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De Chimsy-Chims-a-lot

52 14 3

In life, there are choices and while you want one thing, you also want the other. You can only choose one. Y... Mais


Dear Jimin

33 8 3
De Chimsy-Chims-a-lot

"Jimin! Jimin! I have great news!" I shouted excitedly as I burst into my apartment and searched for my boyfriend Jimin. I dashed into the living room to find him passed out on our leather couch. His black hair covered his eyes only leaving the bottom half of his face to be shown. I watched as he slept peacefully, his plump lips were parted allowing soft snores and drool to leave his mouth. I chuckled into my hand at how cute he looked and sat onto the floor in front of his sleeping form. I gently moved his hair from his face and pecked his forehead, muttering sweetly.

"Wake up Jimin. I have something to tell you." His brows scrunched up a bit as he let out a loud breath but he didn't wake up. Trying something different, I ran my hand from his forehead and towards his jaw, holding it carefully and lightly squishing my thumb into his fluffy cheek. I leaned into him slowly and let my lips meet his, to my surprise he leaned in as well so I moved away and chuckled at his pouting face.

"So you were awake." I sat up from the floor, rubbing my knees to get rid of the carpet marks as Jimin sat up from his spot as well, ruffling up his black hair and wiping away the sleep from his eyes.

"How could I sleep when you burst into the house shouting?" I laughed at his statement and sat next to him on the couch. I pulled my knees up to my chest and leaned into his shoulder with a small smile.

"It's gone." He raised a brow at me and chuckled, staring towards the TV that was playing some sort of K-Drama.

"What is?"

"My illness. They informed me at my appointment today, I'm no longer sick. I'm healthy." The shoulder supporting me left as Jimin jumped up from his spot on the couch so quickly that I fell over. Jimin looked at me with tears in his crescent-shaped eyes as he smiled widely. Before I knew it, I was off the couch and up into the air as Jimin swung me around happily. He allowed my feet to touch the floor but he wouldn't release his hold on me as he put his face in the crook of my neck. I could feel wet drops hit my skin as Jimin cried. A lone tear went down my cheek, as I cried too.

Day 2

"Alright princess, you almost ready?" Jimin asked from outside the bathroom as I fixed my hair and makeup. I didn't answer him as I was too lost in my thoughts when my eyes locked onto the diamond necklace Jimin gave me on our first anniversary. I remember being so happy that day, he took me out to a nice restaurant, just like the one he's going to take me to today, to celebrate. I sigh sadly to myself as I hold the beautiful necklace between my small fingers. The door of the bathroom slammed open causing me to jump and squeal as I look over towards a worried Jimin with a glare.

"Jiminie! You scared me." I say breathlessly with my hands over my beating heart to calm it down. Jimin just smiles and walks up to me, his beaming brown eyes full of love admiring my fancied up form.

"You look, gorgeous baby."  He says as he wraps his small hands around my waist and closing the distance between us.

"Oh shush you." I giggle with a flushed face as I ran my hands over his clothed shoulders. Jimin removes a hand on my waist to place it on my cheek. We looked into the eyes of each other before Jimin decided to move in.

"You're so cute when you're flustered love."

And then he kissed me.

Day 3

"Jimin lets get a dog." My boyfriend looked up at me from the couch with a brow raised.

"You want a dog?" I nodded happily and hopped onto his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck as I pecked his cheek.

"Why do you want a dog, especially so suddenly. We haven't even discussed getting one." I laughed at him and ruffled his soft black hair. Jimin scrunched up his face at my rude hands messing up his hair.

"I've always wanted a dog and now that we don't have to pay for my medication anymore so we'll have enough to pay and care for a dog." Jimin chuckled at my excited form going on and on about how much I wanted a dog and why we could actually have one. He cut my rambling off with a kiss and pulled away to look at my red face.

"Let's go get a dog." I squealed at Jimin with happiness and squished him into a big hug causing my cute boyfriend to laugh.

"I want a boy one."

"Okay, we'll get a boy one." 

With that, we left the house to get my first puppy. My baby boy. 

Day 4

"I have finally come up with a name!" I shouted happily, startling Jimin and our new white, German Shepard, puppy.

"His name is going to be Park Ddosun." I picked up the cute puppy and held him to my chest as I pet him lovingly.

"Isn't that a person's name?" Jimin asked with a look of confusion across his sweet face. I chuckled at him and cradled the precious pup in my arms.

"Of course it is, which is why I chose it." I giggled as I booped the excited puppy's wet nose. Jimin just shrugged and patted the spot on the couch beside him.

"Whatever weirdo just get over here and sit down, our favorite show is on." I sat next to him, Ddosun still in my arms as I snuggled up into Jimin's side.

Dodson was the newest addition to our little family.

Day 5

"Which is your favorite?" Jimin asked from behind me as we looked at the many pretty bracelets that sat in the display case.

"I don't know, they're all super pretty." My eyes seemed to look over on their own as I noticed the wedding rings. My lips parted in awe at a bright silver and diamond one. I smiled lightly at it, imagining the thought of Jimin and I getting married. 

"It's a lovely ring isn't it?" An employee asked, noticing my longing gaze towards the piece of jewelry. Jimin perks up at the man and glances back down at the display case.

"Which one?" Jimin questioned as he looked among the many bracelets. The employee chuckled at Jimin and shook his head.

"No son, I was talking about this ring over here." The man went to the area where the rings were and pulled out the one I was staring at. I gasped at the rings raw beauty as it seemed the display case didn't do the ring justice like it did when it was out in front of me. 

"You like this ring babe?" Jimin asked and I nodded.

"It is very pretty." I commented as the glint in the diamond flashed my eye.

"Just like you dear, why don't you try it on?" The man asked and handed Jimin the ring. Jimin held out his hand as he asked for mine. I placed my palm against his and smiled bashfully as he gently slipped the ring on my finger.

"It's a perfect fit." Jimin mumbled, causing the man to nod. 

"I love it."

But instead of getting the ring, we got a nice bracelet for me and a watch for Jimin.

Day 6

I glanced up at the large roller coaster, the sight of the huge contraction made my stomach turn, but I've never been on one before and I wanted to go on so bad.

"Are you sure you want to go on this thing?" Jimin asked, concerned about my well being.

"I'll be fine! Besides, what could go wrong?" Jimin shrugged and we went to go stand in line. After about thirty minutes we were finally at the front when I chickened out.

"Jimin I can't." I whined next to my boyfriend fearfully but also disappointedly.

"That's alright, we can always go next time." Jimin said reassuring me. Tears began to fill my eyes as I shook my head at him.

"No, I can't." 

"Sure you can, how 'bout we try next month?" Jimin asked sweetly as the tears flowed down from my eyes quickly.

"I can't Jimin." The latter sighed and wrapped his arm around me as he guided us out of the long line.

"You must've been really scared to be crying like that."

I was scared, but that wasn't the only reason why I was crying.

Day 7

"Look how happy Ddosun is, he really likes the park." I watched my baby glance around the area cutely while his tail wagged sharply. I felt him pull against the leash as he guided me and Jimin to where he wanted to go.

"He sure does seem excited to be out of the house." Jimin stated while watching what seemed to be the puppy smiling, then he looked at me to see a smile of my own on my face as I watched the joyful pup. Jimin gazed at me and took in all of my features under the slight shade of the trees that were scattered around the park. His heart began beating erratically as he studied my cute face and nervously fiddled with the hidden object in his pocket. He really loved me.

"Y/N." Jimin said causing me to stop walking and glance over at him with a brow raised.

"Yes?" He looked to be nervous as he kept looking at the ground avoiding my gaze but once he finally decided to meet my eyes with him, I lost my breath. His eyes were filled with emotions, happiness, nervousness, love. I was confused by the way he looked at me so scared yet so passionately but once he knelt down on one knee and pulled out a small, black, cube-shaped box, I wasn't thinking about how he looked at me but what he was going to say to me.

"I've been waiting so long to ask you this but I never knew when the time was right. Every morning I wake up to your cute pouting face is a blessing, every day that I get to spend with you is the best, every moment I have with you makes me nervous and happy and confident, I feel all kinds of things with you and I don't want to stop feeling them. The other day we were at the jewelers, I saw how beautiful that ring looked on you and thought how you would look with it on every day for the rest of your life while you're with me. I realized then that I had to ask you." Jimin opened the box and revealed the diamond ring he spoke of. I covered my mouth as I gasped, tears rushed out of my eyes and fell down my cheeks, my heart beating faster than ever while butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

"Y/N, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Unable to form words, I dropped at my knees in front of Jimin and nodded. I watched as my now fiance cried while slipping the piece of jewelry on my ring finger. As soon as he was done I fell into his chest and hugged him tightly as I sobbed. I sobbed happily, but I also sobbed sadly.

Later that night as Jimin slept, I had just finished writing something down before going to bed. My eyes were red and puffy while my cheeks were sticky from the many tears that were shed on them. I turned off the desk lamp and began to climb into bed, waking Jimin. He rolled over and faced me, his once tired face contorted into one of concern upon noticing my teary-eyed and puffed up complexion.

"Are you alright princess?"

"I'm fine, just happy from today is all." I said, digging my face into his chest and cuddling up against him. He wrapped his arms around me and laid his head on top of mine, giving it a peck before closing his eyes.

"I love you Jimin." I said as tears slowly leaked from my eyes.

"I love you too Y/N." With that I closed my eyes and released a breath. I smiled through the tears as I thought about the week's events. 

I could die happy.

Day 8

Jimin woke up with a groan and stretched, noticing I wasn't in his arms like last night, he looked further on the bed and saw me wrapped up in a blanket burrito and snuggled into my pillow.

"She's so cute." He mumbled with a chuckle and go off the bed. He went to the window to open the curtains and leaned over the desk to pull the string. When the sunlight shone through the window he noticed a piece of paper sitting on the desk, the whole page was written on with darker spots littered all over it but the words were still readable.

Dear Jimin.

He rose a brow in confusion but kept reading.

I'm sorry I lied. When I went in for my appointment a week ago I was thrilled to have learned they found a cure for my illness. They made a medicine that would strengthen my immune system and prevent my organs from failing. Better yet, I'd only have the medicine injected into me once for it to work the rest of my life, so I could live happily and healthily with you, but you see that was the downfall.

Jimin frowned with furrowed brows as he continued to read the note I had left for him.

If I took the medicine, I would have to be quarantined because the treatment makes the illness contagious, meaning I wouldn't be allowed to see you in person ever again because those who catch the illness while its contagious don't get a chance at surviving, they will die. Yeah, we would be able to text and call, even facetime, but I would never be able to live like that. So I asked him what would happen if I decided to not take the treatment. He told me I would only have a week left to live. So that's what I chose Jimin. I chose a week with you.

Jimin's face scrunched up as he cried while reading my note. His hands were holding the paper with such strength that it could rip.

I lied to you because I wanted to have a week with you where we didn't have to worry about what we did in case I got sick and caused my organs to get weaker than they already were. I wanted us to be happy in my last moments. I wanted to do things I've never done before and won't be able to do. I wanted a dog because I never had one, but I also wanted a dog because I wouldn't live long enough to have a child with you, which is why I gave him the name I would've gave our son.

A loud sob left Jimin's mouth as he fell to the floor, his heart clenching painfully.

I was really upset when I was too scared to go on that roller coaster but when you proposed to me yesterday, the roller coaster was the least of my worries. I was so happy you wanted to marry me, yet it broke my heart that I wouldn't be able to. I would've loved to walk down the aisle in a pretty white dress and meet up with you to say our vows and our I do's and to end it all off with a kiss. What broke my heart, even more, was how you would feel once you found out. How you would be angry yet distraught at the same time. I knew you were going to be so upset. You just asked a woman to marry you and then she dies the next day. It's tragic yes, but at least I died happily, you let me be happy in my last hours of life as you held me close to you and we fell asleep together for the last time. I was glad to go as long as I was with you in my last moments. I'm just so very sorry it had to be this way Jiminie. I'm definitely going to miss you calling me princess. That was always my favorite out of all the wonderful nicknames you had for me. I wish I could've lived with you for the rest of your life. I just couldn't. In life, there are choices and while you want one thing, you also want the other. I wanted to live a long healthy life but not without you. I wanted to live with you for the rest of my life, but the rest of my life was one week. Unfortunately, I couldn't choose to get the treatment and live a healthy life with you. It was either live but without you or die but live my last moments with you. These are the choices life gives you. You can only choose one.

You can't have both.

I love you Jimin,

Park Y/N

Jimin let the paper fall to the ground as he clutched his shirt where his chest is and screamed with tears running down his eyes. Finally, he decided to look at my lifeless body. It was true, I was dead but I was still the most beautiful thing he ever has seen. He stared at me with tears falling from his eyes as he looked at what seemed to be a smile on my face.  He slowly crawled towards the bed and looked up at me. My skin was pale but my cheeks shined from the tears I cried the night before. Mustering up the best smile he could, Jimin leaned up to my face from his position on the floor and pecked my cold forehead, letting his lips linger for a bit before shakily pulling away.

"I wish I could've said goodbye."

"I love you, forever and always."


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