take a dip into the unknown

328 22 36

| Tyler's POV |

Today was going to be a good day. Y'know why? First of all, I woke up on the right side of the bed, mom made me breakfast, my quiff is slaying all others, and I have enough time to stop at the the Starbucks between my house and school.

"Tyler, it's no wonder you're so short. So much coffee in your system at once does things to your growth. I read it on the Internet." My mother states matter-of-factly, dressed in some ridiculous yoga outfit. Never thought I'd say this, but thank god for school.

"Mom, stop it," I sigh, waving her teasing nature away. Back off, hater. "The Internet isn't always right, just most of the time." I shrug, grabbing a lightweight zip-up hoodie and my backpack before moving to the entryway. I had to admit, this new house was nice. Like something out of Better Homes. That's a "mom magazine" by the way, I catch my mom reading it all the time. The walls were all sickeningly white, and it kind of had a 'white and gold' theme going on. It made me sick. I wanted to fill the house with color; preferably rainbow or lilac. My mom however wanted to keep the appeal of the house up, something about impressing the neighbors or something.

I took a couple of minutes to decide between plain black TOMS or polka dot TOMS, but I'm finally seated in my little car. I went with the polka dot pair in the end, since my shirt was just black. Blend in a bit, right? I figure I should be scared, terrified, for my first day but I'm actually pretty excited. Knowing that somewhere in that school of judgmental teenagers I have Zoe helps a lot. If some kid beats me up or spills iced coffee down my front she'll help clean me up. Her and I texted a bit last night, and gushed about last season of Glee together. Turns out Zoe had the hots for Blaine Anderson, which lead me to talk to her about my encounter with the two boys. As soon as I told her the taller boy's first name, she instantly recognized him.

"Oh, that's Tyde Mellet. He's got a sister, and two brothers. He's a twin, cool right?" She had said, and it made it seem like she knew him personally. "He's like the star soccer player. His twin, Troye, is like the polar opposite. I hear he runs a gay porn blog on Tumblr," she should have expected my cackle, but seemed off put with it. "Ty-lah!" She scolded, her soft voice raising through the phone. Apparently she defended everyone, even if she didn't know them personally. Zoe is such a nice person. I can't wait to eat lunch with her.

Shit. Is she going to even sit with me? Was I going to sit with her? Surely a girl like Zoella Sugg has a dozen if not more friends, would she even consider sitting with me at lunch? I'm a social butterfly, sure, but what kind of people hang out with her? She's the kind of person that could bounce from clique to clique without anyone questioning it.

No need to stress about that now, yeah? Get through the first three periods of the day and then worry about lunch arrangements later? Good plan Tyler, good plan. The Starbucks sign caught my eye and I almost forgot I was driving. Good thing it's kind of a sixth sense, right? I know it's not healthy to dwell on your life whilst driving, but it makes the whole trip take less time. (At least it feels like that.) Upon pulling through the drive-through, I cheerily greet the barista and request a vanilla latte. Five minutes later I'm pulling into the school's surprisingly empty parking-lot.

As I pull into the parking-lot, I steal a parking spot in one of the corners, unsure about the driving skill at a school like this. With the added experience of icy roads half of the school year, most of the teenagers in Michigan are quite the drivers. Without that weather problem and constantly sunny skies, could you really say the same for young drivers here? My car wasn't some brand new prize possession by far, but I didn't desire huge dents in it either.

I decided to sit in my car for the next fifteen minutes or so, finding myself early despite my sluggish movements this morning and my stop for coffee. I made an effort to finish said drink before school started, promptly closing out of Tumblr on my laptop and tucking it away into my bag. The parking lot was now bustling with students and I took in the vibe they gave off. Instead of the jocks that play football, or in Michigan's case of hockey, it seemed the high-and-mighty sports team here was the soccer team. With a strange sense of déjà-vu, I let my eyes wander to each member of the wolf pack, finding the face I recognize as Tyde. Close by is the twink I'd come to love; still without a name to put to that gorgeous face. Unlike yesterday, when his hair was slightly curly and unruly, it now stood in a perfect quiff. Had I finally met someone with stronger quiff game?

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