I Got You ~ C.B

By Tay_Angel_

139K 2.2K 243

Alaska Rain has changed a bit since last time shes been to the USA. For starters she isn't a little sixteen y... More



2.8K 43 19
By Tay_Angel_


We lay entangled in his sheets, his arm under my head playing with my hair while I play with his rings on his other hand. He sits up, stating
"I'm getting us some water. Don't slip of and leave a note in my phone this time yeah?"
I scoff, throwing one of his pillows at him
"You made the joke the first time we fucked since I've been back thanks."
He chuckles, tossing the pillow back at me and teasing
"Wrong- we make love."
He draws out that last word, and I giggle falling back onto the mattress. He brings back two water bottles, I watch him walk back to me in only his boxers. Wow. It still astounds me that I landed him. Four years ago I was surprised, thought he was way too hot to be interested in me. Four years later I still think the same thing. I'm substantially better looking since then, and he just keeps getting better. Goddamn I'll never catch up. He pauses in the doorway
"Actually- you feel like going for In-n-Out."
"I'm in."
I stand from the bed, always up for midnight fast food. I only get my jeans and bra on again before I feel him behind me, lips pressing to my shoulder.
"I am an incredibly lucky guy."
So we think alike. I tilt my head back, kissing him
"Thank you baby... where's my shirt?"
He laughs, heading back out into the living room and
returning with my shirt, putting it on back over my head. Pulling his back in afterwards, he asks me
"As usual."

October comes fast, bringing my birthday with it, and a whole lot of anxiety.
"Please," I beg Colby again for the tenth time in an hour "I don't want a big party. Don't make a fuss."
For the second time in an hour, he asks
"Why not?"
For the first time in an hour, I actually answer
"Because. My birthday is always chaos. I prefer to do something low key. Besides, my family is coming over."
He grins
"That's great! We'll do a family thing and a party."
I shake my head
"No no- you don't understand. It's going to be a nightmare."
He takes my hand as he drives
"I'm sure it'll be okay. I'm excited."
My birthday, October 31st is tomorrow. My family gets here tomorrow morning and I have to pick them up. Well, Colby and I do. I really need that car. As bad as it sounds, I don't really want them here. I moved here to escape them. Get away from the drama. Be free. And now they're coming to my place. The place I made my home. They better not tarnish it. And as for Colby, they don't know I'm actually dating him. It's been two and a half months now, and as far as they know, he's my best friend in LA. And I know, as of tomorrow, I'll have to tell the truth. I love my family, I do, but I'm trying to let go of that phase of my life. Move on. Onwards and upwards. But I just know this isn't going to be a pleasant trip. Either way, I know if this relationship is going to progress, Colby will have to face- I mean meet- my family at some point. As we pull up outside of the building he's taking me on a romantic, exploring abandoned places date, stepping out the car he huffs
"I have to tell you something... I've planned a surprise party for you tomorrow. With everyone."
I smirk knowingly over the hood of his Corolla at him
"You did? Oh..."
He narrows his eyes at me
"You knew."
I laugh
"You haven't exactly been secretive about it, Col."
He exclaims. I roll my eyes, coming around to kiss him through his black XPLR mask
"I'll explain later. Let's do this thing."

The next morning, I wake up in Colby's bed. Damn, it's doomsday. I shower, and get dressed in a fresh pair of black ripped jeans I've left in my drawer he's reserved for me in his dresser, and pulling one of my favourite hoodies of his over my bra. His black one with the word 'Sinners' on the front in red lettering. Too lazy to put anything other than a hoodie and jeans on. Finally waking him up when I'm ready
"Colby, baby, we gotta go."
He mumbles and rolls over
"You only wake me up now? When I'm meeting your family for the first time?"
I tell him
"We still have an hour. I thought ahead."
He sits up, rubbing his eyes
"I'll be ready in ten."
"I'll have a coffee waiting."
He kisses me and goes to get ready. Just when I thought he's gone into the bathroom, I'm tackled onto the bed again. He covers me with kisses and exclaims
"Happy twenty first birthday sexy!"

We get in the car after a coffee, and get another coffee on our way to LAX. There isn't enough seats in Colby's car for everyone, half will have to take the SUV with driver I've hired following behind us, but getting them from the airport is what counts. I keep rambling most of the way
"Now, when you meet them, be prepared we're huggers. Except for my sister, the big one that is, Sadie is a bitch. I can't warn you enough about how much of a bitch she is. I'm hoping she'll be trying to suck up to me since I've shouted her business class flights direct here. Anyway, either way she'll have something to say, but I'll deal with that when it comes to it. As for my mum, sweet but an eccentric hippie. Step dad- a tight ass who has bad social skills. My little sister, sweet little psycho. My grandparents are pretty cool. They're the only ones who will be coming today. But what I'm trying to say is- things with us can go down hill really fast. Just warning you."
He chuckles, taking my hand and bringing it to his lips, kissing it as he watches the road
"Things will be great. I can be very charming you know?"
I sigh
"You're not who I'm worried about."
He's the least of my worries. This is how I see it going, again, my intuition is usually correct. Sadie, my older sister by seven years, will take one look at Colby and judge him instantly. Pass judgement that he's 'emo' and doesn't work hard, unmotivated. Because according to Sadie- YouTube isn't a job. It's too easy. Even though we make more from YouTube than she does in advertising. Then, although it's my birthday, she'll make everything about her while trying to get me to give her expensive designer things. She'll trash talk my life and the people I care about, I'll finally break my cool and snap, we'll argue. My family will take her side, brush it off like it was nothing like they usually do. Maisie, my little sister, will be wild, not allowing any attention from anyone to be on anyone else but her. Mum will get an anxiety headache and be out the game for the rest of the trip. And I won't be in the mood to pretend to be surprised at my party. Along with the fact I have to rush around for it. Making everyone happy, playing peace maker, dinner with the family, vlogging everything, getting ready for the party and dressing up since Colby and I are doing the matching couples costume thing, and then getting to wherever this party is and acting excited and surprised with no energy left. I'm lucky it's my twenty first. I'm going to need a drink or two.

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