Fell In Love With Potter's Tw...

De sunami01

393K 7.6K 10.5K

!There is quite a few mistakes, please don't correct them this book was written so long ago when i was just a... Mais

Here I come Hogwarts
First Year
First year- Day 1
First year- Day 1 continuation
First year- Part 2
Christmas- Part 1
Christmas- Part 2
Hehehe hi
The Stone
The Locket
😱😱 (A/N Kinda)
Year 2 Out now!

Trap Door

16.9K 383 182
De sunami01

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"I'd heard Hogwarts' final exams were frightful, but I found that rather enjoyable" I nodded my head agreeing with Hermione, I quickly put my had yo to my scar it's burning way to much that it was last time it's beginning to be unbearable. "Speak for yourself" Ron states but he's quick to notice mine and Harry's discomfort, "All right there Harry, (Y/n)?"

"Our scars. It keeps burning"

"It's happened before."

"Not like this." I state to Hermione

"You should see the nurse." Ron try's for help us but I'm not sure what Madam Pomfrey can do for us.

"I think it's a warning"

"It means dangers coming" I looked at Harry after finishing his sentence and we both look worried. We walk out of the castle and stop to look at Hagrid playing the flute. Then it hits me, "Of course!" I say out loud, "what is it?" Hermione asks.

"Don't you think it's a bit odd that what Hagrid wanted more than anything is a dragon.. and a stranger just happens to turn up with one. I mean how many people wander around with with dragon eggs in their pockets. Why didn't I see it before?" We arrived in front of Hagrid once I finished. "Hagrid who gave you the dragon egg?" Harry says demanding "What did he look like?" I say in a softer tone.

"I don't know, never saw his face, he kept his hood up."

"This stranger you and him must have talked." I stated

"Well he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after. I told him, I said, 'After Fluffy a dragon's gonna be no problem."

"Was he interested in Fluffy?" Harry questioned Hagrid.

"Well of course he was interested in Fluffy. How often do you come across a three-headed dog? Even if you were in the trade. But I told him, "The trick with any beast is to know how to calm him. Take Fluffy, for example. Just play him a bit of music and he falls straight asleep."

We look at each other and smile "I shouldn't have told you that." We then run back to the castle "we're you going?" Hagrid yelled out.

We ran into Professor McGonagall's room "We have to see Professor Dumbledore. Immediately!" Harry sounded a tad rude, I know he didn't mean it but it came out rude. "I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not her" she reply's back calmly. "He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately for London"

"He's gone? But this is important. This is about the Philosopher Stone."

Professor looks back up at us shocked "how do you know-" I've never done this before but I interrupt McGonagall "Someone's going to try and steal it!"

"I don't know how you you four found out about the stone, but I assure you it is well protected. Now would you go back to your dormitories? Quietly."

We walk out of her class room "that was no stranger Hagrid met, it was Snape. Which means he knows how to get past Fluffy."

"Guys, wait, no, stop talking he's-" they just continued to talk even when I tried to warn them..

"And with Dumbledore gone-" Hermione couldn't even finish what she was saying cause someone I was trying to warn them about was now behind them, I sigh not know what will happen.

"Good afternoon." He says in that emotionless voice. The other three turn around to see Snape right there. "Now what would four young Gryffindors, such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this?" He looks at us one by one but skips me, the others seem to be thinking of an excuse, man they owe me for this.

"I had a few questions to ask about homework and they wanted to help me look for the teachers" I say saving the others. Snape looks at me trying to tell in I was lying, I stay as calm as an innocent person. "Well best not keep you waiting any longer if it's about homework, I trust it's not anything to do with potions?" I shake my head and Snape leaves.

"Thank god we got him to leave" Ron, you stood there looking so scared. "Thank god, Snape likes one of the potters, Ron we did nothing" Hermione states which makes us laugh. "Now what do we do Harry?" Hermione asks.

"We go down that trap door. Tonight."

We waited till it was dark, "come on Hermione let's go" I drag Hermione out and to the stairs that's were we meet Ron and Harry, "You two ready" we nod and proceed down the stairs. We can hear a croaking sound, we look at one of the chairs and see.. Trevor.

"Trevor?" I say suspiciously "Trevor, go! You shouldn't be here!" Ron raises his voice a bit. That's when we see Neville pop up from the chair "Neither should you. You're sneaking out again, aren't you?"

"Now Neville, listen. We were-" Harry try's to explain to Neville but he just interrupts Harry "No, I won't let you! You'll get Gryffindor into trouble again. I'll fight you." He puts his fist up like he's ready to fight, but he's wasting our time.

"Sorry Neville but we really don't have the time to talk, really I'm sorry." I grab out my want a point it at Neville "Petrificus Totalus." Once I said that Neville froze up and fell to the floor, I then put my wand back in my skirt, Hermione high fives me which I gladly do back.

"You're a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant, but scary." Ron states which makes us all laugh, we then throw the invisible cloak over all four of us, which might I say is very difficult for four people to fit in. "Ow" Hermione and I say in sync "stop stepping on us" I say to the two boys behind us "Sorry" they say together. We get to the door and I use the unlocking spell to get in.

Once we're in we can hear a harp playing, he's already here, "wait a minute, he's..snoring." Ron says. "Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp." Harry told us "ugh. It's got horrible breath." What do you expect Ron it's a dog, his breath isn't going to smell like flowers.

"We have to move it's paw" I stated to the other three. "What?" Ron seems unsure about it. "Come on!" Harry says. We all grab Fluffy's paw and push it off the trap door, we open the door and look down it's.. pitch black, we can't seen anything " I'll jump first. Then I'll give you a little sign if it's safe for you guys to follow" I look at them all Harry looks a bit unsure "No (Y/n) let me, it could be dangerous" I roll my eyes.

"Harry I'm quite brave, I'll be able to handle a little jump and fight" I smile at him then Harry asks "Does it seem a bit quite to you?"

"The harp.. it's stopped playing." Hermione tells us, she's right it's stopped which mean... Fluffy would wake up soon. I look up to see three heads looking at us.. but they looks more calm when I was looking at them, one started to drool and that landed on Ron, oh no. "Ugh! Yuck! Ugh" Ron cried out, that's when they all looked up and Fluffy once again changed to being protective, "Jump" I said while going down there first then the rest followed.

We landed on some vines that were quite soft, I stand up and brush myself off, then it hits me. Ron try's to lighten the mood "Lucky this plant thing's here. Really." I look at Hermione with a worried expression and she does the same, we both know what this plant is, this is not good, the vines start to wrap around my legs and I fall down. "Whoa!" Harry yell's, it starts wrapping its self around all of us.

"Stop moving both of you" Hermione demands

"This is Devil's Snare, you idiots, you have to relax, or else it will only kill you faster if you struggle more." I tell them calming relaxing myself and Hermione relax's too. "Kill is faster? Oh, now I can relax!" You can heat how much Ron is panicking just by his voice, we sarcastically smile at him and then slid through the vines and land at the bottom of them "Hermione, (Y/n)!" They both hell out to us. "Now what are we gonna do?" Ron panic's. "Just relax!" Hermione's and I y'all out to them.

"Where are you two?" Harry calls out to us "just do what (Y/n) said, trust us." Hermione calls back, a few seconds later Harry falls down, we rush over to him and help him up "are you ok?" I ask "yeah, I'm fine" he assures us. Ron is still screaming, "he's not relaxing, is he?" Hermione ask "if he was wouldn't he be here" I replied back Hermione just nods, "we've got to do something"

"Hermione remember that book we were reading in Herbology!" I turn to Hermione she starts mumbling "Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare, it's deadly fun.." then the rest hits me "but will sulk in the sun! That's it! It hates sunlight." I turn to Hermione and smile then turn back and look up at the plant while pointing my wand at it and Hermione joins in to make it brighter "Lumus Solem." We say at the same time, the light is brighter than it would have been by itself, the Devil's Snare moves away quite fast and Ron dropped to the ground with a big bang. We help Ron up "whew, luckily we didn't panic." Hermione and I look at each other than back at Ron. "Lucky (Y/n) and Hermione pay attention in Herbology."

Then I heard the sound of.. wings? "Guys do you heat that? It sounds like.. wings." I ask the others, we walk towards the sound to find a door we open it to see a bunch of.. flying keys and a broom stick in the corner "I've never seen birds like these." Hermione says confused "they're not birds Mione they're keys." I tell her. "And I bet one of them fits that door." We look across the room to see a door.

"What's this all about?" Hermione asks

"I don't know" Harry says back, Ron pulls out his wand and walks towards the locked door, Hermione looks at us and them proceeds to follow Ron, Harry looks at me then at the broom, "you think one of us need to jump on the broom and find the key for the door?" I ask Harry looks at me like I knew exactly what to do, "Heh just a guess" we can hear Ron rattling the door handle and trying to use the unlocking spell, he turns around to face us three "Well, it was worth a try." I just sigh knowing exactly what to do seeing as I just figured it out with Harry... well he was just standing there.

"Ugh, what will we do? There must be a thousand keys up there." Hermione seems frustrated "guys the key would match the door, so it should be a big, old-fashioned one, most likely rusty." They look at me like I made this "well what are we waiting for, Harry you jump on the broom and find it then when you have it fly down and throw it to me,"

"But why do I have to throw it at you wouldn't it be easier if I just font off and unlocked it myself?" I sigh once again "Harry that would be too easy if you could just fly up there, take the key, and come back down.. it just doesn't seem that easy." I stated. "There, I see it, the one with the broken wing." Harry looks down at the broom, "What's wring Harry."

"(Y/n) right, it's too simple."

"Go on Harry! If Snape could catch it on that old broomstick, you can your the youngest seeker in a century." Harry grabbed them broom stick and all the keys pointed straight at him and started flying for him Harry got on the broom and took off going in circles trying to get the key felt like forever before he got the key, he flew by me and tossed the key at me I jump and catch it, quickly running over to the door and unlocking it Ron and Hermione run through and I call for Harry to hurry up, he flys through the door on the broom, we shut the door just as the keys slammed into it.

We continue to walk further and come across a big room with junk all over the floor and in the middle is a checkered floor, oh no this is "where are we. A graveyard?" Ron asks I face palm myself "This isn't a graveyard Harry, Ron you know what this is too right?" Ron nods we both walk in the middle and look at each other "it's a chess board." We then looked back at the other two with a worried face.

Then flames started along the sides of the board and was bright enough to see the whole room, the other two then walked on the board too. "There's the door." Harry points to the other side of the room they start to walk to the door both me and Hermione look at each other thinking the same thought "why do they always think everything is that easy?" Once they got closer the chess pieces blocked them.

And once they backed up the put their swords away, "now what do we do?" Hermione asks "we have to play Mione." Ron nods "We have to play our way across the room. Alright Harry, you take the empty bishop's square. Hermione, you'll be the queen-side castle. (Y/n) will take position of the queen. As for me, I'll be a knight." Ron try's to sound brave, we all take our squares ready to play.

"What happens now?" Hermione asks from besides me "well Mione, white moves first. And then" Ron looks over and finish's what I was saying "we play." Once he finished white moved, "You don't suppose this is going to be like.. real Wizard's Chess, do you?" She asks, I then turn and looks at Ronwith a worried look, he just looks down then speaks to one of the chess pieces "you there, D5." The chess that Ron pointed to starts to move to D5.

Then the other white chess piece takes out its swords and smashes our chess piece. We all look shocked by what just happened, one wrong move and one of us that is human could be just like that chess piece. "Yes Hermione. I think this is gonna be exactly like Wizard's Chess" Ron doesn't take his eyes off the scene. Move after move, chess piece after chess piece
Kept getting smash, we are losing a lot of chess pieces.

Ron sits there think for a moment, but what could he possibly be thinking, wait, no he wouldn't. I turn to Harry to see he knows exactly wha I'm thinking "wait a minute" we say in sync "you understand right, you two" Ron says to us. "Once I make my move the queen will take me." Then your free to check the king (Y/n)." He looks at me "Ron no!" I scream "what is it?" Hermione asks. "He's going to sacrifice himself Mione!" She looks at me shocked.

"No, there must be another way!" She yells back at him. Ron turns at and looks at Hermione "Do you want to stop Snape from getting that Stone or not? Harry, (Y/n), it's you that has to go on. I know it, not me. not Hermione. You two." We nod at Ron. That when he calls the last move, "knight to H3." He moves to his spot "check." Then the queen turns to face him and starts going for him we all watch worried plastered on our faces. She lifts her sword and pierces it straight through Rons horse. Ron screams while falling off the horse and faints "Ron!" Harry called out.

Hermione goes to walk to Ron but I'm quick to stop her. "Mione! We can't move yet, we're still playing." She nods and steps back, I walk up to the king and raise my voice. "Checkmate." The king then let's his sword fall to the ground in front of me, we then run over to Ron. "Take care of Ron. Then go to the owlery. Send a message to Dumbledore, Ron's right. (Y/n) and I have to go on." I nod, agreeing with what Harry just said. "You'll be okay, Harry your a great Wizard, (Y/n) your a really smart witch and very brave as well. You both really are." I smile at Hermione then Harry ruins it "not as good as you." Hermione laughs "Me? Books and cleverness. There are more important things. Friendship and bravery. And, you two, just be careful." Hey I'm about books and cleverness to and if I'm great so are you Mione.

Seeing as I haven't posted in awhile, besides the last chapter I will make up for it by posting more chapters so let me go start and finish the next chapter and post that one for you as well, I'm not to sure how long that chapter will be seeing as it is close to the end and I'm really fucking lazy. I'm also trying to think if I should continue to do all 7 years in this one book or do them separately like this book is their first year then next book is second year shit like that. Well don't want to waste my time.... I'm going to actually have a coffee break cause I feel like I'll be to lazy to write the next chapter so I'll go rest and come back with the next published chapter ✌🏻

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