Game of thrones season 8 rewr...

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This is my version of the final season and my ending to game of thrones. (The chapters are written as scripts... Mais

A knight of the seven kingdoms
The long night
The last of the Targaryens
A dream of spring


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Daenerys and the others arrive at Dragonstone on Drogon's back.

Yara and Missandei notice that Rhaegal isn't with them. They soon notice that the ship isn't with them.

They are both filled with worry and confusion. What happened? They look at each other with worried expressions and go to the place where Drogon lands.

Daenerys dismount Drogon, the others do as well. When Yara and Missandei reaches them, Missandei's eyes starts to search for Grey worm. She scans Drogon's back, as well as the area around them, but she can't find him.

Missandei and Daenerys make eye contact. Daenerys sadness is apparent and Missandei can see it clearly.

Daenerys can barely look at Missandei. She feels ashamed. Ashamed that she couldn't protect Grey worm. That she couldn't protect Rhaegal.

Daenerys looks away and walks into Dragonstone. Missandei understands what that means. She understands that Grey worm is gone.

Her eyes fill with tears. She has a hard time breathing. Tears stream down her face. But she doesn't cause a scene.

As the others enter Dragonstone, Missandei stays there, crying. Grieving the death of the only man she ever loved.


Daenerys, Daario, Jon, Tyrion, Jamie, Yara and Davos are standing in the map room in Dragonstone. They are all standing around the table, looking at the map.

Daenerys has a sad look on her face. Almost a depressed look. Her eyes are fixated on a dragon figure on the map. She is thinking about Rhaegal and Grey worm whom she just lost.

While Daenerys is staring at the map, the others around her are arguing about what do next.

I beg you your grace.

Daenerys looks at Tyrion. Her face is still drained from all the different variations of sadness.

I understand that you are upset and you have every right to be. But attacking King's Landing with Drogon isn't the right way.

Did you see the dragon falling through the sky?

Daenerys looks at the table again. Hearing Daario mention her dead child feels like a dagger in her heart.

Jon looks at her with worry in his eyes. She's broken. He can tell.

Cersei will take every ounce of kindness and mercy we show and she will use it against us. If we're going to win this war we have to be ruthless.

If Drogon attacks the city, millions of innocents will die.

Daario turns to Daenerys.

Think about it, if Cersei was in your position, wouldn't she do the same? If not worse?

We don't want to be like Cersei. We have to be better than Cersei.

Daario turns to Tyrion.

This is war! Have you ever heard of any conqueror or any king who hasn't stormed a city? Have you ever heard of any war where innocent weren't harmed.

He's right.

Everyone turns to Yara.

Cersei has to pay for what she did. If we don't storm the city, we'll never get to her.

If we're going to build a new world, we can't start with burning innocents.

Then what do you propose? That we wait until Cersei gives up the throne? Because that will never happen.

I will not execute an entire city for a crime they didn't commit.

Everyone looks at Daenerys. Tyrion is relieved by her statement and takes a deep breath.

We didn't come here to destroy the city. We came to save the city. Thousands of innocents don't need to die.

Daenerys pauses. She looks at the map again. Her face isn't sad anymore. It's angry. Furious. 

But Cersei does.

Tyrion's relief is washed away once he hears Daenerys words. He is clearly bothered by this.

Our army will not harm any innocents or any women or children. They will attack and fight the Lannister army and the Golden Company. The fleet will attack Euron and his ships. And I will fly Drogon to the red keep and burn it to the ground.

The others nod at what Daenerys is saying. Tyrion steps closer to her in a desperate attempt to make her change her mind.

Cersei is pregnant. I beg you, take her captive instead. But the baby doesn't need to die.

Daenerys looks at Tyrion with a burning fury in her eyes.

If Cersei had known about my child, she wouldn't have shown any mercy. Why should I?

Cersei loves her children more than anything. If you take her captive and spare her child, maybe she'll reconsider.

She should have thought about her own child before she slaughtered mine.

Daenerys turns to the balcony and looks out the window. She looks at Drogon as he is flying over the sea. Watching her dragon fly alone only fuelled her anger even further. Cersei will not get away with this, she thinks.

Listen to me, please.

Daenerys quickly turns er body to face him and her enraged eyes are fixated on his face.

Listen to you!

Tyrion lowers his eyes as she screams at him.

We lost high garden, because I listened to you. We lost the Tyrell's and the Sand's, because I listened to you. Cersei enlarged her army, because I listened to you. I lost Rhaegal and Grey worm because I listened to you. I will not make that mistake again.

She pauses for a moment, staring at him with cold eyes. Tyrion doesn't look at her, he can't. His eyes remain directed at the floor.

Daenerys doesn't feel any remorse for him. She doesn't trust him. She's done with him. 

Tyrion Lannister. You are no longer hand of the queen.

Tyrion looks at her with a disappointed look. Then he lowers his eyes to the ground once again.

Daenerys turns to Daario and Yara.

You won't attack directly. The armies will wait for me at the gates of King's Landing and the fleet will wait on a safe distance from the port. You will know when it's time. Will you see to it that the armies and the fleet are informed of the strategy?

They nod at Daenerys. She looks back at Tyrion with anger in her eyes. Tyrion slowly turns around and starts to leave the room. Suddenly he stops.

The bells.

He turns around

If the city surrenders, they will ring the bells and raise the gates. Please, if you hear them ringing the bells, call off the attack.

Daenerys looks at him for a moment. She doesn't believe that Cersei would ever surrender the city. But if she against all odds did, then Daenerys wouldn't have to burn the keep and risk the lives of innocent people. And she cares about the innocent.

She looks at Daario and Yara and nods.

Tyrion exhales and then leaves the room. So does Jamie, Daario, Yara and Davos. Jon and Daenerys are left standing in the room.

Daenerys walks to the fire place and stands in front of it, staring into the flames.

When can the forces be expected to arrive in King's Landing?

If they leave today. A couple of days at most.

They should leave as soon as possible. The longer we wait, the longer Cersei has to prepare for...

We haven't talked about what happened to Rhaegal and Grey worm.

Dany's face drops. She hasn't talked about it. Not with anyone. Maybe because she doesn't want to. Or perhaps because she can't.

What is there to say?


Jorah's words echoes in her head. She has to be strong, for her people. She has to forget her sadness and her loss. But around Jon, she can't. She is vulnerable around him.

Her eyes fill up with tears.

I failed them. How can I protect my people, if I can't protect those I love?

Jon thinks back to when Ned and Robb were murdered. And the time when Rickon had died in front of his eyes. He remembers how hopeless and powerless he had felt.

Jon knows how much she cared for Grey worm and Rhaegal. Grey worm had been by her side for a long time. He fought for her as a free man. And the dragons are like children to her. He knows that. And what mother could ever bear losing her children?

He walks up to Daenerys.

We can't always protect everyone.

Daenerys takes a deep breath. She tries to prevent the tears from leaving her eyes. She has to be strong.

You should inform the northern armies about the new strategy.

You shouldn't be alone right now.

The tears still hasn't left Dany's eyes. She doesn't say anything for a moment. She just looks into the fire.

Grey worm. I freed him from being a slave. And he died, butchered like a slave.

She can't hold it anymore. The tears start streaming down her face.

Jon walks closer to her and hugs her from behind.

She raps her arms round his and she lets it all out. Every emoting she was feeling. All the sadness.

Jon just stands there and holds her, and he just lets her cry.


Cersei is looking out of the window in the Red Keep, watching as thousands of people are being led inside the gates of the Red Keep. She has a sly smile on her face.

Qyburn and Euron enter the scene and stand behind her. Cersei notices them.

Our message was well-received, then?

Your people have heard the usurper is coming. They are grateful for your protection within the walls of the Red Keep.

Cerise smiles. She turns to Euron.

When the war is won, the Lion shall rule the land, the Kraken shall rule the sea.

And the glory will be yours, your grace.

Euron bows down and kisses Cerise's hand. He stands up straight again.

She's coming for you.

Of course she is. Keep the gates open. If she wants to take the castle, she'll have to murder thousands of innocent people first.

Cerise looks at Qyburn. He nods his head. She leaves the room with a smirk on her face.


Tyrion walks out of the castle at Dragonstone.

He can see Jamie speaking to some of the soldiers before he sends them off to the ships. They are starting to transport the troops to the outside of King's Landing.

The soldiers take off and take the boats to the ships.

Tyrion walks towards them.

He stands beside Jamie and watches as the boats leave the shore. 

Do you agree with all of this?

Cersei didn't give us much of a choice. She brought this on herself.

I can't argue with that. But you love Cersei. Don't you feel it's wrong to have her burned alive?

And this is coming from you? Do you know how many times she's tried to kill you?

I'm well aware. But I wouldn't wish that death upon anyone, not even my worst enemies.

He looks up at Jamie.

You were there when Daenerys burned the Lannister army, you saw all the destruction. Do you really want Cersei to die that way?

You know, after everything she's done, I don't really care anymore.

Jamie turns around and starts to walk away.

You don't have to sympathise with her. I doubt anyone could at this point. But what about your child?

Jamie stops. Tyrion notices that. Maybe Jamie doesn't care about Cersei anymore. But nevertheless, he does care about his child.

The child is innocent. If we capture Cersei first, then the child would be safe. You could raise it. You and Brienne if that is what you want.

Jamie turns around and looks at Tyrion.

What do you expect me to do?

Get Cersei out of the Red Keep before Daenerys attacks it. Tell her she has a chance to survive. She might listen to you.

When has Cersei ever listened to me?

Don't you want your child to live?

Jamie looks at Tyrion for a moment, contemplating his options. Then he shakes his head.

Cersei's already made her choice.

Jamie turns around and walks away.

Tyrion is distraught by this. The last hope he had to save his niece is gone.


Tyrion enters a room inside Dragonstone.

He has a bottle of whine in one hand and a cup in the other.

He pours himself a glass and sits down on a chair by a table. He takes a sip from his cup.

He stares at his hand of the queen pin. Even though Daenerys has ripped that title away from him, he still hasn't removed the pin.

You're never alone, you little fucker.

Tyrion looks to his right. Someone steps forward. They have a large crossbow in their hands, directed at Tyrion. It's Bronn. Tyrion raises his hands over his head.

Ser Bronn of the Blackwater. What are you doing with that?

Tyrion points at the crossbow. He doesn't seem to be afraid.

This is for you.

You're supposed to be south.

You are a gold-plated cunt. Do you know that?

That's a bit rude.

Year after year, I've shovelled Lannister shit, and what do I have to show?

You're a knight, thanks to me.

Thanks to me. And that title's worth as much as a blond hair from your brother's ballsack.

Power resides where men believe...

Shut your mouth. Your sister offered me Riverrun. Nice big castle, good lands, plenty of peasants who do what they're told.

And you trust Cersei?

I knew your sister was dead the second I saw those dragons. Now, your army may be torn to shit, but I'd still bet on your Dragon Queen to win. And it just so happens I'm a betting man. If Cersei's dead, she can't pay up.

We made a deal long ago. Do you remember?

If anyone offered me money to kill you, you'd pay me double. What's double Riverrun?


Bronn is very interested in that offer.

You could be Lord of the Reach.

Bronn lowers his crossbow and sits next to Tyrion. He pours himself a drink.

You got yourself a deal.

Bronn drinks from the cup.

But I'll need a favour from you

No fucking way.

Bronn aims the crossbow at him again.

If you're going to start asking for favours, then I'd rather shoot you and take Cerise's offer.

Shoot the hand of the queen and Daenerys will burn you alive. You won't have time to escape before they find my body.

Bronn thinks for a moment, then he lowers the crossbow. He looks at Tyrion with an annoyed expression.

Alright. What is the favour?

Tyrion takes a sip from the cup, then he looks at Bronn.


The armies have gathered around King's landing. The dortharaki, unsullied and second sons are waiting.

Drogon is waiting far away from the gates so that the scorpions don't fire at him. Daenerys looks at the gates.

The gates are still open and people are still entering.

Two people with hoods enter. One tall person and a short one. It's Arya and the Hound.

The Golden company walks out of King's Landing and the gates close.

Harry Strickland stands in front of the golden company on a horse. He looks at Daenerys and her army.

Daenerys turns around and looks at the army. Jon and Davos are standing by the northern forces.

Daario is standing by the Dothraki and the unsullied.

Jamie is standing between the armies and Tyrion is standing on the side, watching them.

Everything we have fought for has lead us to this moment! Every drop of blood, every tear, every loss has lead us to this moment!

She turns to the unsullied.

(In valyrian)
Unsullied! You chose to fight for me as free men. Now I ask you. Will you fight for me, one last time!

The unsullied cheer.

(In Dothraki)
Dorthraki! You promised me you would kill the men in their iron suits and that you would give me the seven kingdoms. Now I ask you. Will you fight for me one last time!

The dorthraki cheer.

Northerners! I pledged my armies to fight for you. In turn you accepted me as your queen and Aegon Targaryen as your king. Now I ask you. Will you fight for me! And will you fight for Aegon Targaryen! One! Last! Time!

The northerners cheer.

Daenerys walks to Drogon. Then she mounts him and flies into the sky, away from the field.

Davos turns to Jon.

What happens now?

Now we wait.


People are still being let into the Red Keep. Mothers are holding their children, hopeful to get into the Red Keep.

The crowd is moving very slowly. Arya and the hound are standing in the crowd on their way into the keep.

Close the gates!

Suddenly the gates close. Families are separated. Mothers, fathers and children. One woman calls her daughters name as the gates close. Thousands of people start banging the doors and try to get into the keep.

The hound and Arya push through the people and get to the gates. The hound starts slamming his fists on it.

Open the gates you fucking cunts!

He bangs the gates even harder, but nothing happens.


Arya looks around, she recognises the streets. Remember that she lived in King's Landing for a while. She might know another way into the castle. She grabs the hounds arm.

This way.

She pulls him to the side and they walk through a small road between the houses.


Euron and his ships are getting ready for the attack. All his ships have big scorpions on them.

Suddenly he hears something. It sounds like wing strokes. Dragon wings.

Euron looks up in the air, but he can't see anything.


He stands next to one of the Scorpions.

He looks up to the sky again. He still can't see anything. The sun is very strong. The light is so bright that is blinds him. He can't see anything.

Suddenly Daenerys and Drogon dive through the clouds, flying towards the ships, breathing fire at the ships.

Turn them around!

They start turning the scorpion around, but it's a very heave and big device, making it very hard and slow to move.

Before they can aim at Drogon, he is already breathing fire at them. Euron jumps off the ship.

Daenerys steers Drogon away from the port once see sees Yara's ships.

While Euron is in the water, he notices something approaching the port.

He looks closer and sees that it's more Greyjoy ships. It's Yara.

Euron swims to the shore with his men. He looks at Yara's ships and smiles like a maniac.

Some of Euron's ships are still there. He gets back to those ships. 

Daenerys has flown Drogon high up in the air again and starts to attack the scorpions along the walls of King's Landing.

One of the scorpions further away loads arrows and turns around to aim at Drogon. They aim and shoot.

Daenerys notices the spear and dodges the attack. She flies Drogon above the clouds again and attacks them the same way she did with Euron.


Outside the gates of King's Landing, the armies are still waiting.

Harry Strickland is watching Jon and the others. Suddenly the ground beneath him starts to slightly shake and he hears something. He doesn't really know what it is and starts looking around in confusion. It is coming from behind him.

He turns around and suddenly dragon fire burns down the gates and some of the Golden Company.

Harry falls off his horse and you can see some of his men screaming in pain as they burn.

The northerner, the unsullied, the dorthraki and the second sons attack and run towards the Golden Company.

Daenerys continues to burn the scorpions along the walls of King's landing.

Harry Strickland looks in horror as the army approaches him.

He turns around and starts to run in the other direction. The dorthraki riders catch up to him and one of then manages to cut his throat when they ride past him.

The Dothraki is able to run through most of the Golden company. The northerners and the unsullied then fight them on foot.

Once the army passes the gates, they are met by the Lannister army. 

The unsullied and Dothraki start to attack them. The Lannister army attacks as well.


Yara's ships get closer to Euron's.

Euron fires spears at them, which causes some severe damage. But some of Yara's ships are getting very close.

Yara and some of her soldiers use the ropes from the mast to swing over to Euron's ship (like they do in pirates of the Caribbean).

Yara and Euron stare at each other.

Did you miss me so much?

No, but I didn't want to miss the opportunity to kill you.

You're going to kill your own uncle? Does family mean nothing to you?

Euron looks behind her and then he looks back at her.

Speaking of family, where is your brother? You know, the one without his cock.

Yara gets angry when he starts talking about Theon that way. Euron notices that and smiles. 

Oh, I see. Shame. I would have loved to kill him myself.

Shut your mouth you bastard!

She attacks him with a sword. He blocks the attack with his own sword, holding it with both his hands to stop her sword from hitting him.

Someone's a little touchy.

He smiles once again. Then he pushes her away and attacks her by swinging his sword at her and they start fighting.


Cerise watches the battle from the red keep.

Daenerys armies have the upper hand in the battle.

Most of the Golden Company and the Lannister army has fallen.

They successfully push through into the city.

Tyrion follows them, and he looks at all the soldiers who has fallen.

He look at the dead Lannister soldier and the burn golden company soldiers with remorse and horror in his eyes, just like he did the last time Daenerys attacked the Lannister army.

They walk towards the Red Keep and fight off the soldiers that come in their way.

The Lannister army pushes back and tries to escape, but there's no where to go.

Suddenly the Lannister soldiers stop fighting. Jon and Daario notices that and stops fighting as well. They signal to the others to stop fighting.

Now the two armies are standing in front of each other. Staring.

The Lannister army look at Jon, Davos, Daario and the others. Then they look at each other.

One of the soldiers throws down his sword. Then another one does the same thing. Soon all the soldiers have thrown their swords. They've given up. They know they can't win. And they refuse to die for Cersei, a queen who wouldn't fight for them.

Jon is relieved by this and so is Tyrion. They don't want a bloodshed. If their army has given up, that means that Cersei has to give up as well.

Daenerys army continues to walk further into the city. They successfully breaches the gates to the red keep.

The people start screaming. They look up at Cersei with pleading eyes as they start to scream.

Ring the bells!

Ring the bloody bells!

Tell the queen to ring the bells!

Cersei looks down as Daenerys army enters. She is not happy. Qyburn enters the room where Cersei is standing.

Your Grace.

All we need is one good shot.

The scorpions have all been destroyed, Your Grace.

The Iron Fleet hold Blackwater Bay. We killed one of her dragons. We can kill another.

Your Grace, the Iron Fleet is burning.

Daenerys comes flying through the sky and lands by the gates of the red keep.

Jon and the others surround Daenerys, protecting her in case anyone attacks. Tyrion enters the red keep as well.

Daenerys dismounts Drogon and looks up at Cersei in the Red Keep.

They stare at each other. Daenerys has a determined look on her face and Cersei has an angry look on her face.

Ring the bells, please!

The people inside the red keep are looking up at Cersei and they're all begging her to ring the bells.

She looks down at them. They're all terrified. They're screaming, crying, begging.

Cersei looks back at Daenerys. Then she notices Tyrion and Jamie. She is even more angry now.

No. She won't quit. She won't give up. She won't give the dragon queen that pleasure.

Cersei walks away with Qyburn. She is not going to ring the bells.

Daenerys turns around and walks towards Drogon. Tyrion runs towards her and grabs her arm.

What about all the people?

Daenerys looks around. The red keep is full of people, women, children.

Cersei surrounded the red keep with countless of innocent citizens. If you attack the keep now, they will all die.

Daenerys thinks for a moment, as she looks around at the screaming and crying children. Her heart aches when she sees them. They don't deserve to suffer because of what Cersei did. She turns to Jon and Daario.

Get as many people out as quick as you can.

They nod at her. She mounts Drogon and flies up in the air.

Jon, Daario, Jamie and the armies start escorting people out of the red keep as quick as they can.

Everyone needs to leave, now!

People as hesitant at first, but then they see the dragon flying above the red keep and start leaving. Some of them can't walk, some of them are too tired.

A crippled boy can be seen limping as he tries to walk to the gates.

Suddenly he falls and has a hard time getting up. Then someone picks him up and carries him to the gates.

It's Daario.

Some women have multiple small children that they try to bring with them. It's hard for them.

Some of the unsullied walk to these women and help them carry their children.

Daenerys flies around the keep. She looks down and sees that people are leaving. She flies Drogon to the top of the Red Keep.

This isn't just about the iron throne anymore. This is personal. This is for Rhaegal. This is for Grey worm. This is revenge.


Drogon starts burning the Red Keep.

When the people hear the dragon breath fire at the castle, they start moving more quickly.

A woman can be seen walking with her child. She tries to move as quick as she can, but she seems to be in pain.

The woman falls to the ground. The child pulls her and tries to help her get up.

Mom. Mom get up, we need to leave.

You need to go on without me sweetheart.

No, I won't leave you.

The mother tries to get up, but she doesn't have the strength.

Suddenly a man crouches down beside her.

It's Jon

Put your arms around me.

She looks at him for a moment, then she does what he says. He carries her to the gates, the child follows them.


The hound and Arya arrive inside the Red Keep. Stones are falling from the roof because of the fire. The castle is starting to fall apart. The hound looks up.

Go home, girl. The fire will get her, or one of the Dothraki. Or maybe that dragon will eat her. It doesn't matter. She's dead.

He turns to Arya.

And you'll be dead too if you don't get out of here.

Arya is almost offended by his suggestion. She has traveled all this way just to kill Cersei. She isn't going to stop now that she's so close.

I'm going to kill her.

You think you wanted revenge a long time? I've been after it all my life. It's all I care about. And look at me.

She doesn't look at him. So he grabs her head and forces her to look at him.

Look at me! You wanna be like me? You come with me, you die here.

Arya looks at the ground. She has been waiting to get her revenge ever since she saw her father beheaded. Avenging her family and crossing the names off her list has been her goal for a long time. But she isn't alone anymore. She has her family. Sansa, Jon and Bran. She even as a niece now. Then she thinks of her father. If he was here, he wouldn't want her to go through with this. And she doesn't want to die. Not today.

The hound starts walking further into the castle.


Hound turns around. He can't remember the last time someone called him by his first name.

Thank you.

The hound almost smiles at her, then he walks into the castle.

Arya turns around and walks out of the Castle. When she is outside, she makes eye contact with Jon.

He look at her in shock. He didn't even know she was here.

She runs to him and they hug.

What are you doing here? Come, we have to get out, quickly.

Jon takes her into his arms and leads her away from the Castle.

Jamie is standing by the gates, helping people out.

He looks up at the dragon as he burns the Red Keep.

He looks at the castle.

Then he looks at the gates.

He looks back at the castle. Something seems to be troubling him.

Suddenly he seems to make up his mind and he approaches the castle. Then he enters the red keep.


Yara and Euron are still fighting. Their soldiers are fighting each other as well.

You know, you're not a bad fighter, for a girl that is. If you kill a king before you die, they'll sing a song about you.

You're no king.

Oh, but I am. And I fucked the Queen.

She charges at him, but he dodges the attack.

They are both standing near the scorpion now.

Yara notices that. She looks at two of her soldiers.

She gestures at the scorpion, without Euron noticing.

They understand what they are supposed to do. They load it with a spear and start turning it around to aim at Euron.

Before they can turn it completely, they are attacked by some of Euron's soldiers.

Yara notices this. Euron attacks her, but she dodges his attack.

She runs to the front of the ship and then she attacks Euron so that he drops his sword.

He laughs and turns around to pick up his sword.

Not bad, not bad. But now playtimes over.

Euron turns around and Yara isn't there.

I agree.

He turns to his right and sees Yara sitting by the scorpion. He is standing right in front of it.

Yara pulls a lever and shoots Euron in his chest.

He flies off into the water, sinking to the bottom with a spear through him.


The castle is falling apart.

Qyburn, Cersei and the mountain get to the stairs.

Qyburn reaches his hand out towards Cersei.

Your grace.

Cersei grabs his hand and they start walking down the stairs in the red keep.

Part of the roof starts to fall down on them.

Qyburn and Cersei crouch down against the wall. The mountain stands over them to protect them from the stones.

Cersei is scared. For once in her life she is scared. She refuses to die by being crushed by her own castle.

The hound can be seen walking up the stairs.

Cersei and Qyburn stand up. The hound stares at his brother.

Hello, big brother.

The mountain takes a step forward and looks at the hound.

Ser Gregor, stay by my side.

The mountain stares at Cersei with his terrifying eyes. Then he keeps walking down.

Ser Gregor, I command you.

Obey your queen, Ser Gregor.

Qyburn walks toward the mountain. The mountain grabs him by the neck and slams him to the wall, with breaks Qyburn's skull.

The mountain then throws him towards the brick wall, with causes Qyburn to break his neck and die. Cersei is frightened by this.

She starts to slowly walk down the stairs, walking past both the mountain and the hound.                                   
They stare at each other for a moment. Then the hound slowly walks towards him.

He starts swinging his sword at him.

The mountain is protected by his armour, then he catches the sword with his hand.

The hound pulls the sword away and starts hitting him with it again.

He hits the mountain's head so that his helmet comes off.

The mountain looks at the hound.

His face is horrendous. I almost looks like a zombie, like a living dead.

The hound stares at him.

Yeah, that's you. That's what you've always been.

The mountain attacks him with his sword. The hound dodges the attack. He pulls out his own sword and their swords clash.

They fight as the castle falls around them.

The mountain is much stronger than the hound.

The hound swings his sword at him, sometimes he hits him, but the mountain doesn't show any signs of pain.


Cersei enters the map room inside the Red keep. She is afraid, you can see in on her face.

Jamie enters too. They look at each other. Cersei has an angry look on her face, so does Jamie.

He walks closer to her.

Don't come any closer.

Jamie doesn't listen to her. He grabs her arm, but she pulls away.

If you come with me, you might have a chance to live.

He grabs her arm again and starts to pulls her out of the room. They are both obviously very upset with each other.

Are you going to bring me to your new queen?

I am.

You sided with our enemy. You sided with the daughter of the father you murdered.

You sent someone to kill me.

Because you left me. No one walks away from me.

I left to fight the dead. I left to make sure that we would live.

You betrayed me.

Suddenly they notice that the roof starts to collapse.

Jamie pulls Cersei into the other room as the stones fall to the ground.

Jamie walks into the map room again and looks up at the big hole through the roof.

Jamie then looks at her with an annoyed and angry face.

Did you really think you could win this? Wake up Cersei, it's over, you've lost. If you come with me, if you give up, Daenerys might spare you and our child's life.

He grabs her arm and starts to walk.

There is no child.

Jamie suddenly stops. He looks at her with a shocked, sad and angry expression. It's hard for him to believe what she's saying.

Not anymore. And this war isn't lost yet.

Jamies emotions shift from shock to confusion.

What do you mean?

I have something she can't escape. I have wildfire, underground, all over the city.

Cersei smiles as she says it and Jamie looks at her in terror and shock.


The hound is thrown to the floor.

The mountain walks down the stairs and look at him. His armour is mostly destroyed.

The hound tries to get up, but it hurts so much.

The mountain grabs him by his shirt and throws him against the walls.

The mountain grabs him again and throws him to the other wall.

The hound screams in pain.

The mountain punches him multiple times. He grabs the hound and holds him up against the wall.

The hound tries to get out of his grip, but he is too strong.

The mountain moves his hands so that his fingers are over the hounds eyes.

He starts to push Sandor's eyes into his head.

The hound screams in pain.

He grabs a knife that he has in his belt and stabs the mountain in the eye.

The mountain steps back and the hound falls to the ground.

The mountain grabs the knife and stars to pull it out.

The hound screams and runs towards him. He tackles him through one of the brick walls and they fall down into the burning bricks at the bottom of the castle.

The hound has finally gotten his revenge. But he died in the process. 



Yes. All I have to do is go down and light a candle. Once it has burned out, the whole city will burn.

Cersei smiles.

If you do that, millions of people will die.

I don't care about millions of people. I only care about us.

Cersei walks up to Jamie.

We could escape. We can burn the dragon queen and her soldiers. And then, it'll be just you and me left. The only people that matter. We'll burn them all.

Jamie looks at her with horror in his eyes. Burn them all. That's what the mad king used to say.

Jamie's hand cups Cersei's face.

Cersei smiles as he looks at the man she loves.

Then his hands move down to her neck.

He grabs her neck and squeezes.

Cersei starts to notice what he's doing. Her eyes fill with tears.

She tries to pull his hands off.

Then she starts hitting him.

But he doesn't stop.

Cersei face start turning blue. You can see the terror in her eyes. She is furious. She is terrified. She is sad.

She struggles to stay alive.

A single tear falls down her cheek.

Then she stops moving.

Jamie puts her on the ground.

He looks at her for a moment.

Then he tries to get out of the castle.

He turns around and the hall to the stairs collapses.

He enters the map room again. At that moment, Drogon flies by and fire comes through the hole in the roof.

Jamie crouches down and runs to another room. It's a dead end.

He runs to another part of the castle,

Suddenly one of the walls collapses on him, burying his legs in heavy bricks.

He screams in pain.

He struggles to get out. He tries to lift the stones, but they're too heavy.

He looks around and watches as the castle collapses around him.

Tears fill his eyes. He doesn't want to die today. Yet here he is, on the floor. His legs crushed by a big pile of stones.

He shouldn't have come here. He shouldn't have entered the castle. He just wanted to save his child.

Why didn't he walk away? He should have left when Cersei said the child was gone. Why was he so stupid.

No. He wasn't stupid. He didn't stay because of Cersei. He stayed because he couldn't risk the chance that she might escape. He couldn't risk her lighting that wildfire and destroying the city.

He thinks of Brienne. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, but he never got the chance.

The roof collapses over him.

He has saved King's Landing once again. At least he died doing something good. He really was a changed man. And he proved that today.


Jon, Daario, Davos and the other soldiers, as well as the people, watch as the red keep collapses.

Tyrion watches as well. He looks around and notices that Jamie isn't there.

He starts walking around looking for Jamie, but he still can't see him. 

He turns to one of the soldiers.

Where is Ser Jamie?

They shrug their shoulders.

Tyrion starts to get worried.

Jamie! Jamie!

Could he somehow gotten caught in the fire? Could a soldier have killed him?

Suddenly he remembers what he told his brother. About Cersei. About saving her.

He looks at the burned down red keep and shakes his head in disbelief. Tears start to fill his eyes.

No......... No, no, no!

Tyrion falls to his knees and starts to hit the ground with his fist.

His brother had listened to him. His idiot brother had listened to him. And now he was dead.

Tyrion never really loved Cersei. He cared for her, but he didn't love her. He only loved her children.

But Jamie. He always loved Jamie. They had their differences, but Tyrion wouldn't have survived his childhood without Jamie. Jamie was the only one who didn't treat him like a monster. And now, Jamie was gone, because of him.

Drogon flies over the people. They starts screaming and running in panic.

Daenerys lands Drogon next to the Red keep.

Jon and the soldiers try to calm the people down.

They manage to make them stop screaming.

The people remain standing around the red keep. Women, children and men. Cripples, bastards and lowborn. They stop in front of the keep and look at Daenerys

She dismounts Drogon and looks out at the people standing around the red keep.

They are terrified. You can see it in the way they hold their children. You can see it in the way they stand.

Daenerys looks at them with a compassionate look. She doesn't want them to fear her.

I know you're afraid. You're afraid of my dragon. You're afraid because of what you've been told about me. You're afraid that I'll be like Cersei, or worse even.

She pauses.

Cersei told you I would burn your city to the ground. Cersei told you my dragon would devour your children and that my men would slaughter your mothers and fathers, your husbands and wives.

Some people are seen clutching their children. They still have a terrified expression on their faces. 

But I didn't. I only burned the ones who harmed and frightened you. I want to break the wheel that has been crushing the helpless and the poor for centuries. I want to build you a better world. A world were you don't have to fear tyrants like Cersei Lannister. A world of peace and mercy.

Jon smiles at her speech.

And I swear to you, in all Seven Kingdoms, men will live without fear and cruelty under their rightful queen...

Daenerys turns to Jon and gestures to him.

And their rightful king.

Everyone looks at Jon. Davos bumps him with his shoulder and gestures to him that he should walk up to her.

Jon walks up to his wife and stands beside her, looking out at the people.

Will you follow us? Will you trust us to lead you into the future? And will you trust us to build you a better world?

No one says anything. No one moves.

Jon and Daenerys look out at the people and they starts to become worried.

It's so quiet that you could hear someone dropping a pin.

Daenerys looks at Jon with a worried expression.

Daario and Davos can be seen looking around.

Suddenly, A little boy steps forward. He stands in front of the people so that both Daenerys and Jon can see him.

Then he raises his fist into the air.

He starts to cheer.

Daenerys smiles at him.

Then another one joins him, and another, and another.

Soon, all the people are throwing their fists in the air and cheering. Jon and Daenerys smile at the sight.

Davos and the other armies start to cheer as well.

Daenerys and Jon look at each other and smile.

They did it. They won. 


The doors to the red keep open.
The roof has been completely destroyed by the fire.

Most of the walls are intact. There are big blocks of stone laying all over the floor.

They look straight ahead and can see the iron throne.

Jon and Daenerys are enter.

They both walk towards the throne. Then they stop.

Jon looks at Daenerys and then he nods at her, sort of saying "it's yours".

Daenerys walks up to the iron throne. She hold her hand out and almost touches it. But then she pulls her hand back.

Her face isn't happy. It isn't even content or indifferent, but sad and angry.

Jon walks up to her.

What's the matter?

After all this time, it's finally mine. The iron throne. I've fought so hard, travelled so far, all for this throne.

She pauses and remains quiet for a short moment.

But at what cost? How much didn't we loose? How much haven't we suffered because of this throne.

She looks at the throne and tears fill her eyes. She thought that she would be happy once the throne was hers. But looking at it, she doesn't feel happy. She feels empty. That throne has taken far more from her than it has given. It destroyed her family. It caused her to live in exile. It took Rhaegal and Grey worm. It took most of her Dothraki and most of her Unsullied. It had almost taken herself and Jon.

Burn it.

Jon looks at her with a surprised expression. Then he takes her hand, showing that he supports her.

They take a few steps back.

Daenerys turns around.


Drogon hears her. He approaches them and stands over the red keep. His arms and his head come through the hole in the roof and his legs are still outside of the building.

Daenerys looks at Drogon, then she turns around and takes a final look at the throne.

Her face is emotionless.


Drogon breaths fire at the throne. Daenerys watches as the flames slowly melts it away.

I'll wait for you outside.

Jon leaves the red keep. When he gets out he sees the remaining unsullied, Dothraki and second sons.

Jon sees Daario standing by the armies. They look at each other for a moment, then Jon nods at Daario. Daario nods back.

Davos is standing by the steps of the red keep. Jon walks to him.

Are you burning someone in there?

Not someone, but something. The iron throne.

Davos seems surprised.

When she fought so hard to get it, you'd never expect that she would burn it.

I'm glad she did. That throne never brought anyone anything good. It only made people miserable.

The throne might be gone, but that doesn't mean people aren't as miserable as they were before. The search for power won't end simply because you burn the throne that symbolises it.

They both look out over the city.

So what now? You're king and she's queen of the seven kingdoms. What will you do?

Build a new world. A better one. Help people as much as we can.

We're will you start?

Jon thinks for a moment as he looks over the city.

Suddenly, a dragon screech is heard from the burned red keep.

Jon's face fills with horror. He and the unsullied rush to the red keep.

As they are running they see fire and they hear a loud scream.

When they enter, they see a man burning. He's screaming at the top of his lungs. Suddenly he collapses on the ground and stops moving.

They turn to the other side of the room and they see Daenerys laying on the ground, there is blood around her.

Drogon rests his head next to her body, making sad squeaky noises.

Jon runs to her, falls down on his knees and sees an arrow through her shoulder. It is dangerously close to her heart. His eyes fill with tears.

Daario looks at them with sadness and shock. Davos is also shocked and distraught by the sight.

Tyrion arrives at the red keep, his eyes are sad seeing Daenerys body on the ground. He turns his head to the burned mans body.

Jon picks Dany up in his arms. She's still breathing, but her breaths are heavy.

He turns around

Get help! Fetch a maester, anyone.

Jon.... Jon.

Jon cries as he hears her weak voice.

Sh, sh, don't speak. Save your strength.

It hurts Jon.

I know, I know.

People usually say that when others are hurting and usually they don't have a clue how it feels. But this was different. Jon knows what it feels like. He has died. He has been stabbed in the heart. He remembers the pain as clear as day. He knows exactly what she is feeling and how much it hurts.

If he could take the pain from her, if he could transfer it to himself so she didn't hurt anymore, he would.

Daenerys tries her hardest to breath, but it hurts so much. She groans in pain.

Listen to me, focus on my voice. You will be fine. We will take care of you. And when you have recovered, we will be together. We will raise our child and build a new better world, together. We'll build our own home, just like I promised.

The tears are streaming down his cheek as he says those words.

A single tear falls down Daenerys cheek. She raises her hand and cups his cheek.

You were my home.

Some of the unsullied come back running. They lift Daenerys up and carries her away, out of the red keep.

Daario can be seen with tears stream down his cheeks.

Some on the Dothraki are also shown. They are also sad.

Yara and the Greyjoys watch as Daenerys is carried past them. Yara is obviously upset. She takes her fist and places it on her chest, on her heart. So does the other Greyjoy's.

Jon is still on his knees on the ground. The tears won't stop.

Davos walks up to him and puts his hand on Jon's shoulder.

The whole city is shown, the people standing around the red keep. Watching as Daenerys is carried away.

Drogon screams once more.

The camera pans to the burned red keep.

A single feather falls from the sky and lands on the melts of the iron throne.

The screen turns black.

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