Two Parts of a Whole (Ryuko x...

De RedEyedGhoul

6.1K 85 66

(A/N: Kill la Kill IF! is coming out soon, so I decided to re-watch the anime and make this! Please enjoy!) (... Mai multe

002 - I Hate Tennis
003 - Sudden Resposibility

001 - Unexpected Transfer Student

3.4K 39 36
De RedEyedGhoul

'Ugh... nothing interesting is happening...' I groan to myself as I slam my head onto the table, trying to stay awake.

It was a normal day in Honnoji Academy, Mr. Mikisugi, our homeroom teacher and history teacher, is giving us a lecture about some dude called Hitler.

"Hey! Mako!" I whisper as my gaze shifted from the table to my seatmate, and close friend, only to see her asleep.

'Ack- How do you fall asleep so easily?!' I sigh in defeat, knowing there is no way of waking her up. I look up to see the door ready to burst open, knowing full-well what was about to go down, I plopped my notebook on my head and used it as cover.

The door suddenly burst open to the kick of a man wearing sharp boots. Papers,tables, and chairs from the front row were flying due to the impact as a man emerged from the doorway.

"Erm... class is still in session-" Our teacher muttered while looking at the man.

"I'M HERE ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS!" He yelled back as dozens of One-Star students fillwd up the room.

"Y-Yes sir!" Our teacher muttered under his breath.

"I AM IRA GAMAGORI! DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE CHAIR!" He yelled as red bold letters in kanji spelling his name blocked his face.

"Class of 2-K! We have determined that there is someone who intends harm against Honnoji Academy among you!" He barked as he paced back and forth.

"Explanations will fall on death ears! This person will be punished immediately!" He continued.

Suddenly a classmate of mine, who goes by the name of Suzuki, stood up, catching all the attention.

'Ugh...' I groaned as I see him hide something and raise a small ball. I headed for the two gas masks I had in preparation and continued to cover me and Mako's face.

He threw the ball down, which exploded and spewed out a strange green gas as he hastily made his escape. Gamagori proceeded to shatter our window and jump out while giving a deep laughter.

'Yup... typical boring day...' I sigh as I take off the masks and looked back to the blackboard.


Mako and I were playing a game of "Look-That-Way" before the door swung open to our homeroom teacher, Mr. Mikisugi.

"Student on command! Please begin..." He called, while placing his attendance sheet on his desk.

"Ah! What?! I was about to win!" I complained while Mako gave a chuckle accompanied by an "I-am-better" look on her eyes.

"Stand! Attention! Bow!" The student comanded as everybody else followed before sitting down and beginning class.

"Please come in..." He spoke, directing it to the person behind the door. Then, a short, black haired girl walked into the classroom.

"C-crap..." I thought to myself as I lowered myself down my chair, watching as the black haired girl made her way into the classroom.

"Class, we have a new student today... Her name is Matoi Ryuko..." Mr. Mikisugi spoke as he wrote some stuff on the board.

'Crap... she's...' I thought to myself, getting nervous as I looked at her. Her unique uniform, hairstyle, face.

'A main character!' I internally scream at myself as I slammed my head on the table, the big red bold kanji letters spelling out MATOI RYUKO was the deal breaker.

'That's fine! As long as I avoid contact, I shouldn't be involved with any misfortune or shenanigans!" I smile to myself, wiping the sweat off my forehead.

'I should warn Mako!' I said to myself as I turn to look at her.




The teacher and Ryuko spoke for a second while Mako continued to urge her to sit on the empty chair beside her. All the while, I start to feel my soul leave my body.

'I'm dead, that's it... My highschool life, college, career, it's over...'

She made her way to the chair and, like a normal person, sat down.

"I'm Mankanshoku Mako! This one here is (l/n) (y/n)!" She says excitedly while pointing at me.

"You're the person from earlier right! Nice to meet you!" She smiled.

"So, who's the dead dude hanging over at the entrance?" Ryuko asked, pointing at the dead dude hanging over at the entrance.

"Ah! Well the student council does that all the time! No need to worry about it!" Mako replied as she waved her arm.

The teacher began his discussion and Mako immediately pulled out a book and her breakfast and ate it in a second before proceeding to fall asleep.

"She's already asleep?!" Ryuko blurted out, shocked at the godly speed she had just witnessed.

"Yeah... she does that..." I gave a slight chuckle, catching Ryuko's attention.

"Like she said, name's (y/n)! Nice to meet you!"

"Ryuko Matoi... Nice to meet you too." She replied.

'Maybe she won't be that bad... that thing's probably a guitar! With that get-up, she's probably a guitarist!' I sighed in relief.

"Ah, I forgot... (y/n)!" The teacher called as I perked my head up.

"Please show Ryuko around school, thank you..." He sighed before going back to work.

'Why me-' I asked as I gave a dead look.

"Well! Looks like you and I are hangin' out later!" She joked before looking back to the blackboard.

《Timeskip! Again!》

"And this right here's the entrance! But it's also the exit!" I smiled, pointing at the huge opening leading to the campus' exterior.

"H-Heh? I thought you were showing me around school-"

I avoided her question and looked at my watch. The time was currently 3:30.

"You might wanna move a little to your left!" I smiled as I moved a bit to the right.

She obliged, moving a small distance left with a confused face.

"Why did I-"

"RYYUUKKOO!! (YY/NNNN)!!" Mako yelled out, bursting out of nowhere only to trip and roll infront of us.

"Awww! Why'd you dodge?!"

"Isn't it normal to dodge incoming things?" Ryuko asked.

"Not if you're friends!" She said while she was getting up.

"Anyway! Is that a guitar?! Do you play! Play while I sing!" Mako exclaimed as she stood on top of her bag and started singing incomprehensible lyrics.

"Hey (y/n) who's the top dog around here?" Ryuko asked turning to me.

"Ah! That's-"

Mako quickly grabbed our heads right before I got the chance to finish my sentence yelling something along the lines of "Watch out Ryuko! Quick! Bow!"

Ira Gamagoori, a three star, was currently walking down the main aisle.

Ryuko squatted down as Mako and I continued to bow before a bright light shone from the peak of the academy.

Ryuko and Mako talk for a while whilst I was focusing more on the fact that a bloody giant was walking through the aisle like he was about to get married. I did hear them talk about the uniforms and stuff.

"So that's the boss?" Ryuko asks.

"Yeah! She's the student council president! Lady Satsuki Kiryuin!"

"I see..." Ryuko muttered as she jumped out of the line, catching everyone's attention.

"Oi! Are you the boss around here?! Satsuki Kiryuin?!"

"R-R-Ryuko! What are you doing?!" I whisper-shouted in total fear.

"Shh! I know what I'm doing!"

A group of one-star students blasted out of nowhere, attempting to tackle Ryuko at full force. She countered by whacking them with her guitar case.

She then grabbed a red large thing and spun it around her hand. Which looks like she practiced a lot before she did it. Lady Satsuki had a quite suprised reaction.

"Woah! A big scissor!" A man in the crowd yelled.

"Half a scissor!" Mako added.

"I tHoUghT iT wAs a GuItAr!" I cried with legit tears.

"No- This is a half of a scissor my father gave me when he died! The other half is with the killer! "

"And judging from your reaction, you know exactly what I'm talking about!" She yelled, pointing the red blade at her.

"And what if I do?" She replied coldly.

"You're the woman with the other half!" Ryuko yelled as she charged.

Out of nowhere, a short man with a large boxing glove interrupted her attack.

"TEN KEN FUN SAI!" The midget yelled, all while punching Ryuko.

"Fukoda, isn't it?" Satsuki asked.

"Yes Ma'am, permission to finish her off?"


At an instant, the midget started throwing left jabs and straights like he discovered some kind of cheat code that lets him spam his attacks. And Ryuko was... well- she was losing... pretty hard.

Fukoda finished his attacks with a kick, which was pretty illegal for a boxer. Ryuko, dazed from the attack, fell down in defeat.

"Confiscate the scissor blade!" Satsuki commanded before Ryuko prepped herself up.

"Pry it out of my cold dead hands!" She yelled back.

Ryuko attempted to attack but Fukoda managed to dodge all of them. Probably because her speed is slower than a turtle's. By her luck Fukoda slipped and she managed to get away. By stealing some dude's delivery motorcycle.

"Tsk- sorry Ma'am but she knows how to make a crafty escape..." Fukoda grunted.

"That's fine... seize them!" Satsuki ordered and immediately a group of one stars surrounded Mako and I.

"W-W-Woah?! What?!" Mako yelled as they started to close in.

"Heh... well shit..." I coughed before remebering what Ryuko did.

"Mako get behind me!" I yelled as I swung my school bag at the students, only for my bag to bounce back to me, not damaging them at all.

"Wow! Ryuko... made that seem really easy... like... REALLY easy..."

《Timeskip! Again again!》

"Using a hostage... that's pretty low..." I sighed.

"Shut up! Lady Satsuki will confiscate my uniform if I fail..." Fukoda grunted.

"Yeah... but why me?!"

"Well... you and Mako are the only ones seen talking with her..."

"Ahh... I see... so you decide to- CHAIN US UPSIDE DOWN UNDER A BOILING OIL PIT?!?!"

"Oh no! My underwear will be shown through the oil!" Mako screamed in panic. "I didn't even wear any good looking ones today!"

"Mako... you're an idiot..."


A cloaked figure burst out of the crowd and charged for Mako, wrecking the chains and freeing her before charging towards me and freeing me as well.

"Ryuko?" Mako asked as she was being carried, still maintaining an upright position.

"Using a hostage is a dirty tactic!" Ryuko mentioned as she plopped Mako and I onto the ring. To which we hastily crawled out.

"I thought you were a boxer! If you are, then let's settle this! One on one!"

"Very well... I don't remember recruiting you, but I accept."

Mako and I watched as a bell signifying the first round rung and flying punches were rocketed towards Ryuko again, but she wasn't even fazed this time.

"Corkscrew! TEN KEN FUN SAI!" Fukoda punched Ryuko with a rotational punch, tearing off her daek cloak.

Everyone was shocked to see Ryuko in a skimpy outfit. Which looked kinda like a sailor moon outfit but on drugs.

"Y-Y-You dare mock boxing- no- ALL SPORTS WITH YOUR OUTFIT?!?!"

"Quit gawking! And it's not like I wanna wear this myself!"

"Very well... I will join you..." Fukoda laughed pervertedly as he slowly began to lower his pants.

"Now you're mocking it!" She retorted.

Fukoda ripped his glove to reveal a massive spikey glove, obviously not for boxing. It had spikes everywhere and was bigger than his glove before, making me wonder how he even hid it.

The bell for round two rung and Fukoda charged for Ryuko punching her. Only for his glove to shatter into a million pieces.

"My turn?" She asked as she proceeded to whack him like a whack-a-mole mole.

He was launched into the air and Ryuko kinda snipped all his clothing away using her gigantic scissor blade before he was catapulted towards Lady Satsuki.

Ryuko challenged Lady Satsuki for a fight before talking to her... uniform? And bolted out...

I watched as I realized that I really did bump into a main character and that my life will be changed forever.


[Author's Notes!]

Thanks a bunch for reading! Was it too long? I kinda rushed the ending cuz I was afraid you guys might get bored.

Also sorry if some lines don't match up, I haven't seen the first episode in a while! Also sorry for any grammar mistakes!

I plan to use only some episodes fron the show (like episode 1 then 3, etc.) and then write some originals (Ryuko x (y/n) moments) in between so you guys won't get too bored!

I promise to complete this so please stay tuned!

-青カガミ 「redeyedghoul」

「Please leave a vote if you enjoyed! Oh and leave a comment too! I'm always happy to see them, criticism or not!」

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