EP (troyler AU)

By astronaut653

1.3K 96 78

Troye and his twin brother Tyde hardly know what they actually want in life. Tyde chose his path when he was... More

nothing but time to kill
take a dip into the unknown

in the crowd, alone

564 35 9
By astronaut653

| T r o y e ' s P O V |

The buzzing specks of color across the bleachers erupt in a series of cheers as the soccer ball is shot in to the goal. It's no surprise my brother was the source of the point, he usually was. I'm sure if you listened to the coach during the pre-game talk in the locker room, his words would probably be, "Pass to Mellet, and he'll take it from there." You'd think it was impossible to be sitting at this very moment. Even if you didn't know what was happening, the cheery atmosphere would surely bring you to your feet.

Yet here I am, butt planted firmly on the freezing cold benches. My hands were shoved into my jean pockets, while I continues to regret my choice to wear a sweater with no pockets. It'd probably give me more warmth than the pockets of my skinny jeans. Another mistake; this pair of pants had holes in the knees and a couple up my thigh on one leg. I look up to see Tyde's eyes on me, almost expectantly.

Shit. He caught me in my thoughts again. It's not like I don't love him, I do, but this was the fifth game he'd dragged me to this season. At least it was the last one, and it wasn't raining. I give a lopsided smile to Tyde, even throwing a small wave in his direction. He gives me the same grin, and I can't help but feel like I'm looking in the mirror, before he breaks eye contact and returns to his soccer game. Sitting alone at a busy soccer game packed with hormone-raging teenagers was not how my last Saturday night before school should be spent. I should be curled up in my room, wrapped in a blanket, writing music or listening to it. I'm sure Tyde is looking forwards to it; he'll be able to see his friends all day for five days a week. Sure, the competition soccer season comes to an end with the start of school, but as soon as the leaves start to change color in October the school's soccer season starts.

I was, however, dreading it. A building full of people aged about thirteen to nineteen all trying to outdo someone. Whether it be themselves or some kid they met in third grade, everyone wants to beat someone's to something. Even though I would never, ever admit it, the person I wanted to outshine most would have to be Tyde. Speaking of Tyde, I advert my eyes from their focused point at who knows what, scanning the field. When my eyes land on the blue jersey with number fourteen printed on the back I sighed softly, glancing at the clock across the stadium. I could make it several more minutes...right? My thoughts were interrupted as a pair of hands found my shoulders, making me jump. As soon as it escaped my lips, I struggled to cover my mouth in order to prevent the girlish shriek I was sure to be making.

A skirt of dirty blonde hair flew into my vision and I visibly relaxed with a heavy huff. "Fuck you, Sage, was that really necessary?" I scold sourly, watching as she smoothly climbed over the metal bench. Narrowing my eyes at her, I pull my phone out and check the time, just to emphasize my point. "You're late. Tyde told you to be here at the start of the game." I tease, watching as she focused her eyes on the game.

"Shut up Troye, I'm sure he won't notice." She mumbles, distractedly, as another goal is made by the man himself. Sage shoots up with everyone else, cheering his name, while I keep my self rooted firmly on the bench. Sisters and their ridiculous excitement.

"At least I actually come to support him. What did he have to bribe you with this time for us to be blessed with your presence?" She taunts, almost as if it was an after-thought, raising her eyebrows at me as she sits back on the bench again.

I look away briefly, rolling my eyes. "He's promised I don't have to attend any of the school games." I mumble, chuckling slightly as Sage starts to laugh at me. I had to admit, it was easy to get along with Sage no matter who you were.

Being the only girl out of my siblings, I was surprised she even made an effort to hang out with all of us boys. Sometimes she'd sit in my room with me for hours, not speaking a word, just to be with me. Out of Steele, my older brother, Tyde and I, she probably dreaded the times she came into my room most. Steele took her out most of the time, a benefit of him being in college and having a lot of free time (not that I didn't have free time, I just like to spend it in my room). Whenever Tyde talks about what they do together, he's very vague and she swears she can't say what they did. Secrets are probably one of the things I hate the most. That fact alone made the two of them keep secrets from me all the time. It's very frustrating, and makes me want to smack them upside the head.

With another look at the players on the field, I noticed the boys were finely coated in sweat. Most of their hair laid flat on their foreheads, due to heavy sweat from running back and forth in this intense game. Their heavy breaths are not as easy to notice from way over here, but I can easily think of situations where I could see them panting just as hard. Sage seemed to take notice as I swallowed thickly, shaking my head to rid myself of these thoughts. Definitely not thoughts to have in such a crowded place. She pokes me in the side. I quickly tense my jaw, releasing my bottom lip from between my teeth and licking my lips slowly.

"You think they're hot, don't you?" She reprimanded softly, careful to keep her voice down. I was gay, yes, and I wasn't closeted. However, since I didn't have any friends, I haven't really told anyone about it. If they asked, I wouldn't deny it, it was just that no one asks.

"Shut up, Sage." I mumble, feeling a blush creep over my neck. After a sideways glance at her, I knew she would pester me about this for hours if I didn't give her anything.

"Fine," I let out a sigh. "Number three from the other team is hot." I answer grudgingly, rolling my eyes dramatically at her squeal of excitement.

Both of us know I would never even talk to him, let alone date him. Other gay boys in my town were quite uncommon, especially ones that weren't already in a relationship. I went back to ogling at the soccer players, not even realizing when Tyde made goals. I was far too focused on the tan boy running around in a jersey that was far too tight to be legal. In all my daydreaming, I didn't notice the next four goals made by the team Tyde was on, and I jumped out of my skin with a squeak when the end-of-the-game buzzer sounded.

I proceed by asking Sage how long I was zoned out for, she just shrugs and replies with a soft hum. I assume this to be an 'I don't know' sort of answer. Based on the cheery persona of everyone wearing blue, I assumed Tyde's team, the Knights, won. I said goodbye to Sage, even though I'll see her in an hour at most, and started to head to my car. I shuffle through the crowd, and slowly make my way to parking lot. Some of the soccer players were done in the locker room by the time I was in the parking lot (due to the /way/ too populated bleachers), and I couldn't help but watch some of them discuss things with each other team members, others just go straight to their designated ride home.

Before I started staring at them to the point where I started to drool, I slide into my Jeep and let out a sigh. I buckle my seatbelt, shove the key in the ignition and start the car. The music is turned down like background music, as it usually is, playing a (surprise, surprise,) One Direction song. I sang along quietly as I drove the short route home, noticing almost right away that I beat both Tyde and Sage home. Steele wasn't here either, so I assumed he was out with friends or maybe working tonight. I don't expect Tyde to be home tonight, he'll probably stay at a teammate's place for the night. I parked my Jeep in the driveway, turning the key and sitting back in my seat. Our three story house was quiet, most of the upstairs lights off. The white-painted panels were starting to get a dusty look to them, probably from the windy weather we'd been having lately.

When I finally slump out of the car and trudge tiredly to the front door. I know it isn't locked, I can hear my parents inside, so I open the door and slip through it. "Troye?" I hear my mom's voice from the kitchen, fighting off a smile. Of course she guessed me first, out of the four of us, I was the one expected to be home first.

"Yeah, it's me, how'd you know?" I tease, chuckling as I slip out of my platform vans. I open the small closet door to my left and toss them in. I'd probably regret it on Monday when I had to dig through the cluttered mess for them, but at the moment all I wanted was some food.

"Oh Troye, you know I don't mean it like that-" she starts, but I cut her of as I saunter into the kitchen. I make a beeline for the cabinet in the farthest corner, the thought of Nutella making my mouth water.

"It's okay mom, I was kidding. You know where I'll be. See you Monday." I tease, saluting her as I grab the jaw of Nutella. After she rolls her eyes at me, I show fake offense towards her as I grab a spoon from a drawer. I exit out darkly painted kitchen, entering the all white living room and heading to the stairs almost instantly. As I climb the stairs, I pause briefly to look at the pictures on the walls. Mostly of me and my siblings, a couple of my parents. Unlike the ones of Steele, Sage and Tyde, mine were not in a professional studio, but instead places like the garden; smiling softly while picking vegetables, in the living room, laughing at something happening off camera.

I hated having pictures taken by some stranger, in front of a back drop, they were probably in my top ten most avoided situations. I sigh slightly, tearing my eyes away from the many picture frames and skipping up the stairs the rest of the way. I glide down the hallway's wooden floors, sliding to a stop and opening my door. I close it as soon as I'm inside, making a beeline to my bed without bothering to turn the lights on. As soon as I slip into my blankets and open my laptop I know that I probably won't move from this spot unless absolutely necessary.

| T y l e r ' s P O V |

"Go to the soccer game," she said.

"It'll be fun," she said.

My mom might always be right when it comes to boy advice, but she couldn't be worse when it comes to sports. Who was I kidding? I couldn't be worse when it comes to sports. Yet here I am, searching for a parking spot at the local soccer fields. After five minutes of searching (possibly some honking and middle finger flashing, I'm not admitting to anything), I found a spot next to a decently kept Jeep. It was clean compared to my run down car, which still had a small suitcase I was just too lazy to unpack. I turn to car off, taking a minute to situate the things in my car before grabbing my keys and swinging the door open. I was careful not to hit the Jeep next to me, carelessly slamming my door after I slide out. Most everyone was in the fence of the fields by now, no doubt buying food from the concession stand and meeting up with their friends.

Having just moved into the area last month, I had no friends. Yes, this thought was a bit depressing, but I knew I'd have no problem making some friends when Monday rolled around. I was only here to familiarize myself with some faces, perhaps a couple names. I skipped the very crowded food stands, even though the smell was trying to change my mind, and started to climb the metal bleachers to a vacant spot. As I settled myself down three quarters the way to the top, a mousy brown quiff caught my eyes. I don't think I'll ever forget this head of hair.

He never turned completely my way, considering I was behind him, but I could tell he was attractive. His thin frame was disguised by his sweater, the navy blue making his pale skin stand out more than it would with a lighter color. His eyes are a brilliant shade of crystal blue, they are filled with so much wonder they almost look too big for his head. The way his hair was styled but slightly messy made me wonder if he ran his hands through his hair often. My question was quickly answered as he reached up with one hand to run it through his hair softly. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, glancing around to make sure no one looked at me. I watched him, my mind wondering what his skin would feel like under the palm of my hands. How would his breathing speed up if I backed him into the wall? If my hand slipped under the hem of his shirt to rest on his stomach, would I ignite goosebumps?

I was snapped out of my dirty thoughts (which I started to scold myself for) when he waved to a player on the field. My eyebrows furrow together instantly, my eyes sparking with jealously. Was that his boyfriend?

Tyler! I screamed at myself, shaking my head stiffly. You don't even know if he's gay. Hell, you don't even know his name. I burry my head in my hands, chuckling softly to myself. I remain in this position until a shriek breaks me out of it, my eyes darting to the source. I can't control my laughter, seeing it was the product of someone startling my pale boy. Wait. Hold up. Who startled him? My eyes travel to the girl behind him, shooting daggers through her. She climbs, surprisingly graceful considering the heels she was wearing, and plops herself down next to him. I can't help but instantly assume he's dating her, that's what it looks like at least.

Look at me, go out of my way to come to a soccer game, and I don't even know the two teams playing. I decide to tear my eyes away from them and gain that knowledge. I mean, I needed to know something to tell my mom. If I wasn't going to make friends I at least needed to know the team names and pick the cutest ones out. That should keep her heart happy, right? The score was in favor of the Knights, in blue, which I then decided to scout out for cute guys. My eyes landed on number fourteen and a stifled the question I wanted to ask out loud. Why was he so dang familiar? I pondered for a bit until I noticed the cute boy two rows away from me lean in to the girl, seemingly whispering something to her. She then let her eyes travel over the field, seemingly picking certain players out.

I chuckle to myself softly, leaning my elbows on my thighs. Was this twink really into this game? He didn't seem to interested in it five minutes ago, what was so different now? Was he actually picking out players? What for, exactly? I was left with my brewing thoughts, trying to contemplate whether or not I was I going to confide my mother in on this. Perhaps she would have some advice, she usually does. I fiddle my feet, leaving them crossed over each other on the ground. The girl next to me, whom I didn't notice until now, pointed to my feet.

"Is that comfortable?" She suddenly asks, her blue-green eyes looking up from my black TOMS to meet my eyes. I could feel my ears turning pink as I looked her over. Is it that noticeable? Her brown hair was long, and changed to blonde. A trend I believed was called ombré.

"Uhm, I guess, I don't really think about it when I do it." I shrug nonchalantly, offering a million dollar smile as I offer my hand. "I'm Tyler!" A grin spread like wildfire across her face, the bright red tint or her lipstick making her look ten times more lively than anyone around her.

"I'm Zoella, friends call me Zoe." She introduced, taking my hand to shake it softly. Her hand was incredibly dainty, even compared to mine. "I like your hair," she adds, glancing from my face to the electric blue on my head. I laugh, running a hand through it. Now that she mentioned it, I was reminded it was now blue.

"Thanks, I did it before I moved." I paused, debating. If I told her I went to Greenville High, and she was out of high school, she might not want to become a friend of mine. However, she beat me to the question.

"Do you start at Greenville this Monday?" She asks, hope lighting up in her eyes. I nod slightly, glad she obviously goes there too. Our conversation flourishes into a natural flow of things we have in common. Even sometimes it drifts to things we don't have in common; for example my (in my mind, obvious) sexual preferences, and her love for makeup. When the game's buzzer goes off, Zoe squeaks. I can tell she wasn't expecting it, which causes me to break into a fit of laughter. She giggles as I cackle, our laughter mixing in a way which leaves me grinning. We exchange phone numbers, and go our separate ways. As I get to my car, I once again notice the Jeep right next to it. This time, however, the super cute twink is sitting in the driver's side.

So, I was right. He was very attractive. His eyes fit in his head better than I thought they would, and his milky white skin is still visible even through the tint of his windows. As he started his car I slid between the two cars, slipping into the car's seat with ease. I glance in his direction as I recognize the familiar tune playing softly in his car. He's either gay or has a fantastic taste in music. I think with a smirk. I watch him start to sing to the song and start my own car as he pulls out. Okay, maybe both. I chuckle softly to myself as I start to drive to my new home, completely giddy to tell my mom everything.

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