Treading Water

By deniseangelwrites

144K 6.1K 1.5K

Mature Content and Sex scenes, recommended for R18+ audiences. Emerson Roy is focused on one goal, nail her... More

1 - Crashing Waves
2 - Shifting of the Tides
3 - Into the Deep
4 - Bubbling beneath the Surface
6 - Ice Breaker
7 - Tip of the Iceberg
8 - White Waters
9 - Smooth Sailing
10 - Distant Shores
11 - Impassioned Voyage
12 - Bleeding Rivers
13 - Ethereal Reflections
14 - Rip Tide
15 - Treacherous Storms
16 - Lost at Sea
17 - Ebbing Waters
18 - Crossing Streams
19 - Resplendent Waterfalls
20 - Ripples in Motion
21 - Deep Oasis
22 - Dreamy Mist
23 - Blissful Currents
24 - Sparkling Pools
25 - Tempestuous Whirlpool
26 - Swept Away
27 - Captivating pools
28 - Intense Downpour
29 - Dormant Seas
30 - Desolate Horizons
31 - Becalmed
32 - A Splash of Sass
33 - Dangerous Rapids
34 - Shimmering Shower
35 - Turbulent Waters
36 - Pool of Tranquility
37 - Deflections in the Stream
38 - Treading Water
39 - Spectacular Springs
40 - Wishing Well

5 - Uncharted Waters

4.9K 198 62
By deniseangelwrites

Authors note: This chapter contains sexual references. I recommend for readers 18+ and over.


I can't move. I haven't taken a breath for quite some time and I can feel my chest tighten as my heart hammers quickly. I need to calm down or I'm going to have a full-blown panic attack. 'Breathe Emerson, breathe.' I chant to myself over and over, and what feels like forever but most likely was only a minute, I take a deep breath, and release it. The man stepping out of the car is now making his way to the front door, so I need to will my legs to move. The man that is NOT Arden. My entire body feels heavy as I slowly make my way to answer, fear gripping me tightly. Confusion and panic are settling in as the distance between me and the unknown stranger is closing in. If I thought I was nervous about a date with Arden, someone I knew nothing of, I 100 percent feel completely petrified of the man that isn't Arden standing on my doorstep. Have I been played? Was this some kind of setup? Am I in danger? My knuckles are white as I grip the handle of the door, all the questions running through my head making it harder and harder to release the latch.

The doorbell rings a second time and I know I need to answer it if I want to know what the hell is going on. Cautiously, I pull back the door and peer out at the tattooed man standing waiting for me, ignoring every stranger danger alert I've ever learned in my 25 years in existence.

It wasn't that he was an unattractive man, in fact he's rather handsome in a rough and rugged kind of way, but he screams arrogance and danger, and that's already rubbing me the wrong way, as he looks me from head to toe, then smirks.

"Aye, I can see why he likes you lass" he smirks, then gestures for me to follow him. "C'mon, we'll be late if we don't get going"

"Who the hell are you?" I boldly call out, not yet setting foot outside the door, manners be damned.

"Your ride" he laughs.

"I'm not getting in that car with you, I have no clue who you are, and quite frankly I don't trust you"

He stops and looks back at me, "You're right not to, but if you want to see Arden Quinn tonight, I'm afraid you will have too lass. The names Malachi, I work with Arden. We're mates. And tonight, the delivery man of one very important package.... you!" scratching his fingers through his beard, he grins "Now, if that's satisfied you, can we go?"

Just the mere mention of his name, 'Arden Quinn' and my knees are weak again. Looks like I am going to make a terrible decision here, but I do not want to miss my chance to see him again. Hear him again. Touch him again. "Ok" I stutter, stepping outside and pulling my door closed behind me. The snowy weather is starting to close in so I know we need to get a move on.

He opens the back door, which honestly feels foreign and rather odd, but I quietly climb in and settle into the back seat. He catches me checking the locks and grunts, "I'm not kidnapping you love; he'd have my head for that"

"Oh sorry, guess I've seen one too many crime movies" my cheeks must be bright red now, I'm so embarrassed he saw that!

He's pulling out into traffic now, a serious expression on his face. I study him while he drives, it's good to know details you know, just in case. His wide neck is covered in tattoos, and despite the cold weather he's only wearing a light shirt, baring huge biceps, which are also covered in dark, bold tattoos.

"Malachi was it?"


"May I ask why you're here and not Arden?"

"He planned to be lass, something came up last minute that had to deal with so he sent me, didn't want his pretty lady left waiting" HIS pretty lady?! Oh wow, just hearing those words makes my heart pound. His? I like the sound of that. 'Oh, get a grip Emerson' I scold.

"Don't panic Lass, you will be with him soon enough" Malachi chuckles from the front seat, I suspect he's enjoying this a little more than he should, my persona giving away equal parts excitement and apprehension. I couldn't help the excitement, the Irish tones in Malachi's voice were aiding me with my visions of Arden, all my nerve endings awaiting his touch.

Soon enough we are pulling up outside Clover, and again my breath hitches in my throat, but this time it's due to the glorious vision of my mystery man, Arden. He stands tall, his dark hair tidy, facial hair trimmed for the occasion. His eyes serious, but inviting. Under a dark long coat, which clearly was made for him, he wears a fitted shirt, not quite buttoned up, showing a hint of his broad toned chest. Black pants hung from hips, and everything about him screamed power, and lord knows I want to give him more, I want him to take the power, to be my power.

I begin to prepare myself to exit the vehicle, but instead he opens the left-hand rear door, and slides in next to me.

He leans in and places a gentle kiss on my left cheek, the simple gesture igniting a frenzy of electric pulses through my body. It's like he was created for the sole purpose of satisfying every need my body desires. Strangely this seems like it is not a hello but more that it is like a welcome home. The urge to turn into his lips, and pull them to mine is strong, but his scent overwhelms me, rendering me his puppet should he should choose to take lead.

"Emerson, my cailín álainn" he whispers, his breath tickling the hairs on the back of my neck, every inch of my skin flaring up in goose bumps.

"I...ah I ummm" oh shit Emerson, he says your name and you lose your damn mind, speak girl! "I ah, don't speak ah Irish" I finally stutter out, I'm sure by now, looking like a complete idiot.

He leans back slightly, so he could look me in the eye and smiled, " I said 'beautiful girl' " he purrs, how is it okay that his voice alone can make me wet beyond my wildest dreams.

"oh" I squeak, feeling the redness burning up cheeks and spreading like wildfire. I glance to the front of the car at Malachi, who thankfully is staying quiet and keeping his eyes on the road as he navigates the icy roads.

"Don't mind him sweetheart, he'll mind his business, won't you Kai?"

"Aye Lass, nothing to worry about here. I'll be out of your way in no time" he smirked.

Arden reaches across and places his hand on my left knee and gives it a gentle squeeze, before sliding it up ever so slightly to rest on my thigh, conveniently this is right where my skirt parts ways, so we're now skin to skin, electrical currents sparking between us. I'm lost in a sea of senses, unaware of how one can be both frozen in place yet set alight with a fire of passion. All this from his hand on my leg, wow, how am I going to survive this date. I look up into his eyes again, and he gives me a comforting smile, one that tells me he feels it too.  We're heading into uncharted waters, full sail ahead with no hope of return!

"You look absolutely exquisite Emerson. I apologize for not being there to collect you, some urgent business came up and I'm afraid I couldn't delegate it. I promise I will make it up to you, I want us to have a very pleasing evening getting to know one another. I take it since you still accompanied Kai, you want that too" his hand caressing my thigh ever so slightly, his touch is all I can think about. After moments of silence, I manage a small nod in his direction, a shy smile on my flustered face. I'm trying to remind myself I am a strong, independent woman but something about Arden renders me incapable of cognitive control.

"Ah, excuse me boss. I hate to interrupt, but the snows starting to close in on the roads, and we still have 5 miles till we get to your chosen location. May I suggest we pull up to this chalet just up the road here, till the storm passes up. Then I can come back for you later." Malachi's voice is loud and firm, yet you can hear the caution laced in his words.

I swear my heart starts beating at an alarming rate, loud enough for all passengers to hear, 'a chalet' at night, in a snow storm, with perhaps the most perfect specimen known to mankind as my date? Okay, I've died haven't I, this can't be real, I just can't believe I could be this lucky!!

"Thanks Kai, solid plan. Take us there." Arden's eyes never leave my face as he instructs Kai to move ahead with the new plan. The authority in his voice increasing the knots now developing strongly in my core.


"Please be seated and we will have the kitchen prepare you some food. Can I bring you a drink?" the elderly man who I can only presume is the chalet owner offers, after showing us into the spacious open plan dining room, timber adorning the walls and ceilings, big glass windows overlooking the vast mountain ranges, or that is what we would see if we were snow logged. Kai had left in a hurry, assuring us he would return as soon as was safe. I did inquire as to why he didn't remain here, but they were adamant he had important duties to return too. The weather reports have since updated that this could be largest snow storm we've seen in years. Normally, I'd probably complain, but hey, I'm not stuck with Arden in a stunning chalet with nothing else to do but explore the endless possibilities of one another. That's right, I'm riding out this snow storm with a man whose touch can whet the greatest of starved appetites.

"We'd love a bottle of your finest bubbly if it's not too much to ask, sir" he instructs the gentleman, before pulling out a dining chair for me. He guides me into my chair, holding my hand, and I start to wonder if I've woken up in a new age fairy tale.

Taking the seat next to me, rather than across from me, he places a hand over my own, resting on the table, before speaking again in more hushed tones "It seems my plans for our evening went south from the very beginning, beautiful, but I will do my best to entertain you nevertheless"

"You can't control the weather Arden, and this place is magical, I have no complaints" I smile broadly, feeling much more comfortable in his presence.

"She speaks?!" he teases, and I blush at the realization that I truly have not spoken a great deal, since the moment he hopped into the car.

"Now it's my turn to apologize" I claim, "I guess with so many unknowns, I was feeling rather nervous and affected, this whole scenario is uncharted waters for me and I've been having difficulty navigating myself through"

"Well then, allow me to be your captain" he whispers, and before I have much chance to react let alone reply, he leans over the corner of our table, wraps one hand around my neck pulling me toward him whilst the other cups my cheek, brushing his thumb across my slightly parted lips before claiming them with his own. Fireworks erupt as our lips part together, allowing his tongue to slide over my own, the two dancing together likes flames in a wild fire. His grip on my neck firm and dominant as he deepens the kiss, my own hands gripping at his open collar, a soft moan escaping my mouth.

"Err, ah I don't mean to interrupt, but uh....I ah, I have your bottle of champagne and glasses sir" I am not sure who is redder, me or this poor elderly man who just received a show he most certainly did not bargain for.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry" I exclaim, my voice a few octaves higher than normal, my eyes looking anywhere but at the poor man.

"Thank you for the champagne" Arden looks unaffected by the intrusion, his eyes still thick with lust.

'Oh, never you mind deary, it's lovely to such a beautiful couple in love" he chuckles.

"In love? oh we're not......."

"That's kind of you to say" Arden interrupts, as I try to fumble my way through my own response. I eye him curiously, but leave it at that because secretly it makes my heart warm at just the thought.

Still having a wee laugh, the lovely man shakes his head and wanders off after informing us dinner wouldn't be too far away. Perhaps that was his subtle warning that he'd be back shortly.

Dinner was incredible, considering the house chef was not intending to received anymore guests for the night. We were served a beautiful open steak and salad sandwich, a small side of crispy fries and he even followed up with Tiramisu for dessert, I felt like absolute royalty. The conversation flowed easily between myself and Arden, me discovering how attentive and interested he really was when stating we'd be getting to know one another. He continued contact at most times, even as far as to begin rubbing up against my leg with his own when he'd had to release our hands to use cutlery to eat. The entire act was giving me butterflies, and the tension continued to build between us like two opposing forces in an atom. We'd polished off the bottle of champagne, drinking it like water to quench the thirst no doubt caused my such sexual tension.

After we finished eating, we chose to stay in the shared living space, and cozy up on the large couch setting place directly in front of a freestanding open log fire, a soft slow cast over the room from the amber flames lapping up into the chimney. Arden had pulled me down against him, my back resting against his hard warm chest, I'd let my head rest back on his shoulder and to the rest of the world, we would have looked like happy Honeymooners, comfortable with one another, yet still giddy and excited, never bearing to break contact for longer than we'd have too.

Whenever other guests were not around, Arden would take the opportunity to steal another kiss, or slide his hand further down my back, or his other hand up my bare thigh. I could feel his arousal, yet he insisted we stay cuddled up in front of the warmth of the fire.

It was heaven. And it was hell. I was enjoying the intimacy that came from such a gesture, but the more our skin continued to spark against each other, the more the ache inside me grew. I yearned to be touched by him, I longed to feel his lips explore the dips and hollows of my body, and I craved more so to feel him fill me, bring me to climax with his name rolling of my lips. I knew I was in trouble, as each hour ticked past, I begun to feel like a junkie, one small fix would never be enough. I needed to taste him, and feel him.

Finally, he gently sits me up, pulls me up from the couch and leads me down the hall and up the stairs to the third level. We walk together in silence, fingers curled between each other as he draws circles on my hand with this thumb. Stepping into our room, I look around to appreciate the incredible location we have been lucky enough to stuck in.

Seeing only one bed I smile coyly, then turn to Arden in anticipation.  The fires in my soul so alight, I need him to help me find solace.  Fully prepared to lay myself at his mercy, I step towards him, and in one quick move he has me hard up against him, one arm around my waist, the other pulling my left leg up around his hip.  He presses his hard member against me causing me to quake in his arms, as his lips begin a trail of kisses from my ear to my neck, a gentle nip here and there.  Throwing my head back further to give him full access, my own hands gripping his shoulders for support.  I moan as the pleasure builds, and I swear I hear a him release a low growl before he suddenly pulls away.  He tidy's my clothes before stepping back further and clearing his throat.

"Thank you for an incredible date, my beautiful girl.  Normally this is where I'd deliver you to your home, but as we are stuck in a storm, please allow me to offer you the bed.  I shall sleep on the pull-out sofa in the attached living room.  Goodnight my sweet angel" he plants a soft kiss on my forehead before whispering "sweet dreams".

Then, the gentleman that he was turned and left the room, leaving me to my tempestuous thoughts.


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