Love and Pineapple (English)

By Zazounette86

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A collection of Meteor Garden 2018 one shots. More

Hot spring's benefits
Legacy - Part 1 : The letter
Legacy - Part 2 : Knitting and gift
Legacy - Part 3 : Fireworks
Legacy - Part 4 : Exam and birth
Mingde 2040:A New Generation
Jealousy 2
F*cking romance
Daoming Suzhi and babysitting
A fiancé for Shancai - Part 1: my life is angst
A fiancé for Shancai - Part 2: Friendship
A fiancé for Shancai - Part 3: Respect
Daoming Si nunquam titillandus - Part 1: Magic
Daoming Si nunquam titillandus - Part 2: Spice
What happened to the nineteen catering dishes left?
Her laughter
You left but still, you linger
Fairies 2.0
The mermaid of Copenhagen
The mermaid of Copenhagen - part 2
The Black Cat
The Mermaid of Copenhagen - part 3
The Mermaid of Copenhagen - Part 4
Missed opportunities
The Christmas TV Movie: What makes it so easy to guess the ending?
A violin on the rooftop: a Lei/Shancai, AhSi/Xiaozi love story
I don't care if everyone belives the rumors as long as you still trust me
You Belong With Me: Yue
You Belong With Me: Dylan

Daoming Si nunquam titillandus - Part 3: Cuddles with my enemy

430 30 14
By Zazounette86

Hi everybody!

Here the last part of my "Daoming Si nunquam titillandus" story and last prompt as well in the collab with:









I hope you'll enjoy it, even if there are mistakes !

Daoming Si nunquam titillandus – Part 3: Cuddles with my enemy

Filch looked at them both, a sadistic smile stuck on his lips. Shancai clenched her fists, closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself down while Daiming Si nonchalantly leaned against the wall, his arms crossed, and he kept staring at her.

Buckets full of foamy water because some kind of washing-up liquid with brooms, cloths, and brushes were waiting for them. Filch let them in that state, walking away with a sadist sneer, Miss Norris the Second or the Third closely following him.

Shancai got stuck here, standing in front of these household utensils, fuming. She couldn't believe it! "The owlery!! The owlery, I can't believe it!! We have to clean this room! With – only that!!!"

She started to grab a broom, muttering softly then suddenly stopped and quickly turned toward Daoming Si.

He didn't move an inch, his arms still crossed, still nonchalantly leaning against the wall.

An owl flew above his head, a few added droppings landing at his feet.

"Don't tell me I'm gonna clean all that by myself?" She said, grinding her teeth.

The Slytherin boy gave her a smug smile and he only stared at her, without answering nor moving.

Shancai felt anger crossing her body like an electric shock. No doubt about that, he knew how to make her angry! She was here, in detention for the first time of her life, in the most execrable conditions because they had to clean the dirtiest place of the whole Hogwart castle, without using magic of course and with almost nothing and him, HIM, was standing there, doing nothing, his arms crossed, openly scoffing at her!


She threw a brush to his face but he avoided it with a shift of his head, bursting into laughter. Hell! She just wanted to shut him up.

He stared at her again, making her shake with rage, her cheeks reddening, her eyes shining with anger and they seemed bigger, more mesmerizing.

She's truly beautiful. So beautiful I could die.

He felt his throat going dry when Shancai was about to explode again. He wanted to irritate her even more, only to enjoy seeing her eyes shining with that fascinating glint, her lips slightly opened so he would want to taste it and her breast rising and down so he would want to –

He blushed, stopping his train of thought which began too dangerously to deviate. Shancai seemed unaware of it. She had just thrown a mop to him which landed next to the brush. Realizing he still didn't react, she started to shout at him, obviously discharging herself from what she had on her mind after weeks of being harassed and humiliated.

"You're unbearable, Daoming Si! I can't understand how you can have friends and how they manage to endure you! You terrorized students for years. Who are you? Hu? Who do you think you are?"

He barely listened to her, captivated by her lips, by her oblivious head moves making flutter some strands of her dark hair. Unconsciously, she was moving closer to him and he felt progressively breathless.

What's wrong with me?

"Do you know how muggle-borns can feel? To have the feeling that your world crumbles overnight? How much it can be unsettling to land in an utterly stranger world? To be surrounded by people who laugh at your ignorance? To have the feeling to work harder than others to reach the same level as a wizard born? To have that feeling to permanently have to prove yourselves?"

She stopped a few centimeters away from him and he gasped, unable to pronounce a single word. How such a tiny woman could have that effect on him? However, Shancai misunderstood his silence. Her eyes narrowed and her voice became more vicious; "Yes, of course, you don't care about muggle-borns! You despise us, aren't you? We are nothing, aren't we? After all, for old Voldemort's followers, even passive, we are inferior beings, I suppose?"

Daoming Si was abruptly brought down to earth, flabbergasted.

What? What is she talking about?

"What do you say, you little ugly girl?" He growled.

He saw her clenching her fists. "You heard me very well, Daoming Si! I know very well that your parents were on Voldemort's side! I know very well that your family considers that people like me are 'mudblood'!"

He violently reacted. "It's not true! This term is even outlawed in our family!" He yelled.

She burst into joyless, bittersweet, almost mean laughter, making his heart tightened without he understood why. "Is that so? So why your parents ran away from Shanghai if it wasn't for the reputation they had back there? Everybody knows they agreed with Voldemort's ideology! Your father –"

She didn't have time to finish her sentence, she abruptly gasped when Daoming Si pushed her against the wall. "I FORBID YOU TO TALK ABOUT MY FATHER!"

They silently confronted each other with defying stares, panting, while Daoming Si held Shancai's wrists. "My father was admirable." Said Daoming Si in a gentler voice. "He never thought badly of muggles, he never called them – you-know-what! As for my mother, yes, it's true, she came from a family who had that kind of ideology, who agreed with Voldemort. She even has a few family members who were Death Eaters! But my father made her understood his ideology and struggled to change her image! That's why we left China, that's why my mother now works closely with muggles!"

Shancai didn't answer, too surprised by his revelations. Daoming Si leaned his face a little closer from hers, troubling her, making her cheeks reddening, making her heart racing. She didn't understand what he was doing and even less what was happening to her. The Slytherin boy's closeness unreasonably made all her senses panic.

"Who told you that, Dong Shancai? Where did you hear that kind of rumor?"

She didn't answer, breathless, her heart still furiously racing, her throat going drier.

Damn, what's happening to me? That's only that Slytherin moron!!

"Answer me!" Yelled Daoming Si, tightening a little more her wrists.

He made an abrupt movement toward her and she closed her eyes, fearing the hit who'd surely come soon.

But she felt nothing like that.

Only sweet, warm lips which suddenly but peacefully captured hers.

What – What is he doing, what's wrong with him?

She didn't know what was the most surprising; that he was kissing her or that the kiss was such tender? He softly, cautiously caressed her lips, like a person trying to tame a wild animal, fearing him to attack or to run away. She felt his hands slowly released her wrists and wrapping her waist, pressing her against him.

Surprised, she opened her mouth to let out a muffling exclamation but he went for deepening the kiss. She had that feeling to lose her head, her knees weakened while she lost herself in that unexpected kiss, losing her control. She had never experienced something that soft, pleasant, magic. She heard Daoming Si softly moaning her name and she abruptly woke up, pushing him away.

He's Daoming Si! The Gryffondor student's and even the whole school students' number one enemy! Why am I doing some cuddles with my worst enemy?

He tried to talk to her, to grab her arm, but she ran away, distraught by what he had done to her or rather what she had let him do to her. Terrified by the feelings she had felt, without being able to explain it, she wanted to move away from him as quick as possible.

And she forgot she was in detentions and she was supposed to clean the owlery with him.


When she went back to her dorm, that night, Shancai refused to tell her friends what happened. She fled under her quilt, letting out a muffled frustration cry. She felt unable to talk, to explain whatever when she was herself unable to understand what just had happened to her, what she felt.

The day after, she tried to avoid Daoming Si as best and as much as she could but she felt his stare focusing on her all day long. She felt completely lost. It was just when Lizhen noticed it she realized she wasn't his target anymore; she wasn't his victim anymore and all Hogwart students talked to her again.

"You don't want to tell us what happened?" Insisted Xiaoyou while they were strolling in the park with Lizhen and Qinghe.

Her friends looked something at the other end of the lake and Shancai sighed again when she spotted the F4 boys slumped on the bank, Daoming Si staring at her like he did all day long, refusing to look away.

"Truth to be told." Said Lizhen. "I never saw him like that since I know him, I mean since our first year in Hogwart. Something happened between you!"

Shancai blushed, hiding her head in her hands. Xiaoyou and Lizhen stared at each other, amazed, while Qinghe watched his three friends, looking lost. "Nooo? Wait! You didn't –? Well – you did?" Asked Xiaoyou, her eyes widened, amazed.

Without being able to control it, Lizhen began to giggle.

"What's going on?" Asked Qinghe. "I don't understand! And why Shancai is hiding behind her hands?"

"wekiched" Muttered Shancai from behind her hands.

"Whaaaaaat?" Asked her friends in unison.

Shancai took her hands off and her face appeared, utterly reddened. She took a deep breath and let out; "We kissed!"

There was a long silence during which her three friends stared at her, agape. Shancai, lost, tried to explain herself. "I can't explain to you! We were arguing and, suddenly, he kissed me and – I let him do! I still don't understand!"

She took her head in her hands again, she tousled her hair, letting out a frustrated growl, while her dazed friends continued to stare at her.

Qinghe seemed to be in shock, his face going pale, his jaw dropped while Xiaoyou and Lizhen seemed to ignore how to behave.

Then, suddenly, they burst into laughter, and Shancai felt even more frustrated. She ignored what was going on at the other end of the lake were Daoming Si didn't miss a single one of her moves.


He sighed.

He was mesmerized by her; he didn't understand how it could happen to him. That kiss didn't make things better. It obsessed him. He couldn't stop to think about how her lips felt against his, about the warmth of her body pressed against his, about their frantic heartbeats racing together.

He still couldn't understand what happened to him. The young woman's words about his parents made him so angry he saw red. But he didn't explain why, suddenly, his lips captured Shancai's nor why he didn't want to let go on hers and even more why he dreamt to do it again.

"Daoming Si? Are you dreaming?" Ximen woke him up.

A group of girls passed by a little further, watching the fourth young men in their Slytherin uniform: Daoming Si with his tie loosened and his cape opened, in nonchalant style, Lei and Meizuo in their impeccable uniform and Ximen with his slightly loosened tie to open the first buttons of his shirt.

Ximen gave them a charming smile, making them burst into compulsive giggles. Disgusted, Daoming Si glared at them and shout at them to flee as quickly as possible.

Ximen sighed. "With you, it's difficult to find some girls, AhSi."

Meizuo looking away into the distance added; "As for me, it's being in my seventh year which makes things difficult!"

Daoming Si rolled his eyes while Ximen compassionately put his hand on Meizuo's shoulder. "Yes, I know, you prefer older girls, aren't you?"

Meizuo pretended to be desperate and let out a heartbreaking sigh. "Alas, when we are part of school eldest students, it's difficult to find more mature girls."

Daoming Si, degusted, winced, while the two other boys turned toward Lei, immersed in his reading. "And you, Lei?" Ximen asked him.

Lei absently looked up at him. "What?"


"What about love?"

Ximen gestured to him to forget it while an enigmatic smile appeared on Lei's lips. He turned again toward Daoming Si but the Slytherin boy was again immersed in the contemplation of a student group a little further. Meizuo, Ximen and Lei stared at each other, surprised and leaned closer to see his subject of concern.

They all smirked.

Ximen suddenly took Meizuo's arm. "Shancai!" He said in a silky voice.

Meizuo batted his eyelashes and simpered. "Oh! Daoming Si! Why are you staring at me that way? Stop that, I'm troubled!"

AhSi watched them, horrified, while Lei took his book down to look at them, deeply amused. Ximen took Meizuo's hand. "Shancai, listen to me, I'm obsessed by you, I see only you!" Meizuo hid his eyes while Ximen pulled him against him, continuing his burning confession. "Since the moment you made explode these chocolate frogs on me, I can't stop thinking about you!"

"Are you going to stop?!!" Daoming Si suddenly yelled while Meizuo and Ximen collapsed on the ground, laughing out loud.

A little further, he saw Shancai and her Gryffondor friends going back to the castle. His throat tightened and he had an urgent desire to run after her. But he knew it was impossible. He sighed and turned toward his friends who observed him with curiosity.

"Can you explain why she's not your victim anymore?" Meizuo suddenly asked him. "Generally, you don't give up so easily."

Lei's smirk grew wider. "Generally, nobody dares to kick Daoming Si on his face nor casting a furuncle spell on him!" He said, Daoming Si rewarding him with a dark glare.

Ximen carefully observed him. "As for me, what I would like to know it's what exactly happened during that detention. I think that things changed since that evening."

Daoming Si blushed and his excited friends rushed closer to him.

"Noooo! It did happen something that evening?" Almost shouted Meizuo.

"What? What? What?" Insisted Ximen.

"Another kick?" Asked impassively, Lei.

Daoming Si glared at him while Ximen pulled Meizuo against him again. "Shancai, we are both in that room, alone, and I can't lie to you! I would like very much to –"

Meizuo hid his head inside his hands and interrupted him with an offended cry. "Oh no, Daoming Si! I'm not like that!"

AhSi sighed. "We had to clean the owlery so stop to fantasize! It's not the best place for –" Degusted, he winced.

Ximen shrugged. "Nobody goes there because of the dirt! So, I already brought some girls there."

Disgusted again, Daoming Si made a face. But when he noticed his friends were still waiting, not ready to stop the battle, he ended to capitulate. "We argued, I kissed her, she kissed me back, then she ran away and she avoided me ever since! Here you are! Happy?"

The three Slytherin boys looked at each other, a victorious smile on their lips.

"Is the fact she's avoiding you that bother you?" Asked Ximen, suddenly more serious.

AhSi hesitated then ended to reluctantly nod.

"Do you want to kiss her again?"

Daoming si started to wince, closed his eyes, hesitated then – nodded again. His friends seemed delighted. Rubbing their hands, Meizuo and Ximen announced him they were going to help him to improve his love life. Rolling his eyes, Lei read his book again.

"At the same time –" Said Ximen. "Her friend, the little Xiaoyou is cute. If it works, could you introduce her to me?"


The following weeks, Daoming Si somehow tried to follow his friends' advice. He tried to be courteous with Shancai, pulling her chair for her to sit during their common class but she just suspiciously glanced at him.

He tried to tell her sweet nothings, complimenting her now and then, showing his admiration for her, but he was just rewarded with a livid face and angry words, the girl thinking he was mocking her. He tried to slide a few letters in her bag but she gave them back to him without reading them, convinced he wrote atrocities.

Infuriated, he ended to stood in front of her in the Great Hall, and, in front of all Hogwart students, much to Shancai's bewilderment, he proposed her a date, persuaded she wouldn't dare to refuse in front of witnesses. "Tonight, 11h pm, Astronomy tower. Don't be late!"

And he went away, ignoring her offended protests.

When the evening came, Shancai didn't want to lose her face in front of all Hogwart students, Shancai went to the Astronomy tower, afraid. Just in case, she reminded some useful spells to fend the Slytherin boy; expelliarmus, petrificus totalus, furunculus, tarentalegra

However, she reached her destination, Daoming Si didn't seem aggressive at all. He welcomed her with a genuinely happy smile that unsettled her. He was transfigured when he smiled. His usually dark and aggressive eyes seemed to sparkle and his usually hardened face seemed to light up.

He was very handsome with a childish look which was irresistible. She swallowed hard while her heart was racing and her hands became sweaty. She then remembered the kiss and she tried at her best to sweep that memory away, trying desperately to keep cool.

"Why do you want me to come?" She asked, trying to regain some composure.

He took her arm with surprising gentleness and he led her toward a telescope. She stared at him, uncertain, and he incited her to look through the telescope and she obeyed. Immediately, a surprised and delightful exclamation escaped from her lips when she saw a meteor rain; "It's beautiful!"

Daoming Si's smile grew wider and her heart skipped a beat. "Do you love it?" He asked her, a strange glint in his eyes.

She blushed. "Yes. It would be wonderful if I can watch meteors rains every day." She genuinely said.

He leaned toward her, making her heartbeat quickened. His closeness made grow her trouble and she was utterly unable to coherently think. She would have preferred an arrogant, aggressive Daoming Si, it would have been easier for her; she would have been pissed off, they would have argued and she would have understood what she was feeling; annoyance and anger. But then – he was so sweet, so kind and she didn't know what to think anymore.

"So, close your eyes." He said.

She glanced at him, suspicious.

"Trust me, Dong Shancai." He added.

She hesitated then obeyed. When she opened her eyes again, she saw a gorgeous necklace with meteor shaped pendant in front of her eyes. She stayed, agape, in awe, admiring the beauty of the jewel. "Daom – Daoming Si! But – What is it?"

He continued to smile. "That way, you'll admire meteors every day."

She blushed, realizing that little marvel was for her. Again, she felt lost, confused. She didn't understand his gesture; his gift and she didn't know how to behave. "I – I can't accept it!" She tried to protest. "It's – It's too much –"

But he didn't listen to her and attached the necklace around her neck. She felt his fingers brushing her nape, unexpected goosebumps traveling through her body. Dazed, she stroked the necklace with fingertips. "Why?" She insisted.

Extremely tender, he hugged her from behind, and, breathless, she was surprised again to enjoy his touch, his cuddle. His body warmth reassured her, his hands on her calmed her and she closed her eyes an instant, and let herself go in the comfort of his cuddle.

"Because you're the only person I'm willing to exchange all the meteors in the sky for!" He whispered in her ear, giving her goosebumps.

Then he leaned toward her, his lips slowly coming closer to her – and she suddenly stepped back, like she woke up with a jolt, terrified again. "Daoming Si!" She exclaimed. "What are you doing?"

He sighed and closed his eyes, irritated. Then he took a deep breath and gently took her hands. "Truth to be told, I like you, Shancai, I really do like you." He confessed, looking her in her eyes, mesmerizing her. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

She stared at him, agape, unable to answer. She wasn't sure to understand what he just said, not certain to be able to take that seriously. Moreover, her heart seemed to struggle to go out from her chest cavity, willing to fly toward faraway lands. She felt dizzy. Daoming Si sighed once again. "Shancai, Christmas Holidays will start in a few days. I give you time for you to give me an answer until we'll go back to school."

Then he went away, leaving her alone under the stars, utterly lost.


Shancai was lying on her bed, Suzhi purring on her belly. She couldn't stop to think about Daoming Si's demand and about the so romantic way he did it. She took in her hands the necklace with meteor shaped pendant and observed it once again for a long time, a very long time, her heart beating wildly.

Who would have known that Daoming Si could be such romantic and delicate?

She still reminded their kiss, their cuddles and closed her eyes. Then she felt his hands touching her, his warm breath caressing her. Delightful shivers invaded her and her heart woke up again, dancing wildly and trying to drag her in his boisterous rhythm.

She abruptly opened her eyes, slowly stroking her lips.

What's wrong with me?

She shifted on her belly, pushing Suzhi off who growled and hissed before proudly going away, his tail raised. She buried her head in her pillow and let out a frustrated cry before sitting up and tousling her hair. She didn't understand what happened to her at all.

Someone knocked on her room's door and her mother appeared. "Shancai, someone is asking you downstairs, in the restaurant."

Surprised, Shancai got up and rushed in the stairs. Before coming in, she heard Yue's enthusiastic exclamations and Xiaoxi's excited barks. "Come on, have a seat!" Said Yue's voice through the wall. "Do you want to eat something? A handsome and tall boy like you might need to eat a lot, aren't you?"

Shancai blushed, feeling some apprehension and foreboding. She opened the door, entered the restaurant and faced two brown eyes staring at her.

She gasped.

She was unable to explain why she felt so much confused.

Was it because she saw Daoming Si in the modest restaurant in which her parents work?

Or was it because she saw him dressed in a muggle style? She never imagined he could wear something else than wizard's clothes! People told her so often that his family disliked the no-magic world.

Then what he told me in the owlery would be true?

She remembered in a flash the argument they had in the owlery, the words he told her, the way he defended his parents – and immediately she remembered their kiss and she blushed harder.

Daoming Si smiled at her and her heartbeat quickened.

What's wrong with me?

Yue Jie intervened. "Shancai! Come on, invite your friend to sit down! You're going to invite him to eat something, aren't you? It's not every day someone like him comes to our restaurant!"

Still blushing, Shancai showed him a table and he obeyed with a smile. While they crossed the restaurant, Yue whispered in her ear. "You didn't tell me you attended the same school as Daoming's son! Your secretive girl!"

Shancai couldn't stop to blush even more but she didn't answer. Before sitting down, Daoming Si turned toward them. "I agree to eat something but if, and only if, Shancai shares the meal with me!"

The young witch's eyes widened while Yue fervently nodded. "Yes, yes, yes! Of course!" She pushed Shancai toward a chair facing Daoming Si. "Sit here, do what he tells you!"

And after Daoming Si ordered a hotpot, she went away, running toward the kitchen. The two young people observed each other silently for a moment, both ashamed and blushing before looking away.

Yue bring them their meal, carrying on speaking cheerfully before letting them alone again, like a mini-tornado coming suddenly, making a lot of noise and disappearing as abruptly she came, leaving behind her only dead silence.

Daoming Si cleared his throat. "So, Dong Shancai, how are your holidays?"

She looked at him, lost, dismayed. She didn't understand how everything happened so quickly.

A few months ago, they ignored each other. He didn't even look at her and she avoided him. Then she resisted him and she became his new target. Eventually, he kissed her, confessed his love in a prodigiously romantic way in the astronomy tower.

Then now there were there, eating a hotpot in the muggle restaurant where her parents worked; and Daoming Si asked her an utterly banal question like any young muggle of their age could have asked.

"G – good." She eventually answered, stuttering. Then, after she took a deep breath, she decided to ask him; "But – but you, what are you doing here Daoming Si?"

He intensely stared at her, mesmerizing her. Then he smiled at her, lightening his face, and he looked even more handsome. She felt herself melting. "I wanted to see you." He said. "I couldn't wait to come back to school, I was missing you too much."

Hearing his passionate confession, she looked down to her plate to hide her trouble, her heart frantically racing in her chest.

I'm even unable to behave normally with him!!

Once they finished their meal, Daoming Si took her hand, making her shiver. "Dong Shancai, if you please, I would like to spend the whole day with you."

Blushing, she nodded without thinking. He smiled at here radiantly and dragged her outside the restaurant. She was unable to think correctly and she couldn't refuse him anything which was even more strange. She eventually wondered if he hadn't cast some kind of spell on her.

She lived in London for a long time but she never had spent such a good moment, strolling in the streets with the boy who was still her worst enemy a few weeks ago. He bought her ice cream, brought her in London Eyes, teased some royal guard with her and she had fun with him. He made her laugh more than once and she barely noticed he had taken her hand, intertwining their fingers.

He invited her dinner in a renowned restaurant and she found herself accepting because she didn't wish that moment stopped. When they finished their meal, it was already night and they stood together on the London Bridge, admiring the stars.

Daoming Si hesitated then wrapped her shoulders, slightly pulling her against him, leaning tenderly his head against hers. Her heart immediately woke up, wishing obviously to go out from her chest cavity. She had to admit it; she missed his cuddles.

She liked her worst enemy's cuddles!

"Dong Shancai –" Whispered the young man in her ear, giving her shivers. "I know I let you until the end of the holidays to think about that but – can you give me an answer?"

She closed her eyes, trying to calm her heart frantic heartbeat.

Then she realized that yes, she could give him an answer.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend, Dong Shancai?"

She realized she kept thinking about him since the start of her holidays. She could even say that all her thoughts were focused on him, only him.

The day she just spent with him only confirmed the feeling which was born in her heart.

She liked this Daoming Si's side he showed only to her, his sweet, considerate and irresistibly romantic side.

But there remained some problems. "Your mother." She whispered. "Do you think she'll approve that you date a – a girl like me?"

Daoming Si gently turned her to face him, staring intensely at her. She drowned herself in his deep brown eyes so warm and mesmerizing. "My mother tried to improve her image for years. She wants desperately that the magical world understands she has nothing against muggles. So, if she forbids her son to date a muggle-born, I think she would give a very bad impression!"

They remain silent again, he put back tenderly a strand of her hair behind her ear. "In a word, Dong Shancai, my mother has nothing to say about my love choices. You don't have to worry about that. I just want you to tell me what your heart desires."

She nervously gulped but she had made her choice. She stared right in his eyes and answered honestly, calming her anguished heart, making up with her tortured mind. "Yes Daoming Si, I accept to be your girlfriend."

A smile more radiant than the others lightened his face again. She smiled back, and she had no regret.

Gently and carefully, he slowly leaned toward her, asking silently her agreement. She didn't move and even get her lips closer. Their kiss was sweet, chaste and he hugged her, utterly happy. "Oh, by the way." He suddenly said. "My friend Ximen has a fling for your friend Xiaoyou – would it be possible they met or even have a date?"

Shancai laughed. "I'll talk to her." She answered. Then, she stood on her tiptoe, kissing him again, more fervently, letting herself go delightfully in his cuddles.

She liked her boyfriend's cuddles.


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