Always and Forever.

נכתב על ידי FarhaanAdamW

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Mikasa Ackerman is about to start a new year at her highschool Shiganshina high. What she is unaware of is th... עוד

Author note: Characters
Chapter One: New Beginnings
Chapter Two: First Morning
Chapter Three: PE
Chapter Five: Some Day, huh?
Chapter Six: Bad Dreams
Chapter Six Part 2: Could be Worse
Chapter Seven: Soccer Club
Chapter Eight: The Dinner
Chapter Nine Part One: It's been a while
Chapter Nine Part Two: A Change in The Tide
Chapter Ten: Behind the Mask
Chapter Eleven: Lucky Escape Part One
Chapter Eleven: Lucky Escape Part Two
Chapter Twelve: Blood
Chapter Thirteen: Holiday Plans
Chapter Fourteen: Cup Game Time Part One
Chapter Fourteen: Cup Game Time Part Two
Chapter Fourteen: Cup Game Time Part 3
Chapter Fifteen: Last Minute Shopping
Chapter Sixteen: We're Going On a Trip!
Chapter Seventeen: Truth or Dare
Arc 5: The Warriors

Chapter Four: Lunchtime Shenanigans

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נכתב על ידי FarhaanAdamW

Eventually, Mikasa and Armin manage to drag Eren indoors and out of the torrential rain. The rain dripping off their soaking kits and hair, especially Mikasa's long hair which is not a fan of this. Water trickling down it before commencing the long freefall to the ground. She can form her own puddles if she wants to just by standing still. A cold shiver dancing through the three of them. Mikasa and Armin are unable to get much out of Eren apart from the occasional grunt or shrug. That miss is really playing on his mind even though its just P.E. After a couple more unsuccessful attempts, Armin insists that Mikasa go get changed into her dry uniform. Although reluctant, she does head off to the girls changing room. Looking back just before entering. When the door seals shut, Armin lets off a sigh before making his way to the boys changing room, dragging Eren behind him.

Eren continues his quiet stance in the changing room trying his best to not react to the 'I thought he was supposed to be good' and 'he's all talk'. Let's just say lunch is coming at a good time for him.

The two boys make their way to the cafeteria. It is roughly a ten-minute walk from the sports block. Along the way, Armin gave Eren a mini-tour describing what they were walking past and where you could get from where they were at the time. The cafeteria itself is huge. The whole school could fit in here if they wanted to. The chatter dancing through the air gives the place a coffee shop atmosphere and the smell is just as divine. Eren has brought food from home. Leftovers from last night's dinner, Steak and kidney pie and some prawn tempura, reheated and stored away into a box that will hopefully keep it warm. Quite a lot of food. He was feeling hungrier than he actually was when packing because of his nerves. Armin, on the other hand, is buying food. The queue is rather long and out of the corner of his eye, Eren spots Levi.

"Hey Armin, I'm gonna talk to Mr Ackerman while you get your food. That cool?"

"Sure. Queue's pretty long so knock yourself out." He shuffles forward with the rest of the queue. "If you finish before me, then sit over there." He points over to where Connie and Sasha are sat. They both quietly mutter the same thing. "They look cute together."

Eren leaves Armin, exchanging a quick 'see you later' and makes his way to Levi. Levi is sat on his own with nothing and no one. Just a cup of tea keeping him company. That and the fed-up scowl that seems to be a permanent feature on his face. "Hey, Levi," Eren calls out gathering Levi's attention, staring at the young German from the corner of his eyes.

"What do you want, Yeager?" Levi retorts in between sips of his beverage. Eren sits down in front of him, takes out a few tempura's and places them on a tissue in front of Levi.

"Thought you could use something to eat." Levi takes a bite. His reaction leaves Eren confused. Levi's face isn't the most expressive. Like a blank canvas.

Levi chews, each bite making Eren more and more eager for a response. "Hmm." Eren sits up in his seat like an excited dog. "It's pretty good." He washes it down with some more tea. "Since I've got you here, might as well ask how your days been so far," Levi says in a nonchalant tone.

"Meh. Pretty standard. Not much has changed since break." Eren's mind plays back the events of the day. From homeroom's introduction to playing the guitar in science. Getting lost on his way to history to getting embarrassed by the annoying teacher. His mind then starts to playback the events of P.E and his horrible mistake. Something he would rather forget.

"Didn't you have P.E? Thought you would enjoy that?" Levi adds. Not really helping him forget.

Eren starts to pack his stuff away. "Rather not talk about it, to be honest," Eren says, getting up.

"Fair enough." 

                    Eren makes his way to the table that Armin showed him. There are people there that he doesn't recognise so he decides to sit on his own at the far end of the table with the wall to his left and an empty seat to his right. They don't seem to pay his presence any attention, continuing with their conversations. Connie and Sasha share a quick "hi" with him before going back to their meals. You know, the more important thing. "Hurry up Armin," Eren quietly mumbles.

More people have joined the table. Eren doesn't know any of them well enough to strike up a conversation without making things potentially weird. Luckily, Armin finally arrives, dinner tray in hand, and takes the seat next to Eren. There is only one seat free now (directly in front of Eren) so who knows what would he would be sat next to if Armin took any longer. There is a total of nine people at the table now.

"Okay Eren, let me introduce you to everyone properly. That's obviously Connie and Sasha. Great fun to be around but keep an eye on your food around them. Chances are they will make it disappear." Armin says. Eren looks over to them and sees the two of them fighting over some fries even though their mouths are overfilled with them. Armin continues to introduce the rest of his friends. They are Annie, Berthold, Reiner, Ymir and Krista. Eren has seen them all at some point during the day besides Ymir. Something he is surprised by. She is a loud individual who puts herself about. Everyone is engaging in casual conversation and Eren is using his far from normal hearing to eavesdrop in on them, hoping to learn more about everyone without actually having to talk to them. Suddenly, he notices something. "Where the hell is Mikasa?"

                    Out in the crowded hallway, somewhere in between the pushing, shoving and chatter, Mikasa is talking to Jean as they slowly weave their way into the cafeteria. "Uhm, sure Jean. That sounds like fun," Mikasa says. They are joined by Marco and a few more of Jean's jock friends. Mikasa takes this as an opportunity to slip away and make her way to her usual table. When she gets closer to the table, she notices an extra person. Someone who looks familiar. She recognises it as Eren pretty quickly and sits down in front of him. Eren is picking at the table and doesn't notice Mikasa's late arrival for the second time today. At least until Armin speaks up.

"Speak of the devil." Armin's words cause Eren to look up and see what he is on about. He spots Mikasa and starts to smile.

"Nice to see you too Arlert." Mikasa retorts. The two boys notice that Mikasa has no food. She is just sat there looking a little blue.

"Mikasa, uh, why don't you have any food?" Eren asks. He rubs his chin wondering why he keeps stuttering so much when talking to her.

Mikasa shuffles in her seat before flopping over, like a plant thirsting for water. Only in her case, it's hungry for food. "No, I forgot my money at home in the rush." Her stomach grumbles and Eren hears it. "I didn't even have breakfast!"

Eren slices his pie in half, grabs half of the prawns, places them onto his lid and slides it across the table. "Eat. I can hear your stomach." She gives Eren a confused look causing Eren to worry. After all, a 'normal' person wouldn't have been able to hear that. It wasn't loud at all.

Mikasa pulls the lid closer to her, quietly smiling to her self and starts to eat starting with the prawns. An appetiser for the main dish. As she bites down, a healthy crunch follows. The taste is very pleasing, dancing delight around her mouth. "Mhmm, this is sooooo good Eren," she says. Eren's eyes glow up and rays of sunshine spread on his face. "Where did you buy them from?"

"Well, uh, I actually made them and the pie myself," Eren says chuckling.

Mikasa, wasting no time much to the gratification of her stomach, turns her attention to the pie. Just like the prawns, it leaves her feeling satisfied and her stomach is demanding more. "This," She swallows her mouthful. "This is amazing!" Eren thanks her for her compliment, trying to hide his embarrassment. Mikasa is still throwing compliments his way but stops herself when Eren leans over towards her. Instead, wondering what he is doing. She gets her answer quickly when Eren sees the confusion on her face.

"You've got some sauce on your face," he says before using a tissue to wipe it away. His fingers accidentally brush against her skin, sending a shock surging through both of them. They both turn shades of rosy red, heating rushing to their faces, prompting Eren to sit back down. He is trying to avoid eye contact with anyone and zone out. Hoping to avoid hearing his name pop up in other people's conversations. The hairs on the back of his neck start to stand and an uneasy feeling follows. He can feel prying eyes and is trying to ignore it.

All of a sudden, Eren starts to sweat quite badly. He wants to get up and disappear. At least for a short while. "Yo, Armin," Eren calls out. Breaking his self-appointed silence. Eren's call grabs the attention of more people than he would like, including Mikasa.

Armin breaks his conversation with Connie and looks towards Eren. "What's up?"

"I'm gonna go for a walk. Leave your phone on in case I get lost again."

"Okay," Armin says. Eren quickly gets up and power walks out of the cafeteria, forgetting his stuff, and makes his way outside...followed by three people.

                    Outside in the chilly winds, Eren finds himself at peace. He is wondering around the school grounds, earphones playing his favourite music. Not showing a care in the world as he wanders aimlessly. He turns a corner and finds himself at a dead end. Out of sights from anything and anyone since he is technically in an area that is off-limits to students.

Eren turns to start heading back but finds his path blocked off by three shadowed silhouetted figures. When they step into the light, Eren recognises them as Jean and tow of his friends from P.E. "Sup Yeager," Jean calls out. "We've come to teach you how things work here." He cracks his knuckles and his two accomplices grab Eren's arms holding him in place. Jean gets to work with a flurry of punches to Eren's face and body. Blood starts to race from his nose and mouth. Each punch raising Eren's anger levels. Jean forces his knee into Eren's gut forcing him to his knees. Eren seals his eyes shut, hoping to hide the green glow. Unfortunately, this means he can't ready himself for Jean's boot as it strikes him in the jaw, knocking a tooth loose. Eren spits out the tooth and looks up at Jean. His bloody face meets his.

"Is that the best you can do, Horseface?" He weakly smiles.

Jean clicks his finger, turns and starts to walk away. "Don't hurt him too much." His cackle bounces off the brick walls, echoing into Eren's raging ears. He is starting to lose control. Through clenched fists and gritted teeth, Eren readies himself for the mess Jean has put him in. No longer caring about the glow in his eyes or the markings near them that run down to his cheeks.

"Give it your best shot!" Eren shouts. His voice is harsh, cutting through the confidence they had. His voice isn't its usual self. Replaced with a psychotic, sadistic growl. One hungry to inflict pain.

"Y-you crazy? There are, there are two of us and only one of you!" They try to look intimidating but the wobbly knees, sweat and weak posture tell a different story. This time they are the ones with their backs to the wall and Eren the one in a commanding position.

Eren takes steps forward and they take retreating steps back. Eren chuckles. "That doesn't matter. Not when I feel like this!" He goes for a big swing that is ducked by his target. Instead, hitting the wall behind. A loud crack vibrates through the wall as a cobweb of destruction spreads from where his fist met the wall.

Screams of "F-fuck this!" and "he's crazy!" follow as they run as fast as they can. Not from an authority, but for their lives.

                    Back in the cafeteria, fifteen minutes since Eren left, people are slowly starting to leave and getting ready for their next lesson. From the gang, only Armin, Mikasa, Connie and Sasha. The rest have split off into their little groups and gone their own ways. The atmosphere at the table is strange. Connie and Sasha are chilled out, talking about the latest games, movies and their other interests but they too get up and leave. Armin is trying to read but Mikasa is making it hard for him to concentrate.

"He's been gone for a while now," Mikasa says. The concern in her voice slices Armin's concentration. The words on the page no longer making sense. Instead, her words penetrate his ears like cold steel.

"He's fine," Armin says in reply, backtracking his progress and rereading the parts that didn't quite go in.

Mikasa stands up sharply, slamming her palms on the table. "I'm gonna go look for him." Armin sighs and puts his book away.

"Where are you going to look? You have a few minutes until next lesson," Armin says. His phone vibrates mid-sentence and a message alert pops up. "I bet that's him right now. So chill." Armin says to Mikasa before pulling his phone out.

Eren: Hey Armin. Where's the toilets here?

Armin: Down the corridor from the cafeteria

Armin: First left  

A minute or two passes and Mikasa is staring at Armin, waiting for him to tell her where Eren is. Armin is staring back at her confused. His eyebrow raised. "What?"

"Was that him?"

"Yeah." Armin answers. Mikasa's ears perk up hearing his name.

"What did he say?" Mikasa asks excitedly. "Did he say where he was?"

"He is going to the gents and no, I didn't ask."


Armin rubs his eyes. "Because he hates it. He won't like you constantly getting on his back. Especially if you keep mothering him. Don't know why. You can call it an attitude problem but that is just how he is."

Mikasa slunks back into her chair, looking upset in her own, blank, way. Her long raven hair casting a shadow over her sombre face. Armin notices and a smile tugs at the edge of his lips. "Don't get on his back too much, go slow with him and you'll make great friends. I'm sure of it." Armin says trying to reassure her. He realises that what he said may have upset her and may not even be true. Eren used to be that way when they were younger but he was also a rage monster back then too. What he has seen of his attitude may suggest that Eren is a changed person. Mikasa does her best to fake a smile but Armin can see right through it. He figures a change in subject or just getting on with something else entirely will be a good call. He looks at the big clock on the wall and notices its almost time for next lesson.

"We should start heading off to next lesson. I'll take Eren's stuff and hopefully-"

"I'll take it!" Mikasa interrupts. "We have the same lesson." She quickly packs his stuff away and lifts his heavy bag with ease before storming off to her next lesson leaving Armin on his own. He smiles to himself once again.

"She likes him."

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