dead upon arrival || ben harg...

De -harkr

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The monster inside of you is torturing me ... Joint written with my good ole buddy pal @kinarazaki Mais

| season one : dead upon arrival |
//1: we only see eachother at weddings and funerals//
//2: thank god for orange chicken//
//3: extra ordinary//
//4: man on the moon//
//5: number five//
//6: the day that wasn't//
//8: i heard a rumor //
//9: changes//
//10: the white violin//
| season two : damned upon arrival |
damned upon arrival : cast
// 1: oh my god! we're back again! //

//7: the day that was//

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De -harkr


Pandora is not sure how and she never figured out how, but her mother with the help of the Hargreeves kids had managed to convince Sir Reignald to let them have an overnighter, in exchange for extra training and no free time for two weeks. Although, the one detail that her mother and the kids had purposefully left out that they had been planning a prom-like event. Suits, dresses, and all.

"Pandora, who are you taking?" The question that Allison had bugged her with all week, but still refused to answer.

"Allsion, we don't bring dates," Pandora responded, searching through the racks of dresses. "How about this dress?" she pulled a dark green dress out of the racks

"It doesn't compliment your eyes," Klaus answered, emerging from another section of dresses, "You need a coral or a bronze for your eye color, like this," He handed her a bronze colored dress.

"I'm not a fan of the design, or the color," Pandora answered, then put the dress back on the rack.

"I like that dress, though I'm going to try it on," Marin said, then took the dress and draped it over her arm along with five other dresses "You know, Ben's thinking blue, or black." She said, dropping her voice so no one else could hear.

"Ugh, not black. We wear black all the time with those god awful fight suits that Reignald makes us wear on missions," Pandora whispered, "Besides, Ben said that I choose the colors with my dress. Besides, where is Ben?"

"With Diego, they went to go find the food court so we can eat when you're all done," Klaus answered, "He's trying to keep the low key thing happening cause Allison's on high alert right now. How's this?" Klaus held up a light coral dress.

"You know, that one just might be the one," Pandora smiled, then took the dress.


Five took a gulp out of the last bit of the coffee that was left in the cup and hurled it towards the back of the room, "I don't know... yet."

They all looked up from the paper that everyone but Five was crowded around that printed out in big bold letters: PROTECT HAROLD JENKINS.

"But I do know that he's responsible for the apocalypse. So we have to find him, and we have to find him now," Five continued.

"How is he connected to what's going to happen?" Luther asked.

"I don't know," Five responded.

"Wait, so you just know his name?" Diego jutted in, moving towards the front of the group, "That's it? There's probably dozens of Jenkinses."

"Well, we better start looking then," Five responded, shifting uncomfortably in his shoes.

"Well, where do we even start? What would we do when we find this Harold Jenkins?" Pandora asked.

"I mean like, how exactly do you know all of this about what's his name?" Diego added.

"Harold Jenkins," Five corrected, frustration entering into his tone, "You know those lunatics in masks who attacked the house?"

"Oh yeah, I think I remember those guys," Klaus said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah, the ones that attacked us while you were getting drunk," Diego spoke sarcastically.

"Yeah, them," Klaus mumbled as he sat down on a nearby couch.

"They were sent by the Temps Commision to stop me from coming back and preventing the end of life on earth," Five explained.

"The temps of what?" Allison questioned.

"My former employee. They monitor time and space to make sure that whatever is supposed to happen, happens. They believe the apocalypse is coming in three days. So I went to the commission headquarters and intercepted a message that was meant for said lunatics. 'Protect Harold Jenkins'. So he must be responsible for the apocalypse."

The group stayed silent for just a moment absorbing what Five had said, before erupting into a cluster of angry questions demanding answers.

"Do you know how insane this sounds?" Allison asked.

"You know what else is insane?" Five asked, gripping his side, "I look like a thirteen year old boy, Klaus talks to the dead, Luther thinks he's fooling everyone with that overcoat, and Pandora is still with Ben. Everything about us is insane. It always has been."

"He's got a point there," Klaus commented.

"We didn't choose this life. We're just living it. For the next three days anyways."

"But the last time we tried to stop it, we all died. Why is this any different? Why shouldn't I go home from my daughter?" Allison said.

"Because this time, I'm here. We have the name of the man responsible. Guys, we actually have the chance of saving the lives of billions of people. Including Claire."

Allison's head perked up, her eyebrows drawing close together, "You know her name?"

"I do, and I'd like to live long enough to meet her."

"All right," Diego nodded.

"Let's get this bastard," Allison stated.

"You had me at Gerald Jenkins," Diego spoke.

"Harold Jenkins," Five corrected.

"Whatever. I've already lost two people this week, I'm not losing anyone else," Diego started towards the door.


"You go, I'm going to stay and go though Dad's files. I still think this has something to do with why he sent me to the Moon," Luther shook his head.

"Seriously? You want to make the end of the world about you and Dad?" Diego asked in disbelief.

"No, 'Watch for threats'. That's what he told me," Luther defended, "You think that's a coincidence? This all has to be connected somehow."

"He has the right to trust his gut just like any of us. If he thinks Reignald has a link to the Apocalypse, then this might actually help us," Pandora spoke up.

"No, we should all stick together," Allison argued.

"No, we don't have time for this," Five jutted in, "Pandora, what's your stance?"

"I'll stick here, watch over the house. I don't know if Hazel and Cha Cha will come back," Pandora said.

"Let's roll then. I know where I can find this asshole. Klaus, you're with me," Diego spoke up then nodded towards the door.

"Yeah, I--I'm good. I'll just stick with Pandora cause buddy system you know? We work well together. I think I'll.... I'm just feeling under the weather," Klaus stood up, walking past all of them.

"If they come back, you know what to do Pandora," Five said, then they all separated.

"Will you need any help Luther with finding any of reignalds research?" Pandora asked, turning towards him.

"No, I'll just do it myself. Thank you," Luther responded, shaking his head.

"Alright, if you ever need help, just shout out. We're in the same house after all," Pandora siad, back stepping towards the stairs, "I'm going to quickly check up on Klaus. Cause you know, buddy system."

Pandora could think of three locations right off the bat where she thought Kalus could be in the house.

1) His room. She knocked, then opened the door, she saw no klaus in sight.

2) The bathroom. Same process, no Klaus in the tub.

3) The Attic. As she opened the attic door, she saw Klaus scrounging round, searching through supplies, cursing to himself.

"What are you looking for, Klaus?" Pandora questioned, stepping into the attic.


"Who are you summoning?" It came out more as a mothers demand rather than a question.

"Oh, you know, just dear old dad. Luther wanted to talk to him, ask him some questions because you know how he was a couple of days ago-," Klaus started, finally finding his rope.

"Klaus," Pandora pressed, sighing softly, "Please tell me what's happening. What's their name?"
Klaus pressed his lips together, "His name was Dave. I met him during the War while I was gone and... he died. Ever since I came back, I thought how unfair it was that you could just visit Ben when ever you wanted to. I thought that if that if I get sober enough, I could see Dave again."

"So you're tying yourself up to get sober?" Pandora asked, "There's better ways to get sober Klaus."

"I need my options taken away Pandora. Could you do that soul hold thingie?"

"No, you know I could never do the soul hold on anybody in the academy, especially you Klaus," Pandora shook her head.

"Then could you tie me up?" Klaus asked, pushing the bundle of rope into Pandora's hands.

"I don't know how to tie people up." Pandora said, "I never had to learn because I could just hold them down. Ben knew how to tie people up."

"That's weird, let's ask Luther," Klaus concluded, then moved past her. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, they saw Luther stumbling across the living room pouring himself a glass of alcohol. "Luther! Luther I need you to tie me up so I can- Are you Drinking?"

"Holy shit he's drunk," Pandora cursed under her breath watching Luther set down his glass, seeing the smashed liquor cabinet in the corner.

"Not to mention, he busted Dad's Liquor cabinet. He's gonna be so pissed!" Klaus laughed.

"Get him," Luther slurred, turning to the both of them, "Dad. Do it, Now."

Klaus sighed, adjusting the rope on his shoulders, "I told you already, I-- I can't!"

Luther leaned forward, grabbing Klaus by the throat, slamming him against a nearby column, "Little shit!"

"Luther, no!" Pandora shouted, grabbing Luther's arm, "Please Luther, Let him go!" Pandora slammed her hand against his side, blue energy through her hands. Luther dropped Klaus on the floor, clutching his side while taking several steps backwards, "What is wrong with you?"

"Jesus Christ, Luther," Klaus said, getting up while Luther crossed the room away from them, "Of course I tried! All right? God knows, I've tried, but he is as he was in life, he's a stubborn prick!"

"He needs to answer to me for what he did," Luther said, "For sending me up there. I sacrificed everything for him, my entire life. I never left this house. I never had friends. And for what? For nothing."

"Oh, no, no, no, no," Klaus shook his head as Luther sat down on a nearby couch, "Hey, just... just... just relax, okay? Just-- Just relax. I-- I could try again. I mean, I can't promise I'm clean enough. But just--," Luther took another gulp out oh his glass.

"Hey, this isn't solving anything, trust me. Let's get rid of that," Pandora gently eased the glass out of Luther's hands and set the glass on the counter as Klaus sat next to him.

"Chin up, big guy," Klaus said, softly punching Luther in the shoulder.

"It's okay, just go," Luther said.

"Why don't we find the others? I'm sure Allison could help."

"I don't want her. I don't want them to see me like this," Luther shook his head, "Besides I-- I would just hold them back. What they're doing is too important."

"What are you talking about?" Klaus asked, "You're our number one, remember? 'O Captain, My Captain!'" Luther laughed in response, "Remember? Yeah, right?" They sat laughing for a short moment. Luther's laughter quickly transformed into sobs, pressing his forehead against Klaus's shoulder. Klaus awkwardly reached over Luther, patting his shoulder in an attempt to cheer him up as he looked back at Pandora for help.

"You know, Diego was right," Luther mumbled, "Dad sent me up to the Moon, because he couldn't stand the sight of this. Of what... of what he did to me. Of what I had become."

"No, no, no. That's... That's not... Damn it, Dad was an asshole right to the end," Klaus concluded.

"Reinald did messed up shit to all of us," Pandora shook her head.

"You know, if there's anything else that either Pandora and I can do or...," Klaus started.

"I wanna be like you," Luther interrupted, "I wanna do whatever it is you do."

"No, no, no, no."

"Yeah, I do, yeah."

"You don't. Absolutely not."

"Come on Klaus. Cause you, Cause you seem so carefree, and I just need it. I wanna be number four."

"Luther, you're drunk. You don't know what you want or you don't," Pandora shook her head.

"Trust me. Trust me. You don't want that," Klaus continued, pressing his point, "You don't want that. What you need is just to lay down, sleep it off. You'll feel better in the morning. Okay?"

"Fine, I'll go by myself," Luther said, then stood up from the couch.

"Luther, you better sit your ass back down on the couch," Pandora said, pushing herself off the counter, both her and Klaus rushed up to Luther, only to get smacked back onto the ground. Ache shot up Pandora's ribs and back as she landed, the opening and closing of the front door following.

"Shit, we're really going to have to go find him, huh?" Pandora groaning, holding onto her ribs.

"If the end of the world is really coming in three days, then best to go find Luther," Klaus said.


"Come on Klaus, we have to find Luther. He needs us," Pandora said, trekking through smell crowds of people, pulling her jacket closer to her as Klaus followed just a few steps behind her.

Klaus sighed, groaning a bit as he doubled over. Pandora backed up a few steps to meet him. "I just... This is so pointless. Ah, I'm going home. I have to go home. I'm so dope sick," Klaus started, then turned around and stopped as Pandora set her hand on his shoulder. "You know, I know you can't see Ben right now but he's standing right in front of me and I don't think he realizes that I can just... walk through him," Klaus demonstrated as he walked several feet, waving his hands a bit as he did so.

"I think he does know that Klaus. C'mon, you need to keep trying. For Luther's sake," Pandora tried.

"He could be anywhere right now, doing God knows what," Klaus excused, "You know what? This is probably a good thing! The big guy needs a life, and tonight he's out experiencing the real world!"

"We both know he's not ready for that."

"Well, who is? Was I? Were either of you?" Klaus paused, "I-- I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know you weren't ready to die violently at a young age, that you were at the butt end of that tragedy," Klaus shook his head and covered his face with one of his hands, "Oh, sobriety isn't easy."

"You're just learning that now?" Pandora asked rhetorically.

Klaus looked up at the empty space next to Pandora, "What? Why are you looking at me that way?" He looked at Pandora for a moment for help, "He's doing that stupid face again. It's not my responsibility. I--I didn't sign up to save Luther or Ben."

"None of us did Klaus," Pandora said, a moment of silence passed, Ben must have been speaking.

Klaus sighed again, squeezing his eyes shut before opening his eyes up again, "Damn it," He muttered.

"Come on then, let's go find Luther," Pandora said, continuing to walk, making sure that Klaus was following.

"We've been to seven bars, three strip joints, and a laundromat," Klaus listed, "Luther's not here, can we go home now?"

"Last time I checked, it was your idea to go find Luther," Pandora said, "We just have to look through a couple more places."

"That's the biggest, hairy guy that I've ever seen!" The voice emitted from a group of women that passed by them. Pandora looked back at klaus with a raised eyebrow, turning their heads to see a building, blaring loud music from the inside.

"Great, a rave of all places," Klaus replied sarcastically. They walked up to the building, letting themselves in. they were instantly met with awful music, flashing lights, and terrible dancing.

"Ah shit, I'm too old for this," Pandora said as she pushed through the crowd, Klaus clamping this hands over his ears, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine," Klaus called over the music, "Is that Luther?" Pandora turned her head towards the stage area, along with many other people, was Luther dancing. He had his shirt off ad he wasn't attempting to hide anything like he was just a couple of days ago, "Do you think he knows?"

"I don't think he cares!" Pandora called back.

"Pandora! Klaus!" Luther called from the stage with a huge smile on his face, scooping them both into a hug, letting go of both of them, "Isn't this amazing?"

"It is, c'mon we need to get you home!" Pandora said, grabbing onto Luther's arm, attempting to pull him towards the exit.

"Home? This is my home now!" Luther answered. Pandora sighed in defeat, dropping Luther's arm as soon as another Woman had approached them, "See? Have you ever tried one of these?" Luther held up a tiny pill with a cartoonish symbol on it, "I've never felt more alive! But I'm so thirsty!"

Klaus grabbed the pill out of Luther's hand, then threw it across the room.

"Why did you do that?" Luther questioned.

"I have no idea!" Klaus responded.

"Klaus, are you alright?" Pandora pressed as Klaus ran his hands through his hair before covering his ears. "Hey bud, I'm right here. Let's find you somewhere to it down!" She scanned the area, but the only place that wasn't ransacked in people yet was an empty spot but the corner of the stage. She ushered Klaus to the corner, sitting him down "Hey, look at me. Breathe, breathe. Stay here, It's going to be okay, if you need to leave please let me know and I'll get you out of here as fast as possible. I'm going to get Luther then we will be out of here."

She stood up, moving towards Luther for the second time, "Luther, we need to leave now."

"I already told you Pandora, I'm not leaving!" Luther responded.

"This isn't your home Luther, your actual home and your siblings are waiting and counting on you. Are you just going to ignore the reason why Five came back?" Pandora asked rhetorically. Luther didn't respond, instead focusing more on the dancing.

A shout ripped through the music, as Pandora turned her head she saw Klaus attacking another person in the club, jumping on their back as he hit them on the head with his fists.

"Luther!" Klaus shouted, trying to get his brother's attention right before the back he was attacking flipped Klaus on his back, Klaus's head smacking the pavement.

In one swift movement, Pandora struck the man across the face, he crumbled to the ground as Pandora rushed over to Klaus. Klaus was still on the ground, his eyes closed, unresponsive.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Klaus you gotta wake up buddy," She repeated as she rolled klaus over on his back. Pandora pressed her pointer and middle finger against the side of his neck. No pulse. She pressed her ear against the left side of his upper chest. No heartbeat.

"Ma'am, do you-," The two men behind the man she stuck lurched towards her, she flicked up her hand, sending the two men backwards into the crowd.

She pressed her hands against the center of his chest, pushing up and down 30 times before pressing her mouth on his, forcing air into his lungs, "Wake up Klaus goddamnit," She repeated the same process. "Wake up!" Tears pooled into her eyes "NO, no no, don't you dare give up on me, I have a chance to save you!" She repeated the progress, "C'mon klaus I can't lose you too!" The compressions are replaced with Pandora's fist slamming on Klaus's chest, tears streaming down her face. "Wake! UP!"

Klaus shot up into a sitting position, gasping for air, trying to get his bearings, "Oh my God, Klaus!" Pandora gasped, hugging him tightly, "Oh my god you scared me so goddamn much, I thought I lost you!" The words coming out of her mouth quickly morphed into sobs. Klaus hesitated for a moment, then wrapped his arms around her.

"Pandora your eyes-," Klaus started as they both got up off the floor.

"We're leaving, I don't know where Luther is and I don't want to be here anymore," Pandora sniffled, grabbing his arm before they left the building.

The cool air hit her face as they stepped out of the building, walking down the same alley they used to enter into the building.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Klaus asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Pandora whispered, nodding for her own well-being rather than Klaus's. She shakily wrapped her jacket around herself, Klaus's arms doing the same as he held her while she wept.

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