Long Way From Love (Mark Free...

Par JoviEurope83

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Mark Free and Lissa are childhood friends, their relationship is put to the test when Lissa is kidnapped and... Plus

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: After School
Chapter 3: After School Part 2
Chapter 4: Pizza Hut Mishaps?
Chapter 5: Give a Little Bit
Chapter Sixx: OWWWW, this hurts
Chapter 7: Are you drooling over Robert Plant?
Chapter 8: I'm In love with my car
Chapter 9: Graduation
Chapter 10: Are you okay?
Chapter 11: Morning Accidents, Nighttime Concerts.
Chapter 12: I'll never leave you
Chapter 13: Your In W.A.S.P!!!
Chapter 14: Photo-shoot
Chapter 15: I don't like her
Chapter 16: Um... Mark?
Chapter 17: Dancing With Desire
Chapter 18: I think I have enough money?
Chapter 19: I'm Buying The Furniture.
Chapter 20: Food
Chapter 21: Help Move
Chapter 22: Good Night, Good Morning
Chapter 23: I guess it's lunch.
Chapter 24: I hate saying goodbye.
A/N and Valentines day special.
Chapter 26: I hate saying goodbyes, part 2.
Chapter 27: A Biscuit.
Chapter 28: I hate doing stuff
Chapter 29: Sleep, Eat, Get Hit In The Face, Repeat.
Chapter 30: Raccoon!
Chapter 31: Back Home
Chapter 32: You Need to Eat!
Chapter 33: Good morning, another day.
Chapter 35: New Years, Part two.
Chapter 36: Strange Start to a New Year
Chapter 37: Another year closer to death, Happy Birthday Mark
Chapter 38: Who knew one could hate flying so much?
Chapter 39: But I don't want to wear a dress!
Chapter 40: Promotional things are boring.
Chapter 41: You're going on Tour!
Chapter 42: Meh, it's nothing but a few aches
Chapter 43: It's Just A lot
Chapter 44: Going on Tour!
Chapter 45: Crappy Hotel Rooms and Opening for Maiden
Chapter 46: Up's And Downs Of Tour
*Writing improvement at this chapter* Chapter 47: I don't feel older...

Chapter 34: New Years

21 3 6
Par JoviEurope83

Day before New Years Eve, 1984

I was currently making breakfast for Mark. He's leaving New Years morning to go back to recording. Mark'll be in California for about a month, I think, maybe more, maybe less. I've asked him but he tells me he doesn't know.

My cheek is heeling better, I've gained a little weight, not much but I've gained a little. Something in me feels as if I've developed an eating disorder. Mark pointed this out accouple days ago but I don't want to believe it. 

"Seven-thirty already." I whispered glancing at the clock. It's been an hour and a half sense I have been up and cooking. 

In the midst of my thinking and cooking, a shuffling sound came from behind me. Warm arms wrapped around my waist. "Good morning." Mark whispered in my ear, his voice had that rough, morning tiredness to it.

"Good morning." I smiled up at him. He lowered his head down onto my shoulder. "Making me food this morning I see." He observed, gazing over the freshly cooked bacon, eggs and grits with fruit in it. "Why did you put fruit in grits?" Mark asked.

"Decided to go healthy today, new years resolution." I laughed. In reality, I had no idea why I stuck fruit in the grits. Mark's gonna be in for a bigger surprise when he eats the bacon, I cooked it in syrup. The strange stuff I do.

Slowly, I moved to the counter. Mark lazily followed, his arms were still around me. I poured the grits into a bowl and through bacon and eggs on a plate. "Here."  My hand held out the plate for Mark to take.

He let go of me and walked to the table. I followed with a bowl and plate of my own. "Why is the bacon sticky." Mark complained. His fingers mushed together and slowly came apart as he demonstrated the stickiness. 

"Take a bite and find out." He gave me the, 'What did you poison this with.' Look. "Eat it you idiot." I laughed.

As expected, his eyebrows raised when he bit into the meat. "It was cooked in syrup." I stated with a laugh. "Your strange." Mark mumbled, shaking his head sarcastically.

"I know." A happy grin spread across my face. We quickly finished eating and i headed upstairs to change. A strange feeling washed over me, a feeling like something was gonna happen today.

"Lissa!" Mark called from the living-room. "Yes." I yelled back as I put on my black jeans that were ripped in a way that looked like tiger stripes. "Do you mind going to my fathers with me, he just called and said that mother was home?" His voice got louder as he talked, I could tell he was walking up the stairs.

I hurriedly slid my Black Sabbath Mob Rules, shirt on. I don't know why but Mark didn't really like Black Sabbath that much, he always got kinda annoyed when I would talk about them. But I knew I would soon break him into liking that band, anyone who is around me is gonna like that band.

I tucked the shirt in and quickly brushed my kinda dark/chocolaty brown hair, that only made it poof out. "Sure." I turned around, as expected, Mark was leaning on the door frame.   

"When do we leave?" My feet naturally took me over to him. An almost satisfied smile appeared on Marks lips as I leaned into him. "Now." He responded.

I laughed a little. We walked down the stairs, well, more like he walked and I ran. Mark grabbed his keys and followed me outside. The second I felt the cool winter air touch my bare arms I realized that I was missing my jacket.

My breath was visible in the air, it's got to be bellow freezing. The sound of Mark locking the door filled the air with the keys jingles.

"Here." Mark said as he came up behind me. He held something out and I recognized it as my jacket. "Thanks Mark." I thanked him. 

We made our way to the car, Mark held the passenger door open for me which I offered a wide smile for. He just chuckled and shut the door once then he got in on his side.

The car ride there was mostly quiet, little conversation. We were now about ten minutes away and I was bored to death. Why isn't he talking? I glanced over to Mark, his mouth was closed and he looked to be in a deep thought.

"Hey Mark." I quietly spoke, trying to get his attention. He still didn't turn to look at me. Did I do something? Is he mad? 

"Mark?" I questioned a little louder. No answer. He just kept his gaze on the road. Slowly, I reached out for his hand that was resting on the shift. 

My thumb ran over the back of his hand. He gave a light squeezed to my. "Mark." I said again. This time he looked over at me, his blue eyes had a surprised look to them. I don't know why?

"L-Lissa?" He stumbled, looking back at the road. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yes, why?" Mark looked back at me confused. 

"Well, you ignored me when I tried to get your attention a minute ago and when I touched your hand you seemed kinda jumpy." I explained. He really didn't notice me trying to get his attention early.

"Oh, yeah. Stuff is on my mind, that's all." Mark sighed. I watched him closely, his blond hair started to fall in his face. He moved it out of the way, annoyed. "Well, what are you thinking of?" Finally, I spoke after another silence.

He looked over at me reluctantly. "Do you ever get that feeling that something is going to happen, Liz?" We came to a red light, his gaze fell on me as he shifted the gears and hit the breaks to stop. "When you feel like something is gonna happen that day and you can't quite figure out if that means that what is going to happen is good or bad so you feel somewhat paranoid, if that, than yeah." I responded.

"Yeah, exactly like that-" He ran a hand through his hair. "-I don't know if it's because my mother is back home and I have this feeling because she is prone to arguing with anything and anyone or what but I just feel like something is about to happen."

Mark started to drive again. It took me a second to think of the words to say. "What do you think might happen?"

"I feel like something might happen with you." Mark's voice seemed worried but he didn't look at me. 

"Why?" Why does he worry about me so much, there are others things that would be a much better occupation with his mind? "Why? Why because I just feel like something is going to happen to you and I worry it wont be good. I'm leaving in a day and I will worry about you the whole time I am gone, I worry every time I'm gone and now it feels like something might happen to you when I'm here by your side. It's a strange feeling." We pulled into his fathers driveway at the end of his speech.

"But why do you worry about me so much?" I ask a question that I've asked a billion times before. "I don't know, Lissa?" He pulled the car key out of the ignition then shifted in his seat to face me.

"Maybe it's the fact that I'm a male and it's a natural feeling to worry about a female companion or maybe it's just that alot has happened to you in the past week or two and I don't want more stuff to happen to you." Mark had a soft expression on his face. His hand reached out to brush a strand of hair away from my eyes.

I nodded, not wanting to argue. We got out of the car. Mark came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned into him as we walked to the door.

"I don't know when the last time I've seen your mother." I laughed when we got to the door. Mark chuckled, giving me a kiss on the top of my head. "I don't know when the last time I have seen her either, she travels so much. I feel bad, my father basically had to raise five kids by himself because of mother's business."

He grabbed my hand, entangling our fingers and reaching for the door nob with my hand, we opened the door together and I kind of giggled. He was really funny at times.

"Father!" Mark yelled once he shut the door behind us. The sound of heels against hardwood floor was heard. Out of the kitchen came a woman with shoulder length, blond hair that had very faint grey streaks hidden in the back of it. The lady had on a bunch of make-up on covering up some wrinkles and a dressy shirt with a knee high professional looking grey skirt on.

She saw us and came bounding over. "Mark!" She yelled, spreading her arms wide open. Mark slowly let me go and walked over to her. I recognized the lady as his mother. 

She was noticeably shorter then Mark, she was my height, maybe. And she had heels on so I would guess she is about 5'4, 5'3. I'm about 5'7, 5'6 so yeah she's a little bit shorter than me even with the heels.

His mother reached up and hugged Mark, he hugged her back but it was more of an awkward hug. "Hello mother." He smiled.

I just stood there, uncomfortable as they greeted each other. His mother has never really been my favorite person on the planet, she that type of women that is all over the place, constantly doing something and she has a comment about everything.

She let Mark out of her death hug and inspected his face closely. "Dear, you've turned out into such a handsome young man." She complemented. 

"You saw me last year, I haven't changed in looks that much." He responded. Last year, wow, I didn't realize that it's been that long sense she was last here.  "Well, either way, you've turned out into such a good looking man, like your father-" Mark shook his head no to that. "-Speaking of your father, he says that you are single. How has no girl snatched you yet." She finished. Both me and Mark were cringing.

He looked over at me, with a look of help. I tried my best to stifle a laugh. I shook my head, not knowing what to say. I kind of agreed with his mother on this, he really is a good looking man, even with his tacky stage stuff he wears and the make-up, it's odd that he doesn't have a girlfriend. I mean I know he had one not that long ago but they didn't last long.

His mothers gaze followed his and her blond head snapped around to look at me. She must of got the wrong idea of why he was looking at me, because her blue eyes lit up, I noticed that her eyes were close to Mark's eyes just his had more a greenish color to them.

"Oh my gosh-" She left Mark and came over to me. "-Are you my son's girlfriend?" I blushed at that. No I'm not, my mind wanted to tell her but I didn't want to come off as rude. 

"You're a very beautiful lady, thin, tall. Oh and your eyes, they are such a bright, noticeable, pretty yellow, that's different." She spoke, assuming that I was, in fact, his girlfriend. 

"No, no mother. Remember Lissa." Mark finally said something and came over to us. "Lisa, Lisa." His mother repeated over and over again. It was then that his father came in to the room, also from the kitchen.

"Honey, you don't remember her. Lissa, she is practically another daughter." His father inquired. "Oh, Lissa-" She turned to look at me, her face lit up in realization when she remembered me. Yeah, I basically lived with you, your husband like raised me from age ten and up. "-Yes, I remember you. How could I forget, you just about lived with us. And your name is spelt with two S's. I always found that strange. How are you darling?"

I nodded at her with a smile, still not saying anything. "So you two aren't together?" His mother turned back over to Mark with a raised eyebrow. 

He shook his head. "Well, Mark, she's a gorgeous girl. You should get her before some other man does." She stated with an obvious tone. This time, Mark blushed. 

His father just watched this all with an amused smile.

We all walked to the kitchen and sat down at the table. Mark pulled my chair close to his, he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. His mom watched this with a smirk, his dad didn't seem to care much.

I glanced up at Mark with a 'this isn't helping look.' He just laughed. His started to ask us questions once she got seated.

"So how far way do you live?" she asked. "About thirty minutes away, maybe forty-five." He responded. His father obviously has been telling her stuff.

"Anyone live with you?" She continued to quiz him. Mark just nodded his head. "Well, who?" An annoyed tone came from her mouth. "Me." I raised my hand, that was the first thing that has come out of my mouth here.

"Oh, okay then..." She paused. "Well, your father here has told me your in a band. Tell me about it."

Mark looked blank for a moment before he started to talk. "Well the band is called King Kobra, the drummer is named Carmine Appice. He was in a 60's band called Vanilla Fudge so you might of herd of him before, probably not. We're a rock band, kind of a heavy sound, kinda. I'm lead vocals. I'm also the third oldest in the band, though that probably doesn't matter. We are recording an album right now, I leave in a day for California to finish recording and edit the album. After that we'll be going on tour. And that's about it." He finished, that was like something he would say in an interview.

His mother just nodded her head. They all talked a little bit more. I found out that his mom will be staying for awhile until her business calls for her to leave, great.

Currently, Mark was starting to get bored so he was playing with my hair while his parent's talked. "Want to leave." He whispered in my ear when they weren't watching us. "Yeah." I replied. 

"We're gonna head out." Mark spoke loudly, interrupting them. Both his parent's nodded and got up to hug us. 

After that we left, his mom said that she might come by tomorrow.

"Let's go eat. Boredom made me hungry." He sighed sarcastically as he climbed in on his side of the car. "Yeah, I'm hungry too." I chuckled.

Mark turned out of the drive-way. He had his mind made up of where we were going but he wouldn't tell me. So, I sat in the passengers seat singing along to the songs that came on the radio.

We passed my mothers house. I could care less, but I noticed something different. There was a grey 1968 z28 camaro sitting in the drive-way. 

Mark looked over to what I was looking at. He slowed the car. A man stepped out of the car, he had almost black hair that was a mullet. 

"Who's that?" Mark asked from next to me. I shook my head, the man took his sunglasses off. It took me a second but the man was soon recognizable to me, he hasn't changed a bit sense he left me alone with a cruel mother seven years ago.

"I-I think that's my b-brother."



So, we are gonna end it there. This is a long chapter and nothing was true. Well no, from what I know, Mark  Free's mother was a business woman who traveled alot, that's what I know from watching interviews. And let me tell you, Mark Free is apparently a nobody so finding stuff out about him is hard and interviews are hard to find, but I find them sometimes. I'm on spring break and have nothing planned to do so I'll probably be writing alot more chapters this week. I hope you liked it, I know I'm not the best of writers but I try. Please comment and tell me how the story is going.
 Vote, Comment, Follow and keep reading. Also I found this really cool/strange song by King Kobra called Home Street Home. It's like a white rap song by an 80's hair band, it's strange but it's on their Thrill of a Lifetime album which came out in 86, after the album Ready to Strike came out and I'm writing about the Ready to Strike album right now so I want put it in for another couple chapters but if your interested in strange, different songs, I'd check it out!!!    


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