It felt unnatural. I could feel the electricity pulsing inside of it, waiting to erupt. Within seconds, it deteriorated below me as I fell through the air.

This wasn't what I wanted to feel. Not this rush of fear. I wanted to feel love and happiness. This wasn't normal.

I was falling, helplessly. The stress and thoughts were throbbing inside my head, as I cannonballed the thick air.
I tried to scream, yet nothing came out.
This was real. It had to be. My eyes were clammed shut and I could feel the breeze slapping my face. How long? How long will it be, until I shatter my body on the cold ground? How long till death?

I opened my eyes to see my self attached to the ground, face flat with grass stuck between my hands. I was alive. How?

I got up to my feet. I was in a forest, surrounded by trees. It was completely dark and a violet hue covered everything.

The moon was golden as it slept silently, shifting back and forth. Have I been here before? I asked myself.

The forest was ordinary. Grass blanketed the ground. I still couldn't figure out what to do, so I did the first thing that came up in my head, I strolled towards a herd of trees that flourished amongst the breezy wind. I held out my hand and placed it on the bark, feeling the rough skin. It was too realistic.

Abruptly, I heard a crack behind me. I twisted my head, only to see someone watching me.
In the distance, stood a figure motionlessly.

"Who are you!" Yelled I, as I backed, pressing on the tree.

I didn't mean to say anything. The words just slithered out my mouth.

The figure didn't reply and continued gaping at me. It was cloaked in black. There was something off about it. That and the fact that it was staring at me, speechless.

Hastily. I moved from the tree and started slowly walking away from the creep.
Again, I couldn't control my movements. It was as if, gravity was pushing me.

From walking, I started running. My breath fluctuating. I turned backwards, only to see the figure again. This time, leisurely trailing behind me. I started panicking but I don't know why.
I started darting, flicking my head backwards repeatedly as the fear overtook me fully.

I jumped past wild logs and scuttled between trees. All I knew was that I had to run. I didn't know why. It's not like I had a choice.

The figure was on my tail. I was breathless. My legs were aching too much, that it took all my strength to carry on. I was getting slower. Tired.

My leg got stuck behind a log, tripping me, causing me to clash with a large tree.
This is it.

That's what I thought in those last moments.
It didn't even come across to me, that I was dreaming because this wasn't a dream. It couldn't be.

I rotated to look at the shadow that was a couple feet in front of me. It was moving, almost ritualistically, as it was gradually slithering near me.

"Please!" I cried. Falling victim to the lack of control. I normally loved being the puppet in a dream, playing characters that were chosen for me. Yet this was different. I was forced to be in control of my thoughts, yet deprived from dominating my actions.

The figure stuck out its palms. They started to reflect a symbol. The same symbol that I carried with me for 500 years. But it couldn't be.

It was my birthmark. The one on my arm.

"L-Leave me alone!" Yelled I, with tears leaking from my lids. I was distraught and terrified. I couldn't move. Physically, I was unable to. It was as if, this was my destiny.

It's palm started emitting a piercing light. The figure was practically right next to me. Despite my pleas, it gripped my arm, the part of it where my birth mark was, burning it. I screamed in pain and awoke, sweating with a loss of breath.


While I hopped on clouds, Stiles was jumping from stair to stair as he climbed up. Huffing.

"Stiles m-o-o-o-v-e." Droned Lexi, as she stood behind him, waiting to get up so she could go to her room. Lexi pushed him and Stiles tumbled forwards.

"Ow. Stop." Moaned Stiles, as he pushed himself up.

"CAN YOU GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Bellowed Lexi like a roaring lion. Lexi was so loud that she scared Stiles, who wasn't anticipating it. Stiles flinched as he fell backwards onto Lexi.

Lexi shrieked as they both rolled down the stairs, smacking the bottom.

Carol was sitting down watching TV, when she saw the event unfold in front of her eyes. She arose from her seat and mounted over the two, who were whimpering. Stiles' back was on top of Lexi who was facing the opposite direction.

"G-get off." Sibilated Lexi.

"Can't.You.Do.Anything normal?" Hissed Carol.

Stiles had lurched off of Lexi hugging the ground, in pain.

"Gee thanks for helping us." Whispered Lexi, during which she caught her breath.

Carol furrowed her eyebrows. She was about to answer, but Kai had called her name.

"Aunt come quick!" Shouted Kai, who was at the top of the stairs.

Carol swiftly scrambled up the stairs.
She ran to the room, which Kai, Stiles and I, all share.

In the room, Kai awaited her by the doorway, while Jess was limped by my bed holding my hand. I was hyperventilating as my body jerked side to side.

"Ember!" Shrieked Carol. She dashed to my bed and pushed Jess out of the way.

"It's okay boy. Breathe!" Purred Carol as she cradled me in her arms.

She looked at Kai, who was in shock.
"What happened?" Asked Carol.

"I went upstairs to check on him and then he woke up, freaking out." Replied Kai.

Lexi and Stiles walked into the room limping and quickly noticed me.

"What happened to him?" Exclaimed Lexi, her eyes widened.

"Yeah. What happened?" Repeated Stiles, as he dropped on the floor, sitting down.

"STILES- can you not copy everything I say." Snapped Lexi, as she flared her nostrils looking awfully like Carol.

"I literally wasn't copying you. But okay." Retorted Stiles, who shrugged his hand.

"I'm surprised you even know what that word means. Especially considering your own personal dictionary consists of three words." Said Lexi, sarcastically.
"'Uhm', 'what' and 'food'." Said Lexi mockingly, in a deep dumbed-down voice.

"Shut up Lexi." Said Stiles, as he tapped her ankle.

"Ohhh did I forget to include your comebacks. Hmm let's see-" Said Lexi, before she was cut off.

"KIDS. NOT NOW!" Rumbled Carol. Who had turned back to me.

My breathing had slowed down and I was now sitting up. My eyes were flickering between the dark and light, as they gradually focused.

"Hey Ember. You okay?" Said Carol softly, rubbing my back.

I nodded slightly.
"-it was the bickering." Croaked I, as my throat felt extremely sore.

Everyone grinned as they looked at me with sympathetic, but also curious eyes.

"So what happened. Champ." Said Kai, who walked to my side of the room as he sat next to me.

I pulled a face. "Champ?" I said, while I mouthed 'really?'.

Lexi and Jess chuckled, while Stiles was struggling to breathe, acting as if he'd pass out due to laughter.
I don't think he got the joke. It wasn't that funny.

Carol tapped me, suggesting to get on with the story.

I cleared my throat and recounted the whole dream to them. The clouds and the kingdom. The forest and the figure.

After I finished, I looked at their faces, which didn't look too bothered.

"It was probably due to a fever." Said Carol, as she felt my forehead for the third time today.

"Seriously fever? We don't get sick. It wasn't a dream. It couldn't be." Countered I.

"Ember what are you suggesting? It was a memory?" Replied Lexi, stressing on the word 'memory', negating the whole sentence and the plausibility that it could be a memory.

"Well not exactly a memory. It felt off." Responded I.

"Because you had a nightmare. You were saying how you were getting stressed. Maybe this is a coping mechanism?" Noted Jess, as she looked at me with a pitying face.

"So you're calling me crazy then?" Remarked I, with a hint of attitude.

"No. Let's just not make a big deal out of something that could be normal." Responded Jess, quietly.

"Emphasis on the word 'could' Jess." Said I, coldly.

Jess looked at me with compassionate eyes and then quickly flickered her eyes towards Carol.

"Ember you need rest. Everyone leave him. Come on let's go." Barked Carol, as she ordered Jess and Lexi to leave.

Both of them, heeding to her command, started walking away and although she muttered it. I heard Lexi say "I think he's had enough rest. Hmph." Just as she was walking out.

It was quite degrading honestly. Nobody seemed to believe me. I know it sounds weird but fuck, we are weird. Heck we have magical abilities. We're biological siblings that are born, only months apart. It triggered me. I guess even after 500 years, loyalty is hard to come across.

Stiles had gotten up, from the floor and was climbing the ladder to his bed, which was sandwiched on top of Kai's. They shared a bunkbed.

"You believe me. Right Stiles?" Asked I.

Stiles looked at me. His eyes enlarged and he stared at me, while blinking continuously. It was evident that he was thinking intently about what to say.

"Wow." Said I, as my lips thinned and I glared at him, mustering up all the disgust I had.
He immediately looked away, afraid that I would hurt him.
I frowned and got under my covers, facing the wall. I could still feel weight on the bed, meaning someone was still sitting down.

"Ember." I heard.

"Yeah." I responded, while still peeled to the wall.

"I believe you."

"Thanks Kai." I said. A smile slowly curling up in my face.

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