Ten years later Machine Gun K...

De AlexisFranklin064

9.5K 149 5

Carly knew Colson ten years ago and then she moved to Toledo Ohio but when she moved she lost all contact wit... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
A/n #3
Another a/n IM SO SO SO SORRY
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4

888 12 0
De AlexisFranklin064

Colson p.o.v
I have been talking to Rook and Carly all day. Carly has been really quiet and not her self. I feel as if i did something to Carly piss her off. "Hey Carly can i talk to you real quick please?" Colson asked. "Yeah just let me go do something quick." "Alright." "Colson what did you do bitch?" Rook asked. "What do you mean?" "I mean you asked her to talk alone so that means you did something most of the time so what did you do?" "Rook I don't know what I did to her." "What do you mean you don't know what you did to her?" "I mean what did I do to her?" "I don't know." "Colson you ready to talk." "Yeah come on." "So what did you want to talk about?" "I want to know why your nit being yourself around me?" "Colson you were being a bitch the first day on the bus so I was just trying to be less loud and not as obnoxious." "Carly be yourself you shouldn't have to be a different person on tour." "Yeah well its not that easy when your around new people Colson." "You know me, Rook, and Slim." "Colson I don't know them that well." "You grew up with me and Slim." "Yeah I grew up with you not Slim as much." "Carly you went to highschool with Rook. "Colson I may have went to highschool with Rook but that don't mean we hungout together." "Carly Im so sorry I just want you to feel comfortable with my boys cause now your family." "Yeah I know Rook told me." "See you get along with Rook." "I also get along with Slim, Dub, Ash, Mod, Dre, and Pops, and Baze." "Damn I thought you were only friends with Rook and I." "Ha you don't know me as well as you thought." "Well im going to go hangout with Rook." Colson said. "So how did it go?" Rook asked. "It went well but i dint know her as well as I thought though. "She is full of suprises." "She is but its really adorable." Rook said.

Rook p.o.v
Colson wants to talk to Carly alone and we all know he did something. "Colson what did you do bitch?" Rook asked. "What do you mean?" "I mean you want to talk to her alone so you did something so what did you do." "Rook I don't know what I did to her." "What do you mean you don't know what you did to her?" "I mean I don't know what I did to her." "Colson you ready to talk?" "Yeah come on." With that they walked out of the bus. "What you doing bitch?" Slim asked. "Waiting for Colsons stupid ass." "What his stupid ass doing?" "Talking to Carly cause he did some stupid shit that he won't tell anyone." "That's what he does." "Yeah I know that ." Then I heard Carly yelling. "Colson I may have went to highschool with Rook but that don't mean we hungout together." Carly yelled. "Damn the girl has a temper." Slim said. "Well imma go find Dub." "Ight." After slim left to find Dub they came back. "So how did it go?" "It went well but I don't know her as well as I thought though. "Dude your not gonna know everything about her right now its been ten years." "Yeah I know Rook."

Carly p.o.v
It's been like an hour since I last talked to Colson. "CARLY COME HERE"!! Rook yelled. "COMING"!! "What do you want Rook?" "I want to ask you something." "What Jp?" "What were you talking about when you said we may have went to school together?" "Rook we went to school together I was just a grade ahead of you." "Also we never hungout." "Oh well Carly why didn't you say anything to me then?" "Well for one I was popular and also a grade ahead of you." "Oh so why didn't I ever hear about you then?" "Well you should have but I was one of the nice popular people I was also the head cheerleader." "Oh so you only dated the football players?" "Kinda why are you asking so many questions Rook?" "Because I want to know more about you." "Oh well imma go find Slim, Dub, and Dre." "Ok bye bitch." Rook said."Bye hoe." Carly said. After a hour of looking for Slim I found Colson. "Hey Carl." "Hey Giraffe." "What you doing Carl." "Well giraffe I was looking for Slim but couldn't find him." "He went out about two hours ago." "Are you fucking serious?" "Yeah I am." "Imma murder him when he gets back." "Oh Carl you won't do that." "Whatever." "Im going to call Casie." "Well im going to call Sam1." "Whose sam?" "Sam is my son." "I thought you had a daughter?" "Colson I have two children." "What are there names?" "My daughter is Katie and my son Samuel." "What happened to your son?" "He lives with my dad." "Why does he live with your dad?" "He was the result of a rape when I was fifteen." "How old is he now?" "He is 10 now." "Oh im so sorry but i have to go call Casie." "Ok."

(Phone call C Carly and S Sam)
C: Hi Sam.
S:Hi Mom.
C: How are you?
S: Im fine you?
C:Im fine but im on one of my friends tours.
S: Mom you told me you would see me tomorrow.
C: Baby I will but Ill have to FaceTime you
S: But mom you promised me.
C: I know I did Sammy.
S: Bye mom Grandpa said we have to go
C: Bye baby.

"Rook come here." Carly yelled. "Yo what's up?" "When do we go back on the road?" "Umm Sunday I think." "K thanks Rook." "Why do you want to know?" "I have to go see my son tomorrow." "Oh." "Yeah." "Well lets go find Colson." "You can im going to find Slim." "I think he's in his bunk." "Thanks for telling me his location." "He has a bitch with him though." "I don't fucking care." "Damn what did he do?" "He left me here you and the other bitches I call my friends." "Please don't kill him." "No I'm going to kill him?" "Carly please we need Slim." "No Slim is dead when he wakes up in the morning Rook." "How about he lives but you ignore him and/or is dead to you?" "Fine Ill let him live but in my eyes he's dead and we don't ever talk about it deal?" "Deal now I'm going to bed night night Carly." "Night Rook." Rook went to sleep then colson came back." CARL!!!" GIRAFFE!!!" "Why do you call me Giraffe Carl?" "You call me Carl so your Giraffe and your super tall." "Why do you call me Carl?" "Its short for Carly." "Oh" "yeah so what are you doing?" "Nothing but I might go out for a walk." "Oh can I go on the walk with you?" "Yeah come on." (Time skip after the walk) "Giraffe you need to walk slower." "No you need to walk faster." "Giraffe I have small legs." "Carl run to keep up then." "No we were supposed to be walking not running." "Carl you complain a lot." "No I don't." "Alright whatever you say." "Im going to sleep goodnight." "Night carl." (Time skip next morning) "Hey Carly." Slim said. "Carl." Slim said. "ROOK COME HERE!!" Slim yelled. "What the fuck slim?" "Oh hey Carly." Rook said. "Hey Rook." I said. "What the fuck how are you going to talk to him but not me?" "He don't know why you are doing this does he?" "Not even a little." "What the fuck are you two talking about?" "Can I tell him?" "Nah let him figure it out." "What the fuck?" "Why you yelling Slim?" Colson asked. "Fucking Carly wont talk to me but she will talk to rook." "Carly why wont you talk to Slim?" "Not gonna say." "What the fuck she gonna talk to everyone but me?" "Most likely Slim." "Someone go get Dub and Dre." "DUB AND DRE GET THE FUCK UP!!!" "What the fuck Colson?" Dub asked. "Why the fuck you wake me up?" "Cause we need you to try and talk to Carly." "What's up Carly." Dub said. "Sup Carl." Dre said. "Ok so she wont talk to them." "Carly is it for the same reason you won't talk to slim?" "Yeah Rook you should know that." "What the fuck Carly?" Dre asked. "I know why shes doing this." Dub said. "Why is she doing it then?" Slim asked. "Because we left her here with these hoes." "We did but I never thought she would be hella mad 'bout it." "Im so sorry carly." Dre said. "Its fine Dre." "Im really sorry Carl's." Dub said. "Its fine Dub." "What the fuck why ain't you apologizing to her?" "That's hella stupid that's why." "Slim the girl is going to be that way at times." "Fine sorry Carly." "Carly come on just talk to him again you don't have to do anything else." "Nah Rook why should I?" "Come on Carl." "No colson." "Well she ain't going anywhere with out me until she talks to me." "Im leaving I need to go see my son." "Well I'm going to." (Time skip to Carly's dads house) "Dad wheres sam?" "Upstairs. whose this?" "Remember Slim/Brandon any way well that's him all grown up." "Nice to see you Brandon." "You to sir but I don't go by Brandon its Slim now." "So are you two a couple now?" "No sir I'm not leaving her alone til she starts talking to me again." "What did you do Slim?" "I left her with Rook and some of the other boys when I went out with Dre and Dub last night and now she wont talk to me." "Will she talk to the other two?" "Yeah but they apologized to her a little bit ago." "Carly you better start talking to him again." "Fine hey Slim." Sup Carl." "Lets find Sammy." "He's in his room." "K thanks." We went upstairs and found Sammy. "Sammy." "Mom and random guy I don't know." "Well I'm Slim." "Oh are you dating my mom?" "No but I am friends with her." "Mom you lied to me." "No I just didn't know we don't leave til tomorrow." "When will you be back?" "Three months." "That's like forever." Yeah I will miss you to." "Hey Carl's me and Sam have to leave." "Alright bye." "Bye mom." "Bye Carl's."
(Time skip back at the bus) "Hey guys." Colson said. "Sup." Slim said. "How did it go?" "We are talking again." "Nah how did you get her stubborn ass to talk to you again?" "Her dad told her to talk to me again." "Bitch your lying." "No he's not." "Damn since when do you listen to your parents?" "Since I was fifteen and got raped and had my son." "Damn you were raped?" "Yeah Slim." "Im going to find Rook." When I found Rook he was sleeping. "ROOK!!!" "CARL!!!" "Hi" "What do you want?" "Nothing you just need to wake up." "Well we should go for a walk." "Sure just let me change and stuff." "Fine hurry up though." I decided to wear Nike leggings, a hoodie, nikes, and earrings with my hair in a messy bun.

And did my makeup.

"Ready to go Rook." "Yeah" "Well come on then." "Where you two going?" Colson asked. "For a walk." Rook said. "Im good you two have fun though." "Alright we will be back soon." (Time skip to during the walk) "Hey Carly I have a question." "What is it Jp?" "I was wondering if you would like to go out like on a date sometime?" "Rook your like a brother to me and I don't want to ruin that so no and I like Colson and I also have feelings for Slim. "Oh well forget I said anything." "Rook I wont forget that but I will never mention it and please lets keep our bond the way its been and please don't tell Colson." "Yeah lets keep it that way."

Colson's pov
Rook and Carly have been back from there walk for almost two hours. But when they got back Rook was acting a little weird. "Ayy Carl." What's up giraffe?" "What's up with Rook?" "He told me he has feelings for me but I have feelings for someone else." "Are they on the bus." "Yeah but im not saying who it is." "Come on Carl." "No Colson." "How about I tell you who I have feelings for and you tell me?" "Fine." "You go first Carl." "No Colson it was your idea so you." "No Carl." Then she just walked away. "Yo what you do to my girl." "Wait she has feelings for you?" "What no not that I know of anyway." "Bro shes being a complete bitch about it." "But do you have feelings for anyone?" "Yeah I do and its Carl and don't tell her." "Colson I won't tell her." "You better not." "Well im going to hang with her." "Im going to invite Mod over." "K"

(Phone call M mod C Colson)
M: What's up hoe?
C: Nun...what about you bitch?
M: Just the usual.
C: I was wondering if you wanted to hang with us for a bit?
M: Sure Ill be over in a few.
C: Ight

Carly pov
After I walked away I heard Slim say something to Colson but I could not make out what it was. After about 15 minutes Slim came over to the couch I was on and started talking. "Slim what are you talking about?" "Carl I don't even know what Im talking about and I'm the one saying the words." "Slim sometimes you don't make sense you know that?" "Colsons told me." "Well Im telling that now to." "Carl who do you got feelings for?" "Please never tell him but its Colson." "I will never tell unless you want me to." "Thanks Slim." "Bitch you don't have to thank me." "Slim your my favorite person here." "Well Im kinda the best one here." "Yeah you are." "Colsons inviting Mod over for a bit." "Well then I'm going out for a bit." "No your not Carly." "Slim I can do whatever I want im an adult." "You might be an adult but your not going to leave cause he's coming over for a bit." "Slim I can do whatever I want." "Ayy Slim can I borrow Carl for a minute?" Rook asked. "Yeah as long as you two are back within 15 minutes." "Yeah we will be." "Slim your not my dad so don't try to tell me what to do." "Carly you just told me who you have feelings for so I can just tell him if your not back in 15 minutes." "Slim go ahead I don't give a fuck if you do." "Ight come on carl." "Im happy to." After walking in silence for 5 minutes Rook said"Hey what the fuck why would you do that Carl's?" "Do what?" "Tell him who you got feelings for." "I don't know Jp I guess I thought he was different from all the other idiots on the bus but he's not." "Ha we all almost the same person." "Yeah i know but i cant believe how stupid i am for trusting him." "Hey your not stupid." Thanks but right now i want to go home and see my babies." "Hey 6 more months then you can see them." "Yeah well lets get back to the bus." "Yeah they all worried about you by now." Yeah probably." (Time skip back at the bus) "CARLS THANK GOD YOUR OKAY!!!!!!" "Why wouldn't I be ash?" "Because you didn't answer your phone at all." "Carly what the fuck were you thinking?" Colson asked. "Well I was thinking im an adult so no one other than my parents can tell me what to do." "Carls is it so wrong for me to want you not to be a bitch to people?" "Slim don't ever call me that again." "What gonna give me the silent treatment again?" "No even better im going home." "Carly your not leaving." "Giraffe im leaving and there's nothing you can do." "Carl come on please stay." "No im leaving." "Because 1 fight with him?" "No because he threatened to tell the person i have feelings for that i have feelings for them if that makes sense." "Carl's stay be cant do that to you." "Giraffe i love you with all my heart but only in a friend type of way." "I feel the exact same way." "Hey why aren't you hanging with Mod?" "Cause he ain't here yet." "Oh well im going to find Dub." "Ight" after I found Dub we talked for a bit. "Hey Carl's." "Hey you want to go out for a bit?" "Is that even a question?" "Nah but anyway lets get dressed." Outfit below.

And then I did my makeup. Below also.

"Hurry up Carls." "Hoe you can wait a minute." "Why you waiting for her?" Rook asked. "Cause we are going somewhere." "Oh Carly please hurry up." "Well im done." "Damn girl you hella hot in that." "Im not hot any other time?" "Nah you are but damn." "Alright can we leave now?" "Yeah in a minute I have to get ready." "Hurry up." "I will damn." "Hey where you going looking like that?" "Out." "Alright are you fucking Slim." "I never said that Colson." "You didn't have to your acting like it though." "Damn colson this that Carly bitch?" "Yeah but Carly's not a bitch unless she has to be or if its towards me and slim." "Damn you slim?" "Cause earlier he called her a bitch cause she told him ha ain't her dad nor her mom." "So you ready to leave?" "Yeah come on." (Time skip to the bar) "Hey what's your name?" "Carly and you are?" "Im Ryan." "Well Ryan your hot." "And your fucking sexy Carly." "Thank you." "Your welcome." "Come with me Ryan." "Where are we going?" "I have to find my friend and tell him im leaving then we are going to my place." "Wait your dating someone?" "No he's just one of my best friends." "Oh." "Yeah." (Time skil back at Carly's bouse) "Well that was fun." "Yeah it was now get the fuck out." "Damn ight."

(Phone call to Rook)
R:hey bitch.
C:Hey boo
R:what you doing?
C:laying in my bed. What you doing?
R:In my bunk trying to get away from Mod.
C:I wont be at the house till tomorrow morning mostly cause I still have to pack some stuff still. Please tell Giraffe that i will be back but not till like 10 Am
R:ight get some sleep love you. In a friend type way.
C:love you to and I know the feeling.
"See bitch i knew you had a man." "No I don't and get the fuck out of my house." "Who were you on the phone with then?" "One of my best friends." "Yeah ok whatever." "Dude just cause I called Rook boo don't mean shit." "Bitch it does." "Whatever and you shouldn't care who i call boo." "Im pissed cause I don't want to be the one to ruin a relationship." "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!" "Bye." (Time skip to the next morning) I was woken up at 4 am by a screaming Rook. "CARLS WAKE THE FUCK UP." " CARL WAKE UP." "CARLY MARIE WAKE THE FUCK UP." "What the fuck Rook?" "You have to pack and one of the windows is shattered." "WHAT THE FUCK ITS 4AM WHY ARE YOU AWAKE?" "All of us are." "Who's all here?" "Colson, Slim, Dre, Dub, Baze, Mod,and Pops well im also here but you already know that." "Well first get slim out of my fucking house." "Carls he cares about you." "Well i don't give a fuck about him anymore." "Carly come on you still care about him." "I don't and don't make me hate you to."  "Carls come on lets go out there." "Fine but if he's says a word to me im going to beat his ass." "Ill tell him not to say anything to you." "Ok lets go then." In the front of Carly's house. "Ayy slim don't talk to carly." "Rook how the fuck you going to tell me what to do."  "Carls told me to." "The fuck I want to apologize to her." "I can go tell her." "Tell me what?" "Tell you that he's sorry." "He can be sorry im done with his shit." "Come on carls i wanted to come and say im sorry and I love you with all my heart but in a friend type of way." "Slim i forgive you this time but if it happens again i will never forgive you." "Ok I got my bitch back." "Don't call me your bitch."

     A/n: Sorry this one is so long and filled with drama and a lot of it probably don't make sense but i hope you liked it. But if you don't like it don't read it. The picture with the word count is below (its just for the chapter)

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