Home Away From Home; Vmin


43.5K 2.6K 739

Fresh air and a change of scenery would do this city boy some good considering all his life he's never left t... Mais



6.1K 223 91

Third Person

"Tae Honey, you're going to live with your grandmother for a while."

"What the fuck Ma!" Taehyung yelped out, jumping up from his bed, dropping his Gucci shirt that he just folded. His mother nodded and picked up his shirt plus she dragged the suitcase that was right behind her into view. The young red haired boy had a look of disbelief on his face as his mother began packing his bags not even giving a explanation as to why he had to go. "I bought you your train ticket and she already set up a room for you in the house."

The young male had widened eyes and started pacing around the room,"Ma! I don't want to go, I've never been there before!" Hyuna, his mother, just shook her head in disapproval at how her child was acting. She knew that she may of spoiled him just a bit. Just a tiny bit.

By now Taehyung was full on panicking, what was he going to do without his friends, how was he going to live? Well that's kind of easy, he wasn't a normal rich bitchy kid, he did know how to do work and all that he just did get a bit spoiled from time to time. He didn't want to up and leave though, he had things he had to take care of that didn't include going to the country. Yet here he was being driven down to the train station to go there.

When the car stopped Hyuna stepped out of the car she brought her sons suitcase along with her, her son however, sat in the car with a pout on his face. She knew she'd have to drag him out. She was wrong however because he stood up and slammed the door shut aggressively before making his way over to her where she was holding the train ticket. He pulled it out of her hand and grabbed his suitcase and began walking off. Before he could make it very far he was stopped abruptly by a hand holding his shirt. "Don't be like that baby, come on at least give me a kiss goodbye."

The male was his mother's child so he turned around swiftly and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek before going back to the train to find his seat. It was of course first class and when he sat down he looked out the window and scanned the crowd for Hyuna who he found right away and gave a small wave to. She decided to be embarrassing like most mother's and waved her hands like a maniac, despite being one of the richest females in Korea.

The engine suddenly blew and the train started moving without warning, the farther it got from the station the more the red head felt insecure about leaving home. Then again though the closer he got to the country the more he began feeling free. Plus he maybe couldn't wait to meet his grandmother. He's only heard of her and supposedly met her when he was like three. That was years ago, he wanted to meet her now, when he could hold a conversation with her and make memories. He knows he was just going on about how he hadn't wanted to leave but truth be told, he was kind of excited.

It would be a long ride so he decided he would take a nap till the train arrived at its stop. Pulling out his earbuds he shoved them in and clicked on a random playlist and let the beats fill his ears before drifting off in a soundless sleep, watching the busy streets and buildings turn to fields and trees. And then black.


Taehyung woke up from being gently shaken awake by what he guessed was another passenger. He thanked them before getting up and grabbing his bags, making his way to the exit. A few of the people who came from the city recognized him as The Kim Taehyung, he shrugged it off though and kept walking. When he made it off the train he didn't really know where to go. He just stood there looking around till he spotted a little old lady in cute clothes waving at him. He guessed that she was his grandmother and so he went over. He was right.

"Hello Halmeoni." He greeted. What he wasn't expecting was a bone crushing hug and some excited squeals to escape the old lady. It was adorable though.

Soon enough he was dragged to a nice looking car with leather seats, he was impressed. To his surprise she gestured him to take the drivers seat, Hyuna isn't going to be the only one who spoils him. Shin was ecstatic to see her grandson after so many years that she didn't care if he didn't have his drivers license he was driving anyways.

So the young man took the wheel and drove. Tried to at least. He could drive, but not stick. So Shin maybe took the gear and changed it whenever it was needed. Other then that he was doing perfect according to her. It took them about thirty minutes to reach her farm and when they did Taehyung was more then happy that he didn't have to drive anymore. He was just a bit frightened he'd ruin his Halmeoni's car, which was understandable.

Halfway through the drive the sun got in his eyes and so they stopped so he could put his sunglasses on, which now rested at the top of his head because he was going into a house so he wouldn't need them. Shin was so happy she brought his suitcase in when he wasn't looking, when realization hit him he scurried after her but stopped in his tracks.

He dropped his wallet and needed to pick it up. Then he went on after her again and into the house that she called home, and he would too. It was larger then he expected it to be. Being he just got there from a long journey Taehyung went to the fridge and opened it up, there was a lot of shit in there but what caught his eye was the lemonade. As he was pulling it out the kitchen screen door opened and closed, he suspected his grandmother was doing something so he thought nothing of it and grabbed himself a glass but froze as a voice spoke out from behind him,"Hey, can you pour me a glass too?" He wasn't a rude boy so he went ahead and did just that.

The man continued to speak,"I'm Park Jimin, you?" Taehyung turned around and looked up, holding the glass out for the blonde to take,"Kim Taehyung." Jimin's eyes widened and he spoke once again,"Holy shit your voice is deeper then expected. Also, you must be Shin's grandson, she's been speaking about you. You're just as handsome as she described." With that Park walked off with his lemonade leaving the male stunned at what he said. His grandmother hadn't seen him in years so how'd she know what he looked like and what he did?

But what stunned him the most was that the other openly called him handsome before walking off like he said nothing at all. And holy shit was he fucking hot. Really fucking hot.

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