Never Again - Ruby Rose x Mal...

Od Pie-inator

88.4K 994 782

Due to a tragic incident that took place in Haven Academy, (Y/N) (L/N) was forced to move to Vale. After bein... Více

Welcome To Vale
You Belong
First Impressions
Dust Hike Brawl
Best Day Ever
Unfolded Past
Unfolded Past II
Proposing for a Dance
Swaying Preparation
Swaying Preparation II
Stocking Up
A Close Encounter
Down Under
Brace for Impact
Last Stand

Dancing with Fire

2.1K 33 23
Od Pie-inator

Your POV

"So they're the people you talked about?" Perseus asked. "They don't look that sketchy."

"What do you mean they don't look sketchy!?" Etsuki questioned him. "That Mercury dude has a smug grin on his face 24/7!"

You all turn your heads facing them, to see Mercury actually still grinning.

"Does that creep ever stop grinning?" Wintria squinted her eyes.

"They might be making their move," I said fixing my bow tie. "Everyone spread out and keep an eye on them. Let's message each other if anything gets suspicious."

Well all nodded before making our separate ways; Etsuki and Perseus continued dancing; Wintria went up to Yang, and I made my way to the punch bowl. I took a glass and began observing Emerald and Mercury, as I took a sip of my drink.

"Hey, not bad." I said looking at its content.

"There you are!"

I turn my head to see Ruby waving, as she made her way towards me.

"How'd it go?" she said pouring herself a drink as well.

I pulled up my sleeve and showed her the wristband.

"What is it?" Ruby blinked curiously.

"A new weapon," I said gazing at it. "It's like my old one, but way better."

"That's so cool!" she said in amazement.

"I see you're hiding at the punch bowl too." Jaune awkwardly approached. "Sorry, if I'm ruining a moment."

"Don't worry about it," I patted his shoulder. "But to answer your question."

"Yep." Ruby replied with an audible pop at the last letter.

"To the socially awkward." Jaune raised his glass.

Ruby and I raise our glasses, as we clinked them in a toast to our sad reality. I drank my punch in one big gulp.

"Don't you think you should calm down on the drinks?" Jaune asked a bit concerned.

"It's not like there's a limit to how much you can drink out of this." I said pouring myself another glass. "Besides, it's really good."

"Just let him have his moment, Jaune." Ruby giggled. "Also, sorry things didn't work out with Weiss."

"Meh, it's fine." he looked at his drink. "Neptune's pretty 'cool'. I get why she went with him."

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked.

"Well come on, not many people can pull off blue hair." he said before beginning to drink from his punch.

"You do realize she came to dance alone, right?" I said leaning onto his shoulder.

Jaune suddenly choked on his drink.

"You alright there, bud?" I said patting his back.

"Uh, what?" he said looking at me.

"I said, are you alright there bu-"

"No, the one before that." he said straightening himself up.

"Weiss coming to the dance alone?" I repeated my previous statement.

We all see Weiss desperately trying to coax life out of a wilting white rose. She eventually gave up, as she looked upset.

"Yeah, she said that she had too much to focus on to worry about boys." Ruby explained.

Loud laughter was heard, drawing our attention towards Sun, Blake and Neptune. The latter entertained the other two with impressions and what seemed to be silly faces.

"Speak of the devil." I said looking at Jaune, who seemed to be observing as well.

"Hold my punch." he spoke in a low growl, as he handed his drink to Ruby.

Jaune made his way across the room, shoving other students aside. Some of them weren't even in his path. Pyrrha walks past him, and he seemed to have stopped in his path, and decided to follow her instead.

"Would you look at that," I smirked proudly. "Looks Jaune set his priorities straight after all."

I look at Ruby, to see her taking a sip out of Jaune's punch. She offered the punch which I gladly took and finished it off.

"Hey Ruby, look." I said pointing up towards the balcony. "Yang's up there, wanna get up there to get some space?"

Without hesitation, Ruby grabbed my hand and dragged me along with her as she basically sprinted towards the stairs.

Ruby's POV

I ran as fast as I could, dragging (Y/N) by the hand making our way through the crowd, dodging students that came our way. We eventually made it up the stairway and I leaned on the handrail beside Yang.

"You know?" I think we really needed this. Yang spoke up.

I look down to see Nora and Ren, slow dancing, which I'm guessing is a waltz. Penny was dancing alone, guarded by two Atlas soldiers.

"What about you, (Y/N)?" Yang looked over to him. "Enjoying the dance so fa- Is he alright?"

(Y/N) was on on all four's staring down onto the floor and appears to be sobbing.

"My punch!" he cried. "Why must the good die young!"

"Yeah... and you did a great job planning it too!" I complimented sis.

Yang reached over to me, crushing me using one arm. I flailed frantically in an attempt to make her let go of me.

"It wasn't just me though," Yang's grip tightened. "Weiss and Wintria, did a lot too."

"Crush her Yang." I hear (Y/N) speak in between sobs. "Avenge my fallen drink!"

"(Y/N)!" I struggled even further. "Not helping!"

I stopped flailing when I look down to see Weiss sitting along with other students. Neptune approached her, nervously. Weiss on the other hand invited him to sit with her and they have a conversation.

"Tomorrow it's back to work." Yang sighed.

"I'm sure we can handle whatever get's thrown at us." I respond.

(Y/N) gets up and leans onto the handrail beside me.

"Maybe," he gestured down below. "Except for that."

I looked towards the place (Y/N) was pointing at.

"Is h-he wearing a d-dress?" Yang tried to hold in her laughter.

An upbeat soundtrack began playing, as team JNPR began performing a short but elaborately choreographed dance.

"They sure got moves." I complimented their dancing. "Don't you agree (Y/N)?"

I waited for a few seconds for a response, but got nothing. I look over to my right to see him missing.

"Um sis," Yang tapped on my shoulder. "Your boyfriend's down there."

I look back down at the dance floor, as team HWPE and team JNPR were having a full on dance battle. With (Y/N) and Jaune leading both of their teams respectively.

"(Y/N) can dance as well," Yang nudged me.

I couldn't help but giggle at the performance happening before us. Each member took turns in an attempt to out-dance the other. The crowd kept cheering them on, as the battle got heated. As team JNPR once again performed an elaborate dance choreography, followed by team HWPE, who performed their own elaborate dance choreography.

"I wonder where they found the time to practice all of this." Yang looked at me.

"Beats me." I shrugged.

"Let's get down there and join them!" Yang exclaimed as she dragged me along with her.

Your POV

"We nailed it!" Etsuki cheered.

"To think that we only had a few hours to practice any of those steps." Perseus tried catching his breath.

"You guys were great!" Jaune stretched out his arm for a handshake.

I gladly shook it.

"Could say the same for you guys," I complimented them. "That was awesome."

"You did great!"

I turned around as Ruby tackled me into a hug. I returned the gesture and kissed her forehead.

"Read to go for round two?" Nora challenged.

"I think I'll pass." I put my hands up in defeat.

"Awww come on!" she pouted.

"We're still here you know!" Etsuki flailed her arms.

I backed away slowly as I disappeared into the crowd and made my way towards the exit. I look behind me to see Ruby had followed me outside the ballroom.

"I'm guessing you needed fresh air as well?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah, I just need a break from that loud music." I pull her near me.

"(Y/N)." Ruby said sternly.

I look at her confused.

"Look, up there." she gestured at a figure running along the rooftops.

"You thinking what I'm thinking" she asked.

"Yup." I said activating my gauntlet. "Let's go."

Ruby took the lead, as I followed right behind her. The figure jumped from roof to roof, before jumping down hiding behind a bush in front of the Transmit Tower.

"What the heck is that person planning to do here, make a phone call?" I asked.

"I don't know, but looking back during the stakeout mission we did. This place can contact any kingdom here in Remnant." Ruby answered.

"It also holds the information of every student that has attended Beacon, and probably every other academies as well." I said with a low growl.

"You don't think this person's trying to steal information?" Ruby said concerned.

"I don't know for sure, but we have to stop them no matter what." I said looking back at the masked burglar.

The figure made its move as it took out the armed guard, with a quick whack at the back of his head and dragged him behind some bushes before proceeding into the building.

"I thought Atlas Soldiers were supposed to be well trained." I facepalmed.

We stealthily enter the building to see that a bunch of soldiers were on the floor unconscious.

"How much is Ironwood paying these guys again?" I asked curiously.

"Now's not the time, we need to get up there." Ruby said brandishing Crescent Rose.

"That reminds me, I think I'll call this new gauntlet (W/N)." I whispered under my breath.

The elevator descends, revealing more unconscious Atlas Soldiers. We placed them outside, before entering the elevator.

"Do you have a plan?" I asked Ruby.

"Not exactly..." she sheepishly smiled.

I rolled my eyes as the elevator doors opened, revealing the control room.

"Hello?" Ruby stumbles due to her heels. "Is anyone there? Hello?"

"Wait." I said getting in front of her.

"Get up from behind that counter and show yourself." I said pointing (W/N) at their general direction.

"I'm impressed, to think that you'd see me get here." the masked infiltrator spoke.

"You weren't exactly that stealthy to begin with..." I motioned to the knocked out Atlas Soldier behind me.

"You know it's not a masquerade party," Ruby spoke up. "So why don't you take off that-"

The masked woman suddenly took out a container of Ice Dust and fired it towards us.

"(Y/N), get back!" Ruby commanded.

Doing as told, I quickly jumped back allowing Ruby to break the ice shards as she twirled Crescent Rose around. She then began firing rounds at the woman, only for her to deflect them. While the infiltrator was distracted, I rushed towards her with a fiery punch using (W/N). The infiltrator parried my punch by kicking it away, and using her other leg kicked me back.

"Are you alright?" Ruby yelled concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said regaining my footing.

The masked infiltrator summoned two blades and rushed at me. I held off the blades using (W/N) and pushed her back as Ruby shot herself up and slammed Crescent Rose down, only for the masked woman to dodge out of the way. The woman jumped up as she fired three arrows towards Ruby. I used my semblance to grab debris out of the floor and sent them towards the arrows intercepting them. The explosion still managed to faze us, and the shock wave sent us stumbling backwards. Ruby used Crescent Rose to stop herself, while I use my semblance to stop myself from slamming into the computers.

"I'm ending this now." I growled.

I pointed (W/N) at the infiltrator and charged an energy beam. Just as I was about to fire, the elevator doors open causing me too look back, as Ironwood stepped out of it.

"Just in time, general. We could use a hand-" we look back to see the masked woman gone.

"Could use a hand in what exactly?" Ironwood raised an eyebrow.

"But she was right there!" Ruby exclaimed.

"How the hell did she get away that fast!?" I growled angrily

"Enough of this nonsense, sit yourselves down!" Ironwood shouted.

The elevators open as two Atlas soldiers rush out.

"Sir, we checked the security footage." the soldier handed him a scroll. "Someone broke in, and these two stopped the intruder."

"Very well then, Ms. Rose you're free to leave." Ironwood gave the scroll back.

"Mr. (L/N) on the other hand, I need to talk to you for a little while before letting you go." he motioned me to come with him.

Ruby gave me a concerned look, I pat her head and gave her a reassuring smile. We walked towards the window, which overlooked all of Beacon.

"I didn't take you here to scold you," he spoke up. "I came here to commend you on your effort."

"Do you guys know who she was?" I asked him.

"Negative, but I have soldiers searching the place for the intruder." he answered. "The next you do something this reckless, at least call for backup."

"The same soldiers who were knocked out by the intruder?" I said with a hint of anger.

"Take your date back to the dance, enjoy it will the night's still young." he said walking off. "We'll take it from here."

Ruby and I were escorted by two soldiers back down towards the entrance, and we head back towards the dance.

"I can't believe she just suddenly disappeared." Ruby said irritated. "We had her cornered!"

"We'll get 'em next time." I said retracting (W/N).



A/N: Hope you enjoyed, 'till next chapter!

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