Star Crossed Lovers RagLak

De Live_Till_It_Hurts

9.6K 1.1K 882

RagLak Money. Brother. Power. Those were all he needed. Those were all he valued. But then...then came she... Mais

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII

Chapter IV

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De Live_Till_It_Hurts

Hope you're liking the fic.

Moving on... 💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations.

Chapter 4 - A Date to Remember

Laksh led Ragini towards the table he had booked for them. He went over and pulled back the chair for her like a true gentleman.

Ragini smiled at his gesture and sat down. Laksh went round and took his own seat. "So? Lovely day, huh?"

"Yes. The weather's pretty good today. You don't get such a weather usually." Ragini commented.

"Yeah! Exactly!" Laksh replied, hoping to impress her. "I mean the traffic is quite less today, huh? And the pollution too. Ha ha!"

Ragini smiled uncertainly at him. "Um I...I actually meant the environment. While it's a bit sunny, there's also the northern breeze blowing making it soothing outisde."

"Oh, I see." Laksh let out, realizing that he misjudged her words. However, his pride wouldn't let him back down from his viewpoint. "But of course the traffic is the main thing that we should be thankful of. That's what counts more, right?" he saw Ragini look at him with a flat face and dreaded opening his mouth. 'Shit shit shit! Laksh you ruined it! Just this once! Just this once couldn't you have just agreed to someone else's opinion over your own!?' he could imagine an irritated Sanskar holding his hands at his hips and shaking his head at him, calling him 'a pighead!'. Indeed Laksh agreed he was.

Laksh gulped and tried to control the situation. "I um...I'm sorry. I didn't mea-"

"It's okay." Ragini interrupted, her lips turning into a smile. She chuckled at his confused expression. "I was just surprised that's all."


Ragini nodded. "Well, usually the boy just tend to agree with whatever the girl says hoping to impress her. But you were honest to express your own opinion. I like that."

It was Laksh's turn to be surprised by her response. He expected her to get offended. But she seemed level headed and rational. "I see."

Ragini smirked. "Besides, too much agreement kills a conversation. No?" she spoke with a playful wink. However, on realizing what she did, she blushed. 'Eep! Swara is ruining me with her infectious bad habits. I act like this with her, but Laksh might think I'm being a flirt. Oh no!'

However, Laksh was too pre-occupied with his own thoughts to pay any attention to this detail.

'She praised me? Aww...she praised me!' Laksh grit his teeth hard to stop the childlike giggle that threatened to break out and gave her a manly smile. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." she replied with a smile of her own.

Ragini looked up as the waiter came and placed the glasses on the table, pouring water into them. Once he went away, Ragini rebegan the conversation. "I've heard a lot about you from Swara. She holds you in high regards. In fact, she doesn't shut up about how much of a hardworking person you are and how you inspire her so much!"

"Really? That's nice to hear." Laksh replied, trying to appear modest. 'But it's your opinion that I want. I hope you like me.' he took a sip from his glass. "Swara told me a lot about you as well."

"I'm dreading to ask what she told you. My little sister can be quite a prankster at times. I hope she didn't say anything to embarrass me." Ragini remarked light-heartedly.

Laksh chuckled. "She said nothing bad, trust me. She really holds you in high regards. Swara even said you were a role model for her!" Laksh admitted. "There's one thing which she did tell me not to tell you. It's that I shouldn't tell you about how much she respects you and cares for you. Said something about sibling pride and all."

Ragini chuckled. "That's little siblings for you. You can't help but love them, but also can't ever have a peaceful moment as they're always bent on irritating you." she reached over for the tissue on the table.

Abruptly, Laksh reached it before her and handed it to her. "Here."


"You're welcome Miss Ragini."

Ragini smiled at him in amusement. "You don't need to be so formal Laksh. I thought we were friends, aren't we?"

"We are? I mean yes! We are, of course we are. Haha...ahaha!" Laksh stuttered over his words. 'Miss Ragini? Did I just say Miss Ragini!? Of course I'm overdoing the entire formal thing. Ugh! Damage control, damage control!' Laksh gave a confident smirk to cover his anxious state. "True. But a gentleman always treats a lady with respect. Besides, I'm Laksh Maheshwari. I do everything in a grand way." he joked, knowing that girls liked a guy with good humor.

It seemed to have it's desired effect as Ragini let out a giggle. "You Maheshwaris and your superiority complex. The times I met Sanskar, he acted just like you."

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure I'm the cooler one."


Laksh's heart skipped a beat. 'She thinks I'm cool!'

"Ragini, good afternoon!" greeted a waitress as she came near.

"Hey Tina! How are you?"

"I'm good dear. What would you like? The usual?" Tina noticed Ragini wasn't alone. "Oh! I see you're on a date. I guess this gentleman here will order today for you, eh?"

"It's okay. You can order what you like Ragini." Laksh told Ragini and turned to look at Tina. "I'll have the same. Just give the bill to me, alright?"

"Then I'll order today's special for the both of us. Today's Wednesday, so Manish must be cooking it."

"You're right Ragini! I'll be back with your orders soon." saying so, Tina left towards the counter.

"You seemed to know her well. Are you a daily customer here?" Laksh asked curiously.

"Yes. Me and Swara come here often. Once you try Manish's cooking, you'll fall in love with it!"

"If you like it, I'm sure I will too."

"You can trust me on that department. I'm a pretty cool judge of delicious foods." Ragini joked.

Laksh chuckled at her childish glee. It felt good talking to her. He could be himself, without trying to keep up a formal front.

Whenever he went out with any other girl, they mostly talked about something that involved cars, luxury and riches. The daughters of the rival gangs tried to date him as well. But all they did was try to impress him by talking about jewellery and diamonds. They either wanted him for his body or his power. No matter how much he wanted to tell them. 'Please shut up, stuff your face with food and leave!' he controlled himself and acted like a gentleman.

However, with Ragini, he didn't have to try and act like he was having a good time. Because he genuinely was having a great time with her and would be happy to be spend more.

He placed his head on his hand and looked at her with a dreamy smile. On Ragini's questioning look, he answered on reflex without thinking much. "You look beautiful."

Ragini blushed at the compliment. "Thanks. You look good too." And she wasn't just saying it out of politeness. Laksh really did look dashing.

'He looks great in this color. It makes his eyes look more bright and filled with life! And that beard totally compliments his face structure. His hair also looks so sof-' Ragini mentally smacked herself to stop her wandering thoughts. 'I've nothing to feel guilty about. After all, I'm just admiring a thing of beauty. I know true beauty when I see it.' she tried justifying her thoughts.

"So... I take it you already know enough about me and Sanskar from Swara. We both have been each other's support since the death of our parents 16 years ago." he spoke in a sullen mood, as if reminiscing their loss.

Ragini didn't say anything but let him have his moment. She simply placed her hand on his as a form of comfort without a word. After all, sometimes all one needs is the assurance that someone is there for them. Just to feel that they're not alone.

Laksh composed himself and tried to smile at her. "Tell me something about yourself."

"Me? There isn't much to tell about me Laksh. I'm just an average girl who lives with her mother and sister, believes in living in the moment and tries to make every day memorable. That's me in a nutshell."

"What about your likes and dislikes?"

"I like almost everything! But singing is my passion. And as for hating things, I really hate it when they delay the food." she huffed out looking towards the counter.

"Hahaha...looking at your petite figure, no one would believe that you love eating so much." Laksh teased, her words breaking him from his sullen mood.

Ragini pouted. "I'll take that as a compliment." she said with a fake glare. In reality, she was glad that she could cheer up Laksh.

Soon, their order arrived.

"Try it Laksh. Its great!"

Laksh took a bite of the dish and closed his eyes in delight. "You weren't kidding. This is really great!"


There was a pause in their conversation. Only sounds that could be heard was of the cutlery.

Silence pervaded as they didn't find a topic to speak on. However, it wasn't awkward silence. It was more of a comfortable silence as they enjoyed each other's presence.

Ragini bit her lip, contemplating whether to ask or not. If she would have looked up, she would have seen Laksh's hand pause midair with the fork and his mouth open in the middle of chewing as he looked at her. He was entranced by her.

Ragini cleared her throat to begin her statement, making him look away quickly before getting caught.

"Laksh, although you told me all about your family, I still don't know much about you. Tell me more about yourself." she broached the subject with a bit of caution. She may have not known Laksh for long, but she could tell he was someone who didn't open up to anyone easily.

"Well, like you, there isn't much to know about me." he shrugged. "People expect me to be highly sophisticated. But I'm just a normal guy who loves having fun, hanging out with friends and....and in some days, just stuffing my mouth with food and spending all day sleeping indoors."

"And being a lazy potato?"

Laksh chuckled. "Yep. A potato that just wants to be pet and kept at home. That should be fed and cared for."

Ragini chuckled. "Being the heir of your father's company would obviously make people expect a lot from you." Ragini reasoned.

"Eh? Business?" he paused as he remembered he was faking as a businessman. 'Well shit! I hope she doesn't ask me anything about business and commerce.'

"Yes. The business organization you run."

Laksh choked on his food at her words. Only he knew what type of 'organisation' he ran.

"Oh my! Are you alright? Here, have some water Laksh."

Laksh thanked her and drank to calm himself down. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed something stuck on the corner of Ragini's lip.

"There's something stuck on the side of your mouth. Right there." Laksh pointed out to her.

Ragini tried to remove it with a tissue, but missed. "Is it gone?"

"No. It's still there."


Laksh leaned over the table and removed it with his thumb. "Gotcha!"

"Thanks Laksh. I co-" only then did she notice how close they were. While Ragini felt nervous, all Laksh could only think of was how pretty her eyes were. Unconsciously, he leaned closer towards her.

Ragini tried to move back, but felt too uncertain and shocked to do anything. She was just a bookworm and a bit of a conservative girl. These weren't things that happened to her usually!


Adarsh's shout broke Laksh of his trance and he abruptly sat back in his chair, trying to act as if he was never trying to kiss her in the first place. However, one part of him couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if Adarsh hadn't interrupted. 'Stupid Adarsh! Like he didn't have any other time to interrupt! Kabab mei haddi kahika!' he sighed in misery and nodded towards Adarsh, signaling him to continue.

"Laksh the business. It''s getting out of hand."

Although Adarsh was lying because of Ragini's presence, Laksh understood the hidden meaning behind his words. 'The Raichands must be causing trouble at the base. I must go and help!' Laksh got up to leave. "I'm really sorry but I nee-"

"It's okay." Ragini smiled at him. "Go. Your company needs you."

Laksh nodded and left with Adarsh. His men needed him. They would always come first before his own wants.

Once they left, Ragini finally let out a shaky breath to calm her racing heart. She felt like it would leap out of her chest any moment.

Only thing that came to her mind was Laksh' face a few inches away from hers.

She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to forget the scene. However, it only replayed over and over in her mind making her turn beet red.

Ragini smacked her rosy cheeks to stop them from blushing. 'He was so close. He was so close! What if...what if his friend didn't arrive at that moment? Then...then...' Ragini squeaked out in panic and patted her cheeks harder while her knee jerked up and down in anxiety.

A sudden thought popped up in her mind.

She never pushed him away.

'Why? Why didn't I move or do anything to push him away?' she looked down in distress. If it was anyone else, she would have slapped the guy or would have showed that she was uncomfortable. But with Laksh, she didn't do anything.

'What if he did kiss me?' a gasp left Ragini's mouth as she realized she didn't find the thought offensive. Rather, a shiver ran through her body as she imagined his lips touching hers.

"Hey ya Ragini! Are you done?" questioned Tina as she came near. "By the way, your man paid the bill while he left."

Ragini turned to her with wide eyes. "This is ridiculous! Tina, how can I fall for someone so soon?"

"Eh? What do you mean?" Tina asked in confusion.

Ragini stood up abruptly, making Tina stumble back in shock. "No no no! This is madness! Or maybe I'm just over thinking. He was just helping me. Nothing more, nothing more." she took a deep breath to calm herself. "Yeah. That's probably it."


To be continued...

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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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