My Sister's Baby Momma

De basicbitz

31.4K 587 169

Stacie is Beca's Friend with Benefits. Things are going fine until Stacie's two older sisters Chloe and Aubre... Mais

Party time
Oh Baby
The Middle Sister
How it Started
The Dance
The Grinch
Our First Date
Kicking into the New Year
Seeing Red
New Priorities
You didn't
Plans Change
Moving on
Happy Birthday
Its Normal
The Fight
Blast from the Past
Wake up
Hear Me

Bath Time

1.9K 31 3
De basicbitz

Stacie's POV

"See! We were always just out for the sex." I say with a smirk as I take a bite of my apple. "You said were." Emily comments. My jaw drops slightly and I shake my head. "Good catch." Emily laughs but soon tension fills the room when Chloe enters. I didn't want my sisters driving back to college so late last night so Emily offered to let the girls stay there. It seemed like a good idea...

"Morning Chloe." I offer as she enters. She gives us a slight smile before sitting down. Emily awkwardly glances between us as she munches on her cereal. "So I think we should talk." Chloe quietly says. I nod in agreement and we both stare at Emily. "Oh! Right. I will go. Does Aubrey like apples? I'm going to bring her an apple!" Emily yells as she grabs her cereal and apple and heads out the room... I'm not sure how to feel with the fact Emily may be crushing on Aubrey but that is a later problem.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed Beca but hearing her say those things... it was an impulse." She says guiltily. I sigh and run my hand through my hair. "I understand. Thank you for apologizing. This is all just so complicated." I say then groan, letting my head drop to the table. "We should focus on the little one coming soon. I can't wait to be an aunt and spoil the shit out of him or her." Chloe says with a shy smile. I chuckle and nod in agreement, this baby will have a lot of aunts who love it. A cranky Aubrey comes downstairs a few minutes later with Emily hot on her trails like a little puppy.

"Morning girls." Aubrey offers as she sits down. She sighs and bites into an apple. "How did you sleep?" She asks glancing between us. Anddd the tension is back. "Oh look at the time! We need to... talk about... that thing!" Emily suddenly yells. I chuckle at her poor attempt to change the topic. Aubrey picks up a piece of paper from the counter while Chloe gives Emily a confused look.

"Your winter formal is next weekend? Are you guys going to go?" Aubrey asks holding the flyer, my eyes widen. "I completely forgot about that." I mutter as I take the flyer. "I want to go. Its a great excuse to get drunk and dress up." Emily says with a smile which disappears when Aubrey glares at her. "I mean... just dance and stuff." Emily adds making Aubrey sigh and drop her head. "There's been a lot going on... I haven't even asked my friends or found a date. I don't know." I sigh. I haven't even thought about the dance or going back to school.

"What don't you know?" Beca suddenly asks making me spin around and smile at her half awake appearance. "The winter formal. I don't know if I'm going. The cheerleaders are going to be ignoring me soon since I won't be able to continue, and I'm sure other people will too." I say with a frown. Beca walks up behind me and studies the flyer. "Why don't you join us and the delinquents... and like we can go together and stuff.... as... I don't know." Beca stutters out as she runs her a hand through her hair. "As a date?" Emily asks leaning on her elbows with her hands holding up her head.

We both turn to Emily and glare. "What! We don't need any confusion." She says with a shrug. I roll my eyes before I turn back to Beca. She sighs as she shifts back and forth. "Will you be my date to the winter formal?" She finally gets out. "Yes I will." I smile and nod, throwing my arms around her. "That was cute. Why don't we go dress shopping?" Aubrey asks with a slight smile. "Sounds great." I agree and Chloe nods. "I'm coming too!" Emily announces making me chuckle.

"You coming Beca?" I ask and she makes a disgusted face. "Nah. I'm going out with Benji and Jesse later tonight. We actually made plans to go to Jesse's after so I won't be home until tomorrow." She says with a shrug. "Are you going to tell them? About you know?" I ask gesturing to my stomach. Beca awkwardly shuffles from side to side. "If its okay. I mean they won't say anything but they will probably figure it out." She says.

I shrug and finish my food. "You can tell them if they promise to keep it a secret." I say. Beca gives me a grateful smile and nod. I know how close she is to them and she needs people to talk about everything with.  "Aweee. I will text you what color to get so you two will match, let's get moving ladies." Emily beams clapping her hands.

We split off after that to get ready. Beca follows me into my room and closes the door. "Um its okay if you don't want to say I'm your date. I would understand if you didn't want people to know." She says looking anywhere but at me. I walk up to her and cup her face. "I'm more then okay being your date Beca. I don't care who knows." I tell her truthfully. Beca gives me a shy smile. "I may be the first delinquent to bring a date to one of these. And I have the hottest date." She says with a smirk. I smile and hesitate before leaning down and kissing her. We move slowly and pull back with big smiles.

We break apart and say our goodbyes before getting into Aubrey's car and driving a local dress store. "So Emily do you have a date?" Aubrey asks trying to make small talk. "No, wanna be my date?" She winks at Aubrey through the mirror. Aubrey's eyes nearly bug out of her head making us all laugh. "Kidding. No I don't have a date. The delinquents usually go so solo to these things." She says with a shrug before looking out the window. "Why is that?" Chloe asks glancing at me through the mirror.

"Ummm it is pretty much known that our group of friends is trouble, hence the nickname, so we aren't really welcomed to date. Parents would flip and stuff." Emily says sounding slightly bummed out. I frown and take her hand. She gives me a grateful smile as we pull up to the parking lot. "Okay shopping time!" She yells sprinting out of the car. "Wait up!" I yell as I quickly get out after her.

It took nearly an hour but I found the perfect dress. A black two piece to highlight the goodies with red on the inside and a long slit in the leg. "I think this is it!" I smile spinning around while Aubrey and Chloe look the dress over. "Honestly it looks really good." Chloe says with a big smile. Emily comes in and her jaw nearly hits the floor. "Wow... you look so hot! $50 says Beca rips it off of you before we even get there." Emily says with a smirk as she lets her eyes linger a bit, completely missing the glares my sisters send her.

"Maybe we should try another one." I suggest frowning as I look at the tag, its way more then I wanted to pay. "Oh don't worry about that. Beca said to treat you." Emily says with a shrug. "No need... it's fine. I can find a better one." I respond. Emily dramatically sighs and leans against the wall. "Nope you like that one. I'm buying it. Unless you want two dresses?" Emily says pretending to pick at her nails.

I roll my eyes but finally agree. Emily buys the dress and a beautiful navy blue one for herself. We grab a quick bite to eat before heading back to the Mitchell house. It sucks that Aubrey and Chloe have to go back to school when we get back. I say my goodbyes and ignore the tension now bubbling up with Chloe. They ask me if I made my choice  about where I want to live, I honestly haven't even thought about it. No matter what I pick someone will be hurt. Why can't things be less complicated?

Beca's POV

I sigh at Emily's text saying to get black and scarlet red. Lucky for me I have a plain black suit I was going to get. I curiously look around to find something red to match while Benji and Jesse browse nearby. "Do you need help?" A voice asks. I spin around and an attractive blonde looks me up and down. "Um yeah. I need to add some scarlet red to match my date." I respond. The woman frowns slightly when I say date but recovers and taps her chin.

"Oh I have an idea!" She yells before she grabs a red flower and red heels. I smile wider and take the items. "This is perfect." I say picturing the outfit in my head. She nods and looks around before stepping closer. "So is this date, like, your girlfriend." She hesitantly asks. My mouth opens but nothing comes out. She must take this as a sign because she steps closer. "Because if not I would love to hang out sometime." She says seductively as her eyes roam my body. I bite my lip and glance around, noticing Jesse and Benji's knowing smirks, just within listening distance. I look the girl up and down next. Damn she is hot but I can feel a pit in my stomach when I imagine giving in.

"I'm sorry... its complicated. It wouldn't feel right." I finally answer. She girl's face falls but she nods. "Thanks though because you're smoking and normally I would be all up on that." I say. She chuckles and shakes her head. "Thanks. If things change with your girl call me." She says with a wink before walking off. I smirk and watch her go. "Dude what the hell! She was super hot! Side note what did she mean if something changes with your girl?" Jesse asks. I hesitate and look around. "I will tell you both later." I say back quietly. The boys give me confused looks but don't argue. We pay for our outfits and grab take out before going back to Jesse's house for the night.

Sure enough once we settle on the couch the questioning begins. "So spill Beca. What the hell has been going on? Emily said we can't come over for a bit. Is everything okay?" Jesse asks with a mouthful of food. I roll my eyes and sigh. "Okay so you guys can't say anything. This is serious." I say firmly. Both of their eyes widen and they put down the food and give me their full attention. Whenever a delinquent says it is serious we know they mean it.

"So ummm Stacie is currently living with me." I start. Jesse looks at Benji then back to me. "Did something happen at her house? Were you two busted?" Benji asks now looking concerned. "Well kind of. Stacie is pregnant with my child." I confess. They both blankly stare at me while they process what I said. I pick up my food and eat while they sit there. What?! I'm hungry! "So like... Stacie... is carrying your baby?" Benji quietly asks. I nod as I slurp up my noodles.

"Wow... so... wow." Jesse mutters running a hand through his hair. "So how do you feel about it Beca?" Benji asks as I wipe my face and put my food down. "Its crazy. I'm going to have a kid... and with Stacie..." I say. The boys nod and look at each other then back to me. "So does that mean you're dating her now?" Jesse asks. I sit back and I sigh thinking of how to explain my complicated relationship. "No. I kind of wanted to see if maybe we could start trying but then I met Stacie's other sister... who happens to be my sort of ex." I tell them. Both of their jaws drop and they look at me. I sit there and explain what went down and let them process the information.

"Okay most important question.... can I be the godfather?" Jesse asks wiggling his eyebrows. I glare at him as he busts up laughing. "Are you nervous?" Benji asks as he finally starts eating again. "I mean yeah. It was a big wake up call that I can't be doing this kid stuff anymore. Like I'm going to be responsible for another person..." I say trailing off. Jesse and Benji nod. "So Stacie is living with you... carrying your child... and going to the winter formal with you... but you aren't dating?" Jesse asks for clarification. I nod and sigh.

"We kind of talked about it. We didn't want to rush into dating because we are having a kid." I mutter as I finish off my food and walk to the kitchen to grab us some beers. "Right that makes sense. Take things slow after you are expecting a baby." Jesse says sarcastically. I glare at him as I sip my beer. I can't even be mad because its a fair point.

"Well you know we are here for you. And the rest of the delinquents. I'm sure between all of us we can raise a decent kid." Jesse says with a big smile. I chuckle and lay my head on Jesse's shoulder. I'm glad I have so much support. We spend the rest of the night drinking and playing video games. It was nice to forget things for a few hours.


The next morning I wake up and can actually smell the alcohol oozing from my pores. For some reason we thought it was a good idea to take a shot whenever we killed someone on the game, which turned onto a lot more shots then planned. Jesse is passed out on the floor next to me while Benji... Benji could be anywhere. He tends to do sleep magic after a night of drinking. He'll turn up eventually.

I groan as I push myself off the floor, my body aches from a mixture of a hangover and sleeping on the hard floor. I make my way to the door and grab my bag. I'll text the boys that I headed home later. Right now I want to get home and take a hot shower to rid myself of this horrible smell. I make my way to my bike (after putting on my sunglasses for the short walk because the light is blinding) and kick it to life before speeding down the road to my house.

I pull into the garage and put my bag away along with my helmet before heading inside. Emily is laying on the couch watching tv. I groan and drop next to her. "You smell like you have a bad hangover. I didn't know that was possible." Emily comments as she continues to watch the tv. I sigh and decide not to argue, I'm sure its accurate. I push myself up and head to the bathroom. I barge through the door and I'm met with the sight of a very naked Stacie brushing her teeth while the water runs. Her hair is in a messy bun and she looks breathtaking.

"Oh... ummm. Wow." I comment as she turns to me and flaunts that perfect body. She smirks at my reaction before turning and rinsing her mouth. "I forgot you share the bathroom with me now." I awkwardly say trying to avoid staring, but thats kind of hard to do. "Its cool Beca. You've seen me naked before." She says with a wink. I blush and gaze at her.

"I seriously need to get this alcohol smell off. Can you tell me when you're done?" I ask as I start backing out. "I was just drawing a bath. Why don't you just join me? You know, save water." She asks as she bites her lip as she looks me up and down. "Really a bath? That's lame." I say not able to tear my eyes from her naked body yet again. "Come on, it will help with that hangover. And its nice and relaxing." She says then pouts until I finally give in. "Just let me brush my teeth, I reek of doritos and vodka." I finally give in. Stacie chuckles as she pulls back the curtain to check the water temperature.

I brush my teeth and look back to see she already submerged herself. I strip off my clothes and put my hair into a bun as well. I slowly pull back the curtains and see Stacie leaning back with her eyes closed. She hums some random song and scoots forward so I slide in behind her. I wrap my hands around her waist and kiss her shoulder. She leans back into my embrace and lets out a content sigh. I wrap my arms tighter around her.

I have to admit this is nice. I close my eyes and let the soothing water and pleasant smells fill my nose. However I'm naked with Stacie so after a few minutes I can feel myself growing hard. I kiss Stacie's neck and let my hands roam her body, giving her breasts a nice squeeze. She moans and reaches back to pull me closer to her.

I continue to kiss her shoulder before she turns to her head to catch my lips. The angle is awkward but we make it work. We haven't slept together since we found out about the baby and I didn't realize how much I needed it. She turns around to face me and wraps her arms around my neck, crashing our lips together for a proper kiss. "Please Becs. I need you." She whispers as she nibbles on my ear. "Let me grab a condom." I say as I start to get up. Stacie blankly stares at me. "Becs... I don't think we need one." She responds. I tilt my head to the side before the realization dawns on me. "Oh right. Already pregnant. Force of habit... not like it really helped." I say. Stacie rolls her eyes but can't hold back her smile.

"Wait can we... like have sex? You're growing a human in there." I comment staring at her stomach. Stacie chuckles and trails her hand down my chest. "Didn't you read those brochures the doctor gave us? Yes we can still have sex." She says with a bright smile. I should really read those things. I smirk as she straddles my hips before slowly lowering herself on my dick. We both moan at the feeling and collide our lips for a slow kiss.

We keep our foreheads against each other as Stacie starts to ride me. It feels so good without the condom and the nice warm water surrounding us. She starts to increase her pace and I grip her waist to help guide her movements. "Oh fuck." Stacie moans out as she throws her head back. She is so freaking hot when we are having sex and she curses. It doesn't take long for her to finish with a loud moan. I follow a second later.

She lays in my arms for a few seconds before we get the energy to get up. "Best bath ever." I say and smirk and she chuckles into my shoulder. I could deal with baths if they always were like this. Hell I could imagine only showering with Stacie forever... wait what?

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