Expecting the Unexpected (Bak...

LadysDaze tarafından

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"Hey... you like fucking coffee?" Had you known that Bakugou's request toward you as you both held onto your... Daha Fazla

A Warning Before Reading This Book
A Warning to Future Readers... Again
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 13
Week 16
Week 18
Week 20
Week 22
Week 24
Week 26
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 33
Three Months
Six Months
Eight Months
Nine Months
Fifteen Months
Seventeen Months
Twenty Months
Twenty-Four Months (Part 1 Finale)
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 13
Week 18
Week 21
Week 25
Week 29
Week 33
Week 40
Birth (Part 2)
Newborn (Part 2)
Month 1
Month 3
Month 6
Month 9
Month 12
Month 15
Month 18
Month 21
Month 24
Month 38
Month 39
Month 40
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Bonus #10

Eleven Months

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LadysDaze tarafından

Ch.21 - Eleven Months

"It's an honor to have the former number three hero in our home." You spoke, setting down the meal on the table.

"You're too kind to me, (Name)." Best Jeanist laughed. "I am a hero no longer. So please... just regard me as the person who mentored your once hormonal teen monster of a husband into the gracious hero he is now."

Bakugou turned to glare at his one boss. So this was the thanks he got from asking the former pro over for dinner and to meet Katsuko. Of whom was happily putting mashed potatoes everywhere but her mouth. Poor Bakugou having to clean her up and feed her himself.

"I wouldn't use the word gracious... maybe infamous." You giggled, Jeanist joining in on you.

"This is a fucking dinner party, not a roast party." Bakugou spoke, finally getting Katsuko to eat.

"Dada!" Katsuko called as her food went down. "Dada!"

"What, brat?" Bakugou asked Katsuko.

She shook her child seat, meaning she wanted to be up-down. Her toys were beckoning her. And if she couldn't play with her dinner, then what was the point?

"Fine..." Bakugou spoke, putting Katsuko on the ground.

He helped her up onto her feet, holding her hands in his own and then helped her walk over.

"See. Super easy, huh?" Bakugou asked the ash-blonde girl as she was let go.

She managed to stand on her own for about five seconds before sitting down and playing with her stuffed toys. Bakugou shaking his head. One day soon...

"So, she's able to say a handful of words and is nearly walking?" Best jeanist asked as Bakugou came and took his seat once more.

"Yup! Katsuki's mother said Ko is ahead of the game... so we're not trying to rush her too much... or at least I'm not." You spoke, bumping shoulders with your husband.

"I just want her potty trained already..." Bakugou clicked his tongue.

"You've got a while before that." Best Jeanist chuckled, eating more of his food. "Now... I have to ask the obligatory 'How's the office' question."

Bakugou smirked. "It's in better fucking shape with me than it ever had with you."

Best gave a smug expression back. "Really? I could have sworn Hawks said that property damage has been up?"

Bkaugou's eye twitched. "Those are the interns and new sidekicks... trying to nail it into their heads not to break shit unless its life or death situation."

"You could always threaten to take it out of their paychecks... like I did for you."

Bakugou grumbled under his breath, Jeanist chuckling and turned to you. "I assume UA is even more chaotic?"

You nodded. "Oh yes... it's nearly the end of the year and my second years are giddy overlooking for hiring agencies next year and finishing up their high school hero training. As for me... I'll more than likely cry again when they all have to leave."

"You were a damn mom before Katsuko was born..."

"And Aizawa-sensei isn't a biological father to anyone, but it doesn't mean we didn't see him as one!" You pointed out to your husband.

Both of your goofily bickered for a few moments. Jeanist watching the pair of you. Happy to see that despite the stress of a baby... your marriage and relationship to one another had remained strong. Maybe even stronger now.

His thoughts paused though when he saw something neither of you could see. The old pro-hero merely sticking out a finger and making you both turn to look at what he was trying to literally point out.

"Mama! Dada!" Katsuko cried, taking her first steps all by herself towards the pair of you.

"K-Katsuko!" You cried out, accidentally levitating the table in your shock and excitement.

"Hell yes! Only my kid can walk by herself at eleven months!" Bakugou hollered, getting out of his chair and crouching down. "Come on! A few more steps, Ko!"

Katsuko reached her father, falling into his arms. Bakugou chuckling happily and you praised Katsuko for her short first walk. The baby repeating the names she now knew and recognized you both as.

Best Jeanist couldn't help the smile that came onto his face and he merely watched as the scene unfolded further. If someone had predicted that the kid who first came into his office those years ago with a major attitude problem could become such a loving and caring husband and father... he would have called that person crazy.

But alas... it seemed time truly did do a person wonder. Both for his newfound wisdom on the world and those who inhabited it... as well as Bakugou Katsuki and the person he had aged into.

That little girl would grow up fine... and Best Jeanist had no doubts in his mind, that she would always have a proud father watching her.


"Come on, Katsuko." You spoke from the opposite side of your daughter's room, arms open wide. "Come to, mama."

Katsuko looked at you from where she was once more supporting herself on her feet thanks to her crib. She giggled happily, looking towards you. Her little foot taking a step out and she let go of the crib and tried to walk to you as she had done last night in front of you, Katsuki, and Best Jeanist.

She managed to take two steps before her legs gave out and she landed on her butt. She blinked, looking towards you as if seeing how she should react to her fall. You merely smiled, seeing as the fall wasn't bad at all.

"Ouchie." You spoke.

"Ouchie, mama." She spoke back to you.

You scooted over to your daughter, picking her up into your arms and giving her lots of little kisses. The girl erupting into giggles at your affections. After a few moments of your tickling kisses, you let her go.

The baby crawling and fetching a plush Bananya and handing it to you.

"Mama." She spoke and you smiled.

"Oh! Are we sharing?" You asked her and she nodded eagerly.

She had learned more words beyond 'yes', 'no', 'mama' and 'dada' and now 'sharing' was a big one that had captivated her as of late. Lots of toys were now placed around the house thanks to the baby carrying and giving her toys to either you or your husband.

And with her practically ready to start walking as you saw from last night, you couldn't believe how fast time was flying by. But then again... it was nearly December again now... and thus she would turn one soon.

This first year had been a big one. But a good one. And you were eager to see how much she grew in the following years as well. Katsuko and you played an exciting game of 'peek-a-boo' only to be interrupted when the sounds of the doorbell rang.

"Dada!" Katsuko called out happily, eagerly starting to crawl to where her father usually entered the home.

"His run to the grocery store was quick..." You muttered, seeing as he was only gone for about ten minutes when it usually took him twenty.

Either way, someone was at your door. You swooped Katsuko up into your arms, her repeating a mixed chant of 'mama-dada-go-go' as you walked. You playfully hushed her and she made a cute face as she slammed her lips closed.

You opened the door, eyes widening when you saw who was standing out before you. An older woman, dressed in a modern business woman's attire. A bandana covering her hair and a pair of fashionable sunglasses over her eyes.

The woman looked taken aback, and slowly removed her glasses. The familiar tone of her voice hitting your ears, though it wasn't as familiar as it should be.

"So... he wasn't lying when he said our daughter had a daughter of her own now..." Your mother hummed and you found your voice.

"Mom! When did you get back to Japan? I thought your new home was Paris because that's where your fashion magazine headquarters was?" You asked and allowed the woman to enter.

"Oh, Paris still has my heart and home... I'm only here to pay a visit since your father looks to have tracked me down. Darn that man and his P.I skills..." Your mother sighed, looking around your babyfied apartment. "This looks... quaint."

You rolled your eyes. "Well, I'm glad dad could get into contact with you. I wanted to let you know about the pregnancy... but you never gave either of us your phone number." You spoke, trying not to sound rude.

"I could have sworn I did." Your mother said taking a seat on the couch. "Now... let me see my grandchild."

You sighed, looking towards Katsuko. She was hiding her face in your shirt. Your mother waiting expectantly. But Katsuko's needs were greater at this moment.

"She's shy to new people, mom." You told her, instead crouching onto the carpet with your baby. "Let's get you two orientated before you hold her."

Your mother looked worryingly at the carpet and her nice pants but eventually crouched down as well. Katsuko sneaking a peek, but still hiding in your shirt. Your mother sighing and you chuckled.

"Maybe show her you're friendly with one of those toys?" You pointed to some of Katsuko's stuffed animals.

"Like this one?" Your mother held up the bear that looked like her father's hero attire.

"Dada!" Katsuko's usual bubbly attitude was back when she saw the bear. "Dada! Dada!"

"Yeah, that bear looks like dada." You spoke, gently nudging her to her maternal grandmother.

The sounds of the front door opened again and soon your husband caught sight of who was in his house. Putting the grocery down on the table, he coughed and you asked your mother to watch Katsuko.

"Why the fuck is she here?" He asked, knowing that it was strange for your child-avoidant mother to show up and play with a child.

"I don't know." You shrugged helping him start to put some groceries away. "She just showed up and said my dad told her she was a grandmother. And then asked to see Katsuko..."

"And you let her? The lady couldn't stick around for you!"

You sighed. "I don't know Katsuki... something tells me she wouldn't have shown up if she wasn't trying to connect with me. My mom and I never really had much in common... so maybe she's trying to use motherhood as a way to?"

"You're a mom... she isn't." Bakugou clicked his tongue and you shook your head at him.

"I just want to give her a chan-" You started only to suddenly hear your mother scream.

"D-darling! Please help!" Your mother cried and you could see your baby had grabbed a handful of her locks.

"Katsuko! Let go!" You cried, Katsuki coming near.

"Dada!" Katsuko cried, hands flying upwards and thankfully freeing her grandmother from the baby death grip.

"Hey brat." bakugou greeted his daughter, picking her up and then looking towards your mother. "Why are you here?"

"Oh well hello, Katsuki." You mother spoke sweetly. "It's been a while."

"Since we got married... six years ago." Bakugou snarked back and then put his foot down. "Now since (Name)'s not gonna say it... I will. I don't want you near Katsuko or (Name) if you intend to fucking disappear again. You already made one child's life miserable with that shitty decision... so I'll be damned if I let you do it again."

"Katsuki!" You scolded him, only to see him look at you with a serious and calm expression.

"I'm not letting you worry more cause she made a bad example. And I'm not going to let Katsuko question growing up why one of her grandma's don't visit anymore."

You inhaled slowly and then nodded your head. "He's right, mom... I can't go through that again... and I won't let Katsuko either."

Your mother sighed. "I come all the way here just to get lectured and my hair pulled... it's like I'm twenty-five all over again and it's you and your father..."

Your mother clicked her tongue and then looked at you with a softening expression. "Only... this time I won't roll my eyes and not listen to your father, or in this case your husband."

Your mother looked saddened and she approached you. "I'm sorry... for what I did when you were young. I was still young myself and didn't think my actions through. But now... while I know nothing I can do or say will fix what happened between us... I want to try as a grandmother..."

Katsuki and you exchanged looks. Katsuko looking at you both, not understanding what was happening. The ash-blonde male nodding to you, showing you it would be your decision. You looked towards your mother, seeing her giving you a pleading look. She really wanted to try again.

"Visit as much as you can then..." You smiled, seeing your mother light up.

Your heart worried about this development... but, people deserved second chances and your mother... deserved to be given a chance to see her grandchild.

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