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By fvckinwrite

420K 11.5K 2K

While Sam and Dean were looking for their father, they come to find out that they have a sister... Not only i... More

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quick a/n pls read!!!
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vote for a face claim!
a/n (again sorry!)


10.1K 272 65
By fvckinwrite

XVI. deserve to live

                    WHILE SAM AND DEAN TALKED TO the doctor about Dean's test results, they left Sybil outside in the hallway. Though they felt bad leaving her out, they wanted to protect her from any more trauma that came with the health of her brothers. She could barely take the news of Dean only surviving a couple of weeks to a month.

Both brothers walked out of the room only to be greeted by Sybil running towards them.

"Are you okay, Deanie?"

A tight smile appeared onto his lips. "Yeah, Billie, I'm fine."

Sybil sighed of relief as she hugged Dean tightly. Sam and Dean looked at each other briefly before Dean picked up Sybil.

"So where are we going now," Sybil asked.

"I'm going to talk to the reverend while Sam talks to a guy who had a heart attack."

Sybil raised an eyebrow, cocking her head to the side in confusion. "What? Why?"

"Just a feeling," Dean stated.

Sybil nodded. "I wanna be with Dean!"

"Okay, shortcake. Let's go see the Reverend."

                    DEAN AND SYBIL SAT IN THE living room with Roy and his wife Sue Ann as she poured a cup of tea for their visitors.

"I feel great," Dean said. "I'm just trying to, you know, make sense of what happened."

"A miracle is what happened," Sue Ann stated, setting down the cup in front of the two. "Miracles come so often around Roy."

Sybil began to zone out as Dean questioned Roy and the origin of his miracles. By the time she paid attention to the conversation again, she heard Dean ask, "why? Why me?"

"Well, as I said before, the Lord guides me," Roy replied. "I looked into your heart, and you just... stood out from all the rest."

"What did you see in my heart?"

A young man with an important purpose— a job to do, and it isn't finished."

After the conversation with the reverend, Dean and Sybil left their home.

"Is it true," Sybil asked, holding Dean's hand as she walked down the steps, looking down at her feet.

"Is what true?"

"That the Lord told him to heal you."

Dean sighed, "I dunno, Billie."

Before another word was said, the two bumped into Layla and her mother again.

"Dean, hey," Layla smiled.


"How're you feeling," she asked.

"He's all fixed now," Sybil smiled, interrupting their conversation.

Layla crouched down to reach Sybil's height. "That's good, isn't it!"

Sybil nodded as Layla flashed a kind smile.

"What are you doing here," Dean asked, causing Layla to look up at him.

She stood up straight again before replying, "you know, my mom. She wanted to talk to the Reverend."

"Layla," Sue Ann said, interrupting the conversation.

"Yes. I'm here again."

Sue Ann walked down the steps to meet her halfway. "Oh, I'm sorry, but Roy is resting. He won't be seeing anyone else right now."

"Sue Ann, please," Layla's mom begged. "This is our sixth time. He's got to see us."

"Roy's well aware of Layla's situation, and he very much wants to help just as soon as the Lord allows. Have faith, Mrs. Rourke."

As Sue Ann walked away, Layla's mom looked at Dean with contempt in her eyes. "Why are you still even here? You got what you wanted."

"Mom. Stop."

Layla's mom broke her gaze from Dean to face her daughter. "No, Layla. This is too much. We've been to every single service. If Roy stopped choosing these strangers over you, strangers who don't even believe... I just can't any pray harder."

Sybil felt uncomfortable at the confrontation, shifting her weight slightly as she tightened her grip on Dean's hand. Dean looked at Layla and asked what was wrong with her.

Layla, with tears brimming her eyes, looked at him, masking her disappointment with a smile. "I have this thing."

"It's a brain tumor. It's inoperable. In six months, the doctors say..."

Layla put her hand on her mom's shoulder as a way to comfort her.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Layla reassured.

"No. It isn't," Layla's mom said as she looked away from her daughter and at Dean. "Why do you deserve to live more than my daughter?"

As Mrs. Rourke walked past Dean, Sybil released Dean's hand. "Deanie does not deserve to die!"

"Sybil," Dean scolded slightly.

Layla's mom turned around, shocked as if she was now aware of the little girl's appearance. "That's not what I—"

"My mom didn't want me. My dad didn't want me. I was left alone until Deanie and Sammy came," Sybil screamed, tears falling down her cheeks. "I can't lose any of them too. I'm sorry Mr. Roy can't fix Layla. She doesn't deserve to die either, but it's not Deanie's fault!"

Layla's mom stood there shocked as she ran into the impala. Dean and Layla looked at each other apologetically before separating ways.

                     DEAN AND SAM PUT SYBIL INTO the bed, attempting to not wake her slumber. Ever since Dean's incident, she's refused to sleep despite the fact she needed it. Sam sighed, apologizing and admitting that Dean was right all along about the situation, but Dean didn't seem to be focused on the conversation topic whatsoever.

"What's wrong, Dean," Sam asked, concern evident in his tone.

Dean sighed as he shook his head slightly. "Sybil had another tantrum. She said that Dad and her mom didn't want her and that we're all she has."

Sam smiled a sad smile. "She's not wrong. We're all we have."

"Yeah, but I don't want her to think like that," Dean admitted. "Honestly, it's sad to think that a little girl thinks that she's not wanted by her own parents that she has abandonment issues."

"We'll talk about it after we figure out what's going on here," Sam reassured. "For now, tell me about the old guy you saw on the stage. Do you think it's a spirit?"

"No, there's only one thing that can take and give life. A reaper."

                    AFTER DOING ENDLESS RESEARCH ON THE reaper connected to their case, the two brothers began arguing about how to put the whole thing to an end.

"What the hell are you talking about," Sam asked, taken aback at what Dean had just suggested. "We can't kill Roy."

"The guy is playing God— deciding who lives and dies. That's a monster in my book."

Sam exhaled sharply, refusing to go along with his tactic. "No, we're not gonna kill a human being, Dean. We do that, we're no better than he is."

"Okay, so we can't kill Roy, and we can't kill Death," Dean recalled. "Any bright ideas, college boy?"

Sam's gaze stopped over Sybil's sleeping body. As he looked back at Dean, the older Winchester began to shake his head. "No, no, no. We're not putting Sybil's life on the line."

"You don't even know what my idea is!"

"Yes, I do," Dean stated confidently. "You're going to make her do her little magic thing to stop it all."

"We could definitely use her in finding what spell he's using to bind him to the reaper," Sam corrected. "Maybe she could break that bond."

Before Dean could reject the idea, Sybil woke up from her long nap, yawning as she sat up from the bed. Rubbing her eyes, she looked at her two older brothers.

"What are you two talking about?"

                    DEAN PULLED INTO THE FIELD WHERE Roy's tent was located. The three hopped out of the car as they discussed their plan while walking in.

"If Roy's using a spell, there might be a spellbook," Sam stated.

"See if you can find it. Hurry up, too. The service starts in fifteen minutes. Bring Sybil while I try to stall Roy."

Sam and Dean departed ways— Dean heading towards the tent and Sam heading towards his home. Sam opened the window to his living room and helped Sybil through the window, climbing in once she reached the other side.

"Let me know if you sense anything," Sam instructed.

Sybil just nodded in response as she followed closely behind Sam, gripping his sleeve. After searching around for a few minutes, Sam picked the lock into what looked like to be Roy's office. He scanned the bookshelves, realizing that there wasn't any dust buildup in front of the Christianity History book. He pulled the book from the shelf and began flipping through the pages. Finding nothing, he almost put the book back into the shelf before realizing that there was another small black book hidden in the back.

He pulled it out and began flipping through the pages, finding newspaper articles over the victims to the reaper killings. He unfolded the third newspaper clipping, revealing the protestor outside the tent from earlier.

Sam called Dean, instructing him to make sure Roy didn't heal anybody. Once he hung up the phone, he turned to Sybil.

"What spells have you learned?"

"I learned how to make something float in the air, how to make tie up someone with my mind and how to push objects really, really fast," Sybil listed.

"Okay, some of those things could be useful. Come on."

Sam picked up the little girl in attempts to be much quicker, searching through the parking lots for the protestor.


Sam looked over his shoulder, turning around in circles in attempts to find the origin of the screams. The man panted and ran until he bumped into Sam and Sybil.

"Help me, please," the man begged.

"Where is he," Sam asked, looking around, but was still unable to see him. "Do you see it, Billie?"

Sybil nodded. "Over there."


Sybil inhaled deeply, closing her eyes. After a few seconds, her eyes snapped back open, revealing a white misty light surrounding her pupil.


A white mist surrounded the reaper, slowly revealing it to Sam. Sam's eyes widened at the sight of the reaper as he grabbed onto the protestor's shoulder. "Come on!"

Sam received a call while they stopped running momentarily. The protestor looked around to see if the reaper was still there as Sam answered his cell phone.

"I did it. I stopped Roy."

"David, I think it's okay," Sam stated.

Suddenly, the reaper reappeared in front of them, it's arm stretched out to touch David's temple.

"No," David called out weakly as he slowly began to fall onto his knees.

"Dean, it didn't work! The reaper is still there!"

Sybil's white misty eyes came back, as if on command, and whispered, "meínoun píso."

The reaper was suddenly pushed back, but the force wasn't strong enough to withhold him. Sybil's nose began to bleed as she put her hands up in desperation for some more strength. Suddenly, the Reaper slowly began to fade away as it turned its back against the group.

Sybil's eyes returned its normal color and looked up at Sam, who was shocked at the events that had just occurred. "Sammy, I'm hungry."

Sorry, I haven't been updating as much. Like I've stated before, I have summer classes so I can graduate from college at an earlier date. I'll try my best to update as much as I used to, but I've been so so busy. Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading!

If you like Stranger Things, I just published a new book called Break Your Heart and it's about Billy Hargrove and my OC :) Check it out if you'd like, but if not, I'll see you in the next chapter.

Thank you so much for over 3k reads and thank you for being patient with me!

Also, enjoy the new cover I made for this book. Isn't it cute?

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